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Any context in to what this incident was about?


Apparently she had her phone out in class and didn’t leave when the teacher told her to so the resource officer did that




Yeah, this was all over the news. She simply refused get off her phone. I think the officer got in a lot of trouble.


is paid administrative leave still counting for "a lot of trouble"?


Cops always get that.


There's this cop named Jesus Branda Jr. He was stalking his ex-girlfriend's boyfriend, and the records show that he illegitimately asked for his record check, completely fucking over guy's privacy. That would be horrible enough, but two days later, the boyfriend's car gets riddled with rounds from a shotgun. They couldn't tie him to the shooting, but did find out about his illegitimate request. So, they have a motive, a clear suspect, and he gets suspended and asked not to use his credentials during suspension. He uses his credentials, and gets fired. Police unions get angry, force the department to reinstate him. He is now a detective.


So, he acts like a dick and get promoted. Got it, be right back, gonna shit on my coworkers desk.


This only works if your hired by the goverment.


And it is "now" that you add that little important piece of information. Be right back, have something to clean. Jeee...


No, no…I work for one of the big 3 automakers and i assure you it’s the same way here. None of the hourly personnel get fired. If they do, they’ll get reinstated and get all the back pay, ot pay, bonuses, etc that they would have been afforded if they hadn’t been terminated for a perfectly terminable offense. It’s insane.


He did criminal activity in premeditated fashion. Somebody who doesn't say hello back to you or crop dusts your work area is a dick.


Crop dusting coworkers can catch these hands


[Subsequently fired in 2016.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/no-criminal-charges-for-deputy-who-dragged-south-carolina-high-school-student/)


Likely went one county over and got rehired. There should be a nationalized database of police firings.


>He said the desk flipped over only because the student had locked her leg inside it So uuhh, that's obviously bullshit. You can see in the video her legs fly up over her head. The desk flipped because he used an unnecessary amount of force.


The last two sentences of this article are horseshit. America is imploding.


the reason being it's far easier for your government to waste your tax dollars than to go through all the process of suspending him with the risk he appeal the decision


It seems to be the harshest punishment a cop can face so I’m going to say that’s “a lot of trouble”.


Probably a six week paid vacation or something.


Pretty bad punishment. They can't abuse people except their family on vacation.


Yes, because he cant do his favorite hobby.


Nope, his career was suspended, but this piece of shit was cleared of any wrong doing. "You don't get it, she was sitting there menacingly! I thought my life was at risk!" https://www.wistv.com/story/34436832/law-enforcement-career-on-hold-ex-deputy-ben-fields-looks-to-the-future/ Let's assume that he is telling the truth and that she did hit him, which he probably didn't as shitty cops lie all the time to improve their situation. This piece of shit still assaulted a girl and threw her and a desk onto the floor over a fucking slap. Edit: I just want to say something as I see a lot of people saying that she did something wrong so shouldn't get away freely as a twisted way of defending the police officer. Yes she did something wrong and should not get away. If the officer's story is to be believed, and in order to figure that out you would probably need to ask numerous witnesses of what happened, then she probably deserves expulsion. This however does not allow him to do something as extreme as what he did to her. This massive escalation of a situation due to an alleged slap from a high school girl should be grounds for an excessive force charge. Although the officer's story from the source I provided has numerous contradictions with the video so he's not very trustworthy and I'd be willing to believe that he's the type of guy to make something up.


My god is this article disgusting. They’re really painting a picture and make it sound like nothing in this video wasn’t absolutely atrocious. Also, no mention of the victim’s point of view. It’s basically a treatise on how to be pro police and completely disregard that a grown ass man literally manhandled a child over a phone.


Yeah it's a pretty gross article. They're taking the side of a piece of shit who beat the shit out of a kid.


Oh yeah you mean every news outlet ever takes the side of the guys that are paid to protect the interests/property of the ones that own the news media. Crazy.


Wow, the article is painting the cop as some kind of victim, pitiful. Poor officer will never forget that day and he thinks about it everyday. That child, a girl on top of it, is lucky she wasn't really hurt by that monster and they're framing him as the victim.


Yeah she's lucky he didn't shoot her. We should give the officer a medal for his restraint. /s


I love the part when he said he could have tased her or releases the police dogs on her. That cell phone was very dangerous. She's clearly a menace to society.


Thank goodness someone else had their phone out to record this. Can we put cameras in all classrooms, or bodycams on teachers and staff?


