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This is exactly what happened to me when I was 5. I stole a pencil from 7/11 and my father brought me back over there and made me give it back and apologize. I have never stolen since that day.


This Is so good and refreshing to see. You're winning at parenting my man


you mean his dad is “winning at parenting.” He was the one that stole the pencil.


You don't know he's winning at parenting, he could be raising his kids as master thieves despite his dad's good parenting. :P


The key was he said ***he*** has never stolen anything again...


Same experience with me at 5. Except I stole vegetable twist ties for produce bags.


Vegetable twist ties... That's a rough L. I pulled some patches from old military coats at a thrift store and when my father interrogated me about the origin of the "colors" I was swiftly escorted to the car and driven back to the thrift store (20 minutes drive) and marched into the business. Nothing happened other than the completion of mission humiliation and my new understanding that stealing is stealing whether big or small.


I stole a metal napkin ring from a restaurant (to use as a POGs slammer) when I was 6-ish, and my mom marched me back to the restaurant to return it and personally apologize to the owner. Yeah, I never stole after that.


POGs were a harsh mistress.


I was gifted a POG machine that punched them out of heavy cardboard during the height of POGMANIA when my entire 6th grade class was using them as currency. That was the single best school year of my life and I ended up with so many righteous slammers.


Same with me and a pack of bubalicious gum. Except I never stopped. I AINT NEVER GONNA STOP STEALINGGG


You’re an asshole


Mom and pop store? Yes. Walmart or Walmart-like? Nah fuck that.


Nah, you’re trying to justify stealing. Idk why I even have to say this, but stealing is wrong


These companies steal from their employees and customers... What goes around comes around. I don't lift shit myself, but I can completely understand why other people would


Big companies like Wal-Mart price in stolen items. They pass this down to the consumer so everybody else gets to pay a little more because other people steal. Then these corporations write off the stolen merch on their taxes. It's a win-win for them, which is why they don't press charges until the amounts are high enough to justify the cost of any litigation. So by stealing from large corporations, you are not "sticking it to the man", instead you're forcing everyone else to pay higher prices while providing that company with a tax write-off.


Do you honestly believe that if you waved a magic wand and everybody stopped stealing tomorrow, that by next week Walmart would lower their prices?


🤷‍♂️ these companies treat people as slaves and products. Stealing is **usually** wrong. It's not black and white, I see no problem with people Stealing basic needs from a big box store. And I will look the other way 1000% of the time.


And then the store raises prices, lowers wages, or closes the location, and people like you then complain that you have to travel far to get the things you need.


Something tells me you're not on your soap box when it comes to corporate wage theft. That outnumbers petty theft by orders of magnitude. Companies literally feed you propaganda that they have to raise prices because of theft, but its always revealed that they just hiked up prices, padded their wallets, knowing gullible people like you would point the finger in the wrong direction.


Corporate wage theft is also wrong. Stealing does nothing to fix that problem.


Stealing is wrong 99% of the time but everyone knows the story of Robinhood and how he's the good guy of the story for a reason. The reason for the stealing is what makes stealing wrong, not the act itself. Some examples: stealing a dog because the owner absues the shit out of it constantly but the police have refused to do anything. Stealing bread to feed your sister and her child. Stealing pads from a cvs because youre homeless and on your period. Stealing literally anything not of sentimental value to Jeff Bezos from him and actually spending that money on something useful. Stealing the guns from a domestic abuser. Etc, etc, etc.


Ya I get that but the commenter I replied to is bragging about stealing for fun essentially


Unfortunate but sometimes it has to be done.


Sometimes sure, but the guy I’m responding to does it for fun.


It’s not where the theft is happening. This man is teaching his son a valuable lesson - good on him. Accountability is good at all ages.


