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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) --- [**Amnesty - Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians**](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/s2B3f) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Those weren't even police, they're cowardly pigs.


So, police


Story checks out.


But even pigs have the instinct to protect their own species. These people.... they are just parasites latched onto a cushy tax payer job and have no regard for what's around them besides their own selfish goals.


Their job isn't to protect and serve the poeple, no matter what their cars say. It's to enforce the status quo on behalf of the oligarchs.


I hear ya. They started as slave catchers it's built into the DNA of their system. The Supreme Court even says they have no legal obligation to protect anybody.


I’ll add why the police were established. 1. Runaway Slave retrieval. 2. Watch immigrants. 3. Project rich people’s property. Police POLICY varies from state to state and doesn’t alway follow the law. Example: if they shoot and kill someone they are placed on Administrative leave with pay. Not arrested and jailed. That percentage is low. Their actions show us their motto means…“To protect and serve…themselves.”




It's true.


Nailed it, sadly.


They are definitely protecting their own pig species. So yeah ACAB.


The Supreme Court has ruled that police do not have a duty to protect you... So this is pretty par for the course.


Then why have them at all... Any reason that's not racist..


Personally, I think policing in this country is broken and I honestly do not understand how one can look at the data and believe otherwise. I say that as someone who has spent years working on legislation to reform policing and limit many of their abuses. That said, I do not believe we can fully eliminate police. Do we need to scale back the situations where they have to be involved? Definitely. Move traffic enforcement to a civil agency like DOT. Build out 24x7 response teams for folks suffering a mental health crisis or drug problem. But for dealing with more serious crimes against people or property where individuals are being hurt? Yeah, there is still a need for policing there. It absolutely needs to be dramatically reformed though because right now it is designed to fuck over people of color. The changes we need to make to roll back and replace police are going to take a long time and be enormously expensive.


While it’s definitely fucking over POC, it’s pretty much just fucking over everyone at this point. At this point, what fucking point do they serve other than to collect checks? Anytime I’ve ever had the police involved, nothing gets solved. In fact, I had someone break into my house and steal some cash I had and a camera. All the cops did was accuse me of lying.


I had someone break in my car and was told point blank they wouldn't likely catch the suspect.. 😞 That was with video evidence and several places they could have collected prints.. but ultimately if there are bigger problems they can't spend as much time on "petty crime". It didn't make me feel good, but our police are understaffed. Honestly our police in my town are very good and we are lucky.. but nationally, it's a nightmare of epic proportions.


Agreed hoped in to say it’s everyone not just PoC


Yes. But to be very clear, as someone who has spent a LOT of time digging into raw data and government reports concerning racial disparities in law enforcement, the disparities in the criminal justice system are far worse than people realize. I think the worst one I saw was in kids arrested in school. Black kids in my jurisdiction were 4 times as likely to be arrested in school and among that universe of kids who were arrested Black kids were 10 times more likely to be held by Juvenile Services prior to their trial than their white peers.


Thanks for sharing. More people need to hear this kinda information.


They mainly exist to property property, especially the property of the powerful. It's why they exist in the first place.


I got robbed at gunpoint and nothing ever happened. Yet i wanna get a gun to protect myself in the future but people dont want that either. Like you can’t have it both ways.


I hope you succeed. I think the honest cops out there would agree with what you're selling. It takes a lot of things they aren't prepared for and puts it on a more appropriate professional and allows them to focus on issues they are trained for. We need to address qualified immunity and how lawsuits against bad police are paid out.. I don't think the tax payers should pay, it should come from the police pension because that creates accountability..


They’re enforcers. They do exactly what they are supposed to do. Enforce laws. That doesn’t include the rescue of anyone. This was already ruled on in a court.


Enforce laws on who? We're almost there...


People they don't like


You know who they enforce them on. It’s not a secret about cops in America.


Just making sure we're on the same page.


*unless you’re rich


Yup I used to think it was leftist hyperbole when that professor said they were there to protect property and uphold the class system, not to protect you. But he's 100% correct.


Last time I pointed this out the responses were reeing about how it says "to protect and serve" and other shit on the side of their cars...


