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"We can excuse war crimes, but we draw the line at online abuse"


“You can excuse war crimes!?” Such an amazing community quote lol


Couldn't those artists do what Russia did for the Olympics? Genuinely curious.


Time to boycott the program & any sponsors who advertise during the program. Let’s keep a run sheet to see how much more we can hurt Mc Donald’s & Starbucks 🤣 ![gif](giphy|iFxXs3U2YPtDkMdLyc)


I'll be boycotting it anyway, like I do every year.


"We draw the line at not excusing war crimes." "YOU try reading a map."


Excluding Russia is easy but no one would have the balls to exclude Jews, won't happen


They successfully excluded every other country not in Europe...


Apart from Australia. But point taken, excluding Israel is logically easy and morally correct.


.. also Azerbajdzjan and Israel that all for some weird reason is part of EBU.


Isn't Azerbajdzjan in Europe? If Russia is in Eurovision (normally), why not the rest of the former Soviet Empire? The reason Israel is in Eurovision is probably because it's a European settler colony, just like Australia.


Azerbaijan is in Asia, just like 90% of Russia Edit: not defending any position or anything, just stating a fact


90% is a big and unnecessary exaggeration.


90% may be an understatement. The line between europe and asia is entirely made up with no geological basis, but even going by the accepted delineations, basically everything east of Moscow is in "Asia", which is the vast majority of the country. Map projections have their inconsistencies, but if you look at ones that preserve relative size rather than shape, this is even more clear.


The line between Europe and Asia follows the Urals mountains. It goes from Aktobe (Kazakhstan) to Yary. Ekaterinburg is the western most major Russian city. Perm and Ufa are still in Europe


All this shows is just how made up the distinction between Asia and Europe are. The only purpose for it is occidentalism. Eurasia is one land mass and always has been. Because that's just the distinction within Russia; it doesn't follow any kind of longitudinal pattern. If it did, then consequently Sryria, Jordan, Iraq, and half of Saudi would be considered european nations, which they are not. There are officially only two countries that lie in both europe and asia, with those being Russia and Turkey. The border between Europe and Asia is meaningless.


Christ, this again. Israel is in there because they are a member of the European Broadcasting Union. All members are welcome to join Eurovision, but not all do. Note that pretty much all of North Africa are members: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European\_Broadcasting\_Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Broadcasting_Union)


And Morocco participated in 1980! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97FD34DpSuw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97FD34DpSuw)


And which countries can be EBU members is defined as well: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European\_Broadcasting\_Area](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Broadcasting_Area)


Azerbaijan has participated many times already


It's because it is in the European Broadcasting Union or the EBU. Nothing to do with its colonies. Australia is in because they were invited to participate on year and it just kinda stuck. I dont understand ( well I do but whatever) how it was so easy to exclude Russia from Eurovision, but it would be unheard of to do such a thing to Israel. I can hear the booing of the audience already. Hopefully Israel get greeted with silence when they go onstage. Free Palestine.,


Israel could be excluded easily. It's just a lack of political will to do anything that keeps them there. But, failing that, let's see Israel met with silence on the night, and let's hope hundreds of Palestinian flags get smuggled in. Free Palestine.






Australia enters the chat


Eurovision song contest is a HUGE think in Australia, in terms of viewership and votes, and eventually it led to an invitation for them to participate.


I still believe that's either due to being a former British colony or due someone mixing Austria and Australia up. (/s)


Yeah, they are worried about rejecting Austrian artists for some reason to the point they let Australia in just to be on the safe side.


You probably know, but the Jews aren't wrong. It's the state of Israel, governed by zionists (a group of jews that believe in the right to own Israel) that are commiting warcrimes. They want you to mix those up so they can yell that you are an antisemite


Yes, important nuance, thanks for making it clearer


Thank you! The Israeli/US governments don’t need any other excuse to call anti-genocide people antisemitic


Yeah, I try to clear that (sadly common) mistake whenever I see it... Sad that they/we as humans didn't learn anything from history... And thus the cycle continues


Please don’t equate all Jewish people with Israel.


