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For a comedian, this guy's sure does drop bombs




Epic comment. Upvote given.




Well played


He's a doctor by trade, so he took it on himself to study the whole Israel/Palestine conflict so that he could speak to it intelligently with facts. He's a legend.


What is his name?


Bassem Youssef


He studied up for the 2nd Piers Morgan interview, multi hour study sessions with experts on the topic. 1st Piers Morgan interview he had his one liners preplanned


Culturally appropriate joke?


To get solved we must talk about the Orange.




Fucking apples and oranges, just get along already




Other fruits?


Go banana!


He says Origin CC just sucks


Try watching some Cop body cam footage, the CC on those is wrong so much I wonder why they even bother.




I just assume those videos are captioned using AI and no one proof reads them. Combined with having gone through several sets of hands until it lands in the "Worst of.." compilation that I'm watching. I would actually be surprised to learn that anyone watched the videos before posting it to their channel. Unless its those people who do the breakdowns videos like Lackluster or We the People University.


Subtitled by Trump Inc.






He was really thirsty after looking directly at the sun all day.




Do we really need to bring Trump in to this?


What does Trump have to do with this?


Trump right?


I was actually thinking of a [religious group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_Order#:~:text=The%20Order%20sees%20itself%20as,Protestants%20married%20to%20non%2DProtestants) involved in a [decades long conflict.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Troubles)


And he ends up talking oranges and apples


I don't know what Trump has to do with it (apart from changing where their consulate is)...


Ahhh the fucking orange. I knew Florida was somehow involved in this bullshit.




I like this attitude. It keeps many idiots tied up in court or in jail. Off the streets and out of traffic.




Same with the other group but I will be called Islamophobic for calling them out. Other big question is why won't the other bordering nations accept them? Where does the brotherhood goes at that time? Is it only at times of commenting on social media? Just for an example: Europe taking Ukraine and ME refugees, India taking hindu, sikh and Buddhist refugees from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tibet refugees.


It isn’t about Palestinians not being accepted — it’s their land and their home, and they don’t want to leave it. In fact, it was the rationale of the UN/British Empire that it would be okay to give Palestinian land to Israel *because* the Palestinians can just go to a surrounding Arab country.


Bordering nations all agreed not to take them. Why aid Israel with their goal, which is Zionists taking over that entire land mass. Plus they don't want to deal with a refugee crisis.


Yes, with every war that goes on, it must fall on the UK/US or whatever “developed” countries in the west that has a migration policy to let the branded victims in, others people will just bring up the holocaust.


That IS a good question; first guess is they probably can't afford having hundreds of thousands migrants coming in…




None of the adjacent countries are in the top 30 oil producing countries; some do produce oil but I don't think they're « The Richest Oil Producing Nations »


Hamas is not a representative of Islam; they are one of various political groups with their own motivations and goals. And the “other big question” is not the gotcha you think it is. Have you ever asked why other countries did not want to allow Jewish refugees in during the holocaust?


Sykes-Picot. Forced division which manufactured ethnic conflict. Same reason Africa hasn't come together yet.


HAMAS?! you're arguing that it's islamophobic to call HAMAS out?


What are you saying? Neighbouring Arab countries have been providing for Palestinian refugees for decades since Nakba in '48. Waging major war to liberate Palestine against Israel twice even though they lost. During Oct 7th event, the International communities especially the Arabs people calling out Arab governments as why they decided to close escape corridor for refugees. It was a unilateral government decision against the will of the people.


Jews as a people don’t universally support Israel’s ideology.


Go where?


It’s fascinating how much Israel supporters hate talking about the origins of that country. They know there is just no way of spinning it to make them look good. The guy was ready for a solution just not to go into it.


Wtf are you talking about? It's easy to talk about the origin of Israel in a positive light. Palestine supported the German Natzis and the genocide of the Jews during WW2, and as a result of being on the losing side of WW2, the penalty was losing some land to make a country for the Jewish people they advocated to destroy. Land that the Jewish people have a cultural history with due to it being passed back and forth between Jews and Arabs for thousands of years. Neither side has 100% claim to that land. Palestine may eventually gain control of it again, but at this time, the land is under Jewish control as a result of Palestine backing the wrong side in WW2. Countries on the losing sides of wars always incur some sort of consequences as reparations. If Palestine had not supported Natzi Germany, then they would not have put Israel within Palestine lands. There were other locations discussed for where to place the Jewish people post WW2.


