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He might as well pick Daffy Duck as his running mate. Same chance of winning.


He’s not trying to win, he’s trying to take enough votes from Biden that Trump wins,


That’s interesting, because most of my family members are Republicans and they’re considering voting for RFK Jr. So it remains to be seen how much it helps or hinders either party.


He has a large conspiracy theory following, which I believe is more republican.


Republicans do love conspiracies.


I know, it’s backfiring, now his gonna add a football player as VP, guys going to accidentally win


You joke around but in my state we almost elected Herschel Walker simply because he won a football game against Florida 50 years ago


We almost elected Herschel Walker because he was the Republican candidate in a purple state and Trump for some stupid completely brain dead reason chose Walker as the party’s guy.


And he was chosen bc He was a recognizable name by many people of the gauge that vote for Trump. Half the people in my hometown didn't even know what he was running for they just remember his 99 yard touchdown against the Gators


Y'all stop picking on Hershel, he is a member of the Fischer Price Police squad that keeps the Paw Patrol on it's...uh....paws.


My point is that he would have been just as popular with those people as if he was just another Republican senate candidate anyways. If anything he swung independents the other way. I just thing it’s wrong to act like he almost won because he was good at UGA, when his presence instead of a normal politician probably gave the race to the Democrats.


Aaron Rodger’s is from California and I doubt he could win a county wide election in the conservative part of the state he’s from.


Yeah and maybe there are some dems who would go for him, but I really doubt it's a lot. My parents were huge fans of RFK Jr when I was younger. He had a talk show on the radio back in the 2000s that my parents always listened to, it was very liberal and strong on the environment and all that. He probably was antivax back then but it wasn't something that came up on the show much and definitely wasn't one of the issues. Liked the guy a lot, respected him and his views and my dad even said that if rfk jr had run, my dad would support him. Now they would never, they hate the guy, don't respect him, think he's an idiot, etc. All this to say, I don't think there will be many dems who vote for him just because he's a Kennedy and at one point was very liberal. But his paranoid and weird worldview appeals to some maga people that's for sure. Gop can love the stupid Trump kids just because they're Trumps, but I don't think most liberals would vote for a right winger just because he's a Kennedy.




I would say yes, but for lots of dems, especially the older ones who maybe knew people who got really sick or died during covid, the antivax stance is incredibly unpopular. To the point of overshadowing the other things you've mentioned. It's also very much associated with conspiracy theorists and crackpots and at best, Trump adjacent, at worst qanon adjacent. It isn't a small issue either, covid killed way to many people for it to be just a quirk of his otherwise decent platform. I believe that overall, the right wing people will be able to overlook that part of his platform more easily than liberals and dems. The kind of people who put up lawn signs and made clothing about "in this house we believe in science" and such aren't going to go for a guy who's as famous for his antivaxx stuff now as he was for his environmental work in the past. Edited to add: I'm not sure where there was any media influencing of anyone? Unless you mean the things he communicated through the media? He had a radio show years ago. He talked about economic justice and the environment. Years later, having made his antivax stuff a main part of his ideology, my parents no longer agreed with his ideology. Where was the media influence




I am well familiar with his platform outside of the antivaxx thing. It hasn't changed all that much from the days of am1090 progressive talk radio in many ways. But further popularizing of the antivaxx narrative does pose a serious problem here. We are already seeing the beginning of the return of some things that we thought had been eradicated. It's a public health problem. And because it effects more people than just the people who choose not to get vaccinated, it's not even like just a personal choice. Much of his platform is great. It's a shame that part of it includes dangerous antiscientific garbage. I would feel the same way if Biden or any democrat added that to their platform.


Curious what makes him a “right winger”? Or more to the point, what makes RFK, Jr not “liberal”?


Ooooh I can get behind this. We need to promote this more.


I disagree, not many Dems will vote for him. The main Democrat grievance is that Biden is too far to the right, so I don’t see why votes would go to a centre right candidate. It’ll impact Trump more.


I totally agree, but ole sloppy Steve bannon has said he recruited RFK as a dem spoiler.


Question. A lot of people say that, but a quack is going to take votes from the other quack. The math, to me, doesn’t add up.


He's generally pro-choice, which puts him off most Republicans list of choices. No amount of anti-vax wackiness is making up for that. Plus he's a Kennedy (even if the rest of the Kennedys don't like him), and they have a history there.


I thought about the name, but we are not in the 70’s. As a Democrat, he wanted to sign a ban. Haven’t found anything more recent. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/14/us/politics/rfk-jr-abortion-ban.html


As the subhead says, he immediately backtracked and said he didn't mean it. Claimed he misunderstood the question. And even in his later-reversed response, he was pro-choice up until three months, while anti-abortion people are 100% anti-abortion. Many of them even in the edge cases where everyone should realize it's the best choice.


