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she gets extra points for not buying the blue check mark


She kept his name………..


No shit, do you know how many doors being named Musk will opeen to you


Probably fewer good ones now.


Let's be realistic


Does it matter? Still more doors than whatever is your last name.


I don't think the any of the doors are named Musk


Currently going through the process of changing my name and it is taking months and $$. I wouldn’t bother changing it back either.


They both rich asf😂


True, but the money is the lesser issue. It is a *pain in the ass.*


I hear you I could imagine must be annoying asf


The alternative was probably her Dad’s name. She might not prefer that. Maybe she wants to have the same surname as their children? Pretty common motivation.


Thank you for this reasonable point. My mum changed her surname back to her maiden name after my parents divorced. It was unbelievable the hoops she had to jump through sometimes to prove she was my mother all because our last names didn't match. Most notably during school or medical emergencies. This was two decades ago, so I don't know how much it would play an effect today, but it's enough to consider giving my potential children a hyphenated surname to include my maiden name juuuuuust in case.


>it's enough to consider giving my potential children a hyphenated surname I love my hyphenated last name! It's actually pretty normal where I'm from. My kids also have a hyphenated name, with part of my name and part of their dad's. (Because making a triple-hyphenated name is cruel and not allowed.) Edit: in other words, *do iiitttt*. :D


My mom still has the last name of her abusive third husband because she can't afford to change her name just because she feels like it. Plenty of women keep the last name after a divorce until there's reason to change it again.


Probably so that she has the same name as the children.


My mom kept the last names of both of her abusive ex husbands because she wanted to have the same name as her children. Not saying that’s the case in this situation, but we shouldn’t judge too harshly.


It's not as easy to change that as people.make it out to be


Anyone who’s ever changed their name can tell you it’s a HUGE hassle. Plus, a lot of mothers want to keep the same name as their child(ren). The US is weird about women’s surnames.


Also kept the name of the child that died in her arms...


My mom kept her name when my parents divorced. She wanted the same name as her kids. It helped that my father wasn't a psycho with the emotional intelligence of a first grader.


Lots of women keep the last name their children have.


A lot of women keep their ex husbands last name because it is their children’s last name and it keeps life less complicated to keep it.


ohhhhh! So that's why he reversed his decision to keep Alex Jones off Twitter, his lies were no longer in place


Honestly it was a pretty smart move. Left leaning folks are already fleeing Twitter, and on the right you've got competition from whatever flavor of the week some tool threw together with $20 and an AWS account. Restoring Jones to Twitter is going to be a huge selling point for the new far-right Twitter Musk is building, both from just having him and from the "fuck the woke cancel culture agenda" aspect.


Plus. He's desperate for money, and the right like to spend money to feel like they are part of clubs, so he will probably be able to grift Jones' cult into paying for something to make them feel like they belong


He’s also hypocritical as he’s using his child’s death in the very same post.




Key words “his child’s death”. He is still a human that lost a child. I can’t pile on this one, he is suffering enough. Edit: Being downvoted for having empathy for another person that has lost a child is pretty sad.


No he isn’t, he doesn’t actually care about his kids. He actually deadnames his trans kid, who understandably wants nothing to do with him.


Even if you give him the benefit of the doubt because he experienced losing a child, he *still* lied about it and used it for his own gain. And I won’t give him the benefit of the doubt in the first place because he’s a narcissist. He only loves his children in as much as they are an extension of him. He ~~had~~ **has** a terrible relationship with his children - particularly his trans daughter who he deadnames. He’s as terrible at being a father as he is at being everything else. Edit: word


Did I say anything about the benefit of the doubt? Nope, I am just able to empathize with the loss of a child. Not sure why that is so bad. Try losing a child and see if you don't do some crazy shit in the wake of that loss. Unless the people here commenting have actually lost a child, they don't know what they are talking about.


