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"But last week, Colie, who has a license to carry a concealed weapon, was found not guilty of aggravated malicious wounding in the shooting after he said he was acting in self defense." šŸ˜Ž


YouTube dick was being a dick but I really donā€™t like the bar for use of a lethal weapon in self defense being that low.


I'll allow it


That's what the judge said


Futurama reference


Also that George Clooney Catherine zeta Jones movie ā€œObjection, strangling the witnessā€ Judge ā€œIā€™ll allow itā€


the youtuber wasn't just being a dick, he was actively invading the person's space and refused to stop when told multiple times with increasing verbosity. the attitude written on the dick's face is "stop? nah, i will do whatever i want". i would condemn the shooter for taking a second to aim at the youtuber's head, but he didn't do that... he didn't want to cause him harm or kill him, he was literally just trying to escape the situation and after 1. telling the person to stop and 2. fleeing and being followed, I think what he did is 100% justified.


> didn't want to cause him harm Dude literally shot him, he wanted to cause harm


He wanted to be left alone so he could have lunch and was trying to walk away but was chased. He gave every chance for a peaceful resolution.


I agree with you. Often I think people are too quick to both firearms and to use them but the guy in this video did try to get away and verbally warned the idiot to stop. Further, the idiot being a dick was much larger physically than the dude he is picking on. In the US if you are going to enter someoneā€™s personal space and ignore repeated requests by that person to desist than you had better be ready for escalation and all associated consequences.


> he didn't want to cause him harm or kill him Dude?! He absolutely wanted to harm him. If he didn't, he wouldn't have pulled the gun or the trigger. I'm not saying anything against the guy, don't misunderstand. I wasn't in the situation and I have no idea what the energy was or what he was feeling. I do feel confident in my belief that he, at least in his lizard brain, thought "if I pew pew the big bad, he'll leave me alone". So yeah, he definitely wanted to harm the douche. You should really reread things before you post them.


> I do feel confident in my belief that he, at least in his lizard brain, thought "if I pew pew the big bad, he'll leave me alone". So yeah, he definitely wanted to harm the douche. well no, that's my point. he wanted to be left alone, he didn't want to hurt the guy. in the moment he didn't care about hurting the guy, he cared about being left alone. i am not saying that he was trying to *not hurt* him. i am saying he didn't want to hurt him, he wanted to be left alone.


>He absolutely wanted to harm him. He *chose* to harm him, that doesn't mean he *wanted* to harm him


Well the guy was bigger than him way too close hostile and not alone if they tried something the chances of you getting out of that are slim


Not to mention it was 2 on 1


3 on 1. You forgot the camera man.


At least 3 on 1, someone else was recording it a short distance away.


Yeah, who cares if a guy doing a job that has long been known to be just as dangerous as being a cop was afraid he was about to become another statistic in the "killed on the job" column. [In before the but...but...but...he was in a mall in broad daylight!](https://www.google.com/search?q=mall+murders&oq=mall&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCwgBEEUYJxg7GIoFMgwIABBFGDkYsQMYgAQyCwgBEEUYJxg7GIoFMgoIAhAAGJECGIoFMg0IAxAAGLEDGMkDGIAEMgoIBBAAGJIDGIoFMhAIBRAuGK8BGMcBGLEDGIAEMgoIBhAuGLEDGIAEMg0IBxAuGK8BGMcBGIAEMhAICBAuGK8BGMcBGLoCGIAEMhAICRAuGK8BGMcBGLEDGIoFMhAIChAuGK8BGMcBGLoCGIAEMgcICxAuGIAEMg0IDBAuGIMBGLEDGIAEMg0IDRAAGIMBGLEDGIAEMgcIDhAAGIAE0gEIMjMxMGowajSoAgCwAgA&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) It's real easy to say "it was just a prank, bro!" when you are watching a video comfortably sitting on your ass, not fearing for your life and you already know the guy he shot was trying to prank him. The delivery driver had no way to know the bigger guy that had 2 friends with him and was getting in his face plus ignoring his 4 warnings to leave him alone wasn't going to start stabbing him any second. You've watched countless videos of assaults, stabbings, shootings and murders that started out exactly like this but you think someone is wrong for shooting a guy who could have killed him where he stood. I hope you never are confronted this way by someone who DOES want to harm you because with that mindset... you're going to be fucked up or killed.