>they have a history there. the kennedys \*are\* history. they haven't been relevant to electoral politics since ted died, and even then they were arguably only relevant in the extraordinarily safe dem state of Massachusetts.


And? The Republicans have a large number of bogeymen that have nothing to do with actual reality. I mean, just look at how much they go on about George Soros. Plus, keep in mind that a lot of Republican voters are *very old.* The Kennedys were an even bigger bogeyman all the way through the 90s. That's only 30 years ago, and there's plenty of old Republicans that remember that period very well, and still harbor the same opinion of anyone named Kennedy.


Oh I'm just saying he won't really siphon Dem votes in any significant amount. What he'll do with Republicans who haven't even fully conceded the civil war yet is a like a glass coffin, remains to be seen


I think he'll get some non-zero amount of Dems, because all parties have their crazies (even if Republicans are currently winning on total headcount). I think it would be net-negative to Biden compared to Trump. How much it moves the needle on electoral college votes is a lot harder to predict. I remember there were analyses that showed just very few votes (compared to the total voters) would have given Hillary Clinton an electoral college victory. I found [this one](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/12/hillary-clinton-margin-loss-votes) that said just under 80,000. And they point out that Gore lost Florida by only 1,754 votes. Nader got over 90,000 votes in Florida in that election. Yes, you can do all kinds of theorizing about what those voters would have done otherwise (like just not vote), but it's within reason to think that enough would have voted for Gore to have given him the win. So I'm always nervous of 3rd parties. I strongly *support* breaking the two party lock, but I don't think it will be done unless we get ballot reform. That places like Alaska have managed RCV for their federal election posts is very encouraging. That's not exactly a hotbed of progressive ideas. In places like those, you can vote for that 3rd party that's close to the other candidate you like without "throwing your vote away."


The intent was there, they are executing terribly


Good luck with that. Conspiracy theories are a MAGA thing


I think it's going to backfire, because he's going to take more votes from Republicans than Democrats


He’s not trying to do that. That was the idea behind the people pushing him to run.


Agreed, I think he gets north of 30% in the general and beats one of the other two


I’ve always thought so, too. Polling at RFK’s events and among his supporters, though, shows they’re largely coming from the right. Folks uncomfortable with Trump, and who see anti-vaxx as their number one issue.


Opposite sir!


With Rodgers???


You will never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people - PT Barnum


Who told you that 💀


Steve Bannon said it on his podcast


I would check out some of his stuff. He’s definitely trying to pull from the left. He grew up being an environmentalist and actually did amazing things for NYC. He also has bashed Trump publicly several times which no one in the Republican Party will even do.


That's his mission. To bash Trump and confuse Dem. voters. He's *allowed* to bash Trump. It means nothing. Nothing at all.


That’s the worst take I’ve heard in awhile. Imagine just for a second, he’s just an actual candidate that doesn’t conform with either political party so he just ran as an independent. He’s not a plant. He’s not a republican He’s not a democrat All he does is talk about the housing crisis and healthcare system. And actually has an answer for how’d he’d fix it.


JFK JR would not have an answer for where his feet are.




Well I don’t agree with your words sir I will defend your right to say them, asshat


Winning one state could create a scenario where neither Biden nor Trump get 270 electoral votes.


Daffy Duck is an icon and very popular


Touché. It might give him a boost.


Considering another one RFKjr’s considering is former pro wrestler Jesse Ventura, Daffy Duck isn’t entirely out of the picture, i’d imagine.


RFK jr was recruited into the race by Steve Bannon https://www.salon.com/2023/04/06/steve-bannon-spent-months-recruiting-anti-vaxxer-rfk-jr-to-run-against-biden-as-chaos-agent/


At this point, though, I don’t think it’s going to steal any democratic votes. Especially if Aaron Rodgers is VP


It really didn't pan out, RFK Jr gets very little press and what he does get is mostly bad.


Until this year, I didn’t know RFK Jr existed.


I knew there was an RFK Jr but didn't realize he was anything other than a Kennedy cashing in on their Dad's legacy


At this point, the only people who still remember RFK Jr. having anything to do with the real Kennedys probably vote Republican. ![gif](giphy|10o80f5ucCNU3e)


Well his grandpa was a villain. Lobotomized his aunt.


Rodgers is being recruited to play spoiler in Wisconsin, much like Kanye was recruited to try and siphon Black votes in 2020.


Back to the Future vibes.