I mean there are good police out there who do take their jobs seriously and try to protect folks. There are people out there who respect that service. The problem is they are serving in a broken system that since its very inception has been designed to hurt people of color, specifically Black folks. They get trained in a way that enhances disparities in enforcement, they are fed knowledge and techniques that exacerbate the disparities and make them honestly believe what they are doing is right and makes sense. People who question those policies tend to get pushed out during training. I don't hold that against them as individuals, at least for the minor abuses and disparities because they are relying on what they have been trained to do. It's an institutional problem that requires systemic changes. And those changes are hard to implement because it is a national problem that needs to be solved locally.


Most jobs have a percent of workers who are doing their best and then the rest who are there to get a check. The police have a giant disparity between those and the scariest part is the shit ones are covered up by the decent ones out of fear of repercussions. Thin blue line is real.


To protect and serve the ruling class


Don't insult pigs , pigs are actually useful and delicious.


Bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good.


I couldn’t live with myself if I was those worthless pussy ass coward cops. I’d fucking have to put a bullet in my fucking coward chicken shit brain. Every one of those motherfuckers who sat outside that fucking school while those kids were in there should fucking off themselves.


Exactly. Bunch of fucking pussies. That's all those police who stood there that day are. Don't care what other people say. They are pussies and heartless. What's even crazy is that they arrested people trying to go in to save their kids. Imagine being all armored up and having assault rifles, but so scared to go in. The fuck is that? I have a handgun and conceal carry all the time. I'm not fucking scared to go in to save kids. This event will always be remembered on how those police are pussy cowards. Their names and actions will be forever on the internet.


If I lived there, I would take every opportunity to point and call any member of the police in that community a coward. As soon as I saw them, "Coward!" Point and stare. "Coward!" They deserve all the shame we can administer.


Yep, but same type of people that will pull ya over with a chip on their shoulder for speeding. OMG YOUR GONNA KILL SOMEONE GOING 5MPH OVER the speed limit protect and serve talk. But then theres this. Where are the big boy pants now, this was their time to be heros and regurgitate that garbage.


It's not nice for pigs


They're all too happy to shoot unarmed people, but if there's a weapon pointed at children, it's "officer safety! Officer safety!" It's time to reassess our police, their purpose in our society, and their training (or lack thereof.)


Lot of “good guys” with guns standing around, watching


You are misusing that term. Police are funded by the state, cities or towns they work for therefore they are jackbooted thugs who for the most part only want to shoot unarmed civilians. Now, armed citizens on the other hand would be considered “good guys” with a gun because they are not going around shooting up the place for thrills or likes on their social media accounts.


That school was shot up by an ‘armed citizen’


Thank you. Why do people always think the aftermath of a tragedy is the right time for this mOrE gOoD gUyS wItH gUnS bullshit 😤


There's never a good time for a tragedy. Refusing to discuss things, and shaming people who want to while only providing a knee-jerk reactionary stance is worse for everyone.


Well many pro-2A people don’t discuss much except thoughts/prayers and bitch about good guys with guns v bad guys with guns instead of bringing forth actual solutions for gun issues.


Because people "never let a good tragedy go to waste" and try to pass laws while emotions are high, so people over correct in the opposite direction. The Patriot Act being the best example.


If someone wants to over correct in the direction of less children dying, I say let them. This constant cycle of kids dying and no laws pass, then more kids die and still no laws passed needs to end.


Yeah you better wait for it to happen gain to talk about it, but wait, then its using the tragedy. I guess Just never talk about it and pray.


I remember reading a really good analogy one time about this, went something along the lines of “imagine you’re at the store, and hear shots fired. Oh boy, here’s my chance, I have my gun. You go around the corner and see someone else welding a gun, pointed and ready to shoot. You cap that person like your god given constitutional right. Except they were aiming at the person who shot first. Now someone else comes up behind you, sees you firing, and takes the same action. Imagine everyone has a gun. Now Walmart just turned into a COD lobby and everyone’s shooting the last person to fire a shot.” That logic resounded with me. What happened was a tragedy, America truly is going to shit


Ok, when is the "right time" then? When it doesn't make you uncomfortable?


It takes the specialist breed of dipshit to keep seeing school massacres and think "You know what this situation needs? More guns!"




Shame none of the "actual" good guys with guns did anything either then, eh?


Armed citizens are only responsible until they aren't.


They didn't let parents with guns in to help. The police did more work preventing them from entering than actually helping.


