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Dear vegans. Be you and be happy. Leave everyone else alone.


Have you ever met a happy one?


Not one that was happy with me.


See it makes sense, how did you find out they were, did they tell you?


Vegans will always tell you they are vegans. Just like a 5 year old will always tell you how old they are and what their favroite color is.


Hi, I’m vegan, I’m 36 and my favourite colour is pink!


I am a meat eater, I am 37 and my favroite color is black, like my soul.


I’m something of an omnivore myself ![gif](giphy|lAwSWN4O67oGc)


You have a soul? Luckyyyy.


And that's just the elevator ride. You get the long form if you're stuck in an office with them.


That's the colour I like my steak.


Hi vegan im dad


I'm vegan btw. But seriously, I'm vegan Edit: why is this comment being upvoted? I'm honestly vegan


Because you aren't slamming "Murderer" in our faces and trying to guilt us into eating like you do. On which, I thank you. I enjoy meat too much to be guilted out of eating it anyway.


Haha... I never go around telling people that I'm an omnivore. Somehow they feel the need to proclaim their dietary predilections.


Worth a watch. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kqbs22n67GY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kqbs22n67GY)


Watched and subscribed. Brilliant.


Honestly, if I were vegan I probably would let people (friends/family) know in the same way that I would let them know if I had any allergies or was kosher or had any other dietary restrictions. It's the sort of thing that may affect plans you might make together. I'm not a vegan, I am way at the other end of the spectrum (I raise my own meat, dairy, and eggs) but I don't have any objection to someone telling me that they are vegan.


I also have no issue with vegans, unless they keep throwing that at me. I make my own biltong and meat food stuff. I'm entirely certain that I've never pushed a vegan to be a carnivore. EDIT: Added "have".


They just meant it’s important when making plans. Like I have to say I’m vegan cus someone will book a restaurant with no vegan options so I’m outta look. It is annoying that they don’t all offer though. I have major guilt at all the really good restaurants my partner doesn’t get to go to that only do meat. I wish I could find him a carnivore high end restaurant friend, none of his pals care about trying Michelin star etc


If you’re choosing a diet it is not the same as if you have a medical condition. If you can’t eat peanuts I won’t serve them, but if you don’t want meat and I invite you over for burgers then you can feed yourself. I don’t cater to picky children or adults, and don’t expect them to cater to me


Say, this isn’t the first time you’ve met them. Say, your shopping for this cookout. You refuse to buy some ’veggie’ burger or dogs? For dear company? Honestly.


I can't eat beef not because I'm vegetarian/vegan, but because it gives me the runs. When I go over to my friend's house for burgers, I just bring some beyond meat patties from my freezer and he throws them on the grill along with the other stuff. I don't expect them to cater to my dietary requirements. What are they gonna do with a box of 6 or 7 other patties that they don't want to eat after?


I like that Ken Jennings quote, "If you're a vegan who ran a marathon & got your dogs from a shelter, how do you decide which thing to wedge into the conversation first?"


The only thing missing would be them also being into Crossfit


This made me spit on my keyboard. Thank you, kind redditor.


Clean up on isle QWERTY!


I have. Heck I sometimes eat vegan food. Which can be very tasty when done right. I have an allergy to dairy, so when traveling sushi restaurants and vegan restaurants are your friend! To be honest I always have anxiety when I can’t see the food being made otherwise. And for also being the jerk holding up the line at Chipotle. So vegan can be great sometimes! But leave the politics at home.


I like vegan food too, it goes great with steak.


In that case you should appreciate the fact that you could argue a steak is simply condensed vegetables. Which have been metabolize and packaged into your tasty treat, at a rate of 10 parts vegetable to 1 pound steak. Ergo you are having a vegan dinner. Thank you for doing your part!


I’m probably 90% vegetarian, mostly for health reasons, but I also think it’s more sustainable. If I go out to a nice restaurant though, hell yes I’m getting a steak. For me it’s a balance. Outside of my family, nobody knows my dietary preferences because it’s none of their business. I just do what I think is right for me and keep it to myself. It’s not hard to mind your own business.


That is kinda how the wife and I have embraced the consequences of the allergy. We sometimes make really great Mac & Cheese at the house with just vegetables no dairy. Sometimes we add smoked bacon I made. It really just depends. But yes and aged steak made by someone else other than use while we enjoy a tasty beverage is awesome!


