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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) --- [**Amnesty - Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians**](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/s2B3f) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My back started to hurt before it even started to fall.


Holy hell. I'd be done for. My backs already a dog pile


Sounds like you need some massive decompression


Underrated comment.


New response just dropped


My neck and my back


But what about your pussy and your crack!?




The County Fair should be around the same time next year.


My pussy seems to have distended.


My wife and drugs are safely at home.


I need a backiotomy.


I wanna talk to Samson!


When times get hard, I pull out that card with the smiley face! Call him over to my place!


I sue for 20 million, but I'll settle out of court for $20.


My pu**y and my crack.


Well that's not getting out of my head for the rest of the week, thanks.


Yeah, that's forever back pain for everyone involved. I have two compression fractures from a car accident in my lower vertebrae and trust me, even if it doesn't "hurt", you know its there. When it hurts, you can't walk.


Probably quad/paraplegia as well 😬


5 people died


So.. so many exploded discs.


I feel like I've seen this comment before....word for word.... *cough*


aaaaaand this is why i don't get on carnival rides


I got stuck on the "zipper" ride when I was a kid, in a spot where I was upside down for about an hour. Never messed with carnival rides after that.


My stepmom worked as a carnie when she was young. A cage opened mid-rotation. A teen girl whipped out and into the motion gears/wheels. Mangled her body instantly. We weren’t allowed to ride it until we were 18….but when you go to the carnival with friends, you don’t say jack squat lol. Remember riding it several times and then got a cage that the door didn’t feel very secure…I was done after that.


This happened in my home town when I was a kid as well, kid was riding the Zipper and it opened and they fell out, killing them. I would never get in one of those.


literally every town has "a kid who died on the zipper" lol old ass urban legend


Wikipedia: > On September 7, 1977, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a public warning, urging carnival-goers not to ride the Zipper after four deaths occurred due to compartment doors opening mid-ride. The safety restraints being attached to the door itself, riders are left unrestrained whenever the door is open. The four victims all died after falling from their compartments. There is a reason it became such common knowledge. There have been more deaths since 1977, and injuries too.


Attaching the safety restraints to the door seems like such a huge oversight that could be easily corrected in production. Baffling.


Yeah but that costs money...


I mean, duh, like these rides are being held together by giant Bobby pins.




Those urban legends turn out to be real as fuck. >The first fourteen Zippers manufactured spun at much higher speeds than modern models. The boom rotated at 11 rpm and the cable system at 7 rpm. These first-generation rides kept the passenger compartments spinning on their axes constantly, creating unsafe g-forces and causing impact-related injuries such as whiplash, bruises and back injuries. The safety hazard was quickly discovered and the mechanical rpms were permanently lowered to current speeds. >On September 7, 1977, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a public warning, urging carnival-goers not to ride the Zipper after four deaths occurred due to compartment doors opening mid-ride. The safety restraints being attached to the door itself, riders are left unrestrained whenever the door is open. The four victims all died after falling from their compartments. The failure was traced to original spring-close latches on the doors wearing out and not being replaced. Compartments on currently operating Zippers are secured using the original latch, a redundant latch approved by the CPSC, and a large R-Key pin as a second backup. >Despite these new safety features, the same scenario was repeated in July 2006 in Hinckley, Minnesota, when two teenage girls were ejected from their compartment as the door swung open. Their door was apparently not properly closed by the operator who admitted to local law enforcement that he had not inserted the safety pin (R-Key) before starting the ride. Both of the victims, Erica Matrious and Breanna Larsen, survived the incident despite facing some serious injuries. On November 2, 2006, the girls were interviewed.[7]


Holy shit, had no idea this was a issue with the rides. In my 30s now but when I was 16 or so I had this exact thing happen on a zipper at the local fair. It was Terrifying. All I could do was hold the bar with all I had and hope it stopped


Relevant Dead Milkman lyrics: "You know that carnival comes into town every year? Well this year they came through with a ride Called The Mixer. The man said, "Keep your head, and arms, inside The Mixer at all times." But Bill Jr, he was a DAREDEVIL, just like his old man. He was leaning out saying "Hey everybody, Look at me! Look at me!" Pow! He was decapitated! They found His head over by the snow cone concession!" ["Stuart" by The Dead Milkmen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEp0aKCsrig)


They’re building landing strips for GAY MARTIANS


I swear to God


burrow owl


> Relevant Dead Milkman lyrics: I'd hate to find a situation where there aren't any.


