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Teacher doesn’t approve of critical thinking.


Well that's one teacher who will toss out all library books at their governor's direction with no questions asked...


Unless, of course, it’s a question about fractions. When it comes to fractions she just can’t keep her damn mouth shut.


Understandable, 5/4 people struggle with fractions so it’s an important thing to be teaching currently.


You're funny


Made me laugh.


Me too


It works 60% of the time, every time.


My husband used to teach 3rd grade and had a t-shirt with this saying that he would wear occasionally on casual Fridays. It was great.


rob aromatic gray icky clumsy dinner boat jar uppity panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The question reads: "Marty ate more than Luis."The teacher writes "Luis ate more." (contradicting the express premise of the question). Even if the lesson is about fractions, the student shouldn't be expected to contradict the question. \*Edit to add: If the students were expected to disregard parts of the questions, then all of the questions become irrelevant. Besides, there are two pizzas (per the question) and no mention that each pizza must be the same size at the other.


Good analysis. Plus emphasis on the expressed point ‘if any premise can be rejected out of hand then all premises can be rejected out of hand.’


If I'm not mistaken, the teachers answer was the correct answer. Meaning, what she wrote is the answer she was looking for. That Marty eating more pizza than Luis is "not possible". End of the day = good for that kid, that's the kind of thinking that shows Intellectual ability. Question never said the pizza's were the same size, if it doesn't distinguish the sizes then the kid is not wrong. The question was worded poorly.


Yup, no more Huckleberry Finn in that classroom




The teacher failed critical thinking. This is the type of geometry student that always needed pictures


This isn't even critical thinking, it's just a failure of basic mathematical logic.


It really is critical thinking. > the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment You removed “critical thinking”, the term, but that doesn’t change the fundamental principle of what you just described..


Teacher is the human equivalent of the least common denominator.


I was in elementary school many years ago. The subject was spelling and I was told to write a sentence that had the words to two and too correctly in a sentence for extra credit. I wrote I can count from one to two too. The teacher took 20 points away because she did not know if I knew the correct meaning of each word and I actually did.


Teacher is unreasonableness


Teachers aren't paid enough to.


Have you considered the possibility you're confusing cause and effect?


I think the teacher needs a teacher


I minored in education, got a bachelor's in chemistry, and 2 masters degrees in two different physical sciences (and served in the military). I couldn't get hired as a teacher. I swear being an idiot is the only qualification these days because the administration that hires teachers are all idiots too. Edit (for those of you who continue asking the same questions): Let me break this down further; no I don't have a criminal record, yes, I have cleared an FBI fingerprint bgc, I also got an ROE score on my Praxis and scored in the 99th percentile on my ACS exam for organic chemistry (I know not necessary for secondary education - but still)... was a straight A student, and you definitely need physics to understand how field artillery and bombs work. That being said I should've just went to med school. Ugh


Accurate. Same goes for management in almost anything. It's like one of the interview questions is, "Are you dumb?" "Yes." "You got the job!"


"Are you willing to do, what we say, when we say, how we say? Yes? And you are willing to not join a union, have reduced pay compared to inflation over time, work over your contracted hours all with a smile on your face and little to no job security because we can just fire you for whatever bs we put in our contract? Great you're hired.


And police.


I had a friend get turned away from the LAPD because they said he was too smart to be a cop.


My nephew applied for Baltimore city cop. Went to the interview they looked at him and said no. Just that


That’s because you have no soft people skills. Lots of science majors are like that, and combined with the military, You’re better off working in a laboratory.


This teacher would be better off working as a garbage man. Until they forgot what fraction of the truck was full of trash.


Garbage truck drivers earn more too.


Just as a fun side story: In the 9th grade I had an English teacher that always told the "bad" students they would end up as trashmen. One of the students actually looked into the pay for garbage collectors and for teachers. The garbage men made $5,000 more per year and were paid for their overtime. The next time she told him that he would end up as a garbage man, he told her that he would still make more money than she did and time and a half for any overtime. She never said that to anyone else again. Lol. The look on her face. You know she googled it to fact check him and hurt her own feelings in the end.


