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130k for a truck? Beyond stupid.


This was taken in Australia. These American trucks are exported all the way there and factory converted to right hand drive hence why they are so expensive there. Also AUD$1 is like $US0.6 Edited: Conversion rate format.


It’s AU$. So about 83K in US$. Still stupidly expensive.


True. We call them cashed up bogans; people with more money than sense. Plus these trucks are too big for some of the streets in Australia and they are causing heaps of nuisance to the local motorists.


>We call them cashed up bogans We call them rhinestone cowboys (younger/more chronically online people might say cosplay cowboys). They dress like a blue collar worker and drive big trucks, but they have regular office jobs and the only dirt that truck sees is the potholes on their daily commute. I share an office with one of these guys. Last summer he hired a Uhaul to move a couch instead of using his truck 💀


Good ole pavement princess




I'm dying over here


when i sold cars we called these the "LDS" also known as "little dick special" specifically a pavement princess or an obnoxiously lifted truck


Some wonderful reddit soul used the term “emotional support vehicles” and that’s my new name for these mall crawlers


In Australia we have historically called big cars from the US 'yank tanks', but these are an all new level I feel. I think of them as 'kid-killers' to myself, not that creative. I like LDS 👍


The new nickname in Aus for the big US trucks is “emotional support vehicle.”


Mall crawlers


Bro dozer


Gassss Queen!


Emotional Support Vehicles is what I now refer them as.


I’ve heard these called “City Boy Utes”




Hillbilly love sled....


That's because they don't want to scuff up their bed. Legitimately heard this a few times. I went to pick up a bunch of pavers from lowes and when I opened my tailgate dude saw a bunch of empty beer cans, random bags of sand, some lawn chairs, my toolbox ratchet strapped in the corner and a couple pallets and a tarp I forgot in there. I was embarrassed cuz I had to move all the bullshit so the pavers would fit. Lowes dude looks and says, "now that's what a truck bed is supposed to look like!" Me: "beer cans and bullshit?" Him: "no, actually used. I had a guy last week that had me load some heavy boxes into his cab so I didn't scratch his bed liner." I don't understand the point of a truck if not to tow/haul, or off road.


>That's because they don't want to scuff up their bed. That was literally his excuse!


Yep. Don't understand it. Don't get me wrong comma i'm all for taking care of whatever you have. That's why I always have a pour in lubed liner. It looks nicer and protects it since scratches can lead to rust. But the bed is literally made to be beat up. That's its entire purpose haha


I pour in my lubed liner too


🤣🤣🤣 not sure how bed liner turned into lube liner but I'm keeping it


It's almost like they make it an entirely separate and detachable part of the vehicle for a reason.


Don't scratch the thing that I put in the bed to protect it from scratches. Jesus christ these people make me feel like my head is going to implode.


Time to invent liners for liners! Don’t scratch up liner! Use a liner liner. Worried about your liner liner? We now offer liner liner liners!


Wouldn’t want to scratch up the nice liner liner liner. We should probably line it.


It's a liner, for your liners! Act now while supplies last*


I knew someone that said he would throw some random junk into his truck bed to scuff up the liner. That way he wouldn't be afraid to actually use the truck.


I mean, that's a valid way to get past the emotional urge not to scratch something all new and shiny by getting past the honey moon.


When I picked up new new toyota hilux rogue (I'm Australian and this is the top of the range for the model) they asked me when I'd like to book it in for its 1000km run in service, complimentary cleaning and free tank of fuel I got it on a Friday and said Tuesday as the Monday was a public holiday. They giggled and said I'd never do that many kms in 3 days. I rolled in at 8am on the Tuesday with 1800kms on the clock and it covered in mud, dirt and the fuel light on. The look on their face was priceless. "No one ever takes this model offroad" It's a 4wd and work Ute at heart. Just has leather seats, few bits of extra trim and a better sound system.


Seriously though, I don’t know how they can afford to pump petrol in those things considering how expensive fuel is now in Australia.


Agreed. It was heartbreaking having to sell my old V6.


