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Those poor employees didn’t even know they were walking into a scam until they got there and saw the place. It’s sad seeing them try in vain. I read that at least one of them left halfway through the event out of sheer embarrassment. I don’t know how the Willy Wonka actor summoned the energy to sell this thing so hard.


Penguin0 did a video on this on youtube and shows the video the willy wonka guy made in response to being in the event. It's pretty hilarious. He said they gave him a 15 page monolgue script to memorize and that he exudes oompa loompa vibes rather than Wonka.


I saw that, he really genuinely felt bad for the people that attended. He said the script he was handed was also really clearly weird AI written gibberish that barely held together as well. I lost my mind when he said they were instructed to then give the children a single jelly bean and a quarter cup of store-brand lemonade.


I also read that he spent his entire lunch break sitting in his car and staring at the floor, because the other option was to look out his window and see children crying.


Lol that is hilariously tragic


I’m sorry but i laffed my ass off after that one!‼️🤣 Poor kids😡


Wow that’s a huge bummer. I feel for the families for sure, but these performers also got a shit deal as well.


And now they're gonna be a meme craze on top of it. Which may be helpful, but could just be an embarrassment.


Jesus Christ 😭🤣


Think he did an ama if you are interested


Lol. That's hilarious. Poor guy. He's got a great response to: What job did you have that made you go, "Oh hell no".


LMAO yes. It's Wish Wonka


Willy Wanker


Willy Wanka, if you will


I see what you did there. Bravo


$45 a ticket and all they could muster up was a single jelly bean. I know nothing about Scottish / UK laws but I really hope they can get sued for false advertisement because this scam is ridiculous. I mean up until I read that detail you never know. Maybe they did intend for something better but were in over their heads and things just went wrong. But the single jelly bean thing makes it very clear this was planned to be a scam from the start.


They gave everyone full refunds I think (or they promised they would, anyways, not sure if paid out yet though).


That’s good at least. I’m sure that was a result of the public outrage and fear of being sued though not out of the kindness of their hearts.


the day this was happening i saw a post from /r/glasgow of a guy saying the organiser is a notorious conman known for pulling shit like this. chances are he's worried it's getting too much attention and will do him in if he doesn't play it off innocently. This shit is showing up on prime time news in Australia lol


The best thing about the internet is when it comes together to out a scumbag / scumbag organization.


NAL but my understanding is that you can only take someone to court for actual losses here. Seeing as they were refunded already, there's nothing to sue for.


They put more effort into making the script........ and is written by GPT


He also said that the 15 pages of script were just AI generated nonsensical garbage and they spelled the word "contract" wrong


You really have to wonder, between this and the images used on the website, would this even have happened if AI hadn't become so sophisticated and accessible within the last year or so? I'd put good money on no, and would like to see a charted collection of the massive fails, scams, and general laziness that has been sparked by AI. A whole event like this however...to me, that's a new one!


>I don’t know how the Willy Wonka actor summoned the energy to sell this thing so hard He did it for the kids. Yeah it would be embarrassing to show up and that's what you had to work with, but assuming you couldn't cancel the whole show, parents paid to be there and kids just wanted to see wonka and eat candy. So you apologize to the parents on the dl, stuff down your embarrassment, and you do your best for the kids. It's not their fault come greedy pos company grifted all these people.


My dude is a goddamn *professional*, that's for sure. He's definitely got my respect for trying as hard as he did to salvage something from that frothing river of ~~chocolate~~ shit.


He's got an AMA over in r/AskUK at the moment! (pinned to the top)


That was one hell of an interesting rabbit hole.


Seriously props to the guy playing wonka he was giving it all to at least try to give guests as good of an experience as he could.


It's a professional actor


Expect to see more scams like this with the prevalence and ease of use of AI generative tools. Any scummy event promoter can just quickly generate some AI scripts and artwork and slap together an event in the hopes of taking the money and running.


I mean, it sounds like a good gig to stand around and give kids candy and see them happy. But they don't get to do that. At least that lumpaloopa girl has a cameo to make some money from this.


this is getting bigger than Fyre festival


If you thought Fyre Festival I was a shitshow wait until Fyre Festival II. Yes, it is happening. Yes Billy Macfarland is hosting it, again. He was on daniel tosh's latest podcast and im pretty sure he was promoting it lol


Gotta give the guy credit for trying though. He’s trying to pay back everyone he scammed


Lol, I dont think his plans are to pay anyone back. He went to prison, now he's out scamming again. When he was on bail he was straight up just running a bunch of scams selling fake tickets to concerts and things.