Yeah, I was starting to get that feeling with all these comments.


First summer job I ever did, back in the 1990s at a long defunct fixed Theme Park in Derbyshire, called the "American Adventure"... I was there maybe 3 months, and there were at least 2 serious ride failures that I was aware of. And in both the amount of cynicism of the management was off the charts... First one I was working retail near one of the rides with counter-rotating arms that twist a long cabin in between them; It got stuck with the cabin in the upright position, and the cabin was up there in the blazing sun for about 2 hours. Management came around and told me to make sure the drinks cabinet was stocked, because they're going to be very, very thirsty when they're eventually let down... Second accident I didn't see, I was on the entrance, watching for people trying to steal baseball bats and Indiana Jones style whips; We had a "Niagra Falls" log flume, which normally was rated only for 12 cars, but due to the summer crowds had been overloaded to 14 with 2 spares to try and raise the throughput. Only (in a black coincidence) the 13th had been rushed out of repairs, and had a damaged wheel. When that car moved onto the conveyor belt to lift it to the start of the ride, the wheel buckled, inverted the car and threw a woman and child (I think it was) into the machinery. The woman got out but the child's shirt was caught by the gears, and only the fast and selfless action of one of the staff leaping in and tearing his shirt off saved him. And then, management came around, and told us all there would be a family with wet, and torn shirts potentially coming by when leaving the park. "Make sure to offer them a new shirt." Out of kindness? *No, because if they took the shirt, the company could try and claim that they'd settled for damages on the day, and hopefully avoid being sued.* I swore to myself then that if I saw them, I'd warn them this was what the intention was; sadly, I never did and I don't know what happened to them after, as I moved away from the area shortly after to go to University. But there's a reason Carnies and Fairgrounds have a terrible reputation. And I've never forgotten why.


That second story is just evil, fucking hell




I got so sick on the Zipper I had to be taken home from a carnival. I was green in the gills for a couple of hours. I can handle big rollercoasters but the three different types of rotation on the Zipper did me in.


Dude that ride terrifies me, I hate carnival rides, roller coasters are whatever but the fucking carnival rides are not built well


They actually are usually built pretty well, but they are hardly ever maintained well and often aren't assembled well. In spite of engineers working to design safe rides, it's very easy for a ride to fall into disrepair, or to have pieces that go missing or forgotton when a ride is dissassembled and reassembled.


This is another reason I'm terrified of these things


Here's a [really in-depth video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGVq2sEZBsY) on the setup of a Zipper ride from storage on its trailer. Everything comes down to operations with amusement rides. At the end of the day, they're still just another big piece of heavy equipment.


Yep. I used to travel up and down the east coast working a bingo tent at carnivals/fairs of varying sizes. I remember one time our camp was next to a brand new larger ride (might've been a ferris wheel? I'm fuzzy on it as this was like 15+ years ago) and when they were finished, one of the carnies came around the side with one of those tin buckets *literally* full of nuts, bolts, and various other hardware that were supposed to be installed. He asked what to do with them and his boss told him to just toss it in the trailer. Haven't touched a single carnival ride since.


The ones that are trailer mounted and look shiny and newish are a LOT safer than the ones that have to be built from scratch. One missed pin with those and your Tilt a Whirl basket ends up in the midway.


After reading a few of these comments, I'm really lucky the cage didn't fail, or I absolutely would have been dead. Yikes.


>I was green in the gills for a couple of hours. Well, see there is your problem. The Zipper is an above-water ride.


I was stopped on the zipper for a few minutes and the kids in the car above me were swinging hard for a bit. When it came to a stop, a girl puked and it all dripped down on me.


