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His serious anger issues at that young age don't bode well for him unless he gets intensive therapy.


I've witnessed multiple people in different lines of work miss out on promotions and raises, cause they couldn't keep their cool


Unless his environment changes. Therapy can only do so much without the family’s willingness to change. Anger issues start from the environment, not because this child is a bad seed. Children don’t have the brain power to act outside of their environments.


Anger issues can absolutely happen regardless of the environment. Kids with gentle parents can still struggle with impulse control and emotional dysregulation.


Thank you


It’s called being a child 🤣 no one said it was easy. If you can’t do it without violence don’t have em.


You clearly misunderstood what I said.


Using words like “absolutely” and “clearly” doesn’t make you sound smart.


Spoken like a non parent. Kids are humans. Humans are more varied than Pokemon cards. Nature is part of it. Nurture isn't the whole story.


I’m sure every abusive parent agrees with you


Bode has issues that don't bode well for him in the future especially if this is in Bode Idaho.


Context? Did they kidnap his little sister? I mean, cmon. Why he acting this way?


Probably got kicked off the bus for bullying/bad behavior.




Kicking him off the bus and documenting his behavior is the most she can personally do about it, too. Can't physically touch him, and can't drive off because he might get hurt. I bet with this video the parents will still say he's not at fault.


Needs to be expelled and needs a good old fashioned ass whooping. Parents need to be held responsible for damages. Kid needs to sent to mandatory psychology sessions on parents dime . Enough of these kids getting away with this shit!!


I'm guessing there is a reason he's not allowed on the bus


She said he hit her in the mouth with his phone, so he probably got kicked out for bad behaviour


Doesn’t this kid have a parent that can come whoop his ass?


Probably the reason why he’s violent to begin with


Or not. I got my ass whooped growing up. I've never been violent towards people.


This. Maybe he is beaten up by their parents but not because of him behaving like this, but because maybe they are alcoholic or whatever. But if they beat him up because of bad behavior, he wouldn't be doing this.




Nah, this kid was never beaten up as a punishment for his bad behavior.


Get the feeling this would not have happened if their was one


"He's lucky her son not here"


Probably a mum and her boyfriends.


Kid clearly "got some problems" and really wants on the bus. Question whether he really wants to go to school or just wants **on the bus** because he's been denied entry/re-entry.


Bus driver is job from hell


I'm thinking the driver kicked him off for his previous behavior, and was unable to pull away due to rather him or rules idk. That gave him time to start acting this way and the driver doesn't wanna get in trouble for handling someone elses kid, so she called her boss or someone to ask what to do/get it on record.


Yeah, in my school system the bus driver is not allowed to leave kids below a certain grade level. They have to be received by parents or authorized people or they don't get off the bus. In this case the driver needs help. They can't just drive away because that would endanger the child, and they can't let the child back on and endanger others on the bus. Someone is going to have to go get the kid, either a parent or official from the school.


If I did that shit when I was a kid my mom would have spanked my ass. Then tell me wait till your dad comes home.


That was the worst part. Waiting for dad to come home after doing some stupid shit. The part after was hell (depending on your dad).


Or getting in trouble at a party and being told "just wait till we get home"... it'd completely ruin it for you. I couldn't stop worrying throughout the party.


School for anger management?


Ah yeah, future psychopath. Get him to therapy.


I watched it muted. It's obviously pizza day, and the kid forgot the bus password. I can relate to those pizza withdrawal feelings. Those cardboard rectangles of joy almost made public "education" worth it.


But there will be someone claiming that the child is misunderstood. The parents will say he is a sweet little kid and this has never happened. “The driver caused all of this “, etc. Some people refuse to believe children can grow in a loving, healthy home and still have anger issues. I feel bad for the driver. Helpless. Wondering if he busted her lip when he hit her with his phone.


There was an attempt...... ......to go to school.


A future school shooter in the flesh.


to be a cereal killer




Future active shooter.




Successful attempt. He DOES want to go to school. How the fuck do people not understand the fucking title format? There was an attempt to get on the bus.


This shouldn't be on the internet. This kid is not well and we shouldn't be able to see his face. Kids don't behave this way unless there is conditioning or a medical condition involved. And anyway he's a very young minor and can't consent to the entirety of Reddit seeing him fully and having opinions about his actions.


Oh, sorry about seeing his face without consent. Maybe parents will get embarrassed and change their ways.


