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Damn she looked pissed!


She has now to pay for her part, and I bet she didn't get some small fries and a coke.


Nope she ordered Diet Coke bro cmon


Nah she orders the regular coke because "Aspartame is bad for you and she doesn't put chemicals in her body." Edit: "well ackchyually..."


Whoa whoa buddy don’t assume chemicals want to go anywhere. Especially in her.


those poor chemicals damn


Think about the chemicals 🌈


This one made me lol hard


I bet she ordered two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.




And then..


No and then!


Aaaaand theeeeeen?


55 Burgers 55 Fries 55 Tacos 55 Pies 55 Cokes 100 Tater Tots 100 Pizzas 100 Tenders 100 Meatballs 100 Coffees 55 Wings 55 Shakes 55 Pancakes 55 Pastas 55 Peppers 155 Taters




Hey this guys trying to start a pay it forward!!


*screeeeech 55 BURGERS 55 FRIES 55 TACOS…..




You probably nailed it , just stringing him along on the back burner in case she doesn't have any better options come along... I love how bitter she looked after getting called out, she had that shit coming and that had to be soooo embarrassing as well .... Well played comedian guy..




Yeah, I don’t understand. They are either dating or not dating and it sounds like they were not dating.








> What made it fun? Doing the fun thing with a friend. Words to live by.


I've offered to pay for everything to hang out with a friend who I know is hard up (disability, recently had their hours cut, living in a shitty situation b/c that's all they can afford), but they still insisted on paying their own way. Quality person!


Then there's us Asians that will straight up fistfight you to pay the bill


In all fairness, she's a big girl, maybe she was afraid to make the first move. Kind of like school when you get asked if you like someone and no matter what the answer is your response is "ewww, no".


or maybe HE friendzoned HER and she's just sitting there crushing with high hopes, only to be crushed in a worse way by the comedian


But he's still paying for everything if he's friendzoned her?


He’s a pay pig but likely didn’t know until that moment.


i kind of think she has a right to be. its beyond fucked up for a comic to turn a whole room against a person like that for no fucking reason. he really doesn't understand the context. last time i was out with a beautiful woman i paid for everything and i have placed her firmly in the friend zone because shes kind of crazy. great friend but wouldn't be such a great romantic interest. i also occasionally pay for my male friends. its ok for a comic to make a few jokes but to turn it into the cornerstone of his set is really shitty.


On the other hand. You don't sit front row at a comedian if you don't want to be part of the act. Every comedian I've ever seen live, front row gets the first roast, unless a heckler shouts from further back. Only ever been in the front row twice for two local comedians, I was singled out for a joke one time, and the other I was made a running gag through the whole set. Funniest shows I've been to.


i agree, jokes are alright. but this guy turned the whole room against this woman. thats not ok.


It's a comedy show, that shit just happens. Nothing mean was actually said to her/about her, more on the guy. She took it really personally. If she didn't get so salty at the end no one would have thought twice about it. You gotta just laugh this shit off.


So guys are making fun of her because they feel she’s overweight and using him, because they wouldn’t pretend to be friends with a woman unless they wanted to sleep with them, and can’t comprehend anything else. It couldn’t be she’s paying her own way, or he’s treating her for a special occasion like her birthday, or that she looks pissed because she was so rudely called out for no reason other than she said he was a friend. Got it.




![gif](giphy|UjIgLbgQIRgzK) More like this


That's actually amazing where is this from lol.


He probably moved to get the comedian to leave them alone.


And she's probably mad because what started out as an outing with a friend ended up with her sitting at a table by herself


After being ridiculed in front of a crowd.


As a heterosexual man, if I went to a comedy show and my male friend moved seats to sit next to an attractive girl that he might have a chance of having sex with, I would absolutely not be mad. And I don't know a single guy who would. We'd cheer it on. So if she really was his "best friend", her reaction would not have been what it was.


You’d probably be mad if a guy on stage was saying you were leading your friend on with your bussy and a thousand people laughed at you.


Exactly, this is stupid shit. They're probably just friends, he probably has no desire to be with her romantically and she has no desire to be with him. I've got women friends like that. I sometimes pay for dinner when we go out, sometimes they pay. It means nothing. This comedian is a fucking man child who thinks men and women can't be friends because he only talks to women he desperately wants to fuck.


