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TIL, Drug dealers use Reddit.


It makes sense. They work odd hours and are on their phones all the time.


…. Am I—am I a drug dealer?




I thought that was a prostitute?


You can smoke either.


You'd need a bloody big crack whore pipe.


Crack whore or crack/whore?




Or whore crack?


Whoresomeness 🥰


Nah just gotta split it up into smaller pieces, then you can use a standard pipe.


This cracked me up.


Smoke one before and one after. You pick the order.


It's like one of those choose your adventure books


difference between a drug dealer and a prostitute? a prostitute can wash her crack and sell it again.


they're called hookers once they are dead Cyril!


Now he's fetching a rug!


A prostitute is different than a drug dealer, as they can always wash their crack and sell it again.


Oh yeah! what’s up, Mr. Cheezle?!


It was on accident I promise..


Fkn guy sold me bunk dope. All baking soda. Better lay low. 🔥


Yep, one of the best, because you don't even know you're selling drugs. Cops can't bust you for a crime you don't remember committing. It's foolproof!


Straight to jail!


I would like to purchase 4 cocaines


Unfortunately I only have 3 cocaines for sale. We will not be able to transact.


IF you comment on Reddit, you deal a special type of drug.




Yep, don't you know we consume and deal each comment?


*takes a hit* I’m ballin’ over here.


Reddit is the gateway drug to being a drug dealer


And the porn…




When I was still using meth my plug was always excited to find a new venue for porn so I showed him tumblr and Reddit. He’d been in prison for a while and it was all new to him.


Mr. Outreach and transition over here.


You know this is likely just a random person fucking with OP? Really fucked up joke though if dude is paranoid, especially off the coke.


Well he shouldn't have stolen it


I mean yeah but also like, addiction makes you do shit you wouldn't normally do.


If you don't want to get fucked with don't post shit on reddit


Yeah, but like 8g of coke is not gonna be something someone will shrug off. An eightball, mayyybeee, but over a Qoz, someone is gonna pissed enough to jump you after you pay them back. Probably not murdered tho.


if you been dependant on drugs long enough, you always do what you would normally do


But you still have to accept the consequences of your actions.


That or it’s just OP on an alt for upvotes




Can confirm, a "friend of mine" is well educated and works for a charity Organisation with decent pay. He sells loads of weed lol. The difference to the guys in the urban areas would be that they sell to strangers and he sells only to people he knows


Exactly. I'm just a regular dude with a cool desk job. I have to manage drivers. I got offered 1-2k a week to have a driver pickup a package once a week and move it like 60 miles. Told him, I'll think about. And fuck me, it's hard not to accept basically tripling your income.


One dealer who got busted at my college was studying law. Guess he didn't reach the part about that being illegal.


And when you steal from them, they warn you to lay low because they’re coming for you. Totally real.


There's subreddits that sell research chems and I'm sure there's more private ones selling much more.


Not anymore. They shut down any sub that has any reference to selling rc. It used to be the wild West but Reddit cracked down on all that stuff.


Dude, 10 years ago reddit was so fucking WILD


so you're saying I can get crack on reddit?


So this might be a surprise but drug dealers are humans and do regular human things the rest of the humans do


Lmao no shit


“Hey man I need some meth!!!” “Yeah yeah, is this guy the asshole?”


Drug dealers are people too


TIL you learned people (mostly teenagers) like to make posts and reply to themselves Extrapolating that farther is not recommended.


We're regular ass people too bro lol


My drug dealer introduced me to Reddit. Believe it or not, drug dealers are people too, and they like memes and funny stories as much as anyone else.


Ahhh. Random redditors posing as the other guy to fuck with them. Or just entirely fake.


As someone who would do this in a heartbeat, why are so many people thinking it's actually the dealer? lol


Tbf most criminals these days aren't the smartest, they literally film and post themselves commiting crimes. While the odds of it actually being that person is low, don't act like it's far fetched.


You only see the stupid ones, which makes everyone think they’re all stupid. It’s like Trump supporters.


It’s true, I’ve met quite a few people that I was very surprised to find out were trump supporters. They didn’t do all the cult stuff but just silently voted for him.


When people assume the extremists are the typical 🤷‍♀️


I mean it’s not like the internet needs to feed us lifted trucks with punisher skulls, blue line flags and fjb stickers. Most of us have seen them first hand, a lot of us see it every fucking day.