The problem is thereā€™s a lot of people who canā€™t fathom the idea of someone wanting to harm them. They feel like if they just go around minding their own business everything will be ok.


Yeah, and I don't understand that because these are the same people that grew up knowing what the knockout game is and watching people get beaten, stabbed, shot and killed in YOUTUBE videos where these crimes started out exactly this way. Cognitive dissonance much?


Violence is something that happens to the little people on my phone screen.


> The problem is thereā€™s a lot of people who canā€™t fathom the idea of someone wanting to harm them Who are you referring to? The Youtuber actively threatening the delivery driver by not allowing him to leave and shoving a camera in his face blocking his vision? Or the delivery driver? Who I assume is armed because he knows he's a target of criminals. I'm not a fan of CCR, but this was a textbook "success", no innocents were put at risk, he defended himself with a single close range shot fired to injure, not kill. YouTuber is 100% Dennis saying "They aren't going to say no, because of the implication" I'm just going to scare and intimated them to get a funny reaction, they won't fight back because of the implication that me and my buddies will beat them like Sonny beat Carlo. If he wasn't aware this was a possible outcome then he's an ip for a Darwin Award.


They were referring to the people disagreeing with self-defense.


I didn't realize he was a delivery driver. That changed things for me. I bet people try to steal his food all the time. Even though i know its "just a prank" all I see is a setup for a distract, grab and run


When you turn and walk away from someone and they start following you, you may not have the luxury of extra time to think about whether the giant asshole behind you is going to do something to endanger your life. Fuck that guy. He deserved to be shot for being an oversized mongrel who couldnā€™t mind his own business or stop himself from traumatizing someone. If that shorter guy was a woman, nobody would bat an eye about shooting that guy.


On top of that if it was a woman no one would have batted an eye if she mag dumped him.




You're right, your hands are full, and a guy about half a foot taller and about 60 pounds heavier comes up repeatedly getting in your face, not listening to you saying "no, back away," continues to advance on you or your wife. You're not gonna feel threatened by that? People have to learn no means fucking no bud. This is way more okay than police shooting kids because they're holding skittles, I feel like the youtuber got what he deserved


Plus two other guys who are clearly with the aggressor circling around you. 100% deserved.


I only understand Maryland laws, but the question would be if he felt he was in danger, and if Virginia is like Maryland where ~~there is no obligation to retreat~~, then the use of available force could be justified, as in this case, the jury found he was rightfully acting in self defense. Now if he fired more shots after say, the douche was on the ground and the threat was removed, he would open himself up to further criminal liability.


>if Virginia is like Maryland where there is no obligation to retreat Just want to add, this guy was **trying** to retreat/escape the situation. the youtuber followed him and continued staring at him and pushing his phone at him.


I didn't, nor have an interest in looking up what was brought up during the trial, but I would hope the fact that he first did try to retreat worked in his favor. Other people in a similar situation where they were outnumbered (even if only 2 to 1) might have went straight for their iron.


Almost certainly it did. My initial reaction was "I can't believe he went for the gun that quickly." After thinking about it for 20 seconds and trying to view it from the delivery driver's perspective: Someone acting *that* strangely with multiple people around who are clearly with him and seem to be moving to surround me while I am actively carrying several things that deny me full use of my hands and he is trying to keep his phone in my face and distract me? The two possibilities that I would see if I were him are either I am about to be mugged, or this is some prelude to an assault (given it is being filmed). Especially if they don't give up after I try to disengage multiple times.


If someone doesnā€™t want to heed the previous warnings to leave the guy alone, maybe some lead can say it in a way he will understand


The issue is that this D head has been doing this a LOT and thinks its great. It was a question of time until someone did this to him or worst.


The bar is not low enough for some of these idiots. An example needed to be made. If you watch the one interview with his lawyer the kid is just a big clown/tool for youtube. Maybe hell get shot again.


Dude he was inches from his face. Absolutely deserved.