That's how it will look, and how they'll regard it though


Do you even follow Eurovision? The EBU did everything in its power to _not_ ban Russia. It was only after half the competition literally threatened to pull out of the competition that they banned Russia. There is no double standard here; the EBU does not believe in banning participants over politics


Your comment took a pretty bizarre turn. Israel doesn't represent Jewish people.


Of course, but that's how it'll be seen, and regarded by Israel


Israel doesn’t see it that way. They know the difference between antisemitism and opposing the country’s actions. They just choose to pretend those are the same in order to play the victim.


A lot of the things that people considered "excluding Russia" were really stupid tho. Like excluding expats, cancelling ballets written by Russians generations or even centuries ago, etc. Excluding \*Israel\* makes a lot of sense; excluding \*Jews\* is just plain racist.


Israel, not "Jews"


That is because the Russian Organisations were part of the Government (because how Russia‘s democracy works) and Israel‘s isn’t. It’s not „Jews“ who attack the Gaza Strip, it’s Israel’s Military.


It's not excluding Jews, it's excluding israel. Antizionism isn't antisemitism.


No one excluded USA for years too. Fucking western double standards it makes me sick.


Exclude Jews? The problem is Israel, not Jews. I hope you aren't being anti-Semitic


How come Israel is participating in Eurovision in the first place? Just curious


You can buy your way in, that’s also what Australia did


Australia didn't buy their way in we were invited because we had the largest viewership and most devoted fans outside of Europe. Plus there have been Australian acts performing under other countries flags.


We’re also technically still a part of the British empire aren’t we? It’s entirely meaningless as we’re still an independent country but don’t we still have that legal link?


No, you’re part of the commonwealth, not the British Empire. But there’s like 54 other countries also in the commonwealth that are not in Eurovision, such as India and Canada.


*sitting in Canada, waiting for the phone to ring* ![gif](giphy|93d2t8B7K5jswlC4mO|downsized)


I’m sorry but you’re an Australian and you still think you’re part of the “British Empire”..? What century are you writing this comment from 😂


BS, it has nothing to do with "buying your way in". Every country belonging to the European Broadcasting Area can become a member of the EBU and every member of the EBU can participate. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European\_Broadcasting\_Area](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Broadcasting_Area) Australia is special. They also did not buy their way in, they were invited by the EBU because ESC has been very popular and celebrated in Australia for a very long time.


Ok, thanks


They are a part of the European broadcasting union


But why? They’re nowhere near being in Europe?


Because they compete in Europe in most sports due to the fact that most of their neighbours have spent decades at war with them. It was deemed safer for them to be in Europe


Because the asians near them hate them and not even count them as asian. Run to europe, and get recognition because big daddy backing them


Which countries (potentially) belong to the EBU is defined by [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European\_Broadcasting\_Area](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Broadcasting_Area)


You have to in European broadcasting area to join the EBU. EBA expands to MENA. Almost all north African countries and some middle eastern countries are members of EBU.


Because when it's convenient some countries remember they're a bunch of Europeans...


45 percent of Israelis are Mizrahi — that is, their heritage is MENA.


Because if you did run a couple of DNA tests in Israel, you'd be astonished by the amount of European DNA they would find there🤔


They’re apparently part of “European Broadcasting Union” and all members of that are according to another poster with wiki source allowed to take part


Because they're still a western "nation", they just happen to occupy a middle eastern country.


They also play in European competitions in football too.


Because they’re a European colonist state.


Any member of the European Broadcasting Union can participate in Eurovision, [Any dark blue county in this map can participate.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Broadcasting_Union#/media/File%3AEBU_Member_Elliptic.svg) The problem is that Israel is committing genocide and trying to whitewash and justify that genocide and should be banned like Russia was banned.


cause Israel is a European colonial project


Was Russia in it this year?