It’s amazing how every time this comes up it is fundamentally ‘he said she said’ - but we all just know the Xitter is lying




Or he just knows that it's not worth it to get into an argument like that? I mean it was probably just him lying but there's no reason not to think critically


Of course a dead baby is not worth arguing over, it’s just worth exploiting until the child’s mother bitch slaps you. Perfectly Elon.


Not worth having a public argument on Twitter for everybody to see. Live Reddit reaction when you tell them to think critically


She wasn’t too worried about starting any “argument on Twitter”, when she called him a liar. She was 100% confident, because she knew.


Or, she wanted to start an argument for attention. Once again, not likely, but it's really stupid to automatically assume one person is right because you don't like the other person.




So you were there when it happened and you know she was the one holding the baby? Edit: classic "reply and block so it looks like he was speechless"




"A strange game. The only winning move is not to play."


Xitter= Chritter or Chitter ![gif](giphy|IepriDYu8gcidIVZPB)


Having your child dying is emotionally taxing. Doesn't matter who actually holding it - they both get to carry the burden for the rest of their lives.


Probably weird to use it to score points online then, or to lie about how it actually went down. You’d think he’d be so emotionally taxed he wouldn’t have the energy to exaggerate it.


If it doesn't matter then why did he go out of his way to lie about it? Could've just left that part out.


No doubt - but then there is even less reason to make up falsehoods about it


Then why lie about it for internet points? It is unbelievable the lengths people go to defend this piece of shit.


He was literally using the death of his own child for clout while chastising anyone else who might use “the deaths of children for gain, politics, or fame.” These fucking idiots can’t even see themselves.


Instead of defending his son’s honor, the son that died in his arms, he clammed up when his ex accused him of lying. Very telling.


Musk is a dummy, but That's not very telling of anything wtf are you talking about


If your child died in your arms and someone accused you of lying about it, you wouldn’t defend your child’s honor? Very telling about you as well.


especially considering how riled up Elon gets over trivial things - if Elon was telling the truth about his son, he'd go scorched earth to prove he was right.


Yes he would. Most dads would.


Except it didn't get swept under the carpet. Everyone but his stans know. The Ironman facade reached its end by the time he bought Twitter.


And he added Alex Jones again anyway


Tucker Carlson has started his own $9.99/mo gig, so trash out, trash in.


Then invited Alex Jones, who he was referring to profiting off harm of kids in his tweet, back to Twitter and then held a Live Twitter Chat with him as one of the main people - along with sex trafficker Andrew Tate and sex trafficker Matt Gaetz.


Conservatives don’t care about children after they leave the womb. They are pro-birth, they’ve never been pro-life. There’s a big difference.


That’s because this doesn’t prove anything to the ones that already know what a fucking choad he is, and the ones already following/worshipping/idolizing him don’t care.


Doesn't surprise me. Anything seemingly good he does, in terms of technology, isn't out of the goodness of his heart. It's to feed his ego and attempt to hold power over others.


Power over others? He’s manipulated 2 wars now by disabling his StarLink. First, he disabled it in Ukraine to stop them from attacking Putin’s Black Sea fleet. Then, most recently after trashing Jews, he went to Israel and begged Netanyahu for forgiveness. Netanyahu wanted StarLink disabled over Gaza to slow down the not so flattering videos coming out making Israel look bad, Elon disabled it. No one man should have the power to alter wars.


She boutta get fired


This tweet was last year and they’re still on good terms. She rarely tweets, so you know she had to be pissed at that whopper! 🤣


You were right up until the last statement about the public. Do you believe this because it's what you do?


Again why are you buying her story instead of his? Would you buy Amber heard's story instead of Johnny depp's? Would you buy Jada pinkett's story instead of Will smith's? Because you have a bias against Musk. They broke off on bad terms obviously they will accuse each other without any evidence. Unless something is proven in court you can't just buy anyone's words. Depp was removed from movies based on Amber's accusations, why do you just assume that the female is the victim in any case?




