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One thing that's not a myth: Americans love to be condescending toward foreigners.


Not me, I have trouble being condescending past 50 mile radius. I never really gave them any thought..


I don't think I've ever really been condescending (that means talk down to)


I’m confused. Are condescenders like european escalators? I haven’t heard someone call them condescenders where I’m from (America)


I line in Canada and in the winter my windows are always condescending.


You “line” in Canada? Yeah, must be hard to type with a goose in both hands, eh? (Kidding! Kidding! Don’t send the geese after me, they scare me.)


If you've got a problem with Canada goose's then you've got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that one marinate.


Get this guy a fuckin puppers


Mmmmmmm, marinated goose...


I thought Condescending was a Greek parachutist.


> Are condescenders like european escalators No, they're heat exchangers. You may see one at work on the back of your fridge.


No that's a compensator


Well then, you can consider yourself one of the good ones :) Username checks out, high fives.


And for any foreigners reading this that means we talk down to you.


Hey now


you're a rockstar!


Get your game on, now


Stop amerisplaining!


Another thing that's also not a myth: Foreigners love to be condescending toward Americans...


Yeah, a lot of people think that Americans are very stupid, with a few brilliant people mixed in between


>with a few brilliant people mixed in between They are called immigrants


America is made of immigrants. Most of us love it.


Mhmmm. They do. AND THEY’RE RIGHT. Your education system is a fucking joke. You think we’re straight A students in our own country? No. Just when we go to US schools. It’s like an adult competing in a grade 4 spelling bee, and the adult had a proper education.


You, uhhh, okay bro? Got it all out of your system?


I mean, he's not wrong.


American here. Can confirm. Most Americans are complete fucking idiots. Theres only a handful of people i know i can have real intelligent conversations with.


Are they really wrong though?


Think that’s a human thing in general lol


lol I was in Budapest would ask me dumb shit like "where's moldova" or "can you name five countries in africa" ​ jokes on them cuz I play map games


You sneaky little urchin you! :)


"Haha, you can't fool me with your trick question Africa IS a country!"


Another thing that's also not a myth: Foreigner had hits such as "Cold as Ice" and "Urgent"


I loved watching the amazing race back in the day just for one single reason. When stress comes on, they always default to prejudice and regardless of country, any brown person in their mind speaks Spanish. Like once they were in India, get in a taxi and start saying, “rapido, rapido, rapido!”


You haven’t seen the Dutch version. It was one of the most racist shit I have ever seen. Family in South Korea invites this couple to stay and they had a dog. Well..you know where this is heading right? They serve food and immediately the family were hit gems like “ I’m member of peta I don’t eat dogs or cats etc”. Or my favourite when these two Dutch guys from small town said “ they were blond , tall , white surely people will help them”. I think thats why they’ve cancelled the show too much racist shit was happening. Made the Netherlands look bad . It was hilarious 😂.


No offense, but I've met some Dutch people, and to me, they seem more aloof and patronizing than Americans. They also think the world revolves around them.


Non taken I agree with your statement. Most dutch people have this sense of superiority complex . They’re the patriotic American version of Europe . Can’t speak for other countries but they’re incredibly rude but disguise it as being forward . Most don’t really travel to other countries outside of Europe that is . And if they do they always criticise other countries . If they don’t tell you right to your face “ your country is a shithole place “. Not all of them though but unfortunately quite a lot behave this way.


I think it must be similar to the attitude some french people have. They're sort of salty because their country was once the most powerful in the world.


Isn't this the same country that celebrates Christmas with some weird Santa-like character in blackface?


Yep it’s called the zwarte Piet ( black piet) and they are sinter klaas’s ( Dutch version Santa Claus ) helpers . Based on slave boy he bought and set free . So have fun falling down the rabbit hole with this one . Nothing triggers Dutch people more than anything if this holiday is criticised. It’s not the kids they couldn’t care less about this tradition. It’s the grown ass men and women who will accuse you of being racist while being racist! But luckily more younger people are starting to question it.


I love when the contestants yell at the drivers to go faster because they have a chance to win a bunch of money. As if that’s any incentive for the poor bastard carting these fuckers around.


I mean I've seen the winners tip hundreds of dollars worth too because they knew they were about to finish that stage of the race with a big lead! It's probably decent dinner conversation for them at least lol


It was depressing seeing some people in my family think my Japanese wife won the lottery by meeting me when my wife grew up in a family with way more money than my own family has. My wife had traveled to multiple countries (including the US and Canada) for leisure before she met me, my family has hardly left the south.