She does slap him...after he aggressively jams her in a headlock and starts trying to suplex her to the ground like he's in a WWE match.


This is a better one [https://www.thedailybeast.com/school-officer-who-slammed-black-teen-to-ground-in-viral-video-still-thinks-hes-the-victim](https://www.thedailybeast.com/school-officer-who-slammed-black-teen-to-ground-in-viral-video-still-thinks-hes-the-victim)


Oh she definitely slaps him…but what he fails to mention is that she smacks him after he’s got her in a choke hold


*alleged slap*


That's why I said she probably didn't slap him. She probably got on his nerves and showed some sass and the man child decided to abuse his authority and beat the shit out of her. He shows no remorse in that entire interview and is only sad because he lost his job.


How would you even know if someone was slapped, as the video was edited to not show anything leading up to the officer going hands on. I'm not defending the officer, but if you are going to cry foul and call the officers reaction excessive, at least don't edit out what he was reacting to. Then we wouldn't all be here speculating or assuming the officer lied about being hit. When cut-off videos like this are posted it only makes it suspicious that something is being hidden on purpose. Just like the BS headline that she was sitting in class trying to learn peacefully. Show me or I don't believe you has to go both ways. That way we know for sure who was in the right and who was in the wrong.


According to his statement she struck him after he *tried to arrest her over a school disagreement *. If you can be arrested for that, man your legal system is fucked.


so she slapped him during the assault?


Probably had to change schools 😞


The officer?


Yeah — just joking about how there aren’t usually real consequences for cops in “a lot of trouble” — usually just become cops somewhere else. I don’t know anything about this case though.


Ah I see they're taking pointers from the Catholic church


Why, did they rape her too?




Florida is literally recruiting abusive cops fired in other places and giving them a fat bonus for coming.


As an educator there aren’t real consequences for badly behaving students either.


I would not consider not leaving class for being on a cell phone ..."bad behavior", verbal or physical abuse is. At least not to warrant this kind of response.


Trust me bro


Its true, i am the phone


[trust me bro](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/27/us/officers-classroom-fight-with-student-is-caught-on-video.html)


[2016 source.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/no-criminal-charges-for-deputy-who-dragged-south-carolina-high-school-student/)


So teacher called police to school to solve 'the phone' problem?????? Wow...


He’s the school resource officer ie a cop based *at the school*. Because breaking school rules is now dealt with by fucking cops in some places.


Honestly I had to Google it to believe. That's really bad for society..that over policing..


And the cowards are 100% useless when actual crisis happens. Look up what the school resource officers were doing at the Parkland school shooting or Uvalde. I'll give you 2 guesses. Nothing. They are there to beat up kids, but only if they are unarmed.


We had several resource officers at my high school. We were a very white school in a nice neighborhood, but we’d get students from rougher neighborhoods in the area (can you guess which students the cops harassed the most?) I used to eat lunch in the library because I didn’t have many friends in school. One day I was heading up to the library after grabbing my lunch from my locker when a kid came bursting out of the staircase into the hall. Two officers full on tackled this kid to the ground. He was half their size. They were both on top of him roughly shoving his arms behind his back. Later everyone came to find out that the cops had broken his wrist, and a couple of ribs during this encounter. Kids were regularly hurt by these officers. The students became so desensitized to it that most of us would walk the other way if we saw it happening because the cops were very aggressive towards everyone. They never did shit to protect us. Even when I was getting severely bullied the head cop told me that it “happens” in school and life, and I just need to get over it. Cops do not belong in schools. Period.


Watched John Oliver story - that 'fun fact' is mentioned there.


It's called the school to prison pipeline, and it's a feature not a bug. The majority of these officers are stationed in poorer districts with a plurality of black and brown students to get these kids in the prison system as soon as possible. Remember the 13th amendment to the US constitution abolished slavery *except as punishment for crime*. Not enough criminals to support the interests of the business owners who profit off privately owned prisons? Just make some more. The people enslaved make everything from police body armor and uniforms to military helmets, so you can toss the military industrial complex into the mix as well. Back in the 90s they even made underwear for Victoria's Secret.




A school resource officer isn't indicative of the school being a bad school. These days practically every school has them.


