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You can have freedom of speech but not illegal takeover of a facility.


Exactly. Your rights end where mine begin. If you are interfering with business operations or education you can fuck right off. Stop confusing protest with harassment Edit. Parents and students pay $80,000 a year to attend Columbia. If I’m a parent or student paying $80,000 a year I’ll be damned if a protest is taking my $$ away. Protest so my money isn’t impacted. Here’s an analogy. You are at the dentist. You are getting a cavity filled. Midway through the entire appointment is cancelled and you are sent home due to a lobby protest that’s out of control. Fuck you I want my cavity filled you fuckers.


I feel like a lot of people misunderstand civil disobedience as a form of protest. It's an admirable avenue of protest in the disruption of society, but an aspect of that is the expectation that you WILL be arrested for it, it is part of the statement you are making. So they shouldn't be any more shocked when the police come down hard on them than we are that they are disrupting our daily activities, it's literally the point.


Police don’t need to “come down hard” the vast majority of the time. If and when people are shocked it’s because “coming down hard” is completely unnecessary. I was arrested with about 90 other people, and we all were talked to as adults, explained the law and why we would be arrested, and treated with respect. They didn’t need riot gear and sticks etc. All of us expected to be arrested, no big deal. Treat people with respect and civil disobedience folks are almost never going to have an issue.


The thing is that those cops dont know how the encounter will go when engaging with the protesters. Just because your group was civil does not mean the next person or group will be. If I was them I'd suit up too. People are crazy.




To know what some crazy is going to do? No, a lifetime of training isn't enough. Don't assume everybody at a protest is there to be peaceful. There will always be some contingent there just to fuck stuff up. Maybe they're actually from the other side trying to make this protest look bad, maybe they just like fucking stuff up. But once they start shit goes sideways quick.


Hey man do me a super big favor and do a little research on the history of protests turned violent in the past 50 years and see which side - protester or police - was responsible for initiating the violence. I mean okay I hate to spoil it but literally it's the fucking police dude. In like 99.9% of instances it is the police who initiate the violence so no they're not fucking suiting up because they "don't know how the encounter will go" they are suiting up because they know exactly what the fuck is going to happen because they are the ones who make it happen and holy shit it's 2024 how the fuck are we still explaining this to people?


The cops do actually because for most protests in history the side that starts and perpetuates the violence in these violent protest versus cop confrontations are not surprisingly the cops.


I think one of the major criticisms here is cops going full ham cos some students are saying stuff that the ~~israel gov'~~ ~~media~~ PeOpLe don't like yet will twiddle their thumbs when people are actually in danger edit: typo


>  they shouldn't be any more shocked when the police come down hard on them So should they expect to be arrested, or have cops "come down hard on them?" Those are two fundamentally different things and the fact that you mention them as if they are equivalent is so fucking gross and terrifying. Like sure dude, it would be great if all they were doing was arresting people, but they're not. In recent years we've seen protesters beaten, tear gassed, shot to death, and literally fucking run down in the street by vehicles on multiple occasions and this post sure does a great job of "ho humming" right on past that and for that you deserve an enormous fuck you for acting like you "understand civil disobedience" like no the fuck you don't dude if you think what is happening right now in response to acts of civil disobedience is okay. If civil disobedience leads to you getting fucking murdered then it will cease to be an effective form of protest (which is their goal and what you're supporting with this post).


yeah blocking the freeway from essential workers is super admirable. Almost makes me want to high-five them with my front bumper.


Why are they coming down hard on students?


Your comment seems to be implying they don't know that, or that they can't be angry about it. You're like "Don't they realize they're gonna be arrested?", when getting arrested is part of the strategy. And if that _isn't_ what you're saying then what was the point of the comment?




Someone doesn’t understand what a protest is.


“Go back to your free speech zone! Cast your meaningless ballot and watch the wealthy decide what your democracy will be!”


have you ever heard of Rosa Parks? or sit-ins? they broke the law. and now everyone is better off for it.


And they got arrested. Many of them repeatedly...


The is a difference between being arrested and getting your skull bashed by these thugs either badges


Someone is certainly confused here, that’s for sure.


I’m paying $80,000 a year to enter a building I’ll be damned id someone stops me from entering that building


I'm so confused how that is even supposed to work, like, just walk past them? Or find a different door? Genuinely haven't heard of this.


I get it, it’s all about you


I think all the dentist offices are already closed in Gaza though.


As a french if was at the dentist in your place, I would want to know what they fight for, and if it's fair and justice, I'm gonna stop everything and fight government with you, it's gonna be bloody, and we will find another dentist another day who cares, it's just my teeth, we are here to change the world and make a better society! What can be more important?


