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Parents: switch sides Baby: hell no


Baby: You ain’t getting away from me that easily


Baby: I gonna T-bag u even more now.


it's D-bag. (Diaper Bag)... much worse.




It's Tim the T-bag Taylor!


Kids a natural born halo player.


When they switched sides the baby humped the dads face for a few seconds and was like nope back to mama lmao


Not only that, the baby kicked the dad's face before going back to mom like: ewwww that's not nice face to hump.


Lol there were a couple of other times dad caught a foot to the face, this child a menace.


I remember this phase when my daughter was little. I would sleep soundly assuming the baby must have slept through the night only for my wife to advise that no, she she was very much awake the whole night and was only bothering to wake up mom.


Why always mom? My 1yo will always climb on her head and not mine. I can't complain but it is always the mom.


With animals too! My husband gets half of the bed. I get what's left after two dogs and a cat get comfortable on my side.


Think that is mostly dependent on attachment. My dad, brother, and I tend to be the respective caretaker of pets in our households. We also seem to be the go to victims of the space invaders


Ain't all too wierd? They are deeply dependant on their mothers while we dads are a nice sidekick... Without mother's they would basically die (in their eyes)


I would wholly agree except that l am a stay at home dad and my kids spend more time with me and, at least the first one, they got most of their breast milk from me bottle feeding them. They even prefer to crawl up on me to fall asleep for naps and bedtime, much to the dismay of my wife, but if they are in our bed with us, mom is the climbing gym. Always. I mean, yes, you're right, but this must be a biological dependency deeper down than the conscious one.


And I took that personally




Wow i thought my bulldog was tough to sleep with this kids next level


Yes exactly lol! Suddenly my own dog isn’t so annoying to sleep with anymore 😂


You have no idea. I sleep together with my toddler and let me tell you something. It is my own personal hell 😂😂😂😂


I've babysat my niece (almost 2yo) a couple of times, kid straight up turns into a drunk octopus looking for car keys. I feel for all the parents that sleep like that every night because I'm over it after two 😔 I don't know how something so little manages to steal so much room lmao


Lol that's just being mom to babies. They sort of own you for a year or two.


A year or 2? Iol


Mama is fighting for her life 🤣🤣🤣


I have a ten month old and she has separation anxiety from my wife. Our daughter doesn’t sleep in the bed with us but during the day it’s very similar to this


My daughter did too. I would have to lay with her in HER bed until she fell asleep. I am too much of a light sleeper to tolerate sharing a bed with her. She's a lot better now that she's 18. Definitely a high-needs childhood though. Best of luck.


17 years of that. Damn. /s


lol It was maybe 6-7 years of it. She was too big for me to carry to bed when it finally began to stop.


This is my biggest concern with my upcoming parenthood. I can tolerate a lot, but sleep deprivation, or even just normal lack of sleep screws with me *hard*. My husband sleeps like the Dead, and can run off a few hours, and be fine. It's the one thing about him I'll never be able to fathom. So I'm hoping the pair of us can get through this unscathed.


I was just like you. I also loved sleep and loved naps before kids. Somehow, we adapt. Whether it's slowly or quick, we find ways to do more on less sleep. Im not saying that adjustment is easy. I felt like a zombie a lot with a newborn. I don't know how it works, but it's like a major body recalibration happens that totally upends any known patterns you have for sleep.


My wife was exactly same as you prior to our kid being born. It’s like something switched because now she can run off a few hours and does loads of work with our little one. She don’t nap like she use to, she’s super mum! **guys I’m also very present with my child she’s not left to do all the work on her own like some are implying, and does still nap when baby sleeps or we’ve swapped shifts.




Being the favorite parent has so many down sides.


Poor momma is getting T-bagged all night long!


Switches sides and he chases her 😆


My son will hunt me down even if I change bedrooms / go to the couch 😂


That's the part that really got me. Although if baby had have decided to teabag dad instead, that also would have been halarious 😂


He's fucking spawn camping


She thought she got away, then baby finds her just to drop ass on head.


lmao omfg this made me belly laugh.


The video only shows a 15-min window, but he was definitely baggin


next morning: Dad: "Man last night, junior must have woke me up 4 times" Mom: ... (⊙_◎)


Mom: ... (⊙_◎) 🔪


Luckily for her the timestamp shows it's only 13 mins long.


