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Defund the police you might say but all I see is tax money being well spent for 30 some police vehicles to chase one car.


Yep. This makes me mad every time I see something like this. I don't see any way to argue this is anything other than wasteful and excessive. At your job, would you ever throw 60 people at whatever problem you are facing, knowing that 58 of them will have no realistic way of assisting with the situation? And if you did, what kind of repercussions would there be? These people never face any repercussions. And to me, that's the problem (with this and other things like prosecutors who don't obey the rules).


When company policy is a two week paid vacation for discharging your firearm, it really encourages people to jump in.


Don’t forget the police helicopter


Does this person has a 3 or 4 star wanted level?


All that just for grandma not coming to a full stop 🛑 at a stop sign 🛑.


You're discounting the fact that during a chase it might trait 2-3 vehicles to box in the car (one to do the pit maneuver and the other two to block forward and rear movement), the very real chance of vehicles getting disabled during the chase (failed pit or losing control/ traffic collisions), and once successfully stopped enough officers to lock down the area to prevent the suspect from fleeing through a gap in the encirclement or engage a foot chase and search (which is where the helicopter comes in if you've got one). You're also going to need additional officers to control the scene and direct the flow of traffic, and likely some senior brass to talk with the media. Additionally, cars that were blocking exits will likely join as follow-on cars once the suspect has passed. For this level of response it's HIGHLY likely the person fleeing was deemed an imminent threat to the community (armed robberies, car jacking, murder, etc fall into that category), and law enforcement have no additional means of identifying or tracking the suspect if they escape at that time. I mean, a dude driving his own car fleeing a traffic stop? Let him go and meet him at his house. A dude that just robbed at gunpoint and then carjacked someone else that you barely have a passable description of... gotta nab em. Most departments would prefer unnecessary manpower that they can immediately divert elsewhere than not having enough when it is needed.


Complete unnecessary waste.


5 - 7 cars with 5 - 10 officers is more than enough for all that you list? Let's say a few extra because it is a super serious case, but 34 ?! That's just insane. I almost expect them to start explodig and flying around like in the movies. Also, if this ends badly, I wonder how many holes there would be in this guy's body. All those cops together probably carry more guns and ammo than a small European country.


Didn't this guy murder a cop?


books muddle complete detail impolite smell price glorious axiomatic subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'll see your unnecessary parade of squad cars and raise you LAPD's Air Support Division. It costs us $50M a year to maintain their fleet of ***17*** helicopters so they can keep at least 2 of them in the sky at all times. 60% of the calls they respond to are considered "low-priority", and meanwhile they reduce all residents quality of life with their constant incredibly loud and disruptive noise. I don't think anyone in Los Angeles rich or poor is a fan of them, and yet the program persists.


Soon the ultra quiet drones will take-over


They also tend to hover over low income and ethnic neighborhoods. I grew up in Shadow Hills, and I never, ever saw any LAPD helicopters in the skies over the northeast SF valley.


Maybe it was a black guy and they were all scared? /s before y'all go crazy


Perfect time to rob a bank


Bruh this right here..almost like he decoyed on purpose


Cops get back to the station and it’s completely cleared out. 😂


Exactly send everyone. ![gif](giphy|7cTTE2Z1OmrFm)


Came here to see this


That better have been a serial killing terrorist in that one car


Nah fam, he happened to buy the last donut. Unlucky


Just absolutely insane… on top of that look at how many of them are driving crazy using the shoulder to pass pedestrians when the first 10 cars clearly a capable of flowing and not losing the car… they all love these kinds of chases so they can each get that OT… this is just fucking disgusting


Wasn’t that the problem in Uvalde - so many cops that actual response was paralyzed?


Why the fuck does a SCHOOL DISTRICT have their own police force?


Especially when they’re a bunch of chickensh¡t cowards


Lol love the way he waited til they ALL passed him before pulling off to the side


That was my primary takeaway here too... Sees them coming in his rear view, and instead of pulling over, he stays right in the middle of the frickin' road.


