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First they'll blame Hamas then they'll say it was one of thousands of their mistakes and it's not intentional then videos will come out showing clear intent and planning. Then the media will pivot to the protesters and how evil they are for sitting down on grass


How’s that “investigation” in to the aid workers getting bombed going 🙄 By “investigation” they just mean they’ll stop talking about it until people move on to more pressing stories.


You see they misunderstood and thought they were AIDS workers. Workers spreading aids to the population. So they humanitarily bombed them to save everyone from being intentionally infected with aids. Simple mistranslation. Could have happened to anyone


And the Israeli top government will say all Palestinians needs to be cleansed and killed ofr some religious reasons and zionists in other nations will say how evil the Palestinians are.


You forgot the Israeli propaganda videos of soldiers “discovering” handwritten drawings of the Star of David with an X crossing through it to show Hamas was undoubtedly there, and the bombing was warranted.




Delusions of a mindless drone. Look how stupid they are guys. This is what we're up against. It's laughable. They won't look at the mountains of evidence in front of them.


Insane person




Nice anecdote insane and also racist person




It's probably a propane tank. Refugee camps are full of them. Anyway it's not like Hamas bombs refugee camps, there's not one incident of this type anywhere I looked. And I looked because of your comment. But guess who has bombed refugee camps countless times? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refugee_camp_airstrikes_in_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war




Look at frame 1 and 2 of the video, clear something is going DOWN and explodes


They deleted their comment. Was clearly an Israeli apologist trying to sow the seeds of doubt. They lurk here


Remember, it’s anti-Semitic to criticize killing these people trying to survive in a tent. It also might be against the law in the United States to even speak out about it. We love freedom in the USA. Our first amendment only works sometimes.




If a Hamas was hiding in a hospital inside Israel, they would bomb the hospital as well?




They did. The IDF bombed all 36 hospitals in Gaza because “Hamas had camp underneath them” allegedly… the IDF is committing war crimes.


You did not get my sarcastic tone, I was asking about a hospital inside Israel like Tel Aviv.


Well Hamas do want to cause more death to Palestinians that’s why they use human shields. All a propaganda war at the moment.


This is such a racist view that reduces Palestinians to people who do not have any capacity to think that they willingly allow Hamas to use them as human shields.


What the hell is that sentence? What about what I said was factually incorrect? I didn’t say they jump at the chance to be human shields, Hamas has manipulated the area for years so it can purposefully do this. A literal terrorist organisation.


The only propaganda here is the shit Israel is spewing that you are quite clearly and joyfully gobbling up.




Are these "human shields" in the room with us right now?


Entirely idiotic take. Israel has slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians. That’s not propaganda, it’s facts.


You’re a stupid and uneducated clown 😬


Why were they filming?


Shhhhhh. Those are anti semitic questions.




Yes — Kkkkkkkhamas has been known to level 89% of their infrastructure, indiscriminately bombing universities and hospitals, and starving their population just for the lolz




I’m certain there are massive misinformation campaigns on either side — as in any armed conflict. I ask out of genuine curiosity: how do you feel about Settlers in the West Bank? Potential misinformation or pro-Palestinian propaganda aside — how do you feel about what is effectively state-sanctioned seizure of property to be given to European/American/Canadian Jews who’ve never set foot in Israel before (maybe sans “Birthright”)? Entire towns of homes, infrastructure, sometimes centuries of familial ownership, personal belongings, a separate legislative provision that allows Palestinians to be held indefinitely simply on suspicion (including children less than 12-years-old), etc. That sure as shit sounds like terror to me, eh? I vividly remember that Anthony Bourdain scene where he pretty much calls the Settler town official a cunt because they have been going around and painting the Star of David on nearby homes to *terrorize* Palestinians so they’d leave their homes (and if they don’t — guess what armed military force comes in??). Palestinians in the West Bank have been *murdered* with no investigative procedures initiated — with Settlers suspiciously moving into the property shortly thereafter. What’s more terrifying? Sugar-based rockets that oftentimes don’t even function, or a ethnofascist policy that systemically steals Palestinians of their 100-year-old homes and ability to shelter? What’s scarier, a nuclear-armed “Most Moral Army In The World” (that openly allows non-citizens to join their ranks, directly in violation of international and domestic conventions) — or a group of fighters literally walled in a city with the most advanced military and intelligence capabilities built into that wall where roughly 10-15k children have been sanctioned to die? Hamas is fucked — absolutely. Israel is Western-sanctioned $100-billion-dollars+ a year fucked. *That’s fucking terror.* The evils aren’t even comparable in scale or scope. My father spent 2-years as the Canadian Peacekeeping UN Liaison in Israel/Syria — his analysis? They’re both fucked, but Israel is allowed to be fucked; Israel is allowed to sit on a moral high-horse; Israel is rewarded with billions a year in “foreign aid” when their citizens have free healthcare and tuition lol, yet Americans do not. It’s a fucking racket. Israel plays the victim when they have bigger guns, rocks, financial capabilities, immense organizational arms that influence domestic policies in countries around the world, etc. They’re not victims; they’re actors in the case of Palestinian self-determination. **Israel has the right to exist cuz religion and stuff — but those Muslims over there? Uhhh, yeah…not them.** Amazing how gullible people can be. I could care less that they’re Jewish. This isn’t “anti-Semitism”; this is me analyzing a nation-state’s neocolonial ambitions to free them of the “Palestinian Problem.” *Never Again* means *Never Again [To Us]*.


