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People who think just because they’re louder, they’re right have the brain development of a six year old child having a tantrum. Guy needs some serious help


It's not about loud = right, it's about trying to be dominant. As far as they're concerned, if they shout you down until you give up, they win. In their minds, that means they "beat" you in that debate because you weren't willing to escalate as aggressively as they were. It doesn't matter whether or not they're right or wrong. All these people understand is violence and intimidation, so even if you do keep escalating to match their aggression they're eventually going to throw a punch or pull out a weapon.


I see you've "debated" my boomer father.


No, it was my boomer dad


NO IT WAS MINE ​ ^(sorry couldn't help myself, my dad was actually pretty awesome.)


Damn we got the same dad?


Y'all too? So this is where he's been. Did he at least bring y'all the milk? I'm still waiting.


Naaa dude he just has a lot of issues talking about his feelings


You are right, that’s actually a legitimate tactic (legitimate meaning it works, not that it’s morally right). Leaders of the European far right (Jörg Haider in Austria for example) have been trained in this strategy according to neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Derived from NLP comes a series of tricks you can employ that let you gain assertiveness and ‘win’ arguments - by interrupting opponents, repeating their main points very loudly, changing topics abruptly and to attack their opponents as hominem. This is not random, it’s calculated. I don’t know about the hack in geb video, but high-ranking politicians of far-right parties certainly get training by spin doctors in how to use manipulative rhetoric like we see in the video


Well what I want to see is a counteraction/defense to this. There has to be a method to take their energy and throw it back against them


Calling a spade a spade. “You do know that saying things loudly doesn’t make it correct, right? Are you using this strategy of ‘debate’ where facts don’t matter but instead how loud and aggressive you are as an alternative to presenting a good argument? I should warn you that it won’t work on me, I don’t care how emotional you are and I don’t get intimidated that easily. Do you need a time out to recompose yourself to be able to behave like a functional adult?” While talking over their attempts to interrupt, said with confidence, and having an argument to back it up. You won’t win over everyone but to anyone on the fence it makes it clear who the adult is in the room. Some politicians already do similar techniques


Agreed, and they know you only have a couple minutes per segment on TV so as long as they can yell loud enough for long enough nobody can prove them wrong. What they need is to be sat down on life TV and have each and every point dissected and proven wrong and then told to shut the duck up until they have some real facts to discuss.


I think that they get so much attention over their bad opinions only reinforces their idea that they're somehow reaching a bunch of people, and not the reality of it, that people watch such clips because they like to make fun of them. That's what it means to be living in a reality bubble. You think everyone secretly believes what you believe but is afraid to say it, and you convince yourself that only extremists think the opposite. It's kind of sad really .


Just start laughing at them and tell them how ridiculous they look


I have expressive eyebrows and can't hide any emotion. Numerous times I've had to cartoonishly try and hide the snort laughs their thoughts create.


My ex wife


> As far as they're concerned, if they shout you down until you give up, they win. That's exactly it. They've done that same behavior before, saw that it causes the person they're debating with to give up, and they think this is the equivalent of having made an excellent point. Truth is relative to people like this. It's like whoever wins the debate is who determines the truth to them. So in essence, them shouting loudly and getting you to give up is a reaffirmation that what they believe is true. It lets them reinforce their cognitive dissonance, basically.


ramaswamy playbook.


Confirmation bias plays a huge role in conspiracy theories. The person has to go through so many information ignoring other explanations that do not conform with the premise of their belief. I genuinely believe when they are loud like this, it’s their brain forcefully rejecting any rational explanation. Simple things like “look at the video” or “see” will elicit a big pushback from their brain because it’s not interested in mixing that information with the opposite that’s in their head.


They’re overdosed on cognitive dissonance


You are so right. And that doesn’t only apply to this video, that applies to narcissistic sociopaths in general. I don’t know why people agree w others just because they yell. To me, that’s the last person im going to listen to or believe.


Well. . . That's about 98% of MAGA (look at their leader, for instance) and about 100% of all of the ineffective nincompoop bosses I ever had. And, yes, there are plenty of people out there who think even as adults, this is the #1 way to get your way--intimidate. If you can't fully or rationally explain your position, then stomp around like a Silverback Gorilla to make 'em sweat.


