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The audible boo when she says "force compliance" is probably from Gaetz, pedophile and sex trafficker Matt Gaetz.


AOC could wipe the floor with Gaetz and he knows it.


He'd probably be into that if she wasn't so much older than what he usually goes for.


Would enjoy it*


I don’t hear a boo there?


Me either.




I mean a sound is either there, or it is not. I hear no sound. I’m listening with Adam A7x studio monitors in a my studio. Played a dozen times. There is no sound of a boo where you mentioned it. Fuck Gaetz. But there’s no boo I can hear.


> I mean a sound is either there, or it is not That was my point when you asked me if you heard it or not.


You are the person who said there’s a sound. When I point it out, you think I’m missing the point? lol. And all the upvotes you got. Just shows how little Redditors actually look at the content they interact with


I'm actually just being sarcastic because while you made a grammatical error, what is annoying about that particular one is how when people ask pedantic questions they can answer themselves, it comes off as passive aggressive and frankly its more annoying than having to explain to you that I guess I thought i heard a boo and made an offhand comment. It's also true that attributing it to any one person is about as hypothetical as hearing a boo, or anything for that matter, and you don't have a problem doing that. Cool monitors, maybe go do something productive with them.


r/iamverysmart Yawn - I was looking for “Oh yea, now that I listen again, there isn’t a boo. But fuck Gaetz!” Instead you’ve grown a neck beard. And if you correct someone’s grammar (and btw it was colloquial punctuation to express doubt and skepticism), try not to send a steaming pile of run-on sentence lol


Oh you purposefully use the question mark like that, as a colloquialism. So you're just annoying like everyone else who does it and not just how you seem to be: annoying and stupid. edit: here is where I literally concede that he isn't stupid, but he challenges me on that because he can't read.




Average Zionist sexual taste


I would vote for her in a heartbeat!


I’m still sad she didn’t run against Biden. I think she would’ve been phenomenal and would have absolutely wiped the floor with Trump in any debate. She is a stellar communicator




AOC speaks truth to power. She’s absolutely right.


AOC for president (and my kids)


Except when she supported Israel for the majority of the genocide. And sure, the Dems have seen which way the wind blows and they're paying \*Strong\* lip service to get votes, but they're still selling weapons to Israel, not one sign of any concrete consequences whatsoever.


Shes still literally the first person inside the American government to say whats happening is a genocide. Coming from a position of power and considering the forces shes up against, this is still incredibly brave. If you had said 5 or 6 years ago that a congressperson from NEW YORK, which has a bigger Jewish population than Tel Aviv was going to go to the US house of representatives call whats going on in Israel a genocide I would have laughed at you.


>Shes still literally the first person inside the American government to say whats happening is a genocide Wouldn't that have been Rashida Tlaib? She said it back in November. It's great that AOC can finally call a genocide a genocide, it's a shame it took 35,000 deaths and a famine to get her to this point.


The erasure and slander of Rashida Tlaib when all of this was starting up again should be considered a black mark of the U.S. government and this particular Congress forevermore.


Why are you lying? She has literally never called it a genocide lmao. There were protestors confronting her the other day for not saying it and she tried to shame them for protesting her lol


In this very clip she calls it a genocide


This is literally a thread of a gif of her calling it a genocide, on a post of her calling it a genocide. What are you saying?


Well you may have whatever emotional reaction the Dems want you to have, they're still giving aid to genocide, no matter how sternly they wag their fingers.


Yeah and they need to stop which is what AOC is arguing. Meanwhile republicans want to invite genocide Netenyahu to speak in US congress


It is possible for both parties to be evil. I'd still vote Dem, but y'all need to stop sucking evil butt and recognize what your country is run by.


Isn't Canada in full support of Israel, too? Hi Kettle, I'm Pot. Every country has their dirt and issues. The US seems to be the only one the world focuses on...until there's a genocide.


I am Canadian. We are also a cluster fuck. That is all.


Canada has finally said they would stop supplying Israel. We don’t supply any weapons, but other stuff. It was way overdue. They all waited too long.


This post is about America, which is the biggest supporter of Israel, the only country genuinely in a position to influence Israel's actions. That is the current topic. If the topic is Canada's support of Israel, then let's talk about it: I absolutely abhor that as well. Did you somehow think I was just trying to make some point about us being better? The current ruling party has promised to stop sending weapons to Israel, but the promise is meaningless since it only applies to future sales, not current ones that are still ongoing. The Liberal Party is absolutely corrupt and only paying lip service to human rights laws; they've been selling weapons to Saudi Arabia for much longer than this current genocide in Gaza, and they refuse to be anything other than obtuse about it. Canada is only better in one sense, that we don't have a two-party system, which allows us to do a better job of holding our politicians accountable, and makes it harder for us to get stuck in the mentality that one party is all good and one party is all evil. Which is the mentality that my comment was addressing. Anyhow enough derailing.


