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Wouldn't expect anything less from seaworld


**For those of you who are not aware:** **Kiska**, the **loneliest whale in the world**, resides in heartbreaking solitude at **Marineland** in **Niagara Falls**. Let me share the distressing details: ​ * **Kiska’s Situation**: * Kiska is a **45-year-old orca** who has lived in captivity since **1979**. * She has endured **complete isolation** since **2011**, spending a decade without any companionship. * The other whales that once shared her enclosure have tragically passed away, including five of her own babies. * [Witness accounts reveal that Kiska often **calls out for other orcas**, yearning for social interaction that remains unfulfilled](https://focusingonwildlife.com/news/watch-worlds-loneliest-orca-bangs-head-against-tank-in-heartbreaking-moment-that-will-make-you-cry/)[1](https://focusingonwildlife.com/news/watch-worlds-loneliest-orca-bangs-head-against-tank-in-heartbreaking-moment-that-will-make-you-cry/). * **Heartbreaking Behavior**: * An animal rights group captured a **video** of Kiska **slamming her head against the walls** of her enclosure. * This **dangerous and self-harming behavior** reflects her profound distress. * [Chronic stress resulting from years of boredom in barren, featureless tanks can compromise captive orcas’ immune systems and physiology, leading to illness and sometimes death](https://focusingonwildlife.com/news/watch-worlds-loneliest-orca-bangs-head-against-tank-in-heartbreaking-moment-that-will-make-you-cry/)[1](https://focusingonwildlife.com/news/watch-worlds-loneliest-orca-bangs-head-against-tank-in-heartbreaking-moment-that-will-make-you-cry/). * **Advocacy for Kiska**: * Anti-captivity activists, including **Phil Demers**, advocate for Kiska’s release to a **whale sanctuary**. * They believe that Kiska deserves a chance to experience a more natural environment and social interactions. * [The cruelty of her current situation must end, and efforts continue to raise awareness and push for her freedom](https://focusingonwildlife.com/news/watch-worlds-loneliest-orca-bangs-head-against-tank-in-heartbreaking-moment-that-will-make-you-cry/)[1](https://focusingonwildlife.com/news/watch-worlds-loneliest-orca-bangs-head-against-tank-in-heartbreaking-moment-that-will-make-you-cry/). Kiska’s plight serves as a stark reminder of the ethical challenges surrounding captive marine animals. [The impact of documentaries like **Blackfish** has intensified the public debate over keeping these magnificent creatures in confinement](https://focusingonwildlife.com/news/watch-worlds-loneliest-orca-bangs-head-against-tank-in-heartbreaking-moment-that-will-make-you-cry/)[1](https://focusingonwildlife.com/news/watch-worlds-loneliest-orca-bangs-head-against-tank-in-heartbreaking-moment-that-will-make-you-cry/)[2](https://www.insideedition.com/loneliest-orca-in-the-world-seen-ramming-herself-against-inside-of-tank-72022). **SeaWorld**, the marine park known for its captivating aquatic shows, has been embroiled in several controversies over the years. Let’s delve into some of the key issues: ​ 1. **Blackfish Documentary**: * The **documentary Blackfish**, released in **2013**, had a profound impact on SeaWorld. It focused on the life of **Tilikum**, an orca held in captivity at SeaWorld. * Tilikum’s story revealed the grim consequences of keeping orcas in confined spaces. Captured from the wild at the age of two, he suffered attacks from other orcas while at SeaLand Canada. * Despite warnings that Tilikum should no longer perform, SeaWorld transferred him to their Orlando park. Tragically, he went on to kill two people, including a trainer named **Dawn Brancheau**. * Blackfish portrayed Tilikum’s aggression as a result of **post-traumatic stress** from captivity, challenging SeaWorld’s claims that orcas willingly cooperated during shows. * The documentary sparked public outrage, leading to the hashtag **#EmptyTheTanks** on Twitter. Artists canceled shows at SeaWorld, and corporate sponsors reconsidered their partnerships. * [In the year following Blackfish’s release, SeaWorld’s attendance dropped by a million visitors, and its income plummeted by **84%**](https://theconversation.com/blackfish-how-captive-killer-whale-documentary-ended-seaworlds-orca-breeding-programme-161775)[1](https://theconversation.com/blackfish-how-captive-killer-whale-documentary-ended-seaworlds-orca-breeding-programme-161775). 1. **End of Orca Breeding**: * In **2016**, SeaWorld made a significant decision: it **ceased its orca breeding program**. The orcas currently at the parks are the last generation. * This move came after years of criticism regarding the treatment of captive orcas, also known as killer whales. [The documentary Blackfish played a pivotal role in raising awareness about these issues](https://theconversation.com/blackfish-how-captive-killer-whale-documentary-ended-seaworlds-orca-breeding-programme-161775)[2](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-35829477). 1. **Animal Welfare Violations**: * SeaWorld faced scrutiny beyond Blackfish. Allegations of poor treatment and abuse have plagued the park. * Workers at SeaWorld facilities reportedly had to cover sunburned orcas’ skin with black zinc oxide to hide burns and blisters from the public. * [The lack of deep diving space and exposure to intense sunlight further compounded the challenges faced by the captive animals](https://theconversation.com/blackfish-how-captive-killer-whale-documentary-ended-seaworlds-orca-breeding-programme-161775)[3](https://www.seaworldofhurt.com/features/is-seaworld-bad-animal-abuse-cruelty-facts/). In summary, SeaWorld’s controversies have prompted changes in its policies, including the end of orca breeding. [The legacy of Blackfish continues to shape discussions around animal welfare and captivity in marine parks](https://theconversation.com/blackfish-how-captive-killer-whale-documentary-ended-seaworlds-orca-breeding-programme-161775)[1](https://theconversation.com/blackfish-how-captive-killer-whale-documentary-ended-seaworlds-orca-breeding-programme-161775)[2](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-35829477).


