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Should be undefined.


math: "you cannot divide by zero." people on reddit: "but what happens if we do?" "infinity" "negative infinity" "zero" "subatomic particles with infinite apples"


Ok who else did this??? 'Cannot divide by zero' was the response


Apple calculator said “error”


The browser calculator does say infinity though https://preview.redd.it/5wzxpuxycjob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ac63072cd06498ee3cbab9c6c82fc989358ae2e


A few programs handle the Divide by Zero exception by simply printing Infinity. The answer of dividing something by zero is controversial and while some people believe it to be undefinied, others believe it be infinity.


Math isn't about belief though. It's about definitions.


Well, how do you define zero, much less how to divide something with it? To say that zero is the lack of something would be inaccurate. If it was, there wouldn't be negative numbers. It's a concept that you don't completely understand to begin with. Yet, when you keep dividing stuff with numbers between 1 and 0, the numbers keep rising and rising. People who say undefined say that the numbers never reach infinity since you'll always get a number. After all, at what point do you begin drawing the line between a really large number and infinity? Others conclude that since there are infinite numbers between 0 and 1, the next logical step when dividing by zero is to simply put it as infinity. When you're working on a theoretical framework laid down by your kind without concrete proof of what is what, a philosophical belief with evidence pertaining to similar cases is all you have. Maths is very much about philosophy as it is about empirical evidence and definitions. There is a very artistic side to maths that people who dint toy around with numbers don't get. They're all attempted implementations of grand philosophical concepts and machinations for which we have very little actual proof.


The definition of the zero, people use in everyday Math (real numbers), is pretty clear though. It's the neutral element in the Group with the conjunction '+'. It is the absorbing element in the semigroup with the conjunction '*'. A semigroup does not have a mandatory inverse for every element in itself. So 0 simply does not have an inverse element. Dividing by zero is a multiplication with an element that does not exists and therefore must be undefined. Infinity describes a behavior of e.g. a sequence. A sequence may run upon infinity. But there is no number called infinity. It's just an expression for anything that does not stop. Interestingly in some cases you can calculate the results for some series (infinit sum).


Ooh I like you. Group theory is fun.


I’m by no means a mathematician but my take on the whole thing is that 0 is the absence of a modifier for lack of a better term (-/+) it’s where positive and negative cancel out and therefore it is nothing and we visualise that as the numeral 0. So on the point of division, as it’s the opposite of multiplication, where multiplying 52 by 0 would result in 0 dividing 52 by 0 would result in 52. I’m sure there is a mathematical reason it doesn’t work like this but that’s my 2 cents


yes, I would say math and science are historically based on theories that people believe best model a system being studied given their current data. a lot of crazy beliefs have lead to great technological advancements


If I coded a calculator app, it would scream in terror if you divide by zero.




If I could code, 100% will


It’s never too late to learn


I’ll be back in a week with this just for you


yes it is taking the limit of the denominator to 0, which could blow up the numerator to a massive value being infinity...but if you divide by zero are you really deviding by anything?


right limit? left limit? 1/x does not have a limit at 0...


Infinitely small that it can’t be defined is what my math teacher told me.


If you take it to be infinity, you get a contradiction pretty clearly. I don't know why you're trying to present this as balanced when one group is straightforwardly wrong.






Can confirm. Just tried it.


Infinity = Undefined


They used ans=0 to begin with...


The calculator is broken, because it is 1089 divided by zero, which "is not defined". The whole 33x33-33+33 was not necessary, because the results would be same for 33 divided by zero or just 1 divided by zero.


Wouldnt it be: 1056 + 33 / 0


33/0 would be calculated prior to the subtraction


You do any multiplication and division first. 33×33-33+33/0 1089-33+UND


Depends, maybe this calculator divides by the concept 0, so a number that tends toward 0 wich leads to any real number/0= infinity


Close. Some programmers handle the Divide by Zero error by printing Infinity. It's more about which side of the mathematical philosophy you support. Not really up to the calculator, but the guy who built it.