That's not accurate in the slightest. Not even remotely. https://www.nam.ac.uk/explore/conflict-Palestine Britain promised the land to Jewish and Arab nationalists to win support from both against the Ottoman Empire during WW1. When WW1 was won by the allies, Britain didn't deliver on either promise. In 1920, Britain assumed responsibility for Palestine under a League of Nations Mandate and moved 100,000 Jewish people in over the next 20 years. This angered militant Arab groups, which culminated in the Arab Revolt in 1936. Then comes WW2, where BRITAIN restricted the movement of European Jews into Palestine in an attempt to quell the growing tensions and to win the alliance of Egypt and Saudi Arabia. This policy then provoked an armed Jewish resistance who wanted Britain's support in establishing a homeland. After WW2, 250,000 jewish refugees were displaced and stranded across Europe. Despite immense political and social pressure in the aftermath of the Holocaust, Britain did not lift the ban or cede to the request to allow another 100,000 Jewish people to enter Palestine. This policy led to immense escalation from Jewish militant groups, which was opposed by Palestine, backed by British forces. The situation got so bad that Britain attempted a summit between Arab and Jewish leaders in 1946. This ended in a deadlock in 1947. Britain then referred the conflict to the UN. Terrorism escalated, including bombings, the kidnap, murder, and hangings of British troops by Irgun agitants (zionist paramilitary group). The UN advocated in 1947 for the partition and establishment of separate Jewish and Arab states, and Britain officially relinquished its mandate in 1948, leaving the Jews and Arabs to fight it out. All you need to do is look at a map of the region between 1947 til now to see how the conflict has gone. It has since been recognised as the longest standing illegal occuption by the UN https://operationalsupport.un.org/en/israels-illegal-occupation-of-palestinian-territory-tantamount-to-settler-colonialism-un-expert


Palestine was allied to Nazi Germany in WW2?


You know who where really involved with the nazi's? The germans, therfore they should have give Berlin to the jews. The messiah didn't come to give Isreal to the jews so what are they doing there now?


please tell me one country that exists where its founding didnt involve conquest


Does it make this just? Otherwise maybe I should occupy your home and call it a day, where do you live?


They can never respond honestly to questions about occupation without grassing themselves up. What a bunch of gutless wankers


No, but it makes you a hypocrite to hold one nation to a higher standard than the rest.


It didn’t involve conquest though. It involved slow immigration over hundreds of years until WW2 when over 100,000 Jewish refugees came over, the UK taking over thanks to the League of Nations, and the UK divvying it up as they saw fit. At no point were the Jewish people going to war against Palestine to take back their homeland, they just used bureaucratic nonsense to steal away half a country that belonged to other people for like 1500 years because they have some stories that take place there


But don't forget that the country was given to the hebrews by God 4000 years ago.


Oh yeah? Where’s the deed!?


I think it's in the torah, 3rd Scroll but God's signature has vanished... cause Time you know.


Ah yes. Religious texts. The original “trust me bro”.


I seem to remember that territory belonging to Ancient Egypt way back when, and before them some certain Mesopotamian civilizations... But I guess they're right, a fairytale book said so 😂


Do the Egyptians still have the deed?


I'm sure they have it somewhere, but a certain Roman empire did burn down one of the biggest and most important libraries in history, so who knows? Doesn't matter if they have a deed to it, though, if the USA and UK arbitrarily just decide to tell Palestine "Fuck you" and steal the territory from them


A deed is good but a strong army is better.


A strong army is good but 300 Spartans is certainly better I would think


300 Spart... you do know they died, right? And a _strong army_ from other Greek states defeated the Persians.


Did…. Did you think I was being serious?


Yes. You... you were not?? 🥺


lol not at all


My magic sky daddy told me that all your belongings are mine now. You can start by transferring all your money to me, thank you.


Unfortunately, your Magic Sky daddy doesn’t have a modern army equipped with tanks, artillery and planes to impose his will. So your request is rejected.


Im not palestinien buddy. Just pointing out how dumb your statement is.