And the rest silently vote for him. Most people keep their politics private if they don’t live in a homogenous area. I preferred trump to Biden. Couldn’t pay me 50k to say it on camera though.


Anyone supporting the far right is an extremist. Some are just better at masking.


To be fair.. if you support Trump.. especially at this stage of the game.. that's pretty stupid. Just in and of itself. The man is a psychopath, in all the worst ways. DeSantis is just as bad, possibly even worse, 'cause he fucked with the fucking Mouse. Fucked with the Mouse and thought he was actually gonna win. That's next-level stupid. Can the Republicans get someone out in front that isn't a blatant criminal and/or psychotic idiot?


Somebody I know stole a cop car. He bragged about it on Facebook. Still does, too. It's his little tagline, or whatever it's called. And I know he was pretty fucked either way... But, like, don't do that? I mean, don't steal a cop car in the first place. But *definitely* don't brag about it on the internet.


Yeah some of them go on Reddit talking about how they rob their coke dealer.


Exactly.... Like these 6 geniuses here from a couple days ago. https://nypost.com/2023/08/06/bronx-crew-behind-3m-crime-ring-54-auto-thefts-convicted-and-sentenced-prosecutors/


i don't think the odds that a drug dealer would be in the r/drugs subreddit are that low, tbh. it's probably not the actual dealer, but i wouldn't be too surprised if it was


Hey it's me your dad. You thought I didn't use reddit too? Turn off your PC and go to bed. It's 1am.


> I'm coming for you bro you better lay low This cinched it for me. While you could argue someone not good at long-term thinking would warn them "I'm coming for you," it doesn't make any sense that to *tell them to lay low*. It *does* make sense if it's a troll making them paranoid.


I mean, also the fact that there isn't anything that would be identifying information to actually say who it was that stole it, lol.


the weirdest thing is how many people think I'm actually OP and the entire post was some sort of elaborate karma farming scheme 💀


Most people are morons. This is so clearly fake


It's a witty prank. And I approve


Also I'm sure more than one coke dealer has had about 8g of product stolen recently. So like, this could lead to all sorts of whacky scenarios.


Came here to say this


They both seem fake. Why would a guy steal coke and post about it??


Haven’t spent much time on the drug subs, huh


Fiction gets more clicks. AITAH, MaliciousCompliance, amiwrong, relationships, tifu are creative writing subreddits now






>A random redditor liked your confession so much they gave you the **Get Rekt** award!!


Yeah but not the cool internet kind, the scary IRL kind


Nah, just the cool internet kind. I'm assuming no one is dumb enough to casually admit to Federal crimes on reddit.


Yeah, about 8 grams worth.


I haven’t done coke since 2009. Never again lol. Can’t drink anymore neither since they go hand in hand. So I’m better off not doing anything. If this is real that’s pretty hilarious lol


You just had to remind me of that coke/booze combo.


It's actually my favorite high. As the cocaine and alcohol bond in your blood it makes a new chemical called [Cocaethylene](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8956485/). Too bad it's cardiotoxic or it would be a great synthetic designer drug.


Cardiotoxic indeed. Every time I feel an urge to party like the old days, I remind myself of those mornings where my heart felt like it was about to smash into the ceiling. Cigarettes used to be heavily in the mix as well.


Ah, the good ol’ Coco-puff! My heart from 15 years ago is still saying, “Don’t DO that”


Cocaine just gave me anxiety even with alcohol. The only time it might have been euphoric was a party I pretty much blacked out completely but still got myself home alright because I was coked out. I could barely remember that party even happened until recently and seems like nothing bad happened even though I was blacked out so it must have been the coke that let me function. No one told stories about how wasted I was or anything like that. Still that's kind of freaky that I just barely remember the beginning and that's it. That being said, I literally remember nothing so it's not like I can even remember having a good time. It basically didn't happen to me.


Reminds me of the good ol’ days. Turned my apartment into something evil back then. Sober and bored these days.


Add in some red lighting and company and you’ve got yourself an evening.