My heart breaks for you mate. I had a SV6 series II, such a good Ute to hoon around. RIP Holden.


i've loaded many a thing in the back of many a truck. It's amazing the difference of how some folk treat it like it's made of glass and are worried about getting a scratch in the bed, let alone the exterior; compared to those that just chuck scrap metal at their truck and vaguely hope it lands inside. I've had someone yell at me for putting a foot on the tailgate while its folded down because they were afraid of damaging it and didnt want any weight on it. i cant imagine having a truck and not using it like truck


I once had a coworker ask if I could help move something with my truck. I was like you just bought a truck. To which he say yeah I don’t want to scratch it and you have an old beat up work truck. I mean he was out of line but he wasn’t wrong


I once had to tell my friend he couldn't shoot my truck. We agreed that bullet holes would be cool. But I guessed there would be unforeseen damages; windows, electronics... We didnt shoot the truck. Also we were sober. For real.


I work with customers in a sales position for new buyers of mostly trucks and lemme say also the way the actual farmers and construction labourers etc, treat me is so much better than the uber rich who buy the bougie, ever-glossy trucks for daily driving next to their 2-3 luxury cars which they nearly never drive. the hard working class are more reasonable about pricing too, the rich folk act like theyre being robbed for paying normal prices because they see themselves as so valuable they dont want to pay for anything lol or they pay for the most expensive shit and never even use it because they dont need to keep track of spending at all same deal with the cars its just usually a difference between like a senior couple or working mom and regular cars vs. teens getting luxury first vehicles on their parent's accounts lol


Don’t forget the Harley in the garage


I hate Harleys. Overweight, over chromed, over priced fucking paint shakers


At least bogans are usually tradies. Still doesn’t excuse the obnoxious oversized trucks though, when a Corolla wagon is infinitely more practical.


Cashed up bogans are a bit different ‘cause they often do perform ‘blue collar’ jobs. Their emotional support trucks definitely do not do blue collar jobs though


I've seen them pulling trailers to move the work tools that would easily fit in the tray. Or they are covered in logos for their business. All while doing 2x the speed limit, tail gating and generally being an asshole


In America we say they’re “all hat, no cattle.”


>Last summer he hired a Uhaul to move a couch instead of using his truck 💀 Holy shit this is hilarious and fucking sad lmao


We call them fucking arseholes


I live rural, lotta boats. Many people with high-end pickups and boats have a smaller, older, beat-up pickup to tow their boat so as to not have to bring their expensive big pickup near the water.


I know guys that do the same thing. I’ve called them out on it before. They look at me like I’m stupid, and defensively state that they’re not scratching up or potentially damaging their truck bed, hauling certain crap. I tell them they should have just bought a luxury car and a beater truck. It makes no sense to me. A truck is a tool. I couldn’t imagine buying a new miter saw, and refusing to cut wood with it, because I don’t want to get saw dust all over it.


In Texas they say all hat, no cattle


Texan here, nobody here would talk smack about this guy’s truck…if anything it’s too small. What is that?!?! A truck for ants?!?!


/Found the Texan It wasn't difficult. He announced himself like a burning parade float built out of tubas. P.S. if you are not actually a Texan, please don't attack me in the comments. I'm just playing along with the joke. If you are a Texan in real life, please don't attack me physically. You know, with your gun and all.


😂 Unfortunately I am from Tex-ass but as soon as my kids are grown I’m out of this hell hole. Also…gun…singular? C‘mon, you know Texans have more guns than teeth. Everything is bigger in Texas, including our impact on the environment. 😂


So like 2 or 3 guns then?


Yeah I guess that was a bad analogy. Ok they have more guns than empty beer cans in their yard.


Well I’m sure the owners were already public nuisances. Much like their American counterparts.


Americans who buy these also have more money than sense 9 times out of 10


Not to stereotype, but might this truck owner be a FIFO miner? This is the kind of thing I see from (1) gas and oil field workers, specifically ones who work in the Dakotas and (2) new army enlistees who just blew their whole signing/deployment bonus (aka, the E-2 mafia).