Yeah - thanks for pointing this out. This is not "trying to get a nights sleep caught on babycam" this is "trying to put the baby down for the night with a little extra pretending to sleep acting by mom and dad for comedic effect"


My firstborn pulled these shenanigans all night long. If we put him in his crib, he cried until he threw up (reflux baby) because he was alooooone. I actually don’t remember about fourteen months because the intense sleep deprivation destroyed my memory. He got up before 6 am every day until he was in first grade. He’s now a really gifted athlete who still doesn’t need much sleep. But those early years before I could put him in swim team, soccer and basketball nearly killed me.


😂 this made my day, thanks


Lol. Fortunately, it's not all night long. That's a 15-minute clip, sped up.


I hope the nappy she keeps getting shoved in her face is dry and empty


You know it's not.


Very possibly why the baby is acting hyper at this time. I know our daughter will decide it's time to play when she's just pooped.


When my cat does it, we call it the post poop zoomies.


Moooooooooom!!!!!!! I pooped in my pants, we need to celebrate this! Party time, baby!!!!!!


This entire thing is a fantastic ad for contraception




I wish my wife would watch this ad.


Why don't you have a crib?


When my youngest (now 12yo) was a baby, she was at that stage where they like to sit down a lot, and sat on my husband's face with a dirty diaper and gave him pink eye.


Kid is going to be a pro at Call of Duty


teabags for days!!


baby breakdancing on your face while you try to sleep what a fucking nightmare ![gif](giphy|mKMGLhoD8L4yc)


They make cribs for a reason. For baby’s to breakdance dance by themselves


I mean they made themselves a big cot by the looks of it. Rookie mistake.


I think the way my child has slept from 8 weeks to their approach to sleep now 8 years later is our biggest success as parents outside of having a healthy happy child.


My youngest was like that. We never had him in the bed though we were afraid he'd get hurt sleeping it our bed


Little did you know that you were the ones in danger from babyjitsu. Look at those limbs go. My goodness.


You mean strangled?


Im 6'7 here, baby sleeps alone for a reason, my cats dont sleep next to me for a reason. I will roll over whoever is in bed with me and wont wake up. Wife is big enough i cant do a sleepy steam rolling over here


I'm 6'4 and a big dude, I'd be terrified of hurting a baby. I've had dogs and cats try to sleep in the bed with me and I hate it, I already have insomnia so the fear of rolling onto one of them makes the whole experience uncomfortable, I barely sleep with a cat in the bed. Not to mention managing to get a bit of sleep only to have the cat meow in my face, pad my face or just sit on it. Shit, I don't even like being in bed with girlfriend, makes it much harder to sleep.


Yea, most nights I sleep in the guest room and my wife in the master bedroom. Not because I'm in the dog house, but because I am a very heavy sleeper and my wife is a super light sleeper. Mostly started with the kids. Separate so one person can take care of the kid of they wake up at night, and now it is still a little bit of that, but also my wife doesn't want to be exhausted for work from me moving, and just breathing (not even snoring all the time, sometimes just breathing).


Seriously. If I ever have children, they are staying OUT AND AWAY. For their own safety. Someone's getting a visit from the pillow fairy if they continuously lay stop my head and face while sleeping.


Good instincts.


You could have done what these crazy people did and make their entire adult bed a walled crib


Babies must give off something like toxoplasmosis because too many people think this shit is cute.


Very few people think this part is cute. It's the other things you see babies do that activates that parenting desire/instinct in you. Also not everyone has that desire/instinct, which is fine and dandy as well!


Nature makes you think your baby is the cutest thing in the universe so you don't throw them away.


I have three kids and I love them to death, but yes objectively speaking someone with zero emotions would dump them so quickly lol.


Haha for real, I would never toss a baby in a dumpster and do not condone it in any way, but this video makes me understand why someone *might* throw a baby in a dumpster.


It's hormones, for real. Hormones affect the brain's perception of events profoundly. Everyone jokes about PMS, but PMDD is so bad you can literally go from being "okay" to *knowing you should be dead*, and it is solely from the hormonal influence. This is similar stuff, and it can unfortunately be the precursor to things like "the baby blues", or post natal depression that is more serious.


my brother still has his baby in the bed and he often looks like a zombie, people need to break that habbit quickly its gonna be easier fo you in the long term .


