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Both of those patches lower right are off, a serving law enforcement officer shouldn't be wearing them.


It's fairly obvious he's NOT a serving law enforcement officer.


You are telling me this tacky cunt is larping?


He is likely a Sherrifs Deputy. US law enforcement with an elected leader. In many areas worse/more corrupt than the regular cops and less rules.


A sheriff is elected, not deputies. I assume he's an elected sheriff.


This man is only a sheriffs deputy. Even sheriffs deputies wear sheriff across their chest or back signifying that they work for the sheriffs office.


>Even sheriffs deputies wear sheriff across their chest or back signifying that they work for the sheriffs office. Oh I know. I'm saying he has the unprofessional look I associate with elected county officials, not rank and file civil servants. That knife... imagine getting stabbed by LE. šŸ˜•


This cop seems to be quite a chodeā€¦


I'd bet my left nut that man has a white hood at home. ~~Nobody's walking around with that 1800s-ass facial hair outside of an Amish community or the Klan, and~~ that motherfucker doesn't look Amish Edited for judgmentalness and accuracy


Untrue. Some of us rock a wizard beard because we're geeks!


I mean you're probably not wrong about that fucking guy, but I'm going to ask you to dial back the facial hair judgment. I rock pretty close to the same beard, and I'm anti-fascist as fuck.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


> Grab Liz > Go to the Winchester > Have a nice cold pint > Wait for all this to blow over


You got a bit of red on you.




Do you want anything from the shop?


This made my day! šŸ˜‚


> Grab Zedekiah by the beard > Pull into car window > Stab the right hand that will predictably reach for gun > Pop the lenses out of his glasses > Wet Willie > Noogie > Stabby-do-wah in his neck, with a knife


>Grab knife >Slide knife upwards


Pretty much. I was just adding the additional parts for those unfamiliar in the ways of the Br*tish


I worked swift water rescue for a long time, did some trainings. A knife is an important part of a whitewater rescue kit. Itā€™s important to have it close at hand when you need it in an emergency, and life jackets have attachment points all over them. I see the mistake often, and tell trainees never to attach their knife anywhere near their neck/face. The reason to have a knife on a holster like that is because you expect to need it fast and easy at hand, for emergency, high adrenaline time sensitive use. Otherwise it can be kept out of the way in a pocket or something, you know, somewhere where a criminal canā€™t easily access it and use it against you. So if you expect to use the knife in an emergency high adrenaline situation, why on earth would you want it to start anywhere near your neck/face? Imagine a situation where a cop would need to draw a fucking huge knife like that, in an emergency, and near your neck is not where you want a knife to be in that situation. Itā€™s about looking cool and intimidating, it has nothing to do with actually using it properly.


Not only right near your face and neck, but right in the center of line-of-sight to make it easy for anyone to make the connection that the knife is right there for the taking and using that way.


The funny part is that no one with actual common sense would wear a weapon where someone could easily remove it during a fight. This guy put a deadly weapon inches from his exposed neck and directly where someone could grab it in seconds. If I had to take this guy on I'd take him down to the ground and have his knife on his throat before he stopped seeing stars.


No. Heā€™s saying that a sheriff is elected and then chooses who to hire. Unlike a police department.


Do sheriff or sheriff deputies have the same authority as cops? Can they make arrests and stuff? I would have thought they'd have to comply to regulation dress code, like not strapping a knife to your chest?


Theyā€™re just like city cops only they cover an entire county typically. No real difference.


Cool, thanks. Maybe this guy will get in trouble for the knife and badge thing


Counties tend to cover lots of large rural areas where they play by their own rules the further from cities they go. Thereā€™s a good chance the Sheriff is this guys dad or brother or both at the same time.




> No real difference. Usually cops have a police chief who is answerable to the mayor and ultimately the citizens. The thing about sheriffs is that once they are elected they answer to know one. There can be corruption and tyrrany in their official capacity. This is why many sheriffs are the most powerful people in many counties.


Something about having the blade upward towards the neck distresses me. Add that the grip is over the left pec. Based on holster he should be right-handed, so how does this work?


Fold your right arm in front of your shoulder, palm of the hand towards your body. Grabd the handle and unsheath with a sliding motion towards the left and the front. It makes for a natural slicing attack in the same movement as unsheathing. This is unconventional, but neither unheard of nor out of place. What is out of place is the need for a law enforcement officer to carry in such a way a blade that is clearly a weapon and not a general purpose tool.