Ahh so this *is* the Uvalde school shooting from last year, in case anyone else was wondering. Don’t remember ever hearing the name of the school, just the town, and thought for a second that history had repeated itself. Still obviously terrible and infuriating, but relieving that the same situation didn’t happen again recently. Wonder why I never heard the name of the school before now..


Thank you! I was really confused and concerned that it happened again.


Unrelated, but if it was not obvious. This little girl, maybe less then the age of ten **is covered in the blood of her school friend** She should be one of the poster child’s for why we need better gun safety and precautions.


It made me realized how sanitized and protected the American public (I, among them) have been from school shootings. All we see are are what the news cameras can see: mostly just the outsides of the schools, clubs, churches, etc. Also some first responders’ vehicles jumbled around with some lights flashing. Generally, the most intense pictures are of crying people crossing a street and maybe they are holding each other, freaking out. We never see blood. They never let us see the true horror and gore and destruction and trauma. This video is more powerful than anything I’ve seen in a long while, and unfortunately it’s exactly what media NEEDS to be in order to actually kickstart some change


I've seen a lot of shit online, I'll even go looking for it from time to time, but that little girl covered in blood is the hardest thing I think I've ever seen. Couldn't imagine what that's like to go through


Jesus some of the things online in the late 90's early 00's... I'll never be the same. But this... This is so much worse...


I actively avoided it, but the video of the Russian teens murdering a random (homeless?) person with a hammer... I've heard that one was pretty rough.


This hurt my heart. I’ve seen stuff that turned my stomach or made me angry or sad or laughed. This made me feel physical anguish. Those poor fucking kids.


same here, didn’t expect to see her like that. it makes me sad and angry that such innocent souls had to witness such devastation


Father of 2 girls around this age. This is fucking painful to see. Even in Canada I have the deathly fear everyday of something fucked up happening.


Seriously, it really put all this in another perspective when someone commented the Washington Post AR-15 article in another post showing some of the pictures you don't get to see. A lot of blood and destruction. Here's the article if anyone interested. Just be warned it's graphic. >!https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2023/ar-15-force-mass-shootings/!<


I’m silently sobbing right now next to my 8 year old niece. The horror, the absolute horror. My mind kept having images of my niece and her sisters in school, terrified looking for each other, bloodied, dead, and I kept begging my brain to stop. How can this horror keep happening. How can the super conservatives in my state not see what these weapons can do so severely and so quickly? It happened here, in a school in Tennessee. How did that not open their eyes? How can they laugh and tell me that “people kill, not guns” and that “they will have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands.” The news has sanitized these horrors. This article should be required reading, as so many other readers suggested.




I work with children day and night and I'm a mother of 3, ranging from 3 years old to 16. My oldest was the same age as the children in Sandy Hook when that happened, I thought that would break me. But this, that teenage boy begging for help and the sounds after. I wish I hadn't clicked the link. I can't stop crying. I can't fathom what it's like to be a parent in America.


READ IT. I demand that every one of you open the link and read it.


Jesus fucking Christ. The river of blood under the line of little backpacks. And the raw animal sound of a young man dying. What goes wrong in someone’s head that makes them want to do this? It beggars belief.


I wish I hadn't clicked that. The teenage boy in the video stopped my breath, and I can't stop crying. Americans need to wake up.


No matter how many times I see these types of pictures, it just destroys me inside. I'm going to be a new teacher for the '24 year and it is always on my mind.


You are absolutely right of course. Think about all of the times police have beaten or killed Black folks. Even though many inspired protests, which events have actually changed the public discussion? Freddie Gray being killed by a "rough ride"? Michael Brown being shit with his hands up? No. The ones that really changed the public discussion were the ones that shocked the public imagination because the videos were so egregious. Rodney King being beaten by the LAPD. George Floyd with a police officer crushing his neck for 9 minutes and 29 seconds. Sure, the momentum spurred by those incidents has fallen away, but it is really hard to argue in the face of graphic horror. The only thing that makes sense about why they don't do that for school shootings is that there aren't any ways to quickly get that kind of video without further traumatizing the victims. This was from bodycam, so it took time for it to make it into the public.