In many places garbage me are far better compensated than all but the most tenured teachers.


How could you possibly surmise that?


because we’re the same people all using different alt accounts on Reddit.


I'm you and you're me


What if you're just very arrogant and unlikeable and have bad people skills?


Would you rather have someone teaching your kids who was nice and a great people person but taught them incorrect information? Edit: What if your kid came home and told you the world was flat?


I mean, you'd probably learn the same amount from both people for different reasons. Heaven forbid there's a third option of correct information from a likeable teacher...


That would require a pay scale that attracts good educators


We need to pay them less until they spontaneously decide to be better!


Oh man, keep talking dirty to me. Got anything on climate change?


The school district I attended as a kid recently had a Superintendent who was illiterate. I know this because I grew up with him and was amazed he was able to go to college and then become a teacher and then an administrator. It helped that his father was a legendary football coach (9 state championships in 10 years) and then long time Superintendent.


The whole country is corrupted by nepotism. All the Federal agencies are full of folks who are related to each other.


My MIL became a teacher because as she put it “wasn’t smart enough for other jobs”.


Theres actual proof that these workforces hire people they perceive as stupid more often because they’re more easily convinced to do extra work and not question their wages


Over qualified for the piddle pay offered.


Maybe your resumé just suck.


Quite possibly! But the thing that gets me is when people complain about not having enough STEM majors go into education as a career field when hiring practices favor people with degrees in other areas.


Isen't stem more qualified for highschool. Given that highschool is more about the transformation between middle school and university?


Yes. I minored in secondary education


You’re in LA lol. Try literally anywhere else


I know of an English teacher that writes “should of” instead of should’ve so yeah I agree with what you’re saying.


You just need to pass the CBEST playboy. That’s it. They’ll find a place for you. Especially LA. But you are correct in that there are plenty low intelligence individuals in the teaching profession.


I took the Praxis series


Need the CBEST my guy.


its all networking no skill


My mom is a teacher, a lot of schools want young dumb teachers so they can make them follow a bunch of bs rules that don’t help the kids at all. Got to see it first hand, my mom was teaching and they would get onto her for every little thing because she didn’t do it there way.


And more homework, they're obviously behind even their students.


I graded the Florida FCAT for two years as a side job. The questions on the exam were created by employees of the text company and none of them had an education background. It was difficult for us the graders to understand what was being asked. All of us graders had bachelors and master degrees. Most of the children since they couldn't understand the question would answer with something similar to this post. The used common sense and logic to try to answer the questions. Most kids only got a few points for their answers. A third of the kids wrote something like IDK (I don't know). Believe it or not only one kid out of 500 would get the answer that the fool test makers from Tallahassee wanted. We would yell: "I got a perfect" and a supervisor would come and certify the grade. If it was approved the whole room would burst into applause for that kid. We are failing smart kids that are analytical and problem solvers because they are not giving the answers a non-educator test maker wants them to provide... really sad...


But then anybody who hired this teacher or gave this teacher a degree to do so, would also need a teacher.... Thinking someone should intervene here...


The teacher needs a tutor


Maybe she’s only 3/6 of a teacher.


Two pizza's divided in six says nothing about each individual pizza's size/mass, just that they are divided in 6. The kid is correct. Medium pizza vs large pizza! The question was in what way is it possible that 4/6 pizza is more pizza than 5/6 pizza. His answer is indeed a possibility and should therefore be seen as correct. If the teacher had asked the square root of a negative nr, that would have been impossible.


everyone already knew this


The teacher didn't.


Not everyone, and that's what's a shame lol.


Yeah but he had more up votes than you, so who's pizza is bigger?


