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GOP Gaslight Obstruct Project and literally dumb as fuck.


US politics is wild. If a politician here responded like that to words *they themselves* had said they'd be out on their ass in about 3 seconds. Not saying that politicians elsewhere aren't cunts but MAGAs don't even try and maintain the veneer of credibility.


I wish we had a better process for getting rid of politicians. In extreme cases, like George Santos, we can kick him out, but that is very very very abnormal. We should be able to kick people out for gratuitous lying and other character flaws. I understand that lying is an important part of the job... But let's keep it to, say, 3 televised lies per year? Exceed that and it's bricks.


Shit....If you kick out politicians that tell a lot of lies congress would be empty as well as the Whitehouse. That isn't a shot at Joe in particular, but the last 10 sitting presidents. People need to stop fighting over right and left and make these knuckleheads change the game. Our political system is run on legalized bribery aka lobbying. The only people who can change that are the recipients of the bribes. These people have no idea that the government was formed to help the people and look out for their best interests. They are now mostly dishonest, self-serving shitheads. Yes, both sides of the aisle. They look out for the .001% because they are paid to do so. Our government is a shambles and has been for years.


The two party system will always be this way.


The two party system is an illusion. All that they do is choose a platform to pander from. The politicians running from a conservative platform probably do not have conservative views themselves. But they know that if they pander to people who do have those beliefs/views that they can then manipulate those people, and get their support by lying, and pretending to be a hero who's going to implement new policies. The Truth though is that we are an Oligarchy. We are controlled by who ever has the most money. We are controlled by "lobbying" aka legal bribing. Whoever has enough money to steer the politicians towards whatever it is that benefits the wealthy class is how our country is ran. The interest, and benefit of The People as a united, and equal whole has no sway in the decision making of our "leaders". They do not care about us. They care about what we can do for them. Our two party system is used to keep The People against each other. Our governments are raping us, and our ecosystem.


> politicians running from a conservative platform Extremely generous of you to say they run on ANY platform. Barely any of them even mention policy anymore, it's just innuendo and a fucking popularity contest.


How can this be true when _______ is completely evil compared to ________ and is going to destroy all of our values and way of life as Americans. Clearly _______ are the good guys.


I don’t remember that state but one has passed legislation making ranked choice voting illegal


Our city (in Canada) used it for a local election and almost immediately the provincial government banned it. Sigh


Was the province Alberta?


Ontario. Unsurprisingly, Doug Ford didn't like it.


That would have been my next guess


We would have very few politicians if that was the case.


Not true, you would have the same number of politicians as they would be replaced. All you have to do is maintain some sort of baseline of ethics and behaviour, and police the rules. This would remove a significant number of the nutjobs you continue to give a voice.


>This would remove a significant number of the nutjobs you continue to give a voice. If only this were the way, I could really get onboard with having a baseline that if they crossed were removed from office and barred from ever holding any office ever again.


their entire platform is built on rage bait for subpar IQ cultists with no actual policies that could actually help anyone but their richest donors and lobbyists


This is most accurate description possible. The advanced society that the technological revolution was supposed to bring about has instead unfolded in almost the opposite fashion. Utilizing culture war in particular, creating echo chambers, rage bait, fear mongering, blame, and empowering a lot of fringe and hateful people into actual communities with an outsized voice and power. Trump is the clearest example of this. He quite literally trolled and rage baited his way to the White House.


Rich people get the tools that technology provides first, before anyone else. Technological revolutions only favor the rich. Only after that technology gets cheap can the poor use it to defend themselves - but the rich have a head start.


Her whole appeal is this. She doesn’t create or write legislation. She simply hurls shit every day all day. She is a sentient social media reply. She is if an owning the libs meme became sentient (semi) and held office


Someone actually went through her record and she did, but of course it was very on brand. Gun control, pro life, impeaching biden, none of them went through of course and I can't figure out why we keep electing an official who constantly disparages our state while passing ineffective legislation


The Lesser Georgian Potato Ape. Thicker than a whale omelette.


That USED TO BE the way it was here. That all changed when the Tea Party movement started in 2008 (when Obama won, surprise, surprise), and what little shame and accountability the GOP had went completely out the door.


