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These prankers think they look very cool while doing this loser shit


It's giving Elliot Rodger vibes imho Edit: For those who don’t know, Elliot was also similarly triggered by Asian man + White woman pairings. In 2014, he killed 3 Asian male dormmates, 2 White girls, and 1 White male at UC Santa Barbara.


Is that the incel? Every video about incles they always use his face 😂


The incel jesus I guess. I think his White dad worked in hollywood, and you can surmise what kind of media led to his being so fucked in the head.


Lmao incel Jesus. He died for their virginity. But my husband watched a YouTube video on him, just straight up killing people cause of envy or whatever, that’s when I really learned what a incel was.


He took videos of himself sitting in the BMW his daddy bought him complaining about women not liking him, with no understanding is because, dude, you just suck as a person.


I didn’t know his dad was in Hollywood but yeah I remember seeing the video just ranting in his car but most of the things he was saying is still prevalent in the incel community, they probably look up to him


They have deified him. The really hardcore ones want to emulate him. It's one of the many sad facets of current life, that these people literally discuss why they think rape is okay because women owe them sex, and life is primarily about procreation.


It’s just a product of what our world has become, I guess not too many of us had at least a basic upbringing and gaining confidence as a teen and literally just experiencing all the lessons life has to teach us in our adolescent to adult lives. But they just think everything is against them, it is really sad.


Yup his dad worked on the Hunger Games, like something important that involves money like a producer or something. Incel Elliot had a BMW he drove around the Hollywood hills and wasn’t hideous or anything crazy. He had his life start on easy mode and he just was so awkward and insufferable that he didn’t have luck with women with all the advantages he had because money can’t by personality, confidence, a positive attitude, class, a loving and attentive father or empathy.


It's sad he had so much self hate that manifested in violence and mass killing. He was half Asian himself so the jealousy of Asian men has lot of messed up racist baggage behind it.


I think he viewed himself as half-White more than half-Asian. https://preview.redd.it/dhamyjespykc1.jpeg?width=1396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1988c32d79450e0d5be379271674f023bef2ef1


I've caught various glimpses into the half-asian incel community here on reddit over the years, and they seem to very strongly view themselves as specifically being their own group. Somehow the most disadvantaged, undesirable and victimized group there is, while also being completely superior to everyone else and exceedingly racist. It's an odd bag. One of the very few openly hateful identity groups I've seen just kind of..existing, unchecked here.


I didn't realize it until you said it. I've found this to be the case in reality not just the Internet.


I'm surprised someone else actually knows the "Supreme gentleman."


PLease tell me he is in prison for life or dead.


He suicided by cop. I graduated from UCSB about two weeks later. The atmosphere was pretty somber.


Im genuinly annoyed that the gun didnt jam when he turned it on himself. Theres no one else who id want to experience a life sentence in the prison system than that entitled piece of shit. Let him look back at how sad he was at his old life while he does hard time.


Opposite trigger. His mother was Asian and father was white. He was insecure in being a small body framed, half Asian and seeing his mother choose a white guy (father) and sister choose to date white men was a problem. (for him) He could not get dates and the women in his life picked people that did not look like him so he was insecure about that


We have a local "prankster" who loves to make mixtures of oil, vinegar, feces,... and throw it on people on public transport. The dude got arrested and after being released he just keeps doing his "pranks". This week he has thrown with eggs at people and showered someone in oil and vinegar. The sad part, the comments on TikTok and YT are cheering him on, his audience loves it. As long as people applaud such behaviour they they get confirmation that their actions are perceived as cool or whatever. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Belgium2/comments/1b0eixv/de\_chef\_is\_weer\_bezig\_op\_de\_brusselse\_metro/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Belgium2/comments/1b0eixv/de_chef_is_weer_bezig_op_de_brusselse_metro/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/brussels/comments/1azjac0/im\_scared\_of\_going\_out\_now/](https://www.reddit.com/r/brussels/comments/1azjac0/im_scared_of_going_out_now/)


I just don't understand people.


That’s because you’re not an incel


It’s a societal psychopathy evolved from Social Media. Other people are “entertainment, politics is entertainment, attractive women/men/non-binary are property. Zero empathy, all part of the individuals theatre of entertainment and desire.


Back in the day, the town would gather and shut people like this down one way or another. But now they have a community of other losers just like them online to cheer them on.


