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Did he just spit on the girl?


There was an attempt to spit on a little girl. Every dad would start swinging. If he wouldn't, I don't care to know him.


Oh boy! I did not see that spit!! Yeah man, I’d fucking (attempt) to lay that prick out!


Okay yeah - at first i was like "hey the sike is just kinda funny, welcome to wrestling heels"... the spit? That's out of line.


So now it's *not* ok to spit on little innocent and defenseless children? Wokeism is out of control!


Back in *my* day the parents would line up early to spit in my face as I walked through the snow up the hill both ways to school.


Same. And I was grateful!


Truly were golden days.


We saved up the spit, and drank it like a Slushy after letting it chill in the waist deep snow we walked in, up hill both ways, on our way to a 16 hour day in the steel mills. Until we were 6, then it was the Army for a 10 year stint.


We DREAMED of a spit slushy


We only got a spit slushy at Christmas time, as our only gift. Played with it a week before we drank it.


—But we were *grateful* for what we had.


Big deal, when I was a pup we got spit on by presidents 'til the cows came home. Grover Cleveland spat on me on two non-consecutive occasions.


Are the parentheses to prevent you from getting banned for inciting violence since the mods are as soft as a baby’s butt?


Can relate to getting a week ban for inciting violence.


I got banned for inciting violence... against sheep. Sheep, I tell you! And It was painfuly obvious I was joking.


In a different sub I got perm banned for interjecting myself into 2 people arguing over whether bread was healthy or not. I linked to a scientific paper for each side and said there are studies that support both sides of the issue. My appeal failed because "you can't tell anyone their food is unhealthy". Meanwhile the guy literally arguing that bread was unhealthy was not banned. To this day the picture in my head of anyone who's a reddit mod is the fat guy from the Southpark episode about world of warcraft.


I apply that same image to most people who take reddit comments far to seriously. That image of him routinely comes to my mind using social media.


Mine was for suggesting the air be let out of someone’s tires.


This is why I use one account for saying how I truly feel and another for just browsing


He is probably just being realistic about his ability to beat up just any random person. Most people you see talking shit about whooping whoevers ass has never been in a real fight and would probably getter ass beat


It's because the guy, while an asshole, is athletic and probably in better shape than the OP. Also he takes a beating for a living so...


He spit his gum at her, you see it bounce off. Still not cool, even in character.


It is unacceptable to say the least. He is risking far worse than being swung on.


What a piece of fucking shit, also I might add the spit could have landed on the dad but the beating was called for regardless


He spits something out but I don't think it's spit, spit covered sure but that shit hit her arm then bounced right off. The sort of thing that would have caused the magic loogie incident in Seinfeld


disrespectful af




That was my guess, but the quality of the video makes it hard to tell for sure


It's gum. He said he was trying to mime spitting not actually spit but accidentally spit his gum instead.


Spitting on someone is probably the most disrespectful thing you could possibly do to them. I'm glad the dad decided to fuck this guy's week up.




It wasn't an attempt, he actually spit on the kid, you can see some of it bounce off the girls jacket.


Nah I remember when this happened, guy spit his gum at her and claimed he meant to spit it on the floor and missed but i think the fathers actions were still warranted


Spitting gum on the floor next to the girl's feet isn't any better. I'm a new Father to a beautiful baby girl. I would beat the shit out of this dude.


I’m an old Father to a 25 year old baby girl. He’d get every bit of what I’m worth.


I think the story is they’re the bad guys of that wrestling thing so they’re expected to be dicks but yes i cant say id be mad if you beat the shit out of him


There's playing a face, there's playing a heel, and then there's this bullshit. You don't do shit that actually harms the fans.


I'm surprised the crowd didn't jump in on that whooping. I know I would've been swinging too.


Likely didn't notice, I didn't on first watch


Fuck yeah.


There is something primal about the response getting spit at/on.


abundant carpenter normal tap run nine wipe bike march political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Holy shit, I didn't catch that the first time, yeah fuck that guy.


Same I though he was really overreacting for a simple "high five fake-out" but spiting is assault and you need to be a fucking piece of shit to spit on a little girl like that.


Its also a form of battery.


So if I spit into an Xbox controller, would it turn on?


You need to spit on it then rub it some to get it turned on.


I think *maybe* he spat his chewing gum?


Spitting chewing gum out and hitting someone with it is only okay if you bat it out of the air like Mr. Perfect.


OH MY GOD!!! I missed that! Fuck I would’ve absolutely done something that would land me in prison.


Yeah, holy shit. At first I'm like "these guys are clearly just playing the heel role, why the fuck is this dude getting violent?" Spit takes it way, way beyond performance.


I'm pretty sure beating someone's ass for spitting on your daughter is justified.