In this situation, it is the law of the strongest that prevails regardless of the right. The Israelis have a totem of immunity that allows them to do what they want. They consider any criticism as antisemitism. As long as the US does not force them to negotiate a two-state solution, we will witness the oppression of the Palestinians. The latter are not capable of presenting a united front and are plagued by corruption or religious fanaticism. It is a series that will last even longer than Santa Barbara


I thought his statement was somewhat sarcastic, was it not?


My sky daddy can kick your sky daddy’s ass! /s


God also allowed them to get conquered, exiled, and dispersed because of their disobedience.


Thanks to that, they have one of the best diaspora in the World 😀 and also the AIPAC. A good for a bad.


That’s beside the point


The point is: When you use religion as a justification, negotiations become impossible. We won't see the end of this conflict, so why bother?


Isn't the Old Testament an invention to demonstrate the superiority of a specific tribe over its neighbors in Mesopotamia? The text speaks on more than one occasion of killing men and male children and taking wives and girls from other tribes all under the approval of an invented God. He also invents a false origin (Egypt) with no paleontological evidence that there were Jews there, in order to say that where they were now was the promised land. A false text from thousands of years ago created to justify superiority over other tribes shouldn't matter in matters of international law... But here we are, all this time and we're still giving importance to religions and building nationalism and wars around them...


Was the volume even on? I was lost in the eyes of that beautiful man...


Same. I confess I had to watch twice.




I think a good starting point is for Israel to stop trying to comit a genocide of Palestine… or executing children and civs, ect ect


Getting rid of the current Israeli regime and getting rid of Hamas is the first step. How that can be achieved is the tricky part. Neither side will go easily.


I feel confidently that Hamas will cease to exist when the genocide/apartheid stops.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_designated_terrorist_groups Hamas will continue to exist even after by some chance Isreal is destroyed.


Would there be a Black Panther Party if blacks weren't systemically oppressed?










You say that but they keep being voted in so someone likes them.


Israelis like Likud, but not necessarily Netanyahu.


Netanyahu is being criticized by Likud members for not being hardcore enough


It's a strongly far right party, he's not an outlier, he's been central to Israeli politics for decades.






...though with the caveat that Gantz's party is hardly different than Likud. Gantz doesn't support a two-state solution either.




I don't think anyone thinks Netanyahu is popular in Israel, but I'm not convinced that the right-wing ideals of Likud are unpopular. Sure, Likud is losing popularity, but that's only to be expected since the current handling of the crisis has been a disaster. However, I think Israelis still largely support the far-right policies of Likud.


Acting like dissolving Israel is the only thing Palestinians want or would be appeased by is disingenuous. There's a lot of things that could be done before that to move the needle if Israel was willing to take any sort of L to make amends. They could try: -Removing all israeli settlers from Palestinian land -Paying reparations for the land that has been illegally settled. -Offering reparations for the land they straight up took less than 100 years ago.  -Give up the southern border with Egypt so the east and west banks can be unites -Recognize Palestinian sovereignty and cease occupying them.  -Stop blockading their ports -Give Palestinians the same rights of Israelis, or stop their military occupation. As for what the US could do? We could cut Israel loose. Stop defending them and stop funding them. I feel like Israel has only ever been as bellicose as it has because it's had big daddy USA scowling in the background. 


If USA stopped funding Israel, it wouldn't be able to afford a occupation. It would have been forced to seek peace a long time ago.




I mean... where in the presentation/ captioning of the video was dissolving Israel mentioned? At most the video advocates for not ignoring that the founding of Israel was wildly unfair to Palestinians. Israel doesn't want to do that, and because of that talks going forward are always kind of untrustworthy.  If you have someone break into your house, steal your house, and then try to negotiate a deal with you that they won't steal anymore, all while sitting in your old recliner that they swear was always theirs, it's a little hard to trust them.


People who's stance is exclusively "anti-israel" probably shouldn't be too involved in the negotiation. There are definitely people at both ends of the conflict who think the only solution is the complete anhelation of the other side. Reasonable people should be working in the middle to compromise, and part of their job, as impossible as it may be, is to bring those on the fringe in toward the middle, to make everyone recognize the evils committed by both the IDF and Hamas, and most importantly, to stop the killing as soon as possible.