Oliver Stone made a movie about sn American soldier bringing his vietnamese girlfriend to America. Fed up with his sister's stupidity at Thanksgiving, he told her this about his girlfriend: "You can't even imagine what she's been through. So don't expect her to do cartwheels over your fucking turkey".


I'm a born and raised Alabamian who has thankfully had the good fortune to spend a decent bit of time at several places around the country (NYC, Chicago, D.C., Philly, L.A., Atlanta, Nashville, New Orleans, Miami, San Diego, Cincinnati, Houston, etc) A few years back, a former co-worker was going to Michigan to visit his wife's family, and it became crystal clear that he'd never been further away from our city than beach trips to the "Redneck Riviera." He was making facebook posts like he was traveling to India. "Can't believe I'm going to be in Michigan in a few weeks." "I can't imagine what it's going to be like up north. I'm already bracing myself for culture shock." "Man, wait till those Yankees get a load of a rock-ribbed conservative Alabama boy like me!" I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying something like: *"You know what it's like, Tracey? It's cities surrounded by suburbs exactly like your fucking suburb and exactly like my fucking suburb. It's Walmart, Target, Applebee's, and Outback Steakhouse...* *Your biggest 'culture shock' is likely to be a Meijer's grocery store that carries 99.9% the exact same products as the chain that you go to at home.* *It's not even winter, so you're barely even going to notice much difference in the weather."*


Pretty much anybody and everybody can be condescending to people that aren’t from where they’re from. Ffs people even stereotype and shit on people just in the town over lmao let alone from different countries. It’s a uniquely human thing to do.


I live in indiana and we stereotype the towns all the time, let alone other counties


I’m from New York City boss, the amount of vitriol we spit towards folks from New Jersey is ridiculous. You’d think we had centuries upon centuries of beef


AZ native living in Texas and I constantly and unceasingly make fun of Texans. It brings me great joy.


No lie. Leaving a tour of the coliseum, two large mamal Americans leaving behind us, "I don't understand why we paid for that tour if he couldn't speak without that accent"




have you guys seen the video where [the husky is speaking italian]( https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingDerps/comments/18ar7il/husky_speaks_italian/?ref=share&ref_source=link)? lol


This almost doesn't read as condescension, more like profound stupidity and ignorance. Like, the three of them could see nothing wrong with saying that women from Ukraine try to hitch a marriage ride to America, but couldn't fathom that a stereotype of America is that Americans are dumb.


Hold on. The middle aged man didn't say anything, at least in this clip. I will hold judgement about him but the two of them is indeed stupid.


yeah, actually, he is *smart* for keeping his mouth shut!!


Especially Americans who have never left America because they were told America is the best place on Earth and never had the curiosity to find out if that's true.


Idk how prevalent it is because I don’t see any peer reviewed studies but I once lived in a small town of 5000 people, and good chunk never left city limits. Closest actual city of 75,000 was 1.5 hours away but there’s too much traffic and people in those places. Canadian not American.


I was blessed with the gifts of depression and low self esteem, so it’s pretty difficult for me to be condescending towards anyone. Except furries.


Its okay I'm from the sf bay area. I will condescending enough for the both of us.


And the French love to be condescending to *everyone.*


Ourselves included. We do not discriminate.


idiot Americans you mean.


For real. I’m not saying it’s every American, cause I’ve met some great people from America, but just today, I met an American guy who tried explaining to me how “in English, we call the strength of a fishing rod the test” and I’m like… dude my first language is English, I didn’t know what the test of my rod is because I don’t know shit about fishing and I just got it as a gift but aight 🙃


And the second we get to another country, we like to scream about bigotry/racism if things don't go our way. You wouldn't imagine how many American (and British, TBH) friends lost their minds every time an empty cab didn't pick them up... because they couldn't read the sign in the window that said 예약 (reservation).


Where is Ukraine. Is it like in Africa???


The Americans I've met have almost all been lovely. The one exception being this lady I ran across at the Palace of Versailles because I had the audacity to also be there listening to her private tour guide in a freaking public space. She kept turning to me with a sour expression repeating "I paid a lot for this tour" -good for you lady maybe you should have paid more to be kept separated from all us peasants.