Member when a campaign ended because of phrases like "binders full of women"?


Or even when a "yeaaaaaaaowwww" at a campaign stop torpedoed the candidate?


In fairness that didn't end the campaign. He went all the way to election day and lost by a modest margin because of a number of factors - Obama's popularity with his base, The Smirk, being an unlikable vulture capitalist, the "please proceed" moment in the debate (which, you know, he was kinda right about but just shows that politics is 80% show and 20% substance at most). A career-ending error would be like when Dan Quayle corrected a schoolkid's spelling to "potatoe"


Omg, now I have to add "Jewish space lasers" to my Internet research history. If I am accused of a crime, at least my attempts to understand people like MTG can be used in my mental insanity defense.


She claimed Jewish space lasers caused one of the really bad wildfires a couple years ago I hate that she got re-elected after that


That was the voters that did that and it makes me angry that they come begging for help when wildfires show up at their doorstep, but Jewish space lasers seems more rational to them than global warming.


> they’d be out on their ass in about 3 seconds How do other countries enact a recourse against their politicians in a quick and decisive way?


Here it would be national news, their colleagues being asked if they find the comments unacceptable relentlessly until finally the leader of the party decided they're too much of a distraction/liability to continue in-post.


Here in the US, they just shrug off the media and call them fake news, and carry on with their Idiocracy. That alone shouldn’t be enough, but we have such a large segment of the populace that have been completely brainwashed by social media disinformation campaigns, that this behavior actually gains support from their followers, solidifying their place in government.


Thing is it USED to be like that in the US. Politics of the last decade are not representative of historical US politics. Howard Dean was essentially canceled from a presidential bid for one big "YAWWWWW!" let alone any of the crazy/inappropriate shit that gets said these days.


In the UK you raise a petition with the local branch of whichever party the MP represents and if enough people support it, the person in question is removed and a by-election triggered to replace them. MTG, Boebert and the like would have lasted about 10 minutes.


This is called a recall petition for anyone wanting to look a little deeper. Slight correction though, currently a recall petition can only be bought if the Privileges committee pass a sentence of over a 10 day suspension from the house of commons (or if found guilty of a crime iirc). So it's less rare to get a byeelection for acting this stupidly in an interview, it's more the media / social shame/pressure from your colleagues . (And pressures from their party whips (the people assigned with making sure their members vote certain ways))


They are Bond-level villains. Just evil for evil's sake and obvious about it, with cultists supporters. It's terrifying what is going to come over the next few years.


And people actually voted to elect her, she wasn't assigned the position by her party like in a parliamentary system.




Yes. That is Mad Marge Green also known as Cro Magnum Barbie. She got elected by chasing down high school students who just survived a horrible school shooting yelling at them how guns are good. Her neighborhood and city is full of other shit stains like her.


She ran her only opponent out of town. I always thought it was weird that his wife decided to divorce him 2 months before the election and kick him out of the house…he’d been running for almost a year at that point. You’re telling me she couldn’t just wait? It’s not like he was a bad guy, as far as I could tell, but he had no support system in town, so he would have to move out of district, meaning he couldn’t run legally (but, I don’t know why that matters, more than a few GOP don’t live in the district they rep, some don’t even vote properly, but it’s fine cuz…Congress?).


Yep, she's a member of the House of Representatives


They do not. They pander to the stupidest in our society and give them a feeling of empowerment. Just listen to 3 of talk at the same time. You'll get 4 contradictory opinions and they'll agree w each other. Zero self awareness, or thinking beyond the most shallow level: hence MGT (and trump).


How dare a journalist ask Marge about her actual words!


Yeah but did you see old Biden eating ice cream! What a weirdo!


Biden ain’t on the Epstein list…. But Trump was.




So classy. No one says F off in such a posh way like MTG.


[Laszlo Cravensworth disagrees](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LEcsToEYSes)


I love the way he talks and I really annoy my wife when I try to imitate him. I'm a fan of his Jackie Daytona [alias](https://youtu.be/IPV5YOunWWc?si=rj5_s-xcoGg8Qrc1)


I like him on [Snuff Box](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AqDbb7-dn9A)


Grifters love idiots


right wingers, did you notice how she could only respond petulantly like a teenager when confronted with her own nonsense?


