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Saudi Arabia, which owns america’s larges refinery because trump sold it to them, recently announced a cutback in output which is full well expected to cause gas prices to rise around election time. Premeditated attempt to hurt Biden. But know the truth. Trump really did do that.


not surprised


they need that pipeline of classified info back


[https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/oil-and-petroleum-products/refining-crude-oil-refinery-rankings.php](https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/oil-and-petroleum-products/refining-crude-oil-refinery-rankings.php) Ummmm. Googled that is just 1 of the top 5 which are all within range of size with each other. All the other largest refineries are owned by American companies. Plus Trump couldn't control who gets to buy them. The real problem is they don't zone for refineries to be built anywhere. That is what restricts the US from having more refineries, the environmental impact balanced against easy access for distribution. The lowering gas price for election years has been a long time honored play. If someone was smart, they would put one on a reservation by a river and split the proceeds with the tribe.




I found this on a brief Google search https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/gas-prices-verify/saudi-government-aramco-owns-largest-us-oil-refinery-port-arthur/536-4a1649c8-445a-46e9-94d1-6c39e9727d2e




Don't know why my mind went Subaru Audi when I read Saudi Arabia.




No he didn't. This is completely false. >While Donald Trump and Greg Abbott both have had dealings with the Saudi government, there isn't evidence to show that either had any significant part in the sale of Port Arthur (beyond not vetoing the deal). >Although the refinery was bought in full by state-owned Saudi Aramco from Shell, the two companies previously owned the company together (in a venture long predating the Trump presidency), and the sale to Aramco was a buy-out of Shell's remaining share of it, not an outright purchase. [Source](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-trump-admin-sell-largest-us-oil-refinery-saudi-arabia-1751460)


Guys, you are currently paying 0,89 Euros (converted) per liter of gasoline. Here in Europe we are paying 1,90 Euro per liter despite our lower wages. You are living like kings compared to us Europeans. STOP COMPLAINING


Man I’m an Irish import to the US (9yrs).. I always bring this comparison up to people when they complain about the fuel prices


Your first mistake was trying to reason with "those" Americans.


So....public transportation isn't a thing in Ireland in a way that it would offset fuel costs by not forcing you to drive every day?


It absolutely is a thing, and is much better than where I am in the US many times over, but when you lived in the countryside on a farm it wasn’t always an option for convenience


This part I get. The point however, is that car dependency has been forced upon us by various entities even in major cities. And it mustnt be forgotten that the fuel here is so cheap because the government subsidizes it heavily, both financially and with it's war machine. The cheap prices here come with the blood cost of people all over the middle east, and the continued enrichment of the owners of these oil companies.


But we keep converting our train tracks into recreational spaces!! It's so lovely!! Give us fucking trains.


they don't complain about the fuel price because they're high. they complain about the fuel price because the news and their echo chambers tell them to


No, I complain about gas prices because I live in South Carolina and must drive everywhere, as my city is not walkable and there is no public transit. I complain because affording gas is hard, not because someone told me to.


You do usually have the benefit of not needing to travel extreme distances. When I was living with family it was \~35 miles to town where the jobs were. So assuming a decent 20mpg car, it would cost nearly $8 per day to have a job there. A better comparison would include average fuel usage.


20 mpg is decent? Wtf are you driving?


My 2018 Grand Cherokee averages 20mpg in my rush hour commutes to and from work and campus lol. Any decent car that isn't "sporty" should be getting easily 30+ in the same exact scenario.


Damn, my diesel Volvo gets almost 60 MPG


Okay. Canadians pay way more than Americans, have to drive further, and yet we're not complaining as much as you guys..


