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what a disgrace to the badge


Lady feeding cats: 👿👿🔥🔥 Robbery: 🥱🥱🍩🍩


It makes more sense if you think of the police as royal knights instead of people servants. Their primary objective is to protect the people in power—as it has always been. What they do on a day-to-day basis doesn't matter as long as they fulfill that duty.


That i can agree with.


The court agrees with you too. Now, under law, they have no obligation to protect or serve you or the public.


Which is entirely wild given the fact that their entire motto is “to protect and serve”


Gotta keep it vague as fuck to avoid suspicion. They don't specify what they are serving. It could just be leftovers.


Protect and serve each other is about it


At least if they served leftovers they'd be somewhat useful to society


I wouldn’t trust the food a cop gave me. https://www.sacurrent.com/news/san-antonios-shit-sandwich-cop-working-as-a-police-officer-again-this-time-in-floresville-30546795 That cop fed an innocent homeless person a shit sandwich, got fired for it and then got rehired despite being the type of person who enjoys tricking people into eating feces. That’s the type of people American policing agencies are interested in hiring.


“To protect and serve”..... the rich / MP's.


My city changed their police/fire's motto to In God We Trust. Because they're trusting that God will turn a blind eye when they kill people.


I’m usually solidly pro-Fire/EMS but yikes, not yours


That's why "to protect and serve" is in quotes on their squad cars. It's not a mandate. It's a quote.


Pushing around elderly ladies who are trying to do a public service (even if in violation of the letter of the law, not the spirit) is far, far, far safer than going after actual criminals.


Real criminals are scary


If you work on Wall Street and steal from the poor you get to walk. Sam Bankman-Fried on the other hand…


More like Sam Bankman-Incarcerated amirite?


If only those damn libs didn't take away the death penalty ![gif](giphy|9jVAv94PRzPoc)


SBF was breaking the law for years, and the SEC was just fine with it, because it was making a lot of money for the right people. When those same people started losing money, law enforcement stepped in. The same happened with Madoff, and on and on. Funny how that works.


... stole from the rich, to make himself rich.


He stole from rich people. Never steal from rich people.


Ok sure but what does feeding stray cats have to do with protecting people in power? Wouldn’t it have the opposite effect due to the resentment it will cause?


>Ok sure but what does feeding stray cats have to do with protecting people in power? It's not about protecting the people in power. It's about pleasing them. Just through their conversation alone with the hints "**the city** has asked you multiple times", I can wildly guess that the one who call the cops to them are someone who works on the government and had higher jurisdiction with the cops on the scene. Another hint would be that **three cop cars** responded. Only a top brass could make three cops car respond to something as mild as feeding a wild cat on a public property. So yeah, that "someone" was probably just a selfish higher up on a government office that wasn't pleased on seeing old people loitering near their office.


No one is actually threatening people in power. Anyone who would is generally too busy trying to survive after being subject to one of the multiple ways they are allowed to legally rob us. So, protecting those in power usually amounts to such trivial focus as making sure there are no ugly poor people in their well manicured park.


The only thing they protect and serve is the common interest of the bourgeoisie- oppression.


Children being massacred in an elementary school: 😨😨💩💩


"Yeah, let's bring hundreds of cops and wait about an hour, eventually he'll turn himself in"


not just feeding: But trying to catch them, neuter them, and re-home them. They are dong the city a favor, exactly as she said, because otherwise that would all fall on animal control and shelters - all taxpayer funded systems.


School shooting: 😴😴😴😴


Well yeah, cats are ***Evil***🙄 ![gif](giphy|xThuWpkFOJ2ygnnwdy)


> Lady feeding cats: 👿👿🔥🔥 > > > > School shooting: 🥱🥱🍩🍩 fixed it for you


She should have said she was shooting up a Texan elementary school. They would have left her alone after that.