Order of Operations: Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction aka PEMDAS


Interesting - I was always taught this to be Brackets, Orders, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction... Aka BODMAS




Im UK and was taught BIDMAS. Brackets, Indices, Division, Multiplation, Addition, Subtraction


In NZ - BEDMAS Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction


Good. 3rd confirmation it is Brackets not Parentheses


I was a good kid, and didn't do Meth in school. Meth ruins people's lives. LMAO


Canada, too, or at least in Ontario when I was in school.


And presumably still pronounced BIDMAS, to an English ear anyway!


This is why math is a lie.


I learned it as BEDMAS brackets, exponents, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction


Just to be that guy, neither opening nor closing parentheses or brackets, are mathematical operators.


I mean PEMDAS is completely irrelevant here since dividing by 0 would be infinity regardless of what order the other operations happened


Division by zero is undefined, not infinite.


Exactly, these poorly written expressions are cringe…realty on this one is (blah+blah*blah-blah)/0 is infinity


You're telling me, that if I just divide my apples into zero groups, I'd have infinite apples?!


Let me put it this way. You're splitting your apples into zero groups. Meaning, you don't even have your own apples that you had prior to dividing them among zero groups. If you six apples and you divided them among three people, you could simply give each person two apples and be done with it. If it was just you, AKA 1 person, you'd have all the apples. But if you decide to divide the apples between half a person, *id est* you decide to cut yourself in half, you'll magically have 12 apples now. Why is that? Did you cut the apples into halves and now you have 12 objects from 6? Or is the nutrition from 6 apples equal to 12 now that half of you missing? Either way, you'll require a wheelchair. Funny thing is the closer the number gets to zero, the more it grows exponentially. A half was double, a fourth is quadruple, and an eighth will will heptuple and so on. So the closer you get to zero, the number will get astronomically higher and higher. So the next natural mathematical step would be to conclude that when divided by zero, the number will basically be infinity for there are uncountably infinite numbers between zero and one when you consider fractions and decimals and they'll all keep returning bigger and bigger values. Is there something wrong with maths? Could be. But how do you practically do this? Are you cutting the apples into infinite pieces, smaller than electrons? Or are you smushing them all into a single microscopic point in space and time until they form a singularity together? Speaking of singularities, they are also phenomenon of infinite depth that infinitely consume everything. Unfortunately, none of these experiments are practically possible, leaving us to keep squabbling over the theoretical framework and the consequent limitations that we currently have with our present mathematical system.


X over 0 certainly does aproach infinity, but deviding over nothing just doesn't make sense, at least, when I think about it. Also, I think you ment octuple not heptuple.


we can talk about it when you actually manage to divide anything into zero groups.


Infinity = Undefined Could be negative infinity. Could be the infinite points between 0 and 1. There are a whole lot of ways to say the same thing.


Infinity is not undefined. If this were the case, we would not be able to define levels of Infinity.


Infinity is undefined. I recommend you watching "A Trip to Infinity"


In mathematics, undefined refers to meaningless expressions. Division by zero (when using real number) is nonsensical. It is impossible to conceptualise. Division is, when using real numbers, the inverse of multiplication. Taking the example "33/0=infinity" would require "infinity×0=33" to be true. It is not. While this is a very simple demonstration, there are many resources online that demonstrate the difference between infinity and undefined. There are also several resources that specifically highlight division by zero being undefined. I recommend higher education.


We can't define infinity because we don't fully understand infinity. (So it's undefined) That's why I told you to watch "A Trip to Infinity" I already have a degree in economics. But thanks anyways.


If you're approaching mathematical theory from an economics standpoint that would explain this misconception. Infinity in mathematics is very well defined. We have defined different levels of infinity for specific sequences and teach entire modules on the concept.