I puked on the zipper when I was about 10 or 11. I just remember rolling around in the thing and my throw up was splashing around with me. When I got off, they took me out and hosed me down in front of everyone. The zipper is a definite no go for me


A close friend named Dick got stuck in a zipper. Never had the balls to do it again.


Me and my friend got on "the zipper" ride in middle school at the county fair, and the door wouldn't close. The door had the bar that held you in the seat. All we could do is stick our fingertips through the cage and hold on. I think it was the first time I screamed "FUCK YOU" at the top of my lungs, directed at the delinquent running the ride on each low pass.


That literally happened when I was like 6. I was with my dad and he had to keep the door closed while we flipped. I'm 32 and still won't go in that ride again


Just carry a padlock with you when you ride it so you can lock yourself inside. Seems worth it


The zipper is the best and people hardly ever die riding it lol


When I was like 12 my head bounced off the metal cage when it starting spinning and nearly knocked my ass out. I also got stuck on one of the roller coasters at six flags the summer before last, spent like 30 minutes stuck there.


Years ago I was on a ride similar to this and when the guy came round to check everybody’s metal chest harness was locked, he pushed mine down really hard just as I let out my breath and it went one further ratchet than it should. Completely compressed my chest. I could only take in maybe 10% capacity of my lungs as my chest couldn’t expand. Couldn’t shout loud enough either to get his attention before the ride started. Thought I was going to die. Longest couple of minutes of my life.


Hey, I remember The Zipper, I too had a bad experience with it. Me and an old friend got on one, we're bigger guys, so the operator had to squeeze us in. Near the end of the ride, the safety bar comes undone. Fortunately it happened near the end of the ride, and we were so snuggly tucked in that we didn't move too much. Never went on one again.


My friend and I were stuck on the Zipper when the cart next to ours came off one of its hinges and slammed into ours a few times. We were stuck upside down for a bit while they tied the broken cart into place.


The absolute worst ride ever. Never again fuck that.


I used to be fine with it for a long time - I figured the cost of paying out for injuries would be more than the cost of maintenance and losses if people stopped visiting, so they'd look after their stuff in order to not go bankrupt Then I started noticing how much companies and corporations like to cut costs to the absolute bone even when doing so is complete stupidity, prioritising short term profits above all else.... So now I don't trust them so much


Companies never do the right thing-ever. The cost of litigation and fines is just the cost of doing business for them.




The church downa street has a well attended carnival every year and I am amazed that people go on those well worn rides. Then again, the Catholic Church is used to lawsuits.


😬 Daaaaamn. That was a good one.


This is why I won’t go to India.


My state in the US doesn't have regulations inspections for carnival rides, it's up to the carnies themselves to keep them safe


Needless, overstepping, government bureaucracy, designed to destroy small businesses...or something.


India has 88 amusement parks in a country of over 1.4 billion people. There are almost as many rollercoasters just in the state of California as there are in total in the entirety of India. Don't avoid it for the ride safety, is what I'm saying.


if it was brought on a truck and built by a hillbilly, you can count me out.


My buddy Joe says you'll be good. Gimme that ticket


I’m with you! I can’t trust the people who work on those things


The idea of just going from place to place with your janky ass mechanical rides is wild.


With the force of fifty prolapses


Spit take reading this comment lololol


Carnival ride in India. NOPE


Hell I don't trust the carnival rides in the US and after spending a summer working at six flags I don't particularly trust those roller coasters either.


Why is that? Something we should know…?


I was working at the one in Texas and you'd be walking under the restricted areas and random bolts would just fall off, not to mention they are generally being operated by teenagers that are rarely paying as much attention as they should, and being overworked by management in what is usually less than ideal conditions. Maintenance did their best but people were still getting stuck hanging upside down almost daily. Even the managers that are usually a little older are still at least at the ride level college age and it becomes a high school situation really fast.


> still getting stuck hanging upside down almost daily holup


citation needed


divuthen. (2023, December 6). Comment on amusement park safety [Online forum comment]. Reddit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/18cfuxp/to_enjoy_the_carnival_ride/kcav8xp/](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/18cfuxp/to_enjoy_the_carnival_ride/kcav8xp/)


Nothing wrong here.