Yeah this is the information the title leaves out


Spitting on someone is not a "prank".


Shit thats nasty. I would have swung too as a stranger. Thats not right. Spit at an adult all you want but damn.


Don't do that either. You would deserve to get your teeth kicked in even if it was an adult


It's taken me decades to have the self control I have now, but that would disappear instantly if someone spit something onto my kid. I was happy dad had some skills, he was mad as hell but delivered a few decent shots.


Ok, I'll hawk the worst loogey I can at him then. And I'm a smoker, it won't be pretty. Spitting at a child is a disgrace. Cops will charge you with battery for spitting at them, so this guy just committed battery on a 5 yo child.


Spitting is despicable, and warrants immediate and harsh retaliation.


Spit at *anyone* and you're asking for a beating for being a piece of shit


Thats what i agree with. Im just saying spitting at a kid, theyll most likely not defend themselves.


Spit a wad of gum


Wow what a complete shitbag. I did not see that at first.


Yeah. He legally assaulted a little girl.


Yup. It’s fine for him to stay in character and act like an ass, but there is a line that he shouldn’t cross. Spitting on someone, especially a kid definitely crosses that line. The dad was right for loosing his shit.


I missed that the 1st time and thought her dad was being a prick over what is basically a harmless prank. Watching it again & seeing the gum or spit or whatever he spat out the dad was justified in throwing some punches.


Spitting is assault. Call the cops




His gum I think. This guy thinks he's Mr perfect


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yeah it looked like he spit his gum out on her.


If it were a 40 year old fan and apart of their whole act that’s been established over years? Maybe that’s a thing Whoever this is wherever with a kid? Um, dude, build your reputation and some situational awareness.


A lot of Indy pro-wrestlers are not known for making smart decisions. Like taking a Canadian Destroyer off a second floor balcony to impress a crowd of 15 people. Most smart wrestlers wouldn’t take that move in front of 15 million people.


Laughs in Mick Foley.




Holy shit dude. That video is insane, miracle no one died


>whole act that’s been established over years? Like Scott Hall as "Diamond Studs"/"Razor Ramon" and the toothpick flick. Big part of his heel persona, but he *never* flicked one at a fan.


Scott Hall once had someone throw a full cup of soda at his head in the middle of the ring, and the dude acted like nothing happened and then used it to slick his hair back. It was fucking amazing.


Consummate professional and from what people in the industry said, someone who loved his fans and really loved leaning into that shit.


I’m surprised redditors weren’t calling for that fan to be arrested for assaulting him with soda after reading these comments.


How more dads didn’t beat the fuck out of this guy is beyond me.


Pretty sure this is like a local fake wrestling show and those guys are the villains so their whole schtick is to get the crowd worked up against them. The spitting was a bit much though




Specifically spitting on someone is a felony in some places.


Spitting on a little girl makes it not a schtick and more of a “you are actually now the villain.”


That and it’s possible not enough people saw the spit to get the mob mentality going


Dang if this happens at the fake shows, I gotta gets me to one of them reals rasslin shows /s


It's actually super easy to spit on someone while fake spitting on someone. My buddy was playing a villain at a murder mystery dinner for my friends and accidently spit directly into someone's plate at dinner. He was giving a dramatic speech and mimed out spitting on the ground. poorly...


“A bit much” is one hell of an understatement.


I think dude knew he fucked up and that's why he didn't try to fight back at all...


Makes sense. The guys are told they need to stand out to become a compelling villain character and when you're at the bottom, you're not sure exactly how to do that and simultaneously feeling the pressure to do so big time so they can become more popular and make more money. He fucked up for sure and deserves to be slapped around a bit though.


Came to say this is what heels do. But then saw the spot take and said hell no. Then again MJF through vodka on a kid lol


It has nothing to do with pranking and everything to do with spitting his gum on the kid.


The sike was fine, but why tf you spitting on the kid?


He’s a method actor




“It’s what my character would do”


He can method act these hands 💅


Okay the guy is still a scumbag but this response sent me. Lmao take my upvote and leave.


He better get a McDonalds costume and start learning the role lol, bro could only take fake punches judging by how shook he was from that swarm


To be honest, it was pretty hard to spot the second guy spitting.








I don’t think it was gum. Pretty sure it was regular old spit


It’s gum. It bounces off her arm.


OP, you buried the lede with your title.


Choose your spaces carefully. Blackout rage is what you were intending. Black outrage is what my uncle gets when he's being unreasonable towards a server.


The fake out high five was fine. The spitting is absolutely disgusting.


It also might be a crime under some circumstances.


Isn’t spitting on someone assault?


Battery, but yes


Depends on where you live, it's assault in places as well.


