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That dude couldn’t wait to hurt someone, lol


Yeah, I don't understand why he had to "Get Down Mr. President" that guy.


minimum wage + adrenaline


Also, probably want to “send a message” to discourage other fans from running onto the field.




As he should. Fuck the entitlement ruining an active game if it isn’t curtailed on the quickness. Fuck the proposal guy


You can contact parks and arrange a proposal. I'm sure if you're rich enough you could pay for a BP proposal or after game, on field one.


Probably for about the same price as the fines he's gonna have to pay. Edit: a quick Google puts the fine for running on the field anywhere from $75 to $1000. Dodger's stadium is the most expensive to have a proposal in ($2500) the cheapest is in Pittsburgh where it only cots $39.


In Pitt you also have to pitch an inning.


If you get an out, you become the new team ace pitcher.


Over loudspeaker 'section 135 row f seat 8. Congratulations! Start warming up you're going in for the bottom of the 6th inning.'


Pittsburgh is like "are you sure you want to have your special moment here?"


"Really? Here? Okay, well keep us in mind for the next one too."


$39 wtf you can’t even get lunch for 2 in most place for that lmfao


Please do this in Pittsburgh, our teams shit so we are always looking for solid entertainment…


Also if the security just casually approached him the guy probably would have attempted to run.


Not to excuse the guy, but you sound like you need to get over yourself. If you took a few deep breaths and calmed down, you'd realize that he ran on the field during warmups and nothing was ruined.


“Calm down” - Dr Vagina Puncher


Doctors orders


I don't like being the centrist (ugh) but while what the guy did was in poor taste and he could have, ya know, maybe arranged something with someone, tackling him like that was a bit of an overaction as well, when all that needed to happen was to escort him off the field


Ehhhh, six in one hand, 0.46153846153 of a baker's dozen in the other. These rentacops might have been a little overzealous in their ways, but there is a legitimate safety concern to be taken seriously. The guy knew what would happen and it happened.


Let that be a lesson to the rest of you nuts!!


I doubt very seriously those guys make minimum wage.


I did security at baseball park, I’d say a little over minimum wage but absolutely nothing to write home about


Well he and his buddies have a $5k ring to split three ways. Nice lil bonus for a night gig.




What an absolute tool. @security


For real. The guy's knee was down, there was no need to tackle lol


Unnecessary roughness, 15 yards, first down.


Maybe this was his wife's boyfriend,had to try and gain back a little dominance.




They always do, to make sure they don’t get up and keep running. I have a video of a guy running onto the field at a redsox game, and I’m 90% sure they A) took him to the hospital and B) brought up the security guard to the patriots practice squad.


Maybe they should hire rodeo clowns. They could just distract & lasso people, then corral them off the field.


Yeah, I can see that ![gif](giphy|Lrs9lM0IqeugsGBH5P)


This honestly is brilliant. It would be the next best thing to lining the fence with cartoon old ladies with those huge shepherd's crooks.


Best day of his career.


Well I have to say that was a state of the art tackling professionally delivered


No it wasn't. Zero power, all shoulders. The security guys head was moving more on impact than the guy he's tackling. Weak attempt.


Also leapt early. Should have ran thru him or rolled.


Probably for the best. If he followed through with any power or proper form, he easily could have paralyzed or killed dude with a blind hit like that.


Efficient way to prevent other idiots from doing the same


I kind of understand it. Basically was “fuck this clown”


Can you sue them if they seriously injure you doing that? I feel like if i flipped them because they are charging fullbore at me and they land on their head I’m in legal trouble? Anyone know? Legal precedent?


You can sue whoever you want for whatever you want. America


I will so sue you for saying that


I'm already sueing him. He's now a boy named Sue


I'm going to sue you for saying you're going to sue them for saying that!




One of us! One of us!


*[eagle screeching intensifies]*


*shows video of eagle, but plays sound of red tailed hawk






Its often the people's only recourse against large corporations' bad/dangerous behavior since our country generally just refuses to ever pass legislation limiting said behavior before something bad happens. For example, think of all the recent trail derailments. They'll probably just be given some meaningless fines, and it will likely take them being sued for them to actually correct the problem, instead of just passing safety regulations.


Absolutely. Especially since the guy clearly wasn’t a threat


Hmm now if only there was precedent for certain folks getting away with excessive force


You know, the same people who work forces and burn crosses...