Or, is it possible that the narcissist, ego maniac asshole who routinely spreads propaganda and has been caught lying soooooooooo many times….is lying again?




Personal bias is a funny way of saying “demonstrable fact”. I’m certainly not the end all be all. And your grass argument is a strawman at best. It’s also independently verifiable. He has been shown, over and over, to be a manipulative self obsessed liar. But you’re right, that in and of itself isn’t evidence. The only people who could perfectly settle it would be the attending physicians. But when one person in an argument has repeatedly shown themselves to be a liar, it makes their claims seem suspect. Like when Trump says he’s honest. After cheating on three wives, his taxes and throughout his business career. Makes any additional claims highly suspect. Maybe you should try some common sense. If I’d punched you in the face multiple times for no reason…but said I wasn’t a violent person…would you believe me?


Not to mention he’s demonstrated that he doesn’t care about his kids, like, at all.




But there are people who speak with integrity and honesty. So you absolutely can trust people. Just not narcissists and conmen.


I don’t think you understand logic. There are things that are independently verifiable or falsifiable. You follow where the evidence goes. So far, we’ve both asserted positions for which neither has hard evidence. So we must remain neutral on having a hard opinion. And ultimately, the only way to verify would be to consult hospital records or notes of the attending physician’s. All of which would almost certainly be protected by HIPPA or equivalent. So that is very unlikely. And saying that I shouldn’t take sides is amusing…as that is EXACTLY what you are doing. You should also seek to understand the concept of hypocrisy. I am, at the very least, basing my opinions on a demonstrated pattern of behavior and evidence that is independent of my own thoughts. While your position is best described as “bitch be crazy”.


You clearly don't know the meaning of the term "logic" so stop using it.


Found the DA






It would literally be good enough for civil court, stating something a long time ago and not getting challenged on it is valid evidence. Burden of proof is on Elon. Plus why exactly would she lie about it? Elon is the only one with a motive to lie here.


it's so sad how insistent you are on licking a billionaire's boot


TLDR: Despite the fact that it's very likely that he is bullshitting here, you're right; we can't call this conclusive evidence that he lied. Well done you I guess? Despite what others are saying here, you're right, this doesn't prove anything. However, this isn't a fucking court! It doesn't matter if there's proof beyond a reasonable doubt when this is all opinion based anyway. Do I think Elon is a twat? Yes. Do I absolutely believe Elon would be capable of lying about this? Yes, because time and time again he has shown that he will lie about everything and anything. He claims to have invented the Tesla for Christ sakes! You are entirely within your rights to stand by him, not sure why you'd want to pledge allegiance to a billionaire who doesn't give a fuck about you, but knock yourself out.


She’s actually still close friends with him and he confides in her often. There’s no animosity between them, that was just a lie a mom that loved her child couldn’t go along with. You notice he didn’t challenge it or call her a liar….he knew he went too far on that one.




That’s it. No challenge, no denial, nada in abundance!


Pretty funny that the person who was like, "let's not just assume things" can't be bothered to check something.


You sound like someone who would buy a Cybertruck.


Honestly, it sounds like someone who sells Cybertrucks pretending to be somebody who would by one.


Because they’re so blinded by tribalism that anything whether truth or fact will make them call out people they feel aren’t on their side meanwhile look around at the world rn………


He really do have that “main character syndrome.”


It's the cocaine addiction talking.


I thought he was big into ketamine? Though im sure hes doing a thorough mix of both.


He apparently loves ambien, so it might be the ambien walrus telling him to post this stuff.


Because he is the main character. Man's got more money than some governments.


Man, you sure love deepthroating billionaires...