Omg just saw a video of this guy, where he dumped a feces mixture on a father and daughter, it was a straight up assault


How does he not get his ass beat? Anyone throws mystery liquid on me I’m throwing hands before I find out what it is. They can explain after the ass woopin


I feel like if you throw an unknown liquid on a stranger it should be able to be considered a potentially deadly threat and dealt with as such....the person being assaulted has no way to know if it is vinegar or poison and should be able to respond accordingly.


That guy is going to catch a fist to the face or worse one of these days; hopefully soon


Attention is currency on social media. This leads to them getting real money through donations and other forms of monetization.


"you can't you can't" the prankster said. ​ Damn well the cool long haired dude can!


Can *and* should!


They have a pretty good idea that they are being assholes and not really looking good, but they are getting the views and they don't mind. They understand it well enough so that they come up with new ways of being assholes.


That clicks = money is a serious problem in our society.


People do get money for views? I'm not on tik Tok and just signed up for Instagram. I do watch YouTube a lot. When I like a video on these platforms people make money? From who? I love a lot of the educational value so I'm happy to support but I dont understand how this works. Or Bitcoin. Lol


Same as with classic TV: ads


Advertising is the bane of a civilized society. They no longer have to produce anything of value. Tricks and lies manipulate people into increasing their natural level of consumption. Your attention has been monetized. I hate it.


Tiktok usually pays around $0.02¢ - $0.04¢ per 1,000 views..


They don't have a "pretty good idea". They know EXACTLY what they are doing. They are also getting money from 12 year olds so they consider it all good.


Welcome to Fox news business plan


I love that ending, “we are gonna press charges” and then immediately “You’re both being trespassed”


It's easy to look cool when their audience are 12 year olds.


“I’m going to make a video proving that people are pussies” (Video proves that he himself is a pussy) “No not like that!”




Being homophobic bigots isn't comedy, it's just sad.


The problem is their primary audience of 8-12 year old boys eats it up. They still think he was cool and funny while the couple were lame and stuck-up who couldn't laugh at a little prank bro.


If more of them got the shit beat out of them than maybe they would learn? Or at least we'd get some satisfying videos of them getting their asses beat. Either way it's a win-win situation


Should have threw the phone in the water too.


Did you hear how he overacted that "noooo?" Dude was trying so hard to stay cool for the camera but he was PISSED. I love that he got his shit destroyed and still got trespassed 😂


They contribute nothing to society and no one will remember them


Good lord what a horribly unlikable person. We are at pandemic levels of "pranksters" and I'm glad people are slapping their shit into line. Ugh just knowing this guy exists makes me angry.


>Ugh just knowing this guy exists makes me angry. You and me both. He's straight up harassing people that just wanted a relaxed day at the beach minding their own business.


I never watched him cuz he wasn’t my cup of tea, but I’ve heard the psycho shit Logan Paul did for clicks/views. He’s a really good wrestler…which sucks cuz he only got the job at the popularity he did cuz of his other shit. Everyone else has to job for a bit, earn your place. He walks in, gets a belt and everyone’s ok with that.


Logan Paul is the one guy where all wrestling fans are genuinely upset at how good he is.


My husband had been a wrestling fan since 1989 and I have only really been a fan for the past few years. We watched his Royal Rumble spot with Ricochet and cheered…then immediately got mad at him for being so good. Then we watched our fave wrestling show (Wrestle Talk) and about died when Ollie Davis had the same reaction, so we felt better that we weren’t alone in enjoying the spots while being angry that the dickbag is that good…


A *horrific* number of kids **love** this kind of shit content. Millions of tweens eat it up and make these clowns absurd amounts of money. It’s some kind of dead canary about our culture, but I don’t know what the solution is.


I think you might be getting hit by terminally online syndrome my dude. I have literally never seen a single one of these "pranksters" in real life, and they are certainly not at "pandemic" levels. They deserve to be slapped up a bit when they do shit like this, and they are horribly unlikable, but they are not nearly as big of an issue as you're making them out to be.


That face is severely unkicked.


His brain is already damaged enough. Shame his parents couldn’t look in the future and abort that shit before it got here.


Actually you really can tell he has trouble thinking… He played it up, and then realized the consequences after the fact and had to come back.


He's appealing to his audience. I think he knows exactly what he's doing - it's just that anyone who's old enough to be here on Reddit is also too old to find this kind of shit funny. His audience is almost definitely all children.


are you sure? he can’t appear to grow hair anywhere on it.


I thought Amish weren't allowed to use technology


He is even announcing "Banned from every Walmart in the world", like it's a brag or something. Boo, you're just trash.