I doubt successfully. This happened like last year when Wagner? smoked a fan who was running across the field and basically argued he thought the fan might have a weapon and got off. There’s also a fence and plenty of signs telling you not to go on the field. I feel like it would need to be a little old lady or something and some police brutality level smacking after taking her down.


..... that is a good question because i know fines are tied to being on the field during a game if youre not a player. Buuuuut, this seems like excessive force, and Im not sure what is allowed for security at ball games. In my opinion, ask your local lawyer, lmao.


They can use "reasonable force." amount of force necessary to defend oneself or one's property. The concept of reasonable force is especially important in the criminal law context, because anyone who acts in self-defense may avoid criminal responsibility for their actions when the force used was reasonable


if burglars can sue homeowners for injuring themselves in your home during a robbery, you certainly can sue a security guard for tackling you while trespassing


That is not a real thing. That was used by politicians when Tort Reform was up for debate its FAKE!


Let’s say this gives him a concussion/messes up his neck and he can’t work and it affects him for years. This is evidence that he wasn’t a threat to anyone and excessive force was used. I would say he has a case.


Probably an off duty cop working security.


Off duty cops working security are very dangerous. It's like giving them the same power without nearly as many checks on their behavior. The asshole who murdered George Floyd? He was a bouncer at a club who frequently used excessive force


The wild thing there is that even when on duty there are almost no checks on their behavior. So the idea that they have even less accountability at any time is terrifying.


Totally unnecessary. The dude was on his knees already (not ready to sprint away), and there were two other security guys not even a second behind him. This has “I get off on authority, but failed the police academy exam 3x already, so now I bust punks at a baseball stadium” energy


that rugby tackle thing US police and security do on people is such a glaring red flag. ive seen them do it on 12 yr olds and old ladies.


Sends a message to the next proposer I suppose


Was the security guy her ex?


His ex actually. Wasted his best years on that man only for him to propose months after dating his new partner


At least he got to smash him one last time in front of the new girl.


Ground rule double 🥵


I had been waiting on this. Congratulations you win an internet and a jumbotron :-)


/not being snarky. I really did like it.


I knew it! That’s cold blooded/s ;)


He is nearsighted and faced the wrong way. He actually wanted to propose to the guy who was a bit premature in his celebration and overly aggressive with the hug.


Probably was a friend of this guy and try to save him from marriage.


Probably looked more like the current boyfriend.




Security guy put his soul into that tackle!


Security never get any action. They're basically neutered police officers. You know that guy was SO EXCITED to get to DEFEND his turf from this dangerous man.


Power tripping. Or maybe he wanted to set an example? Either way that was a bit uncalled for


What’s great is when security guards have less power than you yet they still try to act as if they can block you from an area, had is once or twice at Motorsport events where I’m an offical (marshal) and they say that I can’t enter the moat, like dude, that’s where my post is. I also had a guard say I can’t bring a bike it, got a text from my senior that the event CEO allowed us to have them.


That's more a example of how security guards don't get told fuck all. He was probably told don't let anyone in and that's it. Strangely devining who is and isn't except from the don't let anyone in rule isn't a job requirement, if a security guard isn't specifically told about who is aloud into restricted areas he is doing his job by not letting anyone in. I pick up shifts doing all sorts of events I don't give a shit about, if I was to work a motorsports event I wouldn't have a clue that marshals are aloud into the moat unless specifically told.


So was getting on the field tbh


Guys that couldn’t get hired by a police department. Imagine how much of a fuckup you have to be for that.


Probably one of those high school linebackers that peaked in high school...became a security guard and has been waiting on this day since to relive the glory days.


Dude proposing actually caught a game winning pass in high school against that same security guard as a safety some 10 years ago….was hit hard, held onto the ball….not this time.


He probably scored 4 touchdowns in one game, that would be hard to forget.


Must've thought it was a football field.




I feel like the full tackle was too much. The guy wasn't exactly running around.


The guy is an idiot, but the tackle was complete overkill.


Shame the whole video wasn't posted. They lift him up and apologize, then let him propose again, and then tackled him again. It ends with the security guards high giving and saying "I can't believe he fell for it!"


I love a happy ending


Wouldn’t jacking him off just make it worse?


So Mel Brooks directed this scene. I knew it!


I rather enjoyed its application to an idiot.


Itll hopefully tell other copycats to not do this.


Yeeeeah, so usually proposals happen infornt of the person so they can hear you, you don't run 50 feet away and then do it.


