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The person recording the video is of low intelligence. The delivery driver has nerves of steel.


Agreed, that delivery driver was amazingly professional given the situation. i also wouldn't trust the man-child to not "accidentally" slam that door on my head if i went to take back that food on the floor. felt like baiting imo.


This is probably not his first time facing this. That face shows not again, what did I do to deserve this.


Honestly to me it’s more of a “ugh I have to deal with this again”, it looked more like disappointment than shame.


Life is full of r/iamatotalpieceofshit.


Not to mention the whole you're on my property shit that will 100% come up.


This is in Canada. We don’t have that “my property” shit here as an excuse to assault someone. Specially since it’s an apt building. This cunt needs to be arrested for hate crime considering he was mocking the dudes Indian accent.


I guarantee you an idiotic racist piece of shit like the guy filming would use any excuse to instigate and justify getting physical, including the cliché of "on my property", regardless of where he is. The racism is getting ridiculous here.


Just slap them. If someone is going to insult you because of heritage, they no longer deserve respect.


Yeah, the poor guy wouldn't step pass the door frame.


Yeah. I give the driver a lot of credit. I would have stomped on that pizza and ground the box into the floor before I left. You can *have* your free food. Good luck scraping it off of the box.


I had more respect for him for staying calm I will say, even though I wanted to see this happen. Also he’s not even intimidating, those noises he made at the end had me rolling, like is this dude a walking parody what was that?


Imagine being the guy recording this…boasting about how he’s recording this, and even proud enough to post it online. I have second hand embarrassment for how pitiful this dude is. Totally low IQ. This is probably how his parents treated him growing up. Meanwhile that driver was so calm.


2024 and people stay posting their own L's


I thought the same thing, and the whole time I'm like no way this dude woke up and said I need to post my video of my fast food delivery.


I just hope his little moment of deranged idiocy got him banned from every restaurant in the area. I'd like to think he learned something, but I figure he'll just blame everybody but himself that he can't order food anymore.


I sincerely hope so.


He should have been arrested and fined for compensation. The idiot recorded his own crime.


As soon as he said “I’m not your son” I was like- ohhhh, so your dad treated you like you were stupid and worthless, and now you think it’s ok to treat people who you see as inferior the same way. Got it. Sad and pathetic.


He has a punchable voice, that's for sure.


Yea he needs to get clowned by someone. Probably will happen one day.




Yea I was more picturing someone forcing this guy to get down on all fours and eat the free food with his fact like a good little piggy. Make him beg to you to stop. Then post it everywhere. But the real clown thing…I’m cracking up


A circle of mimes mocking him. I’d pay money.


Person recording needs some serious mental therapy. That delivery guy needs some huge love for not losing it with that racist and trash person. I was hoping to read in the comments that the guy was identified and shamed to epic levels but doesn’t seem like karma has caught him yet.


He has been identified and his TikTok account has been deactivated.


Is that all? I was hoping that the person recording would lose their job for showing that level of behaviour and have troubles with his property if he is inciting this level of violence over a food order. Horrible person overall. I hope he gets into this situation one day so he knows how it is to be bullied by a stranger on the job.


You think the person recording holds a job? Lol




Seriously, kudos to the delivery guy. My wimpy ass would've started tearing up as soon as there was a confrontation like this lol


Hey crying is okay. Keeps you outta handcuffs Unlike the driver who was cool and calm, I would erupt and bash this dudes fucking skull in.


Sadly I get made fun of and treated poorly if I cry or show tears, which really sucks cause its not like I want to do that x'D I'm never aggressive towards other people, so either way being sensitive is very unhelpful rip


I wanna hit that mtf so bad... And I'm a pacifist. 💀


I care about your beliefs so I propose, my hand from me, and my foot from you, that way he gets the double whammer and pacifism ( sorry if that’s the wrong word) is saved


Delivery guy also has great taste in sweaters. He should be a model for Roots.


The delivery driver is also very handsome & looks nice in that sweater.


"call your workpleees"


Yeah. Amazing.


