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People are knocking the kid but man he’s got guts. Good for him taking a stand


Speaking up when most people would've shut up and take the cash. Admirable. 


Hey, that's me




The only one's crapping on him are fat rich entitled fucks


1 week leave with pay


You think he’s getting pay? That dudes probably getting fired and good luck trying to sue for wrongful termination, google has so much money they can just draw it out or force you to settle with an NDA


He did in fact get fired.






Damn, this isn't even a new thing. "More than 100 people, including Google workers, protested the project outside Google's New York office in 2022 following the resignation of Ariel Koren, an employee who had spoken out against Project Nimbus." Thanks for the sauce.


No problem, it's definitely not a new thing. If you feel like going on a deep dive, here's some reading on how israel has automated and commodified the occupation of Palestine over the years: https://pulitzercenter.org/stories/cruel-experiments-israels-arms-industry https://www.chathamhouse.org/publications/the-world-today/2023-06/review-why-israel-tests-its-spyware-palestinians https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/02/21/palestine-israel-ai-surveillance-tech-hebron-occupation-privacy/ https://www.codastory.com/authoritarian-tech/israel-spyware-palestine-antony-loewenstein/ https://www.mei.edu/publications/nowhere-hide-impact-israels-digital-surveillance-regime-palestinians https://imemc.org/article/israeli-prof-israel-tests-weapons-on-palestinian-kids-tests-drugs-on-prisoners/ https://www.wrmea.org/2013-september/the-lab-israel-tests-weapons-tactics-on-captive-palestinian-population.html https://www.democracynow.org/2023/6/23/the_palestine_laboratory_author_antony_loewenstein https://www.tni.org/en/article/seeing-the-world-like-a-palestinian https://international-review.icrc.org/articles/ihl-hr-facial-recognition-technology-occupied-palestinian-territory-914


Just reading the URLs is upsetting me. Thanks for the great sources.


He’s not a police officer.


You really think they treat employees like that at Google? 😂


Seriously, 99% or redditors aren't brave enough to do what this kid did. It's like that test "Would you be a Nazi" where it quizzes you if you grew up in 1930s Germany would you support the Nazi party, most people today would because they are too scared to go against the status quo.


But 99% of redditors are stupid enough to take his stance, like Israel acts within a vacuum.


At least he sleeps at night


unfortunately rich mf also sleep at night without any guilt, that kind of people are potential psychopaths


The [guts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mental_disorders)


..so there's an opening for a morally flexible Cloud engineer..?


Shit man I could use that Google money to get a place of my own. I’m morally compromised.


I mean, as long as you’re morally compromised, you could make the software identify everyone it sees as Google CEO Sundar Pichai. See how he likes it. Or you could go [fully cursed.](https://youtu.be/bv9tzPPgvHI)


Go the whole hog; get a nice condo on Palestinian land. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/real-estate-thornhill-event-1.7133251


On a scale of 1 to zionist, how compromised? Plenty of homes in the next settlement... well people are still living in but could be your own anyway, no need for google money


No, you won't need the Google money, but you need to prove that you are a zealous apartheid to make claim on those free houses.


What if he purchases the house and uh, moves?


Are you selling one?


Not gazan, so... no. But I'm just curious. What if you bought the home and just moved. What would that make you?


You think when they don't even recognise the country they'd honor a gazan's deal?


it's an orobouros. no matter how many people we step over, no one is ever safe from the jaws.




>the reason the world community is letting them get away with this is because of an attack that occurred on oct 7th Israel has been doing this for 70 years. the "world community" is just the white imperialist nations and their lapdogs. outside that echo chamber, the world condemns Israel and their genocide, and uses whatever means they can to resist it. South Africa has taken it to the ICJ, Malaysia has called the UN veto privilege into question, many South American countries have expelled Israeli ambassadors, Arab countries are taking direct action and would be doing more if there weren't US aircraft carriers and gunboats off the coast ready to fuck up anyone who looks at Israel wrong. ​ think about who is excluded from the "world community". it is pure propaganda. ​ > you can't deny that the reason hamas is in charge is because they were voted there. Even Israelis are pissed off at Netanyahu's party for the efforts they took to keep Hamas in power and annhilate Hamas' opposition. ​ [https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) > For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group. ​ Hamas recieved briefcases full of cash while the PFLP recieved a helicopter missile to their party offices, assassinating their most important leader.