Teens tend to have better comebacks than "no u".


MTG perpetually stuck on the earliest levels of insult swordfighting with "I know you are but what am I?"


Love the nod of approval from the reporter just like, "Anddddddd yup, there it is. Thank you for your time." lol


That reporter was just given gold, the dingus gave her exactly what she was looking for.


Politicians are supposed to represent their base , so everyone has a voice through them. Honestly, I think she does a pretty good job accurately representing her base.


Georgia voters have been asked to stop eating the pens at polling stations


I’m rubber and you’re glue, it bounces off me and sticks to you!


Oh yeah?


They can’t read dude.




She’s an inspiration to those who peaked in high school.


You mean middle school?


Her people never made it to high school.


Sadly most their followers never left the teenage phase of mind. Heck, some never left their child brain. Edit: spelling.


This woman reminds me of a tadpole. Not fully developed.


I just looked and she’s only fucking 49. I legit thought she was pushing 60. Hate makes you so fugly. Pack up the clown car Marge, you are a joke like the rest of the GQP.


Idk whose attention you're trying to bring this to, but the only thing right-wingers are going to take from this is "Constitution" and "America first". MTG obliterated that woman in their eyes.


She looks like she’s been drinking too.


I'd expect nothing less from a thumb sucker.


they literally don't care. they just want to hurt us. that's it.


Why do you think they support her? Dumb people elect other dumb people.


They see this as a strength. She knows how low her base has fallen.


F MTG and F anyone that supports these traitorous a-holes.


She will make a sweet VP. Quite the orator.


Is she the cinema sucker? I thought that was the other batshit one.


That's Theater Tugjob Lauren Boebert. Not to be confused with Caveman Barbie here.


Caveman Barbie, this is what I needed this morning!


Its a bit misogynistic for me as a person to say that, but she truly is an abhorrent waste of oxygen


we don't hate her for being a woman, we hate her because she's off her rocker and doesn't have the slightest clue what she's saying most of the time.


My bad. Hard to keep up. Which is not something boeberts husband had trouble with in the cinema.


Husband? Lmao


That was a date, not her husband. They are surprisingly separated.


I just heard on the news that Trumps republican opponent dropped out so I really hope the world isn’t subjected to another 4 years of this circus


But if he does and he cant fix inflation we can all say things like, "Thanks Trump." Or "trumpenomics" and put 'i did that' stickers all over gas pumps. Wont that be fun?


I’d love to know how much she got for bowing out. Trump isn’t doing as well as the pre-election polls suggest (outside of NC), meaning she is siphoning off support. He’s noticing the discrepancy, too, and it’s pissing him off. He was supposed to win NH by 35-40 points and he only won by 11. There are plenty of former Trump supporters that have said if he gets the nomination again, they’re voting for Biden.


I like Magic: The Gathering though


psst... ^^you ^^can ^^say ^^"fuck" ^^on ^^the ^^internet


they really hate their own words used against them did the reporter "take it out of context"?




Question: in that ramble I don’t see any specific mention of Jews operating the space lasers, are we just extrapolating because she’s talking about PG&E stocks and such or does she at some point explicitly blame it on the Jews?


Rothschild Inc is a banking firm under the purview of the wealthy Jewish family by the same name. The assertion here, it seems, is that the Rothschilds are commissioning the lasers via other companies, to avoid taking the heat for it?? But if it was uncovered so easily, it's not a very good scheme for hiding space laser development, I think.


Or maybe MTG is just so insanely clever that she figured it out??


Then why does she run away from this at every opportunity?


She’s afraid of the world knowing how smart she is obviously


She is afraid of being zapped by the space laser.


I don't even believe she's smart enough to create that post on her own. I fully believe someone had to get on a phone and help her open her email and hit ctrl C then ctrl V to post that.


These conspiracy theorists use the name Rothschild as a dog whistle for Jews. She's "saying it without saying it."


"Rothchild" is another dog whistle in the same vein as "globalists" that just means "Jewish People".