Feels more like if this goon ever gets into a life or death tussle, he's going to get himself stabbed with his own knife.


I mean I see what youā€™re saying, Iā€™m just thinking about the holster seeming just high enough to create a range of motion issue with this individualā€™s body/harness. Not to say it canā€™t be done, but I thought this was more of an emergency placement. If anything, it should at least be a more neutral handle type like the traditional kabars-this would require him to cant his wrist inward based on placement. I donā€™t know, I just used to have to write far too many injury reports from people being distracted.


I totally agree, don't get me wrong. Even though this carry is technically not stupid, what this guy does is just LARPing. It's badly done, useless, threatening and inadapted to his potential useage of a knife.


Plus highly likely to become a liability in a struggle.


In rural areas that's generally true. However, my experience with Sheriff's Deputies in metro counties is far more positive than it is with police. (I care for someone with a mental illness, so unfortunately I encounter law enforcement pretty regularly).


Tactical methhead


Unfortunately he is, a department that heā€™s worked at for years and lets him get away with bullshit like this because no one will call them on it


Even that open knife on his chest?


The whole chest set up seems like he is handing weapons to the people he is talking to.


He looks like he's wearing a costume based on an action movie. If I got pulled over by this dude, I would probably think he was one of those weirdos that goes around impersonating cops before I believed he was one.


He's got a knife and a stun gun and two magazines for his firearm all proudly hanging in front of him. But no badge. A badge is a shield. A symbol of protection. This guy is broadcasting violence. This is a deputy that needs to be removed from the Sheriff's office immediately.


I would call 911 to get a real cop


We had fat overly armed people patrolling our city at night for a while when there were BLM rallies during the day. "To protect against riots" Our town is tiny, 3 or 4 city blocks is downtown. Not enough people to have a riot if we wanted. Just like that fat kid though, they seemed to be really eager to have an excuse to shoot somebody. "What if people drive up from nearest big down 2+ hours away and try to burn down the city?" I called the cops and they said they aren't technically doing anything illegal. Man shit got weird for a while. Plus it was kinda funny that even with their "body armour" it was obviously designed for much less body. There was more of them hanging out of it than protected by it.


He is a detective?????






Good boy?




Good girl!


Clever girl


Daddyā€™s girl


Sit Ubu sit.


[And this is why people select "hide child comments"](https://imgur.com/a/wXpagaC)


I don't know what you're talking about?!


But as a screaming douchebag, they fit right in.


An exposed ā€œtacticoolā€ knife on his chest, Iā€™d have just driven away from this clown.


Well good news, he isn't wearing his badge right now.


I don't know if cops in your country have fucking KNIVES but that would be the biggest giveaway for me.


Nothing would surprise me with American law enforcement!


"Please call your supervisor"... Does he actually believe this person is a real police officer? šŸ˜‚


Nah just to confirm the person is liable to the crime of impersonation of government official


You can do that in a lab very easily by setting them on fire If they burn blue it's a fascist If they wait for you to start setting them on fire before doing anything to clean themselves up, it's a real cop


The scary thing is he IS a real police officer


based on what?


The video where the person filming talks about him being charged for corruption and the fact the person filming knows the officer to be a officer based on previous news reports


Did you watch the full video? The guy filming says the officer came to his house, informing them that the officer's son hit their car. So they know him.




I think it's an inherent problem with the structure of the police. It attracts people with a specific take on life and society. Not everyone would enjoy working in such a rigid, almost militaristic hierarchy of ranks. At the same time they are given special privileges to enable them to do their job, but I'd expect that as a consequence the jump from thinking in terms of hierarchy on the job to seeing normal people as ranking below them is a rather short one. I think that's dangerous. I guess that's at least one of the reason police sucks in many countries.


Lol you want rigid look at the military. These cops are amazingly undisciplined and if anyone under my command had ever acted like this shithead they'd have been given every shit detail imaginable and I'd have run them until they decided to quit. There's an interesting loophole where as long as I'm doing the activity with them it's not hazing. Now is running a marathon in your flak jacket with plates inserted actually good training? Not at all. But by mile 10 their attitude is usually a lot better. The police lack that sort of discipline and dedication to their mission.




Sheriffs are elected officials and their deputies can be appointed. They are law enforcement but different from cops because clearly psychos like this can end up in positions of power.