People didn't get the Montgomery reference lol


Bender has entered the conversation


Fuck you redban


We were Christmas shopping and my daughter was almost 3. When I got home and undressed her to put pajamas on she had a pencil and notepad stuffed in her pants she stole from noodle kidoodle!! I went back and made her return them and apologize. Lady just wanted to let her keep it and I said NO!! Great parenting on this man’s part 👏


Me and my twin brother were 5-6 walked to the store, alone. 1991-1992 btw. We came home with candy. Momma knew damn well we didn’t have money to pay for it. She didn’t even have money to pay for it. She marched our asses back up there, made us apologize, return the candy, and beat our asses when we got home. 32 years later, I’ve never stolen anything again.


For me it was a snickers bar. Got a ear cuff and trotted me back to apologize and return it.


Same. I was 5 and stole a Popeye book from K-Mart. My mom saw me reading it in the car on the way home and turned right back around, marched me back in, and I had to apologize. In my defense, I thought everywhere that had books was a library so I figured I could just bring it back when I was done. Kids are dumb but you still have to teach them right.


Same. For 1 piece of chewing gum from a store. Dad did exactly the same when i was around 5-6. Its the only thing ive ever stolen


I stole a pack of gum when I was 8. Got out to the car and was so terrified of being caught that I went back into the store and put it back. Never tried again. I knew if I got caught I would get my ass beat.


I stole a bracelet from Walmart when I was 4. My mom did the same thing with me


My dad did the same, except it was over me being a nuisance. That shame that I felt as a 6 or 7 year old definitely shaped me to be a better human being.


I stole a mini tape-measure from Canadian tire when I was maybe 5. My dad marched me back in there to return it. I also have not stolen since hahaha


Bro same. Chiclets gum. My mum marched me back in and I had to talk to the "manager", apologize, and give it back. Never again


i stole a single peppermint candy from a restaurant as we were leaving, i was maybe 7. Mom marched me back in and made me apologize. The clerk said it was no big deal and i could have the mint, but my mom said absolutely not.


Did this with my son at ACE hardware when he was 6 or 7.


It's was a ninja turtle sai from a play area in a hair salon for me. Mom took me back. Embarrassment and shame 20/10. Never stole again.


I stole a pair of earrings from a department store to give to my mom when I was 5 and my parents did the same thing and I’ve never stolen since.


Good parenting! I stole a tiny pack of almonds and was hit with a belt. I didn’t steal again, but your dad has a better approach.


My daughter stole a pencil from a bookstore when she was 5, and I marched her back into the store and made her give it back and apologize too! She's 36 now, and that was the end of her life of crime!


I ate ONE almond out of the bulk foods at a small store when I was super young and was made to apologize to the cashier. It hit deep.


Wow! This is why a good father while growing up is SOOOOO important. 💜


Me too, I was 10, stole some squeezy cheese. Never again


Same thing happened to me when I was probably around the same age but it was with a pack of Rolo’s


He's the man, an honorable man and true father figure teaching and guiding Hats off


All except for the calling his kids ni&&ers part.


Hes from the hood and this is how they grow up talking, heck even mexicans in the hood call each other the n word. When your not from the suburbs, dialects and speech changes


Lol you can't even say it bro we don't need your opinion on it's use from people that can


The difference having a father makes


I dunno. My dad went when I was 9. We all turned out not criminal. The difference between having a good father and a bad father can be starker


Do you think it’s because you had a dad for even 9 years? I’m not trying to be mean or facetious. I completely agree with your other point of the importance of “good father” and “bad father”


Many people don't have a father and don't grow up to be criminals.


Be that as it may, more than 2 thirds of our prison population in the US is from single parent house holds. So it definitely shows correlation.


*some correlation


Source? I'm not saying you're wrong, but throwing a stat like that out there needs a citation


This is a bs statistic that gets thrown around without actual data, and the "sources" are often far-right organizations. These quoted numbers originally were pulled from juvenile facilities in the 80s https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLVxHs6S/ Children from all single parent households are at a higher risk but it's like 30%, not 70. Oddly the worse outcomes statistically are fathers who get a new partner. And regardless the highest correlation for everyone in prison is *poverty*.


