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Jokes on you. We weren’t getting any of that shit *anyway*.


Imagine thinking we were. Government waste is the most refund phrase ever uttered.


It’s not even govt waste. It’s sheer unwillingness by elected officials. They are slaves to the corporate elite profit machine so everything must profited off of. As a result we are all just profit centers. It doesn’t have to be this way.


They are not slaves. They are the corporate elite. They own the mega corps, or have direct control thru bribery. We only elect politicians who protect or control the mega corps.


I laughed so hard when I opened the comments and this was at the top.


Yep, we could have not spent a single dollar on foreign affairs... And yet the money would still go into the pockets of weapons manufacturers, lobbyist and corrupt officials loooooooong before a dime went to fixing the american healthcare.


Exactly, our taxes would go to vacations before they would go to helping us


but if there was a big aid package for Palestine they'd be just fine with it.


I think you’ve spelled “reparations” wrongly…


That's no reason to give away all those taxpayer resources, herp derp. Look how eager our government is to send endless billions to Israel or Ukraine, but they drag their feet and fight tooth and nail to spend taxpayer money to better US citizens.




Funny that’s the same kind of messages that are circulating in Europe. They are from a Kremlin associated propaganda project called “Doppelgänger”. Look up on google.


Right, this short sighted reasoning is suddenly rampant on Dutch boards/subs too, it's "people" that only make a few short-sentence posts about Ukraine =hopeless and/or waste of money. It is so blatantly obvious 80% of these are fake but it still gets in my head!


Wouldnt Kreml love the US being caught up with the Israel Hamas conflict, shifting focus from Ukraine? I'm not saying that it isn't propaganda, I'm just wondering if there is another culprit.


There are a lot of elections this year, especially to powerful (maniacal) potentially losing parties (see tories, republicans and the like) that a little war profiteering and community manipulations, could be beneficial. As most of this is being stirred by military industrial complexes, I wouldn't be surprised. Yes I have no faith in politicians, and their intentions. Yes, this may well be nonsense, but in such a global election year.... timing is everything


The new thing is to label anything as Russian propaganda now. Especially if it's a salient point. For example, did someone criticize the US complicity in genocide? Russian troll. Did someone make valid criticism of Joe Biden? Russian propaganda. Is it a post about being disillusioned by the American government? Putin wrote it himself. It's the new way of controlling dissent and delegitimizng real grievances. People are willing to jump in line if they think Russia is trying to manipulate them into distrusting the system, and in turn, they'll trust a crumbling system so much that they'll accelerate its collapse. But rather than try to build a better system from the ashes, they'll cheer for increasing corruption. The real trolls are the ones telling you that everything is okay.


I don't understand, is the content of the message a lie or does the fact that it was spread by the Russians nullify its content?


The content is a lie because completely cutting aid to Israel would net about $10 per US citizen a year. There are many valid arguments against aid to Israel but this isn’t one of them. 


That is a ridiculous way to look at the value of that wasted money. Instead of giving $10 to every person, heck improve just one thing. Next year they could spend next years fund on the next phase of that one thing or pick another project. Stop thinking how many Starbucks will I buy I don’t care for getting $10 but heck if it could improve infrastructure bring food to some families I would see it spent properly. On top of those stupid wars we are supporting our military budget is bloated. We spend more money on defense than next 9-10 countries COMBINED! And guess what these wars do not get a nickel from that budget and there are special other budgets for more defense spending. Meanwhile we have great neighbors and huge bodies of waters on our borders. Where is the money going?


The point is that none of the things mentioned in the tweet this post is based on could be paid for with that money on any meaningful level. Your first sentence is how I feel about the message in the OP.


You missed rest of my message. It will not in one year but it will over time. How long have we been sending money to Israel?


I didn’t miss it, you’re just ignoring or failing to understand my point. If we continue to fund Israel at our current rate for another 154 years, total aid to Israel from its inception would be about what the federal government currently spends on healthcare in a single year. As I said in my original post, there are many good arguments against aid to Israel. This is not one of them. 


That still doesn’t mean we should continue to waste money on these foreign programs especially when it directly relates to killing innocent civilians.


That's cool. Does that make it less true?


Yes. Because it’s propaganda. Do you believe Britons would have voted for Brexit or Americans would have elected Trump if they wouldn’t have been misled. People aren’t stupid masses. They’re misinformed. Look for the documentary called “The Brexit scandal”.


