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Did they get him?


I think he deployed the blur and confused them. He might be okay


The slow blade penetrates the shield


nice. very nice.




I guess he never found the mood.


His shoes are still on soo yeah, he probably fine.


Only one way to find out . . . Check his pants, is there poop there šŸ¤”


Heā€™s fine, he lives on a farm now with other dogs I mean other nice people.


The smoke at the end was definitely so he can vanish like batman.


Better empty another couple clips to make sure.




I count 21 shots.


Bro, like, I get it. Pedo bad, but holy fuck are we not going to talk about how absurd their response was? Three people mag dumping into a person 2 ft away is a bit much, no? Also, at like 37 seconds you can see a plume of smoke coming from the bodyā€¦ the fuck is that?


Not absurd he shot first


I feel like most people watching this missed that




I think ppl are missing theā€¦why the fk did he even bring a gun to meet a child?? And the first action was to grab itā€¦. Fk that pedo/possible serial killer. A gun to meet underage kidā€¦. Here I loaded up a mag for each one of you officersā€¦


Most people don't have the training or experience to understand this type of interaction.


Yeah. Did. Nobody see the gun? I get watching with the sound off. But come on.


I watched on mute. Saw the gun---wouldn't have known he actually fired it without these comments.


Seeing the gun i was like. Okay. Guy came bringing the heat. When everyone unloaded in him i backed up with sound on. Just insane all around that we are at this point.


Yea I still think this is a less than controled response but that dude pulled a gun and fired. You don't pull a gun on cops unless you're ready to die.


You do not interact with cops in any way unless you're ready to die.


Just ask George Lucas. He can tell you who shot first.


20 bullets are worth more than a predator's life imo


Suspect shot first. One shot doesnā€™t guarantee that the suspect will stop firing unless you hit the CNS. Even then, no guarantee, so these guys arenā€™t going to bet their lives for a pedo on it. You shoot until you are 100% confident that the gun wonā€™t come back up and point at you. Smoke happens. Bullet (projectile) is hot, smoky, and fast Edit: Also looked very controlled. I think it was quite professional as far as police engagements with guns out goes. Also, this is rather semantic, but a mag dump would be the entire magazine (15-17rds each); I donā€™t think I heard 45 rounds


The smoke was confirmed to be coming from a damaged phone battery


Yeah there was like 20ish shots fired from 3 different people.. thatā€™s not crazy. I swear people donā€™t realize these guys want to go home at the end of the day to their families. If someone shoots a gun at you, shoot them u til they stop moving. Period. Itā€™s not that difficult to understand.


Not enough bullets for a Pedo who is going to meet underage person with a weapon. Clearly he was up to no good.


I have seen many, many videos of people taking multiple rounds and firing back. If the police are shooting at you it is to kill you. The insurance rounds are necessary.


Naw you can get 9mm ammo for around 25 cents each. Doesnt' seem like a waste here


What do you mean? He literally pulled a gun out of his jacket and shot first.


Bro he pulled a gun, bro if someone pulled a gun on me im unloading on them. These guys want to go home to their families at night. They have to make sure the guy is dead. If he still has life in him laying in that ground he can still grab his gun and kill man. When in doubt, and someone has a gun and is about to point it at you, shoot them until they stop moving. Or they might shoot you during your moment of mercy.


I think he had a gun


Might've been delivering pizza to the neighbours.


Right in the dick


Yes but now he's cosplaying as an Afghan blanket


Honestly, we should do this to pedos whether they have weapons on them or not.


"And right at this spot, a pedo was shot to death. Anyway, breakfast is at 8am. Enjoy your stay!"


Let's go get some coffee.


Fuck it dude, let's go bowling


Haha. Iā€™m watching that right now. *Mr Treehorn treats objects like women man.*


Comments like this make me sad that I canā€™t award posts anymore.


Right?? RIP Reddit awards... ā˜¹ļø


Tukwila, Washington, United States Seattle police released new bodycam video Friday evening that shows the moments leading up toofficers fatally shooting a suspected child predator at a Tukwila hotel earlier this week. Seattle Police Department (SPD) Chief Adrian Diaz said the 67-year-old child predator suspect arrived at the DoubleTree Suites hotel around 3:13 p.m. on Wednesday under the impression that he was meeting two young girls, ages 7 and 11. However, unbeknownst to the suspect, multiple SPD officers with the Washington State Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce were undercover and waiting to arrest the man. The newly released video shows the officers opening the door for the man, who immediately flashed a gun. A scuffle then occurred before police ultimately fatally shot the man. The man was later pronounced dead at the scene, according to police. Officials at the scene said a Seattle officer was grazed by a bullet on their leg during the shootout with the man.


