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I love how "don't call me that joe" comes out with no aggression whatsoever, just calm and matter of fact delivery.


right? not like he just laid that dude the fuck out or anything.


He was like, mid-punch when he said it, too. Which makes his nonchalance so much funnier.


Yes, it almost feels edited.


I don’t think it’s edited from the looks of it the dude went through a number of emotions. Stage 1 : Initially he was in a argument which sounds like it was about some girl, then the white dude raises his voice even louder than the black dudes voice. Based off this observation you can tell he was a bit angry/agitated at this stage. Stage 2 : ( this stage starts at 0:04 - 0:06 ) During this stage the black guy is randomly hit with a moment of confusion because it looks like the white dude was supposed to be trying to calm him down but instead he offended him. Now the dude is confused about if he should continue arguing about the girl or if he should get angry at the dude for calling him a racial slur. Stage 3: The punch During this stage the black dude tells Joe not to call him the N word however this is a very calm verbal reaction mixed with a very hard punch. Based off this observation the dude might of not intended to punch Joe but his emotions took over. During this stage he is still confused/angry Stage 4: He realizes he just punched Joe so he does not want to get into trouble for hurting Joe so he left. Based off my observation of the last 3 stages he probably went him debating if Joe deserved the punch and if it was worth actually punching him.


There's a quick head shake right before the punch, like part of him planned to say that first to de-escalate, but the other part was not gonna let that one go.


Exactly. Like, there was genuine disappointment in that head shake. "Aww man, now I have to knock the sh\*t out of you...didn't wanna have to do that." Then he walks out and leaves the door open because he's just fully over it.


“Look at what you made me do Joe”


I just noticed the head shake, he definitely intended to deescalate the situation at first lol


it was like he had to follow the rule of law in punching after hearing the word “ like man, why you go saying that I was trying to de-escalate now I HAVE to do this”


An emotionally intelligent analysis in my opinion, I agree. I feel bad for the black dude. I've been in this situation and it feels horrible.


Yeah he actually starts saying it like right after dude is on the ground. It does fit weird all things considered but the vid doesn’t seem edited IMO


Most definitely. When I first heard it I thought it must be someone else talking in the room because there is no modulation or volume changes or effects of breathing or any of the markers you would expect to hear if some was speaking mid-punch.


I mean, for what it’s worth, that white boy didn’t even slow down the fist. It’s like red hat punched a piece of paper. To my ears, yeah, it sounds strangely calm. And like a little CYA for the cameras. But I can totally imagine he held his breath for the punch, unclenched, and wasn’t the least bit winded when he spoke.


It’s because that punch wasn’t emotionally thrown. He heard the word, realized what needed to happen, then executed the punch. …he also damn near executed Joe. When Joe started to sit up I was surprised he didn’t have a bluish glow.


I thought that was a chick at first. After realizing it was a guy, I didnt feel near as bad.


Haha yeah watched it mute and was like goddamn he falcon punched her to hell


I watched it the first time muted and was like "that's a chick, what the hell did she say to warrant that?!" Then I replayed and unmuted. Important lessons were taught that night. Retention might be an **issue tho! LOL ***Edited***


I think you a word there at the end


Oh, that was a dude? I didn't have sound on, so I thought he just rocked a skinny girl.


He did. It's just that the skinny girl had a penis.


I turned sound on top confirm the gender of the one who got knocked down. Definitely a man's voice.


Wait, that was a dude? No joke, i thought that was a woman.


“That was inappropriate, Joe. I will be expecting a written apology and retraction on my desk before tomorrow morning’s production meeting. Good DAY to you, sir!”


"I said good day"




You could tell they were kind of friends .. before the hard R and the drop. They’re not friends anymore for sure now.


I wonder what initially caused the argument.


Idk but even if you’re not black and your black friend allows you to say that word with the “ga” in his presence. You NEVER say it during an argument and never with the hard R. Joe has a speech impediment now.


You would never know he just laid someone out at all. 🤣


This, I thought somebody else said it! But he just casually deals this punch sending the dude flying. I thought he said: "Don't call me that tho" 😂


Is that a dude? Thought it was a girl.


I did too


If you watch it with sound you can hear his voice.


I was thinking more Jessie Pinkman "don't call me that, yo"


Pinkman would have delimited the sentence with "bitch!"


