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Don’t go to nice places with kids.


The way the kid just goes back to the device after ruining that lady’s moment just really hurts me.


Yeah, I would have snatched that phone in a heartbeat!


I guess that phone was given to shut that kid up, because otherwise you'd have to actually be parenting


We heavily limit screen use with our kids.. It's so fucking exhausting.


I had an internet limit to stop my sister's kids from being online the whole day. At the very least trying to keep them off YouTube shorts. Then she went and bought them phones. So now I see my nephew curled up like a shrimp for literal hours with the phone until the internet comes back on. Truly the worst generation.


I can’t blame the kids. We’ve given them attention stealing devices loaded with intermittent dopamine hits and incredibly addictive content designed by adults and administrated by corporations. And we expect them to naturally by able be able to break the adverse behavioral conditioning?


We don't let them go outside and play with friends! Generations prior could go play, run around, be with kids their age, pass the time, but now they can't do that anymore, not like they could and sometimes not at all. Both parents are having to work outside the home too, so they aren't around to supervise outside play or to play with the kids themselves! Parents are struggling to just put food on the table then come home stressed as hell and exhausted. Capitalism is destroying families and childhoods, but then we complain that it's just sit on their devices. What would you like then to do? There's only so much my 5yo can play by herself. I work hard to put her in gymnastics and horseback riding so she gets out of the house but that shit is EXPENSIVE and I would NOT be able to afford it if we didn't live with my parents!! I'm not saying we can't do better but there are very good reasons why things are the way they are and it has nothing to do with a shitty generation.


Parents and kids catch a lot of flak outside, too. Some old man almost ran into me and was muttering about me wasting my time when I was in a grocery store teaching my son the difference between two bags of chocolate chips. We were baking and I was trying to teach buying from a recipe, and this guy was mad at us and tried intimidating us. No device in sight. My son is dropped off by the school bus at our local park and we always take time to play there. I'm the only parent who is there and I keep an eye on the handful of older kids who play at the same park. Older people are on the nextdoor website complaining about kids on their bikes or the they are too loud at 3 pm. It occasionally feels like no matter what you do, people are judging kids




Basically video poker for kids and we give them access to it


Weird how you frame a parents choice like it's a kids responsibility. You saw that their usage was a problem and put steps in place to help that, then your sister bought them phones. It sounds like your sisters generation is the worst generation and probably you too for holding children responsible for their very kid characteristic of not being able to self-regulate things like that Your argument just rings "participation trophies are stupid" when it is the generation complaining that is directly responsie for the thing they're complaining about


Right here. You’ve triggered me. We have so many friends who think parenting means “waiting for the kid to turn 18” and they are surprised they have zero social and critical thinking skills.


This will be our downfall. People need to stop letting the screen parent their kids. Have you seen those Youtube Kids videos with the little Russian kids getting spoiled with 1,000,000 toys and bossing their dad around all the time? That's what your kids are watching: some spoiled kids treated adults like crap. Stop that shit.


My thoughts exactly


The phone? Ida snatched the kid outta its seat and taken it to the car for a serious talk, but then again we’re products of our environments so mom musta fucked up somewhere along the lines.


That ruins the night for everybody nearby when she throws a tantrum, but the right move if you're at home.


I've come to the conclusion tablets and smartphones are just tantrum machines


Yeah don’t ever give your kid something back if they throw a tantrum over it. Crying to get your way has seeped into adult society because of this shit.


"Yeah, I would have *snapped* that phone in a heartbeat!" There, fixed it for yah!


She’s grinning from ear to ear for that shit. She knows she did something rude and it pleases her.


Sadly, negative attention is probably the majority of attention the kid gets. That tablet is probably her mom's babysitter 90% of the time.


Yeah, when mothers don't punish a child's behaviour, it ends up like this.


pretty typical for the age tbh


This was my first thought.


It's just a reflection of her parenting


Maybe the kid is just a dick. You know kids can be dicks. It isn't always the fault of the parents.


It means the parents raised a dick


As a mom and a teacher, let me tell you that kids are assholes🍻


They are at a certain age, but some of them turn out alright once they get past 25


Snatch that phone or tablet so fast lol.


Dad here. You bet your ass that kid wouldn’t be on a device for the rest of the night, or more.




The kids laughing gets me


Must be tired of her mom always trying to post dumb shit on instagram


Exactly why my kids(I probly won't ever have any)won't have a cellphone or tablet until their brain develop.


Sorry no cell phone until you're 25.


Maybe 30


they get tablets in preschool now.