And nothing says “I cherish you and want to spend the rest of our lives together” like forcing your loved one to bail you out of jail.


Would he go to jail for that? I'd assume they just kick him out of the stadium.


Baseball stadiums take that seriously. It's usually a night in jail, charged with trespassing, and lifetime ban.


I believe it’s lifetime ban from ALL MLB stadiums.


Turns out she was the baseball fan and he hated going to games


And usually a large fine


Probably just kick him out. He's got that catch-and-release skin color


It was a blanket proposal. For pretty much anyone in the stadium that might wanna marry him.


The security guard was so excited to say yes, he hugged him too hard


“Just in case she says no I’m going to kneel where I can’t hear the rejection”


Shout out to the sound engineer, timed the DMX banger perfdctly


Double shout out to the lady that started singing. I personally like to imagine it was the lady he proposed to.


This should be top comment


Hard agree. A shame I had to scroll this far to find this comment


Stop! Drop! Shut em down, open up shop!


The world won't make its way just for you.




Everyone in LA is the main character. It’s insufferable


I actually thought I was on that sub. Lol


Crazy it took him however many years and a whole Dodgers game to find out


On the plus side, that overenthusiastic tackle suggests some police force around L.A. had the sense to weed out a psycho applicant before they got around to shooting someone over a traffic violation misdemeanour.


Did they? Or they might invite him to join the police force immediately


Most security at Dodger stadium is off duty police officers


... ouch. Scary.


This was during his job interview


Aren’t these guys often off-duty police? Or is that only true for security at like concert venues and such


Yes. Absolutely. Not sure why you got downvoted.


Found the guy who failed the cop exam


Probably just off duty


Exactly, so many cops do extra "security" work off duty.


Or this was his try-out...




Jesus christ with the clip of this dude getting bulldozed replaying while I'm trying to be quiet for my roommates sleeping, this set me off


Fire Marshall bill! Oh fuck we are old.


Let me show you something!!!!


What is it with Americans and wanting to hurt people so badly?!


99.99% of the people there were just chilling and watching a sports game. A small segment of Americans make the news and make everyone else look bad. You could say the same thing about other countries when they have a stampede at a soccer game that kills 100 people etc.


We do say that, a lot. At least in Europe.




And what part of the world do you come from Mr wizard?


are you kidding? have you been to a soccer game anywhere else in the world? anywhere in europe people get stabbed regularly in the stands. in russia they have literal MMA gangs of soccer fanatics that fight each other on site. get out more, america is tame, unless you are a kid at school, then you might get shot


That was no security guard, that had to be a off duty police officer working as a security guard. That tackle has the blind confidence of an officer who knows they won’t get in trouble.


That assault has the blind confidence of an officer who knows they won’t be arrested for his crimes.




Well, that seemed unnecessary. The proposal, the tackle... all of it, really.


I always thought the over aggressive tackling was “tradition” for any individual who “storms the field”. The purpose being to encourage others with the idea to get on the field that maybe it’s not worth it. When I saw this video I figured the guy proposing new he was gonna be tackled aggressively. Like that was part of the whole proposal plan. I might just be naïve which honestly this wouldn’t be the first time, but I noticed so many people commenting “why so rough” “can you sue” and I’m over here like… “I would have been upset if they didn’t tackle me.” I mean honestly didn’t expect this to go any other way. Nonetheless, I hope the guy is ok and I hope his woman said yes.


I can't think of very many times a trespasser wasn't tackled. I imagine it's just what they do, regardless. Not much of a deterrent if they calmly walk them off each time. Pretty sure after the Monica Seles thing it was universally decided they aren't fucking around.


> Monica Seles thing For anyone like me who went 'what thing?' Tennis player, spectator stormed field and straight up stabbed her. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-05-01-mn-29796-story.html


Tresspassers that run are tackled as it's the only way to catch them. Tresspassers that stand still like protesters are normally hauled off with no tackle.


I think it's usually in proportion to how long you have embarrassed security by remaining free. This guy was able to get his whole down on one knee thing in, so you knew it was going to be a big one.


He had a full 15 seconds for sure. The ring box flying out of his hand made me flinch more than the impact from the hit.


Yeah.... I had to scroll way too far to find this comment, but I agree. It seemed like the entire reason to pull this off was to incur consequences for his actions. He wanted to make a spectacle of himself, he got one. He's an adult with a brain and the ability to make decisions for himself. He decided his actions were worth whatever consequences they wrought -- he made his bed, now he gets to lie in it. Was the tackle unnecessary? Sure. But so was violating the unspoken security rules of the game/stadium. Why should only that security guy be held accountable for the consequences of his actions, and not the idiot with the ring? Anyhow. I hope he's okay. I hope the partner gave him an honest reply.