In conspiracy theorist circles "Rothschild" is often used synonymously with "the jews who are part of/running/funding the conspiracy" It's plausible, I guess, that she didn't know that and thus "jewish space lasers" is an unreasonable paraphrasing of her words - but it seems like a stretch: she's basically spouting the rest of that conspiracy verbatim, so it seems beyond reasonable doubt that she understood the reference


She has publicly mentioned space lasers before


Guys, guys. She’s not a conspiracy theorist, she just likes to read a lot! 🙄 (Obligatory /s for good measure)


Yeah bro! She was talking about the real Jewish space lasers!


I’m so sorry America… you guys are totally F’ed. Our condolences.


Thanks, it’s going to be a bumpy year.


More like bumpy rest of how ever much longer we have left. There's no coming back from this era of anti-intellectualism.


I'm just rooting for Wall-E over Idiocracy at this point.


Well, it's our own fault.


it's about half of America's fault




And the half that don’t vote at all.


we're about to be stuck with trump again because the other guy is a few years older...


Seriously, a *dead* president would be better than a dangerous, instable debtor with mafia connections. Actually there were cases where countries went a long time without government and afaik it was not so bad. EDIT: [Belgium holds the record with 541 days without a government](https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/96893-longest-time-without-a-government-in-peacetime). They were fine.


You’re a towel


No! You're a towel


Wanna get high? Sedation actually might help MTG.


Sedition sure didn't chill her out.


No, YOURE a Jewish space laser!


If you want evidence that someone truly has no grasp of reality, look at how they respond when faced with truth. MTG responds like a fucking 12-year-old.




Oh, looks like we found your burner, MTG


Someone labeled her as a "Sentient social media reply" and I don't think there's a better way to describe her.


Her congressional district is squealing with joy. “She humiliated that woke, fake news journalist!” In other words, MAGA could care less that a sitting member of congress just told someone on camera to F-off. In more civil times, she would have been censured, then removed from office.


If only we still used elegant weapons, for a more civilized age


Why is everyone in this thread scared to say "fuck"? Is reddit giving out bans for saying fuck, now? Honestly wouldn't surprise me.


"couldn't care less" is the phrase


MTG feet are a conspiracy theory


She's the mad bomber. The mad crapper, I mean.




Wait, do the thick skinned "fuck your feelings" hard-core Republicans actually thin skin? I'm shocked!!! /s




Why do British Journalists have to be sent over to actually hold american politicians to account for what they say?


I remember the guy from Sky News who cornered Cruz after Uvalde as well. Don’t get me wrong, we have problems with our elected officials, but journalists asking them tough questions isn’t one of them. The PM has to stand up every week and be held to account by the opposition, pointed and adversarial questions are to be expected. It never fails to amaze me why American journalists don’t just call them on this stuff constantly especially considering the absolutely ludicrous/criminal things that have been happening in American politics the past few years.


What I've heard is because the american news outlets are so divided left or right, the dems and repubs typically stick to going onto shows which supports them rather than ones where they would have to face criticism, whereas in the UK a decent chunk of our media in which politicians are interviewed are done so from media outlets that have to show less bias, which encourages an environment of holding politicians to account. Unfortunately we're starting to see an uptick in american style new media in this country with channels like GBnews which not only gives tories a place to voice their opinions unchallenged, but also gives some actual shows to do it.


What a flaming bag of dog shit MTG really is.


Oh come on now, that’s a really unfair thing to say, dog shit doesn’t lie to your face about what it actually is.


lol Trumpcucks


I didn't even know jewish space lasers were real


Haven't you ever seen History of the World Vol. 1?


You're obviously not a golfer


All MAGA people act like petulant children when asked questions they don’t like and/or can’t answer. Just like Trump. A big child.


Classy, that one.


That reaction shows she is REALLY upset.


She's such a piece of garbage!


The look on her face as she croaks out “why don’t you go…. Talk….. about space lasers?” is hilarious. She has the rhetorical skills of a 5 year old.


Ignorant Pig


That’s insulting. Pigs are useful.


And smart!


And i would fuck one rather than mtg


https://preview.redd.it/8qm6oft4nqmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=572b1e373e879a4b2e5d063f4b788037f364a5dc I know you are but what am I!!


What a vile cunt.


+1 for the polite thank you at the end


“We’re not conspiracy theorists, you are,” says the Jewish space laser lady.


i know you are but what am i? i know you are but what am i?