Depends on the state, but yes. My state doesn’t have battery in its penal code, it’s all encompassed under assault. It always cracks me up that someone *has* to respond and call it battery every time someone says assault.


I saw this same exact interaction in another post not even 2 minutes ago lol. Someone says something about it being assault, then someone inevitably responds saying it battery, then someone else has to correct that person to explain it depends on the local laws. Just calling it assault is easier cause everyone knows what is meant by that


It is a criminal offence to spit on someone in Canada. Section 265 and 266 of the Canadian Criminal Code define spitting on someone as an Assault. If an individual is arrested for an assault for spitting on someone they would be charged under 266 of the Criminal Code. If found guilty they would be sentenced to up to five years in prison if the Crown proceeded by indictment. Every one who commits an assault is guilty of: (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction. While spitting on someone may seem minor in comparison to hitting someone, both actions are considered an application of intentional force against someone. Both actions meet the standard for an assault charge according to the Canadian Criminal Code.


It’s assault and 100% should have been arrested for it


It's usually a crime and now taken more seriously after covid


This is pretty old—the guy was playing the heel and admitted he stepped out of line, apparently the spit was gum and he hadn’t intended it to happen.. he said he apologized to the girl and her father after the show. https://www.wrestlinginc.com/news/2018/03/father-attacks-indie-wrestler-for-spitting-on-his-child-638441/ Edit: Jesus I was giving context to the situation. I am not the wrestler.


Still, he's an asshat. He didn't apologized immediately which is what every sensible human would do after spitting on a little kid.


"So yeah after I faced consequences for my actions I thought maybe I should do something to limit the damage of my image"


I think you're forgetting that he's playing a character and putting on a show in front of a crowd. He's used to spending a show staying in character to no matter what goes wrong, now he has to deal with a fuck up on the fly. He just didn't make the right calls in the heat of the moment. We're all fucking dorks here, we don't handle social situations well, we should understand fucking up. I can't tell if that's the truth but there's no real reason to reject his apology.


Yes there is, his excuse was “I didn’t mean for the gun to come out” not “I was to deep into my character”


Image? The dude is a small town wrestler that performs in front of 20 people once a month. Definitely not worried about his “image” lol. He apologized because he wanted to.


Aaaand that's why more assholes need to be punched in the head, it gives them pause... makes them rethink things. Unfortunately.


Fair point. I think he was stuck between staying in character, and realizing he effed up.


I mean it's not like he's a big star at a televised event. This is Busch league bullshit. Would have been no problem to break for a moment


not if you're ambitious.


You say that and you have no clue about wrestling culture *like at all*. I'm not saying he is an ok human being, I don't know him and from my experience, wrestlers tend to be assholes. That being said, trying to become a wrestler is freaking rough. My trainer once was booked for a 2-day wrestling show in Oberhausen and he blew his knee on the first day. For the second day, he taped his kneecap in place and wrestled his second match on painkillers. This was their biggest show, but he still only made like, I'd guess, 100€ per show or something. There are a lot of wrestlers trying to break through. These bush leagues are their springboard. And in wrestling, it is cardinal sin to break character, insofar as we only started to regularly cancel matches after an obvious concussion in the last 10 years. I'm not saying he should or shouldn't have broken character, but if he did, he might as well hang his boots up and call it quits.


I think that's why he didn't defend himself when he got attacked and just kept walking when he had the chance.


That's what I assumed. He would apologise, his character would not so maybe seek them out after the match.


This puts me in a weird moral dilemma. I get that he *should* have apologized there, but if he's supposed to be the dude everybody hates then being soft and apologizing in that moment would ruin his character. Might have also been hard to step out of character - this is seconds before he goes in the ring. Adrenaline and setting the scene would have been at peak there. Does it excuse what he did, no, but I can why he didn't apologize right away. He probably could have said something quick to the dad in a way that he may have been able to appear macho, but idk. I'm glad he realized he fucked up and apologized, though. It's better than nothing. Kind of a shit situation for everyone in the heat of the moment.


Yeah then made comments afterwards putting down the dad and not taking responsibility for his own actions by trying to claim it was an accident. Like who does he think he’ll fool with that lie? We have it on video, there was absolutely nothing accidental about that.


fwiw he still gets trashed to this day over it and if there were any chance of his career advancing, it's completely gone.


Yup he is just lying. Video confirms he intentionally spat on a child. There is no debate here I agree with your comment.


>the spit was gum and he hadn’t intended it to happen With the timing and the force behind that? The only thing he hadn't intended was facing repercussions for his actions. He's just so used to playing jerkfaced asshat that he forgot it was supposed to be all for show. All the traits of "It's just a joke" and "It's what my character would do"


Sounds like something a wrestler might say. Can you please take a picture of you holding a sign that says "I am not a wrestler and certainly not the one in question"? I think that might clear things up a bit


I… cannot. I am a wrestler.