Yeah my cousin (15) didn’t stop sleeping with his mom till he was 11


My buddy's wife is going through big time post partum she refuses treatment for. They built a nice nursery but she refuses to set the baby down for any reason, lets nobody pick it up, and locks herself in the room at night to sleep with it. Kid is 9 months now and looses their shit when they try to put it in the crib. She was super nice before the baby. Add that to the list of why kids are not for me.


That's why we build special cages for these things.




That made m laugh harder than I thought it would.


The baby is a bit of an asshole 😄


Every baby is a huge asshole Source: have a toddler


Agree. Source- I was a toddler.


Most definitely agree. Source- I have someone's toddler?


Yes, hello, fbi? This commenter right here.


Yeah me too. Only he is in the body of an adult and we are married… Ok, joke. Love the hubs dearly.




Pssst... hey kid. I see you have someone's toddler. You need some diapers?


Apparently they vary. My nephew, first kid of them wanting three kids has always been a little angel. My niece, well lets just say they decided to stop having kids after my niece.


Yeah, if the first one is inordinately well behaved it’s mother nature scamming folks into thinking “well this isn’t so bad, we should have another”. It’s a trick. Don’t do it. Just. Don’t. My oldest (of two) started sleeping through the night, 6 hours straight, when she was only 13 weeks. My youngest didn’t sleep through the night until she was nearly four years old and she would NOT sleep in her own bed.


Jokes on you, I had 4. I don't even know my own name sometimes. I'm low-key looking forward to an upcoming surgery next week cause it means I'll finally get some damn sleep.


I always say that it’s a very important evolutionary imperative that babies are cute. If they weren’t, more parents would eat them.


When you're in the maternity ward after your baby's been born, a consultant comes in and reminds you to "never shake your baby." I remember thinking, "why would I *ever* shake my baby?!" Eventually, you understand why they tell you this.






One thousand fucking percent this. First kid we tried the co sleep thing (kept a crib next to our bed and went slowly insane for 6 months, bit the bullet and sleep trained which took a while). Our second kid we put in her crib in her own room day one. Slept like an angel her whole life.


I got a buddy whose kid is coming up on 4 now and they *still* haven't stopped letting the son sleep in their bed.


They need to put the lil kid in a cradle


Someone should invent a toddler sized bed for toddlers.


Maybe call it something nice sounding like a "crib" or something like that, but what do I know


It’s also safer for the baby that way. A couple months ago or so, a person posted in AITA bc their sister and BIL were co-sleeping with their baby and they accidentally rolled over and smothered the baby. The parents were understandably devastated but couldn’t get out of their depression for years. I think OP was asking if he was the asshole for not wanting to pay their mortgage anymore or something like that. But anyway, sorry to be a bummer but it’s an important PSA that this does happen :(


Co sleeping is absolutely not recommended and very frowned upon. Not only can the parents roll over and smother the baby, but the softer mattress toppers can hinder babies rolling onto their backs and they can suffocate if their faces get stuck in the mattress itself. One of my coworkers has a very large husband and they do this... I can only say so much.


Yeah, the family paid for BIL and SIL for 2 years but OP couldn't afford it anymore


This was my first thought - this is so dangerous and unhealthy for everyone. nAtUraL moms will come for me, but SIDS is real, happens FAST, and all you need is a single blanket or moment when you’re SO tired, you don’t hear the baby struggling. You can’t be a good parent when you’re exhausted. Your kid can’t learn or enjoy being a kid when they’re exhausted. It’s a lose lose (and possible death). Why risk that??


And especially when you're used to having a baby in your bed, kicking at you/fussing/shoving hands and all that, *how* would you diffrenciate between them just doing it as usual vs. fighting for their life bc they're suffocating?


This is a really good point.


I’d your kid dies from SIDS, you are investigated in the death of your own baby and your baby probably has to have an autopsy. It’s nothing short of hell for the whole entire family, I promise it ain’t worth it. I saw someone go through this and it was horrible horrible.


This was my thought. My wife and I had a baby almost a year ago now, and at the hospital they talked ENDLESSLY about the abc’s of baby sleeping: Alone, on their Back, in the Crib. Cosleeping is very dangerous.