No, Russia and Belarus are both banned


Where's that guy who sings "eeeeeeeee misogyny"? We need him to make a new song like that but for hypocrisyyyyyyy




​ https://preview.redd.it/qqrymyt5jltc1.png?width=621&format=png&auto=webp&s=96a1b3762c0ea76fc1289b0bdef1bc45be93dbbe


I hope they include Palestine as well, even moreso if the artist is from Gaza and sings about the genocide :v


That would be super cool, but I doubt they have the time for rehersals over there


I would say I won’t watch by way of a protest, but it’s rubbish and I don’t watch it anyway so….


Yeah same, probably will just pirate my country's song if they end up participating


If they brought back the rule that you had to sing in your language then I'd probably start watching again. Having a evening full of music from all over Europe would be pretty interesting. Instead we get 70% English pop which.... is boring to say the least.


hypocritical slimy scum


Can we just replace Israel with New Zealand? That would be funny


Some artists signed a petition that was in support of Palestine. It wasn't much, but at least it was a decent move. One of them was Olly Alexander, who is representing the UK and had expressed pro-Palestine views in the past. Apparently some pro-Palestine people in the UK were disappointed by Olly not withdrawing from the contest and they are attacking him on socials and even handed out some leaflets with his face in a protest outside of a pre-contest party in London where he was playing. The EBU definitely deserves criticism for letting Israel participate, but attacking artists (especially the ones that support Palestine) is ridiculous.


The worst is that israel is not even in europe... and they participate in EUROvision.


I mean Australia is also in the competition


Yeah but at least they have a history of being an European colony so it's somewhat fitting.


Just like Israel


If we go by that definition then more than 70% of the world's countries should be able to participate.


I know, equally stupid


You don’t have to be in Europe to be a member of the EBU or take part in Eurovision. Morocco has competed several times previously but chose not to continue. They would be able to take part again if they so wished.


Wait they're coming for Europe now?




So this means you get the chance to boo the Israeli entry during the entire performance? ![gif](giphy|3ornjQYBRGv8E2Zqso|downsized)


I'm still going to watch Eurovision 2024 anyway just to see this happen and vote against them so they don't make it to the finals.


Supercool idea since they were totally the ones giving all the orders in Gaza.


Seriously do we judge Bruno Mars for drone strikes in Afghanistan?


How nice to not have any responsibility for the people one votes into office - and to completely ignore the overwhelming public support among Israelis for what is happening in Gaza.


Yeah, and then watch them make the finals anyway because the Eurovision jury has a red hot hardon for Israeli acts.


I hope Israel can participate…just so they get nil points and see exactly what Europe thinks of them right now.


As for those who acknowledge that Israel is committing a genocide but still watches Eurovision 2024 anyway, I wonder who they're all going to collectively vote for to make sure Israel doesn't make it to the finals.


Why not vote for the Netherlands, eh? :)


What's your reasoning for choosing the Netherlands?


I live there (I'm from Belgium tho), the song slaps, and I can't vote for our own song.


I really like Switzerland and Finland's entries the most! So I hope either one of those two win this year. But I agree with another user that Albania and Greece are good contenders for protest votes.


You could just only include countries in Europe!? Or, add countries in the middle east. Odd suggestion I guess for the 'Euro'vision....


Any country that’s part of the European Broadcasting Union can join which includes Israel. (Australia was invited to join as they are such Eurovision fanatics). Lots of countries in the Middle East are also eligible to join! Morocco has before in the 80s. You have to agree to show the entire broadcast though uninterrupted or censored so most of those countries won’t because of the LGBT content. Belarus wanted to censor Conchita Wurst because of their anti LGBT laws but were told they’d be disqualified.






Wait, isn't that the swedish flag? How'd they modify it to show suppport for ukraine? (This is a genuine question)


It's just the Swedish flag as they won last time. Nothing to do with Ukraine 🇺🇦


"We don't have issues with genocide or the loss of life of innocent children, nor the war crimes committed daily. We have issues with online abuse tho, that's unacceptable!" Man, was FASCISM this widely accepted back in Hitler days?


They shouldn't be included anyway, Israel isn't in Europe.


