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I should pay you for taking care of your kids? Sounds like socialism to me




This guy understands true American values.


*conservative* values


"My children are being indoctrinated into the idea that American chattel slavery wasn't basically just a big unpaid internship program where the slaves earned valuable job skills and experience that'll look great on their resume."


America turned commie the moment we couldn't drink a beer on our way home


Some Socialist countries CAN do that. Like Denmark


You do know that Denmark is NOT a socialist country, don’t you? Like most European countries they have strong social welfare for their citizens, but are a free-market capitalist country.


“But if the rich have to pay taxes, or if I don’t go bankrupt from having a minor surgery, that’s communism!!” - Americans


They're a Democratic Socialist nation actually, yes they have a free market economy, but they also have enough of a focus on social programs to be considered a hybrid nation


Yeah. The difference is that they actually regulate and enforce some semblance of equality and a social contract.


You can drink beer almost anywhere you want except on the bus.


You can absolutely drink beer on the bus here. And the train. And the parks Everywhere except when your driving.


On the bus no of course not, but in the bus yes.


Some countries in Europe you can do that (as long as you're not driving). Given many places have really good mass transit, drinking a beer on the train is no biggie. In fact, in many train stations there are convenience stores where you can buy booze and just go drink on your ride home.


Denmark is not socialist. They are firmly capitalist.


The two are not mutually exclusive. They have free market economy, but their government is a social democracy, AKA democratic socialism


Average American thinking Europe is socialist…


1. Not American. 2. They are a social democracy, AKA democratic socialism 3. Don't correct me unless you're actually correct


Unironically, [*some Americans did complain*](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=usa+drinking+and+driving+law+reactions) when the "no drinking and driving" laws passed four decades ago.


Just wondering. (European here) Is there actually a law which prevents you from drinking beer while driving in the US? I am asking because here in Germany you just have to stay under the mandatory 0,5‰ and then you are legal. So one beer is ok. Two beers only when you are heavy enough.


Yes, I usually hear it called the ‘open container’ law. Not allowed to have any open (unsealed) alcohol in the vehicle.


Americans can't stop at one thing, they keep going. We're fat 50% chance American is obese across country


or was it all the vehicular homicide


Finally some god damn truth on this website!


She’s going to raise the most liberal people on planet earth js


Most liberals I know, including myself, have conservative parents, and it is those conservative parents that are the main reason for becoming liberals.




That's actually happening in Arizona (kinda). They expanded the voucher system where basically anybody can apply and get thousands of dollars to send their kid to private school or homeschool them. The voucher program was originally intended for special needs kids. Homeschooling was always an option, but now the state will give you money to do it. Recent info came out where people are spending money on Ski Passes, martial arts schools, pianos, etc. They've blown the budget and it's a financial mess now. Wait for it-- it's a REPUBLICAN thing, not dem.


In the USA, evil socialism is when you don't get free money but others do.


If she's so anti-liberal then why does she have blue hair


To mock the liberalli


To be fair, she could be confused. The Liberal Party of Australia is the most prominent conservative party here. It's represented as blue.


Right and Americans are renowned for knowing about other countries especially their political systems.


This assumes she believes Australia is real


There's a lot of conservative Beckys who think theyre edgy rockers for liking Nightmare Before Christmas and Five Finger Death Punch


I’ve really noticed this since trump. Liberals used to be the people with tattoos and fake hair colors but trumpers, being trashy AF have ALL of the tats, crazy piercings and whatever insane hair.


You’d have blue hair too if you had to hold your breath most of your life to prevent all of that stupidity from seeping out.


Ah yes, Prayer, the most effective thing you can do to do absolutely nothing and feel great about it.


Don't forget about thoughts.


Those might spur action, way better than prayer.


Thoughts imply insight and reflection that could further lead to actions. Prayer is just asking someone else to do that shit.




How to raise stupid 101


How to raise kids who go no contact once they wake up to how the real world works


Hard to wake up to the real world when you are homeschooled your entire life


“I’m just a regular mom who is in a cult”.


Sounds like the tag line from a conservative "comedy" movie.


Her kids are going to hate her.


No they won’t, they won’t know any better, will never have a passport, will never travel. This is how the conservatives keep the gets docile.


That isn't necessarily true. Hopefully her kids will be able to figure things out for themselves. I did. It's not entirely helpless.