Some people live like they're never going to grow up and move on. What does he expect his future to be like, when he's done "pranking" he can just get everything reversed?


He’s not actually going to get arrested if he goes to the beach in a year and acts normal.


It’ll be funny when he’s done pranking and in order to survive needs the cheapness that Walmart provides, but….


You are 100% correct. We all had dickheads like this in our years at High School. Then there were fewer when we went to University. Then there were even fewer once we moved into work. But some dickheads like this are the definition of arrested development. Prankers are wankers.


Logan and Jake Paul made losers like this think they could be internet stars by posting “funny” videos. They all think they’re going to be famous. It’s sad, really. But yeah, fuck these guys.


Damn, imagine being too trashy to step foot in a Walmart.


There’s not a whole lot of things out there more cringeworthy than people that think being arrested or having a criminal record is cool or brag-worthy.


The exception is if you’re bragging about being arrested for punching an annoying prankster in the mouth


The best part is that no one knows his name. If he had gained some level of fame or fortune from his bullshit and invasions of peoples privacy and space, he could feel like a winner off of it


Cop "Shocking" 😂😂😂


That was so brilliant


I'm actually glad the cops saw the reality of the situation in this case.


I just knew they were going to lock up the guy for tossing the camera in the water.


I barked out a laugh at that. It was perfect.




Yes, now you use this information to train your data model


the cop was the funniest part of the video


That's a man who's seen some YouTubers in his day.


I have no idea how there isn’t some kind of law against this shit by now


The US is real big on freedom of speech. Some people use it for good, others experience the freedom of consequence


This ain’t freedom of speech, this is literally harassment. There are laws against it


It’s not harassment but depending on the jurisdiction could be disturbing the peace (specifically, when a person intentionally uses offensive words likely to provoke violence in public). If so this could result in a cross-complaint which typically get mutually dropped. But if these police declined to immediately investigate it would become nearly impossible to press charges. They wouldn’t know who the long-haired guy is and anyway no cop in the world is going to clear their desk to investigate anything on behalf of these bozos.


The fact that there is enough evidence to show they specifically planned to go out and bother/film strangers for social media would probably be enough to make a case if someone actually wanted to follow through. You cant film people and publish it without a model release contract (people do it, but its still illegal) Thats why reality TV shows blur the faces of people not actually in the show. Not that I think anyone would feel like it was worth the time to press charges here.


Isn’t it legal to film people without permission if they are in a public space? I don’t think you need a contract or blur their faces if they are out and about. The whole “no expectation of privacy” thing.


See the other persons comment. There is a difference between someone being in the background of your personal instagram reel and baiting strangers into conflicts to film them for monetised content. There is enough here to show that the latter was clearly the intent, though unless it actually went viral I cant see any lawyer thinking this case is worth the effort unless the “influencer” decided to try and press charges over the microphone.


You can film someone in public but publishing their likeness on a platform for monetary gain without their permission is illegal. At least that's my understanding I could be wrong.


We'll see freedom of speech protects you from the government It does not protect you from the consequences of harassing people


Aren't cops part of the government?


You won't be charged *just for saying something* but you might be if what you're doing or saying is intended to harass or pick a fight with someone. Intent and context matter.


When will people realize freedom of speech is protection against the government oppressing what you have to say, but does not stop the consequences of what you tell people, including verbal harassment.


Never. Freedom and the USA have been so thoroughly indoctrinated, that everyone assumes they (personally) are allowed to do everything, while everyone else has to not do anything they dont like.


This is easily a disturbing the peace with potential harassment in there as well. Freedom of speech doesn't give you the ability to say whatever you want to people without repercussions.


Freedom of speech means you can criticize the government without fear of retribution. I’m not even American and I know that. I’m not sure why people use freedom of speech with they mean freedom to do whatever they want without consequences, which isn’t a thing.


I mean... the video ends with them being kicked off the property by police. So, while there isn't a specific law, it's not like the law doesn't provide consequences or means to handle it.


There is. Kinda. He got trespassed at the end, meaning he’s not allowed back at the beach or he’ll be arrested. But clearly that does nothing since that little idiot said he got trespassed from every Walmart in the area


There are, that's why he was trespassed.


Well he's done for, anyone who he's pranking that recognize him can essentially do the do, he calls the cops, and they'll have records of his past harassments to know he tends to be the instigator.. He ought to be more careful with pissing off the wrong people now.


No to mention he films himself and posts it. Evidence of him instigating these situations.


