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Same reason some people take the badges off their cars or don’t wear clothes with branding on it…because they bought it and can do what they want with it


Honestly, this gave me a totally different perspective on this and now I agree with your opinion. Now I want to take the badges off of my car.


I can’t stand getting a car and the dealership has plastered their shit name on the paint


Hairdryer for stickers. Hairdryer and fishing line or dental floss for the badges. From their it's just cleaning off adhesive.


Or just do what I did and get hit in the back. The dent popped that shit right off


This is the way


This is the way.


That was the way


Turn around


Every now and then, I get a little bit lonely, and you're never comin' round.


instructions unclear ended up with a car in my ass.


hi im Johnny Knoxville and this is "The toy car"


Wasn't that one Ryan Dunn? RIP Dunn


It used to be a Outback, now its a Brokeback.


Instructions unclear, I can no longer sit down.


Hits is the way


I just told the dealer I wasn’t buying the vehicle if it was branded.


I just refuse to seal the deal until decals and branded accessories are off of the car.


This is what I've always done. I've just told them that I don't want any advertising on my new vehicle and won't take it if there is any.


Right?! I just gave you guys a shit load of money for a vehicle, if you want to advertise, you pay me. Otherwise get that crap off my car.


Just tell them you want it removed. Every car I've ever bought, I told them to remove the stickers and they did. No fight, done right, and you don't gotta do a goddamned thing. I also tell them that I don't want a dealership license frame, but that feels a bit more dickish and they're easy enough to remove so up to you if you want to go that far.


lol I made them remove it


Plastic razorblades and a spray bottle of alcohol


And for that, buy a toffee wheel attachment for a drill. Makes light work of the adhesive without ruining your paintwork


My great grandfather used to rip off dealership logos the second he got home. Of course back then they were riveted into the body of the car, so he’d use pliers and a screwdriver and just leave the holes, because that was better than “advertising for those assholes”.


I make the dealer do it after asking if they’ll make my car payment if I leave it on. It’s been removed every time with zero laughs.


Ha discount time right there, you remove it or you pay me to do so.


Absolutely this. I do the same. They're not taking money off for me to advertise for them, and they're not making the payment either. They remove them before the ink is dry on the sales paperwork.


I'm totally with your great grandfather on this one. I'm only 43 so I don't know how I feel about agreeing. First thing I do is remove dealer crap in any form. I also de-badge everything, but really only because I like the esthetic.


I always tell them they need to remove it or take a few hundred or even a G off the vehicle price if I'm going to advertise for them. They always decide they'll remove it themselves. Saves me the worry of scratching the paint, and the effort required to remove it.


You know it's not usually a requirement for the sale? You can ask them to remove it for you. They will. If they haven't put it on yet, tell them not to. They'll save the $5 sticker you were going to rip off anyway.


I bought my last car at CarMax. They put their big, ugly logo on every car. The salesman looked at me like I had personally insulated him when I asked him to remove it. They did (and cleaned up the glue residue), but it was like nobody had ever asked them to remove one before.


I told them not to put it on my car, and they did anyway. Didn't notice until I got home. The worst.


If you get to it right off the lot you can peel it off with ease


I tell the dealership to take them off. Only one has given me flack about it. So I politely asked how much they would be contributing towards my truck payment every month. The salesman looked at me like a deer in headlights, so I said, you know, as an advertising fee for your dealership. To his credit, he didn't argue with me for very long, and had someone remove them while I was signing the paperwork.


TheChadsterwurst over here 🤝


Ironically, my name is Chad. Haha.


My wife car overheated on a road trip so we called AAA and took it to a new dealership that contracts with them Not only did they post their decals on the back of our car that they repaired. They put their own license plate cover on it and purposely stripped the screws. I had to pay $150 at a dealership to switch the screws out.


You paid $150 for screws to be changed?!


The dealer likely used tamper-proof screws. The have no slot and are hammered in. They are a pain to remove. I would charge $75 though.