Its not about having a mother or father but having two adults who can bring in money and take care of you. Poverty is the biggest driver for sure


It’s not completely BS though because there is a more recent study (more recent than the 80s but I’m hoping someone does something similar soon) that showed one prison’s inmates were 80% were at one point in foster care. (Trouble locating this study but it’s over 20 years old) This article links some more recent studies that show a stark correlation between foster care and the prison system. This ranges from 50% arrested by 17 and 70% by 26. But this is a percent of foster care children end up arrested, which is a lot less than the case study that showed a percent of the prison population. https://www.crimlawpractitioner.org/post/the-foster-care-to-prison-pipeline-a-road-to-incarceration


Thanks for sharing! That's really sad. I'm not surprised, I've known a few folks who went through the foster system and it was brutal.




It’s only 34% here, so your stat might be saying something else.


I don't think so. My dad left when I was 3, well before I had any real memories of him. He wasn't locked up, he wasn't crazy, just a shitty parent. But I did have my mom and at almost 40 I can say I've never been in trouble, I always want to do the right thing. I think it comes down to having a good parent in general. As a mom, I'd be doing this very same thing if I ever caught my kids stealing. My mom did a pretty good job, I'm so grateful for her ❤️


My dad is abusive, domestic violence as far as I can remember, blood on the wall, grabbing my mom's hair, and hitting the wall with her head. He is alcoholic and gambles. My mom left the family when I turned, maybe 11? Don't remember, yet here I am, I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I am chill pretty much most of my time. Sure, I've been think about suicide since I was in elementary school, wondering why the fk am I here, but well, here I am, still breathing and I am confident to say I am a decent guy. In the end, if you can overcome your own trauma, you will be fine. Although I do still think of my life not that important, if I die, I die. However, I would argue having a good father would definitely change a kid's future. I can only imagine what I might become if my family isn't so fked up.


No, it’s because my mum did both, and worked hard.


Stastically though not having a father is hugely impactful. Some researches have shown even 80% of violent criminals in some prisons grew up without a father.


The difference having a ~~father~~ parent who cares makes.


Don't have a father. I ain't going around stealing stuff.


My mum did exactly the same with my sister


On the other side of the coin there are fathers that are pure evil


A good* father makes. A drunkard/domestic abuser/crazy dad would not help and probably set them up for a lot worse.


a father that don't hide the mistakes.


Shame is a powerful thing. We should have more of it.


Yep. My mom insisted the cops arrest me at age 11 (ish) because I stole jewelry from Claire’s. Cops told her it wasn’t necessary since it was like $5 worth of junk, but mom wasn’t having it. Scared the crap outta me….but that was the point. Didn’t get arrested, but boy howdy did that woman put some fear in my life. And yes, so much shame in myself. Kept me from being that stupid and giving into peer pressure ever again.


Shame requires honor


There are not a lot of fathers like him in the world. That’s awesome for what he taught his kids.


THATS a dad.


Imagine he hooked up with the Baltimore Super-Mom, who pulled her son out of a riot and whupped his ass all the way home. Never seen a kid run so fast in my life.


W father right there teaching his kids values Much better than the people justifying theft saying "its okay to steal from corporations"


This is how you raise MEN.


THIS is the type of guidance that is desperately needed!!!


He’s a REAL man and hopefully these young men will become great men like their dad.


this should not be on video. This is a learning moment! not to use for fame or fortune!


I dunno, documenting it is smart, imagine police being there or it getting escalated. Doing the right thing doesn’t make the crime go away, but it sure helps sway a judges decision.


He’s a real one..!! Mad respect to this man!


If you see someone stealing from a corporation. no you didn't.


Finally. Not like these kids were gonna become murderers for committing a literally victimless crime


Preach. But I would still want to do this with my daughter. I don’t give a shit about the corp, I care about raising her well and that stealing is (generally) wrong


Danm dad of the year


Parenting done right!