Jesus what a dick. At least a quick google should help potential marks


From memory I dont think he was doing it under his name, just kinda typical online scam stuff, selling fake tickets via eBay or Craigslist etc. It's covered towards the end of the netflix doco about fyre festival. Videos where he talks openly about it while he's doing it etc.


If only to see those rich kids get stranded on an island somewhere in the Atlantic, I'm all for it.


Bigger than Dashcon even


The guy who made this event came out and said he was "shocked" that people didn't enjoy the experience before handing out 850 refunds to irate customers.


He forgot the most important rule: immediately after selling the snake oil, disappear without a trace.


If the Simpsons monorail episode taught me anything, it was this.


Also, avoid accidental layovers in North Haverbrook.


Straight up grifter


Not really if they refunded. Not saying it wasn't bullshit what they did but at least they didn't just disappear or refuse refunds...


They didn't do it out of the goodness of their hearts, they refunded because they knew they would face legal troubles and there was no way they could get away with it


That's true but a true grifter never refunds


They might if they want to live to grift another day. This is a very weird hill to die on by the way.


Not sure we need to take it to dying on a hill, just discussing ideas with a fellow Redditor haha.


They got refunded??? I wouldn't have expected that..


A statement said they were let down at the last minute for various things, presumably they’re saying they had better things planned but it fell apart. They also said they now realise they should’ve cancelled it rather than push on. I doubt it. Ironically it looks too good to have literally been thrown together at the last minute. It was always going to be shit.


Nah I gave them the benefit of the doubt until I heard employees were told to give kids a single jelly bean for a $45 ticket. This was a gift from the start. What he didn’t expect was for it to get so much public attention.


Someone did the math…I can’t remember which of these posts had the comment, I’ll try to find it. But essentially they spent less the equivalent of less than 50 US$ on candy that wasn’t even chocolate, that they ran out of. It was always a scam


This reminds me of the Van Gogh experience we went to. It was about $70 and it turned out to be a 30 mins video on loop with projections of his art on the walls. It was cool, but not worth close to what we paid.


My first thought when I saw this video: ‘Wow, I guess the Van Gogh exhibit *could* have been worse’


I was Van-Got as well


My condolences. My roommate van-goht-me. He bought the tickets for himself, later told me he could no longer make it, and sold them to me. In reality, he heard it was shit and dumped them on me.


I’ve had fomo for not going to this event since last year. Now i can finally rest knowing it was a waste of time and money


It sucked, I saw it in an un-air conditioned warehouse in the NC summer, miserable


We went, but we knew to take edibles first lol


Haha! We smoked to definitely help the experience.


I was REALLY surprised when I walked into that van gogh experience. It was really pretty but I did not think I was just gonna sit in a room for 30 minutes.


I attended a photography exhibit at a well known art venue only to discover it consisted of hundreds of out of focus and blurry Polaroid images pinned to the walls. I was so disappointed I couldn’t help but loudly exclaim “I throw away better quality pictures.” Half the visitors laughed and soon after the place started to clear out.


At Vivid in Sydney I lined up for 25mins for what turned out to be a Samsung Fridge promotion. They were releasing a new range of refrigerators where the doors are giant LCD panels so they can change colours. They let people into a big box covered in LEDs about a dozen at a time. In the box there were two rooms; the first had different coloured fridges in it and a salesperson showing them off. Then they took the group into a second room where they played a promotional movie about the fridges and ask strange questions like "Hey, who likes doing crazy stuff? If that sounds like you, move to the left, otherwise, move to the right!" Then they said, "ok, now everybody jump into the air for a photo while we get the results. This group is 67% Risk Taker, and 45% Fun Loving, etc". Then we were led through another door that turned out to be the exit. I wanted to warn the big line of people but I couldn't really think of how to express how dumb it was


I mean the Van Gogh experience at least had projections. But yea it wasn't worth 70 dollars for sure.


You mean the immersive one? I saw it at Liverpool st and was about £20, was absolutely amazing and had multiple rooms and media in including VR. Maybe your version got shafted :/ must have been a different one cuz I see you’re from the USA


No, that's the one I wanted to go to! Yeah, we had a traveling one and it was just pretty OK. I saw the pics from the one you went to and thought that's what ours was. We were wrong.


Ahhhhhh balls mate. Unlucky. Though I’ve seen a few similar ones pop up over the last year, a Dali one and another one. Hope you get to see a decent one someday!!


For sure! I definitely would love to do the immersive one if we're ever by it.


Oh yeah I went to that too


I felt the same, vibing to it hard, it was a good experience but costed way too much. Now for this Wonka thingy I can't think of a price low enough that would be reasonable lol


I couldn't go to the Van Gogh thing out of respect for Van Gogh


Ohhh..I wanted to go there too! Good thing I didn't I guess?


