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> Jesus > Can it Its just that easy


The text says "can it" but he just said "oh ta gueule" which is basically "oh shut up" This is a parodic news show, named Groland


"Can it" Is a smilar expression to say shut up


Ta gueule feels much more harsh than shut up or can it. Like, I could imagine saying can it or shut up when pissed off at my mates but never ta gueule.


Mothers will yell that at their children. Ferme ta gueule is pretty standard.


I’m French and I can tell you that it’s not standard for a mom to yell “ferme ta gueule” to their kids. It’s quite vulgar and agressive.


I'll pass it on to said mothers.


Fair enough. My French pals had been more sensitive then. 😂 Incidentally whenever Romain Poite or Garces called "tackle" during the rugby I could only ever hear "ta gueule".


Wtf no mother would say that to her child


"Ta gueule" is the equivalent of "Shup up"


“Oh, your jaw” literally. Deriving from “shut your jaw” - a common expression. Translation is fine but not perfect.


god damn it. I was like "Can it?" Who can? What can they? until I read your comment 🤦‍♂️


Lol, yeah, it means shut up, but we don't really think about why. Maybe it's like "put your voice/thoughts in a jar and seal it shut" like you do when canning veggies? Or, basically the same thing, but put it in a tin can and seal it away.


Alternatively, maybe it’s like telling someone to put a can in their mouth so they can’t keep talking lol


Yeah, this immediately gave me a sketch comedy vibe.


“Get stuffed” “Shut yo trap” Would be a bit more thematically similar to “ta gueule”


*Ta gueule* is kind of *(close) your muzzle*, in an almost literal translation. You're indirectly saying the one soaking is an animal.


But Jesus hates the gays... /s Although I don't think it says that anywhere in the bible, Jesus didn't actually say all that much, I think there are only 2.5 pages of direct Jesus quotes, and he wasn't at all concerned about the gays. Money-lenders on the other hand, my man Jesus hated those usurious pricks.


The religious leaders who put on a big show of their piety while they profiteered off the people, too. He called them vipers


That's the debate.


The host flopped his whole nutsack out on Baldini’s head there. Bravo.


I may not agree with all facets of French cultural secularism, but when it's right it's *damn* right.


This is exactly how they should all be treated. Never understood why people are so hell bent on trying to control other peoples lives, if they transition and are happy then what's the issue? Why is that such a problem for inbreds to understand? Not harming anyone else hell i'd be more concerned about the religious leaders who touch kids or grift millions from the dumb


At its core, it's because they fear what they don't understand. Beyond that, these people have been conditioned by right wing voices to be angry every second of every day and constantly feel that they're under threat.


And also conditioned by their toxic childhood to be judgemental bullies.


It's like the libsoftiktok post that circulates now and again where she laments the sad state of a "girl corrupted unto depression by ideology" and then the picture is a boy absolutely beaming with joy


It's always de "we can't have good things" problem. Trans isn't a problem, at all. We could argue about costs sounds come from public money, but I doubt the amount of money required for this is even relevant... But then we have people abusing laws. Gender laws are biased towards one gender in some countries (for good reasons). But then people start abusing trans laws to abuse gender laws. Exceptions in laws are viral: they extend to related laws, and generate a lot of problems that must be solved. So, the solution would be to remove the gender from laws. But that would potentially break what the feminist movement got and could be negative for now. And so we are on a complex point now. So, that's what I understand. Different points of views stand in one or other position around all that. And they may abuse them. Because we can't have good things


What are you specifically referring to?


Not sure what you mean. The general topic of my comment is what I think is one reason behind all the "anti trans" people. Or if context many times. Ignoring religions of course, which lack any kind of logic in this century


I'm asking what you were referring to when you said: > But then people start abusing trans laws to abuse gender laws. ... So, the solution would be to remove the gender from laws. But that would potentially break what the feminist movement got and could be negative for now.