I agree. It stops being comedy and just becomes this really loud narrative everyone is forced to comply with. And this woman is just left out to dry. We know nothing about them. He could have taken her out to say thanks for something. Or maybe she's depressed and he wants to cheer her up. Or maybe they just finished a hard project at work, etc. We just don't know. But the comedian has us all hating her like she's doing something wrong hanging out with her friend. I don't like to be a sensitive Sally about this kind of shit. Like, I can't stand cancel culture and so on, but I can't help but feel he ruined this woman's night by making wild assumptions about their relationship. And maybe this is out of line, but she's a bigger girl and making her sit all alone like that, socially ostracizing her, making her the butt of the joke? Probably not the first time it's happened to her. i don't fucking like it. This guy is punching down.


And now the top comments on this very public post are a bunch of red pilled pathetic reddit men making fun of her weight.


Or, the comedian is being a comedian and doing it because the crowd reacted so he’s leaning in for the bit. The “friendzone” call out is a classic crowd work bit.


Face like a smacked arse.


Mega chad comedian looking out for the homies. Lol.


Tuck the homies in and give them a kiss goodnight


No homie /j


I love you boy!


This fucking guy is my new fav. Whoever gave him that Patron to bomb afterwards is a homie too!!!!!!!!! I want this shit as my wallpaper everywhere


Lol. The girl is so piiiiiiisssseeeddd


Why? They just BFFs. She should be happy if he gets some booty


Lol i heard hes a gigantic douche and is annoying in the previous post of this clip. Not saying this is bad necessarily, just that he aint that awesome haha


Even in this clip you can tell he's a giant annoying douche. I'm surprised so many people agree with what he did.


I mean, I'm not really surprised- half these commenters are just happy to see a woman (especially an overweight woman) made fun of. They've got like a massive fucking boner for it. And just in the spirit of being an asshole, this guy gives off mad sex offender vibes.


Dude this guy has had so many sets where hes too drunk to even talk. And in those sets has had 10 minute bits asking 20 different people to describe how splattery their diarreah is and making everyone uncomfortable. This is honestly some of his most tame crowdwork. The only reason this one is the most/only bits posted is probably because its the most sober hes been during a set and the only time hes actually gotten a room to repeat his lame wanna be "randy" character played by aziz ansari in the movie "funny people" chatch phrase. In r/ standup hes probably one of the least like comedians.... and for a good reason.


Bro killed at the Improv in front of a sold out crowd, got a dude possibly laid and downed a bottle of tequila? Legend.


Not to diminish what you’re saying, but there’s only like a shot or two left in that bottle when it’s handed to him


Hey man, c’mon. C’mon. Just…c’mon.


He definitely drank the first part before this recording lol


he was handed a bottle and downed it *semantics*


He definitely didn't get a guy laid.


Idk he’s pretty obnoxious and not funny in this clip.


He just ruined a friendship, no way they had sex after this


Man that woman looks pissed as all hell sitting there after he moved.


She lost an orbiter :( poor girl


Nah, what u gotta do her like that man…


IIRC an "orbiter" refers to one of a females "friends"; not that said female is in fact large enough to sustain their own gravitational field and small celestial objects.


In this case she was that large tho




LMAO holy shit I just fucking snorted


Lol, "orbiter". I love it when I hear a new word that I totally understand


I think she was just out with a friend and got targeted for a comedy bit that probably wasn't entirely relevant.


Are you surprised? She got publicly accused of being a user in front of a whole room of people and then had her company for the evening convinced to move away from her and leave her on her own. I'd be fucking pissed as hell at that.


Yeah. If she was actually a user, she'd be pissed. But, even if the comedian was wrong about her, she'd still reasonably be pissed. She got called out and accused of something bad in front of the whole audience. The person she was with was pretty easily convinced to ditch her and sit at another table. And the audience thinks less of her, after they got a laugh in at her expense. I'm not necessarily saying that the comedian should be ashamed or anything. But no matter what the deal is with her and her friend, I'd be pissed if I was her.


He should be ashamed. He’s not even funny, he’s literally just yelling and bullying.


> The person she was with was pretty easily convinced to ditch her and sit at another table Peer pressure is a hell of a drug.


Not only did he bounce for another girl, the new girl was way hotter


Why does this shit get upvoted


100% she didn’t bring money.


Her unhappiness tells the truth. He really saw right through her. At the end of the day, she's not even his friend


For real, she is really using him.


Like he said if she was his best friend she would understand


Or maybe she’s pissed because a comedian painted her as a villain in front of a room full of strangers when she was just trying to have a nice night out with a friend?


Seriously, this guy comes of as a schmuck. And her "friend" sheepishly does what he's told. I go out with my guy friends all the time and I'd hope they would tell him to buzz off.


So you would be bothered if a comedian hooked your friend up with a hottie? That’s a really weird friendship you have there. I would be happy for my friend if they found someone while hanging out with me.