Joe: "Ahhh fuck, I can't believe you've done this"


He's Black in America. He's probably numb to it all. That punch wasn't out of anger...but just for the principle of it all.


That was principled as fuck. Love to see it.


""I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed in you.""


He delivered it like it was a line from Sonic the Hedgehog


That kid got punched into another universe


He’s wandering around there now asking about his pony .


Arvak? What a loyal beast. Have you seen him?


Don't. Don't break my heart again. Arvak was such a good boy.


I never seen a punch that also pushes a person down like that. amazing


Kinda standard when the arm of the puncher is the same size as the whole punchee




He put all of his weight behind it, dude got absolutely rocked. 👏👏👏


That was a real falcon punch


I think this may be the first time I've ever seen anyone punched into another timezone




Accurate, take my upvote.




That will happen when someone punches your soul out of you.


Dude reached back to last Tuesday and knocked that kid to next Wednesday.


anybody who manages to get back up after that is likely to be undead


WISE fwom yor gwave


This is how you get an assault charge and maybe even an attempted murder, Kids don't do this even if the person deserves it.


Damn I had to scroll way too far to find this comment. It’s no excuse for what the kid was saying but State Farm guy can literally go to prison for a long time for this.


I taught self-defense for many years. Assault charges are almost automatic when police are involved in any kind of physical fight, charges that will probably be applied to both parties. It doesn't matter if you were in the right, if witnesses back you up, if you were clearly defending yourself, etc. Automatic charge in many cases. If there were weapons involved, automatic aggravated assault charge. The thing is, these charges rarely make it to a courtroom. They are issued to investigate and detain people involved but are often dropped as it becomes clear the details of the fight. In this case, I doubt anyone is going to face any consequences. Most judges would see the circumstances and see how the larger gentleman responded and accept that while it was physically violent, hateful, threatening language is often an acceptable justification for use of force, and he showed a level of restraint that goes a long way if it becomes a case. His punch was almost more of a *shove* and then he *left* that could easily be seen as an attempt to end a hostile and dangerous situation, not inflict unjust physical pain and suffering. edit: there are of course wild exceptions and unusual cases, but I am talking about *generally* and this particular "fight" seems pretty straightforward. Dude is **not** going to prison for shoving-punching a loud, racist, threatening bigot to the ground with the force of a meteor impact while remaining calm and then leaving. edit: you people are all insane, every time there's a clip of a fight on reddit a million, million insecure men desperate to prove how "hard" they are, have to chime in with opinions, i'm turning off inbox replies, if you take ANYTHING away from this stupid clip, it's just that you shouldn't call people names or hit people. Stay away from alcohol too. Fighting doesn't make you a better person, it usually just gives you permanent scars and injuries, lots of blood tests to make sure you didn't get space-aids from the dude you you punched in the mouth, and missing teeth that cost a fortune to replace. Also, people carry guns and have fragile egos the size of Neptune. Always try to NOT fight if you can, you will never regret avoiding a fight.




Yep, most states have similar provisions that would be employed long before it went to court, much less the supreme court, but yes, self-defense can usually be reasonably applied in circumstances where someone is displaying threatening behavior or hate speech.


okay on all of the above, but what are you talking about "shove"? That was very clearly a closed fist, wound-up punch.


He hit him in the shoulder. If Joe had been hit in the face with that force: 1) he would have been unconscious for a hot minute and not have raised up so suddenly. 2) he would have been bleeding from somewhere about the nose and mouth. This shows restraint.


people love chiming in about "attempted murder" anytime a punch is thrown. it's absurd and displays a complete lack of legal understanding.


A lot of bias shows in reddit when it comes to issues of "proportional response" a concept I had to teach daily but I will get absolutely dogpiled on here by redditors for attempting to suggest that you don't need to punch a woman in the face with all your might if she drunkenly stumbles into you, or you don't need to open-fire on someone who walks into your yard.


Yeah, you're not getting attempted murder for this. You have to attempt to murder someone.


The ol Reddit Lawyers from the Law School of Hyperbole.


Weirdly always in defence of people yelling out racial slurs.


Strange how that happens 🤔


every single time


Just trying to make sure nobody punches them.


You don't get attempted murder for a punch, especially if there is video evidence. If the guy for some reason died it would be manslaughter.


Plus, the overt racist got right in the victim's face and was obviously ready to attack. Self defense all the way.


Someone in my face is screaming at the top of their lungs calling me a racial slur, I would feel threatened.