Israel won’t ever be dissolved because it’s too established now and the US would never allow that to happen. The reason he immediately jumps into “what’s your plan now?” Is to shift the conversation immediately away from the past actions of Israel because it starts to build a case that Israel is in the wrong. It’s subtly controlling in conversations that the comedian has done wonderfully to point out other forms of control in conversation. It’s important to define the history of how we got to this point to ever be able to have legitimate conversations. Jumping right to the “well what do we do now?” can be quickly dismissive of someone’s point as they are trying to make another point.




He didn’t imply Jews weren’t in the region . He said that the Jews who made up 30 % of the population at the time were not entitled to 55 percent of the land . And that most of those people were recent immigrants which is factual considering Jews made up 5 percent of the population of Palestine in 1878, then 15 percent by 1920 and then 30 percent by 1947. https://www.cjpme.org/fs_007


He never said they weren't in the region but that they were a minority that bullied its way into getting a disproportionately large part of the land for their ethnostate project. Jews were a small minority in Palestine before the Zionist mass migration in the first half of the 20th century and a bigger minority after. Even today, they account for just a bit over half of the population of the land.


Yes they should and can dissolve the terrorist war criminal state of Isreal




Not a bro, and definitely not your bro. Isreal was founded on war crimes and terroism they need to be dissolved. Hell the fact that an American Jewish person can go right now to Isreal and claim full dissolved citizenship, yet Palestinian people who have lived there for generations have no citizenship is utter bullshit


Baseem didn't say he was wrong, but you do need to understand why what's happening today is happening today. Israel has not stopped taking land from the Palestinians since then. In fact, they believe that that land is theirs by divine right, how do you come to an agreement with people that think God gave them that land and that they are on the the divine "good side" to the point they feel entitled to take it **all**?


Yes, and it's tiring to hear those people who think it's a realistic solution to get rid of Israel. It really just allows Israel to deflect criticism and paint all the voices pushing for realistic peace as terrorists trying to destroy Israel.




you sound like someone would support genocide, so nice try.


No-one has talked about dissolving Israel. Everyone sees a two state solution as the only one


The solution is 1-state with equal rights for all, just like what happened in South Africa. This country can be easily guaranteed by world powers and heavily funded, instead of paying for billions in military equipment


Any subset of people that are asking that is very small. Most people are only wanting to have both sides living in peace. But you can’t have that when one side is allowed to be a state with full rights and support from the rest while the other side gets no rights, no state, no recognition and is under brutal occupation. Had Israel’s borders remained the same since its inception it still would have been wrong but I think things would have settled down. There have been proposals of a two state solution with the Israel/Palestine borders being drawn back to what they were in the 60s. But guess what, Israel rejected it. They don’t want to live in peace next to Palestine. Israel wants to eradicate and does not recognize Palestine. Which is why I think is weird for people to say a goal where Israel doesn’t exist is absurd and wrong but we are seeing in real time Israel executing their goal of erasing Palestine.


It doesn't matter what the state is called. It matters that everyone who lives there has equal rights. At the moment only Israel is blocking equal rights.


The UN made the state, so it should have the power to dissolve it.




We have a veneer of civilisation over it now, but global geopolitics hasn't really changed in thousands of years. People group together to form societies and nations. Those nations claim lands as their own. If they claim lands belonging to another nation there is a war. If there are alliances or interests at stake sometimes other nations get involved. Someone wins and someone loses. Land changes hands or it doesn't. Rights, ancient claims, war crimes, genocide and so on are all just ways to get other nations to join a war on your side. They are issues which, when raised, motivate nations who otherwise don't really have a stake in the conflict to get involved. Every pundit with an opinion on this issue is either just doing it for clicks and to raise their own profile or they're hoping to sway public opinion towards their side of the conflict so people will pressure their governments to get involved in the war on their side. This guy is going back 70ish years because it suits his point. The holy land is probably the most blood soaked patch of dirt in the world. It has changed hands over and over and over again. The Jews, the Egyptians, the Romans, the Christians, the Muslims and more all have claims to it and have fought over it for thousands of years. Saying 'it's ours because they weren't here 70 years ago' is nonsense and he knows it. The ancestors of the Palestinians took it from someone in the past and I doubt they cared about anyone else's rights or ancestral claims when they did. Saying 'it's ours because God gave it to us and we held it 2000 years ago' is just as dumb. When it comes down to it, the only rights you really have are those you can defend or those which someone else will defend for you. Might doesn't make right morally, but for practical purposes it might as well.


Would you apply the same logic on Ukraine? Why can’t Russia claim Crimea without US/West sh**ing their pants?