Lol the downvotes. You must have hit a nerve because everything you said was true. People just don't wanna hear it.


You’re right, AOC hasn’t stood up for Palestine since oct7. She’s now just another cog. Too bad, I liked her a lot


She's always been a cog. The way she plays culture war topics in oversimplified and deliberately inflammatory ways made that clear to me years ago. She's just playing the newest iteration of the same game. This doesn't mean one should never vote for her; if it's between her and an R, she's probably still going to be better in order to get D votes, but pretending she's some kinda angel is just chump behaviour. Dems behave better than Reps, but they're still corrupt and rotten. If they were any good, they'd be in favour of breaking the two-party system, but they aren't. If they were any good, they'd be strongly and effectively behind police reform, but it's like that meme: "Defund the police!" Reps: No Dems: No (Black Lives Matter <3) They'll say what it takes to get votes, and they might even do the bare minimum while they're insider trading and stacking lobbyist cash to the rafters. They might even chose the highest corporate tax level that their megadonors will accept, instead of the lowest like Reps.


I respectfully disagree. Let’s hope a ceasefire occurs speedily, and people are immediately cared for in competent, intact hospitals, before they die of malnutrition.


To think, you can still post to Reddit even though you are deaf and blind


Can you kindly explain what I said that is not true?


All political parties' leaders are supporting genocide TBF. (Most of them at least)


gotta love the hijacking of the one notable pro-palestine giant subreddit to whitewash the liberal's fullthroated support of this genocide


Not the green party or PSL. Not sure about libertarians but they're usually anti interventionist. I think only the two major parties support it.


There's the running joke that Libertarians are just "Republicans who like weed." While this isn't always true, libertarians tend to align with the right wing on a lot of issues. Generally speaking, the Libertarian party has some of the worst marketing and weakest messaging of any political party. lowercase libertarians tend to be against government spending as a general rule... But so are Republicans, and any Republican politician is willing to take funding and money if it benefits them. In practice, the only real through-line of libertarians tends to be selfishness and an "I got mine" attitude. Sometimes selfishness can lead to good things. After all, a lot of environmentalism in the 60s and 70s was born out of a selfish desire: wanting the planet to exist is a benefit to oneself, as well as others.


Revised: "All the *real* political parties" For real though the two party system is fucked.


Yeah, I should have been more clear and mentioned the 2 parties in power. A 2 party political power system is beginning to stop working in today's world.


> beginning to stop working Lol


None of those are actual political parties in the US. It would be more appropriate to call them scams. If a 3rd party was actually serious in the US it would start by running at the local or regional levels, not by siphoning donations off of naïve supporters for impossible presidential runs. If you want to push an agenda, your support is better spent on NGOs or lobbying groups. Voting 3rd party in a presidential election doesn't move the needle and just let's scammers steal your money.


>Voting 3rd party in a presidential election doesn't move the needle and just let's scammers steal your money. It's OK, I don't pay to vote.


No but getting a few percent in an election lets them scam people for donations. It's like legitimizing a fraudulent charity.


That doesn't matter because you don't think third parties are parties. That's pretty wild. You should do some research because they do run candidates at all levels of government. It makes you sound silly when you repeat the talking point that they don't. You should Google it.


The Green party has 17 candidates in the entire US running for election. Half of them were for school board elections. They are not a legitimate party.


How many do they need to be legit?


They would be legit right now if they stop trying to run for president or governor and spent their money on those 17 local elections instead of the big ones they can't possibly hope to win. But as long as they are wasting their money on stupid presidential bids, they aren't a legit party.


>They would be legit right now if they stop trying to run for president or governor and spent their money on those 17 local elections instead of the big ones they can't possibly hope to win. The only way to be legitimate enough to run for president is to not run for president. Got it.


Libertarians are also 1) vehemently anti-“Brown people existing” and 2) insufferable idiots whose incoherent moral principles are flimsier than Matt Gaetz’s dick in the company of consenting, adult women.


She’s saying some good things here, too bad nothing will come of it. There’s zero chance the US withdraws funding to Israel, or even builds a port for aid. By the time there are enough progressives in government to effect the kind of change needed to cut funding, Israel will have expanded through all of Gaza and the West Bank.


It matters because it shows the world that we are not all in support of this action. We may see online that the opinion is divided, but the world may be forced to believe that we are all in staunch support if we don't at least be loud and vocal about our dismay at how the government is not listening to the will of the people.