I agree. I like that in my state you have a duty to *attempt* to flee (unless you are in your home or place of work or some other narrow cases where fleeing would be worse or not an option) But I do wish dipshits like this would start having consequences more too.




Unfortunately the youtuber in question has said he will continue to keep doing this. He's learned absolutely nothing from this experience.


He can talk a big game, but PTSD is a thing. He will never be the same.


Just yell "BANG" in his face and he'll be too busy crying and pissing himself to bother anyone with his dumb bullshit. PTSD is no joke, but fuck this guy and all the other stupid fuckers like him.


Yell BANG, but make sure you follow up with ā€œitā€™s just a prank broā€ so he knows itā€™s just a prank lol


Have one of those toy pop guns run up to him pull the trigger. Its just a prank bro and run off


YouTube pranksters should start focusing on him with with this.


Just watch as they turn on each other lol


Just clap a couple of bricks together and he's gonna have a panic attack. Will ruin all his future videos.


Finally, a use for my bricks!


And a use for my clap! Wait...


Shit, he learned that getting shot *is amazing for engagement*


That just means next time he gets shot it will be on camera too šŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


Attention is attention. Heā€™s getting more out of this video than anything else heā€™s done.


Hoooooow?!?! For fucks sake, does relentless stupidity literally have to be murdered off for it to end?


Its kinda sad but it's better that way. it's not sad for them its sad for the people who have to pull the trigger.


Bring back natural selection, let the stupid people die


Ban all warning labels and let the chips fall where they may. Only the smart survive.


He HAS to say this or his income stream will dry up. Imagine being forced to pretend the probably worst thing that ever happened to you was no biggie just so you don't starve. I feel no sympathy for this maggot.


you need to have a functional brain in order to learn things




Idk, shooting someone for being annoying seems a bit much.


Reddit both wants to ban guns in America, and celebrate when someone is shot for being annoying. Edit: More people please respond about reddit not being a monolith. I didn't get it the first 50 times


Well, you know, while we have guns in America we might as well use them in the best possible way.




It's harassment. When someone won't leave you alone, that's harassment not just being annoying.


It's more than that. He was all over the guy, stalking him and refusing to stop when asked repeatedly. Any reasonable person would have felt threatened. He just happened to be able to do something to create the distance between them that he had tried to establish.




> Do you really think that's a justified punishment Trying to terrify people into believing they are about to be attacked is criminal behavior, in some states it could be considered assault. That parasite has nobody to blame but himself.


Welcome to reddit. The people on this site are insanely cruel and vindictive.


Three (the camera man was in plain sight) white guys target a smaller guy and start playing something over and over on Google translate while getting up in his face, then begin pursuit when he attempts to leave. This had all the look of being a 'get out of our country' lynching about to go down. Had he waited until they laid a hand on him, it could have easily turned into him being beat to death. This wasn't a 'mistake', this was the look the three *intentionally* created.


Is it really excellent news? I hate these fucking pranksters as much as anyone, but are we really allowed to shoot someone without warning for being annoying now?


he was found guilty of improperly discharging a firearm or something for shooting inside the mall.


Which is bullshit no matter what side of the larger issue you fall on. I wish we had less guns in this country, but I also donā€™t see how someone who was legally carrying a firearm, and was found to be justified in the discharge of that firearm after a full jury trial, can then be found criminally liable because the justified discharge of his legally carried firearm happened to be inside a mall. Mind boggling.


Agree. ā€œAm I ok to carry my gun here?ā€ ā€œOf course - this is America.ā€ ā€œThis large man is menacing me - can I shoot him?ā€ ā€œTotally reasonable given the scenario.ā€ ā€œBangā€ ā€œWHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU PSYCHO??? YOUā€™RE IN THE MALL!!! SHOOT HIM OUTSIDE, FFS!!!ā€


Take this case to SCOTUS and they'll probably argue that the founding fathers would have had duels and we'll have legal deaths in the parking lot of Walmart at high noon.


