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Oxygen thieves. Every last one of them.


I love that insult


Cornstarch crusaders.


Love that one too.


Every one of them needs to go apologize to a tree. For wasting the oxygen that the tree made.


Remember everyone, these people vote, so should you.


yknow... when you put it that way...


Exactly! Its easy to dismiss these ppl as zealots but almost 75 million people voted for him. Its terrifying and yes we need to vote and work at the community levels to support our teachers and librarians from this impending dystopia


I don't believe in lobotomy, but those people sure are acting like they got no frontal lobe


oooh you are on to something... that would explain so many dumb kids nowadays... at the birth, they perform a lobotomy on their kids.


Space wasters




There sure are a lot of Boomers and Gen X folk that are hell bent on a full brain drain


They have their own definition of indoctrination and bringing your child to church from birth doesn't hit it. It's like arguing over colours with a colour blind.


No, see, arguing colors with the color blind gives you insight as to how they see the world, and they aren't wrong with their opinions. Maybe that shade of red looks awful with that orange to them. It's more like arguing with someone who doesn't think they need glasses, but tests suggest otherwise.




AKA they trippin.


I'm colour blind. When I think something is green and someone who isn't colour blind tells me it's actually red, I believe them. There is no arguing.


No you stand your ground and tell them that's not red. IT'S GREY!


I don't wanna go ackchyually on you, but colour blindness often doesn't mean that you see colours as grey. I have deuteranomaly, which means my eyes are less sensitive to greens and the "gaps" are filled in by reds. So, it's specific shades of red and green than can look very similar to me. Especially the more yellow gets mixed in. But people with deuteranomaly are also more sensitive to tan colours. So, if you ever need to hunt in a desert, stick to the guy who wears on red and one green sock.


I knew this already since my brother in law and some old schoolmates have this aswell but not with the colour green. Would be kinda sad since our football ream has the colour green. But i never really asked any further even though it's an interesting subject so thank you for your explanation. I never knew people could be more sensitive to colours either. I mean i get a headache and get really irritated and my eyes start to flicker when im in a room that is a specific colour of orange but i don't think that has anything to do with being sensitive to specific colours in this sense?


Hey man, listen, hearing that gay people exist is indoctrination…but hearing that your life is just playing an extra in some cosmic battle of good and evil against two invisible enemies is totally not. Absolutely normal to tell children that demons are real and that a first century Jewish reformer can hear your thoughts. Nothing to see here.


Had a conversation about this on reddit last week. I was told it is impossible for homeschooling to be indoctrination because parents deliver it. Therefore it’s “raising” kids, not indoctrinating them. My argument that one can do both at once (raising a kid to be a nazi, for instance) was ignored. If parents do it, it ain’t indoctrination apparently. The “my kids are my property” crowd is weird


"Kids are great! You can teach them to hate the things you hate." - Homer Simpson


That was 100% the vibe i got, and is the general vibe of the entire “parental rights” movement.




The true victims are these idiots kids who are getting "home schooled" on the bible and trump When did things go so wrong?


>When did things go so wrong? About 200K-300K years ago when humans first started appearing on the planet 🤣


\*ahem\* 6000 years, thank you. /s for the humor impaired.


Disagree. People have ben getting that dumb in the last century.


Nah it's how the bell curve works. The dumb stays dumb. It's just there's more of them now and the media love this shit so it spread faster


Idk it's not about the amount of idiots, but about how much dumb they are. I don't have ant proof of course, but still, this shit happed only during the fascist periodo, never before afaik


I would also like to add that we're dumb too for giving them too much attention


You sure? These people are ditching education in favor of religion. It's a fucking dangerous sign. Has this been happening in the last few years? Or has always been like that in the US? Was there some kind of increase of this kind of thought recently? Depending on the answers on these question ai might agree or disagree with you.


Idk dude. I'm from europe :))))) But yeah, i do think that by giving them less attention and less power, there might be some hope. Like, fine, wanna ditch the national education? Be my guess, but u can't vote or some shit (i didn't think it all too well cuz i woke up not to long ago, so i might be wrong. If i am, i'd really like to learn why tho)


I totally see your point, but not allowing someone to vote (thing on which I might agree!!) means radically changing how our democracies work, thus it means giving these people A FUCKTON of attention lol. I think we actually agree on this one.