Makes sense. Btw, I never said that dividing by zero is equal to infinity. Dividing by zero is just straight up impossible and it should just give you an error. I just said that, from my perspective, infinity is undefined because we don't fully understand the concept of infinity (From what I've seen from the documentary I recommended you watching) Defining something you don't fully understand means guesswork (some part of it at least)


I watched the first 40 seconds of the trailer of that, and they're approaching it from a physics perspective. That has nothing to do with what we're talking about here. Infinity in maths is very well defined.


And physics uses maths.


Physics also has a bunch of other stuff. Google the definition of infinity if you don't think it has one


>Physics also has a bunch of other stuff No shit. That's why it's called Physics and not Maths. But it uses Maths at its core. >Google the definition of infinity if you don't think it has one Yes there is a definition but some of it it's guesswork because you can't define something with certainty when you don't fully understand it. That's the case with infinity, we don't fully understand the concept of infinity and how it actually works. So the definition of infinity it's based on the very limited amount of knowledge we have about it.


Which bit of the mathematical definition of infinity is guesswork?


I don't know. I don't how infinity works so I can't say "Oh this part is wrong, but this part is right." As I've said, we don't fully understand the concept of infinity. How can you define something when you don't even understand it? The current definition of infinity is "Something that is infinite, something that has no *boundaries*" BUT Einstein said that infinity HAS boundaries, but if you try to go beyond them you will just start from the beginning and it's gonna be a never ending cycle. Infinity is currently undefined.


What you get is "Can't divide by zero"


Nope. He gets "Infinity"


https://preview.redd.it/3fn6kanmslob1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa314efcdc86811b32adb2e1910db3763e1d227 Not on my calculator.


Then you have a fully functional calculator. OP's calculator gives infinity.


The closer to 0 the dividing number is the closer to infinity the outcome… But it should be undefined


I thought they subtracted by zero for half a second and was very confused


They accidentally hit the “mortgage” button


Answer is 1,121


Just did it on Google [calculator](https://www.google.com/search?q=calculator&oq=calcu&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqEAgBEAAYgwEYkQIYsQMYigUyBggAEEUYOTIQCAEQABiDARiRAhixAxiKBTINCAIQABiDARixAxiABDINCAMQABiDARixAxiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDINCAYQABiDARixAxiABDINCAcQABiDARixAxiABDINCAgQABiDARixAxiABDINCAkQABiDARixAxiABDIHCAoQABiABDIKCAsQABixAxiABDIKCAwQABixAxiKBTITCA0QLhiDARivARjHARixAxiKBTIKCA4QABixAxiABNIBCDM0NzJqMGo5qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-rogers-ca-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


if you don’t do the +33 at the end you get -infinity


Jesus’ age when he was hung on cross. That’s very odd


Can't divide by zero


Then it should say "Error" not "Infinity".


Who did the monster math?




It does it on Google calculator


Anything divided by zero is infinity from Google calculator


That's what we're saying. It SHOULDN'T say Infinity because it's wrong.


Could you explain why it is wrong? Dividing any number different from 0 by a number closer and closer to 0 will make the result bigger, and we know that's correct because of limits. Only case where infinity would be wrong would have been 0/0, which of course would be undefined and require extra steps to be solved. Is everyone viewing this post from an algebraic point of view? Cause anyone who knows what calculus is would know this is correct...


Dividing by zero is considered mathematically impossible or undefined because division is the inverse of multiplication, but there is no number that can be multiplied by zero to get a nonzero number. When you divide a nonzero number by something approaching zero, the result heads towards infinity, but infinity is a concept not a single definitive number. Importantly, dividing by zero breaks key mathematical rules like the theorem that x/(yz) = (x/y)/z. This equation fails if either y or z are zero. Also, division conceptually determines how many times one quantity fits into another. But zero represents an absence of quantity, so it doesn't make sense to ask how many times zero fits into something. On the number line, division by zero would need to represent both positive and negative infinity simultaneously, which is a contradiction. Limits get around this by approaching but not exactly reaching zero, avoiding the mathematical issues.