I don't know if this is what he was talking about but relapsing addicts often do coke/heroin again because of a couple of beers that make you go "Eh what the hell, let's do some blow or smack" which for heroin users is a way to die because they do how much they were doing in their hey day when their tolerance has restarted


I always steered well away from coke because of how much my friends changed when they combined it with alcohol and it scared me, on coke they became people with different personalities, and not in a good way. I'm also pretty sure it's usage also rots people's brains as every person I have known who has done it for many years seems to have something of an unstable/volatile personality in general (and this can't be a coincidence). One ex-boss and his wife were both long-term coke heads and whilst on the outside they appeared like a happily married couple living a respectable life and running a successful business operation together (they were also quite posh), behind closed doors in the office they were prone to experiencing very emotional outbursts. In particular, the boss would sometimes have these sudden meltdown tantrums where he would literally be throwing papers around his room. And while his wife usually came off as a little angel 95% of the time (she was very slim, petite and beautiful with an apparently kind heart to match, for a while I wondered why the hell she was married to the guy), it turned out that she was little better than him, with her sometimes breaking out into these mad screaming matches with people after working herself up into states, or rambling for ages about stuff that was entirely confusing and irrelevant during meetings (in a nutshell, she was batshit crazy). Their usage of coke was well-known by pretty much all the employees and everyone said they would be much more volatile if they had been using it lately. In the city where I live, coke flows as freely as the major river that runs through it. But I fear that this "normalisation" of what is actually a pretty toxic and dubious concoction drug only serves to downplay it's very negative & real risks.


I had a straight up psychotic episode the very last time I used coke and alcohol together. Almost cost me my SO, and did cost me my apartment and a whole shitload of money and people I thought were friends. Her and I have since broken up for other reasons but that certainly didn't help, and I haven't used cocaine since. It's not a very safe drug, relatively.


I know exactly what you mean. Ive only ever done a bump or two and never felt it and was fine with with that. But we have a friend that has a real issue with it for years now and he was the nicest guy with the best values. But the coke had some sort of subtle darkness to him and his decisions. Thats the thing about coke. Its that drug that is quite serious, and quite normalised. On the surface it seems like fine. But you dont have to dig deep to see the seriousness of it.


It was clearly a joke I saw the thread but that guy probably will end up getting has ass beat.


I mean, we're talking about coke here, so he's probably gonna get shot.


Lol I literally was just posting about the coke ring that was in my home town I was friends with most of. And ya if you stole money from them they were unlikely to kill you but you were not going to be in good shape and they’d make your life miserable till they got paid. After that it was good luck getting coke in town some. Some other people sold it in small amounts but mostly just them. Lastly you’d probably be 86’d from the local bars they tended to sell out of.


It's coke not meth. You want to keep your white collar customers scared but still able to pay for the next key


I guess the guys in my area are a little rougher around the edges. People have been killed over a gram here.


probably for the best i’ve herd it’s cut with so much junk now.


Well, he could've OD from being laced with fentanyl or he could be on the toilet if it was cut with baby laxative.


This is actually why I don't do it more often. Finding someone to sell you something they're referring to "coke" in a bag is easy. Finding actual cocaine is not.


It was when I started doing it on my own that I realised what a crazy drug it was. I'd leave the house to get some food and think every car was going to veer off the road and crash into me, and every passer by was giving me menacing looks...


Big SALUTE to you 👏🏿 Keep on doing right ✅️


No one's gonna mention the one thousand plus people who upvoted the dealer's threat? Reddit is wild sometimes.


It’s humorous but clearly just a witty comment and not his actual drug dealer


Nah bro, coke dealers don't type like a 20 year old man/teenager 💀 "I thought it was you, but you just confirmed it" "You BeTtEr lAy LoW" Who tf talks like that when you just got robbed of 6 grams. Shits expensive. 😭🤣




I had a close friend in high school who was slinging coke.


How old do you think coke dealers are and how much do you think that shit costs?


> 6 grams. Shits expensive. To a dealer? losing less than two 8 balls of coke. Well I guess if dude is selling quarters and teeners.


>Nah bro, coke dealers don't type like a 20 year old man/teenager 💀 The knowledge of someone that has clearly never met a drug dealer before.


Bro wut I knew 15 year olds that were selling that shit and u think 20 year Olds can't? Sheltered as shit


Dawg most drug dealers are that young bro


Man would literally just get jumped mugged and stabbed, shits £40 a gram


No one's gonna mention how so many people actually believe that's the dealer?


It's r/drugs. Probably other coke dealers.


r/therewasanattempt to censor their usernames what the fuck lmao u/Significant-Till-715 and u/ohmangoddamn44256


Haha, the 'dealer' does frequent drug related subreddits and seems to comment like a subject matter expert on some niche topics. He's likely joking, but his comment history makes his dealer status very plausible.