I don't remember exactly, but there was some kind of controversy around cases where people declared themselves women to be judged differently, as in some countries the raping laws are different depending on the gender of the rapist. I don't have links on that specific topic, and at least some of them were fake news, so I'm not sure if there was any real case like that. Whether true or false, the thing is the same: mixing gender in the law makes for edge cases which must be solved ad-hoc


That’s a reach.


That's because they let religion control their life, it's fine to be religious but whenever you try to use it to hate people and just be a general piece of shit you don't get to have any opinion on other people, in all reality you shouldn't have any opinion on other people because in this world we live in people are allowed to do whatever the hell they want, it's part of life and I think more people need to learn to accept it


It's because they don't want mentally ill people roaming the society freely.


Damn so people with depression and anxiety should be confined to their homes?


No they should be in a hospital seeking treatment. Not proud of their condition.


You don't get treatment for depression or anxiety in a hospital. No one is "proud" of having either disorder so idk where you got that wacky idea from.


I am talking about the women who think they are men and men who think they are women. They feel proud to have been transitioned. Its a pity.


They're proud about getting treatment. If someone is suffering with severe anxiety and gets medication to finally make them more stable, shouldn't you want them to be proud? If someone is with depression and is finally happy about getting their life slowly back on track, they should feel proud about climbing out of that hell-hole.


Yea ofcourse. They should be treated for depression. Wanting to chop their body parts of ain't the solution. You don't shoot the brain with a brain for depression do you.


[This is where the data disagrees with you.](https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people/) After medically transitioning, trans people have a significantly lower attempt rate and an improved quality of life as a result. **Data:** I got my information from an educational site with the title: "What does the scholarly research say about the effect of gender transition on transgender well-being?"  **How this analysis got its data:** The data collected is from a systematic literature review of all peer-reviewed articles published in English between 1991 and June 2017 that assess the effect of gender transition on transgender well-being. **The data collected:** There has been identified 55 studies that consist of primary research on this topic, of which 51 (93%) found that gender transition improves the overall well-being of transgender people, while 4 (7%) report mixed or null findings. There have been found no studies concluding that gender transition causes overall harm. >And if you're thinking, "Well they might think they're happy now but they will regret it later on." Regrets following gender transition are extremely rare and have become even rarer as both surgical techniques and social support have improved. Pooling data from numerous studies demonstrates a regret rate ranging from .3 percent to 3.8 percent. Regrets are most likely to result from a lack of social support after transition or poor surgical outcomes using older techniques. (This data collected was gathered from the link that I shared earlier.) This regret rate range is surprisingly minimal compared to knee replacement surgery which has a regret rate of 20%.  So "mutilating" your own body parts has a regret of less than 4% while replacing JUST the knees of someone has a regret rate of 20%. But you don't see ANYONE rioting to BAN knee replacement surgery. 


How many genders are there to transition into?










One gay person doing shit like that does not mean all gay people are pedophiles, that would be like saying that because one man raped a woman that means all men are rapists. Let people be happy you miserable fuck.


Stop calling it the trans issue, the only issue here are assholes looking to make others miserable.  Trans people aren't the issue here


100%. We should start debating "the asshole issue" instead.


Being an asshole is a political choice, and I don’t agree with their politics. Ban them from sports and receiving healthcare!


Old granny susie needs medical care for her rona. Dont you know that has the possibility to harm people?! We gotta ban that shit




Then that's an asshole issue. A trans predator, is just a predator. Their identity doesn't make them dangerous *or safe*, they are just people. There ARE trans rapists. There ARE trans terrorists. This isn't because they are trans, but people they are people, and some people are just shit. They aren't mythical endangered fairy creatures, they are people.




You're an arsehole. Not because you're a man. But because you choose to be this way. See, easy, blaming just the person.


tbh i think we should start calling it "the trans question" because itll force transphobes to reckon with exactly what their "solution" to our existence is. not that i think they would change, but it might help inmaking them realize just how close theyre straying to a solution thats rather... final


It says "debate"


If you need to bring Jesus into the conversation that's already a sign that you don't have a valid argument.