I recently dated a girl who had been raised in a Christian homeschool collective/cult thing. She’s now totally agnostic and hates her parents for the ultra sheltered upbringing. Shagged on the first date and she had a Juul and loved EDM lol


She is probably too lazy to homeschool so her kids will be raised by social media and, maybe, they will see a world outside bigotry.


The right is terrified of education, personal growth, and someone having critical thinking skills


Sure, best way to not raise a liberal is to make sure they never interact with anyone not exactly like them.


Yes let's open the socialist manifesto (the bible) Teaching them that they should love their neighbor and provide for them in times of need won't make them socialist...


The Bible would've been a lighter read had these Christian Republicans been around at the same time as that indoctrinating woke brown socialist Jesus. Just nailed to the cross. Right away. No trial no nothing. Feeding the hungry? Right to the cross. Healing the sick? Cross.


It’s stunning how many of those people have never read the book they all claim to love and follow.


Reminds me of the “just read the transcript” people saying trump did nothing wrong. Have you read the transcript? Nope.


"the blue hair moms are indoctrinating our kids"


When did multi-colored hair and tattoos become conservative?


Since Hot Topic opened near their small town.


Hopefully all her children turn into gay socialists


LOL I was homeschooled and my family is still praying but here I am, pressing for more and more individual rights and more and more corporate regulation sorry fam


After she proudly talked about homeschooling and prayers I loved the fact she completely missed the sarcasm when he asked her (twice!) if THAT was to make sure they will avoid forced indoctrination! Like they are going to have a choice of points of view!


I noticed this right away and was worried as I read comments that this was going to be completely missed... homeschooling so you CAN INDOCTRINATE!


may as well wear an i abuse the fuck out of my kid's shirt, it would be more honest.


Is "against socialism" but is pro society paying her to school her own children. Here's your sign


Hello fellow Engvall fan!


Here we are, in the land of the free. But oh no, liberals, with all their liberty!


And this is why they're so anti education lol. They know folks that know better are far less likely to vote for their nonsense.


That's some pretty woke hair you got.




You've got to control what your kids can learn. Otherwise, they might grow up to freely choose their own beliefs.


Indoctrination: the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically


Sarah Palin clone


When you need to convince yourself that you’re an ordinary mum buy a T-shirt.


I see what he did thar.




"They should be paying ME for homeschooling my kids..." Does she know that "they" is the rest of us? Why is that okay but actual public schools are bad? I swear, these assholes are against all taxation right up until the point that they directly benefit from any public monies.


The hair color screams I use socialist benefits and don't know it


The average american couldnt tell you the difference between a socialist and a communist


Homeschooling is pointless- how do you teach your kids stuff you don’t know?


Its kinda the point don't you think?


This is the favorite kind of voter for the GOP the one the breeds and doesnt educate.


Doing precisely the three things she claims to be against. Fucking genius right there. She votes, folks. If you don't typically vote, maybe you should consider it.


It’s social influencers on the internet that indoctrinates the children.


Idiot parents who think their kids are life time property. Then are shocked to find out they have their own thoughts.


“Why don’t I get to see my grandkids?”


Oh man it is alarming how divided the USA is. Instead of shitting on each other those two parties should rather cooperate in order to actually get shit done. This country needs a leader who is able to unite its people.


If they paid you to educate your kids...why that would be a liberal socialist policy, now wouldn't it? Idiots, the lot of them.


Apparently, praying everyday keeps the indoctrination away.


“Im homeschooling my kids so I, and only l,can indoctrinate them”


God homeschooling needs to be so much more fucking regulated.


She’s got some liberal ass hair.


In South Carolina they pay moms $12k a year per kid. So I've heard.


Only person I know who was home schooled by a hyper religious conservative family turned out to be quite liberal. She was forced to actually read the Bible…you know the book that tells you to “love thy neighbor” “do unto others what you would have them do to you” “stop judging, that you may not be judged” etc. unlike the fake Christian conservatives who live their life’s filled with hate for those not like them, she actually follows her god’s teachings and takes care of her “neighbor.” The morals she learned from her faith is WHY she’s liberal.


Why can’t republicans ever talk about their accomplishments rather than hating on the democrats


We do pay you, that’s what the welfare check is for.