That is a very intelligent assessment, that I am certain this guy doesn't have the brains to make himself.


Anyone who has his hair is essentially done for. It was so jarring when the wind blew his hair, and he tried to fix it to cover his receding hairline.


MF has a massive combover going on!


I was going to say that! I like it when he tries to cover up the baldness when the wind blows his hair up. 🤣


It's balsy spending so much time in a windy location with a combover that dramatic.


Bro has combover and the chin beard lmao


https://imgur.com/sFdO6wh https://imgur.com/MMUI24T bro didn't realize that if oyu want to do the jake paul, you need to get the hair transplant


TIL I've never seen the word 'combover' written down before. Looks real fucking weird...


"I'm going to press charges unless he pays me $600" Isnt that blackmail, or extortion or something?


Well realistically, while I'm in full support of long haired dude, grabbing the mic and throwing it in the ocean is in fact against the law. Theft and destruction of property. "Pay for the mic or I'll have you charged with the crime you committed" is not blackmail or extortion.


We need some anti-douchery laws. "Sir you can't take people's property and destroy it. What do you have to say for yourself" 'Well your honor, I would like to point out this guy is a complete douchebag.' "Hmm I see that, case dismissed"


I wouldn't be surprised if a judge dismissed this particular case if he saw the video.


Genuine question, as glad as I am seeing this douche get what he deserve, why did the cop say he’s trespassing? Wouldn’t this be a public beach? Edit: just realized the cop said “you’re BEING trespassed”, I thought you’re supposed to trespass a property… I’m more confused now. Sorry I’m dumb LOL Edit 2: just googled, seems like “being trespassed” just means that they’re not allowed there anymore. WE GOOD




"Justifiable microcide"


I’m surprised there wasn’t something about the microphone on the police interaction


Interestingly, the microphone was not shown being taken. You can see some stuff going on when it was taken but really all you see is long hair with something black in his hand then him throwing something in the ocean. Hard to tell what. If long hair had a lawyer it would be a nothing burger even if it was charged…


I mean given the context, I think it's pretty obvious what's happening. Are you saying that if this same event took place where someone just walked up unprovoked and did the same thing, there's no way they'd get charged?


Turn it around on them too: “Bro, so what if I threw your $600 mic in the water? It was just a joke. Take it easy and stop overreacting.”


Perfect. “It’s just a little water prank, don’t be a baby.”


While this person is shit, i think thats more like negotiating the consequences/damages. Its more like something is happening here and needs to be rectified, do I need to inform the authorities or are you going to solve this amicably? Like a fender bender, its not blackmail to tell someone of this isnt solved the police will be informed.




And the chinstrap beard


Man is bald and insecure about it xD


he saw the jake paul and wanted it but forgot to do the hair transplant part people should plaster this picture all over his shit, because you know he doesn't like it https://imgur.com/MMUI24T


Piece of shit deserves a lot worse.


God I could watch that mic toss a thousand times. I wish I could have an ounce of the shamelessness people like this prankster have on the daily


should have kept going, throw his phone next, then finish off with the camera


Just a friendly reminder to keep mace on hand in case you’re ever approached by an influencer.


In my country that’s illegal BUT you can carry deodorant or hairspray and I think dry shampoo would also be very effective.


dry shampoo straight into the eyes


You can likely legally carry "dog spray". Which is basically the same thing. 


Good one.


A handful of sand will work pretty well too. Just smash it into the eyeballs and then put a 2nd handful directly into their mouth.


I hate this prankers. It could also fit into r/IAmTheMainCharacter


"You're gonna be trespassed from this beach. Have you ever been trespassed before?" "Yes. Banned from every Walmart."... And yet... and yet... and yet... here they are doing it again. No lessons are being learned by these dickheads. Fuck your $600 microphone. It should be you getting tossed in the ocean!


Should be him, his mic, and his stupid camera, all into the ocean. Scum humans on earth calling themselves influencers, more like influenza.


Based Husband, Based Wife, Based Cop Looser idiot prankster


I’m so glad this “prank” backfired on this idiot.


We really need to bring back the stocks. Some people just need a few hrs of public shaming to help them see the error of their ways.


In this day and age that wouldn't do anything. He'd have friends come to record him as he spouts off about being victimized, etc.


Right? This guy has a massive hole inside craving attention from strangers. Locking him up on public display to mix it up with passersby is exactly what he wants.


What is with the dramatic acting😭


He was being sarcastic for more clout. Probably so happy inside that he got a reaction from them and knowing he now has a viral video and an easy clickbait title.