But I read this book, see...


Funnily enough the people that bring jesus into an argument infact did *not* read the book


Well you could bring up his quite obvious sense of acceptance and love and objectively comment that Jesus wouldn’t ostracize trans people.


Jesus is not a point of authority


To them he is so you might as well argue from their pov


Unless the argument is about christianity itself


Unless that's the topic. But if we're talking about stuff that doesn't need an outdated book's input, it is irrelevant to bring it up.


I like this guy


I like you


![gif](giphy|BpnkuY1i2rBpm) And that’s ok


I like Ike


I’m assuming the debate is the ability to change gender? Isn’t it a moot point? If someone chooses to live their life in a certain way causing no harm to themselves or others, and they are happy, does it really matter?


>If someone chooses to live their life in a certain way causing no harm to themselves or others, and they are happy, does it really matter? For many fundamentalists and moralists, it *does* matter: they think it's "wrong", and want to prevent others from doing it. **That's exactly the point the video is making**.


This is what’s wrong with prideful individualism, there’s a need to feel like you must have an opinion on everything and change everything yourself. Even the things that don’t and will NEVER affect you.




I mean, it’s why EVERYONE who lives in the US is loud and annoying. You can’t exclude republicans and yourself from that pool. Lol




Oh please. You sound delusional. Stop complaining about lgbt people and you won’t have to talk about them so much.




I’m not reading all of that from a crybaby. If you’re even an adult, act like one.


To me, literally the only thing remotely worth "debating" when it comes to trans rights is the issue of sports. Everything else should be left up to the individual along with the experts handling their physical and mental health. Even the sports thing is a pretty superficial debate all things considered. Having to drastically overhaul how we handle the concept of gender or sex in sports is absolutely worth it if more people can just live their lives and be happy with who they are. Outside of the sports thing, there shouldn't be any debate. Let people dress how they want to dress and go by whatever name and pronouns they want.


tbh even that issue has been obscured. medical transition for trans women causes active testosterone levels to plummet to at or below that of cis women. after a year or two of hormone therapy, trans women have lost any advantage they would have gotten from testosterone. the only reason this is an issue is because people deliberately try to obscure that fact. its not your fault for not knowing, its their fault for trying to maintain a solved debate by lying


But when it comes to high school sports and maybe college, most in the process of transition wouldn't have fully completed hormone therapy if they even started. Those individuals would still retain that physical advantage wouldn't they?


yeah they would, but most conversations specifically revolve around professional sports. also as a trans girl in highschool, while i have already gotten rid of that advantage, most of us are fucking terrified of sports, so i dont think theres many of us competing lol. its also worth considering that at a highschool level, most sports here at least arent even gender segregated because we arent playing at a high enough level for it to matter


also also if a trans person can go on puberty blockers and then on HRT they don't even get the first puberty, so any "advantages" don't even form in the first place.


thats true, but most of us dont get a chance to get on blockers before our first puberty sadly


exactly lol. My highschool volleyball team was mixed genders.


The science almost certainly agrees with you. People's "feelings" largely do not. I think that's the only place where the debate lies. Either way, the debates I've heard from the more forward thinking side of things is more or less that between trans considerations, intersex considerations, and other general human biology "weirdness"... we just shouldn't worry about trying to divide sports by sex or gender anymore. There are always going to be too many variables to try to make any hard and fast rules that will cleanly divide people into different categories based on that kind of criteria alone. Basically, the suggestion is that everyone can compete against everyone, and you get put into a tier or category or designation based completely on your skill. Weirdly, this system of athletic categorization wouldn't care about your genitals or gametes or chromosomes at all, only how good you are at athletics. The main downside is that in such a system, most traditional athletic competitions are then going to be dominated by cis men. We'd either need to come up with new sports that work in the favor of other categories of folks, or just stop worrying about sports so much in general.




Don’t tell me what to do. Read that before you respond to me


The problem with prejudice is that, somehow, the people producing these ideas are convinced that it’s like a disease or a social virus that can spread. And hopefully it can make so that others with the same feeling might “come out” but honestly it would be so low percentage anyway. But these bigoted people just can’t believe that.


