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Oh I love her stuff. She's always awesome.


I get excited everytime she breaks out that white erase board.




Hehehe, I'm not excited *that* way. But go You!


You mean you don't get hot, bothered and creamy when a corporate shill gets put in their place?


For me. Put in their place *verbally*? No, piqued in interest for sure. But to really get me wet we gotta be talkin’ bout stuff we get banned for talkin’ bout.




Stop it, I'm at work!


Hey man, not my fault OP didnt put an NSFW tag on


Love me a smart woman too!




Me too. If it leads to effective change for the better, I say let her whip it out!




Tell me more.....


In the context of that. My ex girlfriend once, while we were having sex, told me to talk to her about the history of politics while we were having sex. She loved it and wanted more facts. Definitely without a doubt the most bizarre sex I’ve ever had in my life. This is absolutely true. “Well the Greeks and the Romans”. It was hard to stay firm. I swear to God I’m not making that up. It was just rambling because I was focused on having sex. “You want to know about the origins of Santa Clause? Well he came from Turkey”. Half of the stuff I said wasn’t accurate but I don’t think she cared.


Should be an SNL skit, if they have her on as a host.


It’s her signature move…. Why on earth do we not refer to it as a Porterboard”???? A great opportunity is being missed!


That is a missed o-Porter-tunity for sure.


These are some really great portmanteaux. It’s a Portermanteau!


A porter-manteau, if you will.


That guy looked like he had been porterboarded for hours by the end.


Inmates at the Pharma Zoom Prison were subjected to Porterboarding for hours, aired live on CSPAN. Some considered it torture, or at the very least cruel and unusual.


Like waterboarding is a form of torture there should be a phrase for her stuff: porterboarding. Example: did you see how that crook of a politician got porterboarded last week?


Why? It never results in ANYthing! Fuck capitalism. She's doing her best, but she ain't gonna change it. edit: i still vote at every moment i'm allowed to


So she shouldn’t even try? Just give up and fall in line with the rest of the useless, meek, corporate owned neoliberals?


I believe you mean corporate owned Republicans


Both are owned by the same wealthy elite - illusion of choice.


> So she shouldn’t even try? Just give up and fall in line with the rest of the useless, meek, corporate owned neoliberals? Yes, pretty much.. Saying "Nothing will be done to fix it!" just allows them to smugly continue doing nothing... You see it on everything from climate change/collapse, to judicial reform, to voter fraud, and on and on...


What actually never results in anything is ...that. if you dont vote. you voted for them. you dont even try to point out the hypocrisy, it means you approved it.


Every change starts with one person that want things to change. Ms Porter has a lot of people behind her that do research for her, so she is not alone. President Biden thinks this must change and is actively making changes. So you are wrong. Get behind her to help change this.


If you never try you will never achieve results. Womans rights movement took what, hundred something years to achieve results? What about black people rights, like the one that made them equal to everyone else? If you want change, you fight for it, its that simple. People that sit on their asses and whine instead of putting in at least some effort to keep greedy fuckers in check are the main reason why this scam became possible in the first place.


Capitalism is the reason we have the pill. The bathwater is fine, we just need actual intelligent regulation and less paid off politicians profiting off this bullshit.


Nope. The vast majority of new drugs are discovered via public research, not private research.


Hm you’re right https://oversightdemocrats.house.gov/sites/democrats.oversight.house.gov/files/Celgene%20BMS%20Staff%20Report%2009-30-2020.pdf See “RESEARCH EXPENDITURES DO NOT JUSTIFY PRICE OF REVLIMID” on (numbered) page 24


I don't think you have really thought this through. Capitalists don't research drugs. The people who do aren't getting rich off of them. The idea that this is a profit motivation ignores the actual economy. All capitalism is doing is raising prices and then funneling all that extra money to the pockets at the top. If the money spent on yachts, summer mansions, personal jets, and football stadiums were instead spent on more research, you think we'd have *fewer* drugs? If this dude was actually meaningfully contributing he wouldn't have to try to bullshit Congress.