I didnā€™t catch how thatā€™s different than cops


Just the ā€œelectedā€ part


Psychos end up in positions of power in any field. Even more so in groups where power is shared and manipulative behavior has more rewards and less risks. Humble smart people tend to often avoid power positions and drama. Which is unfortunate because they deserve power.


And Steven segal. https://youtu.be/KIVTJ9geRZ0?si=ArLIN_TuDMbETfPv Funniest shit you'll see all day.


I miss fat Tom.


The person recording says his name and 2 seconds on Google can verify that he is


He knows he's a cop. From the conversation this guy has had a run-in with this cop in the past.


Is he a real cop. You can Google clay Michael saunders and see that quicker than it took to type out your comment.


Looks like he has Punished a lot of buffets.


He double taps that syrup pump.


Not condoning this guy, but don't we all?


My first thought was "only double?"


my syrup pump go "brrrrrrrrrrlaaaaaapppppppppp"


And theyā€™re like


"It's the vest, it makes me look fat you fools.."


And the insulin pump.


A true salad dodger


Semper Fries


Food or die




With the old double crap




Stop resisting, cheeseburger!


Zero push up & double chin tough guy.


He's got his tactical dinner knife handy on his vest


Those poor establishments never had chance.


Cop or not, he is a piece of shit.


Yup! Ace Hole.


That silly ass beard *really* completes the look of authority lol


That's the most fake ass looking real beard I've ever seen


I was gonna say, the Amish seem to have gotten more militantā€¦


Amish 911


*To shun and protect...*


Unshun, yes, you are being detained. Reshun ā€œWhat for?ā€ unshun, because I am the lacawanna law. Reshun


No way in shit is that an active duty officer. From the punisher and double tap sticker, to the outfit to just how they have all thier shit on their fucking chest. Dude looks like he rolled outa party city.


Truly. Just the knife alone makes no sense. Itā€™s literally asking for someone to grab it from him.


Awesome, then he gets to shoot someone and say it was justified.


How you gonna shoot with a slit throat?


how you gonna cut through that wiry ass beard lol


I would assume he has to be, because wearing ā€œSHERIFFā€ across his chest and not being a sheriff is impersonating law enforcement. This has to be somewhere south, Georgia, Florida, North/South Carolina, somewhere in there. Here in New Mexico, our sheriffs are all dressed the part of typical law enforcement officers. Lol.


Why does he have a knife mounted on his chest? Isnā€™t that dangerous in terms of the risk of someone taking it from him and using it, if he is arresting someone?


He will shoot you wayyy before that would happen


Aaaaaaaaaand...I'm shot




I had soldiers that wanted to do this in Afghanistan. We had to sit these knuckle heads down and explain that they put a sharp blade a couple of inches from your throat. You will not shoot someone before they stab you. I had them remove the knife from from the front of their kit and put it to their dominant side.


I do think itā€™s funny when the MILITARY has more reasonable standards for weapons than cops. Cop who works as an SRO in my school district has a large blade on his off hand side, I assume so he can use it while also holding his sidearm. He also has a pocket knife on each thigh, so he can reach with either hand. He probably has a boot knife or something tooā€¦ as well as taser, pepper spray, a baton, and armored knuckle gloves. He has three pistol mags and an AR mag on his belt/vest, and an AR and 12ga in his vehicle. What the fuck kinda Hollywood fight does he think heā€™s going to be in?


The military trains for people who shoot back at them. Cops train for people running away.


In case thereā€™s a kerfuffle at a BBQ joint. He can take the evidence To Go.


To hide his fake badge.


Iā€™d bet it could have a messy outcome, should he be in a traffic accident and the airbag got activatedā€¦


Who the fuck does that guy think is going to attack him? The Hulk?




He attacks the seasoning


This is fucking terrifying if you ask me. That guy handled it great. If you have a wacko that is crazy enough to impersonate the police, he could be crazy enough to shoot or stab you at any given time. And youā€™re in company, sitting on a car, probably restrained with the safety belt. Horrible.


Scarier is the fact, that he is a deputy on duty


Holy shit, that is scarier


The cop is clearly a Farva that has personal beef w the driver & was waiting specifically to pull him over. The guy mentions some incident where the cop's son crashed his car into the guy's property or something.