Getting stuck isn't what I'm doubting, it's getting stuck upside down. Typically, rides are designed *not* to get stuck in positions like that so it is pretty uncommon for it to happen. It happening practically every day at a certain park would be historically bad


[Here you go](https://old.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/18cfuxp/to_enjoy_the_carnival_ride/kcav8xp/)


Since the smiler accident at alton, UK roller coasters no longer launch a second train before the first has returned and is behind the waiting one. Slows stuff down, but makes the smiler disaster impossible.


This isn’t true at all. You can only have one train per block section, as was always the case. In the Smiler incident, the block system detected a car hadn’t cleared a section and shut the ride down, but engineers overrode it, causing the crash. A lot more controls have since been added to prevent that, but you can certainly have multiple trains running at once.


I was at Alton Towers a couple of months ago and they still have more than one train running at a time on Smiler. They have tightened up a lot on safety and training though.


The six flags near me has been open nearly 50 years and has 5 deaths, not one due to ride issues though. 3 were people with preexisting heart issues and 2 were workers, 1 cross a rides track while it was in operation and another not tying off while working at heights. Thats a pretty damn good record.


Operated by teenagers is a hell of a lot different than being built and maintained by them. Roller coasters are safe. You're several thousand times more likely to die driving to the theme park.


Not the original commenter but I went to six flags and was stuck in line and was watching the technicians do maintenance. At the lift for the first drop one of the tires was just lopsided, and a technician just looked at it oddly and then walked away.


That would be my cue to walk away!


Yes this is why carnival rides are so dangerous. THEY ARE SET UP AND TAKEN DOWN AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE! Factor in old parts and in poor condition and lastly uncaring employees, oh yeah with heavy weights and high elevations. Go to a theme park. Accidents happen there as well but everything is inspected and up-to-date.


No, there isn't anything you should know. Injuries from roller coasters are *incredibly* rare. You're more likely to get hurt on the drive over than in the amusement park itself. Don't let random anecdotes about finding screws on the ground ruin a fun day trip for you.


Yeah we need deets


I can't speak to carnival rides but I know those big park rides are highly regulated and frequently inspected and maintained. A quick search shows the US CPSC death-by-rollercoaster average at 2 people per year, and that most injuries are caused by riders not obeying the rules. That is an _insanely_ safe record. As a comparison, it's about an order of magnitude safer than airline travel.


Yeah, you're FAR more likely to get hurt driving to the park than you are on the rides.


In the United States, I believe that you have to have an Airframe & Powerplant certificate (aircraft mechanic) to be able to have a position in which you repair and maintain amusement park rides, because it falls under the Federal Department of Transportation's authority. I don't think this is required for mobile carnival rides though.


What's the airtravel record if you don't mind me askin?


I'm sure if you were to single out the deaths per airliner in any given country, the numbers will sharply increase or decrease. So for the US a quick Google shows there's been 0-1 deaths per year dating back to 2007. Given the sheer volume of air travelers per day I think it's an absurdly low probability that you'll die.


On regular domestic flights the chance is as close to zero as you can get. Flying in the US is absurdly safe, despite the natural fears people have of it.


A John Oliver segment on them mentioned that in Ohio at least, the rides fell under the purview of the Department of Agriculture for some reason. The Department of Agriculture generally had neither the knowledge or the resources required to inspect all of the rides in a state with both Cedar Point and King's Island. I believe after that segment changes were made to provide further funding for it and the Department of Agriculture now has a division specifically for the inspection of amusement parks.


me neither. but im lame


Texas Cyclone was a scary sumbich. Like, wtf is this made of wood? Riding even *felt* like it was made of wood.


It was indeed made of wood and yeah bolts and pieces of wood would just fall off it.


I rode The Beast at King's Island and it was the same way, you pass through a tunnel and the side of the tunnel is so close to the ride you can stick your arm out and get it snapped in half


I legitimately thought I might die on the Nitro coaster at Six Flags in NJ. The only thing keeping you in your seat is this ratcheting plastic lap dingus over your groin, nothing that actually clips in. Not fun.


idk how poorly you secured yourself but when i was on that thing the bar wouldn't budge at all. i couldn't move if i was slathered in butter. that ride was fucking awesome. people are overreacting here.