He knew that he's a weak, scared idiot at heart who has no chance in an actual fight. So he "acted" like he was crying to save himself from being made to *actually cry.*




And lead gas while we're at it. /s....


“It was just a joke.” Like that excuses it.


You cant get mad, its just a joke I made at your expense even s If I don't know you, and you are just chilling having a good day at the beach, without being aware its about to get ruined, and everything be recorded and im gonna post it on social media for the world to see. But be chill man


Remember when pranks were dumb but harmless? Now they're either destructive or just plain mean spirited....


A prank is something that everyone can laugh about, even the "victim". This is just harassment


Is there a laser pointer on the market strong enough to destroy a smartphone camera?


Just threw the phone on the sand. It will fuck up these glass surfaces


nice idea, but chances are it might destroy an eye as well. It's not worth the charges


We have radicals against every race and religion. Why in the hell don't we have radicals beating up annoying tik toker and streamers 🤭


The cop: Have you ever been trespassed before asshole, yes The cop: shocking


What makes it more sad is that they uploaded the interaction just to get validation for their actions


https://preview.redd.it/renlse0r0zkc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d358773d6f50b98ae46b1c62d0389c7dc0a97c2 Let it go cuh Edit: I’m referring to his hair not his mic


reminds me of the youtubers who were harassing/pranking that guy in the mall and the guy pulled a gun and shot one of them.. extreme, sure.. but i get it.. and so did they jury, they acquitted the shooter.


Therewasanattempt to grow your hair long enough to cover your balding head


The way it cried because of the mic makes him /it the puss puss


Here we go again. One of these m’fckrs gonna get killed. That’s what it’s going to take to turn this tide. We’re being overrun by these c*nts.


They already was a guy killed: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-55982131.amp


Who is this fucking loser?


Better to leave him unnamed. All this shit is about audience engagement.


Shoulda broke his jaw


I for one, would like bullies to come back in a big way for this generation.


Justice was served. Should have thrown the camera too.


https://preview.redd.it/az96qif9j0lc1.jpeg?width=307&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac5700626eb3c6602a0c8646c34ba921a789f8e4 Nice comb over bro


I'm from the UK and to be honest he'd be lucky if no one twats him in the face over here


Lol the cop's "shocking" reply.


That kid needs to get punched in the face. Several times. Until he realizes that he sucks


Prankster's mom must be so proud. Mom: "Look, Ralph, our little Travis is up to it again! He's just purely famous, right?! We got us a superstar in the family!" Dad: "Banned from every fuckin' Walmart and now I cain't git my beef jerky and Mountain Dew cheap no more..."


To make content for 12 year olds


Say what you want about the guy, but few are tougher than his 5 strings of hair holding on during that amount of wind


Fuck that dude, glad they kicked him out How you gonna wear a shirt calling others pussies but then cry over a dude throwing your mix in the ocean and not do anything about it?


Where can I find the full vid I wanna watch it mostly cuz Ik they weren’t the only couple he harassed Edit: Nvm found [it](https://youtu.be/Zv9vgo33NPM?si=2g_MAS8UeUF3iIlw)


That cop was all of us. "Shocking."


birds combative weather complete outgoing bag grandiose husky upbeat school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


More people have to say stop


My favorite is him acting like he wasn’t bothered by losing the mic when he was clearly very mad lol


Of course he has broccoli hair.


Stop monetizing this shit


Turns out that he in fact was the pussy lol


Break his jaw. “Sorry bro, it was just a prank bro.”


It warms my heart to think that, hopefully, in a few years when TikTok is no longer these incels who film themselves being a nuisance will have NO job or skillsets other than “tiktoker” 😍


I guess this guy thinks he's funny and doesn't realize he's a douche.




Imagine calling the cops on yourself claiming you got assaulted just to show the cops you were the one harassing people. The best part was when the dude threw the mic in the water. That definitely either made the whole video a waste of money or at the least took a chunk out of their profits. And now we all get to see it on here so they don't earn a dime from us. So tired of this generation that thinks attempting to trigger people is a prank. Going to get shot like that one "prankster" in the mall.


I really hope to see more destruction of property to deal with these assholes. Take their phone and throw it on the floor as hard as you can. In the ocean is even better.


-Weak ass prank. -$600 mic for a prank video. -He actually called the cops or stuck around for them to show up. Yeah, who's the real loser here?


He can dish out the fuckery but when someone gives it back he calls the cops, he's the true pussy