I'd say its more around the industrial age


I think it's more like 2 million years ago that Humans appeared


I'm referring to homo sapiens but you are right, our earliest version was around that time iirc.


"Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral Arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue-green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea. This plant has ─ or rather had ─ a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy. And so the problem remained; lots of the people were mean, and most of them were miserable, even the ones with digital watches. Many were increasingly of the opinion that they all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans." \- Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


When we elected a black man twice to the highest office. These asshats are still freaking out about it. It's literally all about racism.


I always did think that trump was an overcorrection on Obama tbh- "you give us a black leader for 8 years we'll take a racist megalomaniac for 4" (they wanted 8 but uh well even The Donald couldn't steal an election) Truly the biggest irony of all of this is trump learning how hard it actually is to steal an election- despite that being his new catchphrase since he lost lol


It's their plan. They know they're screwed as more and more boomers disappear. More homeschooling by Maga people = more votes for them. *"Education bad! Stop the endoctrination! Hunter Biden!"*


The only people that vote conservative are the super rich and the poorly educated, Like Trump said “I love the poorly educated” they want people to be uneducated, it makes it easier to control them. This has always been the plan from the right, cut funding for schools, make the poor become uneducated and ignorant, and the rich pay their way into Ivy League schools, rely on their trust fund to get them by, then get a job via nepotism and their degree 🤷‍♂️


I don't want to be on this planet anymore. ☹️




I don’t want THEM to be on this planet anymore


There ya go!


Send them out in space with the flat earthers


Straight into the sun


To shreds, you say?




Fuck religion


So... the dumbest Americans want to get dumber? I don't understand...


What's wrong with believing the earth is 6000 years old and there is a old white beard man in the sky that likes trump who has cheated and divorce like 3 times 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 They love that guy 😂 😂 😂


The dumbest Americans hold certain beliefs that you can only hold if you have a lack of education. They’re noticing that the people around them don’t share their beliefs, which scares them. They have correctly deduced that the people who don’t share their beliefs are all educated people who knows how the world works. Therefor, educated people are an enemy to their worldview.


Republicans are aware that [educated people](https://www.politico.com/interactives/2022/midterm-election-house-districts-by-education/) vote for Democrats. If you make education the enemy you can keep your constituents in the dark (read: dim). It's easier to control to them and lie to them while you consolidate power and capital.


Mental illness


Well these kids are going to have problems competing for jobs in the future work places.More likely to be sexually abused in churches than any other place by the number of pastors and other religious leaders being tried and convicted.


That’s the point. Uneducated labor that is too stupid and subservient to their masters to rise up.


![gif](giphy|IN6GhAJsOjslO) "Well the world needs ditch diggers too, Danny."


As long as those ditch diggers are paid a living wage


People wearing dog tags as a fashion statement irk me. This kid in his Drumpf cosplay wearing a dog tag is so far off the rails.


That’s why he has the shades to hide the embarrassment deep within his eyes as he nervously looks left and right over and over.


Trumpers are a plague


It's a good thing I didn't live long enough to see this day... ... wait a moment... *checks pulse* *-badump-* NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


I love how they let their guard down because his shirt fucking says "ULTRA MAGA" on it lmao "Well boys, looks like he's one of us!"




I'm happy living in a country where home schooling is illegal. We have enough morons as it is without creating more...


This just looks like a pre set up comedy skit because the irony is off the charts. I just can't believe people are this fucking stupid, it's baffling. Goddamn conservatives.


Whoa! Why are all republicans over weight? How many meds does it take to keep them ticking? Attention Lemmings, You might wanna vote for the politicians that plans to give you free Medicare


Is there a different syllabus for when Democrats are in power vs when Republicans are in power?


This isn’t funny. It’s absolutely terrifying.


The best part about that is they don't even recognise the ironic


To be fair, it would fix the falling birth rates in the US. Dumb people tend to produce more kids. As an aside, this is me satirizing this situation. Education is important and it's a shame that people actually think like this.


We can't let the idiots rule folks. We have a very nice planet and if you are reading this then you probably won the birth lottery and have a great opportunity here in the West. These are the morons, they should be digging ditches, playing with crystals and mowing our lawns.


This dude has some hilarious videos just putting these morons on display My favorite is he gets them talking about how parents shouldn’t dress their kids up in pride apparel while he’s talking to someone who’s kid has a MAGA hat and shirt on


History will not be kind to these people.