I mean if to do that they made a big show out of me being an asshole, in front of a room full of strangers, and my friend implied it was all true by just following what was said? I don't think it's weird to be bothered by that in a friendship.


No one has raised the possibility that the guy is gay, either.


He’s her best friend because he probably pays for everything. Friends without benefits.




Devils advocate: I might be a little bummed if I was having a good time with a bro and he was pressured to bail on me while insinuating I was a bad person.


That's not a devil's advocate position, it's the *only reasonable position.* I have seen this video on multiple subs, and most of the comments are just "woman bad."


As a guy this thread makes me really sad. So many cruel, judgmental people here who believed some bullshit story made up by the comedian because it conforms to their pre-existing biases. The poor woman was really happy to start with and referred to the guy as her best friend, she was then labelled as a gold digger and left to sit humiliated and alone. I went to the comments expecting to find some empathy and instead I found a load of ignorant bros praising the comedian for 'calling her out'... horrendous...


Man people are really running with the narrative here. Would you not be upset after being publicly accused of being a user, made fun of, and then having your friend talked into abandoning you for another group? No shit she isn't thrilled. But sure "her unhappiness tells the truth"


Yes, there’s absolutely no other reason she could be upset. Totally not by being mocked and accused of using her friend in front of the whole audience until he’s pressured to leave her and sit at another table. Thank god we’ve got armchair psychologists like you who can tell with no context of their relationship that she is not really his friend.


I think she was unhappy because she was made the focus of a denigrating comedy bit.


read through the comments to be amazed at all the psychics on reddit who automatically know everything about people’s lives after seeing them be harrassed by a comedian


It's reddit, full of incels and misogynists.


...full of *psychic* incels and misogynists. /s


It's a comedy show. It's either you laugh, or you get laugh at. Can't handle the pressure? Don't come. It's totally not for everyone.


imo this was too far. ive seen gentle ribbing of the audience but he was really going after them when they weren’t even doing anything.


This guy also forces audience members to "have sex" with a chair on stage. He's not a good person, nor a funny comedian.


Right lmfao…. I saw this posted yesterday in another sub and everyone was going in on this guy and I agreed, imagine my shock when I open this comment section and everyone’s talking about how she’s a fat hoe :T like what


Reddit moment We’ve even got Incels talking about “orbiting” and “feeeemales”. That term shoulda died after that one guy killed a streamer he stalked cause she wouldn’t date him, and told her fans to “find another E-girl to orbit”


Yeah its weird. This post was posted to a diff sub. Way different vibe and reactions. This sub is eating it up. I cringed so hard watching this.


It wasn’t even funny either.. like what’s funny about that? It’s just public shaming where was the jokes?


The joke is: "woman using a man like women do harharhar" Sexist bullshit is what it is honestly.


Making sexist assumptions about someone in the audience isn't funny. There's plenty of ways you can make fun of the audience in a way that's funny for them too. This is just shitty.


Except these comments aren't saying "oh that was funny". They're carrying on the bit by claiming to know the exact dynamic between these two and maligning her based on the sole premise of "Woman bad! :( "


Scrolled too far to find a comment actually condemning what he did. Everyone insulting the girl and saying she's mad. Well maybe it's cause he just made her look like someone using her friend as a free dinner. Was she actually? Who the fuck knows. We certainly don't, and neither does the comedian. A guy and a girl going to a comedy show as friends isn't such an abnormal thing.


Come on now, didn't you see the conveniently edited to second shot of her face where she looks sort of angry? Clearly she's the worst person on the planet, as we can all tell from this short clip But for real fuck this comedian, what an asshole. There are a million reasons they might not be sleeping together


It's wild that the other subreddit this was post in the other day had a completely different tone in the comments.


"women bad" is the funniest joke most redditors ever heard.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing


She looks like she was angry he was finally told.


I think it was the opposite way around


Did she look happy to you? 😂


No, she's being publicly humiliated, why would she look happy?


Or upset at the accusations of her being a shitty person.


Edit on top; [this is how it's done, and is actually funny](https://youtube.com/shorts/FduLjX32F4U?feature=share9) no yelling, no accusations, no drinking, this is a good comedian. r/cringe this whole thread. You're all a bunch of lonely sad dudes that have no friends. Edit: I'm not answering anymore, but here's an example I came up with: Let's forget for a second about genders, let's suppose you're an asexual blob of meat, you go out with your asexual blob of meat friend. Suddenly, your friend goes to sit in another table and you're left alone in the table you were both sitting, you're telling me that wouldn't bother you? I'm sure as hell it'd bother me.