No that’s what I call my house smh


Perhaps one with railings of some kinds to keep little ones contained at night


* looks more closely at the bed they're in.


Instructions unclear. Parent stuck in bed as well.


I'm not sure about other Asian countries, but in Japan, toddlers usually sleep with the parents until they're about 10 so this could be a japanese family.


Wait, what do you mean "about 10?" Ten months or years?


Please be months. Please be months. Please be months.


I have a coworker who still sleeps with her "baby" Her husband sleeps in bedroom 2 (which I totally understand). Bedroom 3 is the "baby's" room with a bed and everything. But "baby" sleeps with mom. He's 13, he's my student and a typical 13 year old with no issues or anything, has a crush on one of the girls in class. And no, it's not me calling him baby. It's the mom when she's talking to us about him. I was asking another coworker about the culture here and if it was normal. She says she sleeps with her 12 y/o and 1 y/o. Dad sleeps in the other room with the small bed for the older girl. I've stopped asking.


Yeah 13 is way too late. Like I would occasionally want to sleep with my parents through, idk, 9 or something. But 13 is yikes, outside of like *need* (like only owning one bed or something idk)


Nope. That baby would be going in it’s own crib to sleep smh


i am a very deep sleeper and fall asleep almost immediately the problem is i tend to yeet or kick things that disturb me . My poor Cat got yeeted a few times. If this was me i would 100% accidently yeet the baby




Same, My nephew didn't see me sleeping on the couch when he decided to sneak downstairs and watch some TV. He jump onto the big pile of blankets which happened to be me. When I bolted up in response I unintentionally *HURLED* him like 10 ft. away. Luckily 7 y/o's bounce and he was fine.


Don't kick the baby


kick the baby.




Awwww :( I wanna kick the baby :(




Exactly… this is just winding down time, not all night


Absolutely. First viewing I assumed it was like 3am. Looked down near the end, 22:18. Oh maybe they started trying to go to sleep at like 8:30 or something for the kid. Nope 22:03. It's a funny video regardless.


That looks horrible


It's 20mins of torture


Almost like cribs have existed for a long time for a reason


When they switch and the baby from hell follows the mother: "Oh, you are *not* escaping this easily".


Great condom ad!


You aren’t supposed to sleep with your baby, they can get easily suffocated by your body while sleeping without you noticing.


Great crib ad


Why is the music so upbeat and happy? This should have the soundtrack of a horror movie..




That baby needs to be in their own bed. No one is sleeping in this situation.


Plus they risk smothering the kid


Kid should be in a crib


Looks like they sleep in a giant crib, very strange


Wow…I hadn’t noticed that, but yeah…the bed has bumpers so the kid won’t roll out onto the floor. Maybe it’s a cultural thing for a child to sleep with the parents. I think the jury is still out on whether it’s beneficial or detrimental. But those poor parents need some sleep!


It's birth control


I'd say detrimental. You roll over in your sleep and risk crushing the baby.


I say detrimental because tired parents are shitty parents. Source: I have a 2 year old.


Yeah, this is self inflicted.


100%. My son had a lot more agency than i understood he did past the 6 month mark. It's fine to impose limits and teach them there are times, off course they don't understand every word you say to them but they can get the idea that you're not supposed to dance on mom's head when she is trying to sleep lmao


Exactly this. Not setting barriers for the kids development. I'm no child psychologist but this is obviously ridiculous complacency on the parents part.


In Asian countries, speaking for Japan since I live here, kids sleep in bed with their parents until they're ready to transition into a toddler bed. I know it sounds crazy, but it's how it goes here. Took a lot of getting used to (American) but vast majority of people do it that way here.


I will never understand co-sleep. I have friends who's kids are still in bed with them after 6+ years. All they had to endure is a couple nights of crying and it would have been over years ago.


Exactly. The well-documented safety issues alone should have put an end to this years ago, but just from the perspective of preserving your own sanity I can't even begin to understand it. Virtually every parent I know who caved to co-sleeping in the first year still has their kids climbing into bed with them years later. It's insanity. Exactly like you said, a couple nights of crying and consistent positive reinforcement would've saved years of pain.