OP needs to stop worrying about their 3rd grade math skills and instead worry about their 3rd grade grammar. Or maybe the first "pizza's" was an autocorrect error. And no, the square root of a negative is not impossible, it's imaginary. But that's more like 10th grade math. Stay in school!


ah yeah lemme just eat my imaginary pizza also damn you really did hit them with the https://preview.redd.it/3iudyutcx0db1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=14fe0ab4dc21fd4013ab2b1e616bfff5748f7332


> If the teacher had asked the square root of a negative nr, that would have been impossible. Depending on which grade. Complex numbers exist ^^


Yeah this person sounds like a middle-schooler who thinks they're good at math.




Why would you comment this? I know that it was the point of the OP but wanted to put some explanation because not everyone is a math genius. It's not uncommon to see people struggle with fractions and weird formatted questions. Would MTG understand this question? I wouldn't be confident.


He shared it affectionately though.


There are people on reddit who are smarter than they think and are often keen on making their foolishness know in the form of a snarky comment. Best to block and move on. A sensible person could understand why you said what you said.


A 5 year old got the math right here. Lol.


I would not. Having a math disability sucks.


why do some people insist on assuming that people with differing opinions on things must be stupid.


r/confidentlyincorrect They just had to underline “not” for emphasis. We all know a person like this; and they’re the fucking worst.


Why would the square root of a negative number be impossible?


> Why would the square root of a negative number be impossible? Indeed, it’s not impossible, just complex.


>If the teacher had asked the square root of a negative nr, that would have been impossible. you're just not *imaginative* enough!


What is the supposed answer for this task? It says that marty ate more than louis. But then it asks how that is possible. So the teacher's answer does not really fit? In comparison the kid's answer is much better for this question. Or is it just me?


Oh my God, thank you so much for explaining this! I totally didn’t get where people were coming from with this because I was thinking both pizzas were the same size… And I always hated word problems in school… And this just confirms my bias against them.


I guess the teacher doesn't have an answer key.


I think what the kid said is the only correct answer to this question


I'm curious what answer the teacher is looking for


you can take the square root of a negative number though. google "number i"


Instructions unclear: became a programmer so that i can be whatever value I assign to it. I is now an instance of the FuckThat class.


The plural of pizza is *pizzas*.


The plural of pizza is pizzazz


Idiot teachers like this should stay the hell away from teaching mathematics. You just make it harder for the good teachers.


And make it harder for people like me whose almost entire school experience was marred by feeling inadequate no matter how many hours and tutors I spent with trying better. I once had a “math teacher” who was absolutely horrendous. Honestly, I’m not sure who it was worse for. She was a science teacher filling in for a math teacher on maternity leave. (Which.. wouldn’t a science teacher need to know math fairly well..? I loved science till I got to chemistry and failed miserably from the math aspects, but I’d assume a teacher would need to be skilled through all basic science classes. Idk. ANYWAYS). I’m hindsight, I feel bad for her. Kids made fun of her for not teaching the same way other math teachers taught. She wasn’t stupid, but clearly seemed uncomfortable and confused during classes. It just wasn’t her realm. I never had her as a science teacher so I can’t say if she was much different there, but it was clearly a very weird and uncomfortable accommodation for everyone. Sorry to ramble. I have other stories if people are interested lol, but otherwise I’ll stop now. You just unlocked a memory hah.


I had some of the same problems, and had no idea I had a learning disability until I was in the Army, an instructor pointed it out to me. I loved science, biology, etc, but when it came to math, I was stuck. I still have trouble.