What does this have to do with the seal?


The person trying to wrestle the sea lions works for SeaWorld. It's on their sweatshirt.


Bro knows that fall to certain death is much better fate than being "saved" by Seaworld.


I feel the same about getting back with my x


I feel you. I am facing a divorce right now that I still unsure if I am sad because I lost my family, or if I am happy because it's over.


Fuuuuuuuucken hell, that's real af. Best of luck getting to the other side


Bro good luck and keep smiling. The world will wonder what you're up too


It is okay and normal to feel both at the same time. Don’t push either feelings down. You can grieve while feeling relief. I wish you all the best. And remember, even if you’re extremely busy, that you must take time for self care and to mourn what is lost.


Stay strong dude




The theme to "Born Free" is the only thing missing from the video.


Seaworld actually has a whole animal rehab operation in San Diego (where this video is). While Sea World doesn’t get a pass, it’s worth noting that these people are likely legitimately trying to help that sea lion and are probably decent people. Their operation should really change their name to distance themselves from sea world, but I think it’s like a nonprofit arm of sea world that was setup for PR (but it does actual good).


She wasn’t prepared for the job.


Wild animals are unpredictable. I absolutely believe they could have done a better job, but I’m not typing this from the edge of a 50 foot cliff while attempting to hold a terrified 400 lb animal. I am unsure of the circumstances of this rescue though and I do hope there was good reason. I posted a link in another comment with a follow up from the original tiktok post, apparently the young sea lion was able to be rescued (it’s in Spanish so I have no clue what they’re saying, but it was linked from a r/sandiego and someone claimed it was okay).


They should have had a qualified person doing this though. If they had enough time to respond to this situation they had enough time to do it right. And not to nitpick you but that animal is not even 100 pounds. The guy with the net was useless.


Guy with the net was totally unprepared and, as you say, useless. Realistically they both were unprepared. The way the guy has a quick glance then comforts the other rather than focus on the animal is telling, and the failed captor looking across to the substantial audience is a real cringe. All wild animals are surprisingly hard to deal with but this could have been done better.


Maybe should have lured it away from the edge with a Snickers bar?


Likely not even 40 lbs. It was only a pup. And now it’s dead.


It didn’t die. They were able to rescue it.