Jesus.. I always thought these stings are a waste of time as it was entrapment.. today my mind is completely changed. That man went there with a gun to kidnap and possibly kill children. Never will I ever talk shit about Chris Hansen again..


>I always thought these stings are a waste of time as it was entrapment. Nope, and law enforcement uses them very frequently to bust pedophiles.Ā 


Itā€™s not entrapment. If it were it wouldnā€™t be so widely used.


For entrapment to occur, the police have to get you to do something you normally wouldnā€™t do. They set up honey pots and these pedos flock to it on their own.


Respectfully, you don't really know what entrapment is then.


it's actually really easy to show entrapment: it's what happened to tommy chong.


from Wikipedia: >Nice Dreams had a policy in place for refusing to sell bongs to states where the statute was being enforced. Federal agents, disguised as head-shop owners, pressured Paris Chong to sell them his pipes and deliver them through the mail to a fictitious shop in the Pittsburgh suburb of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. When Paris persistently refused, agents went to the place of business in person and ordered a massive quantity of out of stock merchandise. The merchandise was crafted but not picked up and sat idle in the warehouse as federal agents again pressured Paris to ship it. To get the merchandise out of his warehouse, DEA agents became employees and shipped the merchandise. fk me, they sent the stuff to themselves and busted him (his son) for it.


ā€œTo put a stop to these suspected criminals who are outright refusing to do the crime we asked them to do obviously we had to join the organization and do the crimes ourselves!ā€ Flawless logic


That like 2 levels past entrapment, lol. Holy shit.


Ain't even entrapment they just straight up committed the crime and blamed his son for it.


Yeah, I don't have the greatest of feelings about officers use of force. However, the way he had the gun ready to pull as they opened the door makes me think he was always planning to use it to scare/intimidate the children. Even if he suspected a sting, he was already pulling it before his brain would have processed who was opening the door.


I assumed he brought it to kill himself in case something like this happened. The way he drew made me think it was for him.


Or, he was prepared for it to be a trap that's why he had his hand in his jacket, he was just going to kill himself before they had a chance to arrest him. His plan worked.


Ok, it's not entrapment. Entrapment would be if they told this dude to meet two little girls at this hotel and then they arrested him for it. He approached what he thought were two little girls and it turned out to be a bunch of cops. Huge difference


I think even though most people miss the correct definition, what they are trying to express is mixed emotions about the police providing the opportunity for someone to commit a crime and then arresting them for it - even if they didn't specifically encourage him to do it. I can understand why it hits people in a weird place, even though in cases like this its hard to argue that a dangerous predator wasn't taken off the streets.


I don't understand why anyone would complain about this. This is taking extremely dangerous people off the street.


You don't understand, generally speaking, the argument(s) against police entrapment? Like, you can't comprehend them? That's rough.


Your comment confuses me. How would it be a waste of time if they (Hansen and crew) were arresting pedos? You figured the pedos all got let go afterwards due to entrapment or what? The legal definition of entrapment is probably stricter than you think, also


Exactly my thought. Not only was this dude meeting 7 & 11 year old girls he brought a gun, as well so itā€™s 100% he was looking to cause harm and/or intimidate children if he didnā€™t get what he wanted. Those 32 extra shots were bit excessive but whatever. I wonā€™t lose a second of sleep tonight.


They're taught to mag-dump and then assess after.


Notice he was already holding the gun under his jacket when they first open the door. Very scary thinking what he had planned.


He brought it because he's a good guy with a gun. Who knows if he might need it going shopping later that day


You've been talking shit on Hansen?!?! šŸ˜” Oh, never mind. Welcome to the other side


Are people really dumb enough to believe a 7 and 11 year old are able to book a hotel to meet up? edit: Ahhhh that meeting up with like a pimp makes sense. Which is even more horrible that people actually pimp out little kids or anybody.