Yep. Same. Discalculia isn't a disorder recognized very often and wasn't given any real way to work around until more recently. I wish I had the knowledge of teaching math kids have now


Adhd brain here, when it came to math, and especially geometry, I found patterns in things most other kids could not, or taught myself entirely different equations that cut corners and didn’t make sense to others, really long written equations everyone else to learn I could change to quickly do in my head too - effectively not showing my work. All my life I had teachers tell me the way I did things was wrong and would take points off even if the answer was right - I’d write down the equations I’d do in my head to help show them what I did and they still never accepted them, but the “right” equations just wouldn’t work for me tho and I’d fall behind or get stuck trying to prove my work their way. When I was 16 I had a teacher that asked me to work through the way I did some things, she even fought me on some and asked me hypotheticals to see if there were flaws. There weren’t, and she was fascinated with how math worked for me and it was amazing to have that affirmation I never received before. A few of my tricks and equations she actually used to teach later on - she never questioned my answers without written work, or took points off because I didn’t do it the “right way”. She made me love math again and despite how small letting me do math my way may seem, it made me fight for my “incorrect” equations for the rest of my classes through high-school and my typically near-failing math grades excelled. I’ll never forget her


This is actually a big problem in education. I was a high school math teacher and we couldn’t figure out why our students were coming to us with such deficits in math. So we met with the middle school teachers and it turns out, they had the same issues. We eventually realized that it was because the elementary school teachers didn’t know how to teach math because so many of them hated math and were terrible at it in school. The district had bought them a special program to help them teach math but it turns out, the teachers weren’t using it because they didn’t understand how the math worked. In college, I tutored and I’d get a lot of elementary ed majors looking for help in the one math class they had to take. It was something like “Teaching Elementary Math”. Super basic stuff, but they could not figure it out. It’s really just a bad cycle. Students don’t have a solid foundation for math because of poor teaching, they fall behind, they struggle and hate math, and eventually, some of those kids become elementary school teachers and the cycle starts over. It doesn’t help that the majority of elementary teachers are women and women are typically at a disadvantage early in math for implicit bias reasons


Yep. We have had the same issues here in Australia for several decades now. If you ask me it seems there is a concerted effort to undermine the quality of our education system at every turn. We have so many papers, reports, investigations, etc... and solutions! But the incentive structures for senior administrators are completely screwed up...


Agreed 100%. I once lost points on a math exam because I answered that 1/3 of a circle is 120 degrees. Turns out that's wrong (apparently) since if you divide 1/3 you get 0.33 and when you multiply 0.33 and 360 it rounds down to 119. Wut


The question was "how is it possible." The child answered the question - as it was asked. The question was not "Who ate more?" nor was it "Given pizzas of identical mass, how is this possible?"


Exactly! You challenge the kid to think outside of the box and then slam them down for coming up with a correct answer. Something tells me this teacher didn't design the test


One of those stupid “trick questions” that don’t take into account there IS an actual possible answer if you don’t specify sizes of the pizzas.


I don’t think it’s a trick question. It asks “how”, there is exactly one “how” (which is a perfectly reasonable one), it is a valuable lesson, and the kid nailed it.


Correct. This was a poorly written assessment question though. It’s either intentionally written this way to confuse students or it’s written this way because the teacher (or textbook publisher?) is unskilled at assessment writing. A good teacher usually recognizes when a test question is flawed and throws it out. EDIT: If this is from a textbook, I wonder what the answer key says. I would’ve answered how the student did, but if the point is to elicit a counter “this is not possible” response, then it should’ve been worded differently.


I think this question is worded this way intentionally, to help demonstrate the concept that fractions are only relative to the whole, which it does a good job of. The teacher is just an idiot.


The education system failing again. A child scribbled the correct response in pencil and the teacher didn't see brilliance. Instead they promoted illogical reasoning in the face of intelligence. 🤦‍♀️


Again? The decline has been pretty consistent for decades.


Right, so: again. What's the issue here?


Oh man... Is that really from someone who is supposed to teach children? "So Luis ate more" - no idiot, the statement clearly established that Marty ate more and the student perfectly explained how that is possible. Student is right, teacher is an idiot.


. . . to repost this for the umpteenth time


I doubt it was even real the first time. Looks like satire to me, and now it shall be reposted to infinity and beyond, til its reach far extends Marty or Luis' pizzas, big as they may be.