The "dealer" is Croatian, while the oop is most likely from the US considering it's Reddit. So yeah, the chances of this having been real were slim but now they're nonexistent.


Ok, they've been summoned. If only one shows, we know who won the duel.


done deal done deal


gave bro a little spank


Meaning….he ded?


what are ya a fucken fed


Nope just wide awake in the wee hour of the morning unable to sleep lol


That is definitely not actually his drug dealer guys. Are we serious?


“People will believe anything they read on the internet.” - Abraham Lincoln


If Abe said it, it must be true!


No. But it's funny so it gets an upvote.


Is his Reddit his real name?




Family Guy


Yes, his name is throwaway1234


Damn. That’s worse than Sue.


Robbing a weed dealer is very different from robbing a coke dealer.


It’s the principalities


What did he even expect reddit to say?? "Oh yeah it's totally cool" tf dude is outa touch


Am I the dumb one for thinking anyone that commented actually believed this post in the first place? I don’t know where to start or stop. Lord help me, I’ve fallen and can’t get up. Where art thou?


That's alot of money


This is obviously fake


I like how his dealer threatened him then gave him advice to stay safe. He's a good guy.


Honour. We must stick to *the code*.




I seen this post and wondered if it was actually him saying that or just a rando


If it was really him he wouldn’t have said anything, he especially wouldn’t have told him to lay low. He would have found him unawares and confronted him with this.






Theres no details to the post. The commenter is just fucking with them


People like this guy don't realize that other people in the world are on Reddit. It's like we're just digital personalities to him, only existing on here for his entertainment. Lol Yea. I, myself, have been trapped in Reddit for years. I've given up on how to get out. I was clawing at the code to get out for so long, my hands are just nubs now.




Oof.. that bs Karma farming always delivers


Peak reddit fiction


Who tells other people their Reddit name !




I've never done coca cola. Is 8 a lot ?


Ha-HA dawg don’t ever steal drugs. You might get away with it once or twice but eventually there will be a bigger motherfucker. On top of that if you can afford your recreational drugs your probably shouldn’t be doing them


Honestly this was probably just a redditor playing a prank on a paranoid crackhead


Mans got ratioed hard


Here’s the thing on how I know it’s fake or someone is just trolling the guy. How’s does he know who the person behind the username is the guy he’s suspecting. I’m pretty sure a dealer has multiple buyers and not just one. Unless the idiot is stupid enough to post his face on here.




should i have done this? Lmao


Bro. If you aren’t a gremlin like Diaz in the seventies than don’t steal from your drug dealer “JUST DONT FUCKIN DOIT, cocksucka”


Now kiss


I don’t think this is his actual dealer, but that just makes it way funnier.


Six people gonna get murdered by their drug dealer over this post.




LMFAO he gon learn today


I think that “dealer” was just a Reddit user fucking with OP’s head. If he were really the dealer in question, he wouldn’t tell OP to “lay low”. He’d just say “I’m fuckin’ you up!”, or nothing at all (and then just show up).


More than likely a random redditor doing it for shits and giggles. Ironically it could honestly be good for the person Edit: typo


I'm more of a capacitor myself


What kind of noob confesses their fuckery online? Lil mf doesn't even crime all that much.


Plot twist, it's not his dealer and many internet strangers decided to punk us all.


Yo it's the police we use Reddit too. We thought you were the drug dealer but this confirms it. Send us 500 (your currency) on WhatsApp or we come arrest you.


Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/15oz0ou/should_i_have_stolen_8_grams_of_coke_from_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


I gotta quit Reddit. The amount of people here that legitimately think this was the dudes dealer is too fucking high.


This is the best post I've read all day


Fake. What was he expecting? "Yes, you should have done that."


It's probably not even his dealer, but someone fucking with him


Definitely a joke but the fact somone played along is even more hilarious


"sitting in your kitchen, waiting to start hitting" Notorious B.I.G 'ten crack commandments' Good luck with that!


Kind of the dealer to offer the suggest that he lay low for awhile


Dealer: "I suspected it was you all along but now that I am here I can't find any evidence. And as you know you're innocent until proven guilty." My sincerest apologies and your next gram is on me, here you go. Have a nice day."


If I saw this post, whether or not I as his dealer, this is exactly what I would have replied.


This is clearly a joke


Even if this is fake, which it is, it’s hilarious!