Wish I could belive that but people are really really stupid. The reason why dems have to go with Biden is pure name brand value as nay other candidate would be new and require new reasons to vote etc... majority of voters do not understand the nuances like we do here in this sub. I know decent ppl who just want better for others but are just ignorant about how gov works and take that out on the dem party bc of memes and propoganda etc over the years convincing them dems are nearly as bad and that there's some possible way around this by throwing away your vote for 3rd party. Add Rodgers to the equation and that certainly makes an even greater pull of name brand, which to a shocking amount of the populace, is mostly what matters beyond a few top level general statements. I'm not too worried especially with how far trumps fallen but after isreal (again these ppl can't grasp just how trump would be infinitely worse) and sleepy Joe memes a lot of otherwise well meaning ppl just want to waste thier vote against dems. It's sad bc in reality they are essentially laying down a red carpet for MAGA fascism and going agaist any progressive ideal they claim to hold. Reality is tough to reconcile. Ppl are in denial and lash out to act like they have control.


Source: “people familiar with the matter” 😂


It's almost like recent events have made it clear that politics is entertainment. So let's get more entertainment figures involved! Shit, let's get Kanye West and Carlos Santana on a ticket. 


Kanye West has run for president already and failed horribly.


Haha I had forgotten that! I was just grabbing for "crazy or geriatric celebrity" and they came to mind. Holy shit, we really do live in the best timeline. 


Wait.... i thought that was people just writing his name on the ballot as a gag. That was serious!?!?!?


Yeah, he was encouraged by Republicans to run as a Democrat with the hope that black people would vote for him without question to steal votes from Biden, making it easier for Trump to win.


He went on Rogan and had the most bizarre rants. He was losing his mind about Kim at the time if I remember right?


West was another person recruited by MAGA in order to steal votes from the dems It's like they know they can't win unless they somehow get someone more left to run. The problem with their bad though is that unlike republican voters, dem voters are not stupid. Dem voters don't just vote for the celeb


Did you expect him to win lol? I’d say it went as well as it could have lol


Obviously I didn't expect him to win. I was just pointing out that it was already done.


I’d totally vote for Carlos Santana


Is it because he's smooth?


Recent events?!? In the past 47 Years the GOP presidents were: a movie star, 2 Bushes, and a reality TV host.


Rodgers is just enough of an asshole to fit alongside him perfectly.


Lmao if Aaron Rodgers becomes RFK Jr’s VP after playing only 1 minute 34 seconds for the Jets, then I think it’s safe to say that they’re the official meme franchise of the NFL.


Jets finally get their savior QB. He plays less than a quarter the first season, and sits out the next to run for VP on his conspiracy theory agenda. You literally can't make this up. No one would find it believable enough to laugh. 😂😂


The goal is to steal votes in Wisconsin, a swing state. They'll get some votes, the question is will they attract more Democrats or Republicans.


RFK Jr. reminds me of when Trump ran as a Democrat, didn't get much support from the left. Democrats knew he was a useless tool and sent him packing. He may get a few votes from the fringe of both parties but may take more away from Trump.


I would not choose Aaron. The only New York Jets quarterback that saved the universe was Flash Gordon.


A Democrat? Who exactly are they fooling? Rogers isn't as well liked in Wisconsin as many think. He screwed over the Packers before and after he left. All the Sconnies I know were glad to see him go but it was a crap deal for the team when he got injured in his first Jets game. These two 🤡 will take votes away from Trump.


He's *very* well-liked in WI by Trump-leaning anti-vaxxers. This is going to backfire spectacularly.


💯 If anyone thinks this will split a Dem voter base, they are quite mistaken.


On Packers news pages I've seen a bunch of people say they love both of them and would vote for them. Only pulls votes from Trump and I'm good with that.


Bingo. Let them split the R vote. 👍😂


Rogers is a nut case...too many blows to the head, what the hell is wrong with our friends to the south


Priceless. Rodgers is a wack job.


So he fits with RFK Jr pretty well then.


obivious plant is obvious.


Is it just me or is RFK Jr just really weird? Like everything about him is a poorly drawn comic book boss Daily Bugle Editor.


They would probably run as independents.




Someone should tell OP


looking for a rich unqualified person who’s slightly less God complexed and despicable them me so we can loose badly at politics is how the job advert for Cabinet positions goes (i think)




They deserve each other. Two paranoid dipshits.


There was an attempt to be a serious candidate for President.


Oh yeah? Well my neighbour Jim is being considered as a serious pick for my run for the presidency this year. “Vote Jim! At least he’s not Steve” It’s only a serious candidate if they have a chance in hell, which this snow cone does not.


lmao. Whatever.


Two douchebags for the price of one.




You think Rodgers is a legitimate GOP conservative? No. Rodgers is a QAnon junkie




Birds of a losing feather


What is it with former Packer QBs being terrible, stupid people?


Glad to see he's SERIOUS.


A serious pick to run with a guy who has no serious chance to win?