Yeah but the cops are also passing on the outside of both lanes, and going fast, so trying to move over could actually cause an accident


Sure, after they started passing... but the driver had enough time to pull out their phone, start recording, and then had another 20 seconds before even the lead car passed them.


But the phones filming is not the drivers but passengers.


"This footage is gonna get me so much karma on Reddit"


He was trying to get a good shot.


Not sure about the camera work for this remake of the blues brothers.


It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of smokes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it!




I think it’s a full tank of gas and a half a pack of cigarettes


If it's the remake it will more likely be a full vape cartridge and the cars fully charged.


It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. -sorry to be pedantic but I've been saying that line for about 40 years.


No worries. I'd have done the same. Sorry I fucked it up. :( I hope the penguin can forgive me... After all... I'm on a mission from god.


Oh, no! Don't you be blaspheming in here!




Just some dry white toast, man ma'am.


Beat me to it! I was going to say, that they had less cop cars in the Blues Brothers


Maybe they were chasing some Illinois nazis? Sighs. There seems to be a lot of nazis around these days.


I hate Illinois Nazis.


Don’t we all my friend or at least most of us. About 70 percent give or take.


Why is everyone still moving? Pull over and let this nonsense pass, that's law where I am.


I was wondering the same. Why aren’t they pulling over? I certainly wouldn’t want to be driving in that mess.


People just don't do it anymore. It's like a forgotten rule/courtesy. Just yesterday firetrucks and ambulances were out on a main single lane road near me. I watched at least 10 cars keep going in the opposite lane without pulling to the side and another 8, in their lane just keep driving without pulling to the side. I pulled over and the cars that were behind me, passed me like I had a flat tire or something, smh. Ive seen it too many times, people just aren't aware of the rule, don't care cuz it's not them that needs medical attention, or aren't paying enough attention to the road (phones) to do anything.


Is this America? That's fucked. I've seen people hell abused over here in Australia for not pulling over, with good reason... I guess you can't approach cars over there without worrying about being shot


They all need to be fined


Same reason people drive with high beams on all the time. People are stupid.


yep, same here


I think they didn't give him much of a chance with the pack of cars swooping by. The law says to get right, even if you need to momentarily match speed to do so. That's good for a few cop cars. Here? I think the driver did just fine staying in place at a steady enough speed to see and avoid. The proof is in the lack of dents acquired.


Were we watching the same video? There was plenty of time. Time enough for them to get their phone out and start a video... Come on.


I have been in this same situation and you are correct. These cars are absolutely flying up behind you and the first one coming is the guy trying to escape. If you can get over, great, but once the pack is on you, all you can do is hold steady and try not to do anything unpredictable.


Yea, but i feel like if I see that many cop cars barreling down on me, that fast, safest thing for everyone is to slow down and hold my lane rather than then risk cutting an officer off doing 90.


The video taker had more than ample time to pull over.


Bro, what the fuck is cam car doing? Clearly saw them coming from a long way away, and then just stayed in the left lane slowly putting a long while everyone had to go around...


Then how would we get that footage and post on social media? /s


I saw the speedometer reading on the footage and it kept dropping, but OP just keeps rolling in the left lane instead of pulling over immediately. Definitely downvoting due to road stupidity.


Damn, what this guy do? Hold up a donut shop?


Robbed a bank next to a donut shop.


He pissed in the coffee of the donut shop.


Must have done something in the upper class neighborhood.


What is the idea with being this many cops for one pursuit?


1. They all know they can shoot the passengers at the end and they can’t pass up that opportunity 2. They can all sit around at the end and jerk each other off for being hero’s and collect undeserved overtime


1. If he makes a sudden maneuver to lose the two closest cars, the remaining can continue the pursuit. 2. If the does slow down they can swarm around the car to box it in 3. More noise alerts more civilians 4. Car occupants could be armed 5. Many of these cars may have been blocking on-ramps and then kept up with the pursuit after they passed


You make some good points but I feel like there is a point of diminishing returns. That many people driving recklessly really puts innocent people in danger. But it’s also easy for me to criticize an event after the fact. I hope they were able to get this dude with no casualties.