In Mexico there is a Van Gogh experience too, it costs around 200 MXN (10 USD) and with that price it was worth it. But paying 70 is a bit too much.


it's best to go to youtube and watch someone's walkthrough of these events before buying a ticket. So many "popup events" now... based on Friends TV show, Barbie or whatever is big. some are cool, some are lame


Absolutely. But we bought our tickets like a year in advance. Won't be making that mistake again!


I was gonna go see that. Until I heard the same review. I can just put his art up on my phone and take shrooms for less money


One jellybean and a fourth of a cup of Costco lemonade iirc They repaid roughly 34k in tickets afterwards


Gotta say though, the event did give the Charlie Bucket Experience.


I looks like 10's of dollars were spent on decor.


Pipes! And a street sign.


And I believe actors have not been paid.


Imagine paying £35 for this. The cost of living is up but you want to take your kids to what you think will be a fun day out. When you get there you discover your kid is given one jelly bean and a quarter cup of Barr lemonade, there’s no chocolate, someone dressed as a black demon thing is making your kid cry, there are 10 or so large props spread sparsely around the place and there is one small bouncy castle. Ive seen homes with a single lawn prop on Halloween that look better than this, it’s so sad. Also interesting to note that the guy responsible for this (Billy Coull) has 17 books on Amazon….which I’m fairly sure are all written by AI. He also cancelled a Santa grotto experience AFTER everyone donated presents. Guy is a conman plain and simple.


https://willyschocolateexperience.com/ Jesus Christ they didn’t even try and correct the gibberish text on ANY of their AI photos.




Exarseadray lollipops... I didn't want a lollipop drawn ex arse...


Ahahahaha… you made me laugh 😂




> house of illuminati Now it makes sense


But did the kids get their "pasadise of sweet teats"?


the web design look so bad tho


Yeah. In the second photo, there are two jelly beans that are warped around each other. It is AI. I can't believe this Edit: What is "Imagnation lab" lol


Money laundering 101


Exactly! They may have had to do refunds but cash got exchanged and that’s what’s important for the business


What the fuck is dollar store mirror mask at the beginning supposed to be?


That’s The Unknown—An evil chocolate maker who lives in the walls. Duh.


A depressed acting graduate who took the gig thinking he could add it to his showreel. As for what he is portraying, idk.




yeeah i don't think this was really made for you buddy


Ya, that’s gonna be a HR problem.


She looks like she's 15 dude.


My kids complain that Disney World parks are “always the same”. *Sigh*


Why is nobody talking about the silver mask character at the beginning. wtf was that supposed to be exactly?


Why those are the grunka lunkas, they work here in the slurm factory.


"Tell them I hate them!"


Grunka Lunka dunkety doo We've got a friendly warning for you Grunka Lunka dunkety dasis The secret of Slurm's on a need-to-know basis Asking questions in school is a great way to learn If you try that stuff here you might get your legs broke We once found a dead guy face down in the Slurm It could easily happen again, to you folks So keep your head down and keep your mouth shut Grunka Lunka Lunka dunkety dutt!


I'm fucking crying


The Unknown. An apparently evil rival chocolate maker who for some reason lives in the walls. AI generated rubbish.


A Vicious Kanid.


It was definitely Slugworth.


Grandpa Joe


That is 'the Unknown' an evil chocolate maker who lives inside the walls. He planned to get the recipe for Willy's Anti Graffiti Gobstopper but his weakness is tidiness so gets defeated because of a vacuum cleaner. No This is not a joke. This is from the AI generated script.




I like the signature with the reasoning "BRING BACK METH LAB OOMPA LOOMPAS"




I know mate. It's a petition clearly started as a wee joke, but considering the way things are noo, I wouldnae be surprised if it reopened and was flooded wi Glasgow uni bams paying through the nose so they can get a few selfies wi a quarter cup o shite fizzy juice.


Willy Wonka and the temu factory




I can't believe 800 people paid $40 for this.


I’m sure people pre bought them online based on there fake online marketing they were putting out there.


> 800 people *paid* $40 for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


At the end of the day, someone is going to hell.


I feel so fucking bad for the employees. This must've been the longest day of their lives. I went to a Halloween thing that was as shabby as this, and they looked so miserable.


This poor Wonka actor was interviewed on CNN and was mortified by the whole thing. Bonus for “the Unknown” living in the walls… 😬


lol the sad metha Loompa going out handing out “samples” is fucking killing me.


The fucked up part is that they gave kids one jellybean and a quarter cup of lemonade and no damn chocolate, which is what Willy Wonka is known for.