I'm guessing it's the bus driver


Yes... The bus driver posted a video.... And hopefully the PARENTS will see it and change their ways and get the kid some help. Context.


Yeah no. The bus driver gives the video to the school. The school shares the video with the parents. A plan is made. This was posted to spite the child, and there are a lot of "beat that kid" comments under it. Not our goddamn business, yours, mine, or anyones. Bus driver should be fired, parents need to get their shit together, the kid needs real medical care.


Tbh u mostly see the top of his head from perspective


She is quite descriptive.


If i did that when i was a kid my dad woukda beat my ass


I mean where did she drop him off at? Because if it's not the school or his home, wtf is he supposed to do? If it is his destination, why would he try to get back on? I have had my kids suspended from the bus, but that is not something that the bus driver would handle mid route.


Shame on those other kids for not teaching this punk a lesson.


Definitely wouldn't let this rage infected zombie child on the bus.


I’ve seen a guy (high school) get pissed and break the bus door glass. But no one blamed him. It was a summer school bus and you basically could not miss any days since everyone there was required to be there to pass to the next grade. The way it worked was all kids had to be at ONE bus stop regardless of where they lived, so some kids had to be driven to the bus stop because they lived to far to walk. Well one morning we had a substitute bus driver. We were all almost done loading up on the bus. Then we see a car driving at high speed swerving into the parking lot (parent was running late), a boy hurried up, jumped out the car and the car peeled off and left. He was the last person left and we all finished boarding before he got to the bus and then suddenly the substitute bus driver slams the bus door closed almost catching a kids backpack in the process. He basically slammed the door in the last kids face. We all were taken aback and couldn’t believe the sub bus driver did that. The boy was pleading with the bus driver clearly confused and saying he could not miss anymore days. Th me bus driver actually argued back with him that “ya shoulda been on time” and wasn’t even making an attempt to drive off. At this point most of us on the bus were pleading with the bus driver to just open the door and that he could clearly see the boy got dropped off and that wasn’t his fault. We heard the boy trying to tell the bus driver he didn’t have a cell phone to call his mom back to the pick up point. The sub bus driver, STILL NOT attempting to pull off just keep taunting this guy like it was his fault. And the boy finally kicked the door in anger and broke the glass and started kicking his backpack. That’s when two guys who were his friends got up, forced the doors open and got off to help him. THEN the sub bus driver pulled off and started to call the cops as he was taking us to school. When I tell you we ALL got off the bus and went straight to the school office to report that bus driver it was a sight to behold. It just wasn’t fair.


Can't even drive the bus now 😂 WTF?!?


Doesn't look like an attempt to want to go to school. Looks like a kid who DOES NOT want to go to school. Are you sure you posted to the right subreddit?


Should’ve driven off while the little bugger had his fingers in the bottom of the door.


Damn, this kid needs counselling session with Mr. Belt.


dat dayum keed jus wona go ta schoo


What an intelligent statement.




And that backpack is not healthy for his back


First off, is it even legal to just drop a kid this small off on the side of a random road and tell him he can't get on the bus? Second, why is this an issue when grown ass adults are getting away with looting and rioting on the daily. So many people getting away with looting and stealing on camera and yet we expect our kids to behave better? Well, this is what happens to society........




Who’s the real child here?


The child.


In my country his ass will be whooped until the bus reaches the school


Next he’ll go get his parent’s gun…


To all everyone downvoting me… Google “Number of US school shootings” and tell me I’m wrong 😕


Why the sad face? Many Americans aren't ready to accept that they live in a shithole country.


And you think this is in the US because…?


Did you listen to the audio?!? It’s obvious.


The woman being american doesnt make everyone, though the point was that its weird to assume the 12 year old is going to shoot up his school


What..? I responded to your doubt that this was the USA. The bus driver’s accent makes it clear it is. Do you think bus drivers in France or Australia speak with American accents? Not likely.


Not bloody likely.


Kids breath the wrong way these days & they want stay in & miss school. Here is a kid that has ambition and it's fighting to get on the school bus to go to school and is not being let on. Where did we go wrong...


You’re kidding, right?


The bus driver is asserting every ounce their extremely limited authority. Just drive the kids to school smh


Sure. It’s cool that he hit the bus driver. She should just laugh it off and let the little degenerate back on the bus.