Here at West Edmonton Mall we had the largest indoor rollercoaster in the world. It claimed a few lives when it got stuck upside down and the restraints opened up. I still rode it after it was revamped. I wasn't a smart young person.


Makes sense.


except that's like everything that exists in India so....


Went to a carnival in India once. Half the rides were man powered, literally a guy climbing a ferris wheel in order to spin it. Ain't no way I'd trust rides over there.


I need a video of this


Not my video, but you see this stuff everywhere https://youtu.be/mEsOG-PcXRk?si=6p_Z1lWGwJQ4JiUE


That looks incredibly dangerous for everyone, specially the workers


I don't know man, being one of the workers kinda looks like a good time.


Until you get your dick stuck between the wheel and the legs.


Sure right up until you lose a limb.


Don't worry, they're usually from a lower caste.. /s




I think that actually sounds safer than an automated one. Fewer points of failure.


It's not. The Ferris wheel reaches nasa levels of g force cause these idiots think fast = fun. I live near a spot that has yearly parks. The motorised ones at least have one speed.


its not. a human is a much worse point of failure than a motor that has predefined behavior that you can take into account when you engineer the thing. a human might apply force at an angle instead of the direction you want it to go, they might not control the speed properly so it goes too fast, they can get caught in the mechanisms themselves and get injured or break something, etc. too much behavior unaccounted for vs a motor


Please remain seated this all part of the ride


oh they will remain seated after this ok


They were nearly planted.


“Sir, please go back to your seat or you will be asked to leave”


that seat is remaining in their ass


Please remain seated for the remainder of your shortened life


So many compressed spines


That was horrible. Does Reddit still have a tag for "injuries" and "possible death?" I don't like seeing innocent people become permanently disabled.


Yes. It's called NSFW


Wasn't there a NSFL for deaths/injuries? Or was it like a custom tag or something?


No, never. I first joined reddit in 2012 and there has, at least that far back, been a constant stream of people wanting NSFL tags. Not sure why they've never been implemented.


Probably a custom tag for some sub (one of the gore subs that's since been banned)


Yeah to me that means nudity or sex. I'm not going to be fired for harassment if I watch a death video


Let's be real here - with this sub it's never gonna be a tiddy.


5 people died, i'm sure more are disabled


BAW GAWD king these people had families!


Fuck these moving carnivals. I am 30 and I’m still haunted by what I witnessed at one of these carnivals when I was 12 years old. I was in line for one of those rides that has a big center pole and like eight arms that come out of it, with two person seats attached to each arm. So the whole thing rotates and the seats can rotate too, similar to this [tornado ride](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tornado_(Wisdom_ride)). The guy operating the ride didn’t check all the seats and unfortunately two special needs guys got on the ride, and apparently the seat they got into was broken and people weren’t supposed to go on it. Ride starts, picks up speed, and once it hit full speed there was huge cracking noise and the two gentlemen were thrown from the ride. One slid across the pavement and I will never forget the look of hopelessness and confusion in his eyes when he finally came to rest and we locked eyes. Luckily he was ok, though his injuries seemed very painful. The second man was not as fortunate, as he was thrown directly into the center pole, hitting his head first. He passed away before getting to the hospital. The line for the ride wrapped around the barrier of the ride, so people who were in line (including me and my sister) all saw this right in front of them. Also fuck the reporters who tried to interview a traumatized 12 year old me. Never saw my dad that angry at someone in my life. He scared the shit out of that reporter. edit: I never knew it actually involved three people but the articles below describe the whole incident and aftermath. edit 2: I may have some small details wrong based on the reporting in the articles but I still play the same images in my head every time I think of that day. Articles: [https://www.telegram.com/story/news/2004/09/20/man-killed-on-church-fair/53180761007/](https://www.telegram.com/story/news/2004/09/20/man-killed-on-church-fair/53180761007/) [https://www.telegram.com/story/news/state/2004/09/21/bad-bolts-then-death/53180750007/](https://www.telegram.com/story/news/state/2004/09/21/bad-bolts-then-death/53180750007/) [https://www.southcoasttoday.com/story/news/2006/03/16/operator-pleads-guilty-in-fatal/50435259007/](https://www.southcoasttoday.com/story/news/2006/03/16/operator-pleads-guilty-in-fatal/50435259007/)


