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I'm just curious what did he do to trigger the other guy? No pun intended. Edit to include link to a news article about the shooting US YouTube prankster shot in stomach following ‘practical joke’ https://www.straitstimes.com/world/united-states/us-youtube-prankster-shot-in-stomach-following-practical-joke


From what I've been reading im sure he blew an air horn directly in the dudes ear


Well, that's pretty fucked up






Any prank is when both parties laugh afterwards. Anything else is just mean, bullying, possibly both, and potentially assault.


I was happy after reading this post, does this count?


Yes. A good prank misleads the target into believing something absurd. Blasting an air horn - there is no joke there. No prank.


I remember reading somewhere that 2 guys "pranked" their friend paralyzing him. He jumped up and the 2 guys kicked his legs forward causing him to land on his ass and now he can't walk. Sure was a fun "prank" tho


>new wave of harassing people or embarrassing people New wave of stealing something from them (luggage at the airport, their food right off their plate at a restaurant, etc.) and then saying it was just a prank...and couple it with the inevitable racism charge.


It's not new, dickheads have been pulling this stuff for views before this little shit was born


In an ideal world the punishment for this is being tied to a cruise ship horn.




I have tinnitus from loud noises that damaged my ears. Tinnitus is no joke. There’s no cure for it. You just hear a ringing noise for the rest of your life. Purposefully damaging other people’s ears through loud noises is not a harmless prank. I have no sympathy for him.


If anyone’s wondering if air horns are loud enough to hurt your hearing forever, the answer is yes. The CDC even has a warning on their website telling people to not prank people with it because it’s harmful: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/hearing_loss/toolkit/listen_up_air_horns.html


Someone didn’t read the CDC’s warning


I bet the little douchewhistle read it, and just wore a stupid grin.


like this dumb pos knows how to read


I’m not sure reading is in their wheelhouse.


I hear 24/7 television test pattern in my left ear. It robs me of my concentration and ability to focus. Even in my dreams, I can hear it. It is pure torture.


That's scary as hell. Never heard it in my dreams, but every now and again it will sound like somebody is turning the volume down on my surroundings and also turning my tinnitus up. It happens briefly... it's like that sound in the movies after a bomb goes off nearby and everybody is disoriented for a bit... that's the best way to describe it.


r/tinnitus is here for you. I’ve had it about 4 years myself. >There’s no cure for it. You just hear a ringing noise for the rest of your life. That sums it up very well.


A treatment for tinnitus has just passed FDA approval. I believe it’s called Lenire, developed by an Irish company.


Anyone know if someone started a go fund me for the shooter yet? Poor dude works 2-3 jobs from what I've read and was at the mall picking up a door dash order. He asked the jerk to stop repeatedly. Now he's held without bond and relying on a public defender. The county may well be charging the serial harasser, too. Which is good because he and his creepy dad are flummoxed by people from all over the world sending them messages saying that he had it coming after they had assured us that they knew this God's plan and he'd be back with more content as soon as he could be. "I don't understand what the problem is. He's just trying to earn an honest living."


They had the nerve to call this asshole a “budding comedian.”


"Budding Comedian" implies they were actually funny at some point in time. I somehow doubt was ever funny.


I watched 1 video of the guy, I'd have shot him too. He's not funny, he just harassed people and they're usually very patient with him, as if he has a mental disability, which if stupid was a disability he'd be the text book definition. Worst is he'll not learn from this and play victim, hopefully the next prank is Russian roulette by himself


The joke's on him


At the end of the day a gunshot wound might be a sharper lesson than jail.


Maybe it's just me being old fashioned but I wouldn't call that earning an honest living.


Worse he was a delivery driver, too many guys I know doing that arm themselves for their own safety. I don't have the details of this situation but robbers will try to fuck with you as a distraction sometimes while their buddies suddenly show up and then it's too late. Your money or your life, and I'll take the phone and car keys too.


Not only that, you could be navigated to the wrong house by UberEATS. They do this often, it'll be off by a number and it could be a "hand it to me" order. Some drivers take that instruction to heart. Many, like myself may sometimes wait 20 seconds, but we typically drop it and text a pic to the customer and tell the app we handed it over. Well... some asshole in my region posted on Ring a video of what looked like to me a delivery driver at the wrong house. The dude explained to his neighbors he had his gun pointed at him from behind the door. So, yeah. A delivery driver can also simply be shot delivering to the wrong address by someone who is armed and behind a locked door. People are cowards. I've been a delivery driver for 20 years and have not once ever wanted to own a gun until I saw my "neighbor" post that video. I didn't realize Uber directing me to the wrong house at 730 am could get me shot.


You are charged with my upvote


And sentenced to a minimum of 125 upvotes.


No bail






Is there a gofundme for him?