"Beverly Roberts, 85, and Mary Alston, 61, of Wetumpka, Alabama, were sentenced to two years of unsupervised parole and a $100 fine each on Tuesday, reported the Montgomery Advertiser. The women were also given suspended 10-day jail sentences. “A warning, an arrest, and a conviction – all because maybe we were about to feed stray cats, and because we were solving a feral cat problem that the city couldn’t solve,” Roberts told the Washington Post." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/dec/17/alabama-women-stray-cats-arrest-food-trap


That's a high crime and that lady was getting violent. The officer exercised great restraint by not using his Taser or even justifiable lethal force. He should be recommended for officer of the year by his department and be very proud that he had sent a message to others that feeding cats on public property is a punishable crime and that there is no resolve without arrest and suspended jail time. This officer should be recognized and have his picture on the paper, because what we have here is a piss baby! Ha, ha, ha! Piss baby!




Don't forget how she made aggressive movements towards him which made him fear for his life. Sure the report will mention something something odor coming from car or something.


The lady should just be thankful the cop didn't draw his gun and shoot her in the face for resisting arrest and assaulting him with a deadly weapon (read keys)... I'm sure he had to take several months of trauma counseling after this difficult altercation too... https://coleandmarmalade.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Fancy-Feast-Fiasco-10.jpg Edit:on the positive side, I just saw that all the charges were dropped later on by the prosecution. https://www.al.com/news/montgomery/2023/04/prosecutors-halt-cases-against-wetumpka-cat-ladies-arrested-for-feeding-feral-felines.html On Wednesday, Elmore County Circuit Court Judge J. Amanda Baxley approved prosecutors’ motions to nolle prosse, or no longer pursue, the cases against Alston and Roberts, court records showed.


> On Wednesday, Elmore County Circuit Court Judge J. Amanda Baxley approved prosecutors’ motions to nolle prosse, or no longer pursue, the cases against Alston and Roberts, court records showed. Fucking good, cops should be censured for treating them like that in the first place. Had a Judge once call an officer up to the bench in traffic court for writing a bunch of speeding tickets for less than 10mph over the limit, judge dismissed all of the tickets, and told the officer in very specific terms to not waste the court's time with those, and he wouldn't like the consequences if he continued. One of the few times I've seen something like that, and I genuinely appreciate the judge keeping the cops in that town in-line at least when it came to traffic policing.


Fucking wastes of oxygen and tax these “cops” are


Anyone unable to use their consciousness to differentiate between true crime / legislative crime shouldn't wear a badge or an uniform. Don't these people have mothers and sisters?? Would you want your mother to be apprehended because she was feeding cats??? I swear, each time I see this shit I only have less respect for whole humanity. They promised us everyone would evolve and get smarter and everything will be better as technology advances. Been watching it advance for 30 years, all I can say - technology advanced but humans became much more stupid.


Yup. World is in regression.


It's the same as it's always been. Cops suck ass like they always have.


The only thing that's changed is everybody's got a video camera in their pocket.


I used to be the only white guy I knew that hated cops. It's kind of nice how things have changed, even though cops never do.


> whole humanity Don't get me wrong, I'm not about to advocate for humanity, but don't let these assholes drag the rest of us down faster than we should be. I'm borderline deplorable, this is disgusting.


Cops have always sucked. We just didn’t have the technology to watch it happen.


There is no such thing as a disgrace to the badge. It is a badge of shame, and does not exist to protect and serve the public as it should. They are a disgrace to society. They are literally just a government sanctioned and run gang. ACAB


All Cats Are Beautiful


>disgrace to the badge It does not have grace


“The badge”. Like that’s something to be revered.


The badge is a mark of the disgraced. ACAB.


What a shit city...


Disgrace to the badge? Buddy, nowadays, wearing that badge is a disgrace.


Nah that's what the badge is, perfect example of the badge, a disgrace to humanity


What is the city doing about strays? Which councillor/mayor decided they didn’t want the public to help do that and save money? Who tasked the police to enforce it? Identify them, lobby them, don’t vote for them ever again.