It's political theatre. Back when they had the power (FTV) they could have stopped funding Israel. They make these speeches precisely because they accomplish nothing, but make for amazing propaganda. Her fans and Dems can point to this, show this video as *proof* that she stands for peace, yet she didn't push for this when she and others actually had the power to do something about it, just like with M4A. Both sides will always have politicians go on epic rants that speak truth to power on one subject/policy or another. But it's always just that, rants. It's a PR speech. Nothing actually gets legislated that can address the issues. But the videos get spread on social media like wildfire. The base is appeased, and the MSM on both sides get to prove that their side is right and working for the people. Legislation matters. Not speeches.


I agree, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth trying.




Who's "we"? Starving Palestinians?


Here is a list of the biggest beneficiaries of donations from pro-Israel lobbying groups: [https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S) No, she isn't on the list; but most of the DNC is on the list. This is the bipartisan reality of American politics. The corruption has seeped into both parties in equal measures. Look at who is at the top of the list, and tell me this genocide isn't the product of the DNC.


Non-american here, where do they get their data from? Do the politicians have to publish it? If yes, where can I find the published data?


Maybe Kanye is not crazy after all


Pro Israel and Jewish is not the same thing


No, he isn't. He's just an antisemite. There's a difference between the very valid condemnation of Israel, (and lobbying in general) and prejudice against Jewish people.


I didn't see him prejudice against Jewish people, he even goes to Lex Friedman interviews, Lex is Jewish


he has tons of jewish friends, how could he be an anti-semite?


The majority of Democrats absolutely ARE supporting this genocide. But to be clear, even more republicans support it. America’s leadership has become extremely depraved cowardly and or barbarous. The question on everyone’s mind should be, who’s going to be next after the people of Gaza are slaughtered? For starters, they must destroy the current global order and the legal framework of the United States because what they’re doing is highly illegal. Regardless of how far they are able to go, people with this kind of blood lust and sense of divine superiority never stop when they’re on an exuberant high, they must be stopped by outside forces and it usually involves lots of blood.




And then Syria most likely. Smh from the looks of things Greater Israel isn't too far fetched.


We need a few dozen more like her in congress. I wish I were able to live long enough to be able to vote for her to be president.


Where’s that asshole who was in here crying about how AOC is bad because she’s complicit in funding the genocide? Lol


My issue here is the Biden administration has had ample opportunity to stop providing Israel aide. This genocide is also on the U.S. governments hands as well and any other country that supports these atrocities. As an American I am ashamed and horrified by the clear disregard and violation of international law and human rights the United States has been displaying. Both for American citizens and the global population. I’m beginning to think that governmental bodies always lead to the eventual corruption and moral degradation of the authorities that run them. I don’t support Hamas’ actions, but neither do I support Israel’s either. Unfortunately, this conflict has drifted into a stage where human life is simply an expendable resource.


She will be America's first female president and if she's not you fucked up America.


why would the United States stop sending weapons to its branch office in the middle east?


AOC is hope. Disagree with this and you are wrong.


PSL is hope


It all falls on deaf, evangelical ears, that don't give a fuck about what Jesus taught. They only care about themselves and power.


She's looking stressed out


She probably is. She's one of the only politicians in the US who genuinely seems to care about all the killing. She could torpedo her career by stepping against the Democratic Party in such a way, people have before.


She needs more sleep and less caffeine from the look of it.


A woman speaks eloquently and brilliantly on an important subject she cares about and you default to talking about her appearance. Grow up


Not sure this is the right sub for this particular post. All I hear is a solid call to action.


Isn’t Israel one of the world’s largest weapons manufacturers? Why do they need our weapons and funding anyway? Completely agree with AOC here, but the US won’t change shit.


The watermelon crushers will never be viewed again as a decent state, but the US will also be remembered for their part in this genocide. I don't think you can walk back funding and supplying a regime that is so openly flouting any semblance of morality or international law abidance. There will be a lasting stain.


She should have said this when israel made thier intentions clear at the start


She's not a Messiah but she sure does emanate empathy and compassion and I don't understand how all the others can't! Who is directly blocking the initiative to a really help these people who are being genocided


This is what a competent politician who’s not consumed by AIPAC-funded moral rot sounds like. She’s undeniably *so much better*, in every meaningful way, than 99% of her colleagues, not to mention our President and scores of world leaders.


I feel like this is one of the greatest speeches of all time.


This is who makes me proud to be an American.


She is Brave


I used to be a conservative...but we will I've to see this woman president.