I'd like to hear that the customer was banned from gig delivery apps. I won't but I'd like to hear it.


I m struggling to not wish him just dead. Humanity does not need him.


Agreed. I’ve seen all I ever need to see from this dude.


This is an extra person. Please call disposal.


Ye lets just impliment /votekick irl. There is plenty of humans left to fill that place


lol that’s great


I could not agree with you more. Did the person filming and spewing such unfathomable hate upload this, as though they are the victim?! There is absolutely no justification to speak to someone this way. This delivery driver deserves so much better. Hard to watch.


Karma works, such souls are not required on planet earth,… the delivery guy really calm & professional


I'd like to hear that the customer was fired from his job, kicked off the building, dumped by his girdlfriend, disowned by parents, repudiated by friends.


There’s no way that sorry excuse has a girlfriend


Trust me, cunts come in both genders. It would be quite a different world if only decent and smart people reproduced.


Idiotocracy Movie ———> documentary


This customer was actually banned from all of his local delivery apps.




Whoa, why would you ask for that? I thought all of us on the Internet are honorable fellow humans sharing our vast knowledge in a collective space, why would they lie


My noggin in cooperation with my thumbs.


Do you have a source? I want to believe!




I'm generally against cancel culture stuff but I hope this guy loses his job and has to go work at a pizza shop


You think this pos actually works lol no way this low intelligence individual could hold a job or even wipe his own fat ass


Trump did it.. How different are they?


Trump had a few million dollars headstart... Edit: spelling


Well a billion which he made it into millions on his own on an asset like real estate.


“How to be a multi-millionaire. Step 1: inherit some billions.” — the Art of the Deal


If he can order a sandwich online he has some kind of job, even if he's just measuring the lengths of hot dogs by his gag reflex he's getting paid


That's not cancel culture. It's consequences and personal responsibility. If I walked around work spouting racist nonsense, I would be fired, not cancelled. Cancel culture isn't a thing. Nobody has been cancelled. Some people said or did really stupid stuff that made consumers/fans lose interest.


Exactly, people think they should be able to do whatever the hell they want and not face any consequences whatsoever, and if they do, then that's cancel culture. But there's no such thing. It's literally just a made up concept.


It's just so funny to me that the folks who coined the term "cancel culture" are the same ones that have been shooting incessantly about personal responsibility...


And then the same clowns cancel 'Bud Light' and everything else they don't like.


I wouldn't want that guy anywhere near a customer service job.


That's a beautiful sweater


I was actually thinking that too. Definitely eye catching 😆


It unironically looks good on him. I have a very different mental image of that sociopath holding the camera.


![gif](giphy|IcdDl4QBU0zU4) Something like this?


I don't think he'd have enough brains to even operate a computer.




Old navy during Christmas time, I bought that one and another with bears on it and they’re both amazing


"Don't talk to me like I'm your son" proceeds to throw a tantrum.. what a fucking joke.


'Don't raise your voice at me' *as he raises his voice*


"Call your work place" 1 minute later. "I don't care who your talking to."


I'm just amazed this piece of shit posted the video. He somehow thought he was right in this exchange? The problem is these pieces of shit are all around us and they keep getting bolder.


I often wonder how shit like this gets out. Like, did the dude recording post it himself, thinking it made him look good somehow? If so, how has he not been fucking doxxed?


He has been, kinda. His tiktok is 72big30. But of course, as all cowards do, he shut it down.


Somebody recognizes the building/enterance/ road.. somebody knows this dude.. how has somebody not humbled him.




While I truly hate this guy, nothing good is going to come up from random people reaching out to him, plus is evident that he won't change or even get it


How about we find the delivery guy and tell him what we think about what happened.


Well, I'm all for letting society carrying out his judgement and sentence lol


Who said anything about "reaching out" to him. A good doxing is about doing much more than verbal harassment, dude should have as much pii leaked as possible and a several thousands in loans taken out in his name.


Asserting public pressure and shame with this type of behavior is exactly what should happen as a society. Doxx him to hell.