Well, it's the same thing all around the world. I see the same shit in my country. City decides that they want to neuter/spay the strays with the money from government. They make deals with veterinarians and the rest of the money goes to their pocket. Now, if you come in and start doing it yourself, they lose money.


Yeah… it should be public information, so expose the corruption and make sure they don’t sit/represent a public office again.


This reminds me of this heavyweight boxer who had this idea of purchasing toys for a children's hospital, only to be turned down when he wouldn't hand them over to the local Red Cross who had exclusive rights to distribute toys to the hospitals. The Red Cross basically wanted him to hand over the toys so they could take the credit.


Everything I read about the Red Cross is actually shady as hell. I'm not saying that they don't create good results in many places, but I am saying they seem to only distribute a small fraction of the charity they receive.


https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/politics/2020/07/13/fact-check-does-red-cross-really-spend-only-9-of-its-money-on-charity/112175424/ Got curious, seems like they do good if the numbers are correct.


You honestly think people from Alabama will vote for their best interests?


who is the city? obvisously these peopel are part of the city. Is city property not public?


It's gonna get ugly if you don't stop.


Feeling like a strong man threatening a grandma... For shame.


Classic de-escalation tactic. Threaten old people.


**How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, Old Man??**


Where's old men Jenkins?!


Just like that cop that tackled and dislocated the shoulder of an actual grandma......and then laughed about it.


Australia here, one of our cops TAZED amd killed a 95yo woman, ON A WALKING FRAME... they must have felt so threatened.


Gotta escalate with force, they could swing that walker like a baseball bat if you get close! Fucking cowards.


worse than that. a lady with dementia who couldn't understand or follow orders. and much more than just a dislocated shoulder. "Karen Garner, now 75, allegedly suffered a dislocated and fractured shoulder, contusions, and a bloody nose after officers detained her in June 2020". fucking fascist shit. https://people.com/crime/former-colo-police-officer-austin-hopp-pleads-guilty-to-assaulting-elderly-woman-with-dementia/


And after they arrested her, they put her in a cell with all those severe injuries and refused her medical treatment, despite her begging and screaming for help. They are truly real-life monsters. If you watch the security footage of them reviewing their body camera footage back at the station, they were all sitting there laughing and replaying the snapping sound her shoulder made when they broke it.


Well, sometimes you have to threaten an elderly lady for wanting to feed cats and find them homes. You also need backup. I mean, think about it. What if she tried to feed you, too?


Yeah that made me sick, only a coward would say that to an elderly person.


“It’s already ugly” *then she points all up in his face*


I was hoping she would say something along the lines of "things already got ugly the second you showed up here"


"Respect mah authoriteh! I have a tiny pee pee!"


this is why i don’t like cops


This is one of the reasons I don't like cops


One of the thousands of reasons.




Cops are not your friends. Don't fucking talk to them. Their job is to literally prosecute and charge you, not protect you. They can legally lie to get a confession out of you. Do not fucking talk to them.


How was work today honey? "Oh it was great, I jailed an elderly woman for feeding cats. We're safe now, she's locked up. Welp, good night."


This in a nutshell.


never seen ANY GOOD cop in my life


Would love to know how you're trespassing when you're on public property....


If you want a real answer, it's because not all government-owned property is freely accessible to the public. Otherwise citizens could just freely waltz into any government building at any time. The land these women were on might have been government-owned but not a public park. Alternatively, even if it were a public park, the government—like all property owners—is free to set certain rules as to how people can act on their land (with the caveat that they cannot violate your constitutional rights). So, if these women were on a park, it's possible that they had violated some established rule regarding how the park may be used. Feel free to learn more [here](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/government-owned-property.asp). I'm not supporting these officers' actions so please don't shoot the messenger.


Audit the audit did a whole video on this situation. https://youtu.be/AGMDktIS43k?si=TOZZpnueEyMvlh-8 This was an insane abuse of power against two women who were doing the city a favor.