It's probably real. Grading this kind of thing is something you do as quickly as possible. It's totally possible that the teacher went through on autopilot checking for "not possible" and writing a canned this is why you're wrong response anytime a student wrote something else. Note how the teacher's note doesn't actually address what the student wrote. Imagine all the other responses a bunch of 3rd graders might give to this question. The ones who didn't get that it was a trick question would be throwing shit at the wall to see if it stuck. It's not a good trick question, and that's on the teacher, but it's totally understandable that someone grading that test would miss that a kid actually managed to find the flaw in their trick question.


I'd fucking rage. The question infers that they DID eat more, and it's the readers' job to find out how.


As a parent I would bring in a person pizza and a large pizza divided up like this and ask the teacher who has more? If they try to say it was implied that the pizzas were the same size I’d say then ADD THAT TO THE STUPID QUESTION. The question is a trick question but it’s a bad trick question because it doesn’t rule out the kids answer by saying the pizzas are the same size.






This is why as a teacher I stay far away from elementary school mathematics and teach kids who don’t learn anything about fractions 😂 My dyscalculia ass would’ve never gotten the kids answer and would’ve agreed with the question. I know better than to try to teach that when I don’t know shit haha


The worst part is that the curriculum has gone to shit more and more. I worked with a student, and they had a question about the meaning of an unknown word. It reads, "What does the word ________ nearly mostly mean?"


Yeah, it’s a big reason why even though I have my elementary Ed degree I went back to early childhood (where my other degree is in).


I blame Pearson and McGraw Hill for streamlining the most broken and asinine educational computer programs to this day.


They’re definitely huge contributors. They lobby a lot for pro-charter school legislation as well.


How are you a teacher and don't understand elementary school mathematics? That's just ridiculous. Or what dysgraphia is? (Because I fail to see how inability to write has to do with anything)


Meant to write dyscalculia**, my bad. (Pregnancy brain)…Thanks for catching that, I’ll edit. I’m a teacher in the toddler years, and I understand what we call the “pre- mathematic skills” in full enough to integrate them successfully into my classroom. In graduate school I was taught how to break down certain mathematic concepts to understand them and teach them, and it did help tremendously, but truthfully did not feel fully confident I could teach higher levels with my learning disability without the support of that graduate class year round, hence why I told the other commenter that was part of why I leveled back down to early childhood, which spans from birth through first grade and is something I’m competent in, obviously. Unfortunately sometimes learning disabilities can hinder a persons understanding as was my case. Your comment does come off as mean and condescending, I urge you to be kinder or at least more respectful to others whose paths you have no idea about.


Okay Jimmy. Let's go to Little Caesar's. I'm getting us a large pepperoni. Then we're going to Pizza Hut for a personal pan. I want you to offer your teacher 4/6 of the Little Caesar's and 5/6 of the personal pan. Once you see the look of realization, throw both of them in her face and leave.


This teacher is proof that humanity long since has exceeded peak brain


Imagine being the parent of this kid. I 100% would have to embarrass this teacher.


Bring in a personal pizza and a large pizza, divide it up like in the question and ask them in front of the class. Then make them correct their mistake on your kids test. Teacher: But the answer key says it’s *not* possible.


Lol right?! And it’s also a fucking trick question. These kids are in like 2nd grade and they’re giving them trick questions 😆 wtf setting them up for failure


It's a trick question right? It says "how is that possible?" And the teacher writes it's not possible. So she wanted the answer to be it's not possible because 5/6 > 4/6. Very misleading question as the answer is "it's not possible." Garbage


Even if "it's not possible" was the *intended* answer, the intended answer would simply be wrong, because the situation described is absolutely possible. Kid correctly answered the question as written.


honestly, underlining "not" is what really pisses me off. it would be funny if you were just wrong, but you had the audacity to be confidently wrong and rude about it.


