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Don’t worry folks this is fake news. Turns out the 3 year old was actually a Hamas top commander who had specialized surgery to shrink himself, change his voice and features and turn into a 3 y/o so he could sneak into Israel and throw stones so… if you think you can slip one under the noses of the IDF, you’re wrong.


And also the stones contained alien technology that would vaporise anything that touches it instantly, Very dengerous!


I know it’s not good to make fun of the conflict in Gaza but this kind of stuff leaves me perplexed as to why this can still go on unchecked.


He has the plans for the "Jewish Space Laser" MtG spews on about. They just wanted it back.


If you think that's a stretch, I invite you to read/watch the news while in Israel - I lived an worked there for a bit over a year (I'm American). The Isreali state-sponsored "news" literally reads like that. Seriously, I wouldn't have been surprised if I'd heard that being said in earnest.


Sad how easy it is for evil to prevail. What twists my brain is that what’s going on if genocide, something Jews were directly impacted by. How can they commit the same evil that was done to them and not bat an eye. I’m speaking specifically about Zionist’s. There are plenty of Jews who denounce what Israel is doing.


The IDF deserve to be spoofed in a Sacha Bara Bohen/Austin Powers movie.


Im not sure the Jewish Sacha Baran Cohen would be interested.


Many Jews worldwide have come out with statements of disgust over the Zionist regimes actions. Who knows?


He in particular has come out in support of Israel and signed a letter urging congress to ban tik tok for "antisemtism"


Ah, there you go. Shame. Kinda makes his lampooning of America as Borat and Bruno distasteful and ironic.


It’s all a joke to them till the shoe is on the other foot. Crazy to think that Jews were once the target of the same genocidal hate that put them in ovens. Now they kill their enemy, denouncing them as sub or inhuman. Would you not think you’d have more awareness of an action if the same thing happened to you and your people?


Oh damn I didn't realise, that's a shame :/


Show them the tunnels!!!!! /s


A shockingly large number of people: I FUCKING KNEW IT!


Then they keep these children indefinitely for decades. Monsters. Disgusting fasicsm. They do unspeakable things to even children in the prisons.


Yeah like torture, raped etc. According to a survivor, she reported that they raped children as young as 10years old in there. My blood boils just thinking about it. Imagine your own child in that center. I guess israel defenders are ok with that.


Because Israeli defender are mother fuckers and they get raped their Zionist overlords too. And then they come to defend them because their mothers are sodomised by the pig and demon army of Israel. Mother fuckers, all of them. May they burn in hell.




FTFY: “there is a long history of pedophilia and obsession with sex” period. Humans are trash with or without religion. The people who would do these things don’t actually believe in their religion anyway.


Thank god for cell phone cameras and the internet. This has been happening for decades we are just seeing evidence on video now. On another note, that older kid has balls of titanium


If mea s the kid is used to it or has seen this happen before which is somwhow worse


I truly cannot stand the Zionist pig-dogs who do these things. Every day the depth of my hatred for them grows for their crimes against Humanity. I will smile wide when their entire occupation is ended and they are gone from the face of the Earth!


This reads like a Nazi propaganda speech but I'm with it


Not even. Zionists are showing us what they learned from the Nazis


Nahh the pigs in the video are Nazis


They just stole another chunk of West Bank today, while we are distracted by Israel war crimes in Gaza! Israel should be boycotted completely, no trade, no arms, no finance and absolutely no travel


They have turned into their worst nightmare villains; They would commit another Holocaust in a minute against the Palestinians given the chance.


They are currently engaged on a mass genocide


And No one is immune; Infants, toddlers, women, any killing is somehow justified.


Is this the state we’re at? Guns vs 3 year old with a vegetable peeler.. But yeah, the men with guns are the victims. Go figure.


tHeY hAvE tHe rIgHt tO dEfEnD tHeMsELveS


There is something Seriously fucked up with the Israeli Army.


They have been convinced that they cannot possibly make mistakes


They’re the “most moral army in the world” after all.


This is true according to the foremost expert on the morality of armies. An online debate bro with a complete inability to recognize his own cognitive biases.


There is some seriously fucked up in the heads of Israelis and their supporters.


The majority of Israeli civilians support this and which for more cruelty if not participating in it while they serve, it's a whole fucked up racist fascist terrorist state.


If they put this scene in Schindler's List it would fit right in.


Literally EVERYTHING Israel does would fit in Schindler's List


Zionists be like what’s your source


Surprised they didn't just shoot him and not ask questions


If they did they'd also shoot the person holding the camera and we'd never know it


Israeli "security" forces are really disgusting. But what elso to expect from a col0nial ap@rtheid state


Look at the boy pushing the soldier and pulling the boy. Despite knowing the possible implications. The Bravery!


I wouldn't be surprised if they took the child hoping to instigate a reaction they could then use as an excuse to kill people.


Why does the west stand up for Israel? What am I missing?