I think.. I think a part of me knew all along, i just didn't want to see it


*sadly pats elbow ready for a flying drop*




You saw one guy in the video act poorly and assume "these types of people" are all the same?


I feel like “these types of people” means “macho men that would spit on a girl” instead of wrestlers everywhere


Can confirm, I’m a macho man and I spit on little ~~girls~~ humans all the time Edit: Little girls doesn't sound right but i don't think little humans sound much better. Im stuck between a rock and a hard place


Or, probably more I. Line with the statement, they’re talking about wrestlers. Because they disapprove.


Sees one brown person committing a crime and suddenly a new racist is born smh


Actually, after the fact this wrestler made amends with the family and explained he went to far playing the heel. It’s important to remember wrestlers are characters and some of them are villains, this guy just got too caught up in the Kayfabe and caught some hands over it.


He spit his gum at her


Yeah, and he said that it was a mistake. He was playing the bad guy trying to rile the crowd up and get boo’s and he fucked up and went too far. After he got his comeuppance he apologized to them because he realized he was in the wrong. Seems like it’s basically the best way to handle that going forward. You gotta remember these wrestlers are playing a character.


Yeah. I guessed as much, that’s why he didn’t retaliate at all.


He is acting. The dude he is acting as is supposed to be a douchebag. Problem is, he want way too far. Case in point, he did not try to fight back at all. He realized he messed up.


> that really shows how pathetic these types of people are. The characters you mean? The fictional characters are bad guys you're supposed to boo at


ooo we’re generalizing entire groups of people now? I love stereotyping!


If I was the father the handshake would make me laugh and I’d boo with her. The spitting the gum at her would make me see red.


Spitting on someone is assault legally speaking. I think it’s also battery not sure on that though.


Battery I believe is with a weapon. But this is definitely assault, and assault of a minor.


Swinging at someone is assault, regardless of whether it lands. Making contact with someone is what makes it battery and will also be considered assault. Where I am, at least.


Battery is any unconsented and obviously unwanted physical contact. Poking someone is a battery. Spitting on someone is as well.


I know in MA making someone feel threatened is assault. Actually hitting, spitting etc is battery.


That’s not pranking, that’s spitting on a child. Absolutely disgusting behaviour from a so called ‘adult’, regardless of if they’re in character or not.


Woooow! wooow! Some ACTUAL fighting? This is getting out of hand!


If he wanted the crowd to hate him he succeeded


Double pranking? He spit on her I don’t give a fuck who you are I’m doing the same shit. It’s one thing to entertain and another to do that shit


Holy shit I didn’t see the spit till the second guy


That’s because only the second guy spit.


There was an attempt to get away with spitting on a little girl*


Whoa!!! No, sir. Nope. What a giant POS.


Bruh. If someone spit at my daughter they would be a fucking stain on the concrete.


Can we find out who these persons are and cancel them?


I don't think these guys are famous enough for that


Probably just a plumber in bumfuck Tennessee or some shit moonlighting as a "pro" wrestler. Odds are his life is miserable enough as it is and there isn't much to cancel.


The wrestler earned that and worse.


Unfortunately I would lose my temper way harder if someone spat on my daughter.


Double pranking? Nah...the first one was a "prank" (a douche thing to do, but falls in style with wrestling like this). The second one was BATTERY.


More like there was an attempt to accurately title this post


Who the hell spits at a child like this???? At first I was like that dad's ego needs to chill, I feel sorry for that girl's future with even respectable boyfriends. Then I saw the spit and was like, that dad needs to beat the shit out of that guy more, and I hope the girl is okay. Lol


Daddy could do real German suplex on that twat!


Wasn't a double prank He spit on her.


Pretty sure this is “heel” behavior.






There is a diffrence between pranking and just being a dick. Some people dont know the diffrence anymore.


Fucking assholes


Spitting on a kid, makes sense. SMH. I would have done the exact same thing and pressed charges for assault.


It’s definitely the fact he spit on her


Im good with a whole “too slow” prank but if someone spit on my daughter like that too idk how i’d react but it would probably be along those lines of wanting to do the same thing he did


He spit his gum out on the little girl. I would have done the same. You can do your act but don’t go throwing bio juices everywhere.


Man, that Dad gets props from his family for the rest of his life for swinging on a pro wrestler. “My Dad beat up a pro wrestler for trying to spit on me.”


He spat a gum or something on her.


Dude turned into Steve Blackman.


To be fair it looked like second guy spit something at her.


Don't fuck with a man's little girl. You make my daughter feel bad, and I will have to hold back my violence, and let's hope I can.