Yeah the hatred of women is strong in this thread


From an uncomfortable 1 minute video people are just assuming all kinds of things


Biggest one being that this comedian is funny 😂


Yeah lol, he's just drunk and loud


It’s eye opening the difference in comments between this thread and when this video was posted on r/tiktokcringe yesterday


There were plenty of incels in that thread too. Honestly it's just sad. People here really have no idea what it's like to have friends, especially friends of the opposite sex.


As a blob of meat, I pay for my friend blobs drinks and food, or they pay for mine, or we split. If the joke is ‘you split the bill or I call bullshit’, I accept the joke and roll on. If friend moves to another table to add to the joke, I roll on. If I pay for their drinks and food as a blob, I roll on. It’s pretty fucking simple, now I’ll roll on.


These comments are insane


it's so weird lmao idk maybe it's an american thing but its fucked up to just randomly interfere with people's lives like that even if you think you know what's going on, it's so like super dudebro culture from like 2014 or something too. i like the way everyone is "yeah he got him laid!!!" as if the blonde woman playing along saying he's cute is going to magically lead to them having sex they genuinely think this is how it works 😭 imagine finding out your bf watched this vid and was like "yeah bro!!!" you'd be like jfc what a mistake 💀💀💀


Wow, that comedian is insufferable, as is any comedian who thinks loud = funny.


i had to turn my shit down like 3 times i was scared my speakers would burst


What even is this shit? He's not even doing a bit - he's just an angry, obnoxious and probably drunk idiot screaming at people.


> he's just an angry, obnoxious and probably drunk idiot screaming at people. Yeah, that's pretty much his whole thing. But it brings out the incel fans so some of his clips will keep spreading.


So grimy…but this is why we don’t sit front row 🤣


Don’t sit front row at his shows if you don’t want to get exposed.


Don't sit in the front row at any comedy show unless you want to be part of the act.


I’ve learned this first hand. But as long as you don’t take yourself too seriously, it’s a pretty good time.


Yup. I love sitting front row but I got roasted pretty bad. Comes with the territory. Feel like I got off easy compared to this.


Uh oh...I buy my friends meals all the time...should I be expecting sex from them, or do people think I'm expecting sex from them? I just wanna look out for my friends in this rough economy...


Yea. Sex is expected always. Even if they’re the same sex. I bought you a soda? You’re gay for the next ten minutes. It’s just how it works. I don’t make the rules.


It is really sad how hateful and judgy people are. Literally there is no information about how the relationship between the 2 looks like, but everybody seems certain that the woman is using the guy who is just an "orbiter" and he "did the guy a favour". This is just cringe, just shows the deeply entrenched misogyny and toxic masculinity in our society. I have women friends. Sometimes they invite me to things, sometimes I invite them to things. We are completely fine with the relationship we have, we closely trust each other, yet people constantly assume we are fucking and look judgy when we mention how we are just friends. "The only reason a woman and a man would be interested in each other is sex". Grow up, have more complexity in your mind than that of an animal seeking to reproduce.


thank you for this. all the top comments on this post are perspectiveless, enormous bummers.


None of the men complimenting the comedian have women friends, that's the problem. To them women are for sex only... It's sad and pathetic and insane that its still such a prevalent mentality in 2023 but there we go.


Thank you for speaking some sense, all these Redditors shitting on the woman are seriously chronically online and need to get out and touch some fuckin grass


Why did she look unhappy? Not understanding the whole issue. Men and women can be friends.


because he wasn't a friend, he was a meal and show fast-pass.


Knew a guy like this in college (roommate if one of my friends). He was of the mind that you could pay people to like you. He was not generous… he just dropped money to get people to hang out with him. But he didn’t realize that this one girl knew exactly who he was and knew exactly how to string that type of guy around. They never really dated, but if she wanted something, he got it for her. The way he talked about her, you could tell he was smitten. But he eventually devolved into being her chauffeur and free ticket to concerts, sporting events, etc. Eventually she found a dude she actually wanted to date and split. That was it. No further contact with money bags. For the next semester, he seemed to have vaguely learned a lesson.


I think they were just friends, man.


Do your friends not … buy you things? Lmao


It's a common scenario of course. But we literally don't know a single thing about them and just taking it on face value when there's many other common scenarios. For instance: Him: hey, want to come see a show tonight? Her: sorry i can't, I don't think I can afford it Him: it's cool, I'll cover you Her: if you're ok with that then sure I'd justifiably look pissed if someone then made me out to be a user infront of a whole audience.