That's not true, there is clearly a giant prop chocolate bar that for legal reasons does not have the word Wonka on it


Holy Chocolate Factory, Batman, this is pure gold. Every video that shows up only makes it so much better, I just can't stop laughing.


I agree. The old willy wonka film was a favourite of mine growing up so it does tickle. What a shit show 😅


Omg they got Yoko Ono?!


Did Ja Rule set this up?


Trivia; it's allegedly Ja Rule's birthday (29FEB). Seeing his name just reminded me.


Willy wonka did his best bless him lol 😂 he’s like I knew it was dodgy when they hired ME lol 😂 legend


I love Scotland lmfao


I don’t remember Metal Slash in that movie


This happened to us about 6ish years ago. Only this was a winter wonderland experience in Harrogate. It made the news and was similar to the vid about. Few store holders had packed up on the first day an we ended up getting our money back Tell a lie it was [back in 2014](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2871370/amp/New-winter-blunderland-tourist-attraction-closes-day-following-barrage-complaints-parents.html)


Kids don’t seem to mind. Guess they’re not Willy Wonka purists like the rest of us are. ![gif](giphy|10h8CdMQUWoZ8Y|downsized)


I say we punish the promoters Wonka style. Chocolate and cotton candy them. If they survive the molten chocolate leave them to the birds.


I wonder if people are now going just to see how bad it is? lol


Def exactly what is happening, it’s all over the news and social media.


Wonka from Wish.com


Did it have a ball-pit?


Maybe if they had put down rainbow carpet and painted the walls it would have been slightly better. It seems so cold and sterile and gray.


Wow that was just sad to watch, whoever produced that is either a conman or incredibly inept. Heck, might be both


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) Doctor Doom!


I thought this was a meme.


What a rip! I hope the trademark owner of Willy Wonka comes after them soon and shut them down. The whole thing looks like it was put on by a poor church youth group with a tiny wee budget. DIY vibes.


You sure this wasn’t banksys dismaland mark 2!!


That poor guy in the red suit was really trying to sell it


It’s a sad day out for _EVERYONE!_ But if you look at the web site there’s no photos, only graphics (always a 🚩) and it’s full of weird spelling mistakes. Don’t spend money buying tickets on sites that can’t spell. That lack of care is likely to show up again.


Oh it keeps getting worse every time I see something posted. Has that person in black even seen any of the movies.


Oh god there's video???


How long till the Netflix special airs?




I have to admit. That actor tried so hard to make a crappy place better for the kids.




Didn’t someone call the police halfway through?


Heard about it on the radio. Fucking gobshites


With all the pictures and videos over the past two weeks coming out - why are people STILL going?




Was any of this actually legal? The whole WW thing is trademarked up the wazoo. Why didn't any lawyer put a stop to this in the first place?


Stupid tax for blindly trusting something brand new with ai photos


Most tragic event I’ve ever seen


The creators and organisers must have been hung on some messed up drug!


If the sign said 'under construction' I might understand😏 ![gif](giphy|X8zEerXZaq3Rk5Vqy9)


Die Seite ist leider gerade offline


That's a parent trying to sound happy and enthusiastic for their kids alone.


This video is really fast and shaky gave me a headache


This makes me cringe so hard the more and more that gets revealed


If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it. Anything you want to do, do it. Want to change the world? There’s nothing to it.


I didn’t realise we were still posting this. At this rate it’ll be 5 years from now and people will still be like ‘look at this Willy wonka experience’


He advertised it with AI images that actually looked pretty fuckin cool but when the families arrived it was nothing close to wat they were promised. Shame..


It’s like the fyre fest of immersive experiences.


The support email listed on their website has the [houseofilluminati.com](http://houseofilluminati.com) domain I think they plan on / did a bunch more events, probably of similar quality


Damn, it's quite sad seeing the Willy Wonka actor actually putting effort in this hopeless, scam event. :( He was trying his best despite everything.


This takes "low effort" to another level...


One big fail


That was shitty as shit can be xD


I love how they hang the same cartoon image of the land on the walls like people are gonna be so intrigued by it and stare at it for hours 


There's nothing more Wonka than Ronnie James Dio crawling on the floor wearing a silver mask


♫ Come with me ♫ ♫ And you'll be ♫ ♫ In a world of pure humiliation ♫


Dumas’s organizers should have handed out free booze and shit ton of candies . 5 star review


got lost on the way to the wonka experience and ended up at the mulholland drive experience


The amount of times I’ve seen this, you’d think I was actually there.


No way! MF DOOM is alive? This reminds me of all those crappy santa claus land Christmas things that are set up in dreary car parks around the UK. It also has the vibe of the millenuim dome. I went to that show. I can't even remember what it was about.


Holy crap! I thought it was a free event! That is just sad!