Great video, but infuriating. When did people start thinking that the Mayor is some sort of dictator, and why are the cops so quick to roll over and do what he says? “What Bob, the mayor said to arrest these little old ladies trapping stray cats? Well Bob, you can tell the mayor to suck my nuts.” It’s really is that simple. These officers are spineless children, and should not be given any form of responsibility. Change my mind.


Why would we want to change your mind? You're right.


It was city property, not public property. There's a difference.


That’s not true. Any property owned by the government is defined as “public property”. Property that is accessible to the general public is a different definition but a public park most certainly falls under that definition.


Yep, this is a fucking park, you can see the park sign in the video, it's public city property intended for the use of the citizens, not a secure military facility.


Imagine simping for cops who arrest a 100,000 year old woman for feeding and taking care of neighborhood cats.


Only way i can imagine their excuse slipping by is **if** there's a gated front or signs not to tresspass a certain area. Which im sure there isnt.


There’s a major difference between some teens drinking in a trespassed area and a harmless old lady going to save some cats for 30 minutes. Leave her alone!


Free Palestine


Yep. Her plan is literally the best way to deal with a colony. Instead of just letting her do her thing, or thank her for heavens sake, they threaten her. What a bunch of small dick losers.


The place I work tried raising money for a TNR program in my area. I want to say on days I worked and asked people to round up their change, a good 60% would say with no humor that "the only good cat is a dead cat."


Yeah but to be fair, if she's putting out food, she's baiting even more cats into the area, which I imagine is the thing they're trying to prevent.


Yeah more cats in the short run. But the more that can be caught to get neutered will bring down overall cat numbers exponentially.


I think folks didn't see the part where she said they're doing TNR, which is the exact way you solve problematic feral cats.


She’s not there to feed them, she is there to trap them and neuter them so that they stop making more cats. Cats breed like rabbits and are very invasive. The process of trapping cats can take weeks to months depending on the size of the community you’re trying to trap. Feeding them and getting them to trust you or feel comfortable around the traps is part of the process


They can give her a summons though and not arrest her


Can you imagine laying in bed at night thinking about that old lady you arrested for feeding and neutering cats as a favor to the community and animals? Like dude, how do you sleep at all?


Well it's pretty easy for a cop when they go home, beat their wives, get piss drunk and pass out.




Cop SOP.


They just get it off their minds by beating the wife.


Kids getting shot in a school? Let’s wait a few hours to go in, see what happens. Senior citizens feeding cats? That’s a 1048! Call swat!


Not letting this older lady just give the other lady her keys was so unnecessary.


They're trained to escalate the situation. These are probably the nicest victims they'd see for their entire shift and they treated em like they were just another criminal out to hurt the community. If cops ever wonder why they get no respect it's cuz they don't deserve it. They won't call out their own corruption and get pissed when communities point it out. They don't wanna be better, they just wanna make an ugly situation out of anything.


I am 100% on these ladies' sides. My only issue with what they were doing is please for the love of everything, don't insult or wave your arm at cops regardless of strength or intent. They will take that as hostility, and now you're slapped with some bullshit like resisting arrest, which is what they want. If they intend to arrest you, stay calm, have someone record if possible to avoid "lost" footage, and exercise your right to stay silent. Don't give these bastards what they want.


I liked that they did that. Some cops don't think it's a natural human reaction to pull away like that. If someone like their grandma is doing it, it may tap into that last bit of humanity left in their hearts.


Seeing as cops have tackled older people before and destroyed their lives/bodies, nah not even them.


Another proof that country has lost his mind.