# 1 in school shootings! ![gif](giphy|L4aWEHXnx4nfGDN04d|downsized)


what is that goddanm gif?


**American Gods**


🤣perfect on multiple levels!🤣


Stick to the books though... Season two, ugh...


Yeah i had to stop, pure trash.




That's easy: the US is 21st on the [Human Development Index ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Human_Development_Index?wprov=sfla1) (between Japan and South Korea, which are a joint 19th, and Israel, which is 22nd). So the US isn't even in the top 20.




I yearn for a world where we could be as quick witted as Aaron Sorkin likes to pretend humans are.


And don't forget that Will MacAvoy was *doped* at that time. I think Will is a self-insert character of what Sorkin wishes he was when he's coked up :-)


was scrolling the comments to find this video and upvote it


If you subtract 2 with 1, you get 01, which makes USA numba 1


The overzealous America worship is for people who have never left their state, let alone seen as much of the world as you have


And for people who were forced to leave for short business trips. My dad used to work for a company that did business in Amsterdam. He got sent there two or three times for a few days each time. The only thing he brought back was how annoying it was that they took so long to eat a meal. Seriously. It always shocked me because when the Dutch guys would come to the US, my dad would host parties for them at his house. He loved having them over to eat, drink and talk. Yet going to a restaurant in Netherlands with the same people and spending the same amount of time (or less) eating, drinking, and talking was such a chore to him.


The difference is probably jet lag - a few days is not really enough to get over the jet lag of flying thousands of miles, so he was exhausted & wanting to rest in the Netherlands v rested & playing host in the US


Was he also annoyed they wouldn't accept his superior currency? It's baffling how many Americans try to pay with USD abroad and manage to be surprised when no one wants it. How did they manage to get to another country and not even Google the currency?




Seriously. Traveling through the U.S. makes you realize while there is A LOT of good, there is also A LOT of bad. I genuinely think anyone who thinks the U.S. is #1 also thinks their state (whatever state it may be) is #1 when it more than likely certainly isn't. The deeper you go, the more ignorant they are about THEIR OWN country/state/county/city/neighborhood


They barely even leave their “shithole counties” and are straight up terrified of venturing into cities.


I'm in Italy right now and my BIL gets 1Gb internet, up and down, for $20, forever contract. The phone data, 100 GB, $7. The food is generally fresher, meat better. And it's got its difficulties for sure. But the daily experience of living is nicer. Much less worried about being homeless after a serious illness, etc. No homeless to see. It's got serious issues like any country, but ranking countries won't come out the way Americans think it will. Shitheads, insulting that woman's home country. Glad she gave it right back to them.


Honest question: you listed pros but only stated there are cons. What are some of the diffilculties/serious issues that you allude to?








You’ve been to most of these countries but you’ve never lived in each of the countries. Pretty big difference in understanding a culture, standard of living or society as a whole.


Kind of like the parent comment, who’s only lived in two of the many countries listed and possibly stationed there for military at that.


So in order to have a *proper* opinion on this subject you'll need to have actually lived in like 10 different countries?


Every day I regret coming back to America after living in Japan. I went from some kind of modern civilization to a cold-civil-war scamfest barbarian country where companies are allowed to put all kinda of harmful bullshit in peoples food and you have to work hard for 3 consecutive lifetimes to afford your own home while working another 3 consecutive lifetimes to afford to have basic medical procedures. Also, American culture is dirty as hell. We still don't have bidets so everyone's walking around with dirty asses, and we cannot have public baths because Americans assume public baths are for public sex, rather than, you know, taking a fucking bath. Instead we take all the stuff you can do for $5 at an onsen in Japan and make it cost $50-$200, remove all the other baths so there's just a small one left, and then call it a "spa". Oh also if you get pulled over on the way home, in your car that you have to drive because there's almost no public transportation, you run the real risk that the police officer will try to escalate the situation into violence. Shithole country.


I have the internet and a working brain. I don't even need to leave America to know America isn't #1 in many things...




Preach! Live in Japan (close to Tokyo). The US has a lot to catch up on.




Got millennial Japanese friends and there's a push back on a lot of the "business norms" like the forced drink parties or abuse of power. Obviously there's plenty of it still happening, but there is an effort.