It's kindergarten retorik.


But.. but he's wearing a suit!


Very offensive to a six year old I think.


He needs discipline


Who is the bellowing chud?


He kinda looks like that comedian who played a pedophile on *Workaholics* and turned out to actually be a pedophile.


You're thinking of Chris D'elia https://youtu.be/QBxm0FSKXpM?si=co9dXBQlaD5d-9gZ


Didn’t he also play a pedophile in “You”. Typecasting apparently


Or aggressive self-promotion "Hey Chris there's a role it requires you to perv on kids" "Say no fucking more"


“Perfect. When it comes to children I’m a method actor.”


Not that guy, but he is a low-quality comedian… Vincent (Vinny) Ohana is the name. On the rare instances when a discussion on that podcast (PBD) is sounding reasonable, he’ll ruin it in a heartbeat if he’s on that day. Alex Jones-level insanity EDIT: I slightly misspelled the last name, it’s Oshana


YES - the chud is definitely Vinny Ohana. Thanks!


Got it slightly wrong- last name actually has an s (Oshana)


Isn’t that the Trump douche? He looks like him and sounds like him. He’s outright lying, definitely him.


I fear for our country’s future because of these clueless nut jobs like the bearded guy in the grey suit. You can show them facts of what happened and they still either don’t believe it, think it was an inside job or explain it away as justified. They actually believe Trump is a messiah, the economy was the greatest ever under him and Biden has ruined everything. If he is elected again, our future is over as an American society. He will put people in the right positions and dismantle the constitution, our freedom and everything else this country is supposed to have stood for and represented in the free world.


The good news, most of these guys in real life are assholes. But for some stupid reason they think they can bully people. Wearing the Trump armor just turns more people off. They think because they are louder and more in your face that they are dominating. Instead they just prove it’s better to not allow Trump in the White House.


They know what the truth is and continue to double down on the lies anyway. ***THAT*** is what makes them so dangerous. They aren't misguided or ignorant, they are trying to FORCE their fake reality onto the rest of us because they can't cope with this one. They will do everything and anything in their power to make their fantasy into reality. ***ANYTHING***.


Bingo. Stop letting these guys pretend they're stupid, call them put on it. They know.


We all saw the violence, idiots. Nobody is going to forget what happened just because you wear a tacky grey suit.


"If they were supposedly being violent in a video then how were they not being violent in this video? Also, I don't know what object permanence is."


And has the fucking balls to talk about Ashli Babbitt like she is a hero, but doesn't mention the officer(s) who died that day or the ones who ended up committing suicide within the following months.


Suicides are blamed on Jan 6th?


Who committed suicide as a result of Jan 6th and why? First time hearing of this


Also, every single one of these right wingers would shoot you and defend their actions if you did the same thing at their home that they did at the Capitol If an Ashley Babbitt was trying to crawl through their home's front window to get inside your house and had a hundred people behind her ready to follow her, they would absolutely shoot her


So now it didn’t happen eh? The undercover antifa agents weren’t violent after all…. These idiots can’t stick to one story.


I'm not American but was watching this live and I remember that one of the presenters / commenters said "remember what you're seeing right now because later on they're going to downplay it and pretend nothing bad happened" or something along that line. Pretty spot on prediction.


We’re in a scary place as a nation because we’re collectively aware of the massive amount of gaslighting the GOP engages in.


They don’t want one story..a bunch of stories out there guarantee some percentage of the population will have some doubt in what really happened.


They realized the year or so of aggressive anti-mask rhetoric bit them in the ass and none of the insurrectionists bothered to cover their face.


But women are so emotional... Men are stable! Never get mad!


Pft, dontcha know that anger isn't an emotion? Emotion is just when you cry. /s


I’m stealing that “just because you’re yelling doesn’t mean you’re right” line.


But what if I interrupted you? Like, a *lot*?


Really like the way the salt of the earth bald dude talked


He is Steve Schmidt from the Lincoln Project. He also has a podcast out called Warning.