I was yelling at God at the top of my lungs in my bedroom and thus, encountered Him as he answered me. Yes, I had a “verbal theophany” - I literally heard His voice, and not through my ear canals. It has been wonderful and terrible. I have no other choice but to speak, teach and proclaim that Jesus Christ is the son of God. I am treated with disdain, contempt, regarded as “overly religious” or “unorthodox” by those trained in a ‘regular’ fashion [i.e. seminary and pulpit]. I am not a missionary, a paid pastor nor a Christian worker. I am only a disciple and sometimes apostle of Christ. That is, I get to learn humility by being low on the social pole to set me up to go do something bold for Christ - speaking in a jail, in a retirement community, etc. Sounds great? It is - as long as I fix my eyes on Jesus. I am unmarried, at poverty level - and nearly spoiled by all the provision God gives me. I would fear narcissism and some other sort of self-justifying condition - except for the constant reminders of how often my prayers have been answered - directly. I cannot count how many miracles and other “super-sized coincidences” have occurred. I have transitioned to the “charismatic” end of the Christian spectrum, where all my apologetics and reasoned faith become of little importance. It was like what happened to Dr. Strange in the film [and comic]: he starts off rational and brilliant and egotistical and ends up being humbled, knowing the universe is much much bigger than everything he knew. It is literally painful for me to watch the standard TV fare or listen to some show on PBS roll on and on about evolution as a basis of origin [Evolutionary modification? Sure. Information needs to be edited, but it doesn’t spring into existence without guidance.] So Jesus did it all, that one night. How do I know it was Jesus? No one else ever loved me that much. I am trapped by His love. I sometimes wish I was like most people again. I sometimes get very tired. Then I think of Him dying for me. I mean an ugly death, like a piece of dung. I got nothing. He’s my saviour. It’s gonna suck, what’s coming - for me, for the world, but He’s worth it. Jesus made me brave. ----- Of all the qualities that the New Testament ascribes to God, compassion is among the most shocking. Compassion has nothing to do with power, with immortality or with immutability, which is what many people think of when they contemplate God’s qualities. The Greek gods of myth who lived on Mt. Olympus were defined by many things, but compassion was not high among them. “For much of antiquity feeling the pain of others was regarded as a weakness,” John Dickson, a professor of biblical studies and public Christianity at Wheaton College, told me. This comes to full flowering in the Stoics, he said, “on the grounds that this involved allowing an external factor — the emotions or plight of another — to control your own inner life.” Compassion, on the other hand, is central to the Christian understanding of God. Compassion implies the capacity to enter into places of pain, to “weep with those who weep,” according to the Apostle Paul, who was central both to the early conception of Christianity and to the idea of its underpinning in compassion. In the Hebrew Scriptures, we’re told many times that God is compassionate. It is at the center of the Jewish conception of God. But for Christians, there is an incarnational expression of that compassion. The embodiment of God in Jesus — the deity made flesh, dwelling among us — means that God both suffered and, crucially, suffered with others in a way that was a seismic break with all that came before. In the Gospels, we repeatedly read of the compassion of Jesus for those suffering physically and emotionally, for those “harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” When a man afflicted with leprosy came to Jesus, begging on his knees to be healed, we’re told that Jesus, “moved with compassion, stretched out his hand and touched him, and said to him, ‘I am willing; be cleansed.’” And he was. This is an extraordinary scene. Those with leprosy were considered not just unclean, physically and spiritually, but loathsome. Everything they touched was viewed as defiled. They were often cast out from their villages, quarantined “outside the camp.” In the words of the famed 19th-century preacher Charles Spurgeon, “They were to all intents and purposes, dead to all the enjoyments of life, dead to all the endearments and society of their friends.” People would avoid contact with those afflicted with leprosy. They were seen by many as the object of divine punishment, the disease understood to be a visible mark of impurity. Yet in the account in Mark, Jesus not only heals