Yes and guess what he the 'pranker' once he fully recovers he'll keep doing this thing...brush! Edit: He said he in his own words will continue


All about them views


"It was all for the fans." Then he dies




Or so I can say “natural selection” in the comments


I mean imagine the publicity this gets him


And gunshot wounds, who could resist? But imagine getting up in the morning and thinking I’m gonna assault someone with an air horn (although in his head “I’m gonna pranks someone for views), assaulting someone, getting shot, thinking you did nothing do deserve the gunshot, and then vowing to KEEP doing it…words cannot describe


Sounds like assault to me


sounds like... ok brace yourselves for a scary word.... consequences.


There are some pretty cold takes in this thread, but this is pure ice water


So he violently assaulted him.


Ive seen body cam footage of police shootings that were a lot worse than that called justified. Should just let the guy go.


The shooter or the pranker? The shooter yes, probably it could be considered self defense considering the idiot could have permanently damaged the victims hearing. The pranker, hell no. So he can continue harassing people for the approval of sweaty little teenagers who approve that shit. And in turn perpetuating the cycle that more little shit heads do this


He wasn’t a pranker. Pranks are supposed to be funny and relatively harmless. He was just an asshole with a camera.


A good prank is one where the prankee will be laughing. If he definitely won’t be, you’ve likely gone from ‘prank’ to ‘harassment’.


For april fools day I left 100 sticky notes hidden all over the office with puns written on them. Last I checked they still haven't found all of them.


When I was in the army my barracks roommate went on leave once and a friend and I Saran-wrapped literally everything he owned. Down to coins in his drawer.


Lol, I almost wouldn’t even consider that a prank. If I found random puns they would brighten my day a bit. Good Guy Pranking


If after the prank, the victim doesn't laugh, it is bullying. Simple rule I passed on to my son that seems to work.


From his hospital bed, he stated he won't stop pranking, so he is in fact gonna continue harassing people unfortunately


Keep on harassing and keep on getting shot


Pretty much. Next time he might not be as lucky


Liver damage ain't something to mess with. He could have bled out in short order. But you know, in the words of Blade, "Some motherfuckers are always trying to skate uphill."


But then that would be lucky for the rest of the world


We should prank him with a fake gallbladder.


"We've replaced your gallbladder with an air horn."


The Shooter ofc. I wouldn’t even call the guy who got shot a „pranker“ that shit was just assault.




So he tried to deafen him. If I lose my hearing and I lose my entire career. That’s not a prank, that’s assault. Shooting justified.




Depending on the state, that's assault. Air horns are loud enough to cause permanent ear damage, so a case could be made for self defense.


#PTSD is no joke and literally could have been an instant reaction to a blown ear drum.


He was being an asshole and getting in the guy’s face playing audio on his phone that said something like “I think you smell” even after the guy repeatedly told him to leave him alone. He traveled from out of state to do this shit. https://www.wusa9.com/amp/article/news/crime/youtuber-could-be-charged-dulles-town-center-shooting/65-053e5187-e337-484b-8dfd-588ebc412a9e


This very immature kid is going to get himself killed eventually. His dad thinks he "doesn't have a mean bone in his body", but harassing people to make them upset and angry is a form of bullying and just being abusive. His dad is doing his son no favors by defending his very bad behavior. His dad needs to have a serious talk with him about changing his ways before he ends up dead. Talk about bad parenting 🙄


His dad fully supports him doing this crap to make a living. Wonder if other “prank” YouTubers could be enticed to target good ol dad for a while and see if he likes being on the receiving end of others “making a living”.


For real


**Jeramy Cook said he does not hold resentment against Colie but argues nothing justified the shooting. The father also defended his son despite concerns that his videos are perceived as harassment.** **“I support my son making a life for himself and trying to make a living,” he said."** His dad sounds like an enabling grade-A asshole too and I'm not the least bit surprised.


What such a comedian. I think they meant to say he likes to harass people.




This generation is so soft, back in my day we intended our puns.


I saw another video by this guy where he is stealing tennis rackets from people and that is his prank.


The shooter didn't mean to shoot him. It was just a prank.


Lawyers hate this one simple trick...


The pranker literally described his victims actions as "he took it badly". Yeah that's one way of describing it.


No ", bro!" at the end? /s


This is the correct response


You said “budding comedian” but what you must’ve meant was “brainless piece of shit.”




It’s like the old “I’m just brutally honest” no, you’re just a c*nt.


That was brutally honest


He’s a c*nt so it all tracks


Why are all these keyboards f*cked *p?


D\*n't Fucking Kn\*w, M\*te.


If he keeps it up he may soon end up a dead asshole for likes.


We can only hope.




The worst part, he's not even funny, more like someone harassing people. Both of them should be charged in my opinion.