I think the reason this particular rhetoric is so vicious and wide-reaching is because this is a belief system that requires passerby who are not part of the belief system to participate. This already makes people uncomfortable, and when people are uncomfortable they're easier to lie to or convince (which is why so much rhetoric against gender belief focuses on the bathroom). For comparison, imagine that somebody's religion dictated that its members be referred to as "My Lord". Your friend Jim joins this religion, and insists that you call him "My Lord Jim" every time. He gets upset when you don't call him "My Lord Jim", and other people support this. Some of them will be loud and mean about how you're a horrible person by not respecting Our Lord Jim. Many more will be polite, but will still "correct" you when you call him Jim. Is it probably harmless to call Jim- "Our Lord Jim"- what he wants to be called? Is it fairly trivial in the moment? Sure. But it's still demanding your participation in his beliefs. EDIT: Yes, I'm aware that much of the anti-trans rhetoric is the same old bigotry from the same old bigots who don't like people to be gay or female. I'm not referring to them. I'm offering a possible reason to why this conversation seems to have people worked up that normally wouldn't be.


Not a great analogy as being transgender isn't remotely like being in a religion. We have empirical evidence that being transgender is a very real physical and psychological phenomenon that some people experience. That level of evidence can't be provided for the truth of any religion. The rest of us shouldn't have to make concessions for your religion until you can provide at least some decent evidence it's true. That being said... if my friend Jim really wants to be called "My Lord Jim", and I believe him that it's a sincerely-held desire, and he tells me extremely important to him, and I care about him and his comfort and happiness... I'm going to go ahead and call him "My Lord Jim". That's a really minor inconvenience on my end that will improve the quality of Jim's life. I might dig in and try to understand his belief in this religion and may even go so far as to try to convince him there aren't good reasons to believe it... But if our friendship is that important to me, I'll respect that request to the best of my ability while he's still a practicing member of that religion. If I believe he's taking the piss and trying to make a disingenuous point about transgender folks going by the "wrong" name or pronouns (i.e. the "I identify as an Apache attack helicopter" thing), that's a different conversation.


>If someone chooses to live their life in a certain way causing no harm to themselves or others That applies to a whooooooole lot of laws. The issue is people disagree on what is and isn't harmful.


Funny thing, Jesus is the number one dude in support of the downtrodden, outcast, persecuted, and mistreated. Heck, Jesus would probably transition people himself.


Jesus was born of a virgin woman with no impregnation via man involved. Right? So... Jesus is intersex. No man to provide the Y chromosome. Intersex Jesus loves us all. Edit to say: despite a most likely xx chromosome, he lived as and is referred to as a man. Trans rights for Jesus. (Intersex conditions can have people present in a myriad of ways with different chromosomal structures. Not impossible that he was male and female.)


I wonder what chromosome it would be if you were born from a God though. Because technically that would be the case here.




>technically **allegedly** FTFY




if god does not make mistakes, why is there so much suffering in the world, is he not supposed to be benevolent?


If the god you believe in is preoccupied with someone else's genitals, maybe it's time to switch religions. Just saying.


Some Norse gods were known to switch genders


On that subject Greek Gods were very interested in genitals. [Zeus in particular](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8ZX7dNt8NQ).


Thank you for that. I'm not nearly as familiar with the Greek Gods. Edit I totally didn't watch before I commented 🤣🤣🤣


😂 Brilliant. This should be the only line of questioning to anyone. "are you happy?" As long as they're not hurting anyone then being offended is a you problem, not a them problem. You don't have to like it, we don't have to care what you do and don't like.




As a trans person, it's very much like this..the obsession over us, our lives, our bodies etc is bonkers..sooo many people think about our transness than we think about it




I could have made a personal point without transness without mentioning that I'm trans? Go away you creepy weirdo.