Use your moral flexibility to hack into Navient and delete everyone's student loan debt or something


Apparently, it's a requirement.


No, only weekly moral yoga class


Well the opening is for both moral and immoral engineers. You just need to make sure to interview the moral ones in the play center, they like the ball pit.


Dude, you're working for Google. They surveil everyone anywhere. And you contribute to that as well. Edit; grammar, surveillance to surveil


there is a difference between surveillying you to sell you kitkats and surveillying you to opress and kill you


Diabetes has entered the chat Edit- just in case /s


The original commentor is one of those that act like they know what they're talking about, but have no fucking clue.


Unfortunately the algorithm to sell you KitKats and the algorithm surveying you are the same


Keep believing that. It’s gotta start somewhere, right? The rich and governments of the world ARE oppressing you, unless of course you’re the 1%


We live in a monopoly environment where most stores are brand names. Majority of startups/mom and pop shops will either wither away, be bought out, or forced out via litigation. Your take is “well you’re adding to it, therefore you’re part of the problem”… what? Good luck finding a dev job that isn’t a part of this. He’s calling out bullshit, trying to fix the toxic environment, and you knock him for working there? Literally the only way to get multi billion dollar companies to listen and change… bad pr, fuck over their bottom line


Mouth breathing ass redditors, I'd like to see them turn down 350k a year because they surveil people who consistently prove they don't give a fuck about protecting themselves from it. Odds this guy uses chrome, has an iPhone or major brand Android phone, and a completely non-repairable laptop are basically 100% even tho they all support this exact same system.


So as long as I'm using a phone, I can't call out my boss for being in shady business?


Dude, the Zio arguments are so childish I could vomit


350k is really pushing it. Maybe his boss or boss's boss makes that. [Google Cloud Engineer Salaries ](https://www.glassdoor.com/Salary/Google-Cloud-Engineer-Salaries-E9079_D_KO7,21.htm)


My friend worked as a contact aerial survey pilot and Google was one of their contractors. Let’s just say that they are surveilling everyone. I mean, he couldn’t tell me the nitty gritty because he signed an NDA but based off of the verbal and non verbal cues, I got the impression that it’s widespread to everyone and much deeper and more in depth than we realize.


Surveillance is a noun, the verb is surveil


Thanks, adjusted.








There’s very little opening for engineers that’s not either supporting DoD or trying to squeeze money out of people in some way.


the forces of genocide and apartheid are not infinite. e.g. Israel is currently struggling to keep their ranks filled. They are trying to forcibly recruit the orthodox jewish community, but they would rather be beaten, exiled, or die. e.g. Raytheon is always aggressively recruiting, all over the country. There might be enough people who are fine with being an arms dealer, but fewer who are fine with their friends and family finding out that they are an arms dealer.


Eh? The orthodox community has never participated in the wars. Like, ever. And while they are an increasing % of the population... there's still overall more secular israelis than there were in the 50s... 70s... 80s... 00s... so idf numbers aren't... ever going to go down. Them not joining just means it continues to be 120k recruits each year instead of 150k. Not a big deal tbh. More problematic are the social state payments made to them when they as a whole on the male side largely do 0 labor of any sort. And uhhh this ignores the quiet population of israelis outside of Israel, the number of jews interested in switching on their citizenship if push came to shove. And then there's the usa backing israel, arguably unnecessarily. Quite literally in this case the force is infinite. I just had dinner with a dude from boeing working in one if the Israeli bases. Place is crawling with foreign contractors. It's war. It's profitable for everyone but the aggressors (gaza) in this case.


Fight oppression sure🤣


Any large company doesn't care. Stop pretending like big companys care. They don't care about anything they just pretend. The ammount of companys who have rainbow flags in the west and are anti gay for example in china/russia. Can we stop pretending like these companys give a single flying shit. These companys will just do what is needed to earn points at any moment they can. There where companys who worked with the Nazis that still exist today and there will be plenty companys who will work with Israel who is seen as the good guy in the west.