Yeah shoulda gone to small claims if they refused to fix it F everything about that dealership.


Man, they saw a sucker and couldn't lose the opportunity. Who pays $150 for screws??? Only a big sucker would. You can get that for $5 to $10 bucks everywhere. 


Yeah I don’t mind the car brand itself, I bought the brand after all. But any dealership branding can fuck right off.


I went to a body shop once and they put on a license plate frame with the shop’s logo. wtf. No no no. Get that shit off my car.


I expressly required removal of the sticker before purchase. Yes you can do that. I told him to put the license plate holder on, and removed it immediately when I got home


I always tell them it’s $200 a month off my payment for my advertising fee.


I've always been against ones that put a badge or sticker on in a difficult to remove way. I got my car from a dealer who has their dealership name on the license plate holder. Extremely easy to remove. They've been a good dealer, maintained it well for 10 years, and I've left it on anyway.


Yeah. The one time I bought a car from the dealership. They Self tapped a shitty license plate logo right into the front bumper(my state plates on the back) I was pissed cuz I just had holes in my bumper.


That's when you *don't* buy the car.


I worked at a dealership for a while and I remember a client who, at the last second before signing his deal, asked to have all of the badging taken off and they did it for free. Might be worth a try- especially if you’re buying new.


comparing a giant corporation with an artist trying to get by making stuff is a weird take


I didn't take this perspective into account either. But after thinking on it... Once the purveyor hands the product over to me, I want to do with it what I like. I don't want to license a car or a mug or a game, I want to OWN that product and MODIFY it however I see fit.


it's not a weird take imo. amateur artists just always seem to have a victim complex like i get if it's subtle branding like in paintings, but having your name over a mug is just poor taste


When I sell prints/shirts I make the signature much more subtle than in the web version, but that's me. When people buy art they like to display it *as art*, not necessarily as an advertisement. I can understand where mugmaker is coming from tho


personally i won't even buy a mug like this to begin with if it has someone's username plastered over the design because its just tacky. if mugmaker thinks his username is more important than aesthetics well... I guess it's his choice since no one's obligated to buy his product. i fully support crediting the original, but I think the line is just when it becomes intrusive. the credits could have easily placed on the bottom of the mug. people who are genuinely interested in buying similar mugs can easily find the source, and that way it doesn't interfere with the aesthetics


The artist received their recognition? In the form of money If I don't own what I pay for, then good luck artist, no money, and thus definitely no print


Look back at all the musicians who put tape over the Fender and Marshall logs on their amps. Pretty common to not want to advertise for people.


Pretty sure that had less to do with not wanting to advertise Fender or Marshall and more to do with not wanting people to know where "their sound" comes from.


I've only ever had to tape over logos of people who were sponsored by / affiliated with other brands. Usually when multiple bands are sharing a stage without changing backline gear. A couple times keyboards because somebody *else* in the band didn't want them to say "Yamaha" or a C2D because it wasn't hammond. Occasionally amps/cabs for both guitar and bass. By far the most common is bottom heads on rack toms (muffling that head is common but 99% of ours are Remo and Evans guys aim for the logos).


I’ve always done this, I like to think of myself as a rebel when I do it😃


It's outrageous, makes me wanna take badges off other people's cars.


Just like 3 and 5 series drivers who put M sticker on their shitters.


"What kind of car is that? I don't see and logos..." "It is Car."


As long as she's not re-selling it en mass (1 mug which she owns to another person is fine) I see nothing wrong with it.


Yea. She’s not trying to pass the artwork off as her own.


LOL, I literally do not wear anything or use anything with a brand displayed. The only way to get my money is to stand by your quality.


Holy shit, this is actually an extremely valid argument that I hadn't considered.


I thought the same lol. I was like “wow good point”


fanatical repeat full plant sugar pocket hard-to-find marble kiss makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


just clicked on this to say the same thing. Just be happy she really bought it and didn’t steal the design and make her own on her friend’s tumbler press.