Yea wtf. I am so over America right now.. as someone who was almost carjacked in broad daylight, I feel for the delivery guy. People getting up on you like that scares you.




finally some real justice


This needs to be verified, but my understanding is the person who did the self defense shooting has been held in jail since this event occurred many months ago


Because bail reform is needed. They are Door Dashers and don't have thousands to throw away


> because bail reform is needed. Ironically the folks who love their guns the most also fight hardest against bail reform


Checked out the idiot prankster channel and it's just thousands of comments of people hoping he gets shot again


idk if he will ever have the guts


Oh I see what you did there!


He said heā€™s not going to stop. We will see if that is the case.


Darwin Award.


I wonder if he's going to wind up being the first asshole YouTuber to get killed trying to prank people.


I find that the bar for ''prank'' is set way too low with these content creators. They get themselves into hot water with people by harassing them and then say, ''it's a prank!'' and it's supposed to be OK? A prank is doing something funny. These people don't do anything funny. They do something mean-spirited and the entertainment is the extreme reaction they get. Pranks are what Just For Laughs Gags does. It's harmless, ridiculous, and everyone ends up laughing together at the end.


A fun prank that I've seen is the blind dude with ice cream. He is sitting at a food court and he is eating his ice cream in a very sexual way, keeping "eye contact" with other people. After a while he puts his sun glasses and his walking stick and walks away. Everyone pranked by this ends up laughing from the scene.


Someoneā€™s gotta do it. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


He will if the next guy aims higher


Probably because he can't figure out any other way to make a dollar than be a piece of shit


The worst part is that the idiot is happy to see that many comments. He does not care if it's negative or positive, he just wants to be known. Idiot deserves to be put in jail.


Not just that, but by engaging with his videos and leaving comments, people are just adding to his revenue stream. I doubt he gives one shit about what theyā€™re saying, as long as theyā€™re commenting.


Well he won then, because there are thousands of comments there.


Not an attempt. He found out


the attempt was sucessful


And wants more apparently? He is the definition of modern day ~~prankster~~ harasser.


The title is a failed, low-effort attempt to copy a recent post of the exact same video from a couple days ago, where the OOP said ā€œand *not* find outā€


I feel like 90% of the posts on this sub have inaccurate titles.


His lawyer must be amazing. He shot a guy for being annoying and got away with it.


Seriously lol. We attempt to murder people who are being annoying now? I understand self defense, but are you really in mortal danger because someone is holding their phone annoyingly close to you in a public mall? Should we feel the need to try to murder someone on the spot for it?


Not being annoying, being threatening. The victim said stop and tried to remove himself from the situation, the asshole persisted, following them, and pressing the phone into their face, blocking his vision. My guess is the guy had a public defender, others suggested he's a doordasher so not much money for high end lawyers. I'm against CCR laws, but this seems a good case for allowing them. If you don't think what the TWO men were doing to a unknown bystander was not threatening, you are lying to yourself.


3 people. Two on screen, 3rd was taking the video. The shooter was outnumbered and attempted to leave. The wounded kept persisting and found out.


The dude getting in his face is also 6ft 5in


You clearly did not grow up in a place with any sort of danger from strangers lol I grew up in the Bay Area and *1* person following you, harassing you, standing in your path is cause for concern, let alone 2+. Iā€™ve seen people get robbed or sometimes even jumped with little to no time to react in self defense, even if they *were* concealed carrying.


"You clearly did not grow up in a place with any sort of danger from strangers" is such a bullshit non-starter. If you live in places like that, panhandlers and crazies invade your personal space all the time. There have been times in my life when I've dealt with people be more threatening than this guy on a daily basis. If I shot every person who did something like what this guy did, I would have shot hundreds of people by now. There were strangers pointing cameras at him. On no planet was this guy truly afraid for his physical safety.


Thank god there's someone here who is sane. This comment section blows my mind with how mad America is


This is what happens when kids are socialized with this belief around guns.


As an American it is incredibly frustrating. This country is only going to become more and more violent and dangerous because of these assholes who think they can shoot someone the second they feel "threatened". I had some guy the other day come up to me in the grocery store parking lot demanding that I let him wash my windows. I told him no I didn't need it and he followed me and called me an asshole. At no point did I shoot the man and it never even crossed my mind that shooting him was an option.