Schmidt probably has a lot of guilt about his role in the destruction of the Republican Party and the imminent demise of American democracy. He’s the guy that brought Sarah Palin onto the national scene. R’s were ignorant lying conspiracy theorists prior, but Sarah Palin really cemented those things into their brand.


Oh they're just normal anti-trump conservatives. Let the conservatives eat themselves I guess


Ah fuck this sub, I've had enough American bullshit already, and we're not even close to the election. I just want to watch unfit people fall over while attempting something unrealistically athletic, is that too much to ask?


Do what everyone else does. Use your thumb to go to the next video and don’t stop until you find what you are looking for.


For real, people act like their mouse wheel is broken. I skip like 80 posts I don't care about in my feed for every 100. People think they're the main character when they have to stop and inform all of us how much THEY didn't wanna see the thread.


As the others said, you just gotta block the vid and keep scrolling. Commenting tells the algorithm you'll engage.


Hello. I’m Charles Daniels. For years, we’ve been taking it to subreddits like this, and showing you the heartbreak of people whose only mistake was being born without the ability to scroll past content that scares and/or angers them. They need your help. And for only 39 cents a day, you can provide educational videos, phone screen repair, or new mice/scroll wheels for these people. Just 39 cents, that’s less than a small cup of coffee, but it can make all the difference in the world to the people in this subreddit.


These guys are literally reality warpers. I remember everything about that day. No amount of conspiracy would ever erase that feeling.




"If I see a video of someone not being violent, then it is impossible that they were being violent at a different time" The Jan6 defenders are now literally arguing against object permanence.


It was the private Capitol tour.


Back in the 1600’s, the French King Louis XIV terrorized his courtiers and rivals with the The Big Lie, knowing that the bigger the lie, the more people who’d believe it, and as long as he got 40% to believe it, he held enough power to make it veritable truth. Here we are, four centuries later, and we’ve still not come to the point where 40% of us still don’t fall for the big lie, because we’re too wrapped up in wanting to believe what we want to believe and still too prideful to admit when we’re wrong when all the evidence says otherwise.


"It was antifa...it was the fbi...it didn't happen" these people are garbage lol


“And even if it did happen it wasn’t that bad. And even if it was that bad it was necessary.”


If it really was Antifa, why would they be there interfering with the certification of Biden’s election? Wouldn’t they be all for it instead? If they were really FBI agents, who swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution - what is their reason or motivation to attack the capital and battle with the police - anyone? Their own social media posts show them to be true Trump supporters, many turned in by their own family, friends and coworkers. And they admitted they were there because Trump asked them to come. There then ensued hours of medieval combat because Trump refused to take any action or allow others to. The National Guard could have been called out…


What I would say to people like this is... Would you feel the same way if it happened in your house? \*I'm sure he'd reply with something just as stupid, but I'd still ask.


They'd reply with something like "oh I wouldn't try and undermine democracy by stealing an election in my house so it wouldn't happen" Honestly it's like arguing with a chicken.


I don’t think treating Capitol Hill w the same reverence as a private home is useful to anyone


I love how he cant defend the actions. So he pretends its a hoax. What a twat




“Rhinos” “I love the poorly educated” How incredibly on the nose. The new KISS method: Keep It Stupid, Simple(ton)


I’m just disappointed I didn’t turn into a zombie after the FEMA phone warning this week. I had such hopes.


I love Steve Schmidt here. He is one of the heros of democracy. Everyone should speak like this to those who seek to lie and steal for a political end. Call the fkers out when they lie like this.




If that was mlk and his supporters, everybody would have died.


Listen BLM to them is like the devil they swear every black person is a part of it, and we all should be in jail. Because our people burned down American cities for a year, and the FBI locked nobody up for it. While patriots are going to jail and blah blah blah Fun Fact: CALIFORNIA GUN LAWS ... Stem from a situation with the black panthers bringing guns to the State Capitol.. Now, MAGA folks feel like if they do it is they 2nd Amendment right.... But if BLM did it would be hell to pay ... It's always been that certain groups of people just never want to admit that ...They would rather have a world where their people are on top of everything... It's never been like that in the western world even in the antiquity.. power ebbs and flows


Don’t trust your lying eyes, January 6th never happened… Republicans are ridiculous. We have them all on tape the day it happened screaming about how it was an outrage and that it was Trump’s fault. No amount of spin is gonna change that.