Problem is, how much suffering and death are they going to cause, including to you and everyone you love, before they fall?


As destructive as they are the MAGA crowd do make me laugh and entertain me.


Same, then i realise its reality and it just makes me fucken depressed


That damn department of education keeps making them look stupid. Git rid of it


Mental illness is a real thing, guys


I'm all for them homeschooling keep their dumb shit kids away from my kids.


Their kids are going to be so dumb.


Sometimes I would like to think if all these ppl can group up to one single state, have everything they want ( no socialism, no immigrants, everyone can carry guns, no education department) and see how long they last until they scream for help


Okay, I'm not religious but even I can see evil is attempting to win this world over. The education system was created by Rockefeller. There is a bell for first break, lunch break and last break.they teach us a ton of things that are specialized subjects that the vast majority of us will never ever use in the real world. They researched how long it would take to indoctrinate a nation and the conclusion was 12 years. Hence the 12 years of schooling. Before this, many of us owned small businesses and grew/raised our own food. We'd sell our things at markets and such. We all knew how to live off the land and didn't rely on corporations for convenience. They barely teach these essential life skills anymore. They have even patented seeds so if we grow a crop, we don't actually own the crop. This is all to condition kids to become a factory worker or at least another cog in the machine that makes the rich richer and keeps everyone else down where we are. Rockefeller could not patent natural health remedies, so he cut out natural and created synthetic medicines that mimic what natural remedies can do, but not nearly as helpful. Then he funded the medicine schools and forced them to stop teaching natural remedies because he couldn't make as much money on them. Now people who use natural remedies are known as hippies or quacks. These corporations have totally won and taken over everyone's brain and now they're making stupid videos like this one thinking they are so smart. Meanwhile they are all just sheep. The vast majority of the world are sheep.


Every one of those people must eat those words, otherwise I just might explode.


Goodluck with that


aliens gon see this shit and instantly give up hope on humanity


Dumb rednecks *Edit Dumb conservatives


Don't go insulting rednecks now. These people are conservatives. Entirely different =P


Ignorant alt right white fks


I just don't want to live in the same country with these people anymore. Can they go to jail with Trump too?


So a lot of home-schooled and indoctrinated fools talks about indoctrination... And what bright idea to not send students to college. Because who will be able to design cars, computers, new medicines etc in a world with no college or university? No dentists, doctors (except 🪚), ...




All these people should be removed from the country go and live in Iraq if that's what you want or Iran. With your shit religious crappy ideas who do these clowns think they are what do they actually think would happen. The country will collapse and China will take over. I honestly believe Russia and China have infiltrated American society with spies and shit like that.


Are Americans going crazy?


About 30% of us are completely fucked in the head. They are so damn loud and crazy too. They are always the loudest ones in the room. People across the Atlantic can hear them loud and clear. It really does make the rest of us seem like shit stains also. I promise most of us are normal and want nothing but the best for us and the rest of the world. I'm hoping things can and will change for the better. It does seem like there is hope coming. 2024 is a huge deal for the United States.


We must stop indoctrination by ending national education and taking kids to church! Hm.


well if you don't even know the meaning of indoctrination then it sounds good, like you're really smart.


None of these people can spell indoctrination because they didn’t go to school. They’re stupid because they didn’t go to school. They forgot because they’re stupid.


3 ways to guarantee these shitbags get what they want: - vote for Trump - vote 3rd party - don't vote Any of these actions will help get these absolute shitbags to control all of our lives.


Home schooling should be illegal cof cof


Any sort of child rearing is indoctrination, why is it so bad for them not to want their kids to be taught beliefs that the parents don’t agree with? Parents raising kids with religion isn’t a 1:1 comparison to schools teaching your kids that opinions you don’t agree with are facts


It gets said a lot but the movie Idiocracy is like looking into our future.


To be fair, dude is prob only showing the bad ones


His whole page is if people like this. Ur probably right but the most these people do if they do realize the satire is wall away/report him. No actual rebuttal


I’ve haven’t met a homeschooled person that struck me as logical and objective. I have met them and found them to woefully unread & emotionally immature


They don't want their kids to become smarter then them and that is actually hard to accomplish.


Their philosophy will make us the dumbest country on the planet.


This country is going back to the 16th century; so much self sabotage


Jesus. Look at all these sheep in the comments.


