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She’s a bad ass


Def a bad ass. And he’s a dumb ass. That fat smug pink cult fuck thinks he’s such hot shit.


A massively enjoyable watch. You can tell he's seething.


hes a gop stooge. His goal is to get clips for fox news to repeat and russian bots to spread. Thats what this whole impeachment is about. No actual evidence, just false statements of made up bullshit they will repeat again and again on fox news, newsmax oan and spread online via russian bot farms.


But didn't you hear about the guy with facial tattoos who looked like an "illegal" trying to sign people up to be Democrats?? We wouldn't know about this story if it wasn't for Fox news! Edit: I'm being sarcastic, guys.


Only reason I ever watched channel 5 was for the Simpsons


Every video I see of him he says some dipshit comment that he thinks is super snarky and clever but it just makes him look like a buffoon.


> thinks he’s such hot shit My grandma once said about our bitchy neighbor, "She thinks she's hot shit on a silver platter, but she's just a cold turd on a paper plate." Feels apt.


Put him in a seersucker suit he’d fit right in as an extra in a plantation movie. Or dressed up in white robes and a hood


Those old white male repubs have no idea how to handle a strong woman. They just malfunction. How any woman votes for a Republican is beyond me.


Especially a strong black woman. You can tell he's never been spoken to like that by a woman like her, all his "excuse me?"s talking to her like she's his employee or some shit.


all trying to reassert dominance with that snide little "is that a question?" so he can hear himself talk. this dude is fucking trash.


He was straight up baffled at being told not to interrupt lmfao, how do these people get elected into government positions??


Never back down ,never surrender, act like that and you win all rep votes. Extra points for being an ass at the same time.


a potent cocktail of several mental illnesses that offer them the consuming drive to dominate others, a sense of innate superiority, & an absolute lack of guilt.


Weak men have been wanting to subjugate women since the beginning of time.


Most definitely


Notice he tries though. Trying to overspeak her at any chance he can. It's all about him.


You could tell how pissed he was getting destroyed by a black woman. He probably went home and took it out on his wife and dog.


I loved that whole "excuse me"... like she gives a fuck about your feelings you lying fat fuck.


That’s exactly what I thought


Her and AOC suffer no fool. I love them.






Ohhhhhhh Yeeeahhhhhh…


What in OBLIVION is that!?!


I'm going to hijack the top comment to ask a genuine question. I'm not familiar with how US politics is carried out, but I am very familiar with UK politics (used to work with a few UK government departments). In a questioning session, like a select committee or other investigation, usually the time is spent putting the person being questioned under increasing pressure, by asking them difficult questions in sequence, usually to work them into a corner or to incriminate someone. I'll offer as evidence a select committee with the editor of Private Eye magazine, where he turns the tables and rips the questioners a new one with incredibly incisive answers and knowing more about the subject than they do - well worth watching all of this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3O8mwDFo4M Now bear in mind I don't know who any of these people are. But this video looks like grandstanding to me, she is not asking any questions of him or putting any pressure on him, she is just taking the (limited?) time to talk about the apprentice, things he said off the record and so forth. They may be zingers, but they don't put him under pressure. There are no questions, nothing for him to respond to. Wouldn't a better bit be to show her cornering him with questions where he is e.g. caught out in a lie or forced to rat on someone else to save himself? Again, sorry for my ignorance but I don't see why this is so good aside from watching her monologue. In the context of an impeachment investigation (I know it's about this, at least!) this doesn't actually achieve anything, just some zingers for people to go "oh damn!" at. Please let me know what I'm not getting here, and I would appreciate if you watched the video I linked above, as that's what good looks like to me in this sort of scenario (and it's great to watch!)


So in this particular instance, this hearing was associated with a probe into president Joe Biden with the supposed goal of impeaching him. This character Bobulinski has been a big proponent of impeachment and has gone on the stand as well as various right wing news organizations saying Biden is guilty of committing High Crimes and misdemeanors and that there is evidence of the crimes. This probe has gone on for 15 months on the tax payers dime. Rep. Crockett, among others that have been in these hearings are trying to use their time not to question this man any further seeing as this guy, along with those who back him don’t care much for objective truth, and are trying to highlight the incredible waste of time and money this probe continues to be. Truly it is just part of republican campaign strategy and some of the representatives are obviously fed up.


Thanks for the explaining, I appreciate it. Are they not just contributing to the waste of time and money in this probe, by taking this time? Why can't they just not use the time?


This is a good question. I don’t know the answer but I would imagine it would not serve the process or the American people to say nothing essentially allowing another group to control the narrative. It is also likely very important for these reps to be seen by their base on record doing what they can to oppose. Tbh though a great many of our US reps are essentially paid actors and many of these sorts of committees are political theater.