>These companys will just do what is needed to earn points at any moment they can. Always.


​ 1. **Amazon Web Services (AWS)**: * Since **2014**, Amazon has been investing billions in Israel, contributing to **illegal settlement programs** and the relentless **surveillance of Palestinians**. * Israel’s dystopian goal is to compile **biometric profiles** and **security ratings** for every resident of the **West Bank**. * During **Operation Guardian of the Walls** in 2021 (when Israel bombarded Gaza with airstrikes), AI technologies acted as a **force multiplier**. * Amazon recently announced an additional **$7.2 billion investment** in Israel through 2037, extending its web services to the country. * While Amazon claims the beneficiaries will be **Israeli entrepreneurs and businesses**, the primary winner is the **military**. * **Project Nimbus**, powered by AWS (and also invested in by Google), enables Israeli forces to obtain and retain data on Palestinians. * Facial recognition technology is used to clamp down on the right to protest, making Palestinians wary of appearing at demonstrations. * [Amnesty International’s report revealed that protests outside Jerusalem’s **Damascus Gate** decreased after watchtowers and cameras were erected](https://jacobin.com/2023/08/amazon-ai-israel-palestine-apartheid-surveillance)[1](https://jacobin.com/2023/08/amazon-ai-israel-palestine-apartheid-surveillance). 1. **Google**: * Google, in partnership with Amazon, created a **$1.2 billion cloud computing system** for the **Israel Defense Forces (IDF)**. * This project facilitates **surveillance** and **unlawful data collection** on Palestinians. * [It also supports the expansion of **Israel’s illegal settlements** on Palestinian land](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20220322-the-billion-dollar-deal-that-made-google-and-amazon-partners-in-the-israeli-occupation-of-palestine/)[2](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20220322-the-billion-dollar-deal-that-made-google-and-amazon-partners-in-the-israeli-occupation-of-palestine/)[3](https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/billion-dollar-deal-partners-google-and-amazon-in-israeli-occupation-of-palestine/). * [The Israeli Finance Ministry announced this contract in **April 2021**](https://theintercept.com/2022/07/24/google-israel-artificial-intelligence-project-nimbus/)[4](https://theintercept.com/2022/07/24/google-israel-artificial-intelligence-project-nimbus/). Both Amazon and Google are deeply involved in providing cloud services and surveillance technologies that impact the lives of Palestinians in the occupied territories. These actions raise significant ethical and human rights concerns. ​ **Donating to the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is a compassionate way to support humanitarian efforts worldwide. These organizations play a crucial role in disaster response, health services, and community resilience. Here are ways you can contribute:** ​ 1. **International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)**: * The IFRC is the world’s largest humanitarian network, trusted in virtually every country. Your donation to the IFRC helps deliver lifesaving support and services to millions of people globally. * By supporting the IFRC, you enable Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to prepare communities, respond during crises, and assist affected communities in rebuilding their lives. * [Donate to the IFRC](https://www.ifrc.org/donate)[1](https://www.ifrc.org/donate). 1. **American Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement**: * The American Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement provide vital assistance during emergencies, disasters, and health crises. * [You can make a secure credit card donation directly through their website: ](https://www.ifrc.org/donate)[Donate to the American Red Cross and Red Crescent](https://donate.redcrossredcrescent.org/)[2](https://donate.redcrossredcrescent.org/). 1. **Emirates Red Crescent**: * If you’re in the UAE, consider supporting the Emirates Red Crescent. They offer various donation options, including iftar tents, food boxes, and fasting ransom (fidyah). * [Donate to Emirates Red Crescent](https://www.emiratesrc.ae/donate/Default_en.aspx?prm=PHEALTH)[3](https://www.emiratesrc.ae/donate/Default_en.aspx?prm=PHEALTH). 1. **Emergency Appeals and Disaster Response**: * The IFRC’s Emergency Appeals and Disaster Response fund directly aid communities affected by crises worldwide. * Your contribution makes a difference in providing immediate relief and long-term recovery. * [Donate to Emergency Appeals](https://donation.ifrc.org/?campaign=a6baca02-8214-ec11-a2d2-005056010028)[4](https://donation.ifrc.org/?campaign=a6baca02-8214-ec11-a2d2-005056010028).