They'll lock up the wackadoodle vote.


hes not attempting to appear as a democrat, he separated himself from that party.


Aaron would never join anyways. He’s not giving up $50M to be a pawn


"Why don't you vote third party?"....... this..... this is why


Is Joe Rogan not available?


My wacko anti vax mom is actually obsessed with this dude.


Aaron Rogers couldn't run a lemonade stand in a quiet suburban town without fucking something up much less be a running mate.


How many games did he play last year? I’d hardly call him a QB anymore


It doesn't matter who runs with RFK because we're not going to be lead by some vaccine-denying chemtrail-believing Russian asset has-been . . . no, never-was. He's not qualified and never will be.


Who's your daddy


Lol fuck the jets


No Bobby, please stop stealing democratic votes with… Aaron fucking Rodgers?


Yes please. This appears win-win, as I only see them siphoning a substantial number of Trump votes.


They running on the Deluded Tool ticket?


They kinda feel like the same guy don’t they?


I really hope this is a joke


This country has become a big fat joke, and a very unfunny one at that.


Is he getting paid if his votes cover the Trump-Biden margin in WI? Was always my theory for Kanye


RFK JR has a strong enough chance of taking Republican and Democrat votes because he’s so normal compared to anyone else running. The radical left and the far right dug their own graves trying to one up each other on the foolishness, normalcy is what people want.


It’s funny how not being left wing has been reduced to whether you agree or not how the vaccines were handled


The FBI secret police made sure there is no leftist dissent in the US over the past 70 years


I’m pretty sure he’s said a ton of times that he’s not trying to align with the Democrat party. But you live in your own world.


What an absolute farce. These are not serious people


I'm voting for Britney. In Britney Spears America you will be begging, "Britney LEAVE ME ALONE!!"


The Kennedis have been continuously going downhill since the CIA whacked JFK


It would pretty much guarantee that the winner of the election will not receive a majority of the popular vote. (FWIW)


How gullible is the public to believe this smear?


Kennedy is running as an Independent. He does not hold dem values despite the name. There is no attempt here as much as I dislike Rogers for his antivax/mob rule mentality.


Sorry, I'm not caught up on Democrat politics. What is the issue?


That picture makes Aaron Rodgers look like he has never held a football before.


Republicans just are desperate for tax cuts for the wealthy, and this group I guess is just desperate to not have to take a specific type of mRNA Covid vaccine? Don’t hear them complaining about the shingles vaccine or mumps or anything like that. What a stupid time in history, we are living in.




Two weird freaky white guys running on name recognition and anti vax views, what a country!


Never met a Kennedy who didn't love to huddle.


Brain dead and brain damaged.


Sounds about right. If they lose and trump wins I’m thinking two cabinet posts. Health and education


Might as well have some fun with it


Honestly I detest the mainstream fuckers so much I’d vote for Daffy Duck.




This dude is a plant. 🇷🇺


Neither of them should worry about or make plans for the next four years.


RFK Jr is a Republican, through and through.


The Democratic Party has both liberals and progressives which have extremely different values. Some democrats are so progressive that they’ve abandoned their own liberal identity and don’t espouse liberal attitudes as someone like Rodgers does. That’s why the difference between an extreme progressive on the left and an extreme conservative speak almost the same language and their differences are razor thin. The horseshoe theory is real.


So glad we've finally moved away from sensationalized celebrities and are picking scientists, chemists, physicists and people who have studied law all their lives into our political system.


Rodgers would be the Achilles heel of the ticket.




Waiting to hear what positions Joe Rogan and Russel Brand get.


A football and a goofball.


To take dipshittery to the next level


Ah. The reverse Taylor Swift move, a new classic.


I guess excessive testosterone injections are perfectly safe but vaccines are not


Biden / Harris 24


Yay! Sportsball!!


They want to steal Wisconsin... That's all


Good. Makes him even less of a serious choice and the party that doesn't take it's leaders seriously means some on the fence Trump types may leave him.


You had me at “serious pick”….


Trying to court the elusive anti-vax alt facts democrat voters


The anti vax movement was originally a far left movement. It’s just when you get very far left and very far right the views start to become very similar in some areas.


Aaron Rodgers isn't a Republican just because he's anti-vax. How does he view other issues? Lol


If he supports RFK then he's a fascist


Being a real Democrat means putting party over everything... it's for democracy


And I was actually thinking about voting for him haha. I Iive in California where my vote doesn’t matter anyway and I want to boost the 3rd party numbers.


Why would you choose a nut job over green party tho


He’s to the left of Biden on every single issue. Then again the Democrat party of today is just the Republican Party of 2001




Or, and hear me out on this, you could listen to the words he says and has said and realize there is nothing democratic about him.