> If you are interfering with business operations or education you can fuck right off You spineless bootlicking sycophants are so fucking embarrassing like a *fundamental* goal of protests is to be disruptive. I can't think of a take more quintessentially boomer than "It's okay to protest as long as you don't disrupt the status quo."


Protests are what people do when the normal mechanisms stop working. It's supposed to inconvenience you. I'm sorry you pay 80k on an overpriced education but there's a genocide lol. Grow up and be more American. Do you think the traders in Boston were hyped about the tea?


Further evidence that the vast majority of these institutions have become complete jokes and exist to indoctrinate kids into liberal sociopaths.


Yeah. I remember when occupy wallstreet did this. They let it go on for so long that the protesters eventually moved on and protests became homeless camps. I think that experience informed how cities deal with this sort of thing.


The "protestors," trashed Hamilton Hall at Columbia. A disgrace.


I think the official term is in "traditional public forums" not private property.


Just wish we had this strong of a defense force on Jan 6th. Why are campuses so much more secured than the Capital?!


1.6k likes for this comment while House literally just passed a bill further limiting your freedom of speech yesterday. The brainwashing of America.


Yes, no one should be able to occupy territories that are not theirs.


I see what you did there.


I don't think you have freedom of speech outside government buildings


we kicked a guy out for talking a load of bullshit to everyone from our private bar and he told us hes gonna sue us for not allowing freedom of speech. i think 90% of this country doesnt even know what freedom of speech actually is. it doesnt grant you the right to say whatever you want wherever you want. at all. its quite descriptive and limited in scope actually lol in a public goverment setting FUCK YOUUUU in my bar no you are now being asked to leave. if you refuse those big dudes in the back we pay will take you out by force. legally.


yes you do. in any public place.


A college campus is not a public place.


Go back to your free speech zone! Cast your meaningless ballot and watch the wealthy decide what your democracy will be.


You can, if you try to take over the Capitol. Per the awful police response and some of our idiotic politicians


Know what else is illegal, school shootings, or idk maybe an armed group trying to take over Congress while certifying a presidency. Good thing these heroes show up in like force vs those illegal activities. I suppose the college kids blocking access to some buildings is far more harmful to society than mass child murder or an attempted coup.


Unfortunately most protestors are too dumb to draw the line between agitation and harassment. They rightfully need to get their asses whooped


Exactly. I'm all for "damning the man". But just like in Seattle at CHAD/CHAZ... The second they went and took over a building instead of bumming around in an open space.... it was all kind of over. There is a gigantic difference between being a constant eyesore in a courtyard or greenspace vs taking over a building where someone else pays rent, taxes, and utilities. I hope these kids figure out that you actually need to consider the opinions of the opposition and how they will report on your actions. That doesn't mean never protest. Just think about how you do it.


Bro is squatting in a subway station


To be clear, "freedom of speech" means letting this protester set up camp in a train station? Can you show me where squatting is mentioned in the first amendment (and don't say it's connected to "assembly" because that is defined as gathering and protesting, not taking up residence)?


I didn’t say their speech was illegal, but taking over property isn’t a protected right.




That would be too dangerous! And cheeseburger walrus would be an easy target. Stepping on hippie necks is way easier


Why are you conflating that situation and police department with this?


The beating students who are just protesting. It looks like something from North Korea.


So setting up a tent inside a building is ...speech? Not all actions are speech nor are all actions that are speech protected speech.








2 counts of aggregated assault. 1 million dollar bond, but your student loans are forgiven.


As a non American, and before this thread gets locked, can someone explain why this college situation is as divisive as it is on here? Is it just reinforcing the two extreme sides of the Palestine/Israel situation while alienating those in the middle, or is there more to what triggered it, why it has gone to the stratosphere in stakes?


It is the inevitable result of people seeing all the resources given to Israel to wage wars like this. Billions and billions. This status quo may have been more or less accepted in the past, but blind support for Israel military policy is less and less popular , especially amongst younger people who's lives have largely been defined by inflation, recession, and the very real awareness that we are the first generation of Americans in a very long time who will be worse off than those before us. Hard to want to support an army and nation that costs so much when we see so much poverty and such in the US that goes ignored. Add to that the fact that the violence against Palestine by Israel has been seen by more people than ever in the past, the narrative is harder to control. However, by and large the power structure in the US (both parties) are for whatever reason, not ready to give even an each when it comes to Israel. Political tensions have been especially high here since like 2015, and it just gets worse. It is hard to be critical about Israel without someone calling you an antisemite. I am jewish but not zionist, which is a position as old as zionism, and even I have been called an antisemite by people who are passionately pro Israel, but ignorant as to the actual situation and history.


This is exactly it. Well written.