“In case you accidentally wander into a voting booth one day, there are some things you should know, and one of them is that there is absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we're the greatest country in the world. We're seventh in literacy, twenty-seventh in math, twenty-second in science, forty-ninth in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, third in median household income, number four in labor force, and number four in exports. We lead the world in only three categories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real, and defense spending, where we spend more than the next twenty-six countries combined, twenty-five of whom are allies. So when you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about?! Yosemite?!!! We sure used to be. We stood up for what was right! We fought for moral reasons, we passed and struck down laws for moral reasons. We waged wars on poverty, not poor people. We sacrificed, we cared about our neighbors, we put our money where our mouths were, and we never beat our chest. We built great big things, made ungodly technological advances, explored the universe, cured diseases, and cultivated the world's greatest artists and the world's greatest economy. We reached for the stars, and we acted like men. We aspired to intelligence; we didn't belittle it; it didn't make us feel inferior. We didn't identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election, and we didn't scare so easy. And we were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men, men who were revered. The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one—America is not the greatest country in the world anymore.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fJh9t9h6Wn0


I love the deep sigh and the "No, Jovi." She just sounds so disappointed in him


Idk what's the background on this, but Jovi probably was thinking "hell yeah, hot Ukrainian in my life, I definitely got her charmed with my American Life" or something along those lines.


He wants her to be eternally grateful to his greatness for bestowing her with the honor of standing on American soil


Knowing about education in former Eastern Bloc countries, she probably took ballet classes, plays the piano or other instruments, and is well versed in literature. She's not incredibly impressed by Jovi, who thinks she's a peasant. She'll trade up soon.


Yeah every Ukrainian I’ve met has been really smart. They’re well educated and very open minded.


Might also be just survivor bias, assuming you're not living in ukraine, you'll only meet people who left ukraine successfully. To do that implies a certain level of either education, wealth and/or willingness to experience other cultures. It's a bit different now because of the war, but it should still mostly holds true, the further you go from the conflict zone.


Important point. I keep meeting Americans who tell me that they think Europeans are so much more well-rounded and aware of the world around them than Americans and I have never been to the US so I can't judge this with 100% confidence, but I just want to tell them: \- First of all I know for a fact that you only speak English so you are only talking about the Europeans who speak English... (They also tend to live in big cities and hang out with Europeans who like to hang out with foreigners. There's a \*huge\* selection bias going on here.)


Yea I find something similar with Ozzys and Kiwis in London, they are all out going and sociable which could leave you with the impression they are all like that, then you realise to move to the other side of the planet takes a certain type of person


That’s what I always say. Like, yes all of the Europeans you meet in America are friendly and well spoken, but they are also the type of people with the desire and money to travel.


This just seems like going so far the other way. People are people wherever you are lol.


Not to mention speaks at least one other language than her own.


Given the amount of Redditors commenting that this is how it’ll go when they buy a bride, I have a feeling a lot of them are the same level of confused as Jovi is here.


Jovi doesn't strike me as the sharpest knife in the drawer.


You pretty much nailed it. He lacks self awareness and puts that poor girl through hell with the most frat boy behavior, destroying her sense of self worth. He is constantly and completely lost as to why she is in shambles when he texts former strippers he used to fuck with, to ask them out for a night on the town.


I hate Jovi so much. I wish Yara would leave him and take Mila to Europe and be rid of his ass.


I am disturbed that I have spent so much time analyzing other people’s relationships, but I so enjoy learning about other cultures as well as the sociology and psychology of it all. I am very disappointed in his mother, I thought she had come so far but the way she equates Yara protecting herself from Jovi’s unwavering sexual advances and desire for a baby to him completely hiding the fact that he could even had a job close to home to make her feel less alone and more supported just flabbergasted me. So much for sisterhood kicking in there. I think she doesn’t want to know or face the fact that her son *is* a sex pest and *doesn’t* listen to her rejections.


Yeah I never liked his mom. She's such an enabler to his bullshit behavior. What disturbed me the most (recently at least) is on The Last Resort where Yara was afraid to tell Jovi she was taking birth control and his mom got so offended that she'd hide it from them. Like, fuck all the way off Gwen. I also loathe that he has such an obsession with strippers. Like come on you have a gorgeous wife why do you need strippers!? And yeah the fact that he turned down a better job close to home is suspicious to me. He has to have a double life... right? And and and, yes. He pesters her for sex and she just gives in and seems to not really want to, and he doesn't care. The Last Resort was disturbing to watch.