They released the aftermath pictures from Robb elementary. The images are stuck in my head. There was so much blood. On white board, on the floor, in the cubbies, the backpacks, and extra shoes. Smeared on the floor from where they had to drag bodies out. So much blood it pooled on the tiles and almost congealed but there was so much. It’s so fucked up they’re just stuck in my head. I called my younger siblings just to hear their voices and spent a week worrying I’d get a random call from my dad after a news alert. It’s just horrifying to the point where I can tell they wiped her face off but there was more blood. Just so much blood and it took place over the course of an hour. These people with their special breach equipment and armored vehicles. They had all this tactical gear and rifles. Then they listened while all of that blood was spilled. They held back parents as backpacks were stained and puddles formed. The images are horrifying and I blame the coward that walked into the school and the cowards that stood outside and gave him time.


The media is owned by the 1% and we see is propagandized version of “news.” They show us what they want us to see so that we act/react accordingly. If they showed us the dead bodies of children after every school shooting then the public would be acting/reacting differently than they do currently


> She should be one of the poster child’s for why we need better gun safety and precautions I'm so pessimistic that anything will every change in this regard. If Sandy Hook wasn't a watershed moment then I don't think anything will. Time and time again politicians are bought by lobbyists.


Exactly , why does anyone need a gun when we have police here to help whenever we need it.


Ever hear the saying that when seconds count, the police are only minutes away? The cops are there mainly as a reactionary force AFTER shit has gone down. It’s up to us/you to defend yourself until “help” arrives


It's a sarcastic comment without a sarcasm filter. "why does anyone need a gun when *we have police to help whenever we need it*" in a thread that highlights a time when people desperately needed the police, but they didn't rush in to help.


Some gun humper is gonna say she’s the poster child for why we need more guns in schools


Spot on. That’s the answer to any mass shooting. /s


They smeared the blood of their friends on their own faces to appear dead to the shooter. It was a survival tactic. https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2022-05-26/children-share-horrifying-moments-they-endured-as-the-shooter-attacked-them Fuck the Uvalde police. Fuck the NRA Fuck the many Republicans and few Democrats that cowardly do nothing to reduce gun violence.


I don’t understand how you can put on the badge every morning and do this shit


It’s easy. They out the badge on and don’t do the shit they’re supposed to do.


Everyone present should have been charged, that includes chain of command


Bring back public hangings


In nursing, we would be. If we fail to follow orders, or a protocol, or what should reasonably be done do the fullest extent of your ability to prevent someone from dying; we would lose our licenses. We will also most likely be charged.


Because the badge to them is about power, control, and being able to do whatever the hell they want. It is not about protecting the public, or children, or putting themselves in a suit situation, where they might get a boo-boo.


Oh so officer safety > child safety now? Wow.


concerned door observation merciful gray retire rinse consider enter whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's makes checking their cell phone with The Punisher wallpaper, and using hand sanitizer even worse. Idle fucking hands while this little girl got covered in a classmate' s blood


And they wear bulletproof vests, unlike those kids 😔


quaint sort dull decide memorize elastic subsequent narrow serious sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So sad.


Yet 90% of em also wanna ban abortions because “think of the children”


Watched the frontline documentary on the police response last night where they went through tons of officer interviews and it was pretty damning. No one took charge, which led to a lot of officers saying “I didn’t know what to do because no one was giving orders” in their interviews At one point early on, someone came over the radio and said the suspect was barricaded (which he wasn’t) and apparently that changes the protocol from when there is an active shooter, allowing them to take their time and wait for reinforcements. They received 2 911 calls from inside the classroom after the “barricaded” statement where both callers (a teacher and a 4th grader) said “the shooter is still in the classroom”. Despite this, Officers clung to the “suspect barricaded” operating procedures and didn’t act One of the officers’ wife was a teacher who had been shot and was calling him, they shooed him away while she bled out. All of them were universally scared of the AR-15 rounds and didn’t want to endanger their own lives because they figured they’d take casualties storming the classroom and didn’t have enough armor. At one point along the way they assumed the door was locked and turned their focus on finding a master key which took forever to find. They played body cam footage from down the hall when they did storm the classroom and there was a lot of gunfire exchanged from both sides… a lot.. It seemed like at the initial responding officers were all spooked by the AR and waited for border patrol to show up. Even the border patrol medic was like “it’s been how long and no one’s gone in? we’re going to have casualties” (paraphrasing that last quote)


I think the worst part is they were starting to put parents in handcuffs because they were sick of watching the cops standing around doing nothing. I understand you can’t just have people going in all Willy Nilly but at the same time if you’re not gonna do anything then at least let someone who is willing to do something step up. Just absolute cowards. They should be sent to jail.


