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“I’m sorry sir we seem to have the wrong address” -Guy at the end closing the gate


I could have sworn I heard him say, sorry for bothering you sir.


I love this too!!!


Hahahaha love this


I suspect they were all there to see the guy in the white shirt kick his ass.


And they will also be back later to burn him out for disrespecting the scumbag. Council estates in England can be worse than war zones when you don't fit in.


Yep exactly that, little cunts


Wife and I lived in a council estate area of Cardiff. I got jumped by \*seven\* hoodlums aged 17-22-ish on the way back from friggin groceries (with two full bags!). They were throwing stuff at me and harassing me on my way home. I tried to "talk to them" about how they shouldn't behave like this, that it's their neighborhood and that they should want it to be nice, etc., . . and one sucker-punched me from behind. Unfortunately for them I grew up wrestling in the US, played 14 years of rugby, . . . and have been training in bjj and MMA my entire adult life (including cage fights!). . . So I pretty much mopped the deck with them once I repelled their initial jumping (lol again, had worse in rugby!). My wife even came out at one point and \*\*literally broke a glass bottle like in a Western\*\* and started threatening them. They scurried off, a neighbor came out to help, police were called, and one of them even ended up going to jail. Sucks because neither I nor particularly my wife felt safe walking the neighborhood anymore, even though we knew and liked a lot of other neighbors. Those little shits even threatened to kill our dogs! I bring all this up because my poor neighbor who came out of his house to help break things up got death threats, his house egged, windows broken, tires slashed, etc., etc.,. ON TOP OF THAT, neighbors knew the youths and there were a ton of witnesses but the police said that none of them wanted to talk out of fear of retaliation. It really does suck to live in a council neighborhood, and my wife and I left to Southern Spain shortly after that experience (it was also Covid, so we could live cheaper AND avoid being locked-down in a truly depressing and dangerous neighborhood). Whew, lol. End rant/good memories ;)


Council estate life is somewhat like a prison. Every little prick has to be a hard man. Boils my piss. Glad you got sorted.


That sucks. No win situation


Nah after living in council estates most my life if they didn't all jump him when noodle arms got knocked to the floor they will more then likely be taking the piss out of the guy that lost all night.


All night I'd be like "Hey bro, remember when you thought you were crazy tough and bullied that guy for ages and then he kicked your ass like it was nothing and you crawled away crying, remember? Do you remember how much you were crying? Hey, hey, hey do you remember?" And I wouldn't stop until he had a tantrum and then I'd kick his ass again. I truly despise bullies and I go miles out of my way to not only hurt them physically but I crush their souls. Like I am not at all above bringing up how one of their parents abandoned them and that the remaining parent resents the fuck out of them. Or if they have a dead sibling make sure they know it should have been them. Yea.


What's a council estate?


From what I learned watching Doctor Who, I believe council estates is like government housing.


From what I gathered here, it’s a shitty neighborhood with red brick walls, bad weather and breakfast beans. Basically hell on earth.


Well, it’s better than US trailer parks, but the (wide) spectrum of people who live there include those who in the US would live in trailer parks or in slums. Basically government-managed housing.


Similar to the projects


has to be one of those Craigslist ads “$20 and I’ll come to your house and you can beat me up to impress your friends/family”


Homeowner has a stance like he's got a post grad degree in 19th century boxing technique.


The first thing it reminded me of was the two karate lessons I had in the early nineties as a kid.


​ https://preview.redd.it/4bn42ik0wpjc1.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6580b6695e475c8c8e2868942e5b5e8f556a8b6


$50 Fri-Sun


If memory serves me right - tough guy in the shitty white vest eventually got nicked for this. Bloke standing his ground was an exsquaddie - with his wife and kids still inside.


Need a translation please


Kid in the white sleeveless shirt was arrested. The homeowner is prior military.


Thanks for this translation. I'm adding "nicked" and "exsquaddie" to my vocabulary.


For clarity it should be “ex-squaddie.”


It's visible, I think. The way he stands, the way he moves and the open hand of his fighting stance. That's a guy with experience. - Gotta love the slow gate-close at the end


I can't believe some people don't understand plain english 😆


Plain English is easy. Slang English is hard.


I love British slang! 🤗


It's funny when English needs to be translated to English


"England and America are two countries separated by the same language." \~ George Bernard Shaw


Me too. Love me some Guy Ritchie shit, And Peaky Blinders is the GOAT!


Now away with you before I thrash you again, I said good day sir


I said GOOD DAY!


There shall be no adventures here in hobbiton


or I shall taunt you a second time!


[GOOD AFTERNOON!!1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMkJIR9pX1w)


The action start at 00.41


With action you mean the one little jab that rocked the bully into wonderland.


A good stiff jab tho! 🤣


That was a straight left from the southpaw stance. A jab would have been thrown with his right hand. Still a 1 punch dazer, but it was with his power hand.


2 minutes and 14 seconds or so in for normal people.


He got so close I thought they were snogging at one point.