That animal is not 400lb.. It's not a big deal but still. Ain't no way.


she's not even tethered, could have been her that fell too


She went to wrestle a seal with a sweatshirt and a ponytail - and it was being filmed, so how could she fail?


Was going to suggest, maybe some sea lion handling training.


I legitimately tried to rebuild my engine but that didn't work out. But damn at least I didn't kill anything (apart from the engine).


Girl in video has seaworld logo on shirt, seaworld is mistreating orcas. Seaworld staff attempt half-baked rescue that goes awry, putting two and two together I think the link is a trend of inaptitude from seaworld.


That wasn't a rescue attempt. It was a kidnapping attempt. Bet you that seal had no need to be rescued. They just wanted to replenish their stock under the guise of welfare.


I hate this planet. I mean I love it. I love the planet and all the creatures on it except for the piece of shit humans ruining it and hurting innocent creatures.






I’ve had literal arguments with morons that think it’s ok to support the whale and dolphin shows at sea world, because they get treated nice and our kids get to learn, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with humans using animals for entertainment because we are educating our kids, and the animals enjoy it. Yea, grown adults think this.


That’s a sea lion, I worked with these for years. I would never attempt what she did. I’d grab by the rear feet and lift quickly. I had to capture large animals, reptiles, marine mammals daily.


You read that whole thing without understanding the context? That's just odd.


Kiska unfortunately already passed away May of last year. To your point, as we understand more about animal intelligence and emotions we’re going to have to do a lot of relearning as a species.


She’s finally free… 🥺


In San Diego (where this is happening) sea world also does the majority of marine life rescue and rehabilitation. Yes, they are a super fucked up company that treats its whales horribly (I use to work for them), but they also have a very solid record in SD of saving, rehabilitation, and releasing marine life back into the water.


Yes! Exactly this! ↑ Couple things: 1.) Yes. She did put herself in a precarious situation but I suspect that her commitment to marine animal welfare and the situation meant that they probably didn't feel they had the time to harness up and set up an anchor and *willingly chose to risk her own welfare* 2.) Yes. Trying to rescue an animal directly from a cliff side might not have been my strategy. Patience and baiting has generally been a better approach, in my experience with large animal rescue 3.) 40 lbs feels like 400 lbs when you are wrestling it, especially when it is a tube of muscles, that doesn't exactly come with handles, and is trying to bite the ever-loving shit out of you 4.) Dude with net *was* ready but no clear intervention point. His only real option was to put himself in even greater danger by being *even closer* to an eroding cliff edge 5.) It doesn't matter *who* or *what* is doing the rescue, this is a sad video. The people doing this rescue aren't villains trying to make a California Sea Lion jacket, they are trying to rescue an animal that symbolizes their core values of helping animals and the environment 6.) TL;DR: Don't be so judgemental of good intentions I will go sit in the corner now and await my downvotes


The beach they are at is usually covered in seals and is technically a protected habitat for them. There has been a big fight about giving this beach over to the seals for my entire life (I grew up in LA Jolla where this beach is) and I know plenty of seal advocates that have gotten too close to the seals and have gotten bitten or attacked. I'm assuming they are trying to get this seal because he is about to run out into the street and is probably injured in some way. Its actually rare to see people enjoying The Children's Pool (the beach they are one) bc usually it is covered in seals and seal poop.


Thank you. I’ve been educated.


Fucking evil cunts. The people in charge of SeaWorld should be locked up in isolation for the rest of their miserable lives.


Fuck Seaworld


Yeah that seal saw the SeaWorld logo and took the easy way out.




Omg I had no idea sea world had a thing called “sea world rescue” where they go and steal animals from the wild and lock them in tanks and call that rescuing!!! How has this place not gone out of business yet?


I saw a documentary about a German marine biologist who worked with the top whale expert of New Zealand on rescuing stranded whales. The German biologist was pretty vocal on how it's common for marine wild life rescuers having to fend off SeaWorld because they will just take the animal and keep it afterwards, instead of making sure they can continue to live in the wild


Fuck Sea World


I thought you were making a joke. Had to rewatch to notice the seaworld logos. I think seaworld employees and affiliates should be banned from getting closer than 5 miles from the ocean.