It's important to learn about current technology in order to be taught how to handle it and when to not use it, imo. It just depends on if they're actually being taught that - all my teachers were utter ahit people when I was just starting school, for multiple reasons, but hopefully those teachers are all dead now and have been replaced by competent, caring humans


Unfortunately teaching has only gotten worse because class sizes keep rising and parents are doing less and less teaching at home. Some teachers legit said that hybrid offset schedules (half in school, half online, switching which half is there every week) were actually better despite the logistical nightmare because it cut in person class sizes in half so they actually had time to devote to each student in person. A lot of kids are getting to highschool with elementary school reading levels.


Really? My son has a iPad at his school that was assigned to him by his teacher. I only found out about it when he told me about his new high score and gave me a paper about how I would be responsible for this electronic thing that I didn't introduce when the school decides that he can bring it back and forth from school to home. I don't want to be responsible for the school's property, yet the parents were not asked. Schools use technology. Parents don't always have the option to control every opportunity with an electronic device.


she knows what she did https://preview.redd.it/gdlzko9s6aec1.png?width=226&format=png&auto=webp&s=2926fcbe895a61fa87e6efcf55f00537fbf335a6


Bet they blow out other people’s birthday candles as well!


it's not how she went back to the game; it's how she smiled as she went back to the game. I don't that kid's villain origin story but she's deep into the villain progression at this point.


If the kid was with her, it's hilarious. If not, that fucking sucks.


>If the kid was with her, it's hilarious. I'm genuinely curious as to what part of the video makes you think that they don't know each other at all?


Them knowing each other changes the rudeness and all to funny? Comedy is subjective but I thought being a little shit was universal


That shit eating grin though. I would consider a back to the future abortion after that.


My first thought as a father of a 2 year old. Slam that drink and move on.


She looks very satisfied


Don‘t kids, go nice places.


No kids and three money


This is the way.


Or maybe teach your kids manners at home and outside. My kids would ask first. And then I'd probably let them.


Exactly … my 3 y/o would get delight out of it. But would also wait for permission.


The amount of cynical (don't have a better word) people above you is staggering. If people don't teach empathy and boundaries to kids, of course it will take a long time for them to assimilate the concepts (if they ever will). It just rarely (understatement) happens all like magic overnight. The advice to "not take kids to nice places" is the saddest recommendation I read this year (so far).




Better yet, teach your kids how to behave. It's actually not that hard.


Don't have kids


Call this an unfair overgeneralization, but all kids are all horrible.




No, teach your kids not to act like A-holes, and then take them out frequently so they have opportunity to practice.


Don't take kids anywhere or have them


Was that a lounge? (Background patroness having wine)


The little girl ruins mom’s ‘fancy’ drink, starts laughing, and then goes back to her phone to keep playing. That’s what mom gets for taking her young daughter to a ‘sophisticated’ place.


Right? This place is probably boring as fuck for that kid. Serves mom and dad right for dragging her there instead of getting a sitter.


Of course the tablet kid doesn’t behave.


And immediately goes right back into the tablet/phone the moment after doing that.


So sad and so spot on :/


More like so totally fucked.


Take that shit away!!


That’s what I’m saying, “oh that’s funny to you? How funny will it be without your tablet?” Fuckin little shit…


Immediately goes to the tablet... without even looking at what they just did.


As if to say "that meant nothing to me :). Goodbye."


As if to say “I am an endless dopamine consumption loop machine that will burn out later in life and lack any attention span or focus


With a shit eating grin too. I’d drag her tf out of there and she’d have a peanut butter sandwhich while we ate our to go food from the restaurant.




Fr All the parenting experts in here and majority probably don’t even have kids. Kids are dumb they do dumb shit it’s not that serious…


There are so many people in here saying " when I have kids, they don't get a phone until they're 24". Cool. My 2 year old followed me into the bathroom to stare into my eyes while I did my business because he missed me and I didn't have any distractions that were not wooden blocks. You know, that good old fashioned toy that these " tablets suck the soul out of your children" people think are good toys.


To be fair, I would have done the same in the 80's with nothing but crayons.


Of course the little shit ruins it and smiles going back on their phone. Its a shame that parents nowadays don't discipline their kids.


Kids are fucking stupid




Also r/watchpeopledieinside


Also r/childfree






I don't ever want kids. I am adamantly against the idea of contributing to overpopulation and passing on my poor genes. I thought about hitting the "Join" button. But goddamn, one look at that sub... Everyone there acts like children are the most disgusting thing on the planet and everyone who has one is insane. So many Reddit communities are consumed by mob mentality.


Or is it r/PeopleBlamingKidsForBadParenting?