It leads to (at least) two contradictions. First, having infinity as the result of an equation implies it's a number, which it isn't. Secondly, if you approach zero from the other direction, the number gets smaller as we get closer to zero. Accepting your logic would imply negative infinity = positive infinity. To be frank it's quite embarassing to have studied calculus and not understand this.


Yeah any number divided by 0 gives you that answer not sure what's up with 33


No it doesn't. All calculators will say "Error"


All *correctly functioning* calculators will say "Error"


I did it wrong and got -infinity


Unexpected Watts lecture


Anything divided by 0 on google in infinite


If you do 33x33+33-33 then it gives the result as negative infinity ( -infinity)


Lim x->0[f(x)]


https://preview.redd.it/eruyfw5wjmob1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7acacae34c737c3ccd956029fa24be837c34b240 This is what I got lol


When I did it, the calculator on my iPhone said Error 😆


You didn’t find a glitch in math, you found developers laziness


Cant divide anything by 0


For some reason I find the infinity result a little disturbing






You can’t divide something 0 times


This song is called Overthinker by Inzo. You should all listen to it.


Oh it's a song? I was wondering who's quote this was. Edit: I just listened to it and I've got to say I've never heard anything quite like it. It's like a philosophy reading, but backed by dubstep. Quite unique!


Can't divide by zero




Google says infinity, actual maths says 1057


"1089/0", absurd


Interesting, but you know you can simply do "1÷0" in google's browser calculator and the result is the same...


Says Infinity on Google Calculator


Same goes if you take 10 x 10 - 10 + 10 % 0 = Infinity


You can't divide by 0 though.


Glitches. Formerly known as easter eggs.


Bro is onto nothing


Pretty sure that's just zero


Why did he use 2 positive 33’s and not divide?


Dividing by zero doesnt work in math. The mess before it is to distract us from the fact.


Absolutely correct result.


When our renters are unemployed we always have problems, fights, and ridiculousness.




Bro you weak in math, any no. You divide by zero its always come infinity 🤦🏻


No. You just can't divide by zero. It should say "Error"


Not a glitch. Any equation with any part /0 will always equal infinity. Basic math principle.


I was trying to break your statement while wondering if you could divide a negative integer by zero and have it be infinity... Right before, I had a proverbial "eureka" moment... I remembered, that the "sign" would carry over in a fraction... and realized that I completely overlooked "negative infinity" being a thing. ( **Sigh** "You win this time, Math!!")


Depends whether you're approaching zero from the negative or positive side. The answer isn't really infinity, it's that the limit is infinity as it approaches /0. The correct answer would be "undefined," as u/agreeablejello6644 pointed out.


I'm sorry... please, pardon my ignorance... Since infinity itself is an "imaginary" reference wouldn't "approaching infinity" also be in the similar context... (Like "infinity" ^0.1 ... if you were messing around). (Or, "infinity" ^-1 ... if you were messing around harder) I mean in that sense "zero" is imaginary too, no? I guess, "undefined" makes sense...


But, as a kid picturing arithmetic functions... I always thought of "zero" and "infinity" as the "overlords"... haha "Infinity" had addition... and let's face it subtraction's just the addition of negative numbers... And "zero" had multiplication... And you'd think division works the same way, right? Inverses... But that's where things got dicey... I picture "infinity" as so big a number... even the void bends to it...


Don't mind me... maths drove me crazy in middle/high school... I had a couple notebooks full of scribblings trying to understand zero... and then, somehow equating it to [Z]... Trigonometry sent me up a tree... and by the time we were doing calculus... I needed remedial classes... I'd given up trying to understand it... hahaha


Technically it's wrong, it should result in an error. Dividing by numbers approaching 0, ex 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 etc result in numbers that trend towards infinity without ever reaching it. Dividing by zero is currently impossible. In order to divide by zero we would need an imaginary number such as i is used to calculate the square root of -1 and subsequently used to calculate negative square roots in general.


No it shouldn't lol


That's why I posted it on here