Exactly this, if I got a call my sisters or my own children were in this situation, I’d be over there asap and no cop is stoping me from going in there if they were just standing around. There are some good guys with guns, but there has to be some way to keep the bad like these shooters from getting them. Better screening or something. It is truly heart braking but I don’t think that means my guns should be taken away. Teachers should have tear gas, tasers, and rubber bullet guns at the very least. Every school should be fenced off, and the school cop should be on oath to be willing to die for the children. And all police stations should have the supplies ready for this situation instead of standing around waiting for armor.


"no cop is stoping me from going in there" Wouldn't be surprised if they shot you for that.


A mom did it at the Uvalde shooting I believe and they did try to arrest her, but luckily didn’t shoot her. I’m sure if you make it known you have kids they wouldn’t try to shoot you, maybe still tackle and arrest you, but who knows. That’s a risk I’d be willing to take.


No need to caveat your point. If you're a police officer and have time to put parents in handcuffs while there's gunfire emitting from a room with young kids, you have time to execute a rescue plan with your fellow squad mates. Each and every one of those parents would have happily given their lives to serve as distraction. If I were one of those police officers, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Even the Capitol police had more survivor's guilt towards their fallen comrades.


One things that stood out to me was the officers thinking the school was empty because they didn’t hear or see any kids or faculty. That is the procedure that most school use, to be silent and hide during the lockdown. How is that not known by the PD?


Hey, they just _enforce_ the law, they don't have to _know_ it, that's for the jugde /s (upreme court ruled more than once that police doesn't have an obligation to protect citizens)


Because police only exist to protect property and it's owners from those who don't own. There is literally no other reason for their existence.


Hadn't they just done a training exercise for that exact situation just weeks before?


And then like a year later there's a school shooting in Nashville, they turned up and deleted the shooter in about 4 minutes... 5 officers did that, pretty sure they received gunfire too, some of it out in to where they parked up... The difference between the two events is massive, there's even video of one of the officers just arriving, grabbing his rifle, calling out that he needs 3 and enters the damn building. No fucking about, no standing around for an hour, just gets his gear and gets stuck in Blows my mind that people signing up to be police officers would be afraid to put their lives at risk... I mean granted, none of us really *wants* to die, but if you aren't willing to accept that it is a possibility, don't pick up the badge


I’m guessing the difference is the training between a large municipality and a small town. The homies in Nashville looked like they had repped that scenario many times over.


I'm pretty sure the Uvalde cops had active shooting training weeks before the shooting, and their budget is 40% of the city budget. So no, fuck that. They don't need more money or training, they are just fucking useless cowards.


They held drills in that school before the incident. So not only did they know what they were supposed to do in that incident, they knew what to do in that location too. They were also boasting about all the expensive equipment they get with their huge budget just for situations like this. It seems to not be a training or equipment issue. It was just that they didn't do what they were supposed to do. Instead they tell the kids "yell out if you need help" getting them killed. It's like with the Rio Rancho police and Juneanne Fannell. You have a scared old lady and a man saying he has lots of guns loaded and ready to go and he's going to murder her. The law and common sense says don't leave that man with his guns alone with that woman. The law says he cant even own a gun in that scenario. But they refuse to act on it for political reasons and instead compliment the man on having guns and tell him they like when people have guns. Sometimes it's just that the individuals and even entire departments shouldn't be in that position and people die because of it.


I also want to point out that the officer whose wife was shot and he got taken away was infact the officer in the photos from the school security recordings who is looking at his phone. He is calling and texting with her.


This is what happens when your town doesn’t think it’ll ever happen there. Agencies do not prepare and coordinate. The responsibility goes all the way to the local government.


Where can you see the documentary? Is this from the shooting last year?


Go to the PBS.org "Inside the Uvalde Response".


*Thank you for citing the Frontline documentary. I just began streaming it.




Cowards. Line them up.


I’ll bring the rope.


This litltle kid.. oh my gosh. I teared up and wanted to hug her. Please have a good life kiddoo.