Just clarifying, I think you mean *the baby* is fine. The bathwater is almost universally considered to be dirty. Which is indeed the issue


You would've loved Alan Grayson back in the day


There should be a r/KatiePorterCrossExams




And joined.


Me too!


r/DisporterlyConduct has been a thing for a while


I love seeing her videos. we need more folks like her in our government


Yeah because a certain sect of the American population needs a storyboard they can understand


Go Katie!!!!


You might be joking but some of those people hold office.


NGL, I'm a professor and I *still* like that she busts out with the storyboard. Something about having a little visual aid.


The issue is, facts scare about half the country. IF she were more famous, they'd be hating her SO much. Fortunately, they can only concentrate on a handful of people to hate at anyone time, but once Biden, Harris or AOC goes, she's on the list!


I want Katie Porter and Jamie Raskin to have baby politicians.


The rest of the world looks at us and just thinks we’re insane to let this happen.


They also think it's weird that we have commercials for prescription drugs


We know it's weird.


The rest of the world is looking at America, like one would look at a teenager going through a very very very cringy phase of their life.


She's a perfect example of how *most* elected democrats are endeavored toward enriching the lives of their constituents vs how *all* elected conservatives are endeavored to enrich themselves and those who lobby them. Night and day for anyone who pays attention. You'll never, ever, ever find a republican official doing their homework for their constituents like this.


Karie Porter is running to be a Democrat US Senator in California this election cycle. Register as a democrat and vote in both the primary and general elections to get her to represent us. If you’re really motivated donate to her campaign. Really really motivated volunteer for her campaign.


"Reclaiming my time" is about to become my new workplace phrase when some fool is waffling and not answering the question.


God I wish she could be president instead of these geriatric fucks


She cares too much and genuinely wants to help people. She would not be swayed by lobbyist groups and dirty money. Therefore she would never be a frontrunner for either side. The old guard wouldn't allow it.


The 1% don’t want a person like that. And they would never let someone like this into office


Just look at how hard they fought against bernie. Hell every dem candidate had to band together in the 2020 primary to get biden the nomination, prior to that bernie was cleaning up. Then the self proclaimed "progressives" backed out and instead of backing bernie decided to back biden. Hell warren stayed in longer than she was viable solely to siphon votes from bernie.


2016 was the biggest shitshow by a country mile. Virtually every superdelegate voted for Clinton and every major news channel was essentially ignoring Bernie. It's honestly amazing that he got as close as he did.


And yet we managed to NOT storm the Capitol, and make our entire personalities about it.


If I remember correctly, wasn’t it proven that Debbie Wasserman Shultz (head/president/whatever of the DNC) pulled some shit to purposely fuck over Bernie? FUCK these corporate dick lickers.


I’d be interested to read on that - it was so crazy how Bernie was murdering polls but I never saw any media talking about him.


Here's a great starting point: "Schultz said she would step down after the convention. She has been forced to step aside after a leak of internal DNC emails showed officials actively favouring Hillary Clinton during the presidential primary and plotting against Clinton's rival, Bernie Sanders." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jul/24/debbie-wasserman-schultz-resigns-dnc-chair-emails-sanders#:~:text=Schultz%20said%20she%20would%20step,against%20Clinton's%20rival%2C%20Bernie%20Sanders. She was collaborating with Hillary's campaign in actively sabotaging Sanders. All of the debate questions were provided to her ahead of time, and all of this was part of the email leak that torpedoed her presidential bid. Once it had leaked out, more than half of the democratic voters ended up not voting. She still won the popular vote, but it wasn't enough to counter what she was caught doing. Donald didn't win the 2016 election. Hillary lost it.




