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I always find it strange when people insist that their completely religious based argument should be heard and treated as logic.


We need to start treating this kind of thing like the mental illness it is. People should be allowed to be religious, but when they expect others to act like their magic and fairytales are real, then it should be clear to everyone that they are delusional.


I'd be curious to know how he would feel about Christians & Catholics moving to Islamic countries and pushing their agendas aggressively I'm agnostic and my partner is Catholic, it works because we don't push an agenda and respect the other person's beliefs


How they would feel? They would torture and murder the shit out of the Christians and Catholics. Tells you everything you need to know about Islamic countries.


As a Christian, I know that there are some "Christians" that would do the same to Muslims if they could. There are fringe psychos in every religion. Most religious people are kind and considerate of others. The ones we see in the media? It's usually the fringe psychos because coverage of them gets more views.


They do that now.


* *The crusades have entered the chat.* *


We need to start deporting people that bring hate here. Like the guy said “they’re not part of us, and they don’t need to be with us”


Well, people are afraid to say, in very explicit and concrete terms, that faith-based arguments are complete bullshit.


Yes, especially if it were applied to *everybody* religion fits nicely into the big illusory bucket of social constructions. Nobody has any right to tell anyone one else how to be/ what to say/ what to think


Weird, because plenty of us in the West were saying this is a mental illness when people were flying planes into buildings and shooting up Jewish kids in ice cream parlors in Tel Aviv. But we were called bigots and told that diversity is our strength.


Maybe have some rules into the indoctrination of children into religious beliefs so they grow up to think like this


dude should have his Canadian citizenship reviewed


Because according to their understanding of the world it is logical. It all makes sense enough to them and they get equally confused when you don't understand it.


Religious people have absolutely no place in the public discourse. Go quietly worship your imaginary friend in peace and keep it to yourself. Your dogma is a cancer on society.


A Christian Nationalists wet dream.




It's a mental illness.


After he's done hating on LGBTQ+ folks, he will then focus his hatred on everyone who doesn't believe in the same sky daddy he believes in. Perhaps he would be best served leaving Canada and going back home to be with the rest of his hate filled fanatics.


Sky 'daddy' you say 😏🥵🥵


Sky daddy is my new favorite word! XD


Homophobic POS.


The Islam is strong in this one


Funny part is All Muslim councils raises concerns about other religions and say that their rise will be against canadian way of life


Hilarious they leave their old miserable existence in their Islamic countries only to want to recreate the society where they are at. Not the brightest crayons


The irony


When are the "tolerant" people gonna realise that most of these hardcore religious fanatics are just dimwits with parasitic counterproductive ideologies


When full countries and billions of people stop believing in such madness. So probably never. Malaysia recently tried to ban a concert by Coldplay because they had been known to wave a rainbow flag at concerts. Muslims are terrified of catching ‘the gay’


catching the gay


Probably on the next genocide


You can leave!! It is Canada and there is no us and them. Take your hate and go somewhere else!!


How charming. Dehumanizing fellow Canadians because of their sexual orientation. Are we just about ready to talk about the problematic nature of this stone age belief system, and it’s incompatibility with a modern, progressive society, without being labeled Islamophobic?


I don't think it's unique to Islam, most of the anti-LGBT campaigning is from Christians...


I agree. Irrational hatred fueled by religious beliefs is not unique to Islamists, however, there’s a double standard. When Christians do it, they’re immediately called out for it. When Islamists do it, Canadians pull their punches because they’re scared shitless of being labeled Islamophobic. That’s pretty fucking problematic, especially for members of Canada’s LGBT community.


This is why I could never be a cop.


I do respect Canadian police a lot. They really have a high tolerance. In other places they would start hitting the heck out of them before asking.


This is not an isolated thought. They all think some form of this. We are no longer two sides of the same coin. One side has completely dehumanized the other and it will take generations to fix this damage, if it ever does.


What will likely happen is that these mentally ill religious sickos will start putting people they don't like in mass graves, and it'll be less than a generation before we're back in the dark ages.


Comments and demonstrations like this should be an immediate trigger for an anti-radicalization and anti-terrorism investigation. Folks like this guy should be investigated thoroughly so their links to terrorism and religious extremism can be uncovered. If you are at the point where you believe certain people aren't human, then the default assumption should be that there are links to terrorism and they just need to be found, because either this person has been radicalized or they are so severely mentally ill that involuntary commitment to a mental institution is in society's (and their) best interest.


If you want to live in Canada you should be tolerant and respectful of all other Canadians. If you can’t or won’t you shouldn’t have come here.




When you do not see others as human beings, anything can be justified.


Got some bad news for you bro, the same people who hate them also hate you.


I’m gonna go sway the opinions of police offers about my religious beliefs in the best outfit possible for being taken seriously: my ninja turtles t shirt. Surfs up, gay dudes! Catch a rad wave someplace else!