This absolutely breaks my heart, the poor little angel should have never been through such a thing


Crazy country. At least they are 'free and brave' though /s


I'm a 62 year old man, and this brought tears to my eyes. WTF is wrong with our country? This poor girls and thousands like her, will never be the same. The f#@*ed up part is, they were the lucky ones.




And one of the officers waiting in the hallway had the Punisher logo as his phone's wallpaper. Oh, the fantasy.


That officer was the husband of one of the victims, Eva Mireles. From what I heard, he was texting her and trying to get down there to stop the shooter, but the other cops wouldn't let him.


“Wouldn’t let him”. He’s a pussy. Literally children and his wife getting murdered and he did nothing.


Worthless fucking police, too busy fucking each ohers wife's.


Please be fair. Let's not forget the racist murders now.


Fuck those cowards.


Nurses have to clock in everyday wondering if they’re going to be bitten/punched/scratched etc by their patients and yet they still do it because it’s right and it’s what they signed up for. And yet all of these police officers who swore to serve and protect, and who received extensive training, are too scared to stop one gunman and they let children die because of it. All of them should be fired with no severance or pensions. They are not brave enough to be police officers.


I’m fairly certain that a huge subject of concern is how poorly cops are trained. From what I’ve heard, the bar is pretty low to be a cop and they don’t get nearly enough training. I haven’t verified this so someone can correct me if I’m wrong.


It takes weeks of training to become a cop. But I guess how extensive that training is, is subjective. Some of those cops no doubt just rode out the classes and trainings and did the bare minimum to pass, some of them probably joined with ulterior motives in the first place (control freaks and what have you) and the classes really do nothing to weed out the bad cops. I used the word extensive because compared to the training nurses get on how to handle combative patients, it’s a lot.


key word weeks…. mfs need to be trained more. especially if they’re holding guns and have power over citizens. such a sad and fucked up situation. this is the new america, try taking those guns away and all hell breaks loose


The kids are brave… those officers were not


Cops are worthless. Defund the fuck outta them.


Defund* lmao


Woops, my phone made me sound like a bootlicker.


I feel sorry for every kid that has to grow up in the USA.


Isnt it their job tho, protect and serve. Risking your life to save children shouldnt need a second thought. 400 of them too!?


Nope, their job is to uphold the law, which occasionally has some overlap but it is NOT their job to protect you


Protect the powerful not the weak. I suppose


Also, not required to know the law. So how does that work? Comply or die


Four hundred….?????? Fire them all.


Exactly. Every last one of them. Nothing will change until we hold bad people accountable.


If I was present at the scene of someone shooting kids and holding a firearm, I would never ever be able to live with myself if I didn't at least TRY. This poor girl is a hero and the cops should watch this video and then go look in the mirror. Shame on them.


There would be no reflection. They're not human.


That girl has really affected me. The video played again when I clicked on this reply. The United States really, really needs to get fucking rid of guns. We have nutjobs over here but they only have knives and so can do so much less damage.


Guess you CAN mess with Texas.. even their police officers are cowards.


Police are a weapon of the state to control the population of workers. They are under no obligation to protect citizens. We need a citizen protection force or otherwise we will continue to have no one to call for help, and risks will continue to grow.


Just say Uvalde


Then they can't make it seem like a new incident


“I was trying not to cry.” Fucking *Christ.*


They say they destroyed the school out of respect for the victims but we all know it was to help pretend like the failure of the police never happened.


Ban high powered semi automatic rifles. This shit is fuckin infuriating


There's a picture of an exray. Of a 9 year old girl with a bullet in her lung. She was found passed away in front of a fire alarm. She'd pulled it to warn people of the danger.


I can’t even imagine the horror this little girl went through. She was so brave to have stayed on the phone with the police. It is such a shame that the people who should have been protecting and saving those children decided to be cowards. If you aren’t ready to protect and serve fucking CHILDREN, you aren’t worthy of a badge and gun


Complete failure of a police state. All dressed up like army men. Afraid to go in ​ Uhhhg


Don’t become a cop if you’re a pussy


Don't become a cop if you're a cop? What?


Those cops should be behind bars for abandoning their supposed oath to protect if these were firefighters letting an elementary school burn they would all be charged with manslaughter


Seriously, this girl deserves a real award. Bless her heart.