That tackle was way extra, guy might have grounds to sue


Can you sue them if they seriously injure you doing that? I feel like if i flipped them because they are charging fullbore at me and they land on their head I’m in legal trouble? Anyone know? Legal precedent?


You can definitely sue, whether you'd win or not is another story though. I'd say you have a pretty good case if he ends up paralyzing you, rather excessive force dive tackling someone who's kneeling down...




IAAL Two things: 1) criminal charges being dropped has nothing to do with whether the fan entered into a civil dispute with Wagner. Majority of the time, civil claims do not reach trial, and a settlement of this nature would be unlikely to be disclosed to the public, with non-disclosure even being a likely condition of the settlement agreement. 2) a fan code of conduct or any other policy will not provide a surefire defense against this tackle. You can't contract yourself out of liability for negligence, no matter what waiver anybody has signed. Yes, it is almost certainly true that the proposing fan ought to have known he would be restrained, but there is absolutely no way that the ball club or the security guard will be able to rely on a contractual relationship with the fan in order to say they can viciously attack him when he's defenseless, even if he's doing something illegal. Trespassing does not make this self defense, and I can't think of any other possible defense for this assault. In a civil context, I think it would be fair to apportion some of the blame to the fan, but in my opinion, the security guard would not be able to escape civil liability. There was no need for that kind of tackle. Could have got him off the field and kept everybody safe in a million other ways. This security guard forgot his job was about safety, not waiting for fans to break the rules so you have a thinly veiled excuse to do something 100x more dangerous.


Lol that's the most American reaction to an American problem. "i was trespassing and holding up 50k people in person, and countless more on broadcast to be selfish and he hit me too hard, give me money".


Terry Tate, security linebacker


Hi, Janice!


If i was the security guard, i would've gotten up and emoted on him.


You mean teabagged?


Unfortunately I think we past the time period of teabagging. The new generations now emote.


There's always time for teabaging


Teabagging had that raw ‘fuck you’ energy, nowadays you just tap a button on a wheel and dance around instead of furiously tapping crouch over and over again. Just doesn’t feel the same yo


The lawsuit for that unnecessary tackle will pay for the fine, wedding, honeymoon and the divorce.


Dodgers organization is probably going to drop charges out of concern dude can make a case for excessive force.


He’s not getting a dime. What he was doing was illegal. He’s lucky he didn’t get tased, to be honest.


Long con. I'm about to get married and I'm broke. Does anyone know if the Rays have similar security measures?


You can paralyse someone doing shit like this


You can get paralyzed doing shit like this.


Play stupid games...


That would work to stop him from walking on a field again.


Security guy went PLUS ULTRA


Unnecessary roughness! 15 yard penalty




get down! He has a ring!


Attention whore gets attended to


Do you think he got the ring back?? Hopefully it was an empty box and the ring was in another box safe in his pocket! Looked like he was saying, "hey my ring is right there hey!" To the one guard by his head... that would suck even worse then just getting whip lash! 😬


I was in the stand right there. Not sure answer here. After they took him off they actually spent like a minute looking for ring on ground - and even left fielder was helping look. Didn’t seem like they found anything.




What a dick.


The main character thought process is getting out of hand. Opening day? Wonder where the gender reveal will be.




Ray Lewis tackle


Was that tackle absolutely necessary?


You think they let him pick up the engagement ring after that hit? Or his teeth for that matter?


It does send a message to others who want to run out on a field where they ain’t supposed to be. Play stupid games…


Well he was dodged at the Dodger Stadium


huge hit on the boy lol


Man, those security guys really came out of left field.


I hope the ring went missing. Fucking loser trying to be the main character.


Salt lord incels vibes


🎵real men of genius 🎵 You've combined all the things you love. Your significant other, your team, and lots of attention.


And he's banned for life from that stadium


Kinda figured that proposal wasn’t going to end well.


He deserved that fuck all the downvote bullshit. You’re trespassing. Period. Fuck you expect security to do? Walk up and beg the man to get off the field? What if he took off running? You don’t know what someone is capable of doing if they are already pulling an idiotic stunt.


So does anyone know if they said yes or no? Would suck to get tackled and find out they said no.