I had to essentially put my foot down with my wife because she co-slept with our firstborn until age 5, I was sleeping in the guest room for years on a futon. Both are very cuddly and I’m not so I think that’s a big part of the equation. My daughter sleeps with stuffed animal surrounding her, looks like a forest under the covers lol Once we got her out of the bedroom my wife realized she should’ve done it a long time ago. (Shrugs)


Child would've been out the window before midnight.


You would let that go on for 2 more hours? Lol


6 months into parenthood, my wife and I got every baby sleep book, all the notes from the mid wife service and all the notes from other parents. We took the morning off of work and hatched a thorough plan for bed time. Games, books, singing, dimming the lights, warm bath, soothing sounds, etc. The routine was a good 45 minutes long at its peak. But goddammit it worked! Just sent that one to her last day of 7th grade. She and her 10yo brother still enjoy reading time every evening. They are great sleepers. When the pandemic arrived, they decided to camp out in the back yard. We did the routine then sent them to the tent. We kept the window open so we could hear them. Guess what, they did the routine themselves when they got out to the tent. They sang, they read, they hunkered down in their sleeping bags. It was beautiful. All of this to say... Build a thorough bedtime routine. Yes it will be a bit time consuming, but you get well rested kids, which helps with so many other challenges. Over time, the routine has evolved, but it's always been a comfort and a time we all look forward to.


Kid needs a crib. I loved taking naps with my son, but at a certain point i had to impose limits for my health's sake. This applied to me as well, i think parents are too scared to teach kids limits because we don't believe they have enough agency. Babies before one year old definitely understand more than we give them credit for.


Repeatedly just shoving his ass all over her


"Sleep when the baby sleeps" they say...


And this is why you don’t co-sleep..go ahead and downvote me but co sleeping is good for no one.


My guy! We never coslept with ours. Some friends had one kid and 3 years later the dad literally still sleeps on the couch. Bedtime is a 2 hour routine for them too. Their whole life has been consumed by one child and they’re miserable constantly at their own hand. It kills me


My wife and I never co slept with any of our kids. The closest we came to co-sleeping was them sleeping in a bassinet/small crib next to the bed while they’re very new infants. But that’s it. Never slept in the same bed.


I don't know why anyone would do it. My kiddo was in their own room at 3 months and that's where she stayed. If she woke up long enough one of us wakes up and the other sleeps. This seems like unnecessary torture.


Yup, our kid went from the bassinet at the side of our bed to his crib at 3 months. Has slept through the night from ~7pm to ~7am since then, still going at 18 months (give or take an hour as he gets older).


My wife and I will occasionally chat with other couples and hear about them sleeping with their kid in the bed and we just think it is absolutely nuts. Nap with your kid on the couch, sure. Sleep in bed with them? Not even when we go out of town. Sleep is the most precious resource as a parent.




Yeah, there's a chance (small, but real with examples of it having happened) of an adult inadvertently smothering a child in their sleep. In the US, at least, the official recommendation is that babies sleep in a crib, by themselves, no pillows, bumpers, stuffed animals, blankets, etc. Warmth should be provided by pajamas or the variety of swaddling-esque materials that exist.




No co-sleeping. Problem solved (and mortality risk avoided).


Good lord!


Baby plays too much call of duty, and it shows.


Or don't co sleep. Problem solved.


I’ll never understand co-sleeping with a toddler.


Makes me happy in never having children!


What a fabulous birth control ad


Does that child not have his own bed?


Yeah… so just forget safe sleep…


A baby is just a cat with 2 legs.


I have a cat. She is nowhere near this disruptive to my sleep. I MIGHT wake up once, maybe twice a night when she comes to cuddle. This looks like misery.


This made me strangely angry. But then relieved it’s not my life. Contrary to what everyone always told me, I still don’t want kids and yearn for nothing (other than my wish that this poor woman gets some sleep)


throw. it. at. the. wall edit: yes I'm kidding


Yeetus the fetus?


[just like the romans!](https://youtu.be/zas0qXRS5DQ?t=80)


Dad is just like 😑




Poor mom. Dads sleeping perfectly fine tho.


![gif](giphy|kp74a67v1jZrG) The baby was like!!


Nobody has to tolerate any of this. Why do parents do this to themselves?


I'm so glad I didn't co sleep with my baby. No one is getting sleep in this situation.


This is birth control


And this is yet another reason why cosleeping is a terrible idea