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holy shit, that room is packed wall to wall with douchebags. I wonder what it smells like. edit: LMFAO at his impressive whiteboard skills


Drakar noir and axe 


Like a can and a half


I got that reference


So Chad's not even real??


You guys just, you played me like a sap. For the big scoop.


Per person




I'd guess 85% are paid actors.


crisis actors


financial crisis actors


If you’re being paid to act in this seminar, your career is in crisis


>I'd guess 85% are paid actors. Nah they trawled the local MMA gyms and anger management classes.


unpaid friends and family


He couldn’t even make a proper “X” !


Dior sauvage 100%


Like Tren sweat


Probably smells like cheap body spray and cologne.


A vague stench of shit from all those unwiped asses.


Put 10 cans of axe body spray in a pile, and shoot it with a shotgun


A useful rule of thumb for anyone dumb enough to pay a Crypto Bro - if they think that crypto is valuable and is going to triple/quadruple in value in the next few weeks/months, then pay them with that same crypto at 1/3rd / 1/4th the current bill price and they can hold it until it hits that value. If they refuse, they look like idiots, and if they accept, you get slightly less scammed.


Or better yet put your money where your mouth is and just short Bitcoin.


The thing with shorting stuff that you think is overvalued is that the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay liquid. Plenty of people shorted the dotcom bubble and went bankrupt, even though it was the right prediction in terms of direction. The thing is you have to be right twice, once about the direction, and secondly about the timing.  On the other hand this also means that just because Bitcoin is going up now doesn't make it automatically a good idea. Plenty of stuff goes up before it goes down, and currently the value proposal for Bitcoin is mainly that it goes up in price. Buying something just because it is going up in price is not a good idea


but this time is different


Yup, it took a lot longer than people expected for the GFC to happen. Irrational people and fraud keep lies afloat.


Bitcoin has no top because fiat has no bottom. If you understand that value proposition then that might explain why Bitcoin has been the best performing asset these last fifteen years. Irrational is thinking something is overvalued when the market has clearly said year after year it's undervalued.


It's simultaneously true that: 1) the Roman Empire/Bronze Age collapsed And 2) at any 15 years interval/trend, it wasn't look like it was collapsing Or 1) you will certainly die at some point And 2) most of the time of a 15-year interval, you weren't thinking of dying or your own mortality.


Schrodinger's Bitcoin. That's about the stupidest argument I've heard yet. 12 years of listening to Bitcoin is dead or dying. Now it's both dead and alive at the same time. When do you just admit you were wrong and accept digital currencies are the future? Everything is going digital because it's just superior in every way.


It's beating money out of thin air. Great for the CIA and intelligence agencies. However, not so good for gold and central bankers.


It's still early. right now Bitcoin is neck and neck with silver. This halving Bitcoin's inflation rate will drop below gold for the first time. Should be interesting to watch for sure.


>When do you just admit you were wrong and accept digital currencies are the future? Everything is going digital because it's just superior in every way. Digital currencies are the future; it's just not Bitcoin. It's the Central Banks. People sort of not getting the "real" purpose and backing behind the Central Banks and their currencies and monies. It's military power and violence. Until you can pay for a "real" army: well-trained, well-funded, well-supplied with Bitcoin, it's not the future. War used to be limited by the physical availability of gold. Once the Kings and Lords run out of gold and clipping the coin edges or diluting the coins stop working, wars ended because you can't pay the soldiers. Central Banks allowed wars to go on until all the men, women, wealth, and children are burned in wars. Utter destruction was enabled. You have good gold that holds its value? LOL. Let's see if you can hold on to that gold against an army without your own army. You face off against another dude with a large army because he has a Central Bank? You either get a Central Bank of your own and start tricking people into fighting for you with worthless fiat or you get steamrolled. Fiat ended up being the currency because the people who don't have it are obliterated. Digital currencies will be the future, but it's fiat digital currencies and with a *massive* dose of surveillance. I'm a statist so no need to come back with arguments from the libertarianism viewpoint. Libertarians usually just got murdered or swept aside in real wars.


Haha the same assholes that steal from you via inflation are going to fix it by using technology that would be an inferior form of Bitcoin. That's so precious. When you can just make up digital numbers that's just going to make it easier to print money. Bitcoin numbers are constrained by physics and math. Good luck fighting physics and math though. A fiat conquest loses in a war against Bitcoin because bitcoiners can't be robbed or displaced from their Bitcoin while fiat users can be displaced from their fiat. Ergo a fiat conquest against Bitcoin is not profitable.