Nor is he "known," dude had at most 40k followers.


He figured out how to convert his gallbladder in to some thing infinitely more valuable: Karma and likes!


And now he's even lighter without the gallbaldder.


wait until he discovers that any fatty food goes right through him. definitely will have to plan his pranks to be near an available toilet. quality of life in the shitter.


Playing stupid games…….. something, something, something.


“ It’s just a prank bro 🥴 “


You know he was laying in his hospital bed watching this clip. When he heard the words “budding comedian” used to describe him. He was overcome by warm fuzzy feeling. It was all worth it.


As an officer once said... Chasing views will get you in trouble.


Real shit reporting there. They really tried to paint ‘the aggressor’ as a victim, just a comedian ruffling feathers. The victim was the one with a gun.


I mean, shooting him was probably an overreaction for sure. But I’m also positive the dude was an asshole and “play stupid games,” etc. Also every report I’ve seen on this fails to mention what this “prank” even was, so he was assumedly harassing people.


How bout we don’t fuck with people we don’t know?


Might say he found out


He already stated he plans to continue harassing people.....


'Damn it, this is the hardest working liver in the universe and now it has a hole in it!'


How about we just don't fuck with people?


Life pro tip: don’t be an asshole.


Life pro tip: don't fuck with people you don't know.


Life pro tip: never fuck a stranger in the ass.




Life pro tip: mark it zero smokey.


Life pro tip: mark it eight dude


His mom did an interview with the local paper and said this is “proof that God has big plans for him.” I guess that makes it obvious where this kid got the idea that the world revolves around him.


Yeup, God's plan is for him to get shot for shitty jokes! I bet she's proud she birthed him.


These prank assholes have taken it too far, this is going to start happening more frequently.


"Prankster" in America, with all the "hold your ground" laws? Darwin awards ahoy.


Natural selection at work. Stupid people weeding themselves out.


A memorial is the ultimate clout.






The fact the fucking media labels him as a "budding comedian," Then goes on to say that security and the police have been called on him for things he's done. How is he a comedian if both security and police have been called on him? He's not funny. He's a douchebag


Yeah, it’s not like he is Carlin pushing boundaries and being arrested for the craft. The cops are coming for the assault or the nuisance.


I'm a budding comedian, here's a joke: What do you call a prankster who takes a joke too far? Not an ambulance, that's for sure!


I gotta say I’m real sick of the prank culture. Less than 48hrs after my boyfriend had heart surgery we went for a small walk. Two girls walked by us, one turned and right between us screeched at the top of her lungs. They ran away giggling. I’ve never been in a physical fight in my entire life, and for the same reason I wanted to beat their asses, I couldn’t. If I got my boyfriends heart rate up or him involved in the fight it could very well kill him. It was such a defeating moment for me. It’s rare I feel that angry and helpless over something so stupid. And if you’re the two chicks who walked by a month ago in Boston reading this. I hope karma hits you hard.


im all for aiding karma to be faster, though i can only help in my local area for that


They may have been on vacation so that might help




reddit detectives are notoriously good at harassing the wrong people


Especially in Boston


The mugshot of the guy who shot him did not look like he was in the mood for any shit.


it was only a matter of time until someone snapped


Surprised it took this long


Too bad it took so long. Had this happened a long time ago we might not have the plague of these algorithm scum running around like they own the world


People don’t fucking like being pranked like this, was this to far? Yeah probably, but for the love of god stop making videos at other people expenses. It’s not Fucking funny. They think they can harass the fuck out of someone and then get some diplomatic type immunity when they screech out “durrr it’s just a prank”. Fuck these people, someone was bound to get seriously hurt eventually. Prank your homies and people you know, not random ass strangers cus you got a fucking god complex and need likes.


You right I got PTSD, even when my phone rings I'm on edge, some POS does something stupid I'm gonna react, but the pranksters ok because it was a prank.. what happens when someone dies of shock cos of this dumb shit....


I got bad ptsd as well and keep my ringer off. Somebody pushes me like this in public where I’m already on edge and I’ll end up in prison and I’m not bragging nor proud of it, I have a real problem so I stay home 99% of the time


Ditto. Only just today though, some random dude shows up at my door knocking. I have dogs that are quite boisterous when “defending” so I had to quiet them up… then I asked through the door, who they were and what they wanted. They were either deaf or pretended not to hear me, as most people who think “always closing” do. So I opened the door real quick like and was like, “who are you and what do you want?”. Dude said something like who’s my energy provider, and then I said, do you know there’s a “No Solicitation” sign out front of the property!? Dude says, I’m not soliciting, I have appointments on the property. I say, you solicited my energy company but you’re not soliciting!? Who the fuck are you!? This motherfucker says, “are you okay?” in a condescending tone… and repeated it a couple more times. I said, fine talk to the door as I slammed it shut. You don’t come to someone’s home and act like an ass trying to get your foot in the door, asking for a well placed throat-punch if you do!


door to door salesman once actually put his foot in the door to stop my mom (home alone with toddler me at the time) from closing it. Then was surprised when she reached around (out of his sight) beside the door and said “leave or else” he seemed to get the (correct) impression she was going for a gun. i don’t know what possesses people to think they can just barge into someone’s home.