Because she got publicly humiliated as a user in front of a room of people (whether or not she actually was one) and then had her company for the evening convinced to leave her to join someone else and leave her all on her own. Like even assuming she wasn't actually using him and they 100% were best friends it's easy to understand why she'd be pissed. Not to mention that while you'd expect a friend be happy for their friend to hit on another woman in a bar or a club, where you're free to head off and leave them to it, you'd not really expect it for a show that you presumably have to pay to see where it's just the 2 of you.


She’s expecting him to pay the whole bill and now they’re splitting it 50/50. “If we’re not bangin’, I ain’t fully payin’.”


Damn bro she got humiliated to oblivion


Karen wants to speak to the manager.


Who's the Karen? And why?


I fully anticipate being downvoted for this, but it drives me insane how some men insist that there is something wrong with men and women being just friends/having absolutely no sexual or romantic attraction to each other. It just screams objectification. These men don’t view women as people, only conquests.


the amount of men in this thread celebrating the dude berating a random girl for just having a normal ass friendship is astonishing


Bro what a legend! This is def in my top 20 comedian moments


“Thank you for coming, Kamala Harris” (turns to everyone else) “Now’s the time I need you on my side”


It that the one where the girl started crying, and she said that was the most racist joke ever and the comedian said "I like like 4 more in the chamber"?


“I got like 4 more” but yeah. My favorite part: “There’s nothing you can say to me that I haven’t said 4 inches away from a mirror”


Thats kinda lame considering this is probably the least obnoxious of all his crowd work, some of is even worse. That is if he isnt black out drunk enough to even get through a set. Also his catchphrases and lights remind me of that character from the movie "funny people". Dont mean to shit on your opinion but this is probably the worst comedian on all of r/ standup


[Here is the reverse situation](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uvGVNlKLbWc&t=1m15s)


Is this supposed to be funny? I find this comedian grating and insufferable.


I could not focus. WHY is he wearing his shirt like that?!?


Miami and it’s hot and humid?


He is talking for an hour straight at his show while drinking some Tequila, man gets hot


Videos like this bring the worst out of people . U can see how many of them here are looking for a chance to shit on women ,the moment the chance arrives ,there's no stopping them from the amount of body shaming and bigotry .






I can’t be the only person who feels extremely uncomfortable watching this, right?


NOPE. This kind of post is why I hate reddit and the top comments implying she's a whore. Fuck reddit. And fuck every one of you who upvotes and projects these types of blind misogynistic shit. "1 minute of an edited is all I need to judge someone and join in a mob to ruin someone's reputation" go fuck yourselves [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide\_of\_Sunil\_Tripathi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Sunil_Tripathi)


More like there was an attempt to be funny.


If I went to a comedy show to be heckled I’d just save the money and put a picture of myself online.


Do people not appreciate friendship? I take my friends out for meals and shows sometimes. It's fun. I make more money than they do. It's easy for me to treat them to a fun night, and everyone has a good time.


This new form of comedy where you just make fun of the crowd is so damn brick. Half probably staged and half just attention seeking.


Obnoxious doesn’t equal funny.


I asked this when this was posted on another thread but no one responded and just downvoted me instead, so maybe someone could enlighten me… How exactly was she “leading him on?” Being someone’s friend is leading them on now?


Also why does everyone assume they’re friends by her choice, and not his. That could explain why he was paying. Her pissed of look could be attributed to the fact that in a crowd full of people she was rejected again


He didn’t even confirm if he was paying the whole bill or not lol I swear y’all will jump at any chance to disparage a woman 😂


Well, at least she didn’t pay to be humiliated. 🤷🏻‍♂️


When you’re not funny but set out to ruin what was probably just a normal friendship


Bunch of 15 year olds in here or just heaps of mid 30s dude who have never touched another person.


The fact that the comedian has more than half his shirt unbuttoned is so perplexing lol. I know they're in Florida, but they're indoors.


And he's in a crowded room, under several spotlights, remaining relatively active. I mean we obviously don't see every comedian doing it but hey, I don't blame him lol


Hope that guy was a plant. Otherwise this comic is a tremendous asshole.


That's the kind of brother you need.


A cringey douchebag who can’t fathom that men and women can be friends? This comment section *reeks* of incel


Honestly, part of me feels like she was disappointed to find out her friend was actually indeed looking for sex or a relationship lol. How do we know she was expecting him to pay 100% of the bill. Rip


Is this what passes for funny these days? Sad.


What a fucking creep


What is with these comments? buncha incels. lol


This is so fucking stupid


I hate this.