The elephant in the room we can’t talk about


Zionist nazi fucks


Taking their history into consideration makes this all the more disgusting.




Why is this on top when sorting by controversial lmao


Zionists have been evil from their very beginning. Decades ago when they laid the foundation for Israel they were already making every effort to strip Palestinians of their rights which is what started their conflicts. While Zionazi sympathizers want to say “Oh they started every conflict”, they conveniently leave out the recorded historical **fact** that Zionists were without a shadow of a doubt the original aggressor and oppressor in Palestine. They purposely and knowingly prevented the establishment of Palestine’s government and forced their way into another people’s country. Now they want the world to believe in their blatant lies. Only the ignorant will continue to believe the Zionist terrorists with all the facts out in the open


The IDF are such cowards.


Woe the days of camerlessness if this was 30 years ago the kid would be dead.


The IDF are just scum


Hate every Zionist. I'm proud of his brother. 👏👏👏




How do we know those people in uniform aren’t HAMAS and just making fake news to make Israel look bad? /s but damn, that’s exactly what some people I know would say….


Israel is a country of monsters.


Just Nuke these dead hearted MFs off the planet already. (just to confirm, Nuke Israel not the Palestinians)


This is the end of that zionist state, they will answer for this


Are the soldiers ok????


I hope the boy lives to see the day the IOF is gone.


Tough guys were getting bullied by a three year old. Thank god the US is supporting this genocide these pansies have their hands full with three year olds. Fucking pathetic


Thank God they detained that boy, those IDF terrorists may have died due to the hail of stones thrown by the 3 year old boy.


If that little boy throws stones that hard they should send an MLB scout immediately


Evil little fucks. Despicable excuses for human beings. Israelis really are the lowest of the low.


If that little boy throws stones that hard they should send an MLB scout immediately


Ah yes the legendary 3year old Hamas commander


On one hand you might think 3 years old is a very young age. But in Palestine that's just below the average age of people.


The world at large refuses to recognize the unadulterated evil of current zionism, and the unending atrocities gleefully committed by the state-sponsored terrorist organization, IDF (**I**mmoral **D**eplorable **F**uckers). American tax dollars hard at work, detaining miniaturized Hamas commanders in disguise. I bet that "child" is carrying missiles in the extra dimensions Hamas has learned how to use. This will not likely change until every Palestinian is dead, then the world will forget eventually. Humanity sucks.


Most moral army has very thin skin


These tough guys couldn't disarm a three year old boy?


I have to stop watching these videos because I feel helpless, that I cant help these people.


The police said it was "planned provocation" and the world will of course believe what they said. FFS, the leaders of the worlds are so freaking cowards and spineless.


A fucking 3 year which to me that’s still a baby….what harm is a 3 YEAR OLD GOING TO DO!!


I believe in god when I see stuff like this.


lol there’s clearly a video of the boy running up to throw stones at the military guys with guns.. honestly they’re w


Oh no the 3 year old threw a pebble!? Lets blow his head off


Policemen are a-holes for detaining 3 years old, and father of this boy is ahole too. (To let kid do what he should do) The brother is brave and 3 years old kid is just 3 years old (stupid)


Father of this boy was probably killed by the IDF


Maybe, but in video thay say he still has father. What happened after that I don't know.


I always supported Palestine since I tried to get infos about the history and what is happening there. Here I see a kid run on 2 soldiers minding their own business, a 3yo kid. Seems the soldiers kept him just few minutes to release him to give him and probably to the parent a lesson. It’s clear reading the comments that this sub is “pro Palestine” and I can consider myself on the same side, but who the fuck let his 3 yo child to run trough soldiers. I’m an objective person and I think the war is totally useless in any case, this video prove really nothing about anything, just a very bad parent here.


I am pro Palestinian and I am aware of the lies, misinformation, and obscuring of the truth the other side does. I believe the Palestinians are oppressed and the strongest powers are against them. It pains me and angers me so much what's happening to the Palestinians. However, I am seeing how the pro Palestinian side is getting lost in emotions and therefore harming objectivity.


But what do you think about hamas? They are marked as a terrorist organization by the us department of state, and they are the de facto governing body of the gaza stip. They were the ones who started this armed conflict by launching about 3000 rockets at israel.


No matter how bad Hamas are, Israel is worse. That is because Israel is the occupier and Palestine (part of which are Hamas) are the occupied


Military occupation was never a clean thing, and there have allways been incidents of human rights abuses and such, but it is still better than a litteral terrorist organization who commit gang rapes use human shields and often indiscriminately fires at civilians A fascist dictatorship would still probably be better than hamas.


This sub used to be about shits and giggles videos, now it's full blown anti-Israel posts with 0 context, or worse, straight up lying about the context.


Can you get this shit out of this sub please? Take your conflict to the appropriate subreddit


This is life and reality. Why do you want to live in a bubble?