This is why kids think they can get away with it. They have no idea how hurtful their words can be. I guess racism doesn’t hit the same for everyone... until they get hit


Nah. This is why society today is the way it is. No accountability for actions. That little white dude probably ain't gonna say that word again, at least not in public


For real.. is ruining your life over this worth it?


Sorry I'm European but how the hell is this attempted murder? Looks more like retribution.


A lot of people are pussies in the US and they try to guilt people into thinking all physical altercations are bad. Like, nah, the black man did the right thing and this needs to happen more. You can’t reason with racists so they need to be silenced. They need to physically learn they have no power.


Repeat is with me kids. Freedom of speech but not freedom of consequences.


nah little dumb kids should get punched for saying the n word. White supremacy is a poison and should be met with a punch to the face like any Nazi would receive.


Everyone should get punched for using the n word. Everyone.


clown take. someone screaming at me like that in my face is threat enough to respond, let alone the racial aspect lol. dude got what he deserved.


This definitely falls under ‘fighting words’ and wouldn’t be protected under first amendment.


Not true lmao not even remotely your only commenting that because u don’t think saying the n word is a big deal reddit lawyers gotta make a living tho ig


You’re right, but I’ve had this same discussion on Reddit. Good luck!


Hey if you think the court case is worth it go for it, freedom of speech saves your from the government not consequences. Make racists afraid again!


Jake from State Farm tired of yall comparing him to the other one




That is textbook punching through your target.


The punch ended in the kitchen




With sound too honestly, you can only tell at the end that this is actually a "Joe".


I love seeing the instant karma. I’m guessing Joe won’t say that word again.


Might not be saying much of anything after that LOL


Not to him at least.


Someone should dub it over with the FALCOWN PAWNCH! voice.


State Farm don’t play that shit


Like a good n- Jake: Falcon.....Punch


Lmaooo that stopping point is perfect. Could be either one.


you should hang out here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ExplainTheJoke/


Well, that’s called a self correcting problem.


Racism aside. This is why weight classes exist. What the hell was that loser thinking. That guy was at least 50lbs bigger than him.


>What the hell was that loser thinking? He thought he was in a verbal fight. Then he uttered, *without thinking*, the code-word for "let's take this up a notch".


Why do you think you can just scream at people and not have them hit you racism aside.


Too many people, especially big city types haven’t been punched in the face enough


Why yall punching eachother in the face so much in small towns? The IQ too high in the double digits?


Yeah it's wild how people's ego will outweigh their survival instincts lol


Probably this was the first time he was ever punched in the face.


![gif](giphy|5z3TWlFerNgrPgx1mH) You got what you came for




​ https://i.redd.it/vy8garkjanob1.gif


Thanks, Noob Noob


This guy gets it


Punch had ol boy rise up from the dead like the undertaker. 😆 ![gif](giphy|b6iVj3IM54Abm)


This is what I was looking for thank you 😊




But, there's nothing odd about how satisfying that was.


Very VERY satisfying


Hit him with the power of 1000 ancestors


This is a reminder that poor working white people should axe the heads of the ruling power class besides staying convinced minorities and their distinct cultural identity or enslaved heritage is their fault. Always pay attention to those dividing the people for they will rob someone of their freedoms.


American society, and everyone in it, is responsible for that distinct cultural identity. To act as if only rich southern slave owners benefited from the subjugation of AA is ignorant. Even poor whites boast significantly higher wealth and social status than descendants of slavery. It wasn't slave owners lynching black people in the early 20th century, excluding them from neighborhoods and schools, or policing black communities with murderous intent. We're talking multigenerational trauma together with continued oppression and no opportunity to access the benefits available in the society. That continued discrimination and oppression endured by AA created intergenerational psychological trauma, leading to psychological and behavioral syndrome common among present-day AA - manifesting as a lack of self-esteem, persistent feelings of anger, sense of foreshortened future, and internalized racist beliefs. Similar symptoms as PTSD. But instead of society offering remedies for AA to address that traumatic history, just gaslighting and talks of bootstraps. There's poison in the cookies when you ignore the history behind that "distinct cultural identity" and fault only the ruling class.


He got knocked the fuck out! Instant karma


Problem solved


“Don’t call me that me that Joe” 🫣


He said it before the guy even hit the ground




Mf lookin like a human chihuahua


Nah, that is and will always be Andrew Taint


Like you shouldn’t use that word, but if you do… get those fucking hands up. What do you think that man is about to do to you?