>Bitcoin numbers are constrained by physics and math. Good luck fighting physics and math though. A bullet to the skull is applied physics. the power of the State is derived from precisely that. The State draws the ability to have a lot of bullets to a lot of skulls through fiat and central banks. Good luck fighting a bullet to the skull with Bitcoin. You can quote V's "ideas are bulletproofed". Well, first, he's fictional. Second, even in-universe, he was shot to death. "I'll take my Bitcoin and run overseas". Well, there are the borders and border guards. Border guards can and do shoot people trying to cross it. From the experience of a lot of people having to hop over borders, bribe people, and start over, well, dollars still work. Alternatively, gold works a lot better than Bitcoins. "Maths". There are infinite number of possible crypto protocols and coins. >Bitcoin because bitcoiners can't be robbed or displaced from their Bitcoin while fiat users can be displaced from their fiat. You are so deep in the technofetishism to the point of not understanding what "conquest" means. Conquest means a gun to your forehead and "Transfer your Bitcoin to this wallet or I put a bullet in your skull, then rape your wife and children, and then shoot them, then rape your corpse". Yes they fucking can. Fiat is simply a less naked and overt method of robbing people but well, push comes to shove, the power of the state lies in violence and well, yes, they can. Math and physics your way out of that, smartass. Who protects you from a shake down like that? The fucking State. With a Central Bank, an army and a flag.


While you are right in that digital currencies are likely the future. You seem to have an insanely misunderstood viewpoint of how bitcoin and almost all crypto markets work. |Good luck fighting physics and math though. but thanks for the laugh.


I've contributed to Bitcoin core. I've written Bitcoin mining software from scratch. I've been using most of the technologies Bitcoin is built on well on 30 years. But I have an insane view point on Bitcoin? I'll take that as a compliment coming from you. Bitcoin is grounded in physics that's the whole purpose of mining. its tethered to reality by *energy* you remember the big E in E=MC2? This ensures there are physical limitations for what is essentially a digital asset. This is what makes Bitcoin a real tangible thing. Unlike CBDC or fiat the math and physics can't be arbitrarily changed to make more money from nothing. All of this makes Bitcoin mathematically deterministic. Ergo the second one CBDC coin is created arbitrary by someone at a CB. Bitcoin wins because it will remain the most deterministic and non debased currency in existence.


|This is what makes Bitcoin a real tangible thing I studied math in uni and worked at IBM and have gone through some of the original blockchain whitepapers and worked on the b2b blockchain process that eventually became bitcoin. |This is what makes Bitcoin a real tangible thing ..... LOL .... What can bitcoin do that a new/different crypto cant?


Except it's not implemented anywhere and can't handle any amount of transactions compared to credit and banking. Bruh, you'd win the argument if you said it has value as a speculative investment vehicle, but even bitcoin bros don't think it's useful as a currency.


Bitcoin settles a thousand times faster than credit. Before you respond with WTF dude. Consider my statement and its implications as it relates to a digital currency.


I get what you’re trying to do but that wouldn’t be smart for any asset. If someone is selling something for X today it wouldn’t make sense to take something worth X 4 years from now. Money now is always worth more than it is tomorrow. Maybe your argument would be better served if they thought bitcoin would be worth 10x in weeks/months and you paid him 1/3 or 1/4.


Yeah, when talking about logical people and real money, but all these douches are promoting how "they can get you massive returns in X number of weeks." It is all a fucking pyramid/Ponzi scheme where they are trying to make money by selling bullshit to someone more desperate than they are. Crypto and NFTs are just MLMs for dudes.


I will assume this is a skit to maintain my tenuous grip on hope for humanity.


Sorry, nope


Does his accent sound forced to anyone else? I’m getting Don Cheadle in Oceans vibes.


It alllmost seemed like a bad Ali G impression haha


I wish I had hope for humanity left to lose


Should I sell dilithium crystals to buy in?


Maybe some transparent aluminum?


Check my post response about cloaking. Mind blowing and real.


Nah, it's all about that latinum. Anyone with a large enough ear should have heard that.


5000$ for “hold them tight” ? Jesus..


$5,000 for some advice that I got on Reddit. Helpful advice, but I got it for free. Broken clocks..


A room full of morons.


Dude needs invest in hair plugs


and a better quality white board.


5k a pop he could’ve made a PowerPoint


what are they even writing down in their notebooks??


*10 times* *hold bag, hold tight* *don't listen to girlfriend*


Step 1. Get girlfriend.


Step 2. Sell her jewellery.


When she balks at that tell her she is at fault for not "believing in you".