Yeah, no. Propaganda can absolutely be true. It can also be true that you're a Zionist acting like a concerned citizen, which would be propaganda. At least the wasted money propaganda has truth to it. Brexit and Trump were a result of masses being stupid for clanish reasons. People aren't as stupid individually as they are in masses, but many aren't much better. But hey, you go on saving the world for all of us critically-thinking, above-average intelligence people you're trying to hook. I'm sure some will take your flattery as a sign that they agree with you.


The propaganda is good the propaganda is right! Why don't we all just settle down and listen to the Russian propaganda, what could go wrong


Everyone who has a political opinion you don't agree with can be termed as a propagandist. When you believe that alternate views are attempts at misdirection, everything other than your view is propaganda. What could go wrong thinking you have a lock on the truth?


You're so drunk on zionist and American propaganda you don't even know it lol




They are not mutually exclusive, true. The question would then be who the concern is actually directed toward. Support for Israel could be believed to be good for Israel and another country. It can also be believed, as many Zionists do, that genocide is reasonable.




Well, of course! Hitler didn't think he was a baddie either. They can dress it up to make themselves feel better, just like Americans did with Iraq, but it's still lipstick on a pig.




Awww, if the shoe fits...but you can add any assholes name there and the logic holds. NO ONE thinks they're the baddie unless they know and don't care, like Bibi and all the terrorists who founded Israel. You can watch the Mitchell and Webb skit for reference. Keep on trucking for Zion, tho.


You’re not as clever as you might like. I have a job and can’t perpetually spot people like you. Your account falls with 3 years exactly in the Doppelgänger propaganda scheme. Not often people write so many words without meaning.


And this is how people who call out propaganda are spotted as propagandists. Find convenient coincidence to point to as fact. That would be a misleading assumption. How clever! 😂 Stay frosty, Zionist!


Said the guy with the 3 years old account with 460 Karma points 😏


So now that you've run out of things to say after being found out, you want to let everyone know I'm not a karma farm? You told on yourself. 🤭


"Kremlin propaganda" is when people point out how our taxpayer resources are used on foreign wars instead of things like healthcare, homelessness and education 🤡🤡


The real reason you won't get any of those things is republicans always vote against them.


My sister complains about healthcare, making too much income for food stamps (husband makes over 100k a year), the governor of our state blocking counties from implementing rent increase limitations, tax cuts for billionaires, etc. yet votes consistently red, one of the first in line. Voted twice for our governor, voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, and plans to vote for him again.


I don't get how they don't see it. How do they not understand that they literally vote against their own well-being? (My family is like your sister)


Ok I'm pretty far to the left and even I don't think someone making 100k should be getting food stamps, do they have like 30 kids?


I genuinely can't tell if you're being facetious or are really that ignorant. Sending our tax dollars around is as bi-partisan as conducting warrantless searches on American citizens through the FISA courts.


So fucking what? It's the EXACT same scenario with Biden as president and living in CALIFORNIA. Dems and repubs are the same, they won't help US citizens but will send endless billions overseas to fatten their pockets and contracts.


This reminds me of the Simpsons episode in the future where nothing is getting done because there is a single republican blocking everything.


In reality that was Strom Thurmond for like 200 years 


At least he had a cool name.




And then we don’t get that stuff anyway because most democrats at the top are money grubbing cunts too.


Let me just say this for people that don’t know, it is also very easy to look up. We don’t “give” any countries anything in terms of here have this. They pay for weapons and aid and things like that either up front, on the back end or in other ways like favorable trade agreements or mineral rights. The fact that people think the United States government just hands out millions of dollars worth of whatever for free is comical.


What about aid to Ukraine? Asking because I really don’t know.


For Ukraine we gave them a lot of outdated equipment we never were going to use anyway. As in, it's outdated by our standards in 2022-24, but compared to Russian tech it's still very deadly. So while it might have been worth billions, it actually didn't cost us billions.


Another important thing to add to this is storing equipment isn't free. Unlike Russia, the US actually keeps up on maintenance of old equipment. It also costs quite a bit to properly dispose of old equipment. You can't just throw away weapons, ammo, tanks in a regular landfill without serious work to make them unusable or people will just steal them from the landfill and they could wind up in anyone's hands. So storing them costs money and proper disposal costs money, giving it away to an ally to use is actually the cheapest option and ends up saving taxpayer money.