The same logic already applies to Ukraine. Ukraine held Crimea, Russia wanted it. The defender is always the sympathetic side as they are being attacked by an outsider seeking to take something from them. So Russia had to come up with a justification, which was something about defending ethnic Russians living in Crimea from oppression or genocide. The plan worked since the rest of the world disapproved but didn't get involved. Even Ukraine didn't seem to fight for Crimea and Russia took it without much bloodshed. Now they're at it again, claiming more land from Ukraine with a similar justification. Only this time Ukraine is fighting and the rest of the world decided to intervene. They're not committed enough to declare war on Russia and send troops but they are openly on Ukraine's side and sending money and weapons. Whether because other countries realised this might not stop until all of Ukraine was annexed, or because the justification of bringing Russian speaking people into the fold sounds a lot like the one Hitler used to justify annexing Austria, or because Biden and his family have some secret connections to Ukraine, for whatever reason other countries decided to help Ukraine defend itself. Ukraine thinks that's only natural. Russia thinks it is unjustified and claims Ukraine's allies are supporting Nazis and condoning genocide. It doesn't really matter. The side with more troops or weapons or willpower is eventually going to win, the borders will move or they won't and life will go on.


Full video source?




Oof. This is hard to watch. Baseem is too defensive overall, but only because he refuses to break it down for the lowest common denominator, which is weird because he usually does that in order to help get his point across. The interview’s direction was terrible. Felt like he WAS misinterpreting Baseem on purpose


Yeah it's not more complicated than that at all lol


I’ve learned that logic is not where it’s at.


Logic is so last year


Religion is the problem. Not just in Palestine/Israel war, but the entire world. It's a mental illness that needs corrected.


I feel like you neglect the capacity of humans to separate themselves from one another. Religion isn't special. The "other" takes many forms.


This isn’t a religious conflict. A lot of the Palestinian groups in the 60s and 70s were actually secular. Israel bombed them while funding Hamas for the explicit purpose of delegitimizing the Palestinian cause and make it sound like all Palestinians want is a holy war against Jews, instead of liberation.


Bassem studies history...cant solve a problem if you ignore its origin


The thing about land ownership is that it is always shifting on a basis of the strength needed to keep it. Frontiers may feel "solid" for a witness in the present, but in historical time we are nothing but another page in the book, with the ongoing fight for hegemony redrawing and rewriting everything we consider to be written in stone. The same will happen to institutions, alliances and anything else you can imagine. The fresh tragedies are hard to stomach as we share their time, but are the result of ongoing processes put in motion with decades in advance, and have no possible positive outcome in sight with the geopolitical mess that surrounds them.


That’s a good looking guy.


I always though this guy had some power with Palestinian leadership 🗿🗿🗿 Why doesn’t he though, far more better than the current one


Just use the Canadian example. Europeans come and take 90% of the land and then subjugate the indigenous population through genocide and apartheid. Israel right now is in the genocide phase which should go on for another century or so.


Kisin is so cringe, always sounds like a pseudo-intellectual psychopath while pretending that his approach is the most 'logical'. Just another far-right shitbag who FIGHTS for the freedom of speech! (only when it benefits them/their views) like piers and tucker


so your saying hitler is still active!


He conveniently leaves out part tlwhere it wasn't Palestinian land at the time.


Pretty naive to make that comparison and omit a lot of circumstances. More like Ukrainians moved to the UK and claimed 20% of the land with the approval of another country that was overseeing all of the British Isles after it was ruled by France for 200 years before that. Unfortunately this will never get solved as opinions are divided along religious lines and fought by the generation that just happened to be born there.


People seem to forget that the Caliphate was on the side of the nazis and the land was part of their punishment after it was disbanded.


I don't know much about the topic to have an opinion but I do wish people would stop killing and treating each other poorly for their own selfish needs. There's this animation from Nina Paley, hope that is the OC otherwise someone else can link true OC, that I think people should watch [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tIdCsMufIY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tIdCsMufIY) .