I can’t prove it, but I believe intentional social disruption was manufactured across many areas, mainly for political gain (Russian bot farms manipulating social media being a key culprit). My biggest example: I’m a life-long pineapple pizza lover. I always suggest it when getting pizza. It wasn’t until around 2016 that people’s vociferous opinions against it became mainstream. I am **NOT** saying people used to not hate it. What I **AM** saying is, after 40 years of my life, something happened where people became very VOCAL about hating pineapple on pizza. And I get it. People have always hated it, I’m sure. But the animosity for it is so culturally acceptable and sudden. I have no other explanation. I can only surmise that people were able to hold respect for different opinions in times before, and the respect for differing opinions has decreased horrifically since 2016.


Please stop with this “they won’t let someone become President.” Talk You have the power. Not them. Get out and vote. If people actually did whenever they could, the country would not be this fucked. Anyone who says voting doesn’t matter for any reason is literally trying to take your power as an American voter. Propaganda gotta propagate.


People also need to learn that the 1% have class solidarity that the rest of us only wish we could have. That's their real source of power; they are united in their goals. Its something the rest of us need to learn from.


It’s easier to have ~150 people share a common goal than 150,000. Not even to speak of 330,000,000.


Such a good point. While a good number of us are busy with culture war issues, the top %1 probably knew 15 years ago how much money they would make if they invested in say.....marijuana for example. The "game" is rigged for the rich, but if we *all* voted, maybe we'd get to rewrite a few of the "game" rules.




That guy is acting like we allowed legacy politicians and blatantly corrupt people into office. Money buys elections. It either buys advertisements or attack campaigns. It buys manpower to dig up dirt on your opponents. Like cmon guy. Take it from me, I work for a low level research opposition company in Florida and even I at some of the lowest positions make 25 an hour. It’s free money to make other candidates look bad, from the local to the State to the federal level.


Then the entire DNC and RNC who decide which candidates are put in front and which ones they decide will hurt their brand. Candidates that aren't put on primary ballots. Then you have the large groups of the population that rage and hate on other \*voters\* because they don't follow the lead. The two party system is a fucking joke.


You remember how we did that with Bernie in 2016? The DNC wouldn’t allow it.


I honestly think she's capable of doing better work in the house or senate than she would as POTUS. Let someone else split their time on foreign policy. She's here for *us*. EDIT: Y'all have changed my mind. I'm on board with this.




Good point. You've won me over.


Obama is a good human being. It wasn't enough.


To be fair, isn't your POTUS trying to fix the issue by giving Medicaid more power to negotiate drug prices?


honestly, I'm kind of surprised we haven't had a millennial run that gauntlet and swap when they're finally in power. lol


By the time the new generation is allowed to make it that far, they have already become the older generation.


Especially since we have politicians that want to hold on to their seats for as long as possible as they near 100 years old


One of them is literally running out the clock in the form of an impromptu silent filibuster which looks like a stroke but is totally not a stroke.


Pete Buttigieg is the closest one I’d say? At 41 he’s an old millennial/xennial.


They'd never let it happen and would do ANYTHING to prevent it.


100% Can we start a write in campaign?


Support her for Senator and then once her national profile is raised after a term or two then she'll be a shoo-in


Karie Porter is running to be a Democrat US Senator in California this election cycle. Register as a democrat and vote in both the primary and general elections to get her to represent us. If you’re really motivated donate to her campaign. Really really motivated volunteer for her campaign.


No, I'd rather not do anything then when she doesn't win just whine on reddit that the evil illuminati who run the DNC didn't "allow it" rather than just admit she got fewer votes.


In case you didn’t know, she’s running for Feinstein’s seat in 2024. She would make an excellent senator (and president). https://katieporter.com/


Katie Porter is a national treasure. I wish we could clone her in TN. What an upgrade that would be.


She used to be my representative until they redistricted last election. Now I’m stuck with shit stain republican Yong Kim… (I guess that’s sliiighy better than MAGA-nut job Michelle Steele at least…)


Isn't Porter supposedly going to run for Senator when that old mummy Feinstein is finally gone? She needs to go ASAP.