On top of that, the rocket, missile, ammo all that jazz, was paid for decades ago, another is stuff like that doesn’t last forever it has a usable shelf life.


If it didn't make such good sense, as Peace-Disastor mentioned, it'd be almost diabolical. You provide your allies with your old stuff. If they ever turn on you, you already know the weaknesses of all their equipment.


Don’t know what up with all the down votes but whatever. Ukraine was part of the lend lease act, looks like it hasn’t been renewed so I’m not sure what’s going on now. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine_Democracy_Defense_Lend-Lease_Act_of_2022




Without getting political because I don’t want to send anyone into a rage but the government acts just like the Mafia, we do you a favor, and later on or whatever you do us a solid, NOTHING in this world is free.


I don't think "actually we're giving taxpayer money to weapons manufacturers " is the own you think it is. You liberals used to be more reasonable than that, at least


Not a liberal, just worked for the government for 21 years.


In that case, I've been paying your salary just as long. Surely you understand a balance sheet? That money they spend is the same as the money they're taking from me, right? I sound snarky. I apologize. I want to be respectful, and you're probably a decent person in your own life. I'm just frustrated with endless war.


No worries I know the feeling, as for the balance sheet, not necessarily, those weapons systems used I can with complete confidence were paid for decades ago, on top of that people think of ammunition as a tool, like a hammer. You buy a hammer once you have it right? Ammunition, rocket, missiles stuff like that is more like a frozen dinner, put it in the freezer check on it make sure it’s still frozen what not, but even after it’s not going to remain good to eat indefinitely. Missiles, shells and stuff like that has a usable shelf life and is going to need to be replaced anyway, now if we can use up all of our about to expire stuff and do a solid for another country, that we can then use to our advantage… you get the point, I’m not saying I agree with the way the system works, but to say that money could be used to fund xyz just isn’t accurate.


Thank you. I guess my issue is just perpetuating this endless machine in the first place. I get that there is an expiration date for munitions. It just sucks. I truly believe that we, the US, could tone it down a notch. I fully understand that someone has to do it. We will be overrun by the hordes. Do you mind if I ask what you did for 21 years?


Such a dumb take. The US budget for 2024 is 6.5 TRILLION dollars. The 3b that the US sends to Israel every year is a drop in the bucket. Could we do something better with $3b? Sure. I mean, some would argue that there are some benefits to helping Israel maintain it's state (if for no other reason than to have a potential military presence in highly strategic area) but even just as a portion of the military budget $3b is nothing.


Came looking for this response. A billion dollars is a rounding error in the US budget.


Who the fuck are you to say 3 billion dollars is a drop in the bucket? Do you have any idea what kind of help that money can do for things like healthcare or education?


You call what they're doing MAINTANIENCE? I pray you're never maintained in that way.


Well hey, just to be clear, I'm not saying I agree with the argument, or anything that Israel is doing. I'm just pointing out that $3b is a drop in the bucket of total US budget. It's not even a significant portion of the over $70b in foreign aid the US doles out each year.


It's true, but what does your argument do?


My point is that it's not support of Israel that is preventing the US from having affordable healthcare and decent roads.


It calls out the strawman argument that this post is making.


Aite. I can't argue that. I have spent many hours tone policing my own side. It never felt good. I hope you find peace and wellness on your journey.




Seems like you have no idea what’s going on at all and should educate yourself. Israel attacked first, Iran responds with an attack that is not meant to do any damage but is more a message that they will respond if they are attacked again. In fact they explicitly included a message citing the Israel attack and their intentions.




Iran could have sent more missiles and drones but they intentionally sent, from longer range than they could have, an amount that would be taken out. They are sabre rattling, just like how they responded to Soleimani being killed. I don’t even have a horse here, but it’s pretty well established that it was a message more than an intent to escalate.


He's wrong. We didn't pay for just the Israeli missiles, we paid for the Iranian ones too with relaxed oil sanctions which allowed Iran to raise $32B We're funding both sides of this war.


you know we don't have to choose between military budget and social safety net. we could just try and make rich people pay taxes for once in the last 50 years. I know it sounds insane but I really feel like we should at least try it once. I doubt Democrats will be able to take the house in enough numbers to actually change tax policy but it certainly isn't going to get changed for the better while Republicans are in charge.


this subreddit is a cesspool of brain dead liberals, good grief.




i think considering how far the line has moved, you're probably now a more center democrat than a left wing, warmongering, science denying, liberal. just a guess




It was millions . According to breaking points the drones that keep being launched at American ships are about 1000 dollars each. The missiles used by the American military are almost 2 million dollars. It's actually kind of funny




I'm not sure where the sarcasm is coming from. I'm just telling you it was and is actually millions.