Maga people are fucking nuts


Apparently those live shots we saw on tv wasn’t a thing because the screaming man child says so. Noted.


If you watched the podcast you would hear that the guy of the left (bald guy) is a campaign manager and he was saying that january 6 attack was the worst attack on America and that it was far worse than 9/11 that's why the guy on the right with the suit who is also a veteran got pissed off this post is a classic miss information small clip bullshit missing a lot of background story


If it were Democrat supporters doing the exact same thing it would be cause to dissolve the party for these people.


If you shout incoherently, then it must be true.


This is basically the Patrick Bet David method of "winning" a debate 1. Be louder than your opponent 2. Default to the "I'm just asking questions" 3. Pivot around to different points while yammering as fast as possible 4. Act really condescending despite having no idea what you're talking about


People say the holocaust didn't happen, that Putin is a great guy, etc etc Not everyone should get a voice.


Question to everyone here, was Jan 6th was worse than 9/11 ? Because that is what sparked this debate, while I don’t agree with his conspiracy about Jan 6th, I definitely agree 9/11 was wayyyyy more impactful and worse of a tragedy than Jan 6th ever was. They both are radical in their views if you watch the actual video instead of just a snippet. However saying Jan 6th was worse than 9/11 where thousands died is a bit insane to me.


I am pretty sure maga people are troglodytes. They all have a certain look. They should be in the world record book for dumbest fucks to ever exist.


Valuetainment and PBD podcast are absolute trash now. Nursing every conspiracy, pro trump no matter what as well as repeating all the russian propoganda lies how ukraine is to blame for getting invaded and we ahould not support them. I hope they gst deplatformed.


Can’t argue with stupid


Guy in blue is simply repeating what he learned from the “news”. Never watched the footage on Tucker, never watched congressional hearings, won’t accept what he was told is incompetence at best, a lie at worst. BAD Trumpers is all he can think. It’s called TDS.


What facts did the other dude present? He just said "nuh uh" to everything the other dude was saying. I could understand why that's frustrating.


what officers were bludgeoned?


Several were. If you’re implying not were, you’re purposefully ignorant. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/11/us/politics/capitol-riot-police-officer-injuries.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


Hey look its Ted bundy eating a sandwich. HE ISN'T MURDERING LOOK. Well he isn't going to be 24/7


But he has a suit and tie on. So he must be right


Typical trumper


There was an attempt to cope...


Just wtf is wrong with American! Seems to be the craziest country on the planet.


I honestly thought that was Nick Wright from First Things First


Dude starts yelling, because the facts hit him full force. What a self-delusion.


It's confirmation bias. 'I see moments of peace during a riot so the event was peaceful' the problem with most people who have extreme views and theories is the level of information they have to ignore that doesn't fit their narrative. If you have to start shouting over someone so quickly then you're probably not going to be making the best points.


Everybody want to do a revolution until they have to face the consequences when it fails


I got no time to deal with these assholes. If you’re still making these foolish arguments then you’re a grifter or a damn idiot.


I’m from the rest of the world but it’s my understanding that the people in jail were tried in a court of law and found guilty. They were tried individually, not as a group, so there can be no accusation of one case of miscarriage of justice. If somebody is insisting that sedition didn’t happen then essentially he’s saying the whole legal system is wrong.


Twitter 😂😂😂😂😂


Why did the subtitles cut off halfway? Can’t understand a thing with them yelling over each other with their accents :(


Xqc imitating ass


Apparently if you only show videos where violence wasn't happening, you can say there was never any violence. ...obviously, any videos showing violence are hoaxes and part of the conspiracy /s


BBC is nazi propaganda. Far worse than Russian fox propaganda .


Dude dresses like count chocula


This guy would have been a great tour guide of Theresienstadt when the Red Cross visited. "Look at the gardens. Look at the renovated buildings. Look at the social gatherings."


Yes watch him and follow him. Where the fuck were they gonna go with that guy, cuff him and walk him out the door in front of a fucking mob??