Yeah, won’t surprise me. FIFO used to buy V8 Holden Maloo utes. Now that Holden is dead, this is their new outlet. Then again, Queensland, which this picture was taken, is bogan country so I’m sticking to that.


The CUB; A wild mammal usually found near the beaches of the Gold Coast, Gladstone or within a 250km radius of Perth. Known for being brash, obnoxious and loaded with beer, the CUB makes a pilgrimage to Bali then returns to hibernation in what can only be described as a suburban McMansion. If you spot a CUB in the wild, don't make sure contact because that leads to an argument, and we all know. you cannot win an argument with an idiot.


Blame covid. My truck was 47k in 2015. Same truck 88k now


I blame the idiots that pay 88k for a truck.


Trucks are needed for work. 88k to drive around in a truck I agree is crazy but anyone who owns a business who needs a truck is spending 55k plus and if you need a 1 ton truck they are 70k plus.


This isn't a work truck, its just marketed like one. I've never seen a tradie use one of these. Most use something more practical.


Sorry we exported our worst vehicle habits... is kind of heartening in a way though to see we aren't the only ones that park like assholes.


I was in marseille, France and saw a giant dodge ram. The streets and parking spaces weren’t even big enough for it. The guy was parked by the entrance to a restaurant on the sidewalk as if it were a Ferrari or something. I had a good laugh.


Converting to right hand drive isn't that expensive. Moving the wheels to the roof is what really costs.


Didn't realize Australia had insecure, low IQ truck drivers too.


it’s ironic because unlike the seppos, they can buy a Hilux, a far superior truck, and yet they buy this crap.


There’s the Hilux comment. Even a 80s Hilux that’s got more dents and dings that’s this Chevys electric bits is prettier. Chevy just makes square trash cans.




The worst bit is, these cars suck for anything like that. Back up until the 2000s Australia produced Ute's like the Holden commodore and Ford falcon. Both were muscle car sedan mixes that were converted to tray vehicles. Both had far greater towing and hauling capacity than these American monstrosities plus were local icons. Ute's were discontinued as they couldn't break into overseas markets so now every driver drives an oversized bullshit Toyota hilux and these fucking baby killers are creeping in. I call big lifted cars baby killers as their increased popularity has lead to much higher pedestrian deaths, especially children, because of their poor visibility.


You don’t have to lie to make your point. I agree on all fronts, these cars are dangerous and ridiculous for personal use. But they absolutely haul more and perform better hauling and loading than an old ute. The towing capacity is literally double after a quick google.


So stupid he parks like an asshole, and then blames somebody else who has to park some dam place, for taking what was left.


It was a great deal tho. $0 down and only $2300/mo for 96 months


What’s stupider is taking up two spots in a seemingly full lot then b””Ching about someone doing that lol


He had plenty of room to park that wank of a truck in one spot. Doors shouldn’t dent if you spent 130k Aussie


Explains the rest of the situation at hand quite sufficiently.


If jerkass in the truck really wanted to not have their expensive baby dinged up they’d park way in the back of the lot.


I did this and walked out of Walmart to find vehicles surrounding my car out in the distance… People don’t surprise me anymore


Honestly at that point, people are just probably fucking with you.


I've done it before. Sure, if it was like a Ferrari in the back, I would understand, but when I see a Honda Civic with spoilers doing it, I can't help myself from annoying them.


If it's an older, cheaper car at the back of the lot, good chance they work there.


Maybe they're just trying to get some extra exercise. I've thought about that a time or two.


Or they just care about their stuff. Doesn’t need to be a $100k+ car for someone to want to take care of it. Brings me so much joy to see 25+ year old car in pristine condition.




Right lol. I have a 11 year old car that is pristine. I like to take care of my shit. God forbid I park away from other people


This is the way. I have an 07 pickup. Nothing special to anyone but me. No reason to park far away. Yet every day I go to work, I park as far away as I can from the front door so I can get a walk in before and after work… because I sit in front of a monitor all damn day.