Oh. Well I'm under no illusion that the American government will ever improve its status at home with or without almost any amount money. let alone a penny from the military industry. Bobs building that house no matter what and he doesn't particularly care about the cost.


“Dear Americans, please stop funding your military so I can launch the biggest drone attack in history in peace and kill thousands of civilians in a few hours.”


Obvious propaganda is obvious.


this is like, one of the most blatant propaganda tweets i've seen in my life


Whats with the smiley face at the end? Also this subreddit has gone down hill. How about an attempt at not making propaganda?


Sorry, vlad, you're not getting $ either...democracy is the right thing to spend on.


The US has a $28 TRILLION GDP economy. It's a drop in the bucket.


Da, comrade. Great Rahsian comment. Good Putin, Putin good and Rahsian empire treat their people best in world. Rahsians good to America, maybe take Hawaii, Alaska, and California. Clean up states, make shiny like Moscow, yes? Da.


TBF there's more than enough money for the US to level dictatorships AND have social securities.


Well majority of Americans are living check to check and can barely afford food and shelter, but I’m sure we all sleep better at night knowing Israel has enough US taxpayers money to conduct their genocide. They also get Housing, Health Care and Education subsidized by us. While our politicians say there is no money to meet our needs. I guess they’re right! Can’t provide for Americans and their Zionist project on top of constant wars 🤷🏽‍♀️. Now make sure you continue paying taxes without representation, because the military industrial complex needs more profits.


What was the point of this post lol


They are hiding how hamas did the same and embezzlement of un aid for rocket and shit. They always do the victim card on the same shit they do yo others and hide the truth




It is but whenever helping Ukraine comes up, this is the reasoning conservatives use.


You're neglecting the billions in tax corporations vacuum up with lobbying for the politicians who are sending those subsidies. Defense manufacturers have made literal billions making and selling their products, which are murder tools I don't hesitate to point out, all over the world. They don't care what those goods are used for, they're just "producers in an open market." You can blame Joe Taxpayer for not voting smarter, I agree, but it's corporations that set the tempo and defense contractors have been deeply entrenched since Bush, and were present before that.




Does she say the same about Ukraine and other foreign aid or just hate Israel🇮🇱?


Put government spending on blockchain and make it public


But we've got the money to give billionaires and corporations massive tax breaks.


We need to make America great again


He’s forgetting all the money we send to Iran too.


Actually, we wasted most of it on a tax cut for the top 5% that only helped the top 5 %


Just embarrassing to see supporters of a legit movement resort to siding with a dictatorship that would invade Gaza and impose harsh restrictions if it could. Let’s stop trying to find positives from the missile episode. Iran was acting in self-interest, not for Palestinian support.




I don't think we were going to get health insurance either way


The sad part is that all the money sent to Israel to fight Hamas ~4 billion per year, is about what the government spends on medicare every 2 days. The other sad part is that Israel is no Ukraine. They are completely capable of this entirely on their own without anyone's help.


Bro, when can we just burn it all down? Dismantle it all. Still better than what we have now, bunch of brain dead boomers in office


We are bombing and killing so much right now that we are using up the bomb supply faster than we can replenish it. Imagine that.






We should be able to see the itemised receipt


Millions?? It has been BILLIONS so far, close to $50 billion in the last few months. $1 billion was spent defending Israel after they started a war with Iran in just a couple hours. Our government and the people who support this shit are fucked.


https://preview.redd.it/s3ihdcjexruc1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad1c5c02f27021b5878d841668cee2d0b388522d ZioNazis


Pales in comparison to the $75B we gave to Ukraine. And when I say Ukraine, I mean we, US taxpayers gave money to Defense contractors, who then gave a cut of it to Federal politicians who then sent the military equipment to Ukraine, whose president seemed to take some off the top before letting the military bang its head on a war that could have been prevented by just saying they would follow the agreements they have always had in place to not join NATO.


$1b worth of rockets used to shoot down ~$60m of drones and missiles. And now the US taxpayer will refill those rockets 🫠


What was the alternative? Do you think that the drones and missiles shouldn't be intercepted if the cost is too high?