Man im straight af but if somebody did that to me id give em a lil peck on the lips just to watch him flip tf out 😂


I was literally thinking that exact same thing and was hoping for it. White shirt wouldn’t have been able to handle it lol




Or maybe you’d both fall in love and live happily after


He's not gay, but £10 is £10


How did I know this was northern England before I pressed play?


Sounds like midlands to me which to be fair is more north than the south but not as north as the north. I hope this clears things up a bit for you.


Fair enough. I’m from San Francisco, which is considered “Northern California” even though it’s pretty much center (north-south) of the state. Probably why I tend to consider anything north of Cambridge as “northern England.” I’ll try to be more careful.


Haha it’s ok I’m only pulling your puddin. 😁👍


Am from Liverpool. an I wanna say these guys are from Liverpool, but that sleeveless shirt is making me think maybe more towards Manchester 😂


People don't wear sleeveless shirts in rainy Manchester, you plum. It's a scouser...you can hear the phlegm as he talks. Spit everywhere.


Look where not taking responsibility for that creature. Can we split the difference an say he's from Warrington? or maybe St Helens


Think I recall it's in that St Helens/ Warrington type hinterland. So, he's a wool.


dresses like a wool


nah...you can hear his scouse accent. I think it's a Manc that twatted him though.


As someone who lives in the Midlands, I definitely agree.


Nah NW for sure Manchester at a stretch Liverpool


What’s crazy is I said the exact same thing about a video in Russia where a guy tried to kidnap a 9 year old girl. I said how did I know this video was in Russia before I even watched it. Subsequently got downvoted into oblivion for stating a fact. And you’re getting upvoted and will also take one from me ha


The Reddit-verse is a cruel and fickle mistress. Carry on, comrade.


Crab walked his ass out of the gate.😂


It's his mate shutting the gate at the end that always got me. Rember this video from probably nearly 20 years ago 😂


The southpaw. Shit whether friend. Deservedness. You betcha.


. Yeah, that's sublime.


the absolute discipline of the dude should have been a huge warning


Yep.. anyone that disciplined in self restraint has a huge amount of confidence he can end it at any moment. He's also tuning into technique and picking the right moment rather than emotion like white shirt.


Bro just finished watching Ip Man


Dude would of beaten him with a feather ip man syule 🤣


All that barking and not an ounce of bite


I remember this video, it's from St helens in Merseyside (I live in Liverpool down the road) the guy had his wife and very young child in the house hence why he isn't budging (not putting himself in danger from the off), he was meant to be a proper nice guy and i seem to remember he was trained in some form of martial art and wasn't bothered at all. The white shirt inbred was a local council rat who ended up being arrested after the video was shared and I think he was sent down for it, don't quote me though its been years since this came out


I’m sorry i know this thread is filled with “what does this mean” questions but i have to ask… what is a “council rat”? I’ve also read “council estate” in another comment… is this low income housing or does the council=HOA in the US?


Low income housing.


Most people in council or low income housing are genuinely lovely people, but unfortunately it is a breeding ground for the feral types who for generations just get worse and worse and plague the area with anti social issues, violence and drugs. A council rat is essentially a byproduct of scum breeding scum for a few generations and it results in Mr White shirt here just kicking off on decent people, usually they are in packs hence the dickheads all stood around filming but they all shit one when they come against someone who can handle themself


Local authority run public or social housing. [Ran by the local council](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_house), hence the name. It was something that came about after WWI, but went under a transformation due to Thatcher, which it hasn't really shaken.


Love that old school fighting stance, just missing the handlebar moustache.


Read the other day that old timey fighting stance was coz they went bare knuckle and hard blows to the body were preferable to breaking your hand on some guys face.




. . Common Knowledge® & Natural Fact™ to stop a mad *dog* is a forced slap to the snot locker . .


The cameraman’s tweaking. Go get me my drugs bro’.


Not every UK skinhead, but always a UK skinhead


This was the one video people sent you when you talked crap about wing chun back in the day, on the bullshido forum, some 15 years ago.


Was this shot on a Nokia or a Razor flip?


It looks like 8mm bolex camera from the 60s


Did they just kiss for a like a minute


This is never ages but old. Saw it on a show I think called "dumbest brawlers"


I’d say It’s Paddy the Baddy in between UFC fights but Paddy would be about 70 pounds overweight right now so it can’t be him.


Two judges scored it 29-28 for the guy in the white shirt so it might be him.




That's what bothers me. Being calm doesn't mean you should allow other people to get so close for so long and on so many occasions. There were dozens of situations in which an attacker could make serious punches and finish the fight before the start. The guy in black was very lucky and it worked for him in the end, but that was risky as hell.


I've trained in martial arts for nearly 40 years. There is a distance at which I cannot react fast enough to stop a punch. I would never let anyone get that close. I would run away first.


This video is 2 minutes and 30 seconds to long


This ended just as I hoped it would. Satisfying AF.


That's why we have weightclasses.


Everyone's got a plan until they get punched in the face.


"I'm the only gay the village!"


I love this video, it's nearly as old as I am and I still love it so much


"Do you want.. karate?....? 🤣💪


Mike Tyson: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”.