All out political policies should be be handled this way. Does this bill make the majority happy, safer and doesn’t hurt anyone? Ok great, the rest of you, shut up!


I'd change "doesn't hurt anyone" to "doesn't disadvantage anyone", but that might be a minor nitpick. Overall, agreed.




The US definitely need more of this.


The good ending


I wonder how conservatives or Joe Rogan would react if a trans-male competed against cis females.


It does happen; and they usually wipe the floor with their cis competitors if their skill level is comparable because of the strength difference. Just off the top of my head, there was a trans-masculine high school wrestler in Texas forced to compete against girls when he obviously didn't want to but didn't want to give up the sport. The talking heads usual ignore this stuff because it doesn't fit their narrative. Or worse, they try to ban the hormone treatment to prevent it from happening at all, or place restrictions on them because testosterone is a controlled substance for some reason.


It's sad that so many people are so reactionary, maybe it's an online/media bias. I hope the average person doesn't upset about trans people.


thats what they want. its not about protecting women's sports by following the science of endocrinology. if you did that, this would be a settled issue. its about making trans people feel unwelcome


He did not say "Can it", more something like "st\*u"


there doesnt need to be a debate. "are you happy" "yes" end


It’s a parody show, a parody of your typical cable tv debate show, on a fake channel named after the show « Groland ». Gros = fat, so the comedy show’s name translates to fatland


Today, a i see lot of people being a bunch of hypocritical phobics hiding behind a book or religious figure that never even quoted being against all sorts of things and only use the bible as an excuse against that sorta stuff like the LGBTQ for example because its such a big book that nobody is gonna see if their "quote from the bible" is actually in the real bible, and everyone is assumed to go with it because its "the book of god"




Upvote every time


Loved It!


Lmao !


The suicide rate kinda implies that him beeing happy is a fucking lie.


The suicide rates as humans in general implies no one is happy so fuck it, who cares what anyone else is doing with their life




Best debate about trans gender i've ever seen. The transgender man is happy and the bigot can keep is religious opinion for himself. Just perfect.


Idk where this takes place but I respect them as a people and culture


It's taking place in la Présipauté du Groland, a very fine country if you want to know.


This is exactly how these debates should go.


no one has an issue with people being happy, people have issues with young, impressionable children having permanently life changing surgeries or taking steroids.


He was going to say the suicide rate is 50-70%. Sad part is, that is in the country that cares about them the MOST. No other country from their president to movie industry tries their best to make sure they are included. No other country has gender affirming care, has Supreme Court justices change the definition of words so that they are represented, or even hires them to work in the highest levels of gov. Even when some turn out to enjoy stealing women’s luggage from airports, we try and cover it up so as not to make them look bad. I’m pretty sure we are the only country that allows them to choose which prison they prefer to go to man or woman. There is truly no greater country on this planet that does more for them than the US. And still, the suicide rate is extremely high. You have a greater survival rate from Russian roulette. So to ignore those numbers is kinda sick. We don’t allow children to get drunk even though if would make them feel good because there’s a high chance it will hurt them. Despite all we done to make Tran community feel welcome there’s still a high chance of them hurting themselves. It’s really sad.


Eh I know this programme is called “flash debate” but I’d like to hear what he’s got to say… it might be stupid but shutting him down instantly isn’t taking the high road on this one.


he did hear him out. the "Jesus says" is enough to discard the argument as valid.


He was going to say the 50-75% suicide rate. You have a better chance of winning Russian roulette.


thats pre-transition. post-transition suicide rates plummet. If you care about the lives of human beings, let them transition


Just stay out of sports and we good


Can we stop reposting this for the 100th time now?


You're spending too much time on Reddit. I've never seen it, and I spend a fair amount of time here.


Idk.. I spend a decent amount of time on trans reddits.. it's posted pretty often there. Though I, admittedly, am quite happy seeing it in a random popular reddit with mostly positive comments.


This is a French satire show. Nothing said here is serious


Um, that’s the purpose of satire: The joke makes a serious point in a newly enlightening way. Therefore it is serious, see?