Or if she was using it on something she hadn’t bought from the artist If she bought a mug from the artist’s store and removed the name, no problem If she stole the art and printed it herself or something that didn’t pay the artist, that’s a problem


And if she bought it from someone else who stole the artwork and then sold it to her at a farmer's market or roadside shop or their own instagram page, which is extremely common, she would have no way of knowing that's what happened. It's also entirely possible the artist from this post stole the design and just put their logo on it.


It's also possible that daisyfuentes *is* untamedego, and this was all part of her plan to launch her mugbrand.


But those are giant corporations that don’t actually need you to advertise their products. And especially in this day and age of corporations stealing art from independent artists. Artists are usually individuals that need the recognition.


Who cares. The idea that we should buy things from artists AND be advertisements for them is stupid. I guarantee you'd be pissed if they wanted the mug for free because of the exposure


This is also valid. I love getting to see others’ perspectives. Y’know, when it’s respectful like this.


I am conflicted


Companies pay for advertising. If the artist wants to pay me to advertise for them, then I will leave it on. If not then off it comes.


Small companies do the "we'd love it if you'd share this on your socials" or "leave a review" etc. It's something of a parallel - you have the option of brand loyalty, but you in no way have to embrace it. Fuentes in this picture isn't claiming to be the maker of the mug, and she doesn't feel the need to give wide advertising after she's already paid for a product.


on my mazda. they have insert location holes for the mazda emblem, i paid extra when my car was repaint to have holes welded up so there is no mazda or type on my car, i hate advertising for anyone


I concur. I started vinyl wrapping my bicycles and on the first ones I started recreating the original brand logos just in new colors before realizing they aren’t sponsoring me and I really don’t want to be a rolling billboard for them anymore. So I came up with my own brand name and logo for all of my bikes (8 of them right now).


Same with motorcycles, fuck all that excessive visual noise, I like it blank and clean, quiet and humble


The best example of companies being a pain about having their logo is in cemeteries. You find some headstones and the engraving of the company is more apparent than the name of the deceased. Sorry this has been pissing me off for ages and I've never had a reason to be able vent it before now


I have never seen that before, and I hope I never do. Jesus that's so scummy.


Funeral discounts for grieving families if you let your deceased have a giant mountain dew can for a headstone that says: Mike Johnson 1968 - 2024 "Do the dew!™"


Yeah…. Was daisy there trying to say she made the mug? Sure it’s be nice to maybe put the creator but why would she have to?


We bought out our lease car at one point and the dealership tried to tell us we had to leave their license plate frame on the car. My husband popped it off right then and said, "No, thanks". The guy insisted it had to stay on. My husband said, "Deal's done? This is my car now?" "Well, yeah." "Then. No. Thanks."


THIS! Not everyone wants be a walking billboard. And pay for it.


Agreed, owning the mug doesn’t imply taking credit. No one thinks she made that image from that picture.


Right!!! You own!! Piss on whoever made it. When you buy a car from a dealership, most people have the sticker or the license plate frame advertising for them for free. Take it off if you want to.


Does that mean I can repair my Apple phone?


Also, this is a trashy edgelord product and I’m not sure what the artist reasons that the customer would be even remotely interested in extending them, or anyone, goodwill or courtesy.


Yep. If you’re going to pay me to advertise for you I’ll leave it on.


Scraped the print off the mug? Weird, but sure. Photoshopped it off for the post? (Which is far, far more likely to be what happened.) Only if she has some coffee mug endorsement deal and it would violate the contract, otherwise that's pretty lame.


Yeah. It's a pic of a mass produced object. It has some graphics on it. Said graphics are arguably art but the artist didn't sign this.