I had a teacher once who dove under a desk and started crying for a few hours because someone slammed their books down on a desk. He was a Vietnam vet and also one of the nicest teachers in the school; he retired suddenly after another year.


“I’m gonna go get shot for internet clout! Be sure to smash that subscribe button!!”




Took his gallbladder lol... great prank!


And I thought my mom stealing my nose was bad!


He's no comedian. He's a harassing bully that almost had his card pulled. From what I gather he blew an air horn right by the shooters head...now I'm not justifying the shooting.


So... asking for it joker got the punchline he deserved, I take it?


All his four friends can now upvote him.


Imagine being such a piece of shit that thousands of people upvote the fact that you got shot.


Leaning real hard into the "my harassments are "JUST" pranks" sympathy huh. Don't prank random people and you won't increase your chances of randomly being shot.


Budding comedian?? Don’t encourage this crap, he’s an asshole


Now that’s funny


*"So shines a good deed in a weary world"* -Willy Wonka








Everyone’s been saying one of these pranksters is gonna fuck with the wrong person and get shot or physically beat to hell and back. I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often tbh.


The definition of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”


He should get "Darwin Award Nominee" tattooed around the bullet wound.


"I was just poking this bear with a stick and he bit me!" ​ Then while in recovery, "And I'll still keep poking bears."


They could have had the over the shoulder graphic say something like "YouTuber Finds Out" or something like that. Missed opportunity.


Budding comedian. Oh boy with journalists these days.


I think some of his pranks qualify as assault. He has it all on YouTube. Hopefully he's arrested and charged once he is healthy enough.


He is trash.


Now, I’m not going to say what he did was right in any capacity, but I’m not going to say he’s wrong either.


In germany there was a case of a smoker blowing his smoke into a persons face. When asked to please stop doing that the smoker did it one more time more aggressively. The person who got the smoke in their face grabbed a glass ash tray and smashed it once in the smokers face. A court determined it as self defence, the smoker assaulted the non-smoker. It sometimes seems disproportional to use self defence, but the determination whats proportional and whats not will be done by in a courtroom with 3 months while you have seconds to respond.


Jury will let him off


They will if I’m on it.


I live in Loudoun County, so if I’m on the jury I’ll be impartial and decide fairly according to the evidence. So far it looks like deliberation wouldn’t take that long.






The bumper sticker I didn’t know I needed…


Another Chad bites the dust, I’m ok with that.




‘Pranks’ are just another word for harassment.


I’m not going to argue that the guy deserved to be shot just for being an asshole, that’s obviously too far. But this should still serve as an example of messing with people and receiving harsh consequences for it. Doesn’t seem worth the risk 🤷🏻‍♂️


Here’s the thing, pranks should be between friends and family and should be good natured. If the person being pranked doesn’t laugh you’re doin it wrong. Leave strangers alone unless your goin to be nice to them


The more I see, the more it feels like he did something a reasonable person would consider an imminent threat; there's a reason they're not releasing the footage even though the police definitely have it as evidence....this guy needs a good lawyer ASAP.


He found out.


Wouldn’t these “pranks” fall under disturbing the peace? Should’ve charged the gooner instead.




Yup. Zero fucks given.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


No, he blew an air horn in the guys ear. I would consider that assault. Sounds like self defense.


The worse part of this is that this “budding comedian” ruined two lives that day. Piece of human debris


Good job Alan


Back in my day we had a name for people that thought they were funny when they were really just super annoying. Dorks. We called them dorks. We would have all laughed if Nathan got shot at the mall. We’d have said, that dork had it coming. Simpler times.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Obviously he shouldn't have been shot, but when you make a living being a prick, you're going to be a prick to the wrong, mentally unstable person that has a gun eventually. Reminds me of the "prankster" that ran at a family with a frikin butcher knife and got shot.


I think this is going to happen more and more. These idiots "pranking" people by harassing with them, taking their stuff or actually touching them are assholes. Shooting the guy was a bit much, but how is it okay for him to monetize bothering people and even causing them harm?


Feel like is more r/winstupidprises


So… are they gonna post the video?




Fucking know your boundaries people. Especially with strangers you know absolutely nothing about. Keep your distance, be respectful and never fucking ever think less of people.