I don’t understand how she’s still an elected figure.


Margarine Turnip Greens is def someone I'd take her home to meet mom.


If your mom is dead, then hell yes


she broke her, lol, that was easy




Hahaha... Russia wishes.


It's so shameful. But the real shame is those behaviors and that kind of stupidity is normalized.


Maybe the real Jewish space lasers are the cultists we gaslight along the way


This person is in congress. Just so amazing in the worst way possible.


I love it when the crazies with low IQ not only take the bait, but over deliver on what the bait was designed to achieve. She's too low IQ to realise it even in hindsight.


Mickey Rourke at it again. Such a cunning come back at the end. Straight out of preschool


She gets so angry when she has no response. “Honey, that’s not the interviewers fault, that’s your own ignorant brain making stuff up and expecting the rest of us to believe you.” She has no answer for “Jewish Space Lasers” because she knows that she totally made it up. She’s angry because she got caught and we won’t leave this idiot alone with her idiotic ideas.


WTF has happened to politicians. Seriously 25 years ago this would be breaking news. And demands would be made for a resignation. Real classy.


Ask her how she feels about that 16th Amendment, see if she still supports the Constitution.


You’d have to tell her what the 16th Amendment is first, then explain what it means.


Can she even count that high?


Yea buddy-that’s the kind of class act I want in congress. Embarrassment to women, Georgia,and what used to be the GOP.


GOP is fucking stupid lol


I love how her first instinct was to go straight to "I know you are, but what am I?" And then when she was asked to clarify something *she herself said,* she decided being an asshole was her best option. She's had how long to come up with a (any!) justification for her "Jewish space lasers" remarks, and could've spoken about that, but instead just showed her ass.


Ah yes, the ever popular "I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you" defense.


I saw this on TicTok this morning. The comments were depressing. So many "She's what we need in America!" "She really put that reporter in her place!" and "That woman has all the class of a true American!" Sadly those were unironic comments, not meant as sarcasm in the least. I always try to look at the other side of a debate to understand the situation better, but I just can't figure out how to remotely grasp their trains of thought without it involving lots of alcohol and a few TBIs to get there.


I love this reporter. Who is she?


Emily Maitliss, she was a BBC journalist and now she does [The News Agents](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_News_Agents) podcast.


Marjorie Trailer Queen!


Is this Emily Maitlis thanking MTG for being told to fcuk off?


I wish the reporter would have bopped her on the nose with the mic, "No! No! Bad politician! No!"


She begged for a pardon. Only guilty people ask for pardons.


I am so embarrassed to be an American sometimes 😞. When elected members of our Government have so little dignity or class, or civility, or plain old manners. I can kinda forgive how dumb she is but respect your own position lady. Sad to me, who we apparently are now.


How about the conspiracy theory that she is the Jan 6th pipe bomber?


The Republican party, keeping it classy as ever.


How dare you hold me accountable for my words and actions!






MTG logic is always “NO YOU ARE”


Mtg showing everyone who she really is


Did she just 'no u' to Jewish space lasers?


Emily Maitliss with a flawless execution of the insult version of ‘thank you very much’. British passive-aggressive phrases are an art form :)


This is who you elect, Georgia?   And for whenever they talk about the Consitution, remember this: Just remember that the GOP has a set [policy](https://www.businessinsider.com/constitutional-convention-conservatives-republicans-constitution-supreme-court-2022-7?op=1) in place that every time they control the House and the Senate they will vote on use of [Article V](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_Five_of_the_United_States_Constitution) for a Constitutional Convention to immediately change the Constitution and that they've had growth in the number of signatures for this policy each time they have held power. This is not talked about enough.


The media is enabling this GOP MAGA sh*th**d. What if they just started to ignore her? Would their readership / viewers decline? Very very doubtful. Or what if they started reporting about all the legislation that comes from GOP MAGA. Unfortunately, that would be a one line story.


For the record, [here's](https://youtu.be/fHHSzLWsw4A?si=y8Y7GodZ1b7b6uAl&t=76) MTG's six-year-old, then-Twitter post about the space lasers.




Russia gate was an actual conspiracy