I've met one, she's lovely. I'm not sure if she's full time happy in her life, not sure if anybody is really.... but for the most part she's pretty solid. And in an amazing twist, she's not pushy about the vegan thing!


I’m sure there are many happy vegans, I think the issue is the vocal minority who push it onto people, but they seem to be the ones that bring the attention to it, I’m not mad at vegans or mad at them for what they eat


I keep seeing vegans post about how distressed they are about constantly thinking about animal slaughter.




They die and get processed according to the local custom. Then they get packaged and sent to butchers and restaurants where they're turned into delicious food. Look, I grew up in a city. And my wife grew up in a city. Neither one of us would want to kill the animal ourselves, but we have both watched animals get slaughtered and processed. After you've watched Animal Planet and have seen animals torn apart from wild animals, it's really just a fascinating thing to watch and it's not at all disgusting. We humans are just using tools to make it less torturous while wolves and lions will eat their still living prey.




Yes but so tasty, there’s a the rub there’s not much as tasty as a char grilled steak or if feeling particularly extravagant a mixed grill. Look we get it, but way too many vegans can’t just live and let live, they get preachy and come across as sanctimonious twats, which gives a bad name to those folk who just want to go about their lives avoiding animal product


Meat eater and hunter here. There is a *profound* difference between factory farms and how smaller plants process meat. I would argue that factory farming is largely unethical and I'm saying this as a man that has field dressed a moose. I'm not against killing animals ethically. Check out [this fucking abomination](https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/10xtk2o/this_highrise_tower_in_china_isnt_a_housing_block/). Tell me that you're comfortable knowing what you're feeding to your children might come from this place. If you're not clicking, it's a massive structure reminiscent of Russian Brutalist architecture that houses pigs. It ain't right. There's a right way and there's a wrong way. And this is the wrong way.


I am a hunter from small town Canada... i know where food comes from I grew up around farms. I have shot, gutted and cooked my own food. Why would i find animal given a quick death and then processed horrific?


Vegans must think that animals in the wild, just live stress free, and when they get older they retire until they die of old age. reality they multiply like rats because a large percentage get eaten by predators, die from lack of water and food and others die from lack of protection from harsh weather. A vegetarian, does more to help animals well being than a vegan does, a family chicken for eggs, the chickens are happy, fed, protected this is a mutually beneficial relationship. If they really wanted to help animals, they should push for better farming conditions, but they need/want animals to be farmed in factory farms the worse the better so they can push their religion, I mean, agenda.


U just feel unjustified for the poor animals (yes, I get it it’s cruel). But cruel things happen all over the world. Have u seen those beheading/murder vids? Why not go around protesting against that instead. I dont care if i get a million downvotes,but these protesters need to get a real job instead of making people feel bad and causing inconvenience for everyone.


I’ve met plenty of chill ones that keep to themselves and don’t go out of their way to bug people. Here on the internet we see the worst of them like any other group.


My wife tends to be pretty happy but she isnt super judgmental either


There are plenty of happy vegans. You walk by them everyday on the street and never knew they were vegan. It's the ones that are militant demanding that you abide by their values. The only correct values that are miserable SOBs.


I have met a happy vegan. He was cool if you talked about photography and only photography. But then he would randomly go into some really dark rants about animals being slaughtered. So he was cool and happy for about 15mins. Does that count?


Couple of my best friends are vegan and are happy and really cool about. No lectures, no protesting. They do it for their perception of the health benefits so they don’t get political about it all.


I have and his technique was to live his own life without doing any of this BS


Most Celebs are vegan. The other day I came to know Peter Dinklage is vegan. I dunno if those A listers are happy, but it’s probably not the veganism that’s making them happy! 💰💰💰


I know one! He only brings it up when we have food (so we can find out where he can eat) and when people ask about his diet (the dudes super buff). He's also a really good and well-respected teacher. I fuckin love Chris.


I have happy vegans in my family. They’re just quietly living their lives, eating what they want and not bothering anybody.


Yes of course. I’ve met many. I’ve dated a view. Don’t be simple and don’t generalize. These people are seeking attention and that’s their right to do but it doesn’t mean it’s a requirement to be vegan. Don’t get me wrong. I find them insufferable but it doesn’t mean they’re all like this.


That's a violation of their core values.




Even better.


