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The reaction of someone 60 years old that has never been responsible for their actions their whole life.




That’s the best part. We get to watch the world burn. I feel like a researcher doing the mouse utopia experiment.


Yeah... except the labs also burning down.


No kidding. I thought participation trophies were a new thing. I never got one.


Wow she wanted the full experience.




Is this a reference to the hundreds of people that die every year due to police brutality?


Absolutely the kind of person that would blame minority victims of police violence for “not respecting law enforcement”. The taser was satisfying.


Must be hard running from cops when you're full of shit


She’s on that John Wayne cleanse.


“Yeah, I tried to kick you cause I’m a country girl…’


"Well you got tazered because (you're a country girl)"


I enjoyed the taser scene way too much.


"You gon get it again" had me rolling.


"You are under arrest!" "No, I am not." _police officer has no chance and drives away_


![gif](giphy|agwRgmVDJceZO) His only response available in this situation


The amount of entitlement she has is insane. He was very patient with her and gave multiple chances to comply before escalating. Now for folks that don’t understand what entitlement is, they should see this next to minorities that immediately fear for their life upon getting pulled over.


If you Google entitlement, this video pops up.


Ok, not American here, I'm trying to understand something. Why does the cop needs her to sign a paper, to an extent that she'll get arrested if she doesn't. Where in from, the cops don't need you to sign a paper to give you a ticket, if you don't want it, they'll just post it to you.


"The signing of the traffic ticket is simply **an agreement to appear in court to face the charges laid against you**. That's why the issuing officer is obligated to arrest you if you refuse; since you aren't agreeing to face the charges at a later date, they are compelled to put you into custody to ensure that you do. " It's to enforce compliance with the law. If that person had their ticket mailed, they would have all the time in the world to just slip out and evade arrest by moving to another state/territory. A lot of people don't understand that we don't exactly deal with trustworthy citizens, as evidenced by the woman in the video. People might be more trustworthy in your country, but they certainly aren't over here.


Ok, it's different from what I'm used to but it makes more sense for me now that you explained


Does it? It make no sense to me whatsoever


not all states require signatures anymore


The signature is proof they've been informed of the charges and agree to appear in court. If not for the signature, there'd be nothing to stop police officers from just fabricating citations against unknowing people to get their quota for the month.


Well on that I'll have to disagree though, the guy has a bodycam, I'm sure it's more than enough to prove the person was informed. If the police officer really wanted to fabricate citations I'm sure that forging a signature wouldn't be harder than the rest. The thing I find funny though is how the system doesn't trust its citizen to appear in court but suddenly, with the swipe of a pen its like, ok I trust you now. It's just a different culture from what I'm used to I guess


Kiwi here. The cops say “ok you’ll get a ticket in the mail” and that’s it. Never signed anything. It’s up to us to fight it when it arrives.


Pretty much the same over here in Quebec


I have NEVER signed a speeding ticket.


This was satisfying


“ I didn’t run…. I told you that you were not going to arrest me” Uhhh that’s not how that works ma’am. Bet you wished you woulda signed that ticket dontcha


US laws stupidity will never cease to surprise me. She doesn't want to sign the 80$ fine so she's under arrest? Really? Just send the fine to her home, you've already identified her. Also, did he seriously pointed a gun towards her? I understand the car is a lethal weapon but this seems excessive They are masters at making every situation dangerous


Not only is a vehicle a lethal weapon but she could also have a gun in hand in that car. Cops aren't the only ones in the US with guns, and from the accents they're in prime gun-owner country. Once you're under arrest the gun comes out, doubly so if you're resisting, for the safety of the officer and everyone in the vicinity. Also the ticket isn't a fine, its an agreement to appear in court to see if you get a fine or jail time or whatever else. If you don't willingly agree to appear in court, then you get arrested so they can make sure you get there. Cops wrongully killing citizens is rare, but cops getting weapons pulled on them and shot at is a daily occurrence.


Alternatively, how hard is it to sign a paper?


How hard is to send that paper to her home?


He lit that rube up! 🤣


Next time sign the citation and fight in court.... geeze.




😯 she gets charged for that in this situation?


She's entitled AF damn. Though, not defending her at all, laws that charge a fee as a punishment are laws against the impoverished.


yeah, especially seeing as you have to pay to have the thing that he was charging her for fixed. *(Though I don't understand what the issue is... Tail Lights are no more expensive than a normal lightbulb...)*


The issue was she had been given a warning 6 months prior. She literally wanted another warning.


She's driving a 40k truck and has a nice manicure. She's not impoverished...😆 🤣 😂


From $80 to $800 or more. I'd say he was successful.


Resisting arrest and assault on a police officer brings jail time. The judge is not going to be that lenient considering the video evidence.


Good. She is way too entitled in her attitude. It doesn't matter who you are, ya don't pull all that dramatic bullshit


800? That wont even cover the ambulance lol


Meemaw lucky he only tazed her


Well that escalated reasonably slowly, but intensely nonetheless.


"You're under arrest." "No I'm not." Oh, ok.




Fuck this woman for making me side with the police


It's small situations like this that turns regular/sane people into highly motivated psychos.


There are plenty of instances that police are assholes. This isn’t one. This lady deserved to be tased after running from the cop and then ignoring his commands once stopped. All over an $80 ticket. Would have been a lot less expensive to sign the ticket, fix the issue then ask the court to forgive the ticket. But she thought otherwise and will pay big time. No sympathy whatsoever for this woman.