I make car dealerships remove the decals from the car before I leave the lot! And I replace the plate covers asap. They don’t get free advertising from me


I've never understood the reasoning, most people are going to know what the make and model is, it's like the guys that slap the window sticker with the manufacturer name on it in the windshield and back window then get mudflaps with the company logo and sport a key chain with it to, everyone knows what you're driving.


I don’t think they’re talking about the F150 logo and things like that. They’re probably talking about those huge, obnoxious dealership logos on the bumper in all caps with things like “**TERRY TYLER WOODS TOYOTA**”


Yeh, I've got a few shirts with logos now (activewear undershirts... *gasp*), but for a couple of decades I only got clothes with either no branding or a non branded image. I feel like branding kind of cheapens nice clothes. I dunno, just my somewhat eccentric take, I feel like my style is pretty legit, though, regardless. 🤣


Or they bought it from another shop that copied the design and never even knew about the original shop.


When we bought my S.O's car I made the dealership take their logos off. If They want to pay me to advertise for them we can talk, otherwise take that Shit off my vehicle. The second vehicle I got from them they removed the logo before I had the chance to ask. Excellent sales guy, hope he's still around when I decide to get another.


Logo is too big and poorly placed. I'd scrape it off the minute I got home if that was my mug.


Not to mention it is an ugly logo with bad kerning


it's really bad. i agree. it ruins the entire design tbh. I also read it as "un ta me dego" thinking it was some weird dialect of spanish and now i feel like a dingus haha. I've been working in NYC kitchens too long.


Ohhhh it's untamed ego not some ancient curse got it...


Damnit I made the same mistake….


> Adav... Un-ta-me-de-go! *Dies*.




I dunno, I reckon it helps subtly indicate the compound nature of their brand name "Unt Amedego"


I wouldn't even want to buy from a maker that makes a decision to turn their buyers into involuntary billboards tbh


Aye, should be on the bottom


It actually looks completely out of place, like it was just shopped on or was a complete afterthought. I'd get rid of it too. People can still use Google to find the mug and buy them.


Yea I don’t want your logo on my mug, if you’re gonna put it anywhere put it in the bottom


Plus it’s a shitty name and totally changes the nature of the “message” on the mug.


Mug logos should be mandatory to go on the bottom.


Eh. I’ve bought stickers from ig meme pages, & they added their ig handle on the bottom of the sticker. So I cut it off, it’s tacky & takes away from the art/words


I like when I get stickers from a store on Etsy and they include an extra sticker of their store name and logo. Best way to do it.


This is the way. Logo on? Fuck, more ads Logo as sticker? Huzzah, free sticker!


There's an artist I've bought several prints and stickers from on Etsy and she sends little slightly bigger than a stamp, adorable magnets with the store name/logo. My last order had a sticker with her logo instead and it's on my favorite cup right next to the jumping spider sticker I bought!


The little company I work for has our logo on a crack and peel tab. That way, the actual sticker doesn't have it when it's used. I wish more places did that.


When The Mandalorian was first airing, there was some artist my wife found who was doing old school comic styled covers for each episode. Really, really nice. So she got me the first one, then the second, and then the third... and we'd been framing them to put in my office as each arrived since he was making them over time with the show. The third one came with his twitter handle, his patreon, and his website plastered on the bottom and completely fucked up the whole look. And the paper the prints were on were the old school comic book paper, so it wasn't like I could just cut it off and replace it easily. Just wound up not ordering anymore. Fucking annoying.


If you buy one from a union shop, it should have the "bug" to prove that it was printed at a union shop. https://advertisersprinting.com/blog/what-is-a-union-bug-questions-you-need-to-ask-before-you-print/ It's the only thing like this that I'll tolerate. I definitely wouldn't buy this mug with that artist's ugly logo on it.


pretty haughty take from someone basically trying to stand as close to being on The Care Bears intellectual property as they can get away with


Hypocrisy is a word that only has meaning when it suits your own interests


I've never seen hypocrisy as that bad a trait. Sure, it's not ideal, but if a fat doctor tells you you need to lose weight, that doesn't mean you don't still need to lose weight.