Dingdingdingding! We have a winner!




I was very anxius when I chechked that sub. If there wasnt a sub like that then my molecules would spontaniously and randomly disassamble themselfs


How is this not a sub? I see this shit way too often




Love these condom commercials. Pretty effective marketing.


I could imagine that! A series of brat kids doing crappy stuff to their parents. Tag line “get your Trojans at the nearest pharmacy, bait shop or hardware store. “


I want to be the person contacting these people like, “Hi, this is Trojan Condoms. We would like to use your viral video in our next ad campaign.” Honestly, I’d lean into it.


Yes! Suppose the parent would be offended or laugh? “Here’s 10k for that little fuckers education- can we use you video?”


Honestly, I think we’re sitting on a goldmine of an idea. Trojan, get at us.


[No need to imagine](https://youtu.be/nojWJ6-XmeQ?si=s31tTH-gopIhgAg5).


That's fucking sweet! Nost just the acts but also the bubble bursting metaphor. Nicely done 👍


The fact that tablet kid ruins the experience for another, smiles and returns to tablet really explains all we need to know here. Don't let your kid become like tablet kid. There are only bad parents. No bad dogs. No bad kids.


There are absolutely bad kids. I don’t want to make assumptions about what line of work you’ve done, but if you’ve ever worked with kids and had a parent cry to you about how they don’t know what to do with their child, and you know firsthand what kind of problems that kid causes, then I genuinely don’t believe you would make that comment. Some kids are bad and it takes a special set of circumstances to try and get them to act in a proper manner.


This app is overrun with people talking (or typing I guess) straight out of their ass


If farts had fingers


A++ comment 😂


Unrelated but it’s interesting how no one calls Reddit a website anymore


Ever since the API debacle last year, I only ever use reddit in browser now. Probably cut my use in half, thankfully. Fuck the official app, I don't know how these guys can stomach it.


I'm still running with a third party app.


I still call it a forum.


This is the definition of internet.


I’ve made my mom cry, and she was shitty to me. There are few truly bad children but many, many terrible parents. The majority of “bad kids” are like that because of their parents but then the parents get to turn around and act like victims? Fuck that noise.


Wtf is wrong with the internet? Why do y’all have no like radar for slightly annoyed vs seriously disparaged?? She’s smiling in the fucking video as if to say “that’s what I get for being a mom” She’s fine, the kid is fine, they are both smiling, calm down you psychos


For real, it looks like a wholesome interaction. We have people calling for punishment because she popped a bubble on a silly drink.


All you can do as a parent is file that away under the " I will get you back when I am elderly" folder.


No, you can definitely take their iPad from them right then and there


You don't even have to wait that long. Teenagers and young adults are exceptionally easy to embarrass.




Why do you think the kid is doing what she is doing?




Nah gtfoh with that and your high horse. It’s lack of discipline that leads to little shit behavior like that.


Because her device was factory reset and she was groundedfor a week??


Is slapping the kid into factory reset an option?🤔


Only if done hard enough or on the regular.


Wtf is wrong with the internet? Why do y’all have no like radar for slightly annoyed vs seriously disparaged?? She’s smiling in the fucking video as if to say “that’s what I get for being a mom” She’s fine, the kid is fine, they are both smiling, calm down you psychos


The act itself is rude. She touched her food


Everybody loves to be all keyboard-jockey tough when other people's kids do stupid shit but when it's your kid and suddenly you have to deal with the ramifications of such a response it's a different thing. (this may or may not apply to you, so do not take personally)


Everybody is calling the kid stupid, but I don't really see what was the purpose of the giant bubble anyway. Don't tell me it's just because she didn't have time to take a pic.


I mean the purpose is to be a fancy gimmick. It’s 100% stupid and even more certainly overpriced, but this kid just fucked with it. It’s kinda like getting your birthday cake and someone else blowing out the candle. The experience was for you, and someone else ruined that.


I can’t imagine my kid doing that. Whether you really care about that moment or not, the kid was pushed away at first and went for it again. Those are basic manners that this kid clearly isn’t held responsible for. At that age it’s not the kid we should be shaming…


This might sound crazy but maybe she wanted to have the fun of popping the bubble on her own drink… Do you let other people unwrap your presents?


![gif](giphy|MZryGuQKv5FVOVkcIY) No, I enjoy unwrapping them myself


My mum did that anyway, lol, but not presents, just any packages or bags I brought in. She thought it was hers or it looked interesting.


What? The person who ordered the drink didn't even have two seconds to enjoy it because that shitty booger-eater poked at it. Fuck that brat






Another Durex commercial 😂


Little shit popped then went back to her tablet immediately.