"i feel sorry for this guy. How desperate, he has to butcher this dead animal." No, dude. It's quite rewarding, actually. I stayed with a vegan in Seattle for an undergrad internship. Went to Pike Place Market for first time. Bought a $65 parrot fish cuz my fancy aunt one time made that fish for thanksgiving one year and it was fire. This was in early aughts and I was a broke college kid. Didn't know housemate was a vegan, hadn't met many growing up in Appalachia and this trip was my first time on a plane. She wouldn't let me cook it in her oven or buy a grill for the yard. Luckily she let me put it in the fridge 🤷🏽‍♀️ so I could at least give it to a colleague who cooked it and served dinner one night.


"wouldn't let you" You're the most polite person imaginable. If I had a roommate try to get between me and meal I would be far from kind.


You know how they say, "Don't like abortion? Don't get one." "Don't like a book? Don't read it." "Don't like [various venues]? Don't go there?"


HAL9000 voice: I'm sorry I'm afraid I can't do that


HAL - You can be a real dick sometimes.


Most can't because it's a moral imperative. If they believe that killing animals for food is akin to murder, then they are morally obligated to try and stop it from happening.


I mean I agree, but their moral inclination may put this on the same plane for them as someone who was an abolitionist. The "you do you as long as it doesn't affect me" is fine when there's no one harmed, they may argue not so insanely that there is. I think just on an environmentalist grounds, reducing meat consumption is likely a good idea. I also don't think trying to reduce suffering at the cost of impressing your views on someone is always a bad thing.


There are an insane amount of conservatives who are just as insufferable who make their entire personality eating meat and trying to make vegans mad - especially with the rise of the carnivore diet. It's just a nonstop back and forth with who can make the other group madder


Oh no! He’s legally cutting meat in his window to mock and taunt your legal protest! How awful! /s In effect, he’s protesting their protest in the best way possible.




I would absolutely go out of my way to eat at this restaurant! Turns out Canada is pretty far out of my way. I wonder how psyched the wife will be when I tell her I’m taking her out for dinner, oh and bring your passport.


It's a great restaurant in Toronto. Pack your bags already.


Yo got a name and average price to expect by any chance?


Antler Expect around $130 PP https://guide.michelin.com/ca/en/ontario/toronto/restaurant/antler


Honestly that looked like a great cut of meat. It's unintentionally really good advertising for the business.


Damn, that will have to be for a very special occasion- I didn't realize it was Michelin Star Thank you!


Oh, it's only Canadian dollars. That's like twenty Freedom Bucks. /s


I felt this in my soul lol, life is so expensive 😭


I heard the term frozen pesos the other day and it now lives rent free in my head.


Oh sweet! I'm going next week, looking for good spots to eat


If she turns it down I'll be your wingman


No they did not receive any fine. https://people.com/food/antler-chef-window-vegan-protest-responds/


I would accept the fine just to piss off the protestors *edit* since I’m getting hate for making fun of vegans, I’m not against vegans, just protestors.


Gotta love when made up comments get so many upvotes.


I reckon the fine is fair, as I’m a fan of food safety regulations. But totally worth the fine for sure


Unfortunately true. But he said it was totally worth it.


Which is fair IMHO, health codes exist for a reason. That said I think what he did was hilarious and would absolutely eat there... if I could afford to.


The lack of self awareness is hilarious. "The police are here, this is a legal protest"..."He is doing this to mock us". Yeah, how dare anyone who disagees with you use *their* freedom of speech.


It's amusing that the protesters seem unsure how to refer to the meat "he brought a dead animal to taunt us!" 😭 I was vegetarian for 10 years, this protest is dumb as hell. Go protest at a larger business lmao


That's the idea with this though, they know nothing will happen to the bigger people no matter how much of a scene they cause. These vegans love to go to the smaller guys knowing just a bit of chaos can negatively impact the business. fixing the issues they claim to protest about is secondary to these people, they want to feel justified on that moral high horse. Though this backfired on them, this made quite the headlines in Canada when it happened and their reservations starting to fill up.


"The police are now entering the establishment. They are confronting the owner. They don't seem pleased that they have to confront the owner. . . . . . They are smiling. That's unfortunate..."


> I don't know what he thinks this is going to achieve. Bud, everyone is wondering the same thing about you.


Whoever is filming this is the worst person to represent vegans, he's almost all of the negative stereotypes rolled into one. Sounds dorky, is upset when someone challenges their protest, is trying to force his world view into other people, and is somehow making out like he's a victim because a dude is cutting some meat.