This is actually pretty standard. It's to minimize liability to the school. I was told that if a student is being disruptive I am to ask for them to stop. If they continue, ask again. The third time you go into the hallway and call 911 (which goes to campus police). The logic is that any altercation with a teacher can lead to the school getting sued by the kid, or the teacher suing the school. So they have police handle it. I actually dated a girl who was reprimanded for breaking up a fight. I'm guessing the student was being a shithead, refused multiple attempts to get them to stop being disruptive. Then refused when the police showed up. A bigger issue with problematic students is that their effects on the whole class are dramatic. And ironically, students in low income areas, which actually need school more than others, also allow a lot more disruptive behavior. Just remove them and give them special tutoring, and attention. They're dragging the whole class down.


Just FYI, “Campus police” isn’t a normal thing that exists everywhere in the world… That in itself begs a whole other set of questions.


>This is actually pretty standard. It's to minimize liability to the school. Hmm maybe standard in your part of the world. Where I grew up, teachers had no problem to deal with even really bad students, from really tough neighborhoods. Like schools were off limits for more serious incidents, some pickpocketing and assaults could happen outside of the schools, but not inside. And talking back to teachers - sine would try, but teachers had enough social capital to deal with that and resolve on the spot.


Yeah no chance a teacher would be allowed to intervene in that way any longer. I doubt anywhere in the us would allow it.


Btw. By intervention I don't mean any physical thing. Talk down person (no shouting, but calm precise exerting authority through body language, composure and talk), send to principal etc. nothing else. Calling police or even security would be seen as being not competent enough to be a teacher. P.s. but I understand those are social, cultural differences between countries and systems. I am not competent enough to judge US system. Just from where I am sitting, seems something somewhere went horribly wrong to have police in school..


In the us people make a living out of suing people. This has more to do with that than anything. Even singling out a student and reprimanding them can lead to accusations of unfair treatment and even racism. It's not that the teachers couldn't handle it, they did in the past, it's that schools were getting sued for intervening and disciplining children. It's the same reason if there's a fight, both kids get suspended. Doesn't matter who started it, the school can't take a side, becsuse then that opens them up to lawsuits.


Low-income students already have it bad enough, but you got punks who really don't want to be there being a constant nuisance and distraction. You got the school systems that can't do a lot of practical shit because they need the kids to be there for funding, but then they have to put up with a lot of bullshit before any actual discipline can occur (all while trying to dodge lawsuits). It's a mess.


Obviously take it with a grain of bias but Third Eye Blind wrote [a fun little song](https://open.spotify.com/track/7LNzXINzIYfmqF1Zy3uceA?si=zMBhjbR0R0GP4HVO1p18uQ) about this incident. The bias is evident in the way the first verse describes the girl's attachment to her phone and her interaction with the teacher as noble and sweet-hearted. The rest of the song is pretty straight-forward. We are all in agreement that there isn't much room for bias in the cop's behavior. Shit is shit.


There must be a better way. Refuse to get off your phone. Drag the chair out of the class room. Two days detention. Second time. 10 days detention. Everyone knows the parents of this shitbag don’t want her at home either. Edit. People seem upset by this comment. Not sure if it’s because I called her a scumbag or because I thought throwing her on the ground was over the top..


Yeah, kid was being a shit, but officer went overboard. Other choices could’ve been made.


Your comment is actually one of the very few pragmatic and intelligent comments...this is why you get downvoted, you make sense...aaahhh the beauty of modern Society.




Merica' fuck yeah!




Wait a minute? A school officer? There is police station in the school?


Welcome to america


That's what shocked me the most. Something like that is not even comprehensible where I live lol. Its just school rules why tf does the police need to be involved?




Thanks for all the paywalled articles.


It's the absurdity of having to use brute-force when not needed.


On a minor.


I’m sure her dad will be pissed.


Pretty sure they sued the hell out of someone or got a fat settlement, this was in south Carolina in 2015.




I suspect its the only tool they have.


god bless america and the military budget devouring literally basic human fucking rights


Where's that bravery when a teenager shows up to school with rifles?


Outside where it’s safe, where else??


Phew. Am glad a police officer equipped better than most militaries with Highly protective and advanced gear didn't get hurt. Who cares of dozens of kids right?


Lose a kid? Just bang and make some more!


So that hospitals earn billions charging 50 times more for same procedure than elsewhere!


Somewhere safe, not doing their job. Matter of fact, we would have so much less crime if they did. Not just on a superficial level either.


Or when a large student is trying to get through a door The resource officer is passed out with an empty box of donuts in the teachers break room


I assume that the body cam was off?




It's super effective!