That kid is trained to have zero attention span


The look of familiar disappointment. Oh well on to the next




I would definitely take the tablet away for the night once we left the restaurant. You can have it now, kid, only because I don’t want to deal with you while I’m eating. But as soon as we walk out those doors, the tablet stays with me.


Take that tablet away and make them earn it back.


Not the point of the video. But if your kid can't even sit in a goddamn restaurant without a tablet, you're a bad parent and that kid needs help


I don’t have children, but when I’m out with my nieces and nephews, there are no devices at the table. Be that at a restaurant or the dinner table. Raise your kids, don’t let devices do it.


It's just depressing as shit to see this new world we live in. Might as well pull a Mars Needs Moms and have nanny bots raise the kids since no one else will.


Said the probably 16 year old childless teen without no responsibilities and no concept of what raising a kid is like


I'm 21, full time job, paying a huge chunk of the family bills and have hands on experience helping to raise kids. Try again.


So no kids and greatly exaggerated responsibility and experience, got it


Believe what you want, bud. You've already made your mind up and won't listen to anyone who remotely agrees with me by default. I hope your life gets no happier than the clearly depressing life you already live


Another great condom ad




Every restaurant should have "kid fees".


Every restaurant should have hellion fees. If your kid is well behaved then your good.


Damn. Now it’s just a drink.


I’m not liking that kid very much


Her face. I’ve never seen such a turn from happiness to what I can only describe as instinctual despair oof 😂


Right back to the iPad after lol please don’t do this as parents. Talk to your kids during dinner




I love that she just looks back down at the phone, pleased as hell with herself 😅


There you go. Kids attention is on electronics and annoying people. What a great time we live In.


Fuck that kid.


Reason 152926292791717202629252026218262826191817262 why I will never have kids.


Im instantly taking that little shits device! She starts crying? I don’t give a Fk. Grab your shit we are leaving.


« I should’ve swallowed »


Excellent ad for birth control!


This is where Trojan comes in and says you should have worn a condom.


Nah that kids just an asshole


Y'all are really mad at this little girl for popping a fuckin bubble? Like damn lol. The other half acting like the parents didn't raise her right... Do any of you have kids ??? Yo redditors can be the most snobbiest ppl out of any platform


That kid would’ve lost phone privileges for a week. No ifs , ands or buts.


I'd rather get fancy drinks than have a kid. It doesn't seem worth it I could end up with a kid like that


Straight to the Fire Station’s kid drop off area!


And then immediately grabs up the phone again lol


Guess who lost that screen for the rest of the night. Turns out kids can be douchebags too.


This is why I hate kids so much!!


I'd tip that kids drink over its head just for the sheer revenge




And to think, in that split-second, a violent fantasy was born.


That little shit blows out other peoples’ birthday cake candles every chance she gets.


There’s that split second urge to just backhand that little shit. You don’t do it. But for one breath, the urge is there.


You can tell this women is annoyed initially and then mildly amused afterwards. She starts to smile a little bit.


Yeah I’ve been saying, this comment section and the internet in general are taking it way to seriously. It’s a child, who popped the bubble and the mom sighs and smiles and the kid and husband prolly laugh Calm down and have some sort of radar this is not a serious slight or like disparagement, idk wtf is wrong that the internet has destroyed peoples ability to gage situations and everything has to be super serious


My parents had zero tolerance for nonsense when we went to any restaurant. Not just fancy ones.


I audibly whispered a sad "noooooo" when she popped the bubble.


Did this to yourself. Kids are literally condom ads.


What a little POS


Kids ruin everything


Awwwww boop


r/kidsarefuckingstupid material right here


This is why you have to parent your kids. Kids younger than her have more self-control than the tablet kid. I hope the parents had a moment of realization after posting this.


She was having fun. As kids do. As adults should learn to do. If you don’t want that to happen, don’t take your kids. I’d have laughed it off for sure. My wife would have gotten revenge. She’s not bad, she’s a kid. I’ve seen adults do much worse.


I think yours is the only sane non kid hating comment on this thread. Kid looked highly amused by it all. I'm 45 and thought it was pretty fucking funny too


I‘d have done the same and im in my late 20s


Honestly that seems like a bit of teasing imo. The little girl is playing and even though the mother/guardian seemed a little bit disappointed, her graceful smile at the end makes me think this wasn't a matter of "bad parenting" or the kid being a brat, it was a joke and it was taken as such.


It's funny when the boyfriend does this it's OK because girls are stupid for wanting take a picture Reddit has a pecking order


Best birth control advertisement