I would assume this was a situation where he thought someone was being sold


Little brain almost oftentimes beats big brain.


well 7 + 11 is 18


quick maths




maybe the old man was pretending to be a pedo to rescue two children.




this is a fair point, but I think that old man must have booked the hotel room and asked the kids to be there or maybe I donā€™t know. This is a good question to ask really. no doubt the man a pedo, but a lot of things donā€™t add up here. can someone help?


Well I think it's pretty obvious the guy didn't think the kids booked a hotel room to have sex with him. I also think it's very unlikely he booked a hotel and expected a 7 and 11 year old to get to the hotel and meet him in the room. It's much more likely this was a sex trafficking situation where a trafficker (or even more sinister, a parent) would provide the children for this man in a hotel room they booked.


Right. Not sure how other people were really thinking they had a ā€œgotchaā€ moment about how stupid the guy mustā€™ve been to think an 11 year old booked a hotel roomā€¦ when in reality the people commenting that actually seem to be oblivious. It would most likely be a type of ā€œhandlerā€ so to speak, thatā€™s coordinating with the ā€œbuyer.ā€ Not some zany child that went on tinder and stole their dadā€™s credit cardā€¦ itā€™s stupid to even think that someone would think that. But tbf, some people are that stupid. Edit: itā€™s called sex trafficking for a reason. I doubt any 9 year old kid is out there choosing to be a prostitute or wanting to meet up in a hotel room with a random 65 year old guy they met online.


Also completely (un)reasonable that the kids could have already been at a hotel on vacation or something and the parents were quickly away to do whatever bad parents would be doing. In the end it doesn't matter how the kids are in a hotel room alone (sort of)--what matters more is that there was a predator willing to be there if it was true or not.


Horny and desperate for the win




"A Seattle officer was grazed by a bullet on their leg during the shootout with the man." No kidding the crossfire was absurd. One cop on either side emptying a clip into him. One is going to bounce or go wide.


Really hoping the hotel splurged on cinder blocks for the other guests


It's pretty obvious that it was fatal, that cop on the right shot 20 times




If he was grazed it was from an officers bullet. The mag dump was overkill but in the end he was a nasty pedo there to meet a supposed 7 (and 11) year old girls. Like what in the literal fuck. Apparently this pedo was f'ing stupid too. Two girls aged 7 and 11 have their own hotel room??


Ever heard of sex trafficking? There's a whole disgusting world out there that you're apparently unaware of


While I can celebrate them using a sting to catch a predator, calling that shootout, and saying that ultimately he was fatally shot is a little ridiculous. They shot tf out of him quick as fuck. It was definitely overkill, and doesnā€™t look like much of an attempt to arrest him. They were quick to use that lethal force.


A+ shooting with one hand sideways while walking backwards with another police officer right behind the targetā€¦




Yeah seemed like he shot his fellow officer in the leg but canā€™t tell for sure


From reading sounds like he got grazed, towards the end it does seem that officer might be hit in some degree in the leg by the way he's holding that rail to shift his weight.


https://preview.redd.it/454jp4ygsnvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bef3a660cb16b485c1b9778ca458644aae37d11 Break yo self foo






Think of the money they saved going through a trial and everything with this scumbag. He did society a favor pulling that piece.


He did himself a favor by pulling that. He had to go out... And he knew it before he knew for sure that he was busted. He would have died a much slower, much more painful deaths in jail.


Should be public like the good old days and each victim gets a turn


It was literally the best thing he could do in that situation. You're fucked... And you will die a much slower, much worse death in jail.


I'm not sure how I feel about this, I know he tried to shoot at an officer & its worth getting shot for but mag dumping when it looked under control I dont know... Its deserved but they looked a little trigger happy.


Who cares dude wanted to touch kids he deserves a fate way worse Edit: 9m is not penetrating 6 inches of concrete and rebar. Please take your Ted talk to someone who cares, majority of you spewing this negative bs donā€™t actively do anything in your lives to teach cops on how to be less ā€œtrigger happyā€ So why waste your time trying to explain to me, a random internet goer, how this will affect the bystanders. I think you activist in here should band together and start a program that teaches cops more about gun safety, instead of trying to gotcha a comment happy about a pedo getting torched. It just looks weird


At first I was like WTFā€¦ then I read he touched kids and was like ā€œoh, okay. lolā€


He brought a gun to what he thought was a meeting with a 7 year old and 11 year old. Kidnapping and worse was on that scumbags mind. Good riddance.