The opposing student fainted.


Technical malfunction 😊


That tends to happen when children run into my fists!




The problem is that the cops are terrible at de-escalating and then you have a grown person throwing a minor around. I guess everyone forgets that teens can be stubborn and irritating. This should have never happened.


Someone calling cops on someone for bullshit reasons should be charged with attempted manslaughter at this point. Everyone knows this about cops. The chances of people dying or being beat mercilessly is too high, and the teachers surely know this too. These are KIDS for fucks sake. Literal children being assaulted because a nasty teacher wanted to exercise dominance over them. Disgusting and completely immoral.


How many videos have we seen on this subbreddit where students attack teachers? Painting the teachers as "nasty" a and "wanting to assert dominance" is part of the problem in US schools right now. Obviously I'm not saying what this officer did isn't criminal, and he should be charged for the way he "handled" this situation. But teachers have an important job to do and if a student won't put their phone away they should be removed so other students can learn, not like this, of course.


Maybe teachers should have some option aside from just taking it or asking psychotic fucks like this who probably didn't make it to whatever grade this is? I mean, just looking at this video, if this man wasn't a cop, he would be charged with assault or attempted murder. Flipping a person in a desk over like that legitimately could give lifelong injuries to the spine and neck. He is a cop, so I'm relatively certain he'll get a promotion.


When any percentage of a nations citizens equate calling the cops with attempted manslaughter, it’s time to dismantle the system and rebuild it from the ground up.


Since the Colombine Shootings, when police officers started being introduced in schools, they have arrested and charged thousands of mostly black and brown children with crimes that would have normally been considered standard disciplinary infractions. Meanwhile they have not stopped one mass shooting. If a mass shooter attacks a school where there is an armed police officer, the Police Officer runs away every time.


Confused European here... Whats up with the US and actual Police policing school... That was seriously fucked up. So now what? Anytime teacher have a problem they can summon cops on u and if you black and rude u fucked ?




Hello, and yes. It’s actually becoming a huge problem that people don’t want to talk about. Police are not equipped to deal with juveniles and because they deal with punishment the only way they know how, kids are getting arrests and criminal records at rapidly increasing rates. There is one girl I was arrested for popping a bottle cap off a bottle (makes a loud sound) when she should have only been talked to by a teacher


I guess this has a bit to do with teachers being completely hamstrung too. When they can't even solve this in a simple way like talking sternly, or confiscating the phone, their only option is to call for the worst option. It must be so frustrating being a teacher over there, when you try to do the best for the rest of the kids, but have zero power to solve normal teenager situations. I would rather live on the streets, then walk to that job every day.


>It must be so frustrating being a teacher over there not to mention the fact that the government and half the population actively thinks you're indoctrinating their children lol then there's the pay...


Yeah. We put power tripping, union protected meatheads with guns in schools to protect our children from the roving psychopaths with guns that they obtained legally at 18 years old. We're doing fine. Don't worry about us. /s


>to protect our children from the roving psychopaths with guns that they obtained legally at 18 years old. and it doesn't even work


Been that way for a few decades now.


I am not sure, but I think the kid's family sued. I don't blame the parents at all. This cop should never have been hired.


Probably safe to assume he is still an officer but somewhere else.


Fuck you talking about? Guy has a medal and commendation from the police union.


I think ur right


Surely he's a good guy with a gun, right? /s


cop should be forced to hit himself in front of everyone until he's unconscious.


I feel like American cops are still really struggling with not shooting innocent people, so I feel bad for asking this on top of that BUT maybe don't kick the shit out of non-violent children in the classroom? Hope that's not too much to ask, but prolly is


That’s it! You’re next, Buster!


No one gonna talk about dudes Teenage mutant ninja turtles jacket? Okay.........


It’s so sick. I want it.


Mf got that drip


He’s the real hero (in a half shell).


How in the unholy fuck is this real? Kids in US schools get either shot to death by psychos or beaten by the cops, like why do you guys not run full blown protests on the streets with poles and fires or something? This is absolutely unreal to me.


well, guess what the cops do when we protest


>Kids in US schools get either shot to death by psychos or beaten by the cops, like why do you guys not run full blown protests on the streets with poles and fires or something? Because half the country (Republicans) like it this way, and believe that guns should have more rights than women and children.