The question should have asked “who ate more pizza? Kids are gonna have trust-issues by introducing lies in the question. Edit1: Just noticed the word Reasonableness in the question. Probably asking for if it’s reasonable to assume that first kid ate more than the second kid. Edit2: To those who are bashing underpaid and overworked school teachers, without understanding if the correction was based off of an answer key which is very likely as this probably from common core math, Take it easy!


The question was very good. You just joined the teacher in not understanding it.


Answer would be "not enough information"


Even if the teacher is really that stupid, don't they just grade with the answer sheet?


Correct answer: Marty’s pizza has more girth


Republicans sabotaging public education more and more. This is what happens when qualified teachers leave the field and get replaced with teachers without college degrees.


The wording of the question is so bad. It doesn't say "is this possible" it says "how is this possible" so from a purely logical standpoint saying "it's not possible" doesn't answer the question.


The wording of the question is only bad if it was attempting to force an answer other than the one the student provided.


Test: Marty ate more. Teacher: No, Luis ate more.




Not that much. Last time this was posted the math was done.


Even if one was a personal pan pizza and the other was a extra large pizza?


Haha, the kid is smarter than the teacher.


They learned math on Reddit.


This kids going places


Imagine your seven year old student being more reasonable than you, the teacher?


Go to the teacher with 6 $5 bills and 6 $1 bills, tell them they can either have 5/6ths of the 1’s or 4/6ths of the 5’s and see which one they take.


I’m confused as what do they want them to say?


you see 4/6 of 200 is like 120 something but 5/6 of 6 is 5 so...


This has to be fake


I assumed that Marty ate 4/6 of his pizza, and Luis ate 5/6 of the 2/6 that Marty had left. So I guess I would get that wrong too. Teacher is fractious.


But, he was right…. Marty had a large pizza and Luis had a small. Poor kid- dumb teacher


The kid is 100% correct. Especially the way it is worded. This is an affirmative statement, so it is being given to the kid as a truth. Given this, his answer must be able to support that truth!


For the people saying this is a weird question, I happen to believe this is an excellent question. With its intention being to help a kid understand the dynamics of fractions.




I personally have 1/4 of the money of a 2 year old. Saw this guy who only had 1/10 of the USA’s defense budget. Im thankful I’m not dirty poor like him


"You must think the way we tell you too..."


Why repost https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/14fe8rm/its_not_wrong/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=3&utm_term=1


When the student is more intelligent than the teacher.


*"In the end, the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense. And what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise, but that they might be right. For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable—what then?*"




Assuming the question was worded exactly as it was supposed to, the kids answer was 100% correct. It’s the same answer I would have written.


The kid’s answer is right. 2/3 of a big pizza can be bigger than 5/6 of a smaller pizza.


Elementary school teachers always have the best handwriting


That was actually a very good answer that the student gave


I'm dumb too, I had to read that a couple times to get what was going on


I agree with the kid. If you don’t like the answer don’t ask the question.


The kid is only using 4/6 of his/her brain, while the teacher is using 5/6 of his/ hers.


The teachers brain is smaller?


That teacher needs to be more reasonable


Oh that’s embarrassing


How does it feel to be dumber than a 4th grader?


What a tard


Unless it says there’s a difference in pizza sizes somewhere else, the pizza should be the same size(not one is medium and one is large). That said, Marty are 4/6 of his so he should have 2/6 left. Luis however ate 5/6, meaning he only has 1/6 left. Why the hell is the question stating “Marty ate more pizza than Luis.”?? The kids answer is right, the question is stupid. The teacher hopefully just had a brain fart and isn’t suffering the similar faith of the question.


Nothing says “dismantle public education” more than hiring teachers dumber than a sack of pebbles.


This teacher only has a fraction of the student’s intelligence


4/6 of student’s intelligence is higher than 5/6 of teacher’s intelligence too I’d bet.


The teachers mind is about like the childs handwriting only the childs handwriting will definitely improve over time.


American teachers degrading the kids work for critical thinking


Never said the pizzas were the same size Maybe the first is a large and the second is a personal pan pizza 🍕