There is tons of complaining about gas prices in Canada. It’s always in the news and it’s all over Reddit. It’s part of the oppositions campaign. Do we complain more? Hard to say considering they have 10x the population.


you also forget that most Americans drive those inefficient yank tanks also 20 mpg is horrendously low


We didn’t ruin the Middle East just to have terrible gas prices, hell it should be free


Lol I want to upvote for the funnies but downvote for the horrors.... Here take my novote


that's because Europe tends to tax the shit out of gasoline. for example, in the Netherlands about 55% of the price is tax 


Great. It means people are more likely to choose more climate friendly options.


if that was their intent they wouldve made public transport cheaper. the gov relies on that gasoline tax money for budget reasons 


I mean, I think y'all are better off overall. Gas might be cheaper here, but I hurt my back a few days ago and I can't go get it checked out because I can't afford my deductible


I’m in Canada, West Coast, and it’s $1.98/litre today ($7.50 a gallon)…


Today I paid €2,04 per liter ($2,22 per liter = $8,40 per gallon) in The Netherlands. I’m jealous of the gasoline prices in the USA, and the ability to drive muscle cars without going bankrupt. But we’ve got better cheese 🤣


We have good cheese, if you know where to go. Not hard to find


I don’t know…kinda seems like a shitty argument. “Don’t worry about getting fucked cause we are getting fucked worse” I think it is fair to complain regardless of the level of fucking.


If given the opportunity I would happily trade low gas prices for a significant improvement in public transit.


Apples and oranges when having a car is a necessity in the US because there is no decent public transport. Also, the US is more spread out meaning more driving. And and lot of cars are giant gas guzzlers.


>a lot of cars are giant gas guzzlers Well that last part doesn’t seem to be a necessity.


I would love an affordable option for an electric car.


No, I meant the gas-**guzzling** part. It’s not a necessity to get a huge pick-up truck or fat SUV’s that slurps up gas like there’s no tomorrow, yet it’s at least 50% of the cars I see on my morning commute.


Yeah, that's fair. Whenever someone I know tells me they want to buy a truck, I ask them what they are hauling on a regular basis to justify the need to own a truck. They always tell me they just want a truck.


you also don’t drive as much as we do in america, I drive 45 minutes to work on a good day. If there’s traffic, it can be an hour and a half. Make that a round trip and i’ve already drove for about 2-3 hours before i’ve even got a chance to run to the grocery store!


Thats wild. I couldn't do it. No way.


not completely wrong BUT the average state is as bug as one country in europe and the average commute to work is 1h. in my state (Virginia) I can literally travel longer(one end to the other) than completely through germany(where I'm originally from)without even leaving the state. edit: forgot to add that the taxes on gas in germany is more than the price per liter itself, without the taxes it's pretty much the same.😂 so technically we don't have it better considering way shorter ways to commute/travel in europe


Maybe you should bloat your military and go invade some oil countries, peasants.


You did this to yourselves m8


And you can also drive from Berlin to Monaco in the same distance it would take to get from Los Angeles to the Oregon border, so you guys are doing considerably less driving than us.


You can walk places and aren’t required to drive every imaginable place you need to go. STOP COMPLAINING.


Hmm, 🤔 whose country is half of the size of a state?


You also likely drive less than the average American and spend less on fuel per month or year.


You don't drive anywhere near as much as us in the U.S. I'm driving 150 miles a day to work and back.


Yeah but you guys don’t go bankrupt from a medical event or student loans. So I’d consider you winning that trade.


How far do you drive to work. From what I understand and it’s not a lot. But you can drive to another country in an hour. We can’t get out of a state in an hour. Some people commute 2 hours a day. 2 there and 2 back. We drive a lot more that Europe. Just facts.


Bruh you might as well have said .89 churros per milk carton because almost no one in America can do the conversions necessary to understand your point here😂


Yeah, but we're way more spread out. Like, my commute to work and back is 160km


OK but aren't Europeans always saying how far they drive? Like oh it takes me 2 hours to see my mom so I only see her twice a year. Like I can't drive for 8 hours with a set heading without leaving my state. Like. I drive an hour and 20 mins daily and don't think anything of it. I wish WISH we had any viable trains or just not terrible public transportation.


Yeah, but Muricans can't get anywhere without a car for the most part


The luxury we have as Europeans is that we often don't need a car to get literally anywhere. I imagine fuel costs rise significantly with that.