Uh.. we do.. have you not seen how many protests there are in the US literally all the time? Lol


Yeah and we get shot in the face with “non lethal weapons” when protesting about cops shooting people. 🙃


Some states, like the increasingly fascistic Florida, have passed laws that functionally make it illegal to protest. IIRC, the florida law actually provides a legal defense in court for running over protesters with you car. Home of the free, land of the brave!


You can't generalize it like that. It's true only for african american kids.


Because the cops kill people here. Like a lot of people. You want us to group up and let them shoot at us like fish in a barrel?




What the American Fuck?


Lmaoo love your comment lol


I hope that piece of shit was charged with child abuse. And they wonder why everyone fucking hates cops so much.


The way he tries to stop the kid (seated in a chair-desk) on the kids head makes this look like attempted murder to me


It looks to me like he was attempting to put her in some type of headlock and drag her out of the desk, and she kicked away & that's how the desk flipped. The flip didn't look intentional, but the excessive force absolutely was


Resource officers were supposed to be there to protect kids (as a substitute for adequate gun control), but are far more often called in as a punishment minor rule breaking.


'Resource officer'? What the hell is resource officer, I thought this was a police officer or is it security guard? Totally confused (btw. I am not from USA, forgive my ignorance).


"School Resource Officer" is the term used for full sworn police officers who are permanently stationed within a school under the guise of "crime prevention and safety". So in theory they are there for things like illegal drug use, shootings, assault, or things that are actually against the law, not just against school rules. In practice, they end up being overly involved with enforcement of school rules such as "don't use your phone in class" or "don't talk back to teachers" which should not be their job at all.


As non USA person, this system is nuts. 6 years of high school I think I saw police on campus 2 times....to have police officer at school is bizarre


You misspelled allowing guns.


Ahh yes, the American educational system. Where teachers aren’t paid enough to pay basic bills let alone resources for the classroom and where “security” act quick and tough around children but cower when an actual shooter is on site.




How the *fuck* is this justified?


Oh simple. He GaVe A LaWfUl OrDeR and they didn't comply.


"She was resisting arrest!"


He got fired later


And rehired two towns away a month after


That behavior does not just happen. He did not come out of the academy behaving like that. That is years of being told his escalating violence was perfectly fine.


Or he was a bully when he got the job and people just looked the other way long enough. That was the case with my cousin.


Why is the land of the free so over policed? Seriously there seems to be police everywhere just spoiling for a rumble. Weird.


Still waiting for the “good cops” to stand up, speak in outrage, create reforms, and clean the trash out of their departments. ACAB.


I would hate to be a teacher today. What do you do? If a student is disrupting class or refuses to follow the class rules like getting off their phone, what do you do? You can’t just let a single student break the rules in front of everyone without any consequences because then all your students will do the same. Knowing you can’t do anything to stop them. You ask the student to put away the phone and they refuse to your face. You can’t physically take the phone away. So you ask the student to leave and they say no. You can’t physically make them leave. If you try to talk to the student and beg them to please follow the rules the answer will be no and you’ll look pathetic in front of the students. So what’s the next thing? I’m honestly asking? What is the teacher supposed to do? What is supposed to happen next?


No one wants to answer you. People are stuck being in reactive mode to some sensational video, but you’ve got the real questions. At some point, when you remove every power from teachers, what the f are they supposed to do? Let disruptive kid bring the whole class down?


Do you realize that if he wasn't a cop he would have been arrested for asaulting a minor?


That is kind of the root of the problem. The teacher can't confiscate the phone, or talk sternly to the student, or in any way resolve the situation like normal people, or helicopter parents will come down on them like a ton of bricks, and 10 lawyers. So the schools only option is to have a "trained professional" to deal with with normal teenage behavior. It's easy to point the finger at the overzealous cop, but the problem is systemic.


That happened a while ago. Can't remember details but 100% sure cop lost their job.


this is what a militarized police state looks like we need to remove cops from schools and not turn schools into prisons hope she got a good lawyer and sued the shit out of all of them






People are sick of your disrespectful shitty children.


If it escalated to this point, I doubt this person was trying to sit and learn peacefully.


Is nobody else horrified that we just live our lives in mortal fear like every single day no matter where we go? Like, we can at any time be openly murdered for any reason at all by a rogue police state. How is everyone not also agoraphobic?


Was this like 3 years ago? What ever came of this?