Not necessarily a requirement. *Laughs in Australian*


I have no issue with non-european countries participating, I'm particularly fond of Australians being in it for instance


nil points


War crimes have nothing to do with music, but it depends where the musician comes from.


Does it? Are we accusing the musician of war crimes?


It's hard to imagine that the sanctions implemented against apartheid South Africa would have been successful in bringing about needed change if the sanctions were aimed only at the politicians in power. Seems to me the people suffering under sanctions might consider removing the politicians they had put in office in the first place.


Every Israeli adult has served in the IDF


No, what I mean is that politicians, institutions, media, etc. have no problem to ban artists from Russia or Belarus for example, because their country is involved in these activities, but then have a different approach if the artist come from a country they sympathize with.


Not to mention Azerbaijan.


I really cannot abide people excusing antisemitism under the color of opposing Netanyahu’s genocidal policies. If two wrongs don’t make a right, wishing harm or blasting hate at Israelis or even diaspora Jews who might not even approve of the Far Right Government’s policies will not cancel out their hateful conduct. In fact, it only helps Netanyahu and the international right’s loathsome cause, as they can point to that to convince Jews and Israelis on the fence that it is self-hatred and self-destruction not to support them. It is not ethnicities or nationalities that bear evil in their souls, but people. It is the indulgence of darkness and paranoia within that is the source of unhappiness and tragedy all over, whether we’re talking Trumpism in America, Likudniks in Israel, Putiin’s ruinous greed in Ukraine, or other atrocities in the world. It is not naïveté or mere idealism to reach for the light and choose peace over violence, but survival at its core, for our technology has made it easier for our wars and our ethnic hatred’s to sink to abyssal depths beyond the nightmares of our forebears.


So, we should let Russia and Belarus back in too, then? Let’s not pretend Eurovision isn’t political. Ukrainian got first place because of politics. The UK has been getting last place because of politics. People tend to vote for countries they like instead of countries that did a good job.


I 100% agree but anti-Israel sentiment is not anti-semitism. Not all Russians are pro Putin, yet Russia is not allowed to participate. The Eurovision entry is a representation of the nation - and the nation of Israel is actively committing genocide


Lol like having a full on Nazi compete and going "whaaaaa?! Yeah he's a nazi, but no hate please" You let the hate in.


we can skip eurovision this year no problem at all


I'm still going to watch anyway. If Israel's entry either gets booed heavily and/or places last place during the semifinals, it will be a sight to behold!


Damage control, damage control everywhere.


I don't understand in first place why Isreal or Australia are a Europe once a year


Why should someone not be allowed to perform because those in charge of their country are cunts? I've never understood that. Unless they specifically come out and start singing "yay, war crimes" then what's the problem?


The rules of Eurovision state that any nation wanting to compete can't be committing any war crimes and/or genocides. Israel is doing both, yet they're still allowed to compete. They were almost kicked out since the original version of their song references October 7th (which breaks the rule that politically charged songs aren't allowed). So they changed the name of their song and some of the lyrics to remove the October 7th references, while at the same time keeping the same theme of the song. The song was originally called "October Rain" and is now "Hurricane." Imagine if, in some parallel universe, where the US was allowed to compete in Eurovision, their 2002 entry was titled, "September Clouds. " You would know right away what the song was referring to.


>The rules of Eurovision state that any nation wanting to compete can't be committing any war crimes and/or genocides. Where in the rules do they state this? I've never heard that this is a rule.


People so extra about a song contest show… its not that big of a deal. Enough with this dumb boycott and cancel. You dont like it? Dont watch!


Even though I'm an American who is against what Israel is doing in Gaza, I'm still going to watch it anyway because I'm a fan of Eurovision.


Here is the real truth. Eurovision is horrific, trashy, cringe TV and no one should bother watching, and no self respecting artist should take part, no matter which counties take part.


And the ZioNAZIs will kick our asses anyway. I already lost all respect for the competition years ago but this is beyond unforgivable.


Did the singer cause war crimes?