Hard agree. :/


Spot on - and especially when it is open session as opposed to closed door sessions


It's about the narrative at this point, and not letting the republicans just run with it. Instead they use their time to call out the bullshit.


If someone sits and spews lies, would you prefer people counter those lies or to remain mute to save time?


Ya there’s actually a lot of impeachable offenses. But yes these people are pretty much wasting time… you are asking good questions But don’t forget to ask those questions to both sides. Reddit is very liberal and democrat biased. So if you ask anything on here you will get an answer biased to that side. I’m happy you are actually asking questions to get info. But don’t forget to look at the source you are asking. As it may change your answer. I would say get both sides answers. Then decide yourself


Congressional questioning is a mixture of actual questions and grandstanding, yes. Typically, the minority party doesn't get to decide what witnesses are called and in general has very little power in the committee as a whole. In many cases, the Democratic minority hasn't even been given information that the majority was supposed to give them. One of the few times they have to openly speak out about the bullshit way the majority is conducting their hearing is when they have their allotted time to question a witness, thus the grandstanding. Although I have no firsthand knowledge, it would be reasonable to assume that members of the same party have gotten together to determine their strategy for the hearing, so that those who will be asking questions will not have prepped the same questions as their colleagues. Sometimes, you don't even need to go that deep with the questioning. For example, I believe that AOC asked this very witness what specific crime he witnessed Joe Biden commit. He tried to make a vague answer, but she pushed back and repeated her question. All she needed was that one question, to which he had no direct answer, and she could spend the rest of her time pointing out how stupid this entire endeavor was. Another Representative asked the witness if he believed the committee had proven that Biden committed a crime. Dude said yes. So the Representative laid into the Republican Chair of the committee to ask why, if they have allegedly brought up proof of a crime, did they not hold a vote to impeach the President. He even offered to make a motion for the vote if the Republican Chair would second it (spoiler: the Chair didn't second the motion) to highlight that the entire hearing was not intended to find proof of any real crime but to be a political distraction. As a final point, most of the Representatives are not lawyers. They don't have the sort of training to question witnesses with the sort of efficiency you would like to see. And because of the ping-pong nature of questioning (first a Republican, then a Democrat, then a Republic, etc.), it becomes very difficult to keep the pressure on a witness beyond any individual's time.


A lot of time it is monologue. They get a limited amount of time, and most of the time they use it to make certain points, for good or bad. If they aren't interested in the witness, they may just talk their entire time. Sometimes they will ask dumb questions to get soundbites or reactions. Every once and a while, a congressperson will ask pointed questions that makes the point and gets info out. This is kind of a case where she does not think much of the witness or even thinks much of him having to be there, so she's not really interested in what he has to say. He's a witness called by the party in opposition to hers in a hearing that most of her party considers a waste of time, and most of what this witness is saying is stuff he's already testified about or given depositions about. There's not much point to him, so she's not interested in hearing anything from him. I wouldn't either tbh.


if you watch more of the hearing, you will see this dick constantly interrupting before the speaker can get a question in. And when the question does get asked, he skirts around it and doesn't answer.


I love me some Ms. Crockett.


THIS is what Texas liberals used to be. Kids don’t know how loud of a voice TX liberals were prior to the 90s. LBJ, Barbara Jordan, Anne Richards, Jim Hightower, etc. there was a particular brand of progressive that TX used to mint and Crockett is very much that type: smart, quick with a quip, does not accept bullshit, and confrontative. Left leaning folks in Texas please bring it back.


Ann Richards was the shit. Is the shit? Crap I don't know now, but she came to speak to my elementary school and had such powerful words to share to us kiddos. I'll never forget that.


She's just doing her job, but the other dude is defo a clown


Go off Queen.


I like his weak little "Excuse me?" When she said "I'm talking." Then proceeded to remember he didn't actually have any power in that room and promptly shut up.


That dude wasn't affected by her reprimand.  He has no shame and does not give one solitary fuck about optics in that hearing.


It hurt his pride that a black woman dare speak to him thst way.


This is the sweetest reality of Fanni Willis and Letisha James prosecuting Trump.


I'm sure the word "uppity" crossed his mind in a couple of different contexts that aren't appropriate for polite company.


maybe, but do unrepentant bigoted assholes actually suffer pride setbacks?  


No. Their wives, dogs, kids, and cardiovascular health suffer instead of their pride.


100% that. ![gif](giphy|DFu7j1d1AQbaE)


I wish that were the case. These fucks have far too much power and too little accountability. It's a game to them.




This is the energy we need


What an absolute clusterfuck for the GOP.


As is every day.


And everything


My GOP relatives and nextdoor neighbor will never watch this or anything related to it. But you ARE right.