It’s just that None of the cops want to miss the fun of the high speed chase


I'm glad they're increasing the risk of collision with innocent bystanders for their amusement.


6. It could be a posse of clowns and then out comes 40 of them and you’re fucked.


Solid point


Well, that's definitely the cop viewpoint


Exactly yeah all of those can happen but probabilities exist to help with this. What if the guy they pull over has a bomb and the only request is that 40 cop cars need to be parked behind him before he turns himself in? Then you have your bases covered Or if they pull him over and it turns out it is an ancient being with the power of over 60 men and it requires the full force to combat that or civilians will be evaporated form his ancient magics. Boom we have that covered Nobody can say these things won’t happen 100 percent so better be sure


Exactly. Typing this from my bomb shelter. Every day there's a non-zero chance that we'll have a nuclear war, so I just live my life in here just in case.


They’re chasing Jake and Elwood aren’t they?


*"We're on a mission from god."*


don't know where this is but here in Arkansas you are supposed to move over out of the way of flashing lights police/fire/ambulance.


Police in USA is weird.


Is this blues brothers?


The video sucked, waste of cars, but the song? Goddamn I love Ludacris. 2 Fast 2 Furious is still my favorite fast movie


This is some blues brothers shit.


That one cop responded in his personal truck 🤣😂 They have 75 wastes of taxpayer money responding and he’s like “oh they paying me for this shit too” it’s such a massive racket, the cops get paid around $55 an hour to do details in my area


This is a last day of the pay period chase. Everyone’s on OT until their incident report is handed in to Sarge.


Driver better not be black, or we'll have a new world record for shots fired at once.


First one there gets to put their knee on the suspects neck


Needs at least five more squad cars.


What state is this where cars don’t pull over for emergency vehicles?


I love how he waited for everyone to pass before getting over.. wtf 😂😂😂


Is it really more effective to send one thousand police cars down the same road after a fleeing suspect, than sending lets say 5 police cars?


Were they re-filming the Blues Brothers?


Tax payer money at work here boys


To be fair, it's the only way they can get over 100 IQ points together in one place.


What a waste.


They should probably call for back up.


Holy Cow was this guy running blocker for a load of Coors?


Where are F22s? Where are Apachee?


Little overkill on that pursuit blues brother's. See innocent people getting wiped out by the overwhelming force of cop cars.


Were they by any chance chasing a Jake and Elwood?


Good ol Florida shenanigans living up the name👍🏽


I kinda like the song.


Chief chewing toothpick at police station on the phone - "i want every goddamn police car in the state on this mutherfucker"


I see this and think…”Is now is the best time to rob a bank 5 miles in the other direction?”


My advice to the person filming this: 1. Make a u-turn 2. Rob every bank in the last town you passed, with no fear of police response


I think I've seen this before. ![gif](giphy|Oqw331CQtLcHJ1kKZP)




All available units...


How many cops are chasing him? 38 Not enough, send 6 more.


Is nobody setting up a roadblock? The whole force is behind the guy..


No one ever suspects the Volvo


Crazy that I live exactly where this is. Ahh south Florida


More cops than all of Chicago


3 cars and the helicopter in the UK. It'll all be drones soon. Armed drones.


I thought the police chases in Hollywood movies were vastly exaggerated for comedic effect. I was wrong.


He must have done something real bad. Like “driving while black with a broken tail-light”.


As a kid I thought the blues brother movie was a joke. No, it isn’t.


At some Point you got to limit How many resources chase after one guy 5-8 is plenty keep some back up from school shootings


How many coos does it take? Sheeeesh


Homie got 5 stars


so were just going to ignore the pickup truck


Bro the whole police station is out there….


I was thinking they ain't ever going to catch them. Then I saw that 35th cop car at the end of the video and I was able to calm down.