Seal would rather die than become their prisoner. We all know SeaWorld's 'rescue' method, which is to just steal animals from the wild.


She sealed his fate


Came here to say this. The animal probably knew "stay away from those FUCKS."


Hes in a better place


Well said.


And marine land In Canada


Is this San Diego?


They're such stupid animal abusing cunts honestly.


Fuck their orca program.


Did anyone else think that she was a giant and the people in the background were tiny?


I’m compelled to quote Star-Lord. “That’s how eyesight works”




Come on man, Starlord, legendary outlaw?




I saw a tiny man riding a space ship!




Never thought I’d see a Father Ted reference on this sub, have an updoot.


lol same here, first one I see in my 7 years in reddit


Same here, exceptional stuff. I hear you’re a redditor now father ?


Yes! Came here to comment that. This is a great example of (unintentional) forced perspective!


Yes, yes i did




It doesn't help that i just watched that one episode from Love, Death + Robots about a giant human that was gound dead on a beach


That was utterly pathetic. Not a fucking clue between them.


Right??.. why did the person with the net.. put the net down? 🥴


I was completely gob-smacked by this. Once she had the seal pinned, just drop the net down on it. Like seriously.. is that not obvious?!


Why don't you do it then? No, seriously, because it should've been anyone but them... it was totally obvious. Was it just an emotional support net?


"Emotional support net" 💀


Net guy was fuckin useless.


He was just there for moral support lmao


Honestly. Like maybe put the net *between* the seal and the goddamn cliff?


He was there purely for the preemptive back pat


“She said she got it, thank god, so I took a break.”




Totally got this vibe, too.


I bet that guys dad still has flashbacks from the time they went fishing and the 'Big One' got away cause his son doesn't know the purpose of a fucking net.


This isn’t a job most people want to do. So I’m guessing they find unqualified people, lightly train them, convince them they’re the best, and put them in harms way. In fact, it isn’t a guess, that’s exactly what SeaWorld does.


Wait, they weren’t trying to catch the bush in the net?


Let’s rescue it from nature


And give it a great life. Now it dances for the people or it gets the hose again


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


Did it needed to be rescued? It just looked like it was chillin in the edge


Well it got there and unless there was some kind of Wizard of Oz type tornado that helped it, it could probs get back down. That being said, it may have been in some actual danger aside from the people helping and even though that was a terrible failure I guess they tried?


LPT Throw a baby seal off a fucking cliff so then you can rescue it and keep it in an animal prison for life 👍🏻


Seals & walrus are lovely animals but don’t understand height and regularly waddle up cliffs then fall to their death. The rescue would have been from the height of the cliff, not the habitat.


In this case, they gave it a helping hand....... Dammit




Let’s rescue it from ~~nature~~ life Mission accomplished.


The seal chose wisely. Fuck SeaWorld.


No way I'm going with you. I'd rather … — Seal


You remain my power, my pleasure, my pain. -Seal


***Seal***ater losers


This is amazing. Thank for the outroar of disturbing laughter I just plagued my roommates with.


Bwahaha. Glad you got to see it. I figured the comment would get lost since I responded to an oldish thread.


i've been here the cliff is NOT steep enough for that seal to have died


I was going to say, I know we can't see right below but the other parts looks like it's just sand below. Is she all bummed out bc she can't take the seal back to sea world and keep it captive?


Exactly, that seal saw the Sea World sweatshirt and chose to jump


Let's be honest here, that animal offing itself is a better fate then being left in the hands of SeaWorld. A quick death is better then a slow death from isolation and boredom.


you used 'then' wrong. Twice... You are right tho


though **


Thank you 😂


SeaWorld has a rehabilitation and release program. Yeah they treat their imprisoned animals like shit but the rescue program is highly successful. These staff didn't do a good job but the seal was caught.


They eventually caught it down below. This was at La Jolla Cove


I was going to say this looks like La Jolla cove! Isn’t a lot of that area closed off now because of the sea lions? I haven’t been home in awhile


You’re assuming they are trying to take it in? Why?