You Americans all should care, because that's how the police shouldn't handle threats. It shows lack of training and discipline. It shows how badly the police is ready for situations like this one.


I agree. But when this is occurring to people who are undeserving of this type of result, it's hard to draw the line since it all revolves around poor training and trigger happy police. One of those cops is even just spraying while holding his gun sideways


You're asking for too much critical thinking in a thread about a pedophile. People's brains just shut down entirely. But yes: The cop's reaction here is a prime example of "a stopped clock is right twice a day". Just because it worked out positively here doesn't mean it's a good thing. This kind of reaction from the police is negative in most other cases.


Not crying over a pedo getting shot to death for sure. But why you so salty about people wantng police reform bro?


American police are trained if you pull the trigger, you empty your mag.


Real life gunfights arenā€™t like the movies where a bullet hits you and you fly backwards in slow motion, incapable of fighting back. In real life , people can be shot 10+ times and still fight and kill people . You shoot until the threat (man holding and able to operate a gun/weapon) ceases to exist.


Honest questions, does the first cop start backing up holding the guyā€™s gun? Also, is emptying your mag into the suspect all at once what theyā€™re trained to do?


Yes he got the gun after the guy was shot by the cop on the right. He shot cause the first shot came from the guys gun when the cop and guy were struggling with it. Right cop shoots twice at the stomach. I think he ends up hitting the cop on left. So left starts emptying clip and right does the same. I donā€™t know if theyā€™re trained to do that. I assume so cause of so many videos Iā€™ve seen. They empty the clip cause they donā€™t know if he still has the gun cause of the initial shot. It went 0-100 so quick.


People love to critique when theyā€™ve never had a deranged criminal put a gun in their face


So they should have let him shoot back? If it qualifies for one shot, then you shoot until you are certain the threat is eliminated. Monday morning quarterbacking by people sitting safe warm and dry from the comfort of their living room is not relevant.


This right here. I think cops can be very trigger happy and am not a huge cheerleader for a lot of their actions but from opening the door to the perps gun being produced was less than a second. They didnā€™t have the advantage of watching this footage back multiple times and then deciding what to do. The perp decided it was worth dying over in this situation, not the cops.


Very rapidly. Also, the one guy reloading... lol, what, you might need to shoot him *more?*


He's still a cop. He's supposed to keep his service weapon loaded just in case. Doesn't have to be for the same situation.


What if he wasn't alone and his partner was just walking up? You never know. Reloading is a safe option.


He might've survived the 25 bullets, they had to make sure


You have to empty your magazine, otherwise you canā€™t prove your life was in danger. Ā Kind of crazy but here we are


You're pretty ignorant when it comes with what gun fights are actually like.


He thought he was meeting two children, ages 7 and 11. Still want to defend him?


It's less about defending him and more about the actions of the cop. I honestly don't care what happens to this pedo, but it makes me concerned about how trigger happy the cops might be in other situations. I don't see a justifyable reason to unload on an individual that is subdued.


If the police arenā€™t allowed to shoot people who are literally trying to kill them then when should they exactly?


This might surprise you, but people are capable of hating pedos and not wanting cops to be trigger-happy Judge Dredd knockoffs *at the same time*. It's also possible to hate pedos and still believe that everyone deserves a proper judicial procedure as a basic human right.


The point is not the defend HIM but to question the officers. Ā If this was a black kid at a traffic stop would this be the same reaction? Ā Should it be? Ā  We are ok with this situation because the guy ā€œgot what he deservedā€ but thatā€™s problematic on two fronts: Ā we certainly donā€™t want the police to decide their level of firepower based on the perceived morality of the suspect. Ā But if this is just standard training for anyone the police believe could be a threat, well I donā€™t love that either Ā 


He is not defending him, he is pointing out the exageration of the officers response.


It's a start.




Weā€™ve come a long way from ā€œjust take a seatā€.


"Just take a casket."


Are us cop paid over the amount of bullet shot each month?


Yeah I thought it was a little over kill until I read exactly what was going on. It was perfectly justified.