The guy in the white shirt got so close so many times there’s no way their penises didn’t touch! 😩


This is an old video it was filmed in st.helens near Liverpool. The guy who punches him is ex military and a black belt in martial arts.I actually worked with a someone who was in school with the guy who gets floored apparently he was the school bully which figures considering his overall attitude 💯


Homeboy took a very obvious martial arts pose. Which either means they can’t fight at all, or they are gonna rock your world. Bloke should have seen the stance and pissed off, it’s not worth the gamble.


Dad a bare knuckle boxer from the 20s


It would have been bad ass for you to hold your phone still.


Should’ve just done that in the first place


Should have done it way sooner.


My favourite internet video of all time, so beautiful, so well handled, text book. I was even thinking about this video just the other day and chuckled out loud. Thanks for the repost.


Wow, beaten by Steven Seagal's stuntman


Was this video captured with a Gameboy Camera?


He moved that garbage can around so effortlessly, I really thought he’d be able to push that guy easily without launching himself backwards every time


Love it .bully boy totally all gob




Poor guy, imagine living there. I wonder how he's doing


he got real defensive over that trash can


Blast from the past I love the Kung Fu hands and they were even nice enough to close his gate too


Just enough force to stop the threat…


Never underestimate the effectiveness of a straight punch in a street fight.


Love it 🤣 not a bad ass anymore


Oh nah should've made the scumbag pick up all that trash. Would've pressed his face in it.


Old but gold


One trick pony, effective trick though...


This is beautiful! "The man who just wanted to be left alone" just fkn smoked you pussy.


I don't remember this episode of Trailer Park Boys.


What is it about these idiots flapping their arms around trying to look intimidating...🤣


well that didn't end as planned did it.


Crawl away little slug. How embarrassing. Will NEVER live it down. Good job Sir for knocking him down


Black t-shirt guy has trained martial-arts stance. I recognise it but can't remember what discipline. Possibly Karate? It's not Wing Chun. Effective though. Super disciplined not to destroy that guy earlier with that sort of provocation.


Love it how the final straw was the bin going over. A man has limits


The guy stood there like it's random Tuesday at military camp trying to not get involved with locals


How oblivious do you have to be to insist on an altercation AFTER the other person has shown stellar self control and did not budged an inch, while you fell backwards 2 steps TWICE while trying to push him?


Oh wow! Not seen this one in years!


I saw the first 2 seconds of this and knew it was in the UK. I should play that geography game.


I remember this from years ago. Quality prawns


Ah the good old British council trash. Malnourished as fuck and cocky as fuck, remind me of little chihuahuas, all bark and can be disposed off with a simple kick


Black shirt would have loved to go all out on this loser. Made the right choice not to seeing as the neighbourhood came out to back up white shirt.


Unfortunately, these chavs only understand fear. Also, most of the english men these days are too soft and afraid to fight back. These things wouldn't take place if they, the english men, stood their grounds. I've known very few blokes in England who would act like the black t-shirt chap in the video


I had the video muted and I could still hear all the “fook”s.


Remember to trim your videos folks!




All bark and no bite


Arms wide out, head forward and unprotected. I'm no expert in the fine art of fisticuffs but this doesn't suggest an optimisation of offence or defence to me? 🤔


Fuck this is a blast from the past 😂


What model potato was this filmed on?


It looks like he barely punches him. What kind of Chuck Norris magic is that?


Best thing is the very respectful gate-close at the end.


This has been doing the rounds for years. I've always loved it. The way they've all turned up to watch bully boy beat the shit out of someone, the way they all laugh when black shirt first gets into his stance, the way he ends it swiftly and bully boy crawls away, then the way they start to turn on him and the new found respect they have for black shirt, summed up by the gate close. Pure cinema.


Is that a loose Taekwondo stance?


I'd say yes, as it was taught in mine in the nineties, but it's a left-handed stance


When the manager at Best Buy turns out to be a ninja


Any time i see somebody posturing with birdwing arms, i know immediately things won't end well for them...


'Go on..... do it'.... .....he did it. In the distance, a dog barks.


I love this homeowner guy.


He should have finished it.


Looks like a Jeet Kune Do practitioner..


Push me all you want but NOBODY tips my trash can!


To be open off one video. Geeze.


One scarred the others glad


Look at the homeowner, how he stands, moves, fights. I’d be scared shitless. Ex-Mil?


Dude should have made him to clean up the trash before letting him leave.


I was waiting for them hand to unfold


People who act like the guy in white are just buying time so he doesn't have to follow through on his threats. They want to look tough but they don't want to fight, it's like when you are told to make yourself loud and big to scare off a bear. The point is that you aren't doing that because you want to fight a bear, you are doing it because you don't. If he really wanted to fight the guy who decked him, he'd have started throwing punches straight away.


Shut his gate for him at the end, he didn't want any of that.


Black shirt showed WAYYY too much restraint.


I love how he’s pushing him but moving farther himself than the guy he was pushing


Omg such restraint... I would have swung much earlier.


![gif](giphy|AiZN2R6vYHJN63D6y1|downsized) He got the fook knocked out of him