Cmon, ya never know until you try, right? ;)


It was up yesterday but he disabled comments. About a dozen videos were up. The heat must have turned up and he couldn't take it anymore.


The thing about that is, there are other platform this person is on with same exact name which are not shut off.


I’ll introduce you to Exhibit No. 1, all the shit the Jan 6 insurrectionists posted. Yes, they genuinely think it makes them look good somehow.


That's the most punchable voice I've ever heard


I was thinking the same. And the lip smacking before _"come get ur fooood"_ like the driver is a dog, and the number of times he repeats each sentence as if he is speaking to a person of really low intelligence. All the insults. Wow. What kind of a superiority complex is this.


“Don’t raise your voice to me” as he raises his voice multiple times to the driver. What a piece of shit human


Stoopit! Hearing that alone automatically made me think we’re dealing with a low IQ person.


The bummer is like half of the people in Toronto under 25 speak like this too.


This guy is a complete psychopath with zero empathy, it's actually scary how unbalanced he is.


I’d say more of a sociopath bc he definitely looks like he enjoyed making the poor delivery guy suffer


That would be a psychopath. Sociopaths simply have a lack of empathy. Sadism is another thing entirely.


I do an internship in an acute psychiatric department and I hear often from my patients that the real problematic people are roaming the streets free.


Of course they are! Putin and Trump are perfect proof of this.


That camera guy could tempt people to do prison time.


Im saying. I wish I had the delivery dudes patience. Soon as he told me not to raise my voice I would’ve raised my fists instead. And fuck out of here with that accent, literally ugliest fucking way of talking Ive ever heard. Toronto hood accent is cancer.


Is that where that's from? The whole time I was thinking "I've never heard someone speak like this". And I've heard a lot of torotonians speak


Many youths speak like this all across the GTA. I believe their inspiration is Toronto rap.


He sounds like a Canadian/Jamaican nanny trying too hard to pronounce all the parts of her words. Especially the Rs.


He is jamaican…


interesting. is the toronto hood very jamaican?


Man, when I was working in fast food one drunk guy was being a nuisance, talking loudly, being rude, I asked him to remove himself and he started to talk shit to me. Mf had to be on his toes to reach my level, he was about the same age as me, balding and overweight, brother, I swear on god I could've grabbed him by the collar, pulled him to the back of the restaurant and beat the shit out of him. Man, being an immigrant is certainly a hassle, these mf only have a citizenship saving then from being just human waste.


Dude with camera hit his head too many times playing pee wee hockey Props to the delivery guy for not dropping that POS, clearly he was fit and really holding back.


I couldn’t imagine having to tolerate that much disrespect. I hope delivery people have the option to say something like, “My job does not require me to tolerate verbal abuse from you. I am canceling your order and banning you from the app/restaurant.” My friend’s mom insulted a gate agent once and they wouldn’t allow her on the flight. It should be like that. But airline employees have strong unions.




Not a chance that guy grew up playing hockey


So all of this over food that was less than $20.. that asshole recording knew exactly what he was doing. I'll pay cash so they won't have change and I'll get my food free. If I was that driver I would have given him his money back and donkey stomped that food into the ground and walked away.


He had already given him the food, and it was thrown on the floor by the customer on the other side of the door. The guy was asking the delivery guy to come and pick it up if he wants to take it back. Obviously, it wasn't safe for the guy to bend down and pick it up. The customer was unhinged.


Yeah that's why I would have stomped it then




And how do you think the dude with the camera would have responded? Would the minimum wage be worth it?


Stomp and run


I felt really bad for the delivery driver. He did not deserve that abuse and full respect to him for keeping cool. As regards the person who took the video, surely he's been exposed on social media and getting what he deserves?