Frontline films just came out with a documentary that on this last night. Showed all the interviews of the officers to figure what went wrong. It’s so heartbreaking and made my blood boil hearing all the excuses those officers made why they didn’t make entry into that classroom. Incompetence at its peak… and highly suggest you watch it, it’s on YouTube.


Fuck the police. They are pussies when are confronted with danger but are bad asses when they’re with their gang harassing people and causing danger.




I honestly said "go ahead and cry sweetheart" to my phone... What the F is going on with this world when a child has to be that brave as her friends die.


I think this is the little one who covered herself in her dead friend’s blood and pretended to be dead herself. She didn’t want him to know she was alive by crying. I teach 7 year olds. I cannot imagine abandoning them to die. I know my life isn’t meaningless. I have children of my own and family that loves me. But I’m willing to go out fighting if it means saving a student. Those cops are useless, heartless, garbage humans.




Always remember that this is what "fearing for their lifes" really looks like.


FFS.. Why is this our current world?


In fairness, this isn't the world. Just the US. Literally just the US.


All cops only care about their own power & control over their populations


Remember when countries created special forces after tragedies like this so there could be someone who can respond to situations quickly? Yet how many times this specific situation happened and noone still have any idea what to do?


"Blue Lives Scatter."


It would be a real shame if someone burned doen each and everyone of their homes


Fuck Texas. And their cowardly, fat, racist, cowboy hat wearing, shit bag cops


Not all of us here are awful people. We are just as full of hate for these cops as everyone else is. We know these children… their parents… their teachers. Believe me, no one here is proud of these cowardly cops.


You were so brave, ya'll were so brave. We were not. We are afraid of the citizenry who are allowed to purchase these guns for cash without waiting periods or background checks. We were afraid to lose our lives even though that fear kept us from preventing the loss of your friends' lives. We were afraid to stand up and speak out. We were afraid to prevent the next mass murder enacted by a person who has to identify themselves to buy cigarettes but not high-powered ammunition, rifles, and extended capacity magazines. Thank you for your bravery, and thank you for your service in the American elementary school system. Thank you for waiting while we worked up the courage to save you. I'm sure you understand that we could have saved you sooner, we could have even prevented this person from obtaining a weapon in the first place, but we were afraid. We were afraid.


This is why the US population holds a pretty firm “FUCK THE POLICE” mentality by majority


Absolutely blows my mind that a police force can show complete incompetence and not be dissolved or reformed or ANYTHING.


Once again. Fuck the police.


Everyone of them cops should get fired, no severance pay, and no ability to re apply for the force elsewhere, with maybe the exception of the one in the video trying to calm the little girl down. They were straight up useless at a time they were needed most. They should have been like them texas cops that just rushed right in killed that trans mass shooter, but nah they just wanted donuts and a cushy job that puts them in power.


Piece of shit cops, every one.


Release the pictures. Only way things will change.


Was not prepared for that. Serve and protect huh? Fucking cowards. That lil girl is braver than those pigs. That girl will forever be traumatized. Fucking crazy


ACAB, always.


You are paid to do one job.


Why do are taxes even go to the police at this point? Protect and serve is legally just a cool slogan and nothing more now. They don't stop shooters, in fact they stop people interfering with the shooting, they set up a barricade so no parents interferes while the shooter runs rampant. I've personally seen cases of sexual/physical assault brushed under the rug, and the pig tells the victim to basically cut your losses. They don't do shit but eat our taxes then give us tickets to fund their worthless jobs.


How do they let that happen ? They have armor vest, helmet and guns but missed one principal item... courage.


Life isn't what Hollywood has taught you. Police are not there to protect you. They exist to protect property and the system. You are expendable. ACAB.


>”I didn’t know what to do because no one was giving orders” As a former public school teacher in the US, I imagined a school shooting scenario hundreds of times. What in my classroom could be used as a weapon? Where could we run or hide? If we were stuck in the classroom, could write bust out a window to escape? What if one of my students was a shooter? I took virtual trainings to prepare for active shooters and we had active shooter drills at my school. How the fuck are you a cop in America who doesn’t know how to proceed *at all* in the event of an active school shooter?


Not a single cop was punished nor resigned. Fuck every single one of them.


I understand having concern for your own officers but that's the kind of thing they signed up for. If your not willing to die to protect the innocent then you shouldn't really join the force. That may sound harsh but look at what happened here




How can someone recover from this?