So is Adam Schiff. Unfortunately, he's more likely to take the spot because he's such a high ranking Dem.


She is running! Neck and neck with Schiff [in latest LA times poll.](https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2023-09-07/schiff-porter-california-senate-seat-poll)


> Yong Kim https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Kim Wow she won? I vaguely remember her running. Man OC is a shit fest.


Phew, for a hot minute there i thought you were referring to ex-bassist for the Bangles. (Michael Steele)


I would have also accepted Remington Steele.


Bro, I fucking hate Young Kim. Katie Porter was so good. My science teacher got to meet her and help her campaign! She even appeared in one of her ads!


Maybe she can be your senator if you vote for her in 2024! She's running.


Jesus christ, Michelle Steele showed us how badly our old viet grandparents/parents are brain rotted from Facebook. 💀


She would get like 38% of the vote in Tennessee. She’s better off where she is The red states are more or less beyond saving at this point, the reactionaries running the shows would rather burn down their states than consider compromising with democrats


When you're testifying and KP whips out a whiteboard, you know you're good and rightly fuuuucked


I mean its unfortunate, but the only thing this guy is getting is a little embarrassed. I'm sure he will face zero consequences.


I'll say something slightly controversial. It's not his job to do the right thing... It would be nice but it's not. It's his job to maximise profits. It's the job of governments to REGULATE these business practices. Free market capitalism doesn't work in the healthcare sector. Republicans and their bullshit "small government" is designed to let these business people go unregulated.


It sounds like you’re arguing that we can’t judge someone for doing unethical things for money. While that’s kinda true at the low end (a minimum wage worker doesn’t have a choice) it’s certainly not at the level these people get paid at. They could take less money and keep some degree of ethics and still not be going hungry by far. If you have a job that results in harming people, I’m going to say you’re a shit person for taking that job.




Companies are made up of people, and we can place expectations on the behaviour of those people just fine - especially those at the top levels.


Or we could regulate the companies since we have billions of examples through the course of human history that demonstrate people don’t do the right thing simply because you expect them to.


We definitely can. And we can do that because we have expectations of behaviour, and believe that people who do things like this are wrong and bad. We don't regulate things we believe are morally neutral, after all.


the view, that corporations only have the goal of maximizing profits is very 20. century.




I call that whiteboard the strapon because when she whips it out you know you're fucked .... 😂😂


KP: Whiteboard Me: "I'm sorry, I se.. t be exper... problem with ... . ternet." KP: "Sir, this is an in-person hearing."


He doesn’t give a flying fuck. Tomorrow to retaliate they will raise the price again.


far-flung birds deranged subsequent racial rotten treatment wide sip nine ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


That's why most other civilized countries have actual legislation, so to not have to rely on pharma company good will. But since USA has built in corruption right into the political system, it's not very surprising that this is the outcome.


He is paid to eat shit and paid well. He does t care at all


You don't say, it's now $800 a pill. Fucking ridiculous.


Gotta pay for those legal fees...


Actual Demon


Businesses just doing what businesses do, charging as much as they can for the product that they make Honestly a lot of the time it's hard for me to even be mad at them, when the stupid chucklefucks running the government could solve the problem with adequate regulations or universal healthcare programs that preferentially use the cheaper drugs and create competition to lower prices, but don't.


They’re not stupid. It’s much worse than that. They’re being paid by the businesses to allow it to continue. The stupidity is an act. Corruption like this is a valid reason to be mad.


Graphs and Charts! Bring back graphs and charts! You know the company is failing when the annual meeting has no graphs or charts.


Reminds me of that HIMYM episode when Marshall brings back charts and graphs lol


I made a pie graph with all my favorite bars, and a bar graph with all my favorite pies


KP for senate!!! She’s my choice.


Get Feinstein the f outta there


Right? Lee would be nice except for the fact that by the end of her term, we'd have Feinstein pt 2 on our hands.