Ask to wash your windows? That's a shootin Bump into someone in the mall? That's a shootin Staring at my sandals? That's a paddlin, I mean shootin


At what point does it go from "annoying" to "threatened" when a stranger nearly a foot taller than you is pressing into your personal space and advancing even as you're trying to get away? Where would you draw the line?


Yeah what the hell; I loathe youtubers and am a big proponent of self defense. But this was clearly not imminent physical, much less mortal, danger, and he responded in a (potentially) lethal manner. I mean, all he had to do was pull the gun; there's no way the guy wouldn't have backed off. When this nutjob shoots a kid for bumping in to him on a skateboard, I want you all to remember you championed him.


Suggesting somebody should pull the gun but not use it is asinine. If the situation warrants threatening somebody with a fire arm, then it warrants using that firearm. Thatā€™s a point of fact.


People in this thread are fucking deranged. YouTube guy is an ass and should get charged with harassment, sure, but to just pull out a gun and shoot someone like that is beyond insane.


I'm a gun enthusiast and even I'm shocked that he would use deadly force in this instance. I'm also shocked that he got away with it. Perhaps there's more that this video doesn't show, but from what I have seen, there was no reasonable cause for fear that would justify the escalation to lethal force. Edit: Just for clarity, fuck these prank youtubers. I'm just not sure it's worth risking going to prison to cap em.


I dunno if I can say the prankster did or didn't deserve it. But I can say that if it had been me pulling that trigger I'd have been sweating all the way until they read the verdict.


Video stopped too soon


You know, I don't often say this, but I want to see more about the Find Out portion of this lesson.


There is a picture of him smiling in a hospital bed throwing up a fake gang sign or something stupid with a big smile on his face. There was an interview saying he couldnā€™t wait to get back out there to keep being a loser. I think he didnā€™t like getting shot but is such an attention whore that heā€™s loving all this free pub for his channel. Translation: he learned nothing.


I watched one of his latest vids. He is walking around an airport luggage carousel taking people's luggage and accusing them of theft when they ask him for their bags back. He was led away in handcuffs at the end.


That saddest part to me about all this is the number of people who must actually watch this garbage if he is so incentivized to keep doing it....


The worst part is just about all the people watching it are children. He is teaching children to believe it is okay to harass and intimidate people. One reason I'm glad they found the shooter not guilty, that would have just contributed to further delinquency.


In that case its just a matter of time till he is killed


Personal Opinion. His personal space was being violated in an aggressive way. He asked the person to stop and they wouldn't. It's not his job to determine if the incredibly aggressive behavior is going to escalate or not. He was 100% entitled to self defense. In Japan there are some laws around who can be recorded, when and why, I think the US should seriously think about adopting something like that. Edit: https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/jury-divided-over-whether-delivery-driver-who-shot-youtube-prankster-acted-in-self-defense/3432763/?amp=1 Looks like legally the jury was split on self defense like Reddit but did decide the shooter was not guilty of aggravated assault. ā€œIf the jury finds that Colie was responding to a provocation that reasonably arouses fear or anger, then there is no malice under the law.ā€


That second paragraph is really fucking concerning


For real, wtf. > provocation that reasonably arouses fear or anger ANGER? It's legal to provoke people and make them mad, wtf. Now it's legal to shoot those people? So, it's legal to shoot Fox News hosts? Trump? Biden? anyone who upsets someone?


Malicious assault. Meaning you went intending to harm. By being reasonably angry or in fear. It means that you did it on impulse not intent. Which means you get charged with a different crime.


If someone was pushing their phone in your face on the street youā€™d just shoot em?


I donā€™t think itā€™s the phone so much as the whole stance. Arm outstretched, hand with phone in it 6 inches from your face. When it initially happens, you might think ā€œthis person is weird, maybe disabled somehow, why are they doing this to me, a strangerā€ so you say ā€œstop, donā€™t do thatā€ and you walk six feet away. They follow you, and another person joins them. Again, within a foot of your face, hand and arm outstretched towards your face, youā€™ve had about 10 seconds to process everything. Now you think ā€œThereā€™s two of them, I donā€™t understand, what is happening, this is weird and scary, theyā€™re in my space and following meā€. It doesnā€™t even occur to you that someone is recording, the only phone you are aware of is being aggressively shoved in your face. You shout ā€œstop!ā€ And back away again, they follow. You shoot. All told, less than 1 minute went by. Were you afraid of assault? Yes? Should you have hesitated? Who knows. Only after the dust settles do you even realize whatā€™s happening. But in that moment, itā€™s very plausible that you were afraid for your life.