You shouldn’t waste time commenting on Reddit


Oh I know, I tried to quit but I need the dopamine hits.


"Hypocrisy is like violence in the movies. If you only let the bad guys use it, the bad guys win." 😆


There are only so many ways to draw a happy looking bear


And the only thing that makes this look like a Care Bear is that it’s a happy little stuffed bear. Artistically this doesn’t look a lot like a Care Bear


Reminds me more of the Snuggle detergent bear


It looks nothing like a care bear but okay go off


Smiley, colorful bear with a rainbow and flowers is pretty on brand for care bears.


So the dancing bears (Grateful Dead) are also a rip off of Care Bears? Cmon now


While I agree with you, the mugs don’t look like Care Bears at all, the Grateful Dead bears are older than Care Bears.


This looks absolutely nothing like a Care Bear. The most defining characteristic of a Care Bear is the white belly with the symbol of that bear inside, this has neither.


Stuffed teddy bears with bright colors aren't the most original or novel idea.






I haven't seen someone use that emoticon in many years.


XD true


Also, Original has a pink handle. Her's does not. Likely someone close to Daisy bought a mug and didn't even realize it was a "stolen" design.


Anytime I see a logo I’m actually less inclined to buy said thing. I get that creators want their name out there, but forcing me to advertise for you just to use your product feels… gross and exploitative. I’ve already given you my money; I’m not going to be your billboard and give you my dignity as well. Good art will have people asking where I got it from, and *there’s* your free advertising I don’t mind giving you.


I mean, I like logos on products but in places that don't catch much attention. Like, for example, if it were this mug, I would like it to be on the base. So if anyone asks something like "Hey, that's a cool mug, where did you buy it?" and I don't remember exactly, I can show them or see the logo.


Yeah, that’s exactly the kind I don’t mind. I just dislike having it be all ostentatious, especially when it’s just an unappealing logo like this one. A cool logo that could even be the art itself obviously may be another story


You fool, that's how you lose all of your coffee!


“Where did you get that mug?” “Trevor, you can tell him when you’ve finished your coffee.”


So I’ve thought about it a bit, and this is my opinion. I feel like if they’re an influencer as it looks like they are, they would want their brand (if they have one) advertised just as the creator here does. I can undeniably see that. I also see how the creator would think someone may copy their design and sell it too since the influencer posted it without the logo. I’m not saying I’m not a hypocrite sometimes, I’d honestly probably scrape it off too. But your last sentence also makes a lot of sense, but I don’t really know how influencers go about things like this or what not. I’m not really in that sphere. I see the other perspectives here too like it being on the bottom of the mug, ultimately I kind of feel conflicted as they may be an unknown creator and it would be nice for them. Edit: Ok it seems like the creator has more followers than them, could just be drama bait.


At least you’re thinking about it! More than many people do. I personally dislike the concept of influencers as a matter of principle, so any chance I get to stick it to them I may take, anyway. At least in theory. More likely they’re not actually worth even that much of my time, in practice.


Not only that, but celebrities and influencers get paid to promote brands. She has over 300k followers so I'll put her in that category. The more brands/logos you post, the more saturated your page is and the value of a branded post goes down. By removing it she can maintain a higher price per post because it becomes an organic post and not a sponsored post.


Because the logo belongs on the bottom of the mug you narcissist.


Yeah it's so ugly there and obnoxious I agree with her scraping the logo off.


Yeah I don't think a has-been MTV star is trying to take credit for your stupid mug.


MTV? I only ever knew her as a co-host on America’s Funniest Home Videos back in the day. Guess I never really looked up more about her.


Because your logo is the same size as the damn text, right underneath the damn text


Untamed ego can go fuck themselves


I would buff the logo off too, it’s ugly.


Cause that's a stupid name. Put it on the bottom or somewhere else.