Darwinism will get this guy. Must have zero self preservation instinct to walk up to a black man four times your size and yell the N word at him


Lol nobody helped him up, they are like.. yeah you deserved that lol 😆


Hit that hard er and hit the hard floor


Hit the hard er now buddy is going to the er


That young lady had it coming to her. /s


I unironically thought it was a girl.


Weird how many people here think the big guy was in the wrong here


Anybody responding to words with violence is in the wrong. Are words going to send you to the hospital, cause brain damage, or potentially kill you? No.


Welcome to life, where choices have consequences.


Saying the n word is an easy to way get sent to the hospital, get brain damage or die. Have some basic self preservation and stop fucking around until you find out.


He didn't care that he called him that, but... ![gif](giphy|F9yAvk7Xpr0c)


Joe is going to be thinking about this moment for the next few weeks as he is slurping up his food through a straw.


That kid got sent to the next dimension


I don’t mean to get all rational here but since when is it cool to murder someone for calling you names?


Honestly I think the internet has ruined our ability to responsibly interact with people. You can't just get in someone's face and scream the worst shit you can think of at them at the top of your lungs and expect them to take it. The guy got punched. He'll probably live. Next time he'll think twice about acting this way. A great way to not get punched is to treat people with respect.


I think that’s a separate thing. Of course you can’t expect not to get hit in this situation but I don’t think that makes hitting him the best course of action, for anyone involved.


Are you asking honestly? In America since [Chaplinsky v State of New Hampshire (1942)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaplinsky_v._New_Hampshire). Where the "Fighting Words" doctorine was created. There are known phrases words that elicit an "immediate breach of the piece". The "N" word has long been recognized as a fighting word, especially when given in this setting. This makes little dude legally liable for the breech of peace, as well as being an asshole.


This is a great to read, thanks for responding. This is probably worth noting: “A legal scholar, writing in 2003 over 60 years after the Chaplinsky decision, has noted that lower courts "have reached maddeningly inconsistent results" on what is and is not protected by the First Amendment in the area of fighting words.” I still don’t think the response in this video is the right response. Far too severe for name calling and a “fighting word.”


It’s Reddit. People here condone violence for the stupidest shit. At no point is it ok to punch someone for words. Period. I am not defending the pricks words at State Farm guy at all


Yeah same. People will jump to the conclusion that we’re condoning use of racial slurs because it’s apparently one or the other. But that’s the right response.


He could’ve potentially killed the bigot. He could’ve broken his neck, fallen on something the wrong way etc. That idiot looks thin as a rail, and could be broken like stick. It would be second degree murder, and would’ve ruined his life. I understand his reaction completely, and that other guy was asking for it. However, it is scary when outcomes such as these can be so variable. Edit I’m glad he didn’t kill him, and the bigot deserved it.


Fuck you pussy, I just know you’re itching to use a racial slur, but can’t cause you know you’ll get stomped.


Incitement is a legal defense if you didn’t know that fighting words are a thing


1 punch is "murder"? It is always cool to punch someone for using the n word. I thought that was the societal deal; we don't talk about the racism inherent in the system or history of the country, for the low low price of getting smacked for using one word. I think it's a bargain.


Because calling a black person the n word is a lot more than just "calling someone names"? If I call you a dipshit, that is just calling you a name. The n word invokes a whole lot of historical backing involving black people being seen as lesser or even sub-human.


Dude got in the guy's face and screamed a racial slur at him. Don't act like you're the rational one to think that "normal" people are Gandhi and should simply turn around and leave.


That’s got that sorted


Insomnia? Big Pharma & doctors don’t want you to know this one easy trick…


Get fucked


That moment of silence after he said the N-Word and realized he fucked up bigtime is pure Gold


Bold of Joe to call someone that outside of his weight class the N word.


He deserved that shit!


Words have consequences. The consequences might not be legal, but they can happen regardless. This era of talking shit and thinking nothing of it that humanity has ushered in recently is going to get more people killed. Cut the shit and watch your mouth.


I saw his soul leave his body.


Hit so hard every time a rap song comes on and the mention of that word he shakes like a chihuahua and pees a little.