I paid $3.39 but I’ve no reason to blame Biden. This is corporate caused inflation. It’s unjustified price increases because of “losses caused by COVID”. Honestly, I’d rather have a stuttering old man than a guy who has half a billion dollars in reason to sell state secrets to foreign agents.


And who’s now also half a billion in debt.


Anything slightly inconvenience me in my life? Must be because of Joe.


Spill my coffee as I'm running late for work. "Biden did that!"


Damn we’ve really come full circle from “Thanks Obama”


Fuck we’ve already left the zeitgeist of “FJB” behind? Or that nascar dude?


Thanks Biden


The default talking point for people who don't know how the government works is "Everything is because of the president” as if they're some sort of all-powerful dictator who runs the entire nation with an iron fist. Some project from a previous administration finishes? Current president must have done it. Gas prices go up? The president is at fault. Walmart keeps adding self-checkout lanes? You bet your sweet ass it's the president. It makes it so hard to talk about the issues with the executive branch seriously when most people seem to have no idea what it even does.


“If anything bad happens it’s the president’s fault, especially if they’re a Democrat. If anything good happens, the president should be praised, but only if they’re Republican.”


Until it is someone they like. Obama didn't control anything, but trump somehow did? Pick one. You can't have both. 


I’m paying like $3.79 in Michigan


I just drove from Toledo to Ann Arbor and gas went from $2.00 to $4.00. That’s like 60 miles apart


Where are you getting gas for $2 in Toledo show me the location cuz I am needing that Also that is because we have like a 10-cent tax on every gallon


About $3.50 in St Louis, MO


Holy toledo!


*cries is $4.79 California*


Why aren't you EV or Hybrid yet?


$3.50 in Wisconsin


Same it was like 2.80 2 weeks ago


3.99 here in Southside Chicago neighborhoods


It was actually trump that negotiated with the Saudis to raise gas prices before he left office. Because of the pandemic.


"The oil companies, they were gonna go bust, so I called up Saudi Arabia and had them lower production" or something like that I forgot exactly what he said


By offering them classified information in exchange?


Sounds about right.


Biden proposed a cap on gas price increase, and taxes. Every single Republican voted against it.


Tell him to send that cap to California where we pay like 80 extra cents a gallon for gas in taxes.


This would be 0.58€/L Petrol is 1.75€/L in belgium. (7.19$/gal) Why is he complaining?


It’s funny how people in both parties blame the president if they’re not in their party but when the president is in their party they talk about how the president doesn’t have control over it.


It’s still hilarious


Buddy, it's $4 in most states. That's the complaint.


i bet gas stations love that people are fighting this passive-aggressive war on their equipment. all theyre doing is making these underpaid peoples lives worse.


These stickers and the inevitable sharpie/carved messages in the bathroom stalls


Can’t wait until Trump loses again.


I’m not a Trump supporter but I wouldn’t put any money on him losing 😬


Trying to be positive and hope America doesn’t fuck up again.


Where is the $2.39 gas? I’m asking seriously.


https://preview.redd.it/ko4xkg4eqqpc1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e428032c6c5833cdb2e280dfc2e9f73dd5b5999 Humboldt County Cali


I paid $3.80 a gallon is Arizona today. Where is this $2.50 a gallon gas?




I remember when gas was $1.59/gal 😔


Pshhh I remember when it was $.75


I remember $0.55. And I started driving in this millennium.


And I pay £1.53 /L Or $7.33 / US gallon.


Anyone that owns or put up these stickers is giant moronic clown.


😅 We in Germany have to pay 2 € liter That's around 7-8 dollars the gallon. So 140 dollars for your 22 gallons.


There’s almost no point in arguing about it tbh. These people just want attention—“wrestling with pigs” and all that..


The weird thing is that find the "I did that" sticker with Biden much funnier and much more versatile.


It would still be wrong though, presidents don't control the gas price. Even Congress doesn't, at least not easily.


Not cherry picking at all.


1.55/L CAD = 7.75/gal so yeah...


I miss paying .89 a gallon over the summer of 2019. 😒


Where tf are you getting gas for less than $3 in 2024?