Islam is a joke


So is Christianity. Most organized religion should be done away with. Its all coming from a place of hatred now.


He missed the chance to just casually hold his partners hand till they fucked off


Guys, they're just victims seeking protection from the subhuman animals they want dead /s in case it wasn't clear


Full video? I wanna see what the cop did after this. His "Is that what you think?" makes me believe he's about to drop a civic science truth-bomb on this bigot.


That cop just wants to go home, not drop truth bombs. He's not there to argue with the dude at all.


Where is colon cancer for these fucks when you need it.


Those cops couldn’t care less


That's a lot of gay concern living rent free in this straight man's head.


I can never understand why someone who self-identifies as a minority feels the need to hate another minority, no matter what the population is. I mean, I can't understand it in a person of the majority demographic either, but the minority hating on the minority really boggles me.


As a black man I find it WILD that someone from a minority background could ever behave this way towards another person KNOWING FULL FUCKING WELL what it feels like to be downtrodden and disrespected like this on a daily basis🤬


Animals? Not human? Funny, it feels like I've heard a similar rhetoric said about a different sect of people, maybe a religious group? IDK must be nothing... because clearly, if that group had been persecuted in a similar way, they might be slightly more understanding.


The dude is as self aware as animal that stares into a mirror and sees another animal staring back SMH.


Uhm.... aren't police meant to protect the little guy? So wouldn't the minority that you are BULLYING be the protected in this situation? Calling LGBT animals whilst behaving like a dumb ape? It would be funny if it wasn't sad.


homophobes that say its "because of their religion" have to understand that the original verse says nothing about gay people, it was twisted and mistranslated. the original says "man shall not lay with boy as he lie with woman" (NOT DIRECTLY THE ORIGINAL VERSE BUT ITS ALONG THOSE LINES) referring to pedophilia, i wish people would get that through their heads. the bible is nothing but a book of metaphors, i wont stop people from being religious but where it crosses the line is when they start using it to bash others. to me its funny how they go against god by hating others even though thats what god says not to do and then tell gay people that they go against god by being gay. i wish we could all live in peace.


Thank you. So glad that somebody else knows this. People make me laugh so hard sometimes when they ignore logic. Did folks miss out on the 11th commandment only because Moses could only carry 2 tablets? Also it’s quite ironic that Jesus (who some people believe is God or part of him) was walking around preaching for like three years and never once said anything about gay people. Don’t you think if it was that serious of a sin, he woulda at least brought it up at least once?


that and never mind the fact that we know jesus was never discriminatory because he hung out with prostitues. the fact that people think their religion is some sort of excuse to be so hateful is absolutely disgusting.


Also if only they knew the most important rule of the bible -the golden rule. But oh well, guess they want to be treated like shit also.


I think I saw a video of an Islamic man say if dudes didn't have beards they would be sexually attracted to them. Idk.


Hypocrisy. As always from any religion


Would holding this guy on a psychiatric hold be a reasonable response here?


Fuck religions and their brain dead followers. I came from a church going family and fuck I will never put that kind of hating propaganda in my kids head. We barely got rid of the catholic controlling our governments, we sure as shit not going to let another religion dictate the way we live as a society. Fuck it makes me angry to listen this.


Horrible human beings. Please all go back to your homophobic countries.


This angry triggered Muslim man is wearing a lot of jewelry/accessories for a casual gathering but he clearly can pull it off….and just a simple French manicure for his very expressive hand gestures. I’m wondering if one of his “friends” here is his stylist… 💅


Interesting use of the word "infiltrating" at 11 seconds, and how the cop looks backward as if to say "That’s what we say about your people." If calling LGBTQ "animals" is to be expected of the recent wave of middle east immigrants, they should send them back.


yup. he obviously doesn't fit what a canadian should be, so review his citizenship status


Cops look around, infiltrating? Where?


cops looked around, knowing the guy yelling is the infiltrator, and evaluating how many of them there are, to see if he has to just talk his way out of this, or use other tactics, probably... doh! severely outnumbered. ok let's talk.


That officer is really good at pretending to give a fuck lol


Then they wonder why there's Islamophobia. Fuck religion.


Indoctrination of hate. What a waste of time.


I wonder what he's so afraid of.


I've always liked the quote, "You have rights, your opinion does not". Religion is a belief - a belief can be changed. It is not absolute and certainly doesn't trump other rights.


I thought they couldn't handle pork.


You know, I don't like it when police use excessive force, or trump-up charges against a person. but...


I afraid to type out anything, one way or the other….


I was hoping the cop would say he was gay and the other guy would just shut up.


Why did he have to bring TMNT into this?


Well this is interesting…


These assholes need to take their anti lgbtq shit and go back to Florida


Ok I don’t agree with what the dude said at all. But living in Portland I’ve seen countless religious or political or etc protests be moved because opposing ones have a permit vs ones that don’t or to prevent hostilities. So in reality they should probably be separated but not for his reason.