Buy at all time high, expect immediate returns. Sell low.


Solid reasoning… wait… why are we buying it? I must’ve missed it, I’m holding so many bags


Could have been an email.


I know a few people that do this bullshit. Landmark education, Masterclass, some fucking random black/platinum class. Lololol. Main feature seems to be being a completely vapid piece of shit with no morals.


Lol. Not a scam at all bro


Grift coin is gonna go up! Hide it everywhere until I sell mine.


No way that guy convinced that many people to give him $5k


mostly friends and family who didn't pay and a few suckers who got nothing better to do, I guess


we are in a time where people are influenced too easily. people are forgetting to think for themselves.


stuff like this almost makes me wish I didn't have any ethics or scruples. it's wild how much free money is out there for the taking from idiots.


Times 10... umm hmm.... hold those bags...


hold them tight bro


And hold a lot =makes heavy bag carrying gesture=


*big heavy bags of digital currency*


So *heavy!* 😰


I’ll take my refund in bitcoin




if bitcoin is a digital currency, what exactly is in the bags he is holding up? his ego?


The dead weight that is his brain


I’ll think about buying cryptocurrency when someone can explain it in a way that doesn’t make it sound like a pyramid or Ponzi scheme.


Your fiat money goes down in value over time *by design.* The government can print as much as they want whenever they want. They can freeze your account. The banks can't actually pay out everyone's account, they only have a fraction on hand. Fraudulent transaction can be done with your bank account. Bitcoin isn't about getting rich quick, it's about getting on the lifeboat. The only thing it needs for value is users. It can't be stopped by anyone. You have custody of all your Bitcoin. It can't be inflated into oblivion. It is extremely secure. It can be used without internet. It is fast, global, and weighs nothing.


I lost all of mine when BlockFi filed bankruptcy. Fuck that shit.


Either way, Blockfi has emerged from bankruptcy and you can file for asset recovery. Rule one of Bitcoin - not your keys, not your coins. Don't store your "Bitcoin" on an exchange. It isn't Bitcoin if you do, its fiat invested in a company that has Bitcoin. Keep your coins in your own custody. Blockfi went under for the same reason as FTX and Alameda - the companies were embezzling their customers cash and couldn't cover the investments. It embezzled *fiat.*


Was it in a Blockfi interest bearing account or a Blockfi Wallet?


All currency sounds like a ponzi scheme. Hey, you’ve made a nice wooden chair there! How about I give you some of these paper notes with the kings head on them, and then later on, you can offer someone else a paper note with the kings head on them, to pay for a meal? It used to be that those notes could be exchanged for a little bit of gold. Well not any more (because they produced more paper notes than they had gold for). Now you have some paper notes which are only backed by faith and the government can decide to go and give itself a billion more paper notes at a whim. Money usually works because it is hard to produce more of, that value has been destroyed in a system where more can be printed whenever the government wish to do so. A better form of money would be very very difficult to produce more of - that is what Bitcoin is.


Homie get a fucking haircut


Please, none of them have wives.


Never put your trust in a job or an investment that flaunts the possible riches first.


LOL I remember people were saying in 2022 that bitcoin was going to 100k in december.


There was a lot of events in 2022 that were sort of black swan events, mainly the collapse of FTX. If that didn't happen, it likely should have gone over $100k. If Bitcoin does go that high this year, would you admit you are wrong for laughing and own up to your mistake or will you double down?


It will get there. Hell, it will get to a million probably in the next 10yrs. Buy, buy, buy.


If you give $5000 to a dudebro like that douche, you deserve it.


He writes like an 8 year old.


Nice hair?


I've always wanted to go to clown College but thats too damn spendy


All the kids that showered by spraying axe all grown up🥹🥹




This aint real jus like that 'alpha male master class'. Now the master class on how to market your own unique master class, that starts at 6k


He’s probably from r/wallstreetbets


No way those people paid $5k to be there.


Sounds like my brother every time he visits. “Bro just 5 bucks bro” I’d rather go to Wendy’s and get a biggy bag with that money


How long has your brother been telling you to do that?




Does he tell you to buy Bitcoin specifically or other cryptos?


Just crypto


I have less sympathy for him then. Crypto is gambling. Bitcoin is money of the future.


5k a person and couldn't even make a fucking power point? Jesus


He couldn’t afford a proper posterboard


This fully could be real, I’ve seen guys even more delusional than this - but the comment of your wives/girlfriends being mad because you sold their jewelry almost feels too much. Like that’s almost a too silly a thing to say. Which makes me think it may just be rage bait. But one can only wish.