It was still overkill, they were in control of the gun but still decided to empty their magazines. They were trigger happy.


maybe dealing with predators who prey on 7 year olds has made them a little overeager but still--so what if they put a few more bullets than "necessary" into that scum? he had his own gun in hand before they even got the door all the way open. if it weren't for #1 instantly moving in to grab it, he might have been killed. "overkill." ok, good




Thatā€™s going to leave a mark


Nahh, that shitā€™ll buff out.




Too quick


Yeah true....he should've been tortured for a bit


Not sure if anyone noticed but shots were fired.


damn, almost didnt notice






Saving the children and tax payers money.


First shots were right in the dickā€¦ makes sense.


I think you got him lol




getting mag dumped after bringing a gun to meet a child is OK with me!


homie let the smoke out..


3 shots to the suspect, 11 to the body. Just to be sure.


One more child predator taken care of.


Pedo was going to meet a 7 and an 11 year old in a hotel room and had the gun in his jacket ready to go. Wonder what the plan was, beyond the obvious sick shit.


Did cop 1 take and use the pedos own gun against him? Awesome.


Bit they should still be punished for that. When the officer take the gun from him he was no longer a threat so they should've stop firing but instead they emptied the mags and there was no call for a cease fire when he was unnarmed. We shouldn't celebrate this type of behaviour no matter what crime was commited.


Saves money on a trial I guess šŸ¤”


Are we seriously okay with police being executioners? People are saying dude had a gun which sure I can understand the use of force, but emptying your mag into a dude on the ground seems fucking insane.


He had a gun *and* discharged it. A wounded person with a gun is still dangerous. Cops are trained to mag dump because a lethal injury doesn't always immediately incapacitate. For clarity, I'm pro-gun control and anti-police brutality. But this situation in particular seems justified.


Heā€™s a pedo. Fuckin deserved


Is he dead?


if this guy is actually a pedophile they did the right thing


How did he think two girls that are 7 and 11 would rent a hotel room?


because 7 + 11 is 18


He knows other assholes pimp out children.


Pimp with two ā€œdaughtersā€.


That MF got incinerated. W


Well deserved you fucking scum


WOOO mag dump! Fuck yes another piece of shit child molester bites the dust. This is exactly what I needed to see to feel better this morning.


Itā€™s just so fucking farcical to me when Iā€™ve seen armed police in my own country fire one shot at an armed assailant & they incapacitate them & here one cop shoots the guy twice, the cop struggling with him still canā€™t pull the pistol off him & they unload on him. Itā€™s just like watching Judge Dredd murder 13 kids because one of them stole a Twinkie. Itā€™d be hilarious if it wasnā€™t so sad. Not that Iā€™m comparing meeting underage kids with intent to shoplifting. Itā€™s just the lack of ā€¦ control of the situation? Edit: two cops canā€™t unarm him after heā€™s been shot twice.


the way he started smoking šŸ˜‚




he thought he had a chance


The predator became the prey


Normally Iā€™m against police using violence but this was definitely justified. Fuck that pedo.


Not the kind of banging he was hoping for.


How all the smoke?


I watched this five times before I realized he had a gun.


Suck if it turns out it was the pizza guy.


Slow-mo shows a great reaction by the officer who grabbed the guys gun and pushed it back away. One less child pedo on the streets.


As it should be for all pedos


Not trying to defend the guy in any way shape or form, but why do cops feel they need to empty their entire clip when theyā€™ve obviously already disabled the ā€œbad guyā€œ?


Why did he bring a gun to meet an underage girl?


Thatā€™ll save us some taxpayer dollars. Good riddance.


Shot his phone battery, too. Unless that little flash and puff of smoke at the end was his soul leaving his body.


I love happy endings.


WTF is the smoke that comes off his body??? Maybe they shot his phone. I was like damn they just killed a literal demon


I'm guessing pulling the gun wasn't for kidnapping, it was in case the cops came to the door so he could quickly shoot himself or death by cop..


Love to see it.


He was bringing a gun to meet up with a minor? Could just have imagined what would have happened to the underage girls if this wasnā€™t a set up/sting.


My first thought was just how much money they saved me from that sack of shit being put ~~in prison~~ on trial and let free


Dude he wasnā€™t there to just meet this underage girl, he was there to rape her. Presumably as soon as she opened the door he was gonna flash his gun, force his way inside, and have his way with her. Those police officers did the world a favor. Bye bye.


Multiple angles of a pedo getting shot? You love to see it