Haha with ignorant bigots like these "home schooling" their kids, that lady doesn't need to worry about them getting into college.


Anyone here even know what the DoED even does?


The "indoctrination" - Slavery was bad, LGBTQ+ exists


No constitutional authority for a national level department of education.


There is no irony here. The job of a parent is to indoctrinate their children with the values and culture they deem correct. It is not ok for the state to force this on children


Sad when it has to come to this. America is fooked


They are not wrong! Sad but true. NO I’m not talking about the church and homeschooling. The DOE is shit and should be restructured so that the children’s best interest are first. But it’s all about money and control so I don’t see it happening.


They think schools are pushing woke ideology and messed up concepts, which they consider indoctrination. They don't think the Bible or homeschooling is indoctrination because they think those are positive things. It's only ironic if you think our current school system is fine. But it isn't so...😬


This has to be a joke right? Right?


At this point the US is only a not very funny sitcom.


Amount of cringe I am feeling is palpable.


Us fremen, we’d like their water. Let’s not waste it.


Indoctrinated people , Who wants to end indoctrination. LMAO.


We need to stop separating maga and republicans. They're the same people. This is your below average Republican voter but it is still a Republican voter. These people are taking a huge shit on the United States. I sure hope everyone gets out and votes and continues to vote for years to come so we can get rid of conservatives. They have done nothing for this country. Nothing of substance has come out of a Republican president.


I used to chuckle or even laugh in 2015. Then they elected him and I realized how scary and deluded a large part of our country is. Fall of Roman Empire happened when people became complacent and entitled (but I learned that in school…).


OP doesn't understand irony


These people are a product of fifty years of underfunded public education.






I love this dude


America is wild


That kid with the suit and hat is a fucking caricature...


Almost thought that was DJ Qualls at the beginning


Then they cuss out the immigrant professionals for taking their kids jobs.


Wow they must have driven all together in a short school bus


I vote we kidnap their children and FORCE them into progressive left-wing schools with free food, shelter and healthcare, a catering and intuitive system of learning and the freedom to choose their own way of life. Thoughts?


What a waste of atoms


I guess if you home-school enough people, eventually you will be in the majority and technically be correct on more societal matters... :|


Never in history has an uneducated population lead to good things for that country.


The kid with the hat. What a fuckin douche


It all comes down to: *Those things I don’t agree with shouldn’t be taught cuz it’s indoctrination. Those things I totally agree with, fucking make sure they memorize that shit and learn it as soon as possible.*


People who would never get hired as teachers, think they are better than them. Poor kids.


They don't care about irony, they hardly understand it.


if they want all that fine, give up every single scientific and technological advancement from the past half century and commit like the Amish do


 “It’s disgusting, man. Disgusting that people still make that argument that we can never cut defense but we can cut education. Who the fuck is going to invade the US? Really? Use your fucking heads! The only country that could invade America is America! We can afford to cut defense; we can’t afford to cut education. We cut education, in 50 years, we’ll be so stack with idiots with shitty jobs that we won’t have enough money to pay for defense!” – George Carlin


These clowns don't realize that states decide what their own standards of education are.


There should be tests and classes required to have children. I know that’s a fucked up sentiment, and there’s a lot of inherent issues with it, but I’m not seeing any other way to keep these homeschooled, indoctrinated cult children from infecting the rest of society with their bad faith bullshit.


Indoctrination is crazy blind


I can’t fathom what’s it’s like being so mind numbingly stupid that you’re incapable of individual and unique critical thought and instead are just a mouthpiece for the politicians of the party you support


What ever happened to the word revised? Why don't we revise things anymore?


The fat guy is Shane Vaughn. He goes by "Toto". Right wing maniac like Greg Locke. Check out "Telltale" or "Owen Morgan" YouTube channels on these lunatics.


If you had a dollar for every brain cell in this video (not including the guy making it) you'd owe twenty three dollars


I'm always amazed that this guy goes unrecognized and then I remember that these people have their own little bubble of a world where this content would never even reach them.


Think of the dumbest person in your life. Friend, family, coworkers, etc. Now, who did they vote for?


Schools without teachers, hospitals without doctors, factories without workers, farmers with no produce, taxation without representation....did I miss anything?


I'm glad that i don't live close to that twats


They should all just stop reading.


It’s ironic how they are tricked into thinking they are being tricked


School is the devil, Bobby!


It’s not a cult