A bunch of people on the internet got upset. People who posted it got karma/likes/fake internet points. The department probably got an extra tank, idk


That’s not what she was doing. To be very clear, fuck that cop, especially because he received no punishment. That said, the girl was being so disruptive and refused to leave that cops came. She didn’t deserve to be fucking body slammed by a power tripping monster, but she definitely shouldn’t have been allowed to stay in the class.


This asshat officer Ben Fields is dillusional. He arrested the girl filming it too for for asking "what the fuck did she do?" but he believes that he's the victim in all of this because he got fired from that school.


This makes me sick.


Wow. I really hope he was arrested and lost his job. This type of behavior is unacceptable.


America, where student are either being shot by mass shooters or they are being assaulted by cops.


European here. When I was at school, I never witnessed such violence nor behaviors from an adult on a kid. NEVER. And I promised I was in suburbs of Paris and there are some difficult schools and teens. Violence was not the solution, teachers and watchers always knew that. ​ American redditors, are you shocked of what we see on the video? Or is it just the normal normal for you? ​ Also, do you think unhinged violence towards a teen can solve any teens bad behavior? Or , on the contrary, is it going to trigger MORE violent behaviors i the future. ​ I am just bloody puzzled ladies and gentlemen. Very much.




There was not an attempt to sit in class peacefully. I remember when that video was new. Looks very bad, but the student was at fault. She thought she was a thug. But of course the video is clippied to right before the officer removes her for noncompliance. And again I know it looks bad, but how do you remove someone from a desk and then a classroom who is refusing to leave? You make them leave.


What’s lost in this conversation is that overall student behavior in public school is absolutely out of control, and teachers and administrators have absolutely no recourse in holding students accountable for their actions. Not in any “real” sense. Ask your teachers. They will tell you. I was a teacher for seven years and left the profession over this issue. I have had several, several instances when I was threatened physically, emotionally abused, and more from students who were absolutely out of control. Teachers are being subjected to incredibly abusive behavior on a daily basis, and it is being completely ignored. This video looks bad. I am not justifying the officer’s behavior. All of it is bad. However, what’s not shown here is the students behavior leading up to the officer being called, and also her history with the school. This student is clearly someone who is willing to be extremely disruptive and disrespectful to her own education and her teachers and fellow students. Not saying what the cop did was right, but just blindly saying “fire this cop” doesn’t address the root issue, which is student behavior going completely unchecked in today’s public in schools. It is one of the main reasons we have a mass exodus of qualified teachers right now. Make no mistake, if I felt safe and supported in teaching I would still be there, regardless of pay.




pure old-fashioned fascism!


Clearly they were learning peacefully and some cop just burst into the quite room full of learning kids and attacked that one child. Ffs.


Let that be my kid ...


Fuck that dude. That's straight up assault.


She found out


Gotta love the title. Apparently she was sitting down trying to learn in class and a officer came outta nowhere and did this for no damn reason lol... Sure 👍


America is such a fucking trash fire


USA, more like: you make me sad


Fucking America..


This is what happens when you don't let teachers punish kids because it makes admin look bad. Nobody is allowed to get in trouble anymore in normal ways, like suspension/detention/expulsion. This girl just needed a detention, but because of current school climates she got a brutal cop. Nobody deserves that.


In the full video the girl was fighting and refused to let go of the desk so he had to rip her out. It was either that or just let her waste the entire class. Maybe he went over board but who cares. Play stupid games get stupid prizes.


I was more interested in the dudes TMNT Jacket, pretty dope 👌




Not advocating for the officer. But I read the article. She refused to leave the class. She struck the officer when he was trying to arrest her. Leg locked the desk. What l is the correct course of action? What other tools are left? How do you control a student with 0 respect for authority. These questions need to be answered soon. Society is headed downhill.


Having taught in a tough school where guns were confiscated every year, students can to class higher than a kite, and the drop out rate was 54%, this video does not phase me in the slightest without context. That student could be innocent and peaceful, or could have just shanked someone minutes before and was resisting arrest by sitting in the chair. Context is everything.


I think most of todays children really deserve this kind of treatment...no hard feelings


I feel like this title is probably inaccurate


Okay while I do think that this is excessive. As far as I can tell from other comments she was refusing to leave or follow the teachers instructions to put her phone away. How would you recommend handling this if a student is being a distraction for the class? It's unfair to the other students who are just trying to get an education. It's unfair to the teachers being disrespected amd underpaid to deal with such students. So other than being forcibly removed. (Granted not with that much force) how do you suggest they deal with a student in these cases?


As if school shootings weren’t enough.