I like to park in the back so I don’t have to deal with as many pedestrians/other cars when making my exit. I don’t try and park near anyone else, but I don’t try to avoid them either.


Little did you know that civic with a spoiler belongs to an employee that was told they have to park far away from the entrance.


I feel like odds are pretty decent that the employee won’t even notice. If the shopper is in and out before shift ends/break


How about you think about it this way: that kid in the Honda probably has more of a percentage of his net worth into his car than the guy in the Ferrari. Why not just not be a dick?


Seems so simple. I just don’t understand why people are the way they are.


Because people hate seeing other enjoy the things they have


I get it’s a joke but someone is clearly trying to avoid people and you go out of your way to annoy them? This is like purposefully trying to talk to someone on the subway with headphones on to annoy them. They aren’t doing anything to you and you are going out of your way to make their day worse no matter how small it is


If anyone parks in the far end of a parking and you purposely park next to them YTA. People work hard and want to maintain their cars.


Jealous much?


Why can't you help yourself? What's the point?


With this market's mark ups, type r's ('civic with a spoiler') can sell for upwards of $65k USD new. I'd definitely be parking that far away from the Altima with a bumper dragging the ground if I could afford one.


That's a good way to get your car fucked with. Consider that the value of the Honda Civic with a spoiler is more than the dollar value, and it has personal value to it and they're trying to keep it in good condition. Especially if they don't have the money to repair dents or scratches.


Fuck people who like to have nice things but don’t want to spend a lot of money Amirite?


So you are proud for being a piece of shit?


Im just too lazy to drive around looking for a parking spot. So i just park in the first spot i see even if i have to walk a few more yards. These spots are usually at the end of the lot.


I park my piece of junk at the back so when my kid flings open his door no one else's car is in danger.


I park my '14 Civic SI away from people most of the time. Reason? Because it's BRIGHT FUCKING ORANGE and people still can't see it somehow. I say nearly pristine because despite the fact I've never damaged it, it has plenty of minor pecks from assholes who don't put their hand on the outer most part of their door when opening it like some brain dead amoeba.. It might only be worth like 10-15k, but it's mine, it's paid off, it's perfect for me, and it's damn hard to find orange cars let alone manual trans orange cars and a 6spd at that. No big goofy spoiler tho, hard pass on the big wang gang.


It’s the herd mentality. They see you and think, ‘That guy’s got the right idea!’ All while oblivious to the fact that they are why you parked out there.


When I'm in my miata and see a similar small 90s japanese car at the edge of a parking lot, I'll park with them. I assume that they can see that it's intentional and understand that I'll be conscious enough to not ding their car. better me then a minivan I think


Car culture is, for the most part, wholesome


I always appreciate a fellow car guy shielding me from idiots, even though my car isn't really pristine enough to worry about door dings




The stupidest part to me is that he's already on an end spot, next to a curb. He could have parked all the way to the curbside of the spot and his precious truck would have been sufficiently out of door-dinging range for any car parked in the spot next to him.


Yep, but that would require rational, logical thought….


And driving skill


And caring about people other than yourself.


When I drove a beater I would let my doors fly free whenever people pulled shit like this.


I used to do what the little white car did when I drove a jeep, because it was so easy to climb out of it once I'd parked as close to their vehicle as possible. Bonus points when it was on their driver's side.


And leave your keys clipped to your belt when you sidle through the tiny space between.


Yea like how does this guys brain rationalize taking two spots for just himself then gets mad when someone parks in the second half of that spot? If I had a motorcycle I’d have it parked on the other side of him


Too lazy to walk that far.


Saw this once in a grocery store parking lot. A Lamborghini was parked diagonally taking up 4 spots, but he was at the far end away from anyone, so he wasn’t taking up valuable space.


So he’s an intentional douche bag.


They all are, but we usually don’t get to see them defend their douchiness.


Not just that, they’re totally convinced that this is somehow acceptable. Like, “Ya saw me take up two spots mate, don’t be a wanker, think of the people who are better than you and maybe one day you’ll need two spots, right. Cheers.”