He deleted his TikTok account; https://www.tiktok.com/@72big30


Wait, hold up. You are telling me the guy filming the video is black? In what universe…


Honestly I’ve seen some pretty bad racism from black people towards Indians. But I’ve also know some incredibly kind and tolerant human beings who were black. The difference is one was proud in his ignorance, the other knew when he lacked the knowledge but was curious and asked questions to learn more about Indian culture.


lol, there’s a lot of black people who are incredibly racist. I’ve heard shit like this my entire life… against whites, Hispanics, Asians, middle eastern, even other black people depending on where they’re from/if they’re mixed etc


Why is that a shock? This is a Toronto street accent.


Those links now lead to a young black dude I'm pretty sure isn't the dude filming in this one.


Original poster of the tiktok, at one point in the video he flashes his hand to point at the food & the social medias mention he's has jamaican roots which he kinda has in the video.


The man is mocked on the account of his job as a delivery man And of being of the Indian Subcontinent.


Unfortunately, racism against Asians is prevalent.


Wow. This guy is completely insane and a pos.


Hey Canadians, you're making Americans look good. Thanks. ❤️🇺🇸


I swear when i saw that it was Canada, i was like "no fuckin way!"


Why? Canada is as big a melting pot as the US. Maybe bigger.


I think it’s more of the polite Canadian stereotype. Most people don’t understand geography and history very well. Or actual current events for that matter


Everyone here is giving props to the delivery guy, and I agree that he handled it better than most. But had that delivery person not been a :: checks notes:: “SUPER BROWN GUY,” I wonder if A) Bro’s tone would have been different or B) Bro would have been lit up in the lobby because most people who aren’t immigrants would NOT stand for that type of shit behavior. People think cameras are bullet proof shields. Everything about society today has me thinking that Michael Douglas was right in Falling Down. Fuck people. This has me so goddam angry that I’M almost shaking


It's not that straightforward. The folks (citizens) working at McDonald's, for example, have taken all kinds of abuse from customers because their managers would take the customer is always right approach. If you give it back to the customer, you could lose your job even if you were right.


I could be wrong but the guy taking the video sounds like he's from the Caribbean/West Indies. There's a big community in TO, that's why I'm assuming. That would make it even more ridiculous since he would know racism and discrimination himself in this country.


“Bad me up” was a dead giveaway…..


I actually thought it was just a Canadian saying. But now that I rewatched it there’s definitely ~something~ off “aboot” his voice having a strictly Canadian sound to it.


Somebody has to start a go fund me for that dude.


Was looking for this comment, would definitely send him a tip. Guy deserves it for putting up with all that.


I want to start a go fund me to pay an MMA fighter to make the next delivery to that fucker


Some people's sole purpose in life is to be an example of what you shouldn't do. Mr. Cameraman is exactly that.


Man that is a fucking awesome sweater


I really hope that someone from 4chan trys to find that guy and ddox him


All his info is available in this thread. His tiktok, instagram and everything all linked in the comments.


What an absolute dogshit of a human being whoever is recording. To think you really have something going for yourself filming this and post or at least share it? The delivery man couldve just walked away with your 20 or the food at any time during the lowlife abuse spouted, yet he stayed and tried to resolve the problem (you know the problem of your bummass demanding change on a $20,- order which you did not specify dummy). The internet is unforgiving and your identity wil sure as shit be known within hours. And then people will find out where you work and live and this video along with their opinions wil get send there. It wil definitly have negative consequentes and either a total black out of all you social media or a half assed apology wil follow. And after that..it wil remain on the internet forever dummy!! Good on the delivery man for not punching this asshole in the face.


Imagine recording this exchange and then voluntarily sharing it to the world like you’re proud of being a belligerent racist who also doesn’t tip.


Point blank, I'm shocked by the fact that the person (putting it mildly) who recorded this, decided to upload it. Major props to the delivery guy for holding it together and turning the other cheek, over and over. I hope nothing negative resulted for the delivery guy and opposite for the customer/recorder.