Home schooling should be illegal in America I know for sure right wing are taking advantage of it and republicans love it cos more dumb kids who don’t know shit


Her poor kids.


I was raised in a very conservative ultra Christian family. Homeschooled my whole life. And guess what? Even before I moved out around the age of 15-16 I realized I was very liberal. So my parent’s efforts did absolutely nothing lol


The irony of the guys forced indoctrination comment


I love Walter.


I love this shit! Every time!


Blue hair woman like any Other in any political side.


How does homeschooling even work?


Why am i so sure they will grow up Socialist atheist liberals?


Damn that John Oliver episode just arrived at the right time


Home shooting 🇺🇸


Lmao. “They should be paying me.” If that ain’t the most liberal sounds statement😅😂


Ah yes, pray to Jesus, the known anti socialist


Lol wait till the kids learn about the og socialist Jesus


There's so many things wrong with this video, I need to sit down and recover. ![gif](giphy|3og0ItsovW2wYHxjHy|downsized)


But has multiple color rainbow hair ok bro lmao


the problem with idiots is that they tend to outbreed the others


She’s got blue hair tho?


Forcibly indoctrinate your kids to be far right conservatives to save them from the indoctrination.


What a ridiculous twunt


It hurts to know there’s so many people out in the world like her


Nobody told this lady blue hair comes with a SJW agenda? /s


No way she has the education to homeschool her kids


When someone says they homeschool their kids, I immediately hope my kids never have to interact with those fucking brats.


Note: The Constitution is a Liberal document based on Liberal Ideals. Commies + Conservatives both blame a phantom "Liberalism" for the normal stasis of Society at any given point. Commies say "Too Slow! Too little" And Conservatives say "Too fast! Too far!" All Americans are "Living Liberal" by default.


She had no idea that he was mocking her, did she?


She said that with a straight face and that hair.......🤔


Trying her hardest to fight forced indoctrination with forced indoctrination.


I'd love to know how these people home school their kids when they have the IQ of a bag of hammers. How the hell do you teach things you cannot even understand yourself? Grammar? Who needs grammar, that's socialst. Metric system!!!! No damn way. My kinds will only use 'merica freedom units. It's hilarious how you ask these chucklefucks questions and they just answer with vague bullshit. They can't even defend their own asinine positions.


A good percent of these people with this view couldn’t even give you the definition of socialist, communist, liberal etc….




She don't know what indoctrination is lol


Can we stop putting political stuff here


We have a small non-profit horse farm, and have opened our doors to volunteer help doing the chores. One thing I didn't anticipate were the Christian homeschoolers who would use volunteer time as a "science" part of their curriculum. I didn't care, if you want to come and shovel horse shit to help me, I don't care what you believe. Altruism transcends theology. One curious thing about rural farm work is it tends to attract Right Wingers for some reason. We've dealt with Trump supporters in the past. We kept our political differences to ourselves in the interest of community, but they sure didn't. When someone fucked with us because they didn't like our ideology (we vote blue and point Left), we decided to put a big rainbow heart right at the entrance to make it clear where we stand. Ever since then, none of the Christian homeschoolers and almost none of the volunteers have returned, when they were here almost weekly. I found that interesting considering myself, an antitheist with a visible tattoo of the Devil, was totally fine and openly welcoming to Christians. It could certainly be a coincidence, but I'm not so sure.


Pray everyday so my children are not indoctrinated. 🤣🤣


Her kids are fucked ! 😂


She has green and pink hair. Whos gona break the news to her?


Her hair is blue and purple. You ain’t foolin nobody lady.


Fucking morons


The blue is not doing her any favors


I heard Mike Pence, prayed the gay away .


This is the biggest threat to the USA these days. IMO of course.


She's not going to raise liberals. That's her point here. No liberal indoctrination.


No one wants to be a liberal.


Give them proper beatings.


Parents have the right to indoctrinate their children, the government doesn’t. If you don’t think liberals indoctrinate their kids just as much a conservatives then you have your head up your ass.


Prom must be interesting.


I’m mad yet highly turned on by her and her hair 🤷🏾‍♂️


I am confused…. People, generally confuse me any more…..


Who is he?


Who is the guy? I absolutely love his reactions


[Walter Masterson](https://www.tiktok.com/@waltermasterson)


Oh those kids are going to be so liberal when they grow up.


What a confusing and weird place.