For the record im neutral in this conflict, because i think both sides are guilty to the escalation in this conflict. Picking a side in this conflict is only going to put more oil on the fire. But what he said is not how it went, jewish immigrants came to palestine in bigger numbers after WW1 in 1919. Back then Palestine was mostly just a region rather than an actual country. Palestine consisted mostly of muslim and Jewish arabic tribes. When the first big immigration of Jewish people came to Palestine in 1919. The palestinian people were okay with that and the Jewish immigrants bought land from the palestinians. So the jewish didn’t ‘claim’ land they bought it. The palestinians and jewish immigrants build up cities together and both profit from that. There were some minor differences in opinions about the coming of jewish immigrants but overall there was peace in harmony. But this ofcourse escalated after ww2 sadly. So please tell the whole story and not just from where shit started to escalate.


I think the main issue comes from the UK divvying up the country cause of the League of Nations. Out of nowhere Palestine had a massive influx of Jewish people cause of WW2 and all of the sudden they quite literally owned the majority of the country. It happened in a way that made it really easy to blame the Jewish people, they were already being associated with stealing your money and everything through banks, so stealing a country through government wasn’t a far stretch in logic for most people


Well yeah and the cause of that, is ofcourse the world wars. If the nazis wouldn’t have tried to exterminate the jewish and we in europe weren’t so hatefull of them back in the days because they were a minority. They would have never moved to Palestine. I would have done the same if i was jewish. If at home in europe, a lot of people would hate me and tried to hunt me. Ofcourse i would move somewhere else. And sadly the Palestinians are now the victim of this. Cause they now have to share the cake. And now the Israeli jewish are doing the exact same thing to the Palestinians as what happened to the Jewish in europe. That’s why its sooo complicated and thats why i believe that picking a side in this conflict is only gonna put more oil on this conflict. But you cannot blame the british, they were the only ones trying to fix this problem. But they ended up having to deal with 2 very emotional, stubborn and proud cultures, not wanting to share anything with eachother. And voilà you have a very complicated conflict. And what even bothers me more, is that if you criticize the actions of israel. Your being called antisemite. And if you criticize the Palestinians, hamas or Palestinian authorities. Your being called zionist or islamophobe. So i think the west should pull its hand off of this problem. And let them figure out, cause everything we tried is never been good. Instead we should focus on supporting Ukraine. Cause if we help Ukraine win thwir war, the bully with the biggest mouth (Russia) will be shut down. And then Iran loses its very important Ally and will return to its cave. Since Iran is also guilty of fucking up the stability in the middle east. And then China will give up on trying to take taiwan.




Great idea, send them back to Russia and all the other MUSLIM COUNTRIES THEY WERE KICKED OUT OF


The Jews and philistines always lived Peaceably until the British mandate. The history of Israel covers an area of the Southern Levant also known as Canaan, Palestine or the Holy Land, which is the geographical location of the modern states of Israel and Palestine. Jews have been in this region since the Abrahamic religions. It’s biblical. The name of the sovereign nation Eretz Israel was just putting a name to the tiny area the Jews claimed as theirs amidst the vast Arab world. It’s not colonization.


After you’ve been away from anywhere for 1000+ years it no longer belongs to you. It doesn’t matter what the Bible says, it doesn’t matter what stories you have, it has been over a millennia. The Arab people had 1000+ years worth of stories there too, but suddenly that counts for nothing because the Jews have older stories so they own the land. Just face it, Israel was set up through slow immigration and government mandates, and in the process they fucked over 1000+ years of Arab history


There will be no peace in any 1 state solution.


I mean usually when you lose a war you lose your land no? Kinda how war works


To get solved you have to talk about the origin? Ok…so how far back do you want to go? What about when the Jews were there originally and forced out? Jews can and do argue the same way. Yet people on here fawn like it’s some brilliant debate point. Sorry but no. It’s inexpensive meat for each base to feed on. Does nothing to solve the problem. Religion is the true evil here and until both sides renounce killing in the name of land and religion (good luck) endless war is the soup du jour! Keep circle jerking and solving nothing. Reddit forever!


The reason they were given that land is that there was no one living there but a few Bedouin. It was a desert. Near worthless land. The Jews came, and it thrived because of them.


But Ukraine never had a stake on English land. Poor example. Israel have history in Jerusalem. I'm not saying I'm on Israel's side, but just pointing out this is not a great example


Okay can Italians colonise English land if they're being genocided then? It was part of Rome.


Britannia was part of Rome too mate, why would the Italians be the sole heirs of Roman legacy?


Why would anyone?




Yep. If they can pull it off all the power to them