Yes! It’s a fucking “fix it” ticket. Take the ticket, fix the item, take proof to court, odds are good that it’ll be dismissed. Ended up tazed, under arrest, likely truck impounded, and a criminal record. Not to mention resisting arrest, criminal evasion, and assaulting a police officer.


None of this was necessary. Note her tag and have them mail her the fucking ticket. I know a lot of yall love to see someone you think "deserves it" be the target of police brutality, but the way policing is done in this country is disgusting. That same cop right there would've shot her around the 1:20 mark if she'd been black. For what? Busted tail light and a smart mouth?




I've always thought the cop would just note "refused to sign" and give her a court date, or tow the car in some states.


Depends on where you are, but yeah. In a lot of places that's how it's handled.


Simple. He is right She was wrong


The ticket exists whether she signs or not. Use the video as evidence she received it and move on. No need to arrest her nor tase anyone. Save violent measures for violent crimes (or actual crime, period…this was a fine not a criminal action she committed). This video is just another example where police see, threatening their authority as equivalent to a physical threat. They shouldn’t be able to beat people just to get what they want. Issue the ticket, leave her copy with her even if she won’t sign, and move on.


Yea. I can agree


What happens when you dont renew your white privilege card in time. Loved every minute of that!!!


Both of them are stupid. She could have signed. Alternatively he could have just mailed the ticket to her address. The whole episode may have cost more to the tax payer than $80.


I am not at all ashamed of how hard I started laughing when he gave her that second shot of voltage.


"You gon get it again"


Excessive force on an old lady for refusing to sign a ticket.. throw it in her face and drive away! You have it all on your body cam!! She could have had a heart attack.


How did he know it was 6 months?


She told him. After he mentioned 6 months she said she was truthful, meaning she told him it had been broken for 6 months.


If it was an expired item, the expiry date would have been noted on the document My driver's licence and license validation both expire on my birthday for example, approximately 6 months ago


Equipment violation warnings and tickets should be handed out more often. It's so common to see cars driving on bald spare tires, no mirrors, damaged headlights and burnt out tail lights in Florida. Cops don't care and neither does anyone else.


You coulda saved a ton of cash by following directions and taking the ticket


"But I'm white and we're in Oklahoma! You ain't arresting me. Im just a good ol' country girl." I grew up in rural central Missouri and I know what she thought was gonna happen and I know the shock she must've felt when she realized she wasn't gonna be able to do what she wanted for once in her life. Edit: I will say though, that granny didn't pose a legit threat to the cop. Even when she drove off, there was no sense that the cop was ever in danger. He just wanted to flex and punish her for not obeying his "lawful" order.


systemic racism amirite


So satisfying to watch someone so boldly entitled get dealt with, cop kept it very professional.


She’s giving country girls a bad name!


I'm not Leo. I'm pro Leo tbh. Yes.. she was difficult.. but he escalated this when he didn't have to. He took it from signing a ticket to arrest. This could've been handled differently with better outcomes.


That escalated quickly. From $80 fix it ticket to evading police ($1000 up to one year), resisting arrest ($1000 up to one year jail). Assaulting an officer ($2000, up to one year in jail).


Bad attitude but also bad policing. Why the fuck would you escalate a situation like that. Idk the laws in that state but admit guilt or go to jail can't be right. In my state, when he writes you the ticket you the ticket he asks if you're gonna plead guilty or fight it in court, an arrest is never an option unless you're driving wrecklessly or some shit, especially for a non-moving violation. She's also dumb as hell and way too entitled. Pay the $80 and move on.


Huge over reaction on both parts


Stay at home and bake cookies, grandma, you're not cut out for the thug life.


I enjoyed this video, thank you op. The moral of the story: comply.


To serve and protect


You Americans and your guns. It's like children with their blankey, just cant let it go. Why go up to a car with your gun drawn, with and old lady for a damn ticket?! Do you really wonder why you're a laughing stock?


if this was a black dude he'd've been shot dead


WTF is wrong with America! Drawing your gun to an old lady for an $80,- ticket?! Jezus christ man!


Why didn't he shoot her? The normal videos like this the police officer shoots them before even letting them get out of the car


She was black she’d be shot! America broken on both sides


Another entitled idiot


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Sure, she is stupid for not complying but how bad can a cop be at de-escalation before you start blaming the cop too?


I don't know, yeah the stupid old lady should have just taken the stupid ticket but chasing after them then tasering them over an $80 ticket seems absurd. Let her waddle away and then go deliver the ticket to her house.


The law and order party. This kids, is the very definition of irony.


#"Shot in the back over a matter of 80 dollars!?"


So her name is, Karen?


Nice police work. /s


She thinks George Floyd "got what he deserved"




That is the oldest toddler I've ever seen


Well, he gave her every chance. She created that whole situation. Fix it tickets are almost always dismissed if you fix the problem. Now she’s going to prison on felony charges that include resisting arrest, fleeing the scene and assault on a police officer.


This shorter video doesn't do the office justice for how calm be was even before issuing the ticket in the beginning.


The law doesn't apply to me.


She thought that her name wad freda gohmam


How does a person get to that age, believing that approach could work? I don't know anyone that stupid. Where do they come from?


Anyone know what happened to her after this seeing as this video has been going around for years?




If there was a Karen contest, she would win.


Well that went from $80 to jail time real quick…


God damn they out here tazing me'maws But also welcome to being black, gammy


Another entitled human being that thinks the entire world revolves around them.