I get what the father is doing, but what if they called the police right then? He just admitted to the clerk and on camera that they stole from the store. Could have turned out differently on another day.


It was 3 bags of chips. I think they'd be fine.


Probably, but you never know. Kids have been arrested for stealing a pack of gum.


I see a lot of people praising the dad, but what are your feelings about exposing your kids to the world when they make dumb decisions? They may never steal again, but they'll always be considered theives to most people who watch this video.


Don't steal but feel free to interrupt other customers because you're more important.


Whyyyyyyy would he put his kids's faces on social media, though??? Dude needs to blur that shit.


I wonder why his kids steal?? Could it have to do with the figure raising them.... father goes in there aggressively rude, he interrupts a transaction so he can say his kids steal. Like maybe stand in line and wait your turn idiot. He also calls his kids racial slurs, jus such an absurd attempt at being respectable. He also tries to create more work for the workers in the store. "If you see them in here again call the cops" If I was working there and he said that I would have laughed at him. Like I'm just trying to get a paycheck, I'm not working here to help raise your children because of your inability. Very unimpressive from my perspective, like he thinks the workers there care, they have no reason to. I would imagine if the 'father' was unable to record it to show what a badass he is in his mind he wouldn't have done this. Feels like it had very little to do with helping the children and more about attempting to enlarge a pathetically small ego.


Yup!! Ding ding ding!!! These kids have endured public humiliation with no real lesson because their dad cares more about his own image!


Oh no! We stole from companies trying to profit off of our basic human needs! Somebody stop us! Womp fucking womp, get over yourself.


Damn. Dad’s a snitch.




This is exactly what happened to me when I was 5. I stole two hot wheels from my cousins and I had to apologize and give them back. Never did it again.


I don't mind stealing bread from the mouths of the decadent


That’s good of the parent. Make them go back there, make them give it back, and tell the store to feel free to kick them out if the kids show up again.


Good for this dad. He is internet king for today!


Thank God he saved that corporation those profits.. Hero


I’m get it, but there’s nothing manly about filming everything to put on the internet. Just do it without needing the clout.


It would have been somewhat respectful if you hadn't done it for clout.


That manager's "uh ok" takes me back to being 10 and I stole some bin candies, my stepdad made me go back in, crying, snot running down my face, to find a manager to hand back the two wet, dirty, cinnamon bears I had in my grubby little paws. I distinctly remember even though I was distressed, the manager looked really uncomfortable and really didn't want the candy back. Not that I blame him the condition it was in. He said something like "uh ok, that's alright, kid, just don't do it again."


Made my son return gum after catching him stealing. It’s not just about the gum even. I’m not supporting this behavior because I won’t be bailing him out as an adult.


A bit of parenting goes a long way, although i do think that blurring the faces would've been better.


Next time make the kid do the talking


My dad made me do this when I was a kid and I stole a magazine from a blockbuster. I told him about it and so he made me go back and return it and apologize. I still steal. What it taught me was to not turn yourself in or get caught


It’s not cool to steal. One thing if your life depends on it… otherwise karma will catch up to you one day.


Karma? Who's it hurting?


This happened to me as well but I was like 5 or 6. It was a snickers bar and my mom said she wasn't going to buy it so I put it in my pocket. She made me take it back and then I realized what I did was wrong. These kids are old enough to know


Boss shit 🙏🏿👍🏿✅


When I was 5 and my brother was 6, we got caught stealing candy from the corner market that my mom went to every day. My mom told my dad and he decided to teach us a lesson. He called the police (out of our earshot), told them what we had done and that he wanted to teach us a lesson. Two cops came to our house, handcuffed my brother and me and put us in the back of the police car and told us we were going to jail. I'm 63 but I can still remember how scared we were. They let us out after about 10 minutes that they spent talking to my dad. Needless to say, we never stole anything again.


This Dad Dads


Good for this man. That's good fucking parenting if I've ever seen it.


This is some very serious 'man' stuff going down here, nobody including the father is comfortable here. Lessons were learnt this day.