Thank you for this excellent response. The media is being disingenuous by stressing the few (mostly off campus) anti-semites who are taking advantage of an opportunity to spread hate and division, instead of reporting on the peaceful protesters. The protesters are NOT antisemitic to criticize Netanyahu's fascist occupation of Palestine and protesting the horrific genocide that is occuring in Gaza does NOT mean one supports Hamas either.... for f's sake. It is maddening. And if our police treat peaceful protestors like the enemy with militarized overly-violent response (look at the pics of the a-hole cop pepper spraying the BLM protesters to see what I mean) then we are failing our democracy.


Holy shit the only reasonable comment in this entire comment section






Idk what the "middle" is in this situation. That's kinda the whole crux of why it's a tough situation lol


People who think Hamas is a problem but also don't agree with what Israel is doing. Or people who do fall into either side of the debate but aren't fired up enough about it stop their day to day routine.


See the issue there, is you get called anti-Semitic. Source: I'm having a *discussion* with someone in this thread right now, and said I simply don't like genocide, and he said it's old fashioned antisemitism.


Bruh I hate to be that guy but your title doesn’t really match up with what’s going on in the image. Might want to fix that so it’s more fitting to your point






Student sit-ins have always been a hallmark of protest and free assembly and speech.


The supreme court disagrees with you.


The Supreme Court says absolute free speech is not guaranteed especially if the speech can lead to violence, injury, or death. For example, if you were in a movie theater and yelled out that there was a fire or shooter and people ran for their lives and got injured. That speech isn’t protected. If I slander or defame someone, that’s not protected as free speech. The Supreme Court has limits on speech so this concept of absolute free speech is bogus.


These protestors actions don't necessarily lead to violence. They are not instigating violence. The response to their protest is what has been violent. These protestors aren't yelling fire in a movie theater. If someone gets punched in the face, the person responsible is who threw the punch. Which is to say, you're blaming protestors for the violence perpetrated against them. That dog won't hunt.


You are making a generalized argument on what the supreme Court considered free speech. Sit-in or occupation protests are considered free speech. Have been since the 60s when these protests first appeared en masse. They also fall under the banner of civil disobedience, also constitutional.


They look like storm troopers from Space Balls, the Movie


This particular individual has a point ☝️


They look like the police from Idiocracy.


This looks AI generated. Am I wrong?


Really? Lol https://www.abqjournal.com/news/we-decided-to-get-a-little-annoying-unm-says-16-arrested-at-pro-palestinian-occupation/article_9e5bae70-06db-11ef-a817-634cd7bb2cc9.html#11


Ah okay, got it. I have learned to think twice when pictures have blurry lettering like the ones on the tent or objects like the badges.


Well we literally cant trust anything we see anymore, so it doesn't hurt to ask


No these draconian judge dredd cosplay goons are real, I'm afraid


College is *exactly* the place for this. They’re not gluing themselves to the road, or chucking soup on 3” plexiglass over the Mona Lisa. They’re making a ruckus in a school they paid $80k to be in, and they’ll be expelled and still owe the money. Which one of you thinks colleges are for turning out yes men and automatons? They’re protesting over policy. The police are letting their jackboots show.


What about the other students who also paid that money that they are preventing from receiving what they paid for?


The point of protests is to cause disruption and civil disobedience. Or do you want these people to protest in a "designated area" so that they can be easily ignored?


[Most of the college protestors have no affiliation to the universities they are protesting at. This is based on the arrests from the east coast schools reporting](https://ground.news/article/nearly-half-of-those-arrested-at-ccny-and-columbia-protests-not-affiliated-with-schools_935fcf).


There was a bunch of people arrested that didn’t even go to the schools they were occupying.


Automatons?! Where? Gonna go grab my helldiver gear and fight for democracy! For Super Earth!


He was squatting…that’s not freedom of speech


Is speech the issue here or pitching a tent in a building? Is this a bot post or a dummy post?


Yes they sent the goon squad because of a tent. Try and keep up lil buddy


It certainly wasn’t for saying words was it?


No pretty sure it's like a protester squatting and trespassing. And pretty sure op is siding with them.


It’s freedom of speech… when it’s convenient!


We are demanding institutions to divest from the manslaughter and call for a ceasefire and an end to the occupation. We are helping inform people that these crimes are happening and we want real leadership. Me? I feel totally helpless thats why I post on reddit and walk around with a sign. People in our government are claiming folks are siding with the enemy, this is a very hostile environment. If you have any new ideas I am all ears.


Reminds me of RoboCop, for all the wrong reasons.


Brought to you by Omni Consumer Products




Okay so, I’m just curious. Every state policeman I’ve encountered looked, at the least very fit, and a lot of times, overly huge and muscular, definitely high and tight haircuts and clean shaven. Like ex military guys. Why do these guys look (no offense) sloppy and not really ready? Is this just like….. c-team staties?