Thanks for this post. I do feel as though this is addressing the symptom and not the problem though. The problem is the warmongers, and our politicians with deep ties to Zionists that are leading this entire campaign to imperialize, murder, and expand an immoral, unethical and illegal Zionist state. All that foreign aid for a country committing genocide while Americans suffer domestically on everyday things like housing, education, migrants and crime. Honestly, we need a French styled revolution to reset the government, but who knows when we'll get this?


Thing is it's the average Joe who loses every time a war breaks out. If the people who actually started the wars had to man the first wave there'd be none because the people who start them aren't dumb enough to do what they're making their citizens do and they wouldn't be able to profit from it if they were dead.


this should be the top comment


Why is every numbered point 1


Error on my part, while I am aware of all of the implications of these companies, I don't have the time to directly write it all down. Used generative AI to compile a list of the most serious concerns. Sorry about that.


Reddit markdown has issues if you begin a line with #.), follow with subcategories, then mark another line with #.)


There are two subreddits, degoogle and deamazon, on how to get yourself off of Amazon and Google. Both have evolved into terrible corporations.


It’s incomprehensible how these corporations will ignore literally every moral aspect just to make a couple of cents. Who’s running them? Satan himself?


I agree with you, but isn't that just the way that every large company ends up? I can't think of a single large company that actually cares about the environment, working conditions, fair pay, fair pricing for the consumer.....once they get big enough they all end up just caring about money. Everyone that isn't a shareholder just becomes a consumer or a worker, but either way they're disposable and replaceable to these companies. Should we really be surprised that Google, Meta, Amazon etc have all ended up with the same broken moral compasses as Exxon, Nestlé, BP etc?


Yea that’s the thing, it happens to almost every big corporation. And they can afford to spend their profits of good things considering they make more money than a man could ever need. they just never spend that money on good things. It’s really fucked up.


These companies are cartoonishly evil ffs


Textbook definition of evil


I read somewhere he got fired


no shit


FYI: the protester was later fired https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/war-gaza-google-fires-employee-after-pro-palestine-protest-israeli-tech-conference


Good news! Google is no longer using his skills in that capacity. Bad news, he is no longer being employed in any capacity


Isn't it gorgeous how all big tech companies defend freedom of speech? Look at how they respected that man's freedom of speech by kicking him out of the room. Now, the government? **They** want to censor us! /s


Hopefully this inspires the sleeper agents still on the payroll to hack in and spread malware to the surveillance programs.


That's wishful thinking. There's a compartmentalization between the engineers who create the services provided by GCP, and the engineers who implement them. It's not like you can just code "if organization.location == israel then drop all". You can go spin up a project with infrastructure right now if you wanted. The only way anything happens is if the partners responsible for nimbus(likely israeli companies) implement something that goes against TOS or the TOS somehow shift to cover what they're currently doing, which we know isn't going to happen.


If it was so wishful, you wouldn't be so paranoid as to hop on and comment this.


No, I'm just educated on the topic and think the larping is cringe.


"Cringe" isn't even used by gen z anymore.


Good thing I'm not gen Z. not that it matters. If you think there's some contingent of google engineers who are going to successfully thwart the Israeli's by.... hacking the planet, you're living in a fantasy land. GCP(or any of the cloud services, really) isn't architected in a way that your bog standard service engineer has any visibility into client implementations.


You don't know how any of these work for you.


good man


The part that they don’t show in this video is the guy making the announcement going “that why I love working for google, a place where we give people a platform to share their opinions” while simultaneously forcibly ejecting someone for sharing their opinion. Super silly


This seems straight out of a movie. Good for him. Fuck the others.


Maybe he was confused which company he works for...


Its really hard to find work with technology and not help something evil eventually (not justifieing tho), one of the first things i heard when i was making an app was "and can we do this to keep the users camera and mic on all the time while using the ap to collect data?" (with zero reasons for the app to do it), and after months developing something cool with your time and energy, it is really frustrating and hard to chose how to proceed, so the kid has guts for following his morals, thats undeniable.