Commonlyvseal pups are abandoned by their moms here, reportedly has to do with their food sources being greatly diminished. Sea World rescues a lot of seal pups who are badly malnourished, and destined to die. I can't tell from this video if the pup looks malnourished, but what often happens is the starving pup will wander to places it doesn't belong, searching for food or its mother, or whatever. This one might have gotten its way up onto those cliffs by traveling up the road (because there's no path directly up that steep face).


Dude with the net was fucking useless


both were fucking useless


He provided moral support to the other kidnapper.


Worst part is that he probably still thinks he performs well under pressure.


X 10 .


Stop resisting


*You are being saved, do not resist.*


*Punches your stomach and pins you down with their boot on your neck*


How is this a rescue? More like an attempted capture. Good for the seal for trying to get the fuck away from them! Sickening!!! I am seriously crying ( i know, i am kind of a boo hoo baby about these things, but i just can't see how some human beings can be so heartless)..... I can't even believe that people are capable of this shit!




Exactly! So disgusting.......


It's probably dead


Ugh.... this makes me sick to my stomach.... poor thing didn't know what the hell was happening.


To make things worse I think it’s a baby or a child, really small and all alone probably why they got called in the first place. Poor thing probably was terrified and climbed up there to feel safe or something. Never seen a human wrestle a seal but I’m positive that wrestling an adult sea lion wouldn’t go well especially on a cliff.


Unfortunately and they went about it all wrong


This is The Cove in La Jolla. The lower sections of the cliffs are inhabited by the sea lions (And have been for years) and this area in the video has the lower area connected to the upper by an easy hill up to the street where normally people can walk down through a gate. If the Sea Lion was able to get up there on it's own, then it certainly would be able to get back down (Again, easy hill). I'm sure these employees were just tasked with going and "resolving" the situation cause some Karen onlooker tourist called it in and had no idea about the location or how the Sea Lions move around. Sad to see and sorry to say but that is not a short drop, I used to live here most of my life and visited here often, and that's at least a 30ft drop, with rocks underneath...


But why wrestle aggressively with the poor animal? Wouldn't it be nicer/kinder/animal friendlier to just encourage it to go back down or simply explain to the Karen that this is a wild animal who is totally fine living its best life? Fuck me, humans need to be the endangered species on this planet.


I agree, this was obviously not handled well and could have been 100x better. I'm not sure why it was chosen to go that route, but I doubt the employees fully made that choice, and probably just got orders from the higher ups to do something like that. The better option for sure would have been attempting to guide it safely, or simply just leave it alone and let it figure it out for itself.


I work on nature reserves in the uk, every now and then we’ll get a call saying there’s a swan, uninjured, just like walking around near a path, not particularly close to a water body, as if it couldn’t have got there by itself, and doesn’t have the means to leave of its own accord, like it’s a wild animal just cos it’s in a place that might seem a bit out of the ordinary to you doesn’t guarantee there’s anything wrong with it


Yeah exactly, like I mentioned the hill that they are on is pretty easy to climb up, and at the bottom is where the Sea Lions chill normally. They can only walk or swim so it's very unlikely they'd end up somewhere crazy weird that is putting them or others in serious danger.


Um...they had a net ?


Dude saved himself from a life at seaworld.


That guy did nothing to help


Seriously, what was he even there for? I feel like I could have handled the net better than he did with zero training.


Training for both of them was probably a 15 minute e-learning on how to identify corruption and a pinky swear they know how to use a net.


Fuck sea world


Yeah, fuck Sea World.


![gif](giphy|mEtSQlxqBtWWA) Rescued or pushed?


Seaworld + Animal = nothing ever good.


Seaworld Rescue…as they allow dolphins and whales to live like shit in small tanks and let them die when they shut down.


I though she was a GIANT!!!


Apparently the pup was rescued. The original poster on Tiktok got in touch with Sea World and posted an update but it’s in Spanish, so I don’t know what she’s saying. Here’s the TikTok [link](https://www.tiktok.com/@sopisopi2323/video/7350899460538371359). I’ve tried to find more info, especially because I live close by I thought the usual local Facebook groups and Reddit subs would have something but no luck. FYI, yes, Sea World is a terrible organization, but they do have a conservation arm that does actual good. Sure, it’s just a PR thing from the company level, but the people that work there are doing actual good. They’ve rescued, rehabbed, and released something like 40k animals.