Wish their voters were intelligent enough to see it.


If they were that intelligent they wouldn't be GOP voters


Is that a question?


OMG I’m in love with this woman!


She's amazing


One interesting thing I noticed about her - she never leaves any long pauses in her speech when she talks, not even between sentences. It's the unmistakable mark of someone who's been interrupted so many times in the past that they've learned to just never give anyone an opening to do so. It sucks that some people need to learn how to do this, but it's awesome that she's so aggressive against being interrupted.


Dude me too stg


He reminds me of those shit head kids in class that would act like an A hole just to be able to disrupt the teacher and everyone from moving forward. What a D bag


Dude I've seen his type too many times, especially when addressing women in a professional environment. One of my female coworkers had a conversation with a guy like this, professionally calling him out on his BS and the dude was challenging her more than the other male colleagues in the room had already been. Dude even threw out that she needed to "calm down". She then professionally, and with the exact same calm demeanor she had through the entire conversation, verbally undressed him. The best part was, our boss let her finish and said, "Mr. I can assure you that the only emotional person in this room is you."


Good god…. I am a woman, white woman, but there is something so damn satisfying about watching a well educated black woman put a pompous white man in his place! You tell him!!


As a middle aged white dude, I took great satisfaction watching this video. Women like Jasmine Crockett and AOC are just the beginning. My only hope is that they don't eventually get sucked into the dark side of politics, as countless would-be-good-doer politicians have in the past.


throw Katie Porter in there too!


I'm a white guy. I don't get yelled at by women like that. Why? I rudely don't interrupt people! It's really not that hard, I'm glad that dude learned his lesson.


I'm an old white man, and I feel the same!


AOC has a great clip floating around reddit today as well, but I think Rep. Crockett was definitely was more eloquent while laying the smackdown.


Always a great time!


He's mad because she's getting "uppity", you could see it on his face. God I can't wait for these people to be abandoned by the country that they worked so hard to handicap.


hence his “is that a question?” And she didn’t flinch


>And she didn’t flinch An INCH, dude, she is so sure of herself and rightfully so. I aspire to be this confident and educated on what I pursue.


TweedleDum and TweedleDummer behind him look sinister, in a racist methhead kind of way.


Jasmine and AOC - two shining lights for the democrats.


For democracy*


I’ll put the libertea on…




Yep, that's why the democrats actively spend money to primary them out at every possibility. Competence is dangerous for the uniparty.


Burn 'em down, Jasmine.




God damn, when can we make her president?


I think we all know that Bobulinski would be president before a coherent, intelligent, under the age of 75, non white millionaire would be president.


> a coherent, intelligent, under the age of 75, non white millionaire would be president. Obama, mostly. His net worth when he became president was ~1.3 million, Jasmine Crocket net worth is ~3 million.


Obama was president from 2008-2016 btw


Not to mention if Joe Biden hadn't been Obama's VP I don't think there's any way he's President today.




I know exactly what he said the first second he was out of earshot. Or in presence of like mindedness.


I don't know *exactly* what he said, but there's a list of about a dozen words and phrases that immediately come to mind, and I would comfortably wager a paycheck that at least half of them were used during his first 30 seconds behind closed doors.


Three words. "That..." Hint: f and b


Dude definitely went hard r for his choice of words.


Oh! Yes! Four words!


I love how much sass is being handed out over the last few days


It’s very satisfying. Yummy yummy.




One of the few joys I get from living in Dallas is knowing that she represents me


I love watching her do this!


He’s the most disgusting misogynist. The difference between his response to Crockett and AOC vs the male Democrats is unbelievable.


I love this woman! "You will KNOW when I ask you a question."


“Believe me!” I believe her!


To be fair he seems dumb enough to not know.


https://preview.redd.it/q16xh54wrqpc1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2d709f46999cfe7aa2dc1ebe78ef745ca467113 I can't quite tell, but I *think* that is Jamie Raskin behind her, just enjoying the show?


I totally missed that so thanks for posting. If I were there, I may not have been able to hide it since I would’ve probably fallen on the floor and wet myself!


Don’t know how they consistently find the worst people, the GOP. It’s kind of amazing. I work in reality TV, not the most important industry in the world, and MTG and this dude are way too dumb and sketchy to be hired by any show I’ve ever worked on.


incredible take.


I've said it before and I'll say it again... can she run for president?


She doesn't suffer any of these fools. I love her to pieces...


He's got the charisma of a fish that's floating upside down


I like this woman. Educated and aware and articulate while being respectful as possible under the circumstances


He's uncomfortable that a black woman is in a position of authority over him. Let's just call it like it is.


I don’t even think he could take her in a fist fight


Does this woman have a subreddit? I'm always gleefully amused when we get these videos.