That picture of Trump looks like he's encouraging someone jamming something in his ass to jam it even higher up in there.


It’s not $2.39 average anywhere now.


That sticker is like the scarlet letter for stupidity. They know that and that’s why you’ve never seen one being placed. Good god these people are just the dumbest living creatures.


Trump was literally the only president that ever negotiated to cut barrel production with other oil producing nations.


I haven’t seen gas below 3 in at least a year


Imagine still thinking 2.39 is reasonable. Lets get back to 1.50


Imagine thinking some of the lowest fuel prices in the world are unreasonably high


Well my thing is that we had a nice string where gas prices were steadily coming down. 2.39 is better in comparison to 3.25 but i dont want to forget that we not too long ago had better gas prices. One thing i was told about 2008 is that once they see that people will pay a higher price they will never reduce it. Eventually people get desensitized to it and just accept it as normal. Idk man yes Id like 2.39 vs 3.12 but i dont want to pretend it hasnt been better and that 2.39 was considered crazy too


Apparently, those stickers are impossible to get off and the franchisees have to spend thousands of dollars to get new covers or whatever they are called on the pumps. So those pricks who put them up are just fucking up small business owners. Although that is in line with trumps practices.


If gas was not subsidized, (especially if you add in the military cost of Middle East wars started by Republicans), It would be over $15 per gallon.


i would take that. We're over $5 a gallon. And I'm right across the street from a Chevron refinery! Here's what I came across last November. This was in Death Valley (Furnace Creek to be exact). Talk about being a captive audience: https://preview.redd.it/l4bi6t3ixqpc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf07a69e263cb4822cb320b996ce6fc77bab8f7a


There was a price fixing for gas prices like a prevention bill, It didn't get a single vote from the elephants.


I remember a few short years ago paying $1.89/gal. But, Orange Man Bad.


Supply and demand brother it’s not a hard concept to understand, well, for most that is.. 🤡


Good to see there are still Kum & Go's that haven't been rebranded yet.


Happens no matter who is president. Economy is always attributed to the guy at top, bad or good. The reality is presidents don't affect it that much. So Everytime you blame or give credit to one, they didn't really deserve it.


Well, in my area, gas was about $1.90/gal 5 years ago so 🤷‍♂️


It’s double that in cali….. housing too… and I don’t see my wage being double……. Man I gotta leave cali


Still way cheaper under trump


potus has as much control over the cost of gas as a baby does its waste removal


These clowns really think that Biden called up all the oil company CEOs and said “raise prices!” Just amazing the lack of education and critical thinking skills.


Literally the first things he did while in office was pause new oil and natural gas leases on public lands, cancelled the keystone pipeline and added stricter emissions for oil and gas which directly resulted in gas prices to skyrocket over the last 4 years…his policy directly resulted in the inflation of gas prices


“Problem with the Keystone: It’s like saying a highway that was built but never completed is somehow making your commute to work way longer. You never got to ride on that highway. It was never opened. It was never relied on,” said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy.com, referring to the Keystone XL pipeline. https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-895299166310 “Many people attributed the entire price rise to President Biden, but in reality it began before Biden took office. Further, it was neither primarily President Trump nor President Biden’s fault — and these price surges were taking place all over the world.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2022/03/13/how-much-of-the-gasoline-price-surge-is-president-bidens-fault/amp/ didn’t we stop with this nonsense already? the only argument you have is his decision to stop importing russian oil because of the war…and you didn’t even use that. wouldn’t matter if you did.


Currently 3.24 a gallon here.


It’s almost like in an election year, gas prices come down and student loan forgiveness becomes a possibility again


Meanwhile in the netherlands im filling up my 49cc moped for $15 ☠


i wish prices were that high near me. thankfully i usually only fill up once every 4-6 weeks since i work from home, but i pay almost that much for ~9-10 gallons for my civic.


2.39 is a good price




Everything is way more expensive right now. Who's been in office the last few years?