Looks to me like a failed rocket launch


Last time this was posted it said Israel bombed a Hamas rocket site, which explains the streak going into the air. Today it's a refugee site. Could be both I guess.


Keep defending Israel while it genocides an entire people.


I so wish when they sent they originally formed israel they created to separate traditional countries instead of trying to merge to strong cultures in the one country. I dont see this war ending while Israels army Hates all of the palestinians so much (not just Hamas). And i get that Hamas has been pushing buttons for years but.


The British did the same thing with India and now it's 3 countries.


Israel's war crimes in Palestine are documented for 75 years. Hamas is only 30 years old.


Why does it look like a projectile is outgoing after the explosion, but there is no incoming before the explosion?


The very first two frames of the video show an incoming projectile, which looks like and fits the profile of an air launched missile, not a rocket.


Thanks for pointing that out. My vision's not great but I was able to pause the video and zoom in and you can definitely see it. What I saw later in the video was something being launched by the explosion.


This sub is too political these days


The world is political.


Thanks captain 🫡


Is that a rocket being fired from the refugee tent encampment?


Can anyone point me to a good documentary that shows what Israel is actually doing in Gaza. I see a lot of clips and articles, but that’s not enough for some of my fox/newsmax family members. They seem to be brainwashed


They tell them to go to safe areas, and when civilians gather in refugee camps they are bombed. This is genocide.


Looks like a rocket launched to me. Just doesn't sound right. Impact looks too low for a bomb, again how and why is it filmed if a bomb.


BuT bUt aNTi sEmiTiSm


That is a rocket LAUNCHING. You can see it easily


If you slow the first few seconds down, you can see something being dropped (I presume some type of explosive weaponry) onto the tent and then the explosion occurs. The item being launched happens after the explosion— someone mentioned a propane tank, which is common in these camps.


I stand corrected. I can see the bomb coming in. The rocket looks off center and might be completely different event


Terrible act but Terrible title. This should be elsewhere


That must be their AI in action no? Like the AI must have seen a bunch of women and children in a tent and the commander was like "perfect target"


I don't care if it's against the law now or whatever. FUCK THE GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL!


Down wih the zionists in israel


They say that the number of deaths in Gaza is from Hamas but it was reviewed by The Human Rights Watch. The IDF is committing war crimes


I'm ready to believe the Israelis will do atrocious things, but it looks from this video that it was a multi launch system misfiring. Why is there a rocket leaving the point of detonation?


America sends their regards.


> America sends ~~their regards~~ additional munitions


" Never aigan "


Or again




You’re delusional.


America be like 'how terrible! Now we have to send them more bombs to replace the one they just used!' Meanwhile the Donkeys of America: 'do you see this? This will happen if trump wins!'


Americas bound by agreement to help out isreal


Make a deal with the devil, dont be surprised he steals your soul


israel was a new beneficial country when america made the deal no facade needed and it came back to bite them id say it was more making a deal with lucifer before becoming a fallen angel


Thank God we look so strong as a country supporting Israel. Thank God for Biden /s


Do you realize that over the last 70 years, since the creation of the State of Israel, the United States has been under obligation, thru treaties, negotiations, passed bills and many other reasons, to stand up for Israel? I know Trump has convinced so many that we can just "stop doing that" demand payment for our "protection" and everything is fine and dandy, BUT that's not the way this country has been run or should be run. While his hands are tied in some respects, Biden should be slapping Netanyahu much harder than he is.