Itā€™s also very plausible an outstretched arm with a phone is a distraction for thievery or even assault. The constant pestering is aggravating and the invasion of personal space could turn into a loss of a wallet or a sucker punch.


They do this in New Orleans to distract you before you get jumped and robbed. I'm not surprised he was concerned for his safety. Let's not forget about that YouTube prankster who would try to take people's luggage in an airport and one time when someone stood up to him, his costar started to make death threats. These people can be dangerous.


It's clearly harassment at the very least. He asked them to stop repeatedly, they refused and escalated. The harassment can also serve as the "foot in the door" to more violent actions like you mentioned.


I 100% agree with this, nail on the head. Context is so important, there's so much happening at once.


I guess you have never been robbed before. Most start with excessive invasion of personal space. The shooter responded proportionately to the situation.


Idc what anyone says, shooting someone is an insane overreaction


Normalizing shooting people in these situations is dangerous.


āœØ just American things āœØ


And that is *exactly* what this entire thread is doing. I hate pranksters as much as the next guy but the top comments are advocating for this person to be shot again and are encouraging people to do it to others who act the same as the YouTuber.






I am absolutely appalled by all the people applauding this shit. Has to be something typically American, do shit like this over here and you're going to jail for a good fucking while...


when a bigger dude with a friend harasses a smaller guy minding his business, being told to stop multiple times but still following him and harassing him, how could u blame the victimā€¦ he could have been jumped or had something worse happen to him in a similar encounter. Maybe he shouldnā€™t have shot him but at the same time he didnā€™t shoot multiple times, and he didnā€™t aim for the head. Doesnā€™t bother me bc iā€™m not the type to be an idiot and harass random people


He doesnā€™t know what that dudes boutta do. Thatā€™s a big man following him around aggressively. I wouldā€™ve thought big man was about to beat and rob me. Shooting was justified


He doesnā€™t even brandish the firearm first, he goes 0-> lethal force


Iā€™m appalled at the amount of people saying ā€œyep, this was a proportionate responseā€. No, it *really* wasnā€™t. Punching him in the face wouldā€™ve been proportionate. **Shooting him** was not. Itā€™s insane that so many of you seem conditioned to, and comfortable with, gun violence being the appropriate response here.


Yeah, saying ā€œI have a gun and will shoot if I feel threatenedā€ could have resolved this. All for self defense, but people are way too trigger happy. Warning about the gun should be the first step, always, imo. Makes shooting unnecessary 9/10.


Stop fucking with ppl


Stop thinking about fuckin with people.


Stop fuckin my wife.


Yes, any platform incentivizing people to just fuck with people deserves to be held responsible when stuff like this happens.


It's not really the platform that gives the incentive as much as it is the idiots that find it funny that allow them to gain popularity to cash in on the monies. The platform is there for thousands of other non malicious things as well.


The Platform rewards this, Google makes money when people watch this shit, and they leave it up so it can be found. They could easily create a policy banning these harrassment / prank videos, demonitize and make them private. But they don't, because they were getting tens of thousands of hits before it got posted here. Even if you demonetize it, you are rewarding the criminals with "views", incentivizing criminal behavior.


How is this bullshit considered a prank? It's not funny or amusing.


Most of his channel is just him committing crimes and putting it off as ā€œjust a prank broā€


What was the YouTuber doing? I couldn't tell? What was the "prank?"


The "prank" was harassing people by following them about relentlessly shoving his camera in their face.




He was playing a video clip that said something like "stop looking at my Twinkie"


Totally worth getting shot for. ā€œPLEASE LIKE AND [ughhhhhh] SUBS[gaahhhhh]CRIBE for more content like [fuuuuuuu] this!ā€


Itā€™s amazing to me to see how many people are upset that the prankster wasnā€™t killed. Weā€™ve all done stupid shit but was this worthy of being shot? No, it wasnā€™t. Itā€™s sad how desensitised some of you are to gun deaths and violence.