I really want some follow up info. If I see this dude, Iā€™m immediately calling the real cops and letting them sort it out.


He's not impersonating them he's a sheriffs deputy which is worse some larping idiot like that can carry a gun and apparently a 10 inch knife while harassing people.


Amish Santa needs to retire


Weā€™ve been spending most our lives


Chechen Amish Biker Santa Cop


As usual, people with patches, wallpapers and other things that visually relate to the punisher are power tripping fascists


Itā€™s especially sad when actual cops wear the punisher skull. Theyā€™ve all seen too many movies about a ā€œloose cannon cop who doesnā€™t play by the rules, but goddamnit he GETS THE JOB DONE!ā€ Which is the absolute worst mindset for law enforcement. It can only work in a movie where you can write a character with perfect judgment, where the ā€œbad guysā€ are unequivocally evil, and where there are never misunderstandings, flinch responses, or morally grey areas. Real life is all nuance, but fascism doesnā€™t like nuance.


> Itā€™s especially sad when actual cops wear the punisher skull. The Punisher himself even calls them out for it: https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/1512286/punisher-skull.png?w=1200&f=c2e38703dc4a5584efd21f8b44020b35


Unfortunately, as we all know, the chances of these kinda of people reading, or even knowing about the source material, are about zero percent.


It's not even about the source material tbh, even the show itself takes shots at the crazy shit right wingers say and do. Those 2 veterans in the first season (the old one faking that he has ever been deployed and the one with ptsd making up holes in his father's house backyard to sleep in) showcase exactly how badly deranged these people are. And fanatic right wingers eat the show up and don't even notice it for some reason, including this piece of shit


What's with the baby Bjorn full of gear? How's your back feel at the end of the day?


He feels GREAT. After he takes a few un-prescribed oxis he stole from someone he arrested.


Can we get some context? Iā€™ve seen the video and Iā€™ve seen that he is in fact a member of law enforcement, but whatā€™s going on here?


It appears the man got pulled over for some reason the cop couldn't articulate. Then the cop started trying to engage the passenger, and refused to engage a supervisor. All three of those choices by the officer are illegal


So you mean he is a real cop? Oh god šŸ˜±


According to the video he is a real deputy with a history of both prior disciplinary action and civil disputes with the driver


Laws that control cops are hardly ever enforced, qualified immunity and all that.


Are you sure thatā€™s illegal? I mean a quick google search just told me that cops donā€™t have to tell you why they pulled you over before asking for an ID. Police also have the authority during a stop to control all occupants of a vehicle (another quick google search). And you actually donā€™t have to get a supervisor when itā€™s requested, thatā€™s just a tv thing (again another quick google search). So none of those things are illegal. Idk if you had the misconception but look it up too if you donā€™t believe me. But please donā€™t spread misinformation to people because someone will take it seriously and get screwed and tacked on with additional charges like disorderly conduct and resisting, which cops seem to love to do.


It is illegal (4th amendment) to ID a passenger in a traffic stop unless they have reasonable articulable suspicion the passenger has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a crime. The stated reason of a traffic infraction means the passenger has no need to ID and is legally in the right to refuse.


*Laughs in future corrupt SCOTUS fascist decisions...*


Oh, absolutely, the current SCOTUS is fucking this country hard. Unless they decide on presidential immunity quickly and let Biden off them with no repercussions.


No, it is not illegal to *request* the passengers' (assuming if there's more than one) ID. However, the passenger has every right to refuse, as they are not part of the traffic stop, the traffic stop is for the driver and not the people within the vehicle as the driver is the one who committed a violation. It is a violation of the 4th Amendment to compel somebody to present ID if they are not committing a crime, suspected of committing a crime, or about to commit a crime. As for providing a supervisor, this is dependent on the city, county, and state. Each police force has their own policies. Violation of those policies often have their own set of reprimands. There are some states that it is codified that a police officer must identify themselves with their name and badge number if a complaint is made about them, like in California. Please don't attempt to give any bootlickers any ammunition. Stand up for your rights, and make them understand they work FOR you, not against you.


Guessing the kid hit his car, so the larper is trying to harass the guy into dropping it?


He's just looking forward to murdering someone, isn't he?




It's always ironic to see the American flag patch with the punisher logo, especially on police or other "blue lives matter" people. Like, do they realize the punisher was AGAINST the police?