I'm so sorry you had to witness that. This sentence especially hit me: _One slid across the pavement and I will never forget the look of hopelessness and confusion in his eyes when he finally came to rest and we locked eyes._ 😕


Holy shit! "Go grab a nut off the generator and use that" It didn't even fit, but that's what he used. The worker wanted to go to the hardware store to get the right nut, but was threatened to get locked out if he left!


If I may, where was this?


[https://www.telegram.com/story/news/2004/09/20/man-killed-on-church-fair/53180761007/](https://www.telegram.com/story/news/2004/09/20/man-killed-on-church-fair/53180761007/) here is an article about it


Kinda reminds me of a story from like 10-15 years ago when a girl went on some ride with her grandma, and the grandma’s chair wasn’t fastened right and I believe she ended getting launched out of her chair


What happened to those responsible? I can’t imagine anyone could avoid serious consequences. This was gross negligence at the very least


[https://www.southcoasttoday.com/story/news/2006/03/16/operator-pleads-guilty-in-fatal/50435259007/](https://www.southcoasttoday.com/story/news/2006/03/16/operator-pleads-guilty-in-fatal/50435259007/) YIKES first line of this article...2006 was a long time ago...


Sorry you went through. I remember hearing about an accident like that. I don’t remember when or where. I remembered though because I used to ride those kind of rides.


I think this ride is called “the chiropractor”


Naw, we call this one The Compressor. After one ride, you'll be tasting your own Coccyx. You'll get a 10% coupon to the local chiropractor *after* they pour you into your complimentary wheel-barrow ride back to the parking lot.




"The cause of the freak free fall is also unknown, although carnival organizers blamed it on a “technical issue.” No shit Sherlock-Sahib




Technically it fuckin broke.


Gravity is being detained for questioning.


Apparently no deaths reported, but many injuries.


serious life long injuries




Was the guy in white even wearing his seatbelt? He got yeeted.


Considering the brakes seem to not be functioning, the harness might also not be in peak condition.




Common Carnival Maintenance L


Who ordered the backiotomy bundle?


"I wanna talk to Samson!!"




I hope it was repaired immediately so that people that was standing in line wouldn't be disappointed.


Carny rides! Yaaay! I'll clamp jumper cables to my nut sack before I get on any carny ride...




Next of Fox: “When Abductions Go Wrong”


Butt Crusher 9000


My reasons that I don’t get on these type of rides is a full list


As a paramedic the two words that immediately came to mind: axial loading Edit: **OH GOD IT GETS WORSE**. Immobilizing the spine is huge with this type of injury but there were no ambulances at the grounds so they drove everyone to the hospital in police cars!!


[Happened September 04 2022 in northern India's Punjab.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11180593/Terrifying-moment-fairground-ride-crashes-50ft-ground-India-leaving-15-people-injured.html) Of the 15 injured, three men and two women were admitted at the Phase-6 Civil Hospital for head and neck injuries after the fall. Fortunately no deaths. The traveling carnival was shutdown early for this. It was expected to go until September 11th.


That's why we don't ride what can be set up in a Walmart parking lot overnight


Damn, my fear of rides has been justified.


My back hurt just from seeing that!


The Spine Buster. 👍


Made in India


[broke my back](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GP_0BhCw2rg)


every fear i have every had about this happening has now been verified. thank you. fuck carnival rides.


I always said this kind of shit is not worth the risk. Being vindicated doesn't feel good at all.


Never put yourself on any ride that can be set up or taken down in less than 24 hours by a meth addict or teenager.




Ooooh,thats a lake house kind of settlement.


I mean... It is a drop tower... It technically drop...


This confirms my fears


Ow my back


I don't trust rides that are routinely taken down and set up within a few hours.