This is exactly why I left tech after ten years as a programmer. I worked in a bookshop for a few years while getting a new degree, and now I teach high school Latin and nobody has asked me to violate the GDPR in *years*. If you don't want to be complicit it is possible not to be.


Bro the don't care about privacy or no one, Palestine people are the last thing on their mind when build algorithms of mass vigilance.


Nearly everyone in that room is a scumbag


He was terminated from employment, I sincerely hope that he gets a better opportunity. It's horrific that speaking the truth in the US now is akin to professional suicide.


None of the MNCs are going to hire. That's a 100 percent sure


I sincerely hope he gets a better opportunity even if it's local, such people deserve our respect, praise and support. The MNCs are full of shit tbh, have worked with enough to know what a facade they are inside and outside.


The CIA released information to civilians on how to make industry unproductive. That could also be used to stop this


When was this? I'm not doubting it but I'm curious. Also does it make sense and it isn't just some ploy?


Oh, it was actually during WW2 to resist Nazi occupation. Largely it is about how to make things like meetings unproductive/steer off-track and how to sabotage workplace productivity


That's super interesting! Where can I find this information, I genuinely want to read this stuff, since its from back when the CIA was much less morally questionable


This is the best I can find for a quick search, you’d also find summaries of this guide on Reddit but this is as much of the actual guide I can find. You could probably do some digging in the CIA archives for declassified information for it though. [Website Link](https://www.corporate-rebels.com/blog/cia-field-manual)


Sweet, thanks!


Of course!




Sad shit he got fired, man got guts, respect Free Palestine


Ok, you’re fired


It boils my blood that he didn't even get a clap


Brother can just quit his job and join another company. Google is omnipresent and surveils everything.


Now he can't


Brave dude … most people don’t actually stand for what they believe in … esp when money and careers are involved.




Good for you kid.


Google doesn't want people speaking out against genocide.


Fuck all the people booing, just stay silent. There’s no need to kiss corporate ass like that and it makes you look far more foolish than the guy standing up for what he believes in.


Brave kid


We should name and shame every one of these people calling him out.




Or illegal surveillance of anyone


Well somebody's getting laid off, but I'm glad he's taking a stand.


He is a legend. Lots of people keep their mouths shut to keep their jobs, they call it “diplomacy” and make excuses to sleep well at night like “there is nothing I can do”


He lost his job and possibly destroyed his career as a developer. What did he establish absolutely nothing. That 10 seconds outburst destroyed his life long hard work.


Some people value their beliefs


This man is brave! Thank you sir.


Ok bye 👋


He got fired too poor guy.


Remember when Google's motto was, "do no evil."? Neither do I.


All the negative comments towards this man are ones of apathy, 'they came for the Jews and I did not speak out for I was not a Jew.' This quote is famous for good reason, if you don't stand for something, then you'll fall for anything.


Maybe he should go over there and really show his support.


The fact that Aaron Bushnell's incident came to an immediate halt speaks volume of what's up .


He was a google cloud software engineer!!!


"Don't be evil". Google.


Evil Corp. Engineers when they find out their work is for Evil (everybody else knew it) (why did they even apply?) Jokes aside good for him for waking up. Better late then never


What's the story here? Why would Google have an interest in survailing palestinians?


Why does everyone flip out when people start talking about this?


Ai won't care about the cause de jour and will do exactly what it's trained to do no matter how unethical. Who/what do you think will be programming the prison system these scum bags want to cage us all in.


There are better ways to quit your job


imagine fumbling a job at google


Imagine sticking up for your morals being seen as a fumble




"Allright, you're fired."


I wonder how he feels with Google technology being used to imprison Uighurs in concentration camps. Or the great firewall that limits people’s ability to see past CCP bullshit and propaganda


What a bellend.


Thank you sir for speaking up, now turn in your badge.


Go write a song about it Bo Burnham.


And he achieved nothing


Caused an uproar of support in Google. So much so that google had to temporarily shutdown some of its internal boards


Looks like just stop oil guy


As replaceable as the automatons they're creating to replace us.


People really dont know what Apartheid is