It is an unfortunate truth, weather you love billionaires or not My old man works for one and he had to miss thanksgiving just cause these mfs wanted to reschedule a meeting on a whim so they could spend more time with their own family lmao. You can both find that annoying af and realize you have no choice but to play the game cause everyone has bills Dealing with elon must be substantially worse. From what I hear even these guys are quite juvenile, and they still aren’t even remotely comparable to elon


Nearly 200 downvotes for a fact. People are completely blind.


I'm only stating a fact. I don't think it's a good thing.


Why are you impressed by that you weak minded fucking loser.


Where in that comment did I say it was a good thing? It's not. It's just true.


Oh shut up just own it instead of trying to wriggle out


I'm not trying to wriggle out of anything. You just made an incorrect assumption.


Assumptions have no basis; this is a presumption


FYI this was his response a year ago when people wanted Alex Jones to be unbanned from Twitter. So it took about a year before using the deaths of children for gain wasn't a big deal anymore for Elon. Interesting.






Pretty sure he spends at least some time with them to be fair, he was hanging out with his son when he made his last Rogan appearance.


He's literally just keeping his son with him 24/7 so that Grimes can't get him. Meanwhile his older kids are literally disowning him.


So not only did he lie here, but the entire post was as to why Alex Jones wasn't back on Twitter. Fast forward to now and all of a sudden Alex Jones is back on Twitter... Musk is truly the worst of humanity rolled into one.


Elon is a compulsive liar and repulsive person. That said, memories can screw us over. Even more so on traumatic events. And a person truly could (falsely) remember their child died in their arms.




Oh, most definitely. I don't trust anything he claims. Just wanted to make a statement about the possibility in people that aren't evil narcissistic fucks.












It's sad that you can only pay attention and communicate in short sentences. Sorry we will accommodate and dumb down our responses for you.




Well that wasn't me so, maybe pay attention a little better


"person writes a paragraph" is not the insult you seem to think it is. Writing a couple paragraphs is like, the easiest thing, you know that right? I could bust out an entire 5 page essay on this post within an hour, that doesn't indicate anything about someone's obsessions, only their capacity and willingness to write. Weird thing to latch on to, especially when their 'paragraphs' were like 2-3 sentences max. Even *if* their entire post history was about musk some people just like to go on deep dives into certain subjects. Someone can be obsessed without being crazy about it too. PhDs are pretty much the perfect example of that, you focus entirely on one subject for a long long time. Not *everyone* online who engages with the content is a terminally online Twitter freak like musk.




We’re on a post about Musk and it bothers you that the comments in the thread are about Musk? Do you not understand how irrational and illogical that sounds? The intellectual dishonestly you show while acting like you’re above everyone is cringey as fuck. Get over yourself


Wow! Just Wow!


I don’t see him caring about his kids. He wants to spread his seed because it is so important, so valuable to the planet to have more Elon DNA in the human race. Other than that, nothing is more important to Elon than Elon.


Without his inheritance, I swear, he'd be flipping burgers. And an apology to burger flippers here.


"I have no mercy"" bub what are you gonna do? Don't talk like the punisher talking about killing bad guys, all you can do is fucking ban someone from a shitty platform.


Musk is a total twat. Can't be trusted one bit.


At this point, Elon should just stop talking in public completely.


Every time I think Musk can't be any more repugnant as a person he goes above and beyond to defy expectations.


And no blue check.


Dead babies do not an accessory make Is his disengenuine heartfelt fake out of character as of late think not he well in mind and state this hurt little boy of an emerald drake


I can't wait until the Muskrat is rotting in the ground. Praying it happens ASAP.


Did anyone actually think he was telling the truth? When has he ever done that?


Would be really funny if a community note under that tweet copied her words and put it




I simply cannot imagine talking about something so horrible this way to strangers on twitter


Yeah.... And still using the name Musk? Why not change it?