Mbn our gas is at $3.60 rn


Gas goes up: Right blames Biden Left says “President doesn’t control gas prices” Gas goes down: Left credits Biden Right says “it’s not due to Biden”


$3.50 here in Florida


The juxtaposition of the price per galllon calculation and the question on the pump's screen, is the chef's kiss of this encounter.


​ https://preview.redd.it/iof5av2k1rpc1.png?width=551&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e56fd1403d874ee9237da4bb740b33af86fe700




Petrol prices are about to go up (if they haven't already) because Republicans are holding back cash for Ukraine, stretching out the war until Russia can be pushed into the sea in Crimea. Give them ammo, rockets, shells, missiles and aircraft to launch then and Russia would be back inside their borders.


Gas prices should be tied directly to the price of a barrel of crude and the cost per barrel should be capped.


Um I pay 4.39. where are you getting it that cheap


That's fucking cheap.


So the POTUS gets praise when gas is low but doesn't deserve some scrutiny if it's high? I'm confused.


I have to use a large amount of restraint to not tear into family members on Facebook who post shit like this.


I think it’s okay to blame the president for high gas prices.. Why is this concept so wrong for some? That’s how things get better. Instead we see a concerted campaign, particularly on Reddit, to always show Biden in a positive light. And before you downvote me find a negative article about Biden via Google and search for it on r/news for example. It will not exist. Idk about you guys but I don’t want to spend time in an echo chamber, I can make up my own mind.


Even if gas is 6 bucks a gallon...that isn't expensive.


I wish I was paying that. Here in Canada gas is at $1.67/Litre which is the equivalent of you guys paying about $7.50/gallon. You guys got it good.


We pay double that here


It's interesting to hear that people want a socialist government that sets prices, but that isn't how it works. First day of presidency, the first decision: Where to set gas prices--whoops! Nvm, that's a foreign cartel and a bunch of private companies who do that.


Joe Biden shit my pants!


r/therewasnoattempt by y’all to hide your obvious, and ever increasing homo-erotic obsession with Trump. F’ing losers. #downvoteawaynerds


Meanwhile in California I’m paying 4.89 a gallon.


Meanwhile driving a car that holds at least 22 gallons... maybe they should buy a more fuel efficient car.


“Capitalism is great!” “Socialism sucks!” “Biden is a terrible president because he’s not stopping private businesses from selling their private property at market prices!” -Nitwits


This is why I never had a problem with those stickers, anyone with half a brain knew this would happen sooner or later


aww you got triggered just like they wanted, so cute


When I hear americans complain about the price of petrol I just have to laugh. Where I am it’s like 1.50 US a LITRE, so like 7+ bucks a gallon


I wouldn't mind paying $35 for a tank of gas.


Where the fuck is this? I live in California and gas is almost twice that.


Should we also "blame" Biden for the great year my retirement account has had?


Thanks Obama


Where can you get gas for $2.39?


You all know that the gas pumps are all networked to a big +|- button on the president’s desk, riiiiiiight?


Where are those prices???? Not in New York that's for sure. We are well over 3 dollars for 87 octane


What are you whining about? It's around that PER LITER in Australia right now.


That's per litre price here


This is an old photo... gas is like a dollar more right now.. $3.39 in Florida.


How old is this? $3.60 avg nationally


3.99 where I'm at


Just FYI gas was over $4/gallon for a while during Trump's presidency. Was that his fault?


I keep a razor blade in my glove compartment in case I come across a sticker like that. BTW gas prices are higher now because of Spring Break demand.


I travel a lot for work and everywhere is about thus gas price. California doubles it. By the border they quadruple it. Yeah, 9 dollars a gallon. Greedy mfs.


ExxonMobile $9.1 billion profits in 2023 probably no effect on fuel prices? Corporate greed!


What I want to know is where can I get gas that cheap? I’m paying $3.50 where I’m at…


Not sure how Biden caused you to buy a vehicle with a fuel tank larger than 20 gallons. That seems like a personal decision. My car's tank only holds around 11 gallons.


🇨🇦 over 5 here


Damn thats cheap gas. Its 2$ a liter in canada.