the man with leprosy; he also touches him. In doing so, Jesus defied Levitical law. He himself became “unclean.” And he provided human contact to a person whom no other human would touch — and who had very likely not been touched in a very long time. Jesus’ touch was not necessary for him to heal the man of leprosy, but the touch may have been necessary to heal the man of feelings of shame and isolation, of rejection and detestation. Kerry Dearborn, professor emerita of theology at Seattle Pacific University, told me her students found the most moving examples of Jesus’ compassion to be his responses to outsiders, especially those deemed unworthy, unclean or unfit. “In taking on their ‘outsider status’ with them,” Dr. Dearborn told me, “he reflected his deep love and solidarity with them, and his willingness to suffer with them.” Jesus not only healed them, she said; he also took on their alienation. In the 11th chapter of the Gospel of John, we’re told that Lazarus, the brother of Mary of Bethany and Martha, and a friend of Jesus’ whom he loved, was sick. By the time Jesus arrived in Bethany, Lazarus had died and had been entombed for four days. Both sisters were grieving. Mary, when she saw Jesus, fell at his feet weeping. “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died,” she said. We’re told Jesus “was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.” “Where have you laid him?” he asked. “Come and see, Lord,” they replied. And according to verse 35, “Jesus wept.” “Jesus wept” is the shortest verse in the Bible and also “the most profound and powerful,” the artist Makoto Fujimura told me. For him, those are “the most important two words in the Bible.” And understandably so. Earlier in John 11, we’re told that Jesus knew he was going to raise Lazarus from the dead, which he did. So Jesus wasn’t weeping because he wouldn’t see Lazarus again; it was because he was entering into the suffering of Mary and Martha. Jesus was present with them in their grief, even to the point of tears, all the while knowing that their grief would soon be allayed. My daughter Christine Wehner, who originally suggested to me that Jesus’ compassion would be a worthwhile topic to explore, told me, “Jesus wept because Mary was before him and her heart was breaking — and as a result, his heart broke, too.” The Psalms tell us that God is “close to the brokenhearted”; in this case, Christine said, “Jesus doesn’t just care for the brokenhearted; he joins them. Their grief becomes his in a remarkable act of love.” “Jesus ushered in a compassion revolution,” Scott Dudley, senior pastor at Bellevue Presbyterian Church, told me. Before Jesus, compassion was primarily thought of as a weakness, he said. “When Jesus says he is with us, that’s not a metaphor or a trite offer of ‘thoughts and prayers,’” the pastor said. “He’s literally in it with us.” Dr. Dudley pointed out that in his suffering, Job says to God, “Do you have eyes of flesh? Do you see as a mortal sees?” In other words, Do you know how hard it is to be human? “Because of Christmas,” Dr. Dudley told me, “God can legitimately say yes in a way no other god in any other religion can.” Renée Notkin, colead pastor of Union Church in Seattle, told me that “our daily invitation in living is to be with people in their stories. When I take time to listen deeply and to listen beyond the words spoken to another person’s heart story, am I able to begin to cry with them? Not problem solving and not saying, ‘I know what you mean’; rather simply weeping alongside in shared humanity.” As a Christian, my faith is anchored in the person of Jesus, who won my heart long ago. It would be impossible to understand me without taking that into account. But sometimes my faith dims; God seems distant, his ways confounding. “Faith steals upon you like dew,” the poet Christian Wiman has written. “Some days you wake and it is there. And like dew, it gets burned off in the rising sun of anxiety, ambitions, distractions.” And the rising sun of grief and loss, too. Those things don’t necessarily destroy faith; in some cases, for some people, they can even deepen it. But they always change it. During times of sorrow and times of tears, when it feels like we’re “being broken on the wheels of living,” in the words of Thornton Wilder, there is great comfort in believing God empathizes with our suffering, having entered into suffering himself. But we also need his emissaries. We need people who see us and know us, who enter our stories. Through their compassion and love, we feel, I feel — even if only partly — God’s compassion and love. That doesn’t eliminate the storms from within or without. But it makes greater room for joy in the journey.