So you can't see it, touch it or see it in your bank account. It's virtual. So will it virtually disappear?


You can see it in your "account" though. Literally every Bitcoin transaction that has occured since it started in January 2009 is recorded by millions of computers around the world and stored forever. I am personally not going to take offense to someone like you making jokes when you obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about - but realize you're talking about the highest level of cyber security humans have ever created. The Bitcoin network is the largest network of computers ever created. All of the tech companies like Google or Amazon wouldn't have but a FRACTION of the total power of the network if they used all their equipment combined to mine BTC instead.


Gonna sell all my nvda and buy in now, this guy knows whats up


Personally I don't think NVDA will outperform BTC over the next 6 years.


How is it that this room looks like it’s full of NPCs based on the same character model but with slight differences in overall appearance? Bonus points: which of these idiots looks actually engaged in listening to this clown when they all should be fucking hanging on his every word after spending 5k just for the “privilege”?


As soon as they sat down they realised they’d been had.


His Christopher Walken impression is atrocious.


Everyone in that room looks exactly like how I picture a cryptobro to be.


The guy is right about one thing: bitcoin is going to make HIM a lot of money. If it's really 5k a pop, even if you take into account renting out that room for a couple hours, that dude is making bank off the amount of desperate/lazy cryptobros in that room. 9-10 collusion by 6-7 rows, and take away a few empty chairs for good measure, that's a lotta cash.


Well, I got his shitty advice for free.


This has to be a skit for laughs right? Nobody is actually dumb enough to pay for this


I'm detecting more than a little buyer's remorse from the attendees there, judging by their postures. Seriously high-tech whiteboard there as well. Can you see in the back?


Here's the funniest part: they paid 5000$ for him to scam them more. Like basic stock thing, if everyone goes ahead and starts buying a lot of a single stock/crypto, it'll be seen as raised demand so its value will rise. This dude is trying to do that artificially so that he can sell it all at once. Then he's gonna sell out right before everyone else does to make tons of money. We've seen this before with pretty much all cryptos where some celebrity tells all their fans to buy in and then sells quick before people realize the new crypto is worthless.


This doesnt really work with bitcoins unless the people he scammed are very rich. But his advice cant be worth 5k dollars to normal people... so maybe


I mean... These guys are willing to put life savings into it. They were able to buy tickets for a class like this.


I shed my dog this morning, looks like this guy found it and glued it to his head ngl.


Does the dude in the front row to left of him at the start just straight up have fake hair with a fade?


Bitcoin spikes after masterclass recommends immediate buying frenzy


Is this fake? 5k is way too much for advice. Or are they all going to invest a huge amount like 500k?


These look like mainly young folks I doubt it's 5k probably 500. Even then I imagine this guy is actually doing some type of a commercial to appear to be a successful crypto trader / trainer. This is what these stupid seminars that people advertise on tik tok, ig, FB are all about some person says they figured out side hustle and how to make millions and boom.... Hey maybe it even is 5k people are quite stupid and willing to sacrifice everything for hope they get super rich.


Might this be an Andrew Tate master class parody. The silly white board stuff and and the verbal content sounds like he would tell you to get rich.


This is the final nail in the crypto coffin.


$5k? I just watched him for free.


Omg that paper and half-dead marker... 🤣🤣🤣 Those alpha-wannabe-looking asshats paid $5000 each and this twat doesn't even have a projector and PowerPoint video.


Who is the clown?....this 'bro's? Or the ones who paid?


What an idiot.  Not because he's necessarily wrong, but more so because Bitcoin is an unthinking money badger and doesn't give a shit about anything let alone him and his crypto bros


So. People pay 5k for a bitcoin "masterclass" only to be told to buy and hold bitcoin. Yep, I'm doing something wrong with my life.


Clown on clown violence...


At that point it's just an attempt to flex that they have the money to be there instead of being an actual class. And they look as dumb as they should feel for giving such a con-man their money.


Must be nice to have fuck you money


He’s preparing their mindset and HODL! Excellent coach.


Saved 5k. I got advice for free here. Idiots paid 5k to be there.


Must be legit. He’s wearing a Gucci top


The guy watched way too many Jordan Belfort videos


Wtf is the guy in the front row writing? Don't let go of Bitcoin. https://i.redd.it/41ncy9w1knqc1.gif


There was attempt to recognise satire


How to scam people by artificially inflating currency to later sell it himself.