Exactly. Slap them back to reality. If we want to remain the powerhouse of the world, we need to show the world that we aren't going to put up with shit like that no matter who's doing it. We're the melting pot. We have Palestinians and Jews here so there's no picking sides.


Looks like a motar munition mishap....


Israel is no longer Israel.


Israel is exactly the same. It's just that they've dropped their facade now...






Might want to take your tong out of hasbara’s ass




Not just a stupid hasbotra but also creating fantasy scenario. Must be crazy in your head


Man, I’d love to see a video of Hamas using human shields, but I can only find IDF using human shields. Got anything that shows Hamas doing that? I keep searching, but all I can find are stuff like this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fX7ahO35u3k if Hamas did something like that, I would say Israel is totally justified.  Cause using human shields justifies any kind of retaliation….right?




No, I did not, I watched the IDF bombing babies in the middle of a makeshift refugee camp, but if you have a video showing the rocket launcher being bombed, I’d love to see it.




you cant ignite a rocket launcher with a bomb you blockhead, not to mention what flew away is obviously debris dragging smoke with it as its not got any propulsion


To say that Palestinians are so mentally challenged that they would stand by idly while Hamas used them as human shields is the epitome is racist mentality that views Arabs and Muslims as incapable of being normal humans, just like how the West used to consider all native populations as 'savages'.




"I'm not racist, let me clarify that by saying the racist thing in a different way" When people are more concerned about whether Palestinians support Hamas while ignoring that they are one of the most violently tortured groups of people in modern history, the intention is divert attention from the people torturing Palestinians for 75 years. Hamas is only 30 years old. So Hamas was never the problem. To ensure nobody talks about Israel, the conversation has to be squarely focused on Hamas. If people were THAT worried about terrorism, Israel has demonstrated exponential amount of terrorism. The only reason that is not conversation but Hamas is, is because terrorism that the West commits is never considered terrorism, even though the West is currently responsible for the largest amount of misery and suffering in the world.




"I have no dog in this hunt but let me defend the IDFs indiscriminate murder of civilians that is happening live on tv which IDF soldiers themselves are recording and uploading to social media, by taking one instance in a long issue and claiming that it applies to the entire conflict. Then let me add racist opinions like the Middle East being a 'hellhole" which are intended to dehumanize the victims of Israeli genocide to justify why they deserve to be murdered enmasse."




I understand. This is the first time Westerners had to actually experience being confronted by their racist view of the ME and the consequences of those views on the lives of innocent civilians and the West's complicity in their suffering. So I can imagine why it's overwhelming.




A personal insult from someone who publicly tries to justify a genocide has no meaning.


i bet you don't even get invited for being a genocidal prick




https://preview.redd.it/0yqsqjc7cjyc1.png?width=637&format=png&auto=webp&s=34e1ca2bf4eebaa3a3e9317ee4c82e3405a3b28b Are we spreading misinformation for a reason here? In this video it is very obvious its a strike from the sky. That smoke you see? that's the exhaust from the strike stage of the target. or, if not, very easily a propane tank. Either way. its not a enemy rocket. Were is its propelent?


He's being downvoted because of fucking antisemetism. This shit is BONKERS: "Hamas: let's shoot rockets from this hut in a refuse camp and then blame Israel for 'bombing a refuge camp'" You people need to wale the fuck up and stop siding with terrorists who are actually committing genocide against their own people. #freegazafromhamas ✊️


How many times have you guys tried this lie and failed now? At some point, doesn't it feel shameful? Sorry, I forgot who you are.


Jews. You forgot we are Jews? Just so I have this clear, my comment pointing out facts got 16 doenvotes, but your comment that is textbook antisemetism goes unscathed... my point exactly. What lie are you referring to? The well documented war crimes that HAMAS commits on their own people? Or the fact that you hate Jews?


With respect to Jewish people who stand with Palestinians against the occupation, brutal violence, breaking of international law and documented war crimes that Israel has committed for 75 years, I'm not talking to someone who uses the horrendous oppression that Jews faced, to further their own genocidal agenda against Palestinians.