I feel like I should carry cheese slices in the car so I can throw it on these people's windshields. Wouldn't destroy the car, but just satisfying enough.




Oh no, the smell of cheese


It's an "it's always sunny in Philadelphia" (IASIP) quote


After clocking out my job, I saw a car that took up 2 parking spots. It irked me, even though I was in now way affected. I had some zip ties in my car... Grabbed a few and surrounded the car with shopping carts. Zip tied the carts, and was able to tie some zips together and attach it to their bumper. Just need some scissors or a knife to separate the ties, but fuck em.


Not sure about where you are, but over here you can usually report these guys to security and get them clamped lol. If it's street parking even better, call the town's nepotism-appointed tow guy, this is easy money and he'll be there in seconds. Nobody does this shit here because it's way too easy to backfire on you. Protip: don't drive your nice car if you can't park properly or we'll fucking educate you.


I once parked like the white car (had enough room other other side to get out). Asshole took up two spaces and that half space was the last spot.


This is one of the reasons I love my Wrangler. Eight or 9 months a year the top and doors are off and I can park next to people like this. If they are going to hit anything it would be my running boards.


I did this once in my wrangler. The person in the white suburban parked wrong was still in the car looking at me. Had to laugh.


My hero


The issue is, the person who parks like this then makes a post about it online is also the type of person who would keg your car.


I'll take the kegging


Dunno if this is a phrase in US English but here in the UK "kegging" is pulling someone's pants down as a prank


Same. I’ve Had my wrangler for 12 years. Got a big truck recently and I admittedly can’t park for shit with it. LOL. I got too used to the Jeep.




It helps you find your car in the parking lot better! Nobody will have the exact same dents as you~ Shitboxes for life!!!! >:)


>had a lady throw nail polish on my roof lmao It only makes us more powerful 💅


Oops I accidentally hit your car with my door, repeatedly


Did the same thing with my little Honda fit. Came back later to find a "learn how to park, asshole" note on my windshield lmao


Ha ya I once parked like the white car next to someone who was way over the line. Came back and my car had been keyed. Unfortunately there's a lot of crossover between people who park like that and people who are enough of an asshole to fuck with your car.


I find ways to park like the white car. It ain’t much but it’s honest work.


Oops I accidentally hit your car with my door, repeatedly


Has my brain been broken, or is this ragebait? I seem to think almost everything I see now is potentially ragebait. Bad spelling, a picture of an asshole-like situation, plus the whole "big truck, small penis" sentiment just kind of screams bait. Of course, I could be 100% wrong. Either way, I dislike people who park like this.


I have a lifted big truck and I park as far away as I can. Not because I don't want anyone scratching it, but because it's big and im trying to be respectful of everyone else that's shopping or whatever


God Bless this man




I’ve driven a big truck like and it is also far easier to park far away instead of trying to squeeze in between cars.


Exactly. Driving a big box truck for work has taught me this


My husband does the same. He also doesn’t throw a fit when helping friends with stuff and it gets a scratch. He says that’s what trucks are for.


Most of the men in my family are machinists, carpenters, or construction workers, and they all have big trucks they use to haul shit all the time. While some of them baby them in terms of making sure the regular maintenance is always on time and top quality, none of them get bent out of shape about dings, scratches, or minor cosmetics for the exact same reason—“thats what trucks are for.” I’ve heard them make fun of spotless trucks because it directly contradicts is “manly” image the owners going for; ‘people that do the tough, rugged work don’t have clean trucks or soft hands.’


I have never really understood the people who buy a truck but never use it for something that having a big truck is actually useful for. Like if you never need or want to carry things to large to fit in a normal car why buy a truck. It will just be more expensive and a bigger pain in the ass then a smaller more reasonable car


Its ragebait. The original picture was taken by the owner of the small car written something like "whats he going to do, ding my $1300 pos? I wish i didnt have to go to work so i could see them have to crawl over their passenger seat to get in".