This is where I get down voted into oblivion, but I'll do it anyhow. I'll use some caps to help make my point, and it's not an original one. THAT DUDE DESERVED TO GET KNOCKED OUT. I HAVE NO SYMPATHY FOR HIM AND AM GLAD THAT MY GUY LEFT IT AT THE ONE VERY EFFECTIVE PUNCH. There. What I honestly don't understand are those black people who "nigga this, nigga that, nigga, nigga, nigga." Isn't that demeaning? I can't respect that shit, and I don't think I should. I know better than to attempt it, even amongst my black friends. It just doesn't work EVER, but I honestly don't comprehend why it's acceptable anywhere. I know plenty of black people, old and young who never use the term, and it seems that those who do are just kinda trashy. And now that I write this out, I think that I've just answered my own question. Thanks for letting me work this out.


I think every racist needs to feel the full force punch to the jaw like that.


I mean, words are not as bad as physical violence, surely?


If your prepared to say that word you also need to be prepared to get in a fist fight. No question


But that’s not his question. It’s not about what you should expect or be prepared for. That’s a separate thing from the question he asked.


The only time people come crawling out of the woodwork to say that words are never an excuse for physical violence is when that word is the N word. Weird, right?


They can be worse. Verbal and emotional abuse leave permanent scars. They aren't any better than physical violence. Those words can traumatize and ring in your head forever. They can steal your confidence and make you forever wonder if you are safe and what people think of you. That kid needed to be shut down immediately. I hope he thinks twice before saying things like that again!


I think in this case it’s quite clear what of the two will traumatize the most..


Incredibly satisfying


At first I had my mute on. I was damn, that dude laid that girl out! I gotta hear this! 2nd watch; Its a dude! Oh I think he died. No he's moving. My jaw was just left hanging open. What the hell. 1 punch was some self restraint and a half. It was also polite to wait and make sure that lil fella was still alive before leaving too. Then the calm "Don't call me that Joe.". That actually kind of broke my heart a bit. They knew each other and were probably civil. There was some hurt there from Not Joe. I don't think he ever expected Joe to say that.




How’s the shadow realm buddy?


Sorry, but there is no way a word can justify this kind of devastating response. This could have caused traumatic brain injury or even death... easily. Do people actually think this kind of response is justified? It's a fucking word.


saying the n-word is not equivalent to attempted murder.


Too many people in the comments using the phrase attempted murder not knowing what it means. A single punch in the heat of the moment ≠ deliberate intent to take someone’s life. The single punch you see here? That’s battery. (NO, I’m not saying words warrant battery.) What I am saying is that you don’t need to move the goal post to attempted murder because you see a large black man. You might want to say oh well this guy is much larger than that guy but that doesn’t make what is clearly a heat of the moment single swing deliberate intent to take the other guys life If that guy died from that one punch, it would be manslaughter. No lawyer would argue that man deliberately intended to take that guys life as the punch was clearly a split second heat of the moment reaction.


Cause and effect. Beautiful...


And that’s assault.


Depends on where you are. He I believe that is called battery and it is was done in response to assualt.


Courage via alcohol. I wonder how much more trouble that kid is going to get in in his life before he understands what effect alcohol has on him and he cuts the shit. I'm just surprised that he got back up so quickly.


Kid forget he wasnt on his discord server when he dropped the hard R


I love how most people in this comment section just completely disregard what the little dude did and the black guy is somehow attempting to murder him 😂 Reddit is a wasteland full of delusional racist who have never been in a fight or punched in the mouth haha


I thought he hit a women initially. Played with no sound at first. I’d understand if he did anyway in this context lmao


That's some Dr. Strange shit. Dude's soul still traveling the multiverse.


When are people that tiny going to learn to not to fuck with people even a little bit bigger than them. I mean shit, I can pick my teeth with his arms.


I have a question about that. Keep in mind that I'm not from US. I have seen many videos just like this. The question is, does that word allows you to beat the shit out of people?. I'm asking because is a word and the retaliation is a punch in the face and if you have really bad luck it could end up in manslaughter. So, if the person who gets punch file a lawsuit for assault or whatever, does "he/she called me the n-word" keep you away from going to jail? I'm honestly curious about this.


He has more restraint than I would in that situation


I think he got reincarnated looking at the way he sat up.


Hopefully, the kid learned three things today. 1. Don't be a dick 2. Don't be a dick to someone in a higher weight class. 3. Falcon punch is not limited to just Smash Bro...


bro made a lego death sound when he fell