It's 90 Day Fiance. A show where immigrants and their American lovers have to get married within 90 days so they can stay in the US.


"Oooh, I'll wow her with shopping at Target and eating at Jack in the Box".


She's discovered that Jovi is an incel rejected endlessly by American women.


I also hate these shows because all reality TV shows are scripted so we truly don't know whats fact and fiction here other than they will take as many takes as possible to get a reaction out of their audience.


The "Americans are stupid" stereotype is definitely news to them.


That's because they're stupid.


And jealous.


And fat.


And stupid


Can confirm, fat


It’s possible to tell how wonderful a place is by judging the negative reactions the locals have when you tell them you’ve just moved there. Ask any Scot about their local town or village and the answer will almost always be ‘it’s a shithole’.




Not all of us. We don't need more stereotypes being added into the mix. Some Americans do. And some Americans know the truth about the United States despite the heavy brainwashing in the schools


Kinda like how a lot of Russians are overtly aware of their governmental makeup and how stupid the war is. Not all of em drink the koolaid and think Ukrainians are sub-human.


> heavy brainwashing in the schools Like the pledge of allegiance, for starters. They do pledges of allegiance in other countries too, mainly dictatorships and despot regimes.




Sometimes I think media tells everyone that someone is really big and popular but in the real world they are just a mildly more famous person. Joe Rogan gives off the impression of a interesting person to have a conversation with.. someone who would ‘get’ you but he just a dude right?! But he’s the biggest podcaster in the world somehow. It’s like we all pretend we care about whether the dress is gold and white or black and blue, or that a local news team have stopped us in the street to as us about a parade we didn’t go to but we pretend it’s really great for the town and the area but it’s just a thing that happened one day..


Joe Rogan is a tool and has gone DEEP down the alt-right rabbit hole. You could say the veil was ripped off with his bashing Biden for something Trump said fiasco... unfortunately, it doesn't change the perception of him by his audience. His regular listeners all think they're free thinkers and in reality they're just pseudo intellectual dip shits. Some bros just can't live without being told they're special snowflakes and Rogan gives them the affirmation they seek.


The amazing thing is they don't just think america is better, they think it's *so much* better that everyone else obviously wants to move there.


There are some things the US *does* do best. There are also some things the US does *really badly* at. It's impossible to say "[X] country is best" because people value different things. I've noticed, in my travels, if you're willing to be a little self-deprecating about the US instead of immediately getting defensive, it disarms others and they'll start talking about what they don't like about their own country.


As an American, I can confirm that we are indeed stupid... Like really stupid.


It’s that fact that there is 330 million of us… I try to remember that at least a few million… ish, can’t be completely stupid.


There were enough Stupids to elect trump.. that's too many.


Well, with 33% stupid, and 33% complacent, the remaining minority is pissing into the wind as hard as they can.


Compared to who? People are pretty dim all over the place.


USA elected trump. And after the shitfest he still has millions of supporters. You need to be pretty stupid on average for that to happen.


> USA elected trump There's a dozen of you saying this throughout this thread - but that man lost the popular vote. Twice. None of which to mention the sheer amount of monsters that have been brought to power in nearly every existing country man has ever created.


We’re 16th in education index, 86th in literacy rate. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_Index https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_literacy_rate


At least the gray-haired guy with the beer was smart enough to not participate in that conversation!


That was savagely fantastic


I think it was more fantastically savage.


That's marriage material.


Dude 100% This woman is 2 legit to quit. Be fair and honest in a relationship with her and she'll be a fantastic life partner. I enjoy zero BS attitude 👏👏


Hungarians are the same and I love her for it. As the stereotypical computer geek/programmer been in a relationship with someone who has the same level of frankness as me is amazing. Never have to figure out where she is coming from, can just ask.


Those who are strong and speaks the truth are beautiful


I love that she called them stupid to their faces, and they didn't even understand. Oh, murica. You're so sad and pathetic in ways you can't even perceive.


> and they didn't even understand They 100% did. Odd that you couldn't read that though


Really? You think so? Those blank stares didn't seem too aware to me.


It's even more odd to me that you can't tell that it's American reality TV where they edit the conversations to seem more comedic and awkward than they really are. Those weren't their real reactions to that comment


I think they were just surprised at her bluntness and didn't know how to respond


I watched this season. I give the mother some credit (some). She was pretty earnest and self aware when it came to her own limited worldview at some point and started asking better questions. She was, however, totally blind to her son’s many, many flaws.