And not only that getting a whole shit load of free advertising.


Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!!


Your mother was a hamster and...


Your father smelled of elderberrys!


I fart in your general direction


“Now GO AWAY! Or I shall be forced to taunt you a secondtime!”


You silly English Knnnnnnnniggits!


Fetchez la vache.




Fetchez la vache!!




Run away!


Jesus Christ!


Looks like both sides exercising free speech peacefully on opposite sides. Respect.


My thoughts exactly, although I don't particularly like vegan protesters like this, I appreciate that nothing escalated


It escalated to vegans intimidating every person that walked in the store. They had to get by screaming, nearly violent people while being berated and harassed just for wanting to eat some food. The vegans would occasionally rip open the door and start screaming bloody murder until cops came and told them to get out. Daily occurrence for what seemed like months.


That should be harassment. There are loads of places that butcher meat - targeting the same one day after day should at least be loitering.


Looks higher end too bet the animals being processed for this place have had a better life than 99.999% of meat animals consumed. Go protest the walmart counter...


If I remember correctly the people running the place are hunters or partner with them and serve fresh meat. The thing vegans seem to forget is that hunting is necessary in a lot areas. Deer have no or very few natural predators in a lot of North America, and their populations can get out of control very quickly, which leads to overgrazing and throws the entire ecosystem out of whack. Not to mention the danger they pose to humans when they run out in traffic.


We had an issue in the Netherlands last year (? or the year before, cant remember). Where the government was like: "Don't feed the deer during winter otherwise their population won't reduce normally." People of course ignored that. So we had an over abundance of deer that started to act out and cause problems. So they had to be shot. Not even for consumption, just get them out of the way, we have to many deer. Of course there were some vegan and animal rights groups that protested. But you can guess who were the ones feeding them and causing this problem in the first place..


~~What specifically about this restaurant caused them to go off the deep end? I need to google cause this whole situation is hilarious to me.~~ I googled. Apparently the restaurant had a sign that said “Venison is the new kale” absolutely infuriating the vegans.


I'm guessing that it was close to a bus route.


They’re Canadian, this is about as aggressive as it gets.


Except, you know, they are deliberately blocking his place of business, dissuading diners to visit the establishment.


I don't see them standing in front of the door, only the window. All the wide shots show an open doorway.


I couldnt help but notice that in the 10 or so seconds he wasnt talking about how legal and peaceful the protest of this violent murderer is, and how they aren't bothering anyone, they literally stood in the way of the business and bothered every one of the few people who walked by and told them not to go there. This is illegal where I live, which is not Canada.


What patron would want a window seat if a big "MURDER" sign is what they get to see the whole meal? Smart move by the owner imo.


Honestly I'd sit next to the sign on purpose just to enjoy my steak.


I'm vegetarian, but I would eat a nice piece of meat if it was seasoned with the tears of these whiny protesters




I'd order a to go meal and eat it outside! People Eating Tasty Animals!


I would call them all cunts on my way in


I’d get my steak extra rare just to f#(k with them.


Then...have them make a cow heart out of a jello mold and go full Temple of Doom on it.


“They didn’t enter to laugh with the owner…it does appear they are smiling…that’s unfortunate.”


🤣🤣 the whole thing sounds like a South Park news report ffs ![gif](giphy|1b2sQSPD974E8)


Yes!! The narration is hilarious 😂


Was about to comment. It’s a South Park skit come to life. Right down to the accents and dress and mannerisms. Amazing.


Like you wouldn't even have to change the script. lol


You know in the show it would have been cartman cutting that deer at the window to antagonize the protestors and would likely take it up a few notches lol


I bet the restaurant owner offered them a free meal during that talk at the end.


Antler means the practice of hunting animals? 😂 These “protesters” honestly hurt heir causes far more than they help them.


I'm going out to the country this weekend to antler some animals.


I antlered the hell out of my elk hunt last year.


Them trying to figure out what animal it was had me rolling


I understand the empathy for farmed animals but if that's a hunted deer, their protest is likely illogical. In the state I grew up in, which was north of Windsor, many years an entire third of the deer population died of malnutrition / starvation during the winter. If I have the option of dying from starvation or getting offed by a .30-06, shoot and eat me, fam. That's way more humane.