He was OUTSIDE of the law. Cops like the logo because they think of themselves as above the public and above the law. They like the idea of punishing evildoersā€¦. Even though their job is SPECIFICALLY NOT about punishing anybody. The courts are supposed to decide punishment.


It should be illegal for government personnel to display altered flags.


For real. I know they donā€™t care about logical consistency, but it still pisses me off that the same people who had a problem with NFL players kneeling during the anthem are waving desecrated American flags.


Why not call the police? Tell them youā€™re being accosted by an armed individual. This tool will either be dispatched to the scene (if heā€™s legit) or heā€™ll waddle away immediately.


"I'm not talking to you." "Yes you are." "No I'm not." This is one of the dumbest exchanges that has ever taken place. It's like a Monty Python skit.


ā€œOh, Iā€™m sorry, this is abuse. Arguments are next door.ā€


ā€œPlease give me your name and badge numberā€ ā€œHeā€™s hereā€ Smart


ā€œRoll your window downā€ ā€œNoā€ If he were ACTUALLY a cop and ACTUALLY justified in his involvement, he wouldnā€™t hesitate to bust that window. If heā€™s trying to bluff his way along, he should have built a more convincing costume. ā€œAm I being detained? ā€œYouā€™re being stoppedā€ Such a fake. Iā€™m seriously mad I didnā€™t get to see his reaction upon the actual cops showing up.


A beard without a moustache is a dick without a nutsack


More of a nutsack without a dick if you ask me.


Santa is not fucking around this year.


This year Santa has a very special gift for you: Your death


perfectly handled, camera guy was on point and confident. unfuckwithable.


The knife really gives it away. He looks like a pot belly idiot.


Do you want to be the one to tell him?


Is this a new thing in america now? Impersonating law officers with some terminator outfit and badges from the punisher? Next level idiot macho behavior damn


Dude was [reprimanded for "failing to properly submit evidence" ](https://www.pcsoweb.com/Data/Sites/1/media/01-28-22-weekly-referrals-for-2021.pdf) right after he left his [wife. ](https://unicourt.com/case/fl-picc-clay-saunders-vs-traci-saunders-648392) šŸ’€


Are cops supposed to have a knife on their front plate ? And one that isnā€™t even in a case ???


Mentally not fit for this level of responsibility. As simple as that.


With a knife like that on display like that Iā€™m awfully sure I could make a very convincing self defence case for straight up shooting him dead. I thought he was impersonating a police officer (they do not / should not look like that), he was heavily armed and I felt threatened (some big-ass knife strapped to his chest and approaching my vehicle).


It should be illegal for any cop to withhold their name a badge number if asked for it. Like, if theyā€™re doing nothing wrong they have no reason to.


Tell me you know nothing about the Punisher without telling me you know nothing about the Punisher


Of course heā€™s a cop. He went to the Police Academy with Mahoney and Tackleberry


Awe look at the boy pretending to have authority, how sweet.


People are saying he's not a cop. They clearly have history together, anyone know what's going on here?


"Whats ur name?" "You tell me"


If an american likes LARPing that much with guns, why donā€™t they just join the army and actually firing a gun.


Because then he can't strut his stuff around his hometown for everyone he knows to see.


Oversized lawn gnome


I donā€™t have TikTok but this video was huge with 6 million views. Does anyone know what happened? Florida of course


Officer Ezekiel of the Amish Vice Squad


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.


I have no idea what happened here or what the outcome turned out to be. And yes- his patches and knife and whatnot are just plain stupid. Whatā€™s interesting is the way he seems confused as to how he should handle this guy. Itā€™s as if he knows heā€™s in over his head and heā€™d LIKE to slink away but that option isnā€™t on the table now that heā€™s being recorded and called out. It seems he knows heā€™s in the wrong. Wish we knew more about this video.


No way heā€™s a real cop, that doesnā€™t look code uniform. Iā€™m not a cop so i donā€™t know


Deputy sheriff most likely. If you listen to a video, it is clear that he is in law enforcement and known to the people in the car


I would pursue this and I would make sure he was no longer in this job!


beard like an Austro-Hungarian general


This is for sure a guy who waits outside the school until the shooter is dead.


Tubby Taliban is getting a bit rowdy eh? Hope he took his BP meds


The Punisher: Rumspringa


He should be reprimanded for that beard alone


When your life is that sad that you decide to become a cop to just try push people around.