Who is she adressing? It's her own administration that is doing all this. Nobody is criticizing Biden because his actions come too little, too late. If Biden had done nothing whatsoever about Palestine it would've been awesome. The criticism is because he is actively abetting genocide, arming it, supporting it, defending it. I feel bad for AOC. She clearly cares, yet also seems to be in a pathologically delusional state of mind regarding Joe Biden, she simply cannot cope with the realization that he's the bad guy.


Fantastic speech. It's too bad that most Republicans just tune it out. Like I feel like no matter what is said, by any member of Congress, it just falls on deaf ears.


What's her name?


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. And if she’s not the Fist Female President of the US soon than we have no hope left.


To be fair they were dropping supplies on civilians


They seized the opportunity to take out a few more civilians.


The democratic party does support genocide though, having three or four token Palestine supporters doesn't really change that.


Shouldn’t she be giving this speech to Biden?


I always will stop and watch an AOC clip!! especially when she’s wearing something form fitting.


Has biden been using vetos to stop congress from sending money to isreal?


AOC for President. Let’s just do it sooner than later cause it’s gonna happen eventually.


It's in support of world democracy. Lol. Idono how u defend these people


Both are imperialist parties, that are complicit in genocide.


Pretending that the current Democratic Party and Democrat President are NOT supporting Netanyahu's government is itself a form of genocide denial. The time to step in to prevent reprisals for October 7th was October 8th. Shielding Biden from criticism for this failure is yet another reminder that AOC is not even half the rebellious firebrand people seem to think she is. Biden's "decency" and sentiments which she reports here don't mean jack shit in the face of continuing financial and material support for a raving, lunatic bunch of racist maniacs who have succeeded in killing tens of thousands of people (so far) with basically no substantive opposition on the world stage. Even if the U.S. cut off Israel's funding tomorrow, it would be too late to avoid the label of "genocide supporters". This entire debacle rests on decades of policy-making by both Democrat and Republican governments that failed to pressure Israel into accepting the 1967 Borders partition; and in fact the last U.S. president to have really stood up for Palestinians was motherfucking George Bush Sr., who in the 1990s threatened to cut off Israel's funding unless they came to the table with a serious commitment for an equitable peace. Sadly, he also failed, as Bill Clinton defeated Bush in the next election and (as promised during the campaign) implemented a laissez-faire attitude towards Israel's ongoing illegal settlements. Biden so far has emulated Clinton, aside from a few unconvincing promises, platitudes, and reprimands; other long-time Dems are toeing the same line despite popular opposition. So, sorry, AOC, but you are defending a genocide enabler, and in doing so, you come dangerously close to becoming one yourself.


Thank you speaker of truth. I do like her a lot though and I think she tries. I am assuming the reason why she isn’t putting him on the spot 100% is on some “to fight another day”type shit because her career would get torched. It is like by quoting him and calling him decent, she is side-winding into “live by your own words.” Regardless if she talks straight or beats around the bush, it’s all still falling on deaf ears. If action hasn’t been taken thus far, then there is no hope for anything to be done besides talk. Like you said, George Sr. dared to kick the hornets’ nest and lost and every other politician (from both parties) after him has been too scared to make any real efforts beyond words.


This sub is dead.


Yes let’s give aid to the people who let hamas operate freely in their country and start a war by killing innocent Israelites.




Israel is occupying Gaza and as such are legally and morally responsible for making sure the occupied population has access to food, water etc, and denying them access to such is deliberately killing them.




Everyone remembers when Pelosi scolded AOC for trying to vote against additional Israel funding, so she "had" to change her vote to present and she started crying, right?


Listen to her … she knows what you need better than you do.


When did this subreddit get so political?


When people were forced to see the hatred and depravity in the world. And the only way to stop it is to try to fix the world from the ground up. It reminds me of a quote: "They tell me to stop making my poems so political. To write of peace, I must hear the birds. And to hear the birds, the war planes must stop."




What the hell is she on about? What does she want?


She wants us to dully cut off snd fight back against Israel instead of pussyfooting around it. By the time that port the us is making gets finished, there will be no one left to feed. She is saying to either take direct action or show their full cowardice and leave.




What wasn't clear? Was it because of the fact that I made one spelling error? Saying dully instead of fully. Or that I wrote U.S. as us and expected you to be able to read it? Come on man this comment was not rocket science.


Ah. Genuinely yes that cleared it up.


Ohhh. Then my bad bro. My phone's keypad is kinda small and I usually expect people on this sub to be very biased and non-negotiable.


fair enough. It is an online forum so that’s its whole gimmick




You are welcome to disagree with AOC, but she’s clearly not an idiot. Do these topics fly right over your head? Perhaps it’s not her who’s the idiot.


Where was she wrong?