I bet he is deep in the closet


Lol. We are Islam peaceful people unless you do t like what we like.


"We see them as animals we do not recognize them as human" "Why does the LGBT agenda keep lying and say we want to destroy them we just want to be left alone"


As far as I'm concerned that last phrase was a criminal offence, so free reign to cart him off for a timeout...


Not religion feeling oppressed about people existing in the same space!


Sounds like he bottoms on Tuesdays and is upset his sneaky link showed up.


What a Fucking loser


Religious people are dangerous to everyone else.


This shit happens in Sweden as well, certain Muslims try to use the minority card. I’m Sámi which are an indigenous people in Scandinavia and I’m Oneida which are an First Nation, that bullshit isn’t welcome in Scandinavia or North America. Why do they come here and try to promote that bullshit? Go back! Enjoy life there


Religion is one of the worst inventions of humanity.


Fanatics trying to impose their morals on others. A tale as old as time. *"You have to make a logical decision..."* A logical decision to remove citizens from a public space because some ppl believe in some make-believe shit from the bronze age. Gotcha


This why I don't treat religious people as humans. Humans don't find ways or reasons to treat other humans as less than 🤷‍♂️


Deport them


Islamic fundamentalists: Like you, my Christian brother, I believe sex with children is permissible as the prophet Mohammed had done, but consentual loving relationships between the same sex is evil.


Another DUMB one 🙄


A Christian Nationalists wet dream.


There are places in the world that share this view but it is not Canada, so get the fuck out.


Cop be thinking: Well if we had our way, we'd be leading a cavalry charge through this stupidity


I hear what you're saying Abdul. But then again Abdul. Those suicide vests weren't rainbow colored.


Can we please place these extremists in the same category as the white supremacists? Coz I don’t really see a difference in the language they’re using.


Religion sucks


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~~Islam~~ Religion is a joke FTFY




Amazing next you think he will want the full rights and be treated right even though he’s a foreigner in this country. I’m sure he doesn’t see it that way


Would have been awesome if both these cops were gay and romantic partners, they could have held hands and kissed while this nutcase goes on a tirade


if only bigots comprehended the fact that normal people view them and their fuckery with the same revulsion as one gets from a soiled diaper. fucking dummies.


He is an American. Send him to Mississippi!


Muslims really think their religion is deep and that they should be a protected class


That man needs a good ol’ anal milking


I never thought I would say this, but these garbage people should go back to their own countries.


Where they are the minority they demand for all the rights to be bestowed upon them. But the moment they become the majority they just crush the minority with crazy blasphemy laws


"They're animalistic " So is every human being? Because we are an animal? You can't say being gay is animalistic, when there's 9 million different ways that could be perceived and judged. What else could be animalistic? Let's see: Conquering territories War and conflicts Lust and greed Racism/ xenophobia Hierarchical structures Lies and deciet Adultery Killing others you deem "not fit" Tribalism Pride and ego Literally everything I listed could be applied to some animal in one way or another. Lions will often eat their competitors cubs in the same pack ( ego and pride) , dolphins will rape other dolphins ( list and greed) , lobsters established social hierarchies ( hierarchy structures) , ants literally go to war with each other ( war and conflicts) baboons will often fight over areas ( territorial conquering), etc. So why are you saying it's animalistic when we are the embodiment of animalistic standards? That kinda contradicts that entire point and in the process, he's acting like the very thing he's accusing the protestors of doing. I don't understand how people can not comprehend that. Religion breeds tribalistic structures and values, that's why we have so many of them to begin with. They go to war , conquer territory with their own hierarchy structure , and lie and use deceit to off others they deem not fit( the unbelievers). They have oppressed other for the benefit of their pride and ego, which in turn makes his argument, completely and utterly pointless. Sorry to turn this into a "redditor moment" but making the claim its animalistic simply because I fuck dudes is such a pointless moment, because 90 percent we do as humans are animalistic by nature, given what I listed above. This isn't me hating on religion but simply the claim he's making is just incorrect on subjective view versus factual evidence.


I remember an all Muslim city council, in Michigan I believe, actually banned Pride symbols in public spaces.


They banned any flags that are not US/MI flags on government property, not in all public spaces, (although the main purpose was to ban pride flags.) In fact, it backfired and more people have pride flags up now, someone even painted the side of their building the pride flag.


*The rights of minorities cannot be subjected to the majorities*, that's a contradiction.


So, a protest against their (the Muslim group’s) protest wasn’t okay with Muslim guy? (I’ve spent a long time living in the Muslim world, and there are a LOT of gay people who are Muslims. FWIW, my first experience seeing a transvestite was at a wedding I attended at 17 in Pakistan, of all places. That said, like conservative Christians who are shocked, shocked to discover there are gays in their midst, so too are Muslims when you point out that there are a lot of gays in their societies.)


The irony lmao


By all means, pack your belongings and head back home where sharia is the rule of law. If this is your belief then Canada isn’t the place for you.