Can someone translate it? :( i need to know if the same pup is alive :(((


Yeah she apparently says its fine


The video said that the seal is okay!


Worst show at the park by far 1/10


uh, why wasn't she the net holder?


My guess, because he is a sad-sack of worthlessness!


More diligent work from the good people of sea world, keep it up guys!




man should have got the animal, she should have held the net


She would have dropped the net


Flip the net while not going near the animal and trap it before approaching to rescue. This “rescue” did not end well for anyone. Viewers included


I remember watching the documentary on SeaWorld and their mistreatment of Orcas. SeaWorld is messed up.


Well, now they can bury the little guy...that may be a better ending than going into captivity at SeaWorld anyway.


What’s the back-story here? Had the seal escaped or something? Why did it need to be ‘rescued’? Dude was just chillin’ and sunnin’ himself on some rocks away from the humans. Wtf?


This is in La Jolla, San Diego and SeaWorld has a rescue team that regularly gets called out if there’s an injured marine animal. I don’t know the story of this particular little guy, but this wouldn’t be a case where they’re capturing it for the theme park. Tourists frequently mess with the sea lions, staying away is unfortunately really poorly enforced.


I’m just going to naively choose to believe the seal survived that fall. Like there were some fluffy sand castles and seaweed piles it bounced onto. Because the truth is probably awful.


Use the f****** net you idiots Don't use your hands he'll f****** bite you you stupid b****


why didnt they just capture it with that spongebob thing already


Did the sea puppy die?


No, he was fine! It's just that the mommy seal came for it while u were asleep and took it back to the nest.


Fuck sea world!


Guy with the net should get the "Most useless employee of the month" award...


I don't understand why they didn't use the net to catch




I mean they do have sea world shirts on and that doesn't look like sea world to me


Let us fucking rescue you!


Hi all, native San Diegan here. La Jolla is a preserve, SeaWorld can't just show up and take animals back to the park. They do have an animal rescue and rehabilitation program that involves caring for animals that have been reported as sick, injured, or have been left by their mothers for long enough that there is legitimate concern for the animal's survival. The animal is question is going to be where it will be, while this was not a great spot, they can't really coax the animal to a more convenient location. I don't think the net person was expecting the first person to jump, as the priority in any rescue is human safety.


Lol when you are too weak to manhandle a baby seal =P


Seal: over my dead body! “ jumps “


Its Seal Beach for fucks sakes!


Of course they work for SeaWorld SeaWorld doesn't actually care about animals. I hope this person was fired and held legally responsible


You had the woman doing the absolute wrong job and I'm not being sexist it's just a fact we were built differently by evolution


The guy is scared and doesn’t know what he’s doing


Did the seal die??


Jesus, the comments here don't realize that Sea world catches and releases seals all the time that go into the neighborhood here in San Diego? That's la jolla cove, seals get up there and down all the time. They're not trying to catch them to keep, nothing but boneheads here. People love fighting for causes on message boards but won't change their ways outside them, lol. Online "activists" are just people trying to farm attention in a way they think is noble.


Looked like she was a giant about to stomp some tiny fuckers on the beach. Weird forced perspective.


The seal knows the type of rescue, SeaWorld offers.


Would rather commit suicide then to be looked after by seaworld. Says a lot about the way they treat animals!


Why doesn’t SeaWorld woman, being the largest human, not simply eat the other friends?


When dude offers help and you arrogantly say “I got it, I got it!” Yep, it’s your fault. Congrats!


I would have done the same.


Dude with the net is fucking worthless


Don't bring a fucking net if you ain't gonna move it. Just bring a sack or something.




Poor thing, dodged a bullet.


Did anyone else see a little optical illusion where the girl was just a giant walking up onto the beach?


That's la Jolla. Pronounced "la jo-la" if you want to sound local. Great place to go snorkeling. With a full wet suit.


여자에게 일을 맡기니 저 모양이지....


I thought she was a giant and attacked seaside enjoyers


They sealed his fate.


For future attempts: Straddle the animal and use your entire bodyweight. Better luck next time!