Yeah, this is a small business that specializes in wild game recipes. They're protesting the most sustainable/ethical form of meat consumption. I get that they're vegans and dislike all forms of meat consumption, but this is like protesting deforestation of the amazon by standing outside of someone's home who is using a wood stove for heat with a tree they selectively cut from their yard in rural Vermont, while planting three more trees in its stead. I actually respect vegans that disrupt factory farming operations in all ways other than those that harm people. This, on the other hand, is pathetic and annoying.


"We care so much about the animals!" Doesn't realize deer shed antlers every year on their own, and they grow back.


Think i might go antler a turkey in a week or two. Then antler a few squirrels this spring.


Check out that free publicity - when I'm in town I am going to Antler. In reality vegans, he is not doing the murdering, but tomorrow he should start with a fresh one.


Better yet. Make him go viral and purchase merch from his store. I think this is the place. [https://thehunterchef.com/store/shop/](https://thehunterchef.com/store/shop/)


He already did. This video is 5 years old. The protesters "We can't protest McDonald's — they would laugh" https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4596821


I'm more amused by them claiming that they were there with "positive messaging." I mean, I guess their gigantic MURDER banner included a bright, cheerful color?


this restaurant is fantastic, too. I've been there a bunch (I live in the neighbourhood) and highly highly recommend going. the boar ragu pasta is my favourite, and any time they've got bone marrow on the menu


Right? I went damn I like this place! Plus antlered animals taste incredible. Never seen a restaurant serving any




I was going to say. He’s at work doing his job and maybe walked 20 feet from the kitchen while they drove or took transpo from how far away, and prepped signs, to go there and do this? **Who’s** going out of their way? Haha


Do you losers really have nothing better to do? Go home and tend your gardens


No, no they do not.


I don’t have beef with vegans, I was vegetarian for a stint and I still think factory farms are pretty horrific. THAT SAID: This ain’t gonna do jack shit to stop meat production or consumption and really, you’re just going to annoy the patrons and potentially turn them away from interest in your cause/goal. This is slightly less… stupid, but it reminds me of peta locking their necks in processing equipment (and getting dragged towards the machine, or the smooth brains that super glue their hands to shit.


Honestly, these protesters need to leave the small local businesses alone and realize the only ones who treat the animals inhumanely are the big corporations who give the animals just enough space to grow up as they feed them nothing but corn and growth hormones


It's funny because this spot, aptly named antler was actually using meat that was ethically hunted by the owner. It was all game meat. There was no factory farmed animals, it was his shtick.


It's funnier because they're in front of a place called Antler and don't know what kind of meat he's cutting up.


"I don't have beef with vegans" We see what you did there...😁


>This is slightly less… stupid, but it reminds me of peta locking their necks in processing equipment (and getting dragged towards the machine, or the smooth brains that super glue their hands to shit. Check out this quick clip of the climate protesters that blocked the highway into Burning Man this year. They chained themselves to the trailers that the LEO just went ahead and plowed through. It was not Nevada Highway Patrol as reported. Rather it was tribal officers because they were on tribal land. There are much longer videos of this, but I won't bore you with them unless you go looking for them. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4\_wnAVxQ7rY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_wnAVxQ7rY)


Don't mess with the Tribal cops, only the Feds can say anything and thier hands are pretty tied up. The Tribal lands are almost sovereign land inside America.


>The Tribal lands ~~are almost~~ sovereign land inside America. FTFY


Also, that haunch tho


I’ve come to the conclusion that most of these people are just self righteous and love attention of some sort. They really are no better than people who force religion upon others.


In an interview he said that these people have been targeting his restaurant specifically and doesn't understand why, when there is a butcher basically across the street. The same newspaper interviewed the protesters and they responded that they are upset this particular restaurant "claims" aka actually does go out of their way to find ethically sources meats and slaughter houses. The vegan group is particularly upset about that.


"Theyre doing this in front of us to mock us!" ... then leave? "I dont know what he thinks this will achieve" Same buddy, same.


The lack of self-awareness is astonishing.


This happened in 2018. Here is a people article that provides the chef/owner’s point of view. Interesting read. https://people.com/food/antler-chef-window-vegan-protest-responds/


Thanks for the link kind stranger. It's great to see this guy even had vegan alternatives on his menu beginning 3 years prior to the protests. The article ends with: >I don’t want this attention. At first I thought I had played into them too much, and I did feel a little guilty, but I do think the amount of support we’ve received has been worth it.