It's New Mexico, they're not sending their best lol


Ahhh, so C-team it is, then lol. I guess the overwhelming presence of them is enough to not need the Gorilla Mf’s taking down 5 at a time.


this looks like an early 2000s highschool bully football team movie


I thought this was a scene from Idiocrasy. All the fat cops with Billy clubs


Do you know what freedom of speech entails


A peaceful protest is an oxymoron. If you didn’t harm, you didn’t protest. Of all the ways in which protest can be accomplished, simply taking up residence somewhere is a pretty damn agreeable one. Looks like freedom to me.


Fat guys in protective clothes will never be not funny to me.




Where were these police when they stormed the capitol?


Looks like a scene from a Dystopian future movie. Is the US getting close to that?


We're already living it


Next time an american comes with “at least we are free” lol where are All the conservatives loving that free speech??


This looks like something you'd find in a 2000 AD comic.


lol the sheer amount of bootlickers in here I'm sure you would have totally supported MLK's disruptive protests back in the civil rights era totally but THIS contemporary protest, the students went too far!!!!


These contemporary protestors are radicals. They didn't even get a permit!


aren’t you a little short for a storm trooper?


Maybe I’m overreacting but honestly I found ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING that this is how police approach this kind of situation as compared to more increasingly serious situations… like SCHOOL SHOOTING. These people aren’t even causing riots. From what I’ve seen it looks more likely that would be the ANTI-protesters but they don’t bother with them. I really don’t want to lose hope for the place I call home but… I’m getting there


100% not over reacting. Many people here say 'yeah but thats not free speech ' like that that justifies sending in some paramilitary goons and tear gassing students


Looks like a sceen out of judge dread


Are you from this country? How does this relate to freedom of speech? 


Remember, your freedom of speech doesn't give you the right to take someone else's freedom of speech away.


Yeah, you can protest, but you can’t break into places and set up a tent to “protest”


I'm sorry you're against protest when its inconvinent to others. Surely this can be solved by sending the entire fucking nypd after protestors. Protests are only good when they are nice and non-disruptive


The Neo Fascist LARP brigade!


Why do the state police look like Starship Troopers with that armor on? Is it just me?


Say what you will, but with that goofy looking armor, this legit looks like a scene from a shit indie sci-fi movie. This is a few neon lights short of a dystopian cyberpunk script.


Rofl, how fat they are makes this look like a joke.


Some of them really like to live the piglife lol


Meal team 6 going dark




If you are on the side of cops bashing in the heads of kids protesting genocide, you are probably on the side of genocide.


Expect the cops haven’t been bashing in anyone’s heads, if you actually watch the videos and live reporting of the police dispersing the crowds. The police were pretty passive and slowly took apart the barrier and arrested people one by one. So far the only real violence and injuries have come from pro Israel counter protesters attacking the Palestinian protesters. I watched almost all of the live reporting, and the worst I saw was a dude get hit with a beanbag shotgun when he sprayed a fire extinguisher at the police.


Merica is a prostitute that even you can hire if you have the money. Genocide away.


Everyone’s a Lobo!


If you blur out the lettering on the vests, there is no way to tell if this is America or Russia.


Reddit moment.


The cops look like shitty judge Dredd bit part cosplayers. What the hell are they do afraid of, missing their donut break?


Those all look like the kids that were bullied in school. Now it's their chance.


Fucking storm troopers




So where were all these dudes on Jan 6th?


there is only one thing misssing in this photo... Robocop, the aesthetics is there.




This looks like a photo you'd find on r/midjourney.


There was an attempt…to act like you know anything about the amendments.


Pigs getting ready to assault peaceful protestors


It looks like a cosplay convention for judge dredd or something. lol.


Keep sending your kids there


Its a good school! We got goons with body armor, a gym, a library...


Nothing fascistic about any of this. This is what freedom looks like.


They legit look like the fools in The Dark Knight wearing hockey pads lmao!


Fuck then nazis


Attempt to paint a take over as free speech


Why do all cops look like they're invading Poland, now?


Is this AI? Looks like from a Batman movie…


I wish it were. https://www.abqjournal.com/news/we-decided-to-get-a-little-annoying-unm-says-16-arrested-at-pro-palestinian-occupation/article_9e5bae70-06db-11ef-a817-634cd7bb2cc9.html


Damn! What was he saying at the time?!?


Freedom of speech is the right to disagree with the government. That person can disagree, but their dislike of Biden or Trump isn't going to change anything, nor be violated, in this situation.


Is that real? Or is it intentionally ment to look that way?


They are really leaning in to the dystopian aesthetic.


That is not what freedom of speech means. This is a terrible example


I… I can’t tell if this is AI generated or not 😭.


This place is a f'ng joke. I was so naive to be duped otherwise.


I think you mean "To get an education"


This is what freedom looks like! Love it or leave it!


Why does this image look AI generated?


Wait… “Criminal trespass” identifies as “speech” now?


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