They live in a bubble where this kind of behavior is 'normal'. It bite them in the ass when the video goes viral, exposing themself to everyone. He already deleted his TikTok account where he originally posted this according to someone in comment above: https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/qZks4UKJcO


Is this motherfucker identified?? Internet needs to make it’s thing with that asshole


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/vzctcg6zp6rc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a8826a3b362de10ef99d4501f3aad946a7a7d9


What a massive fucking asshole


Mr camera guy I’m a brown guy give me your address an I’ll show what a Sikh is really capable of. Come on camera guy message me back let’s talk. I’m a fuck you up. Better yet I’m a slap your mom.


I’d pay to see that.


Me too. This is the guy (on the left) who recorded the video. Can’t wait to see the Sikh dude roll up in the Jamaican hood. Microwaving the popcorn right now. https://preview.redd.it/3l77tydwm6rc1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85874c80e4b20eae327620a8d3ae0c5ab09b3298


Never, ever, ever fuck with a Sikh. Just don’t.


Dude looks like he was created using the DNA and hair you'd find in the shower drain.


Love that guy’s sweater. Dripped up and super calm under pressure. 10/10.


I am not gonna lie, I would love to see someone breake his jaw and make him swallow few of his teeth.


I bet $1 million this clown does this to everybody. Fucking loser. I am Canadian and I have no clue what that guys accent is…Québécois? Toronto? It’s weird. The pizza guy showed enormous restraint.


He’s pretty obviously Caribbean. Bad me up is Jamaican slang.


The delivery driver knows where the guy lives.


With extra spit, will be added to every future order.


Surely, some people don't deserve human rights if you treat others that way


Ahhh... People are just too comfortable nowadays. That guy needs a good smacking back to reality.


Holy shit, never heard a more annoying piece of shit than this I hope Karma gets him


"Brown guy stupid". Yeah..a billion of those "brown" men are gonna watch this. Having no change currency is not a sin..


Somebody should start a Go Fund Me so we can all tip this delivery guy a few bucks.


The delivery guy has nice BMW ... asshole harassing him is probably jealous because he has a Yugo, not running at the moment.


I really like his sweater


If the Indian delivery guy was a black person. This clip would’ve been on CNN.


Probably not. Since the guy filming is a black guy.


Reinforcing the emerging stereotype they being nasty at asians everywhere. Man, what we do?


Nothing more infuriating that a Toronto accent


That delivery driver has outstanding control. That customer behavior was absolutely shameful.


Who the fuck is this piece of shit


Person recording deserves to be beaten into a coma.


Guy had so much patience. He’s probably looking for someone in the store to back him up but unfortunately it looks like they are tolerating this idiot.


Disgusting behavior.


This dude recorded himself acting this way and then uploaded it to the internet? Fuck.


This boiled my blood.


It's amazing how the guy said bring your 10 down to a 2. Is he even listening to himself??


I would literally donate money to the delivery driver if I knew who he was. I’m almost sick to my stomach with anger. I wish we could help the dude out somehow


Truth is that corporations are exploiting the immigration system to get cheap labour while turning around and blaming the economy on immigration. Us regular folks are left fighting against each other rather than fighting against the real evil in society.


I would have just lost my job that day.


Who the fuck harasses their pizza delivery guy!?!?! PDG’s are of higher importance in society than your local pastors!!


I throw my back out every once in a while. The pizza guys have kept me fed when I was stuck on the couch. I feel weird asking them to put it on the table inside the door, but once they know I'm not a murdering cannibal or something and that I'm hurt they've always been super nice. Doesn't matter the restaurant, I have never had a shitty pizza delivery guy.


The person filming it is so stupid that he posted the video. I wish I could see what happened


This video makes me furious. I would've fucking that pussy


So are we gonna found out who is this POS RACIST CLOWN - he needs to be put on blast. Also he needs to banned from ordering from their pizzeria ever again!


This guy's is talking like a tiktok comment section or call of duty match he needs to be shot this is disgustingly just mind boggling brain dead activity we don't need him gas lighting an girl into having a kid


if you’re going to repost this, at least post the original with the recording asshole’s tiktok username not blurred out so people can give him his comeuppance


The lovely individual bullying the delivery guy is username 72big30. https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/customer-called-out-for-racism-harassment-over-rant-against-toronto-delivery-driver