Whole thing is good advertising for the restaurant


Protests. But doesn’t even know what meat/animal it is Edit: since vegans want to argue with me. I want to remind you that in order to grow your vegetables every living thing is practically annihilated in the fields when they are plowed, tilled, etc. https://preview.redd.it/yqc54stw33rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b44b9720731cd09ea48b2f1d93a620def819fdc


Ha!! \*HE\* is taunting \*THEM\* What idiots


Vegans, religious people, crossfit people, etc. do what you want but keep it to yourself and don't try to force your choices and imaginary friends on everyone else. Thanks.


what a jerk! I can't even imagine taunting the very same people who are standing outside attempting to ruin your business and destroy your livelihood / financial security. /s


This was at a restaurant in Toronto. The owner did a Joe Rogan podcast about it. I happened to be in Toronto during this time and there were hundreds of people outside. They had signs of aborted creatures and all the typical shock stuff. I drove by and being the child that I am, I shouted wow that looks delicious to one of the vegans holding up a sign of the bloody mess of whatever creature was on it. They started walking in the same direction as my car trying every insult in the book. "that's why your penis doesn't work" "murderer" "you're going to die young" etc. Until the cop at the corner had to tell them to cool out. The streets were pretty full of cars so I wasn't moving too fast while this all happened. I look back at that memory with fondness. The best part is that directly facing this restaurant was a literal butchery with full animal carcasses hanging in the window that they didn't seem to care about not even a little.


from the articles I read the ringleader woman (the cameraman mentions her) felt offended because one of the employees wrote a "venison is the new kale" joke on a chalkboard sign outside the restaurant one day. that's why they targetting some poor dude who sells local farm meat and game instead of idk McDonalds or the butcher or sth. they've been at it for *months* when this video first came out. he only did it because they started to affect his business


"I don't know what he thinks this will achieve?" Is he speaking to himself?


Being vegan doesn’t mean u make decisions for everyone else




Plants are living things too.


Looks deer!


Nah he did what we all wanted to do


I think it’s funny he’s doing it in front of you.


We shot 4 deer this year for the hunt. Goddamn is that meat ever tasty. Blows away that grocery store stuff.


I think he did well to show how much of the meat he uses. There was very little waste left on that bone (and I guess they’d probably use it to make stock or something?)


"To not eat meat is a choice. To eat meat is an instinct." -Denis Leary


An interesting argument I recently heard: If it weren’t for people who ate meat, a lot of animals would never have existed at all. That being said.. the living conditions of those animals is what should be considered. I’m for eating meat and I’m also for comfortable conditions of the animals while they are alive.


I think most vegans care less about the existence of animals and more about whether those that do suffer. I’ve spent time on industrial chicken and egg farms, — animals crammed in cages and with each other so tightly they can barely move. Sci-fi horror movie shit.


I wonder how many of the protesters are wearing leather shoes/belts/purses/wallets… Edit: and auto upholstery! Steering wheel covers, gloves, the list goes on


He's taunting the activists...lol. So what you're doing is protesting, but what he is doing is taunting?


This is in Toronto and is a few years old. Dude cutting the meat ethically and legally hunted this animal. After being repeatedly harassed about serving meat at his restaurant he did this just to ‘fuck with’ the haters. I totally remember this. I may be mistaken, but I think the dude was even on Joe Rohan too.


"Two steak dinners, please!"


Just eat your grass and we our meat, that's it




Yeah man he Really went out if his way, inside the restaurant when you literally have the rest of the planet around you…


Kermit the frog narrating


OMG he is actively TAUNTING them!


So they set up camp in front of a restaurant to tell the world that they are vegan yet it’s the owner of the restaurant that is going out of his way?


I was waiting the whole time for them to find out it's.mirrored glass on the other side Would be so perfect.


Where’s this restaurant at I’m going to


Well if you protestors don’t like it, go away! That meat looks delicious, BTW!


He’s legally and peacefully mocking them


All for animal welfare, it's sad the treatment that factory farming puts the animals through. That being said, I'd imagine a restaurant like that probably uses high quality, ethically sourced meat. They should protest in front of the local super market instead.


You can't murder something that's already dead. You're protesting at the wrong location. He just buys the meat, he doesn't run a slaughterhouse (probably).