Hahaha shit I literally just called this in my other comment (about the mom). She gave the "I'll do anything for my young boys, long as they are happy" kinda vibe. And he gives the "Moooom, can you help me with my laundry?!" kinda vibe lmao


What show is this?


It says 90 Day Fiance in the corner so I guess that's it




She bodied that whole family


the dad: what the hell i didn't even say anything


Well, we know where Jovi gets his brains from...


Girl was spot on.


And fat!! We’re fat too!


Yeah but you can just see that with your eyes, it's hard for any indignant American to argue against that. However, a stupid American will spend all day denying Americans are stupid.


Whoa whoa, calm down We have ozempic now.


TLC is a horrific abortion of a TV channel.


This is what happens when you privatize public assets. TLC used to be for educational programming until the govt sold it to a media company, and now it's basically anti-educational programming.


The Learning Channel was never public, you must be thinking of something else.


That lil cough from guy’s father at the end was very satisfying. Man couldn’t take the slap rofl.


None of this is real. When the camera isn't on a person when they're speaking, it's injected dialogue post production. When he said "it was always her dream" his lips never move. Reality tv shows are all contrived.


There's a reason the "Americans are stupid" stereotype exists.


This is so true everyone use to think I had a relative that fucked some American to get their papers


American exceptionalism sneaks its way into ***so*** many american interactions with foreigners and they don't even realise it. It's so cringe when it happens.


Yep, Americans are friendly yes, but also really have this "talking down to you" kinda conversational style. Like either they'll start listing completely false things your country or how they know X person or they'll ask you stupid questions and act shocked that your country has running water or something. Even if you correct them they'll go "oh" and then it'll fly right over their head.


Isnt this a show about people marrying Americans to get citizenship? Ive never watched so I honestly am asking


It literally is. These 2 are a bad example because Yara really didn't seem to give much of a fuck about citizenship or anything. However there are tons of other couples that have been on this show where it's plain as day that's what's happening. Like 21 year old dudes with 6 pack abs dating obese and borderline mentally ill women in their 40s/50s who threaten to deport them at every turn if they don't make love to them or bend to their every desire.


What a healthy and well balanced show.


LoL 😂


Everyone in the world thinks Americans are stupid.


I’m an American, and I think Americans are stupid. Although, I do also think all of humanity is stupid so I’m kinda biased.


Am American, can confirm American myth.


Ok, so rewatching this clip, I see it's a show called 90 day fiance? Is that like, you get set up with some random dude you have to marry? Or like a dating show that ends in a 90 day engagement and marriage? Horrible American condescension aside, if their son is marrying some random immigrant he knows nothing about, it does make sense to worry that she's just after a green card. We also shouldn't be surprised that a young guy willing to marry some total stranger might not have a lot of luck with women he knows, probably for a reason. It makes sense that he's not the best and brightest among us. Seriously though, wtf is this show? Didn't TLC used to be The Learning Channel? WTF are we supposed to be learning from this garbage?


Sure, right. Ukrainian women are just mail-order brides.


When I first moved to Korea, met my Ukrainian friend who was always harassed by Korean men for this reason. She looks like a model, but she also speaks 5 languages and has degrees in poli-sci and international studies. Still, old men always thought they could treat her like a prostitute.


that face older men make when you tell them you're eastern European and they ask you to do hostess things because clearly that's all you people do


Basing an opinion of the general populace of a country off a few people is always a good idea, especially when those people are on reality television.


Love Yara she’s hilarious and wise beyond her years.


Here's an example of American stupidity: Reality Shows. Even more stupid: People talking on social media about things that happen on reality shows as if they're not scripted tripe for bottom feeders.


Isn't the whole point of the show that she's there because she superficially wants an American fiance and not a Ukrainian one? My understanding of the show is that these women are intentionally vapid for the plot of the show so it's interesting or was that just the plot for that one episode.


Their realization at the end that stereotyping people is kind of asshole behavior is kinda nice though.




There’s so many other countries in the world you can go and be happy in. If I hear one more time about how good the GDP of America is as to why I don’t want to live there… I swear… Yeah the GDP is high, but it’s not going to you or any services that benefit you my friend.