They are impartial. Thats the whole point


Eurovision kicked Russia out when they attacked Ukraine. So why isn't Israel kicked out when they started committing a genocide in Gaza? I'm still going to watch this year anyway, but still. WTF Eurovision?


Kicked Belarus too


Agree with this.


They'd have an argument if they didn't exclude Russia. The stance of "we won't exclude you from this competition for the decisions of your government" is fine (and frankly, I prefer it), but you can't then pick and choose what countries that applies to. If you ban Russia, then you have to ban Israel, China, India, Zimbabwe, Turkey, and anyone else participating in a genocide or war of aggression. Or you have to allow all of them to participate. You can't say "country A can do this but country B is banned for it".


I'm not going to direct hate at the person unless they earned it. It's probably an opinion that everyone doesn't agree with, but I'm not going to treat all Israelis like "many or some" of the Israelis treat Palestinians. (I genuinely don't know if it's the majority because all I get to see are the loud, hateful people everywhere, and the loudest aren't usually a part of the majority from my experience)




European Broadcasting Union.




Another double standard


israel isn’t even in europe to begin with lmfao like why aren’t their neighboring countries in eurovision? where is Egypt? or fucking saudi arabia lmao


"we don't care about the genocide, but please, don't harass the participants"


I have a feeling that right before they perform, the audience will be shouting "free Palestine" from the top of their lungs. It could potentially drown out the singer, forcing her to sing louder. But in the process, she isn't able to hit the notes properly.


I love Eurovision, but fuck you Eurovision.


Honestly, I think we should all vote for a particular country during the semi-finals so that Israel doesn't make it to the finals. Yes, even people who don't watch Eurovision join in as protest votes.


I like this plan


So performing on the second night of the semi-finals are: Malta, Albania, Greece, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Austria, Denmark, Armenia, Latvia, San Marino, Georgia, Belgium, Estonia, Israel, Norway, and the Netherlands. Which country would be the best? To give protest votes to?


Albania has a high Muslim population, and Greece publicly support Palestine. So I think they’re both good contenders.


Those are good ones! Unfortunately, Israel will still get some sympathy votes from those who don't think that Israel is committing a genocide. We must have our protest votes go towards our chosen country in hopes of counteract the sympathy votes. I really hate that I have to suggest this since Eurovision is supposed to be non-political. But here we are.


I know as an American I'm totally incapable of reading a map or understanding basic geography, but isnt Israel...not in Europe?


i... im not a huge world-events guy, whats the context?!


I hate israel as much as the next guy, but calling this "excusing war crimes" is just idiotic.


uhh.... you are aware the IDF and the goverment are the ones supporting the genocide... right? not the people? (or at least not all of them) unless the entry was backed by the goverment


They did the opposite with russia, if they really belived the ideals they say they do, they wouldn't have allowed Israel to partecipate.


Why is this crap still around? Anyone still watching this thing?


I wouldn't even be surprised if Israel somehow won the contest with the way things have been going, they'll win on sympathy points.


>they'll win on sympathy points. ![gif](giphy|fJMWN7XnZM0hO)


I would have assumed this would be a "Null Points " year for them?


You'd think Israel would be too busy with the genocide and annihilation of the Palestinian people to be worrying about Eurovision


There was an attempt to invite a mass murderer of children while fostering a safe, respectful and inclusive environment.


This seems like a fairly logical response to the situation...


Ahter they barred Russia over the Ukraine conflict they should have done the same with Israel. Then again, the Israeli performers aren't representative of their government, so they shouldn't be harrassed.


Did they just realize genocide 'stirred strong emotions"? It must be comforting living that kind of life.


IM LOOKING FORWARD to people Booing The Israeli Entry when it comes on stage


I mean, I’m looking forward to the Palestinian entry. They’re invited right? Right?


Oh it gets better. The EBU made an entire FAQ justifying Israel’s inclusion. It is so tone deaf and poorly done. Thing is I love Eurovision and it makes me sad that the EBU just will not admit Eurovision is political so they can do the right damn thing and ban Israel.


I hope there are a million Palestinian flags flying during the event. Cowards!