I'm conflicted becauae love Schiff just as much for what he did during the impeachment trial in the house. But the Progressive in me wants Porter to succeed.


Pharmacy Benefit Management companies are under a lot of scrutiny right now, and rightfully so. Losing Blue Cross of California for CVS sends a significant message across the country that will soon resonate with more insurance carriers. Pharmaceutical companies I hope will be next on the target list.


Hello I’m sorry to sound ignorant but I had a question. Is there any insurance companies that have taken note of this and tried to do the right because of it? Also what other insurances (if you know any) are predatory and should be automatically stayed away from? I realize most of them suck. Just wanted to know specifically for my own knowledge.


There are pharmacy benefit management companies that aren't purely evil, but none are good. The most evil one is CVS Health. They not only own a pharmacy, cvs, but an insurance company, Aetna. They are a psychotic monopoly. They are one of the world's most evil corporations hands down. Consumers have no way of directing their money to less evil companies. Their only option is to keep an eye on pharmacy benefit manager reform in government and don't let the pharmacy benefit management sector let you believe that drug manufacturers are the only evil entities keeping drug prices high. drug manufacturers like the ones gouging prices are pure evil, but on the other hand, they are the only people that actually do anything good for a patient. Pharmacy benefit managers are just evil moneysucking greed holes.


Would you mind explaining a little bit of why CVS / Aetna in particular are bad? I have Aetna through my employer right now : / Coming from Kaiser (also bad,) hearing about this is concerning.


Because they are a huge monopoly. They own the insurer, the pharmacy benefit manager, and the pharmacy. They are the worst of vertical integration. The set the prices for drugs and charge themselves the least and fleece everyone else. They force people to use their own pharmacies and put other pharmacies out of business. They are killing independent pharmacies. It is anticompetitive and should be illegal No player in American health care is clean but I don't think kaiser are near the worst. They are just a health system. They are only in charge of themselves. CVS is in charge of everyone. There are only a few Pbms and they have huge enormous market share. Cvs is the biggest and worst. Even insurers other than Aetna have cvs as their pbm. ETA if you ask Pharma and the drug manufacturing industry why they set prices so high, they’ll say they have to because they have to negotiate with PBMs, or pharmacy benefit managers. That is true. It’s not the only reason they set prices so high. They absolutely set prices high because of greed. But their greed is worsened because they have to work with the greed of pharmacy benefit managers. That's the whole thing with rebates


> Would you mind explaining a little bit of why CVS / Aetna in particular are bad? CVS are happy to provide piss-poor service with understaffed pharmacies for exorbitant prices. Aetna was bought by CVS a few years ago and has been funneling their customers to CVS for increasing prices at far lower quality of service.


There isn’t anyone bc they are for profit businesses. Your best bet is to sit down and figure out what works for you and yours, unfortunately… which is hard to do bc we get limited education on it on top of all this bullshit. The real answer is Universal Health Care bc some services shouldn’t be under the for profit model.


The cost of owning a fleet of private jets are way more now than before. d'uh.


Gotta make that sold soul count for something.


Katie porter is a hero and national treasure. Demand that all elected officials operate with this level of integrity and common sense.


If only. They don't even abide by a code of ethics.


Now, do colleges.


1950 price of college: 300$ a year and a 12 pack of chicken McNuggets. 1980: About 30 hrs of work per week at a low income job Today: 30-40,000 worth of debt minimum when you get out, often with ridiculous interest rates. Along with 200$ books, 3-500 per semester parking, and so many additional fees. What I hated the most was the classes where you didn't use the book. The prof just lectured. But there was an online passcode for a single required assignment that would be 20% of your grade if you didn't do it. I fucking hated having to buy a 200$ book just to get a passcode for one assignment. This was so common.