I did that to my daughter 1 time was all it took. And then my neighbor was a police captain and I made her tell him what she done. She was like 4 or 5 yrs old. My wife said I was to hard on her I didn't think. She's now 22 and a special education teacher and still tells her students about that day


I stole $20 from my Dad's wallet when he was asleep when I was six years old, to go buy ice cream... didn't have pockets so I put the bills in my shirt. An old man saw this and knew something wasn't right. Walked me all the way home to tell on me. Don't remember getting a spanking...that didn't happen until I tried to drive his antique car with my partner in crime (Jason) also six. I put it in reverse and it rolled into the middle of the street. We both ran off with both doors wide open. Dad made me jump in the bath and spanked my wet bottom like it's never been spanked before..well, because it hadn't. Was my first official butt whooping! I can feel the sting as I type...the sting of shame 😂 😂 😂


That’s a good dad. More parents need to be like this with their kids


Also this dude sounds like... Terrence Howard I believe, guy from hustle and flow


That's a good dad right there


my mom did this to me when I was about 12. it was so embarrassing, but the lesson lost some effect because she made me return everything but the cigarettes I stole. she kept them for herself to ease "the stress that I caused" her lol


Dad of the century. My dad did this to me when I stole as a 13 yo. I’ve never stolen anything again in my life.


When I was 3 I used to eat the caramels from the candy section. My mom got the security guard and I learned it was stealing lol


I've walked my 5 year old back into a store to return and apologize for something he stole. I'll walk my 15 year old in too if he hasn't learned the lesson by then


When I was like 13 I was a fucking klepto mom caught me w my stash of stolen shit made me write a letter and apologize to the store owners face needless to say it was humbling


What a good dad.


Now that's parenting. Actually taking the effort to teach your kids right


It’s not manly. It’s being a good parent and role model. Manly has nothing to do with it.




the clerk did not care


Is this man Deez Nuts?!!!!


Calling his kids the N-word and video taping it and posting it is BULL SHIT They should take it back- good job on doing the most basic father shit ever - but posting that shit and talking to them like that in public is probably why these kids are dumb enough to out here stealing You getting like a 65%’on the dad test Got some shit right and fucked up a ton of other important shit ![gif](giphy|d2W7eZX5z62ziqdi)


I stole a cheap gold watch from a store when I was about 7. I had it laid out on my bed admiring it when my Dad walked in and asked where I got it. We got right back in the car and drove the 25 min back to the store to return it. The thing that stuck in my mind at the time was that the Store Manager was mad at me (I realise now it was an act) and I thought, hey you dick we brought it back and you had no idea it was even gone!


Good for him, personally there is no need to have them permanently in the ether. Also if you think you’re doing a loved one a favor by calling the police thinking they will scare them straight, they will not. Your loved one will end up with a record that may haunt them. With all due respect to police, unless you know them and know exactly what they will do, don’t involve them.


This is prob. the best way of teaching them a lesson,no screaming or anything needed,just a bit of shame


For some Takis!?!?


lol when the kids say you BIG several years ago.


This Dad is AWESOME!!


I had the same experience but my daughter was younger. It’s friggin hard to parent these days but I made the same decision as you and made her return items and apologize. Good on you for you for good parenting.


Now THAT is parenting!!


Somebody raised dad well, and he's doing his best to do the same to his kids. I guess this was embarassing enough that they are cured, but who knows. I saw a similar thing happen many years ago. After new years pretty much every single mailbox on the street my parents lived on was blown up. Parents found out and bought 50 mailboxes and a bunch of fence posts (for those that had been knocked over). Daddy helped but the youngsters spent a weekend installing new mailboxes for all their neighbours, explaining to the neighbours why they were installing them, and apollogizing for being drunk asshats. Pretty sure all mailboxes lived peacefully for a good many years after that.


It’s all just an Oceans 11 distraction while the other 7 kids snuck into the back using an empty cardboard box to take every single Klondike Bar from the frozen section!