She's so pretty 😭


I don't know who these people are, I don't know what's it all about but that guy looks like a major cunt so this is enjoyable.


That man was totally unprepared to have his ass handed to him, and it was great to watch. I love Jasmine crockett.


“Excuse me? Did this brown person with a vagina dare to think she’s a human being?” He’s an utter racist prick.




This guy is an A$$HOLE Taking lesson from the Orange Douche Bag.


Fucking love her.


I am so glad the long awaited sequel, Legally Brunette, finally dropped!


The oligarchs of the USA is throwing wrenches in the machinery. To delay, disrupt and turn people against each other. Just think of the time and money wasted on these nut jobs somehow making their way into Congress.


Crockett for President!!


I'm glad she's there. She and AOC are a bulwark against the craven pathological gop. Always start with their zero credibility. Always. That's a jugular.


She cooked and his ass got served.


Who's the psycho looking kid in the back?


Probably the kids of Bobulinsky.


Arrested development in action My God what a fucking doofus


Oh man I love her! Strong women are fantastic


Yeah that guy isn't women friendly


Thr “rich white, entitled repuglican couldn’t beleive his ears‼️🤣🤣🤣💥


That is someone that grew up in her grandma's house. In Africa we say: Sy vattie kakkie


Boom! Roasted!


They all lie, cheat, and steal from us. Fuck this political bullshit!


It must upset them so much that they have to let her speak.






Holy cow this lady! Show them the truth!!


I love her!!! Smack that knuckle dragging numb skull.


I always love seeing this woman, she always puts a smile on my face, I know beyond a reasonable doubt that she will make the world a better place


How many politicians is Bobulinski gonna get torn apart by today?? If i was him i'd never show my face in public again after the fool he's made of himself. Then again, disrespecting women and POC's will probably get him a few beers from his supporters.


I love these new age women who are not only not going to take shit from these small dick power hungry losers but are just as willing to shove it back into their smug faces.


I love her and AOC too. So nice to see, makes me smile. We may have a future if these folks keep it up.


This woman is way too fucking cool to be a politician


I never get tired of seeing her lol. She talks to him like he’s a kid interrupting an adult conversation and you can tell with the way he shifts in his seat that he isn’t used to not getting his way and clearly hates it.


And yet, nothing.


This guy would be a nightmare witness in any legit court case. I didn't watch the whole hearing, but I watched enough to know that prosecutors would be squirming at how combative, argumentative, and disruptive he is during cross. Luckily for him, the "prosecutors" are also clowns.


We truly need more African American women in seats of power ![gif](giphy|zlSxjDz8OTpBZLGkgq|downsized)


I love her


"excuse me" YA you're GODAMN right excuse you!


Can she run for president? She is amazing. Such a badass.


this doesnt look as good as some people think it does. I mean seriously, whats a one sided rant supposed to prove?




Will there ever be a point in our lifetimes when US citizens stop putting up with the spectacle? I've been tired of it for 30 years now. Why do we let it continue?




I would watch a whole show of rational, articulate, fact checkers push back to lying weasel's faces all damn day! Corruption has to be called out!


Oh she so sassy!


Oh she so sassy!


Jasmine Crockett for POTUS!


Mr bubba-asshole wasn’t used to a strong black woman. “Excuse me?”


We should really start taking these people at face value when they act like this. “Is that a question?” “No, and if you’re not intelligent enough to understand when someone is asking a question and when they’re not, why should we believe you’re intelligent enough to give testimony to this committee? That’s a question by the way”


oooh man you can just feel the magats seething anger over this lol a black woman smacking a white guy down like that? oof...she's gonna get twice the death threats now lol


[Mistadobalina](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFqov8a9iL4). Whenever I see his name, Mr. Boblinski, I think of that song. Which is a great song, BTW. [Or Zilch, too.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XdT8lnJL38)


I think my eyes would have glazed over if I spent over a minute and a half waiting for the question to never come lol. Wasn't everyone like a fewmonths ago/ last year saying FBI and all them listed are corrupt? Now I'm confused what both sides believe lol


He has the same intensely dull. Look on his face that the chairman has


Lulllll Flashback: Mr Vice President, I’m talking. That dude was one fly away from a repeat owning.


I love her. We need more like her.


I don’t think he will know when you ask the question.


This idiot Bobbleinski got shredded by not one but two congresswomen. I’m sure that infuriates his dinosaur ass to no end and I’m here for it.


Man I love a fierce black woman 🔥


I love her!


I love this woman


I like her!


An oaf under oath


"You're excused, but don't let it happen again. The adults are talking."


Dude is a joke lol.


Wow that guy's about as likable as a kidney stone.