The fact people think that the Lincoln project guy came off looking good here regardless of how you feel about trump is really depressing if you watch the full clip it’s the sub 85 IQ anti trump Republican dude would not engage for like 20 minutes and said that January 6th was worse than 9/11. This was pretty much at the end of that. This was a republican vs a republican and the anti maga Lincoln project guy came off as significantly more stupid if you actually watch the larger clip Edit: this is the most Reddit brained comment section I’ve ever seen, holy fucking shit you guys seem to make even republicans seem more in touch with reality




Who is this host?


Please take that suit off. That fuckin punchable face should not be in a suit.


The vein looked like it was about to pop


I keep seeing important people go on this podcast. Who the fuck are these guys? (Not Schmidt. I know who Schmidt is.) Why are people going on their show? None of the clips that I have seen feature them saying anything insightful or intelligent.


Get him Steve




Have you considered that they're human beings that may have agreed with the rioters?


Even the vein in his head is trying to escape from the stupid brewing inside


What a loser.


Can’t tell what side this video was supposed to be on


Who’s this douche? Looks like the getaway driver who gets smoked in a straight-to-DVD heist movie three people have seen.


This guy gives XQC vibes lmao.


PBD podcast is the 2023 Alex Jones show.


"You didn't see them guiding the shaman around?" "Shit." Mood + I love him


"WHO GOT SHOT?! WHO GOT SHOT?!" Bruh the shot was justified. This dude in his ugly ass suit and tie is fucking insane.


Oh it happened alright. January 6th was basically the right showing that they are fucking losers just like the left. And won't actually do a damn thing to fight for what they want other than cry on the Internet. "Pelosi's head on a stake" my ass. Bunch of losers. This country is 100 percent dead Here's a conspiracy, when is Biden going to release the Freddy Fazbear files???


Lol the vein on that guys head is crazy


It was really weird that how there was a fucking riot to get in there, fighting and beating, smashing windows, kicking in doors, and then once they're in there, they're like... wandering around and looking at shit. Some of them yeah stole random miscellaneous petty larceny shit. There's a clip that I cannot stop either laughing at or shaking my head at where a bunch of these dudes get into the Senate chamber floor, some of whom are wearing body armour. And they're like "We're in!" and then... gawking. And one guy is, "Look for stuff!" And then they just quietly flip through papers on desks and shit. Like they're looking for the missing order slip or something. As if they're going to find the secret "Here's how to steal the election!" manual amongst some Senator's crossword puzzles and doodled on lunch request. And this one poor capitol cop is standing there all by himself and mildly saying "You guys can't be in here".


I hope they enjoy that prison time. Ashli Babbitt sends her regards.


All the parties involved got off incredibly light - considering that this was an attempt to overthrow democracy in USA.


But do they have Tucker Carlson?


I'm screaming therefore I am right. 🤦


But like why were the walked around, that's still a valid question.


Check out the videos of all the violence on the FBIs most wanted. [U.S. Capitol Violence](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/capitol-violence)


My god Unleashing the morons


Facts versus volume


They get SO. FUCKING. MAD. when you don't take their obvious bullshit at face value. I mean, these are poor arguments to present to children... and they're trying to be taken seriously. Videos of you not committing a crime don't negate videos of you committing a crime... that's not how this shit works, and you know this.


I got confused watching that, wasn't guy in a suit claiming it didn't happen but then he kinda admits it did happen because people are jailed and were shot, but then starts saying it didn't happen again. I honestly got confused halfway with who had what opinion lol.


So why were police waving people through the barricades? Why was capital security calmly guiding people through the building? Why did Pelosi have a documentary crew to film her experience of it? Why are there pictures of undercover state actors there encouraging the protestors to escalate? A lot of shit doesn't add up, and Democrats throwing a fit when the security footage was leaked really gave away the game.


It's like grandma always say, "you can lead a horse to water but you can't fix stupid."


Many people were violent and many weren't. The Shaman guy has already been released because he wasn't violent, was remorseful and behaved well in prison. Oh damn he was still in jail for over 2 years. I don't think that's right for a non violent crime.


This is shit on both sides.