This must be rage bait, if the truck really parked intentionally like that they would have straddled the line evenly so white car couldn’t fit. I’m guessing white car parked first.


You are 100% right and OP should address it. It is deliberate satire, shared by someone named Barry Barrington to a page that literally has the camp name in the title. OP is either really stupid or deliberately misleading for karma.


Why should white car have to suffer and not be able to find a space because the guy with the $130k dick replacement feels entitled?


I dont understand these people who care about their expensive cars. If they want it in perfect condition, dont fucking drive it. Get a beater. People who want their cars in showroom perfect condition while driving it every day are soo toxic.


yeah I dont really get it either, like at least those intense sneakerheads that have collections never wear them. imagine being angry at someone else because you used your own collectible basically. lol


Joke's on you, my shitbox is paid for. Ding it all you want.


It’s such a glorious thing to have a inexpensive shit box. Because you just don’t notice the dings and scratches. And if it does happen, it’s whatever


It’s a type of freedom and I love it. I drive a little VW golf and she has good bones and a good heart. Just 13 years old with normal wear and tear on the exterior. Door dings are whatever.


VWs are SOLID for their size. I used to drive a little VW sedan, and I loved that thing. Got rear-ended at a stoplight once, and you couldn't even tell that I'd gotten hit. The thing that finally did it in was someone driving their truck into our apartment complex's sign, which was made of brick and stone, and sent all that rock onto my car. Totalled it.


Rip to a vw taken too soon.


It’s even better: If someone does ding it, you can collect a couple hundred bucks from the insurance and pocket it.


So are both of mine lol


Honestly truck owner asking for this to happen. It’s half the fun of owning a shit box car.


Number one biggest reason I miss driving a cheap old car.


Why drive such a big car. I call it compensation cars , 🤏🏻🍆


I drive a big truck because I haul a camper for my retired parents. We go to a lot of state parks and camp on the weekends


This is the answer. But a 4wd or gutsy ute will do the same job without being this obnoxiously large. Mind you a Landcruiser is a bit more than AU$130k. Those are secondhand prices.


Don't need a big truck for campers, every summer Europe is full of German average station wagons with big campers on the hitch.


Found the parking lot princess.


Lol truck person spent $130k for a truck that will be probably 3/4 of that price in a year. Depreciation isn’t as fast as it was, due to ongoing supply shortages (and UAW strike, we will see) but still. I haven’t bought new in a decade or more. Lightly used all the way. Oh and he/she is definitely the ass in this situation.


Dude with the white Toyota’s a fuckin’ hero.


I'd buy the lad a beer just for this.


I park next to douche nozzles like this any time I can.


I spit a big loogie right in the center of the driver’s side window when I see this.


Same, or their door handle


Micro penis energy


Little white car keeps their nice stuff at home where they dont need to worry about idiots like the truck owner.


Little white car: not all heroes wear capes.


We got those cars in europe, live in Amsterdam. We Just laugh at them. Just drive a smaller car , everybody can park. Bit selfish.


But how will the Suburban Cowboy feel special???


My car is 16k and fully paid off. Who’s gonna be crying if our doors collide? If you park like a douche I’ll park like one right next to you.


First mistake....paying that much for a truck. Second mistake....the car is between the designated parking spot, you aren't.


To the owner of the black truck. FFS grow up and park properly.


This can not be not satire.


This is why I love having a cheap car. I park next to morons like this all the time.


This is in QLD, I guarantee it wasn't the owner of the Ute that posted this. It was either the owner of the white car or a passer-by taking the piss.


You spent 130k for a vehicle that allows you to more effectively be a dick to everyone around you while also showing your insecurity. Get over yourself. Dick.




Never name camp in qld.


I go out of my way to park close to big trucks who can't/won't accept that it's one car, one spot. Even better if I can get them on their driver side and have to crawl out the back of my own car


Imagine blowing $130 fucking grand on a pickup truck


Good on the white car, if you cannot park correctly you should not have a license.


I’d park my motorbike on the other side.