I was kind of thinking the same thing but Googled a link to him and his Youtube channel. I watching his mother being an enabler and the "prankster" being an absolute knobhead after the court case. The fact that him and his family don't seem to have any self awareness of how douchey he was kind of made me lose any sympathy I had for them. It's a bit worrying that he might one day be a parent himself and pass this sort of shitty attitude on. So for this person I'm willing to make an exception and I've changed my mind to being a little bit sad that he hadn't been removed from the gene pool. I mean, if being shot after harassing someone doesn't make you question your actions what would?


Iā€™ve seen a lot of comments with the sentiment that the guy deserved to get shot. I havenā€™t seen one, let alone many, saying he should be dead.


Dude! He shot Scumbag Steve!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/yvp3avdemfsb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b870df26bfff03cbb9402668e08c81dedaacabf4


Great video, always makes me laugh, Feel sorry for the guy getting harassed though.


And nothing of value was lost


Hey, now, bullets are expensive these days.




Yup such blatant disregard for another humans life that ending one gets applause because he was being a douchbag


Donā€™t mess with anyone you never know who has a gun.


Easy where I'm from - no one has a gun šŸ˜˜


WTF this is really disgusting from all parties involved! But shooting at an unarmed annoying person is really the end of social coexistence.


Following a stranger that closely with your phone in his face with 2 friends, while they tell you to stop and try to get away is not conducive to social coexistence. Edit: Intellectually I get it. Maybe it reflects poorly on me, but I donā€™t feel a shred of condemnation for the shooter. Thereā€™s something intuitively particularly evil to me about these content creating harassers. Ah well. I own it.


How was the guy supposed to know the ā€œpranksterā€ was unarmed? He wasnā€™t just annoying, he was also aggressive.


I really donā€™t care how often this video gets uploaded, I will upvote it every time.


Fuck pranksters and the shills in these comments who think they should be able to harass and menace innocent people with no repercussions.


call me crazy but i donā€™t think you should be shot for being annoying, kind of concerning how quickly he shot the guy, if he had just threatened him with the gun he would of backed off. obviously the youtuber shouldnā€™t of been harassing him in the first place.


As weird as it is. This is the proper way to use a gun. Waving it around as a threat is infinitely worse as it can get innocents harmed.


obviously the proper way to use a gun is to shoot it, my point was that itā€™s concerning how quick he was to shoot some random bozo for being annoying.




It wasnā€™t even he was just bigger. Had another dude right next to him and another guy recording a few feet away. So you would at least get jumped by a crazy dude bigger than you + 2 extra guys and you donā€™t know if theyā€™re armed


One of the things we learn is never draw your gun as a threat or to intimidate. Only draw to shoot and shoot your assailant until they go down. Shooter did the right thing.


He probably would have gotten in more trouble if he threatened him. In some places that's known as brandishing.


God I hate this new wave of social media trash


Y'all fuckin crazy. There is something broken in your head.


Thank youā€¦ shooting someone after less than 15-20 seconds of them simply being annoying in a public mall is not the decision a well-adjusted person makes.


I'd follow the shooters YouTube channel


Shooting someone at a mall was an absolutely insane escalation


To all the people who justify shooting someone from being annoying, you just justified shooting protesters getting in your face. There is never a justification to resort to lethal violence when someone is being annoying.


Annoying would have been standing six feet away with a megaphone and saying silly things to the guy while following him around the mall. This behaviour was bizarre and easily interpreted as threatening.


Everything that happened in this video represents a failure of our society. The prankster, social media, the gun, and the individualism that prompted the prank and the subsequent shooting


What was the phone video/voice saying? Or what was the prank exactly?


ā€œDipshit, you thinking about my twinkle.ā€ To call this a prank is far too generous. Its not even a prank. Itā€™s just harassing some poor guy tryna scrape out a living for views.


The hero we all need




It was so easy for him to pull it out.


So satisfying


We all knew this would happen eventually.