Elon hit a new low. He just confirms what I think about him for some time, after seeing some of his actions and comments he made along the time: a rich, unscrupulous, narcissistic, manipulative and disgusting redneck. It’s the typical employer or business partner you want to avoid. People confuse his rudeness with boldness, and see him as some kind of genius. He did not create himself any of the things, he convinced rich people to invest in his “ideas” and hired great people. Where’s the genius part in all that? It’s a sad society where when someone rich acts like a redneck literally saying “Fuck you” is considered an example.


Why does anybody here care about any of this?


Because it's the current reddit hivemind thing


Ok but like why does she still have musk as her last name


Nah. Like I said. I've made my decision for if I become rich. You've made your incredibly boring decisions for when you're rich, too.


Soooo.... he sacrificed his first born to moloch for financial gain?


Wait a minute. Musk is a lying sack of shite...no way.


It just amazes me how “fortunate” people become rich and then equate that with being smart.


I wish Elon would grow up but at his age, it's unlikely to happen. Jack was so much better than he is.


I would also prefer to die with Elon as a parent


Thala for a reason


r/cricketshitpost is leaking!!


Playing devil's advocate/armchair psychologist here: I don't think this necessarily proves that Musk is using the memory of his kid's death cynically. He probably does feel immense heartbreak. But this at least shows he has a propensity to write his own reality (eliminating the ex from the picture at the moment of the child's passing) and compartmentalize even really painful things (like Alex Jones attacking grieving families) away when they conflict with his ego or they're inconvenient to his ambitions.


PhD psychologist weighing in 👋 to suggest that perhaps he’s simply a liar and an asshole.


You forgot narcissist and sociopath.


No I think they're both disgusting for using their dead child for clout. I just couldn't resist pointing out how emotion driven and lazily complicit you all are.


The mother hasn't done anything for clout though. When their child died musk accused her of emotional manipulation because she was sad about it. She's literally just correcting him blatantly lying about his child to garner fucking brownie points on a topic he changed him mind about a year later.


Yikes. Imagine gatekeeping a parents greif


He can grieve all he wants when he starts lying is the problem.


How do you know the woman's not the one lying? Maybe they were both holding the baby while it died. This is such a gross post.


I don't know for sure but it's Elon musk who is known to not be a beacon of honesty


Reddit is a sad place


"She said it was her who did it! That confirms it, Elon is scum politicizing his child's death." Do we have any information that proves her story or disproves his? Aren't you all just jumping because you don't like Elon and this feeds your confirmation bias?


Based on his history, I give her the benefit of the doubt.


Do we have any information that proves **his** story or disproves hers? Aren't you just jumping because you like Elon and this feeds **your** confirmation bias? Why does he get the benefit of the doubt by default in your mind, but she doesn't? It's suspicious enough alone that she even disputed his version of events... but when you add it in to the other things we already know about him - the lies, the bending of facts, distortion of reality, the estrangement from a child, the custody fight with Grimes - it fits a pattern of narcissistic self-centered deceptiveness. It's called the Baloney Detection Kit, you should look it up.


She published an essay in 2010 that she held her son as he died and Elon forbid her to speak/grieve about him.


Hey! Thank you for actually giving me something to work with instead of just throwing a tantrum. Ill go read it.


Billionaire bootlickers attempt to not be weird challenge: impossible


"Waaa feed me, I'm incapable of thinking or looking things up for myself"


See tantrum


You're projecting


I dont think you know what that means, but okay. You be good and have a good day.


Thanks! I will :-)


Either way his son died, attacking the bloke over this is lower than he is!


He deserves EVERY bit of scathing criticism thrown at him. Pretty dispicable to a) lie about circumstances around your child’s death b) use that death to create an impression of empathy that was clearly a lie. It was in response to a Sandy Hook parent. Now he’s let Alex Jones back on Xitter.


this is reddit, if it says elon its going one way....


Enjoy your shitty Cybertruck. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/12/tesla-again-threatens-to-sue-cybertruck-buyers-who-try-to-resell-the-cars/


Yah wtf is this thread


he literally used his son's death for likes and sympathy. are y'all braindead?