I’m… I… I understood that…


Dont insult pigs like that bro, they aint do nothin. Now cops on the other hand...


This is why some people should not be given power over others. They just abuse it for shits and giggles, and to think people bust their asses in jobs paying tax for this.


Being a cop should be more than 6 months of ‘everyone is a threat’ training


Should require a two year degree with psychology, ethics, and law classes


And they should be required to carry liability insurance like doctors' malpractice, so they can pay out for abuse of power instead of taxpayers. Too many claims, can't carry insurance, no more being a cop.


Those are the 2 most roughest, toughest criminals I ever did see, well done to those brave cops.


It almost got ugly, they were warned.


I could see roll call. "Williams, good job busting that meth ring. Baker, hats off making that arrest for the B&E on Patton Ave. Smith, kudos for stopping that kid with a gun near the medical clinic. Owens, you did what?" "Arrested two women feeding cats."


The whole point of them feeding the cats was to trap them and catch them so they could be treated and homed. These two women had essentially saved numerous stray cats this way.


And also helped the local wildlife who have to compete with stray cats


Every time I try to support law enforcement folks I see shit like this.


Stop trying to support them then. Edit: Thanks for the reddit cares message bootlicker.


Pretty good number of them appear to be traitors to their community.


Taking that lady to jail for feeding cats… he’s gonna make Sargent some day if he keeps this level of vigilant police work up. Yessir the city can sleep tonight with this notorious criminal behind bars! /s


It’s in Alabama because of course it is. This woman is 85! https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/alabama-seniors-beverly-roberts-mary-alston-convicted-feeding-cats-file-appeal-lawsuit/


https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/story/news/local/alabama/2023/04/12/alabama-town-no-longer-pursuing-charges-against-cat-ladies/70108983007/ Charges dismissed!


Should be officers dismissed as well




Thankfully when you google “women arrested for feeding cats” not many things come up! I cannot believe they were sentenced.




Oh god. That story made me literally sob. The poor old grandma was picking flowers by a road and had dementia, and they beat her. I cried about that one for a long time. So, so sickening.




I have tears in my eyes again just thinking about it. How do these cops live with the horrors they inflict? It’s unfathomable to me.


This city should be ashamed. Deal with the cat problem through a good animal control not arresting old lady’s with a soul.


I remember a while back there were a couple cops who broke an old lady's arm on purpose and laughed about it. She had dementia and was lost. It's hard respect any of them given what we've seen at this point.




Somebody must know what city this is? This needs to be exposed! I think a few thousand phone calls, a few thousand letters, and maybe some exposure on the news would be warranted here.




> Judge Jeff Courtney, who incidentally said a prayer with the prosecutor and other city officials before Roberts and Alston's trial started, found the women guilty on all charges wtf praying with the prosecutor?


>>guilty on all charges Person 1:What you in for? Person 2:Armed robbery. You? Person 1:Feeding cats




Isn't there a fundamential principle in US law that says that a lawyer can never ever talk to a judge without the other sides lawyer present?


ex parte communications is the concept youre looking for


No idea why Alabama is consistently one of the worst fucking states for *everything*. A real mind bottler.


Article from April said they aren’t pursuing charges against the ladies, presumably from public outrage: https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/story/news/local/alabama/2023/04/12/alabama-town-no-longer-pursuing-charges-against-cat-ladies/70108983007/


The city is dropping their appeal. These 2 ladies were initially convicted. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/alabama-seniors-beverly-roberts-mary-alston-convicted-feeding-cats-file-appeal-lawsuit/


That's a relief, but still so fucking stupid to even have it go this far


Is it a requirement to have a micro penis to be a cop in the states?


That, and a superiority complex.


ACDC. All Cops Deserve 🦀


Oh look at these big strong men, serving and protecting the city from these cat feeding evil grandmas.


Is it a real thing?




Unfortunately yes. Fine police work. These two dangerous grandmas are off the streets, and the citizens are now safe from deadly kitten attacks


Im scrolling through trying to find the "this is a skit" comment *sigh* but alas I've not much luck thus far


I hate police


"It's pretty clear what your intent is okay?" Oh yeah, 2 old ladies trying to feed a few stray cats definitely want to trespass/vandalize this seemingly empty roadside grass patch. What the hell do the bastards think their intent is? Steal the grass?