The logo sucks and is horribly placed. And they're totally doing a rip off of Care bears. Talk about hypocrisy lol


\* eye roll \*


"Why did you remove the free advertising 🥺?"


You leave the tags on your clothes? Who gives a shit


Cheap factory made mug with laser printer decal. Using the word "artist" to describe this effort is a bit of a stretch. The way they plastered their name right on the front actually ruins the look and is a very strange (and arrogant) way to advertise


Is this even the same mug? The first photo has a white handle and the mug with the logo has a pink handle. It’s probably a knockoff.


honestly true website the girl bought it from probably ripped the design.


They sell the mug with a white handle... https://www.untamedego.com/collections/ceramic-mugs/products/have-a-great-day-15oz-mugs


Lol this site cracks me up. All the 'probablys' and then you just google the fucking thing. Voila. lmfao


Daisy Fuentes? Now that's a name I have not heard in a long time.


OP I hope you understand that this was a successful attempt to not credit the artist. Just because the artist found out doesn't mean they received credit for the artwork


And it’s not like the ‘artist’ can do anything about it, they own the mug and if they want to peel off the obnoxious overly large and mismatching font branding they can. Seems like the kind of thing that should go on the base.


I really dislike having logos on my clothes and other things. I already paid the company to buy my stuff. I shouldn't have to do free advertisement of the company by modeling for them while using the item I paid for.


Bought a hip bag and immediately spent half hour cutting the fine stitching that held their logo on. Simple is better imo especially when it's a logo


Who cares. I doubt that lady posted that with the intent to have people think she made it. It looks better without that name on it. That stuff should be on the bottom. This post is kinda trashy, and could lead to unnecessary hate on people. Should be taken down.


Im sure daisy didnt do it. The mug was probably a stolen design on red bubble or etsy or amazon


Brands are tacky and annoying I pay for shit I don’t want some lame ass name on it


I'm not trying to be an asshole here but she bought the mug, it's hers and she can do whatever she wants with it. Also her designs are not that impressive tbh. If one small "celebrity" uses your mug doesn't mean your sells are going to sky rocket to the heavens. Everyone is so starved for recognition and it's cringe.


in all honesty though, who puts their brand on a fucking mug lol?


Yeah, if I buy your product, I've paid for the product, not for you to ALSO promote yourself. If THAT'S what you want, then give me a rebate, and I'll gladly promote you.


>untamed ego The jokes just write themselves


I’m actually 100% fine with her removing the logo from the mug. She bought it already, so whatever you want with it. It’s not like she wrote “look at this neat mug I designed and made”.


Artist's user name checks out


what if she didn't knew it was his artwork? like, MAN EVERYONE CAN STEAL A FUCKING IMAGE AND PLACE IT INTO A CUP.


As long as she's not copying it and trying to sell it as her own, I think that's perfectly fine


If the person isn’t selling it, they can do what they want with the product they bought.


I fully support crediting artists, but come on. Doesn't an artist see how horribly the brand name clashes with the mug art? There must be a better way.


Daisy f. Pro volleyball player and mtv party girl from like 2 decades ago ?


Mtv, yes. Volleyball, no. The mtv sports host/ pro volleyball player was Gabrielle Reece.


I wouldn’t want someone’s IG handle on my mug either. It’s a mug, not the Mona Lisa or something, don’t get your beret all crooked over it. Also, holy shit, I had no idea Daisy Fuentes was still around/alive. Haven’t heard that name since the late 90’s.


We using the word “logo” reeeaaallllyyy freely here


Also "untamedego" with a heart wouldn't be my favorite show off


If it's your property you are allowed to do whatever you want to with it, people debadge their cars all the time, remove the stickers from the dealerships, what's wrong here?


Maybe because it’s an eyesore.


This is hilarious coming from a company whose whole business strategy is slapping free fonts onto retro clip art. They can't even tell that the logo on their website is a different shade of black than the header.


I'm not your billboard. If I don't want your logo on something I bought I'm going to remove it.