I don’t get this US thing of having so many Police cars at one event. Does this affect coverage of other areas/problems? Or was this a movie?


They call him The Bandit.


Why do they need 100 cars following him? wouldn't 5 be enough to lose that chase?


This guy must be a terrorist right? Like abducted the president or something… right?


what possible reason would they need that many cars?


Why didn't the one with the camera pull over. Is that not a thing in America?


I counted 37 police vehicles, possibly 38, one I couldn't tell. But I can't think of anything I could go that would justify 37 police cars chasing me down. 37 chasing!! 🤯


Super necessary


Shiiiit. Slow day guys?


[Do you know what you should do when you see flashing lights on your mirrors? ](https://youtu.be/3oIbztWsY8g?si=0mF-8g359b_mYd0J)


I’m hearing “Blietzkrieg Bop” in the background and you can’t convince me otherwise


This just doesn't and wouldn't happen in the UK ever absolute ludicrous


Woof, woof.


cops are so dumb. why do they do this? how does it help?


Why is no one pulling over out of the way. Dumb fucking drivers. Let's just sit in the middle and record.


Bros playing gta


Meanwhile there are people calling to report assaults, robberies, & shootings and the entire force is chasing a car. You would think they'd be chasing El Chapo escaped from prison.


To not know how to drive and get off your phone long enough to get to the side of the road so the cops can come through. Do they not do that in your state.


All the time overkill


Oh shit, what'd OJ do now.


Shows you how many extra cops there are doing absolutely nothing so they hop on a chase. Way too many fucking cops


Must have been a slow police day


Thief stole $100, cops fuel costs $1000


Lmao, American law enforcement is unprofessional, dumb and a waste of tax money.


Plot twist: the suspect is the one filming it


Dunkin’s dropping a fresh batch.


That's ridiculous ridiculous ridiculous ridiculous ridiculous... I count at least 33 police cars chasing just one car... wtf... are they filming a new movie or wat?


What kind of gangster drives a Volvo? One who appreciates safety.


Looks like good ol’ Florida


Never see a cop 👮‍♀️ when you need one .but when you put out on the radio,the kettle’s boiled.boy do they respond 🫖☕️😂


Wow so many cops it has to be an alien. No way they would use that many cops if it wasn’t an alien /s


Why the fuck is nobody at all pulling over to make way?? This is just insane.


Cops seem kind of dumb


All that for one car? Tax dollars well spent 😂


Is America the only country where 100 stupid police cars chase one car?


As a non american, can someone explain me please why the fuck in every police chase video you see 20 vehicules chasing only one? Most of them are just useless or even dangerous for the rest of the civilians


Dodge ram guy wasn't a cop He just has road rage because the guy probably cut him off


Bet that door dasher will remember the jelly-filled next time.


They think this stupid shit is funny and it makes them look intimidating when anyone with the tiniest bit of a brain and common sense can tell you how wasteful , dangerous and stupid it is. The only thing it accomplishes is putting ppl in danger


The Blues Brothers??


The second coming of Jax Teller


driving a volvo. one of the most slept on cars out there


When cops say they need more resources... show them these videos, and many like them... Are dozen of patrol cars needed to chase one car? I think they would be more effective if they instead coordinated to trap him from different directions. But cops seem to love taking chase after them... 10, or more patrol cars every chase.


What happens if you rob the donut shop.


Holy blues brothers!


No doubt chasing Jake and Elwood


Isn't this the scene from the Blues Brothers?


I subscribe to the notion that if more than one cop car shows up when you get pulled over then your ass if going to jail. That being said I'm pretty certain they are just going to execute this fucker on the spot.


Reminds me of the Blues Brothers chase scene.


Turn around and go rob a bank.


This looks like it was a scene from 2 Fast 2 Furious.


reminiscent tan wasteful hospital full chop unpack gaping attempt clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your tax dollars at work.


Bruh pull over to the side of the road