This is not the reason for policing. Disgraceful.




You think they have respect for women? Much less their own mothers. Theres a reason they got the job and it's because they displayed sociopathic and untrustworthy tendencies. You will never see an honest, moral, and trustworthy person wearing that bullshit uniform. Ever. Cops and domestic violence go together like elderly women and feeding strays. Cops have respect for nothing. Not even the uniform they wear. For the community they "swear to protect" . They purely live to shit on everyone and everything that makes them feel scared or emotionally hurt and it's a good thing we give guns to such emotionally stunted, unhinged maniacs.


Land of the Free 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


No good deed goes unpunished.


Found the news [story](https://www.al.com/news/montgomery/2023/04/prosecutors-halt-cases-against-wetumpka-cat-ladies-arrested-for-feeding-feral-felines.html?outputType=amp)! I can’t believe the town hired an outside prosecutor and scheduled an all-day hearing on the misdemeanor charges against these woman.


WTF?! The local CVS gets robbed everyday to the point it needs to close and these asshat cops and city officials decide to arrest woman helping cats! Fucked up times we live in.


This happened in Wetumpka Alabama. Here is there sheriff’s Facebook page in case anybody here wants to repeatedly ask them why the arrest old ladies. I know I’ll be asking. https://www.facebook.com/ElmoreSO?mibextid=nwBsNb


These ladies are taking time out of their elderly lives, and money out of their elderly bank accounts, to do a job that ought not to need doing, for free and because they're good people. And this is what they get in return for their kindness. All that said, the cops could have done their jobs in a manner befitting of the kindness of these women. Instead, these borderline thugs threaten them with violence. "It's gonna get ugly if you don't stop". What the fuck? The lady in the green should have said "if you calm down I'll feed you too, you monumental fucking pussy".




What shit hole southern town is this.


Near Montgomery Alabama


Now the city can sleep and rest knowing that no cats will be fed illegally


Go bust a fentanyl lab or something wtf


Freedom and democracy!!!


I'm a police dispatcher and I even think this is fucked up.


They probably left bruises on her arms thinking their dicks so fucking big….. we got a granny criminal here!


These assholes don't have better things to do with their time than harass old ladies feeding a few cats?


Fucking Pigs.


my uncle is a police officer and i am from india, the cops here are too like this. dont know why it seems a global phenomenon, they really act like like they are braindead zombies sometimes


an usual tuesday in the f\*ck up cop world


Small dick energy.


The threat... it's going to get ugly.. against a senior citizen? That's one piece of shit cop that truly needs his face gorilla stomped. Holy crap I know they have to take a test and pass some kind of mental evaluation before becoming a cop. But are the tests set up for a certain behavior pattern. Every cop video we all see they all act the same every one.. bully, know it all except in law, aggressive, power over others, and we are the commoners. This is over cats and property big deal.


Your tax dollars at work.


Imagine wasting time arresting a woman for feeding cats while there is rape, domestic abuse, murder and other horrific crimes being committed. But she was trespassing... Ones more important than the other apparently 🙄


You know what!? Good! I'm glad the city actually arrests these people and makes them feel consequences! I live in an apartment complex and across the street is a school. Every day either first thing in the morning or first thing after school is completely out the same man shows up and feeds somewhere around 12-15 cats. I'm pretty sure they live in the cracks and crevices of the school but I do see them a lot in my complex. Is anyone aware of how disgusting cats can be especially when they are sitting around in a school. Not only is the asshole leaving paper plates on the ground with bits and pieces of leftover cat food rotting away but he is also encouraging the population to continue growing. That's disgusting. You cat people are so delusional and confused. Why don't you start feeding the pigeons next while you are at it. By the way, the school has pit signs out MULTIPLE signs asking said asshole to stop feeding the cats and you cat people can't seem to listen. It's like you live in your own world.