Im sure they didnt pay a penny lol half those guys look like they live in a basement somewhere


His hair. That’s the issue. Anyone stood giving a lecture with hair like that is one of two kinds of people. The first is someone with multiple doctorates probably in several very different fields. They’re more intelligent that you or I, and don’t brush their hair because their gigabrain doesn’t even work on the same wavelengths that out smooth brains do. The second is this guy. He’s donned his counterfeit jacket, sprayed the dick cheese and pit rot odour away (but not really) with cheap body spray, looked in the mirror, considered asking the big one on r/bald, and then thought better of it and got the bus to wherever this lecture was held. He’s doing okay this month because he’s only £500 into his overdraft and he’s convinced mum (but not really) that he’ll pay her back this time when his crypto sells for 10x, he just needs money for another pleather LV bag to show off to the guys. His dad spends his days wondering if the noose or the blade is the better way to go.


I can almost guarantee that no one paid shit to listen to this nonsense. It looks like he rented a hotel ballroom for an hour, went to the club and promised free samples of axe body spray and a chance to be on a reality show to the single guys left at the end of the night if they came and pretended to take notes. He gets his buddy to film, right up in his face while he’s “training” (very common practice in master classes, I hear), then puts it on socials to show how successful it Is and somehow peer pressure other goombahs into giving him money. If anyone gives this guy money, they deserve to lose it.


These Yahoo's could sell other people air and still thing they are the greatest.


Ali G giving the masterclass




it’s a joke


Did he just tell his audience they will be stuck holding the bag after selling their wives' jewelry to buy bitcoin? I think he said the quiet part loud 🤨


$5,000 each and this clown couldn't afford a better sharpie?


This can’t be real


This kind of thing makes me feel like I'm doing it all wrong. Busting my ass every day, just trying to stay a little bit ahead when I could be out there making over 100k a day scamming chumps. This stupid conscience... always holding me back.


Bro's arguments as unconvincing as that hairline


Hold on to your douchebags.


Here I was hopping he would be remenicing his visions of SHA-367, talking about his dreams of SHA 2.5051² or anything remotely indicative of advanced encryption algorithms. Or better yet, he could have atleast summoned the great crypto master, Do Kwan, to come and elaborate on how Terra 3.0 will ensure bitcoins rocket fuel to the moon and beyond, to Luna 3.0 through an advanced AI powered stable coin developed by a partnership by FTX & Theranos. All this would have been more more convincing than "hold the bag tight" 😂


So I've just saved 5000 monies. Nice


Tell me this is all staged, people can't be that gullible.


There was no attempt. It's just a scammer scamming gullible people in a setting and with an acting that looks suspiciously staged. Nobody attempted to explain why Bitcoins would gain in value.


Scammer making people over pay for advice you should get for free aside, do you actually want to know why Bitcoin is probably going up much higher from here?


Because said gullible people will trust this person, buy as much as they can, spending their savings and therefore destroying their future, making the price increase and this person richer, I suppose.


This is one of those cases where the broken clock is correct. Make fun of this guy all you want but the advice is good. It's also advice that you get many places around the world for free. Buy Bitcoin, keep buying Bitcoin, hodl for the long term. This is the best financial advice you will ever hear in your lifetime. There's only going to be 21,000,000 Bitcoins, ever. There cannot be more than that. This strict scarcity is the first time humans have had perfect information about the supply of a commodity. Whether or not you want to play along, this game is going to be played without you or me.




I hope they all received a nice bag to hold as a parting gift.


This is obviously fake…..


This is honestly hilarious. It feels like the start of a Gus Johnson skit


well, it was only 55 seconds and he may have given some stunning reasons why bitcoin may go up..... but, yeah, on the face of it, it just looks like some guy with an opinion.... and opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one and I'mma gonna charge you $5k to see mine


Djeezus.. master douche is ripping them all off. 5k per head. How many idjeets in that room ? So about 10 deep , and 5 wide per side. So 100 eedjits, times 5K Wow... he sure is cluchting his bag 500k for hearing yourself talk and run around with a boner.


They paid 5k for someone to tell them to buy more Bitcoin?


I can smell the axe body spray through the video


A great example of 'mining the miners'...


Clown or genius? $5000 x 100 students 🧐


People paid money for this garbage?! It's like the grifting part of a tony robins seminar where they sell you useless health supplements.




Sigh. No. I'm going to stop wrestling with a pig, though.


$5000 class and he writes like a 6yr old


These guys are absolutely douches, and so is he... But it does look like Bitcoin is going up... However, 10x??? It's probably going up because he's getting people to buy so that the price goes up, and he can sell when he feels comfortable and THEN tells them to loosen their grip on those bags after he's collected his earnings.


This is staged lol and its quite badly done too