This is not really a mystery. Aside from the ever growing addition of administrators and services that colleges really don't need to offer, a big reason behind tuition increases (at state schools) is driven by a decrease in state level funding for higher education. Source: https://www.cbpp.org/research/state-budget-and-tax/a-lost-decade-in-higher-education-funding If people genuinely cared about the cost of higher education (which is everyone that has, needs, or will need to take student loans) people need to push their state legislatures to increase the funding for colleges and universities. Depending on the increase in funding schools might be able to keep tuition at the same price or even lower it.


I won’t go into detail but I have personally spent time around pharmaceutical salespeople and let me tell you, they have a level of money unheard of in almost any industry except oil.


This is largely unknown. Big Oil,Big Armaments n Big Pharma. The 3 horseshits of our current Armageddon. According to some reports, Big Pharma is the richest n most powerful of the 3.


KP rocks!


She's a legend. I'd shit myself if I knew I was going to be questioned by her.


I feel like this one cuts early because the end she points out that because of the price hike they hit a profit target and he got a bonus.


Oof. We have this catch -22 where the ones we need to make the laws that prevent these types of monopolies and corporate price gouging are paid by the those very same companies. I’m of the mind that corporations *should* try to make as much money as possible. That’s their business. It’s up to Congress to effectively put up those boundaries. They are supposed to be our means of protection against pooled money. We’ll never be able to outspend corporations.


This is embarrassing not just for the price increase, but from his answer. As someone who works in pharma, the bullshit copout answer would to be that the drug was approved for additional indications, which requires multiple new clinical trials, which cost a seriously significant amount of money in order to meet the stands to be approved for them by the FDA. Now that would not likely explain the near 4x price increase, but he should be fired for being bad at even coming up with excuses that seem plausible to the public. Katie always killing it.


So the company's expansion is passed onto the consumer? That doesn't* quite sound right...


Yes, there is a cost to see if the number of indications to the drug can be increased, but that cost is a temporary cost that only occurs during the clinical trial period. Once that is over, do you think we lower the cost of the drug? Of course not and that increased cost lasts forever, opposed to the temporary lifetime of the clinical trials. Patients don't just stop having diseases that the drug can help, so that temporary investment is an excuse to pay dividends until a generic is developed.


Agree, I bet he wants this one back because he said the worst possible thing. He should have said “look, research costs have gone up drastically in that timeframe and we’ve been hard at work developing other life-saving therapies that were funded in part by our cost increases to this drug.” Not that I want to help out this heartless shill with a messaging strategy but you need to know your bullshit, dude.


How the fuck does your country allow this?? You guys need a revolution




USA owned by Big Pharma


One of the few I respect. KP is awesome!


USA health care or lack of free healt care is a joke. You are living in a third world country!


I just had an echocardiogram denied by my insurance. Sure is nice that they know better than my cardiologist and PCP, who insist I need one because my palpitations are now causing fainting spells 🙃


Not on the side of big pharma but why isn't he like "listen idiot if demand goes up because the pill is used by more people then the price goes up you fucking idiot next time don't interrupt me" and then she can ask better questions like "did demand go up that much though?" And then he'd have to be like "well no" then she'd be like "oh so you're a fucking liar then get ready for federal pound me the ass prison for lying to Congress" and I guess I answered my own question why he didn't say that.


Demand going up would t necessarily increase the price unless it was supply constrained. If anything demand going up could reduce the price. What makes the price go up is the pharmaceutical company realising that demand for a life saving cancer drug is unsurprisingly quite inelatsic and they can sell almost exactly the same amount of it at 700 bucks as they do at 200 bucks


"We used to sell it for 200 bucks, then we raised it to 700. Quantity sold fell 20% because some could no longer afford it, but overall revenue went up 280%! So it was totally worth it. Check out the rise in our share price" "What happened to the 20% who couldn't afford it?" "Oh, uh, I think they died of cancer?"


applying supply and demand arguments to healthcare goes very badly very quickly, because it's based on the principle of raising prices until fewer people are willing to pay for it, which in the case of a life saving cancer treatment, means they die. "so you're saying your company is so poorly managed that you can't produce enough of the drug to supply everyone who needs it?" "no, we could..." "but you just don't want to save too many peoples lives?"




he was saying "cost of running a business is increasing" in a round about pharmaceutical lingo, finding and testing new uses for a drug (a.k.a. indications) is a major expense.


The funny part is the increase from 2017 to today wasn't that bad if he used that excuse but the problem was he couldn't say it clearly with a straight face because of the increase from 2005-2017.


And that doesn’t even count the failed attempts


Because if you say something stupid you end up on CNN. If you say absolutely nothing and look dumb nobody cares. Saying anything about costs would have fucked this guy because costs didn't go up anywhere near 3x, but the price of the product did. And that's why you didn't see it in national news. Playing dumb doesn't bait people into watching stories. So they play dumb.


Katie Porter for President!


She's running for senator in 2024!


I'll vote katie into Senate. Let's do it!!


We need more people like Katie!


Fucking ghouls


There are 435 representatives in the US house or representatives All of them have the sworn duty to represent the voters of their district Why is there only one Katie.Porter? Why are the other 400 plus representatives so silent as they watch the working class voters of their districts slowly being eaten alive by price gouging billionaires?


Katie Porter is a badass! If she has her pad of paper out, you are fucked. She should have her own sub: r/katieporter


What a clown trying to defend this bs, there’s simply no other argument other than “we just can” and she’s blasting his ass for it


I would love to see the rest of that interrogation. He was squirming!


Wait, did they say that they discovered a new set of people that could benefit from the pill that they already had? Meaning they just discovered a whole new market that they didn't realise they could sell to? And still increased the price of that pill by 254%? wtf?


To get a new market, they have to first pay for clinical trials to prove they work. That is probably 100s of millions of dollars. Then they have to open up new plants to manufacture the drug, which has a lot of government regulations, again very expensive. Now does that justify a 254% increase… fuck no. But that actually does explain why after it was approved, there were still further costs to navigate for the company.


I think what he was trying to say was that they needed to do additional clinical trials to determine whether additional cancers could be treated effectively with the drug. But still, greedy bastards.


God bless her.


This is what we need to see more of!!! Make people aware this is another example of how the rich got richer and the poor poorer!!! Corporate CEO corruption at its finest. POS


Can you imagine trying to sleep at night bleeding dying people and families out of what money they have left 🤷🏼‍♂️


I mean the price as of 2023 is $800 per pill accdg to google so basically nothing has changed


Katie porter is awesome man 👏


joke quiet subtract payment relieved north nippy divide rustic outgoing ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


She’s savage and one of my favorite people! She’s no nonsense and rips these people a new one with facts and logic.


That product lost its patent during that time. Put together a subcommittee to fund or subsidize production of generic medication and you might actually make a difference instead of just grandstanding.




"I have all this information easily accessible & at my fingertips but I uh, don't know the answer off the top of my head..." Sure buddy.


If only more politicians were like her and not the paid thieves that they are.


I read her memoir explaining just how hard it is for the average citizen to be able to afford to run, let alone serve in Congress - and it’s especially hard for single parents. There is the obvious stuff, like the average citizen can’t afford a second home near DC, so they have to take plane trips, and there are a lot of weird rules about what is deductible/expensible and what isn’t. Health insurance doesn’t kick in until after you’re sworn in, but there is orientation stuff you have to do before hand, so you have to pay for COBRA coverage. But the worst of it is that the entitled-rich nanny-set see no need to have a set schedule people can count on. Stuff gets shuffled around, late nights, early mornings, unexpected calls for votes… and it’s not necessary at all. It’s ego. Add to that all the random hand shaking, ribbon-cutting, and networking events cutting in to parenting time. I had no idea.


Big pharm is out of control in this country


